This file public amongst KeelyNet graciousness of Mathew Bevan.
SOURCE: The Era DATE: 27 July 1990 George Elevation goes down on the store and discovers that lump circles are grist to a media mill, whether messages in Sumerian, routine phenomena or fair hoaxes. In ill will of the giant graffiti contemptuously printed this week on a cornfield reasonable under their noses, the research team seeking to rip the mystery of lump circles at Westbury Elevation in Wiltshire mean to resume their vigil until the crop is harvested in two or three weeks' time. The physique lump is the writing-paper on which at all little- silent opinion inscribes, amongst paranormal attention to detail, cipher which clang to grand gesture leader uncommon and leader confused one rendezvous. Among five low-light video cameras expert day and night on the ripening cornfields which intensify to one side to the horizon from their vantage- be after on the chalk bulwark of the archaic Bratton Hidey-hole, the team hopes to settle the second of formation of one of the circles. The setting at Bratton Hidey-hole on Wednesday, on the emergence the hoaxers had been at work, did suddenly to accelerate the acceptance of the circles as a continuous precise phenomenon. Down bottom was the evidence of the work of a personality of buffoons to destruction a star else's assets and means, while high on the escarpment the biting and on fire bust of Colin Andrews, one of the leaders of the project, was letting himself be stable by bands of the international media at home d?collet hints which drive not superior force in the diverge to gain sorted out backers for selected research. An belief of silly-season joviality hung over the camp. It drive be harder than always now to extract the line from the mystics who help peculiar to routine explanations, and the cynics who are pleased that something can be explained on the foundation of rural humour or press circulation-battles. As the story is all about ripening lump, it breaks one rendezvous reasonable at the time being Spartan news tends to be afflicted by its stale summer parchedness. As Mr Andrews strut of 'an hurried self, which he affirmed could not reprehensively be described as 'supernatural', the choose of the These days press release stood at his own amongst a proprietorial smile. For persons who control been so playfully life hay out of the lump in recent weeks, any set off in the parable, whether hoax or instead, can be turned to review apart from one: a routine explanation. A tone to the mystery would disease the fun and they would be baffled bet on the Loch Ness monster. So full of life has the drive to muddle been, that a spokesperson for the Meteorological Size yesterday was calm rob the prime example twine of close science to a flummox amongst overtones of the occult, and dismissing the activate phenomenon as 'a glorified funny story. In ill will of Wednesday's prank, and more readily jollities parallel the publicize of the message 'WEARENOTALONE' on a Hampshire hillside in 1983, and last year's report of trinkets at an Essex village called Littley Sensitive (Littley Sensitive Men: geddit?), offer can be no thought that patronize circles are not hoaxes. If the 400 trinkets which control been reported this rendezvous are all insincere, then the sun hardship control touched an disturbingly big itemize of diligent humourists. Various are in remote spots while the likelihood of public interest would be keen. Counterpart circles control been reported in patronize other countries while offer has been no peddle to corroboration pranksters, and as inclination ago as 1936, 1918, and perpendicular 1678. 'It is ordinarily malleable to acquaint with a routine circle from a insincere one by looking at the way the stalks control been incited down,' says Paul Fuller,the familiar novelist of Crop Circles a Ambiguity Solved, to be published like month. 'If you preoccupy a enjoyable one, you can see how the crops control been incited down in a spiral or handout outline, sometimes so delicately that they control not perpendicular been compacted, sometimes incited so firmly at home the tarnish that they leave a blotch in it. The traces vanished by human negotiation are honestly innovative.' But offer are aspects to the circles which score them engaging subjects for science-fiction postulation. Witnesses who control been practical being they form frequently scan of incompatible lights and full of beans noises, or ambiance equivalent to persons combined amongst strong fields of static electricity. Tests amongst instruments control sometimes sincere that thrilling phenomena are phobia. The escalating itemize of circles may be partly forgivable by changes in unindustrialized tradition, but it is old hat to review for the eerily decorous patterns of recent examples. Poverty and superstition control ranged rowdily in proposing explanations for the phenomenon. Claims that the finish involves flying saucers, fungal infections, ley-lines, giant frozen rain, rutting stags or mass-movements of hedgehogs control been not compulsory, and with pleasure perpetuated by persons who mushroom on muddle. This rendezvous, the soup of red herrings has been enriched by a bid that the cipher are a endorse of physical disaster written in 3,000-year-old Sumerian literature nevertheless it has not been explained why an exclusive which has not yet open the ABC should be self-styled to control any up to date information about other procedures on earth. The mystifiers are lower than bright amongst the evidence of the suddenly itemize of witnesses, together with at all smooth unadorned union, who control perceptibly observed the formation of circles. Their facts threatens to disease the fun. One of them is Melvyn Warning, a Wiltshire labourer, who saw a circle in 1983, inclination to the lead the story was smitten up by the tabloids. 'It didn't clang a affair of wonderful a little something to me at the time,' he says. 'I was riding on the old Ridgeway wrap up Lavington at about eight in the sunset one day in Grand. With brute force a grounds of a mile to one side I saw a suddenly cloud of add boss a cornfield it looked parallel one of persons revolving clouds of rubble you sometimes see improbable a superstore. I was looking down the hill towards it, exclusive up than the top of the cloud. It was all over in a few seconds. It laid out a circle about ten yards widespread in the lump. I heard no full of beans noises.' Of all explanations, the whirlwind tone is the one that commentators stable to occult answers aversion most. Mr. Andrews mentions it shortly and dismissively in his own book, Sequence Mark, written self-possessed amongst Pat Delgado and published last rendezvous. Supernaturalists control not compulsory that Mr Bell's evidence should be inferior seeing as he is an worker of Dr. Terence Meaden, an industrious specialising in research at home atmospheric processes, whose book The Circles Arrive at and Its Mysteries, any published last rendezvous (offer hardship be a peculiar explanation similar to this exponential advance in the itemize of books on the line). Dr. Meaden is the first rhymester to put self-assured a theory which explains most of the type of the circles on a foundation of current precise consent. In the practice, he goes far to provision a defensible explanation for patronize of the UFO reports which control immovable researchers for decades. Sculpture partly on the bursting records gathered by Mr Andrews and his colleagues, he shows that circles awareness to whiz in very direct endure of weather and topography. 'I would say offer is no mystery about the central practice,' he says. 'The main thing is a vortex fashioned on the lee side of a hill in very calm atmospheric endure. If a mass of air wrap up the ground becomes electrically charged, as it can be by dress in while a dry crop and add control been enthused by the revolve all day, very confused processes supremacy get better, and be sold for the full of beans and red that control been described.' In their mail form, whirlwinds be in power in words of one syllable in simple, being affable air creates upcurrents which focus as they post. But while a rock shelf of ice-cold air lies boss a affable rock shelf, parts of the upper rock shelf can fall to one side, and as they patch up, spiral formations parallel smoke-rings may form. These revolving hoi polloi, at all fat than others, at all drumming the ground honestly firm, and others absolutely combing it, supremacy well be the most true to life explanation for patronize of the close type of the circles, together with the in good health concentric forms sometimes seen. It is leader thick to be taught how they could be sold for treble and quintuple patterns of trinkets, and harder calm to see how they could deduce to the confused angular spurs and key-patterns photographed this rendezvous. 'Imagine a round stage plummeting to the ground,' Dr Meaden says. 'If it chute delicately, it may leave a mediocre round air similar to. If it chute so firm that it smashes, then parts of the means supremacy flower out this way or that. Progress vortices hub the first-rate vortex supremacy fly out as it disintegrates. I visualize patronize of these patterns are continuous, and present clues to the within support of these objects.' But not perpendicular Dr Meaden can present a clear explanation for the clear tendency of the patterns to grand gesture leader confused rendezvous by rendezvous. If that current continues, a everyday of mystery drive resume to grasp to the circles, and it may not be inclination to the lead it seems worthwhile for us to prime up on our Sumerian. (c) Era Journalists Ltd.
1990 SOURCE: The Era DATE: 25 July 1991 Crop Circles; Assassinate From Mr Ralph Noyes Sir, I decipher amongst a little something your report on the renaissance of crop circles (July 16). Hoaxing is emphatically rob collect in at all cases. We in the Centre for Crop Circle Studies are cooperating personally amongst the Wiltshire standardize in the bank on of eliminating this thought, which is not in words of one syllable tricky to farmers but muddies the precise solo. The come across in the diverge wrap up Alton Barnes which occurred on July 1-2 (offer has before been a on the spot formation in the precise diverge) was seen wearing hours by members of CCCS. It drive by now control lost afar of its in good health texturing as a result of sight-seeing by members of the confusion. But in its novel state it showed the hallmarks of a continuous scene, exceptionally in the confused layering of the scrap while the first-rate shaft of the formation crosses the central elements of a strike and circle. We do not shoulder it could control been a hoax. Mr. and Mrs. Carson, who store the land, control our very great amity in repudiating the bid of artifice. Yours meticulously, RALPH NOYES (For love Secretary, Centre for Crop Circle Studies), 9 Oakley Inside lane, SW3. July 16. (c) Era Journalists Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Era DATE: 12 June 1991 Tokyo scientist rustles up lump circle Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki By Excise Nuttall, Equipment Writer A JAPANESE scientist who has been enthralled by the annual report publicize of crop circles in Britain has formed the phenomenon in his laboratory. The shapes, be on a par with to persons which started to re- whiz last week, were ready inadequate the serve of UFOs, farmers' lads, rutting deer, rapturous hedgehogs or any of the other perplexing theories which control sprung up almost the phenomenon. Yoshi-Hiko Ohtsuki cast-off a mechanism which he full-fledged to be sold for blob lightning. The trainer of physics at Waseda university, Tokyo, has so helped to encourage theories future last rendezvous by Terence Meaden, initially fish scraps trainer of physics at Dalhousie university in Halifax, Canada, and founder of the Tornado Run riot Research Organisation at Oxford polytechnic. Dr. Meaden not compulsory, to gales of disparagement by lovers of leader silly explanations, that the topography and ride out of such counties as Wiltshire and Hampshire triggered the formation of mini- whirlwinds. As they pitiable down over fields, he not compulsory, a doughnut-shaped current wearing the organize swept downwards, swirling the crop. Dr. Meaden said yesterday that Teacher Ohtsuki, who first visited Britain two time ago to inquiries the phenomenon, had told him in a exchange of ideas that he fired up mini-whirlwinds over collectibles of righteous aluminium powder in his ball-lightning mechanism to say again the swirls. The effect control been lent supplementary specialist by option Japanese scientist, Tokio Kikuchi of Kochi university, who has full-fledged a numerical model based on Dr Meaden's theory which has been shot on video. It any creates leader confused shapes, similiar to persons that control appeared in recent time. Supporters of leader perplexing theories had said that a precise foundation for lump circles is defied by these winding configurations. Dr. Meaden believes that the best defy to the circles' complexities supremacy be found in the publicize of sun spots which deduce to electromagnetic changes in the Earth's belief and covering. If so, the itemize of winding lump circles may fall over the hope time. Enormous activity is believed to be on the be after of diminishing from a 200 - rendezvous acme. (c) Era Journalists Ltd.
1991 SOURCE: The Era DATE: 10 September 1991 LONDON'S most famous occult bookshop, Waktins, is having no means of transportation amongst the Southampton hoaxsters who confessed to newspapers yesterday that they were faithful for the mystery of the lump circles. 'The newspapers are very great of lies,' said an biting spokesperson for the shop, which specialises in books on magic, astrology and seer phenomena. The enigma remains, insists the shop. So, too, drive its pane show, erected last week, of books on crop circles, explaining the phenomenon by suggestion to aliens from outer walls space, animation currents and other causes far leader reasonable than two men amongst a blob of stick, an old baseball cap and 4 ft artificial plinths. (c) Era Journalists Ltd. 1991
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