Roswell Legacy How A Town Became Ufo Central Part 2

Roswell Legacy How A Town Became Ufo Central Part 2

By Lee Speigel


(July 2) -- If you darling golf, variety materials and art museums, Roswell, N.M., can be up your alley. If you further adopt to darling aliens, UFOs and military secrets, you've hit the mother lode this weekend.

Roswell -- district 50,000 -- is in crammed get-together mode, commemorating the 63rd bicentennial of a reported UFO crash that, in 1947, lonely gave origin to the submission of government secrecy and hide.

That's no unimportant success for a unimportant town.

"I stake that contemporary was an idea that happened in 1947. I haven't seen it myself, but I confidently stake that contemporary are extraterrestrial beings of a few type in the universe," expected Roswell Mayor Del Jurney.

See Also:

Roswell's Legacy: How a Commune Became UFO Essential

The Joiner Report: Live From Roswell! Jesse Marcel " />

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