Ufo Sighting In Rancho Cucamonga California

Ufo Sighting In Rancho Cucamonga California


UFO Detection in Rancho Cucamonga California

New sighting of UFOs hanging in the night time sky better-quality Rancho Cucamonga in California.

Witness said:

I was out on a night trail and looked in the sky, at first tending I saw planes or helicopters, but later noticed they were considerably motionless and their lights were pulsing several the lights about them. They were low and orange lights, not in front of lights you would see on planes. They weren't flairs. I'm not sure what they were at first I tending that conceivably they were on a edge but I saw helicopters fly under them.

At any time we got to our car, other populace were looking at them as well and tripping out.

I'm not sure what they are thats why I reverberation them UFOs they reminded me of what I've heard phoenix lights are but who knows.

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