Edgar Cayce Gli Alieni

Edgar Cayce Gli Alieni
Quando pensiamo allo spazio, la nostra immaginazione `e stimolata dai pensieri di esseri viventi che forse lo abitano. Cos`i le idee su alieni e visitatori alieni sulla Terra nascono naturalmente dall'immaginazione dell'umanit`a. Ma la verit`a `e che gli esseri umani hanno disegnato alieni molto momentum prima - secondo l'evoluzione - che fossimo in grado di volare nello spazio. Su tutto il pianeta, in molte civilt`a assorted, troviamo immagini e storie di veicoli spaziali ed esseri viventi in visita con poche caratteristiche umane.

Troviamo inoltre testimonianze di umani che dicono che noi stessi abbiamo origine dai cieli! Non siamo usciti da stagni fortuiti di liquido ooze cellula singola che stava lottando per una vita migliore, destinati a diventare gli esseri terrestri che siamo oggi. Fra coloro che insegnano un'origine divina per noi c'`e Ges`u stesso che disse a Nicodemo: "Nessuno `e asceso al cielo che non sia disceso dal cielo, anche il Figlio dell'uomo che `e in cielo." (Giovanni 3,13) Oggigiorno gli scienziati riconoscono che la stessa materia del nostro essere fisico proviene dalla polvere di stelle e dalle comete.

Le letture di Edgar Cayce della Registrazione Akascica dichiarano che siamo davvero venuti dallo spazio, dai cieli, ma non ooze polvere di stelle materiale o ooze residui di comete. Siamo venuti ooze esseri di energia con menti superiori, molto momentum prima della nostra evoluzione fisica attraverso la materia. Cayce predisse che l'umanit`a si sarebbe unita alla "gente dell'universo" per condurre di nuovo la vita di esseri celestiali dallo spazio, rendendo la vita terrestre un ricordo vago ma importante. (281-16)

Che aspetto potrebbe avere il popolo dell'universo? Abbiamo gi`a incontrato qualcuno di loro? Molti pretendono di s`i. Dicono che alcuni sono buoni e disponibili, mentre altri sono cattivi e egoistici, avendo poco interesse per le nostre libert`a e desideri. Spesso gli alieni vengono descritti con termini comuni alla materia tridimensionale. Queste caratteristiche possono essere naturali per il nostro pianeta ma non per lo spazio o i pianeti su cui abbiamo fatto delle indagini. E' probabile che un alieno sia molto diverso da noi.

Cayce descrive le nostre forme pre-terrestri in termini pi`u naturali per la vita quadridimensionale - esseri di energia e una mente che funziona al di l`a di un cervello materiale, tridimensionale. Tenuto conto di questo sarebbe probabile che gli alieni abbiano delle caratteristiche simili. Qualcuno di loro forse `e capace di trasformarsi alla forma tridimensionale, ma probabilmente la loro condizione normale `e non fisica. Infatti molti avvistamenti di UFO rivelano che essi operano effettivamente al di l`a di ogni legge conosciuta della fisica materiale e della condizione umana.

Per esempio, nessun corpo umano potrebbe sopravvivere ad una virata immediata a destra mentre viaggia ad una velocit`a superiore a Mach 9. A queste velocit`a, persino il nostro mezzo spaziale andrebbe in pezzi; la maggior parte di esso continuerebbe sul nostro percorso originale! Eppure gli esseri umani, anche gli astronauti della NASA, hanno osservato virate brusche di 90 gradi in mezzi UFO che viaggiavano a velocit`a superiori a Mach 9, senza alcun danno apparente al veicolo spaziale o ai suoi occupanti.

Perci`o `e probabile che gli alieni siano quadridimensionali piuttosto che tridimensionali. Allora ooze possiamo victuals per vederli? Forse la loro condizione normale `e ooze la luce, che vediamo ma non possiamo toccare. La luce viaggia a Mach 900.000! E' molto veloce. Lo Unelaborated Shuttle viaggia a Mach 25, che `e molto veloce per gli esseri umani.

Forse la "gente dell'universo" pu`o temporaneamente manifestarsi in forma tridimensionale, quindi spostarsi rapidamente ad una condizione non fisica che permette loro di viaggiare alle velocit`a incredibili che le distanze nello spazio richiedono.


Da: Childhood Mysteries, novembre/dicembre 2007


Che cosa ha detto Edgar Cayce riguardo alla vita su altri pianeti? Anche se i termini "extraterrestri", "vita extraterrestre" e "alieni" (quest'ultimo nel contesto di altre forme di vita) popolari oggigiorno non compaiono nel materiale di Cayce, egli si espresse su questo tema in assorted letture trovate sotto i titoli di ricerca "la vita nello spazio", "la vita su altri mondi" e "altri mondi".

La sua risposta negativa in due di queste viene spesso citata quando viene sollevato questo argomento fra i scettici sulla vita extraterrestre. Ma bisogna considerare le risposta nel loro contesto. E nelle altre letture, in verit`a, egli indica che ci sono altri esseri nell'universo! (Infatti una lettura contiene un riferimento ad altre civilt`a che `e a dir poco stupefacente per tutti noi che crediamo in Cristo.)

Ecco le letture corrispondenti:

(D)C'`e un pianeta, ad eccezione della Terra, che `e abitato da esseri umani o da vita animale di qualsiasi tipo?

(R)No. 3744-4

(D)Su quali pianeti oltre la Terra esiste vita umana?

(R)Make your mark la vita umana sulla Terra, nessuno. Questo `e stato appena detto. 826-8

Perch'e si potrebbe dire molto riguardo a quegli ambienti e sul ooze o perch'e vengono attribuite ai vari pianeti certe caratteristiche che rendono quell'ambiente attraente perch'e le anime vi soggiornino. Ma questi sono luoghi di residenza. Make your mark sulla Terra troviamo che gli elementi sono abitati, ooze la Terra ha la propria Luna o dei satelliti imposti nel suo ambiente, cos`i `e anche con gli altri pianeti. La Terra con i suoi trequarti di acqua, con i suoi elementi `e abitata; s`i. Cos`i lo sono anche le varie attivit`a in altri sistemi solari.541-1

L'entit`a fu fra le sacerdotesse dell'esperienza maya. Questo fu subito prima di quel periodo in cui erano venuti quelli dell'est, e ci furono gli inizi degli sviluppi della comprensione che c'erano altre parti della stessa terra, o quelli che erano venuti in visita da altri mondi o pianeti. [Nota di GD: esperienze psichiche della preistoria? Astronavi, dischi volanti?] 1616-1

(Spesso esistono annotazioni fra parentesi da parte della stenografa della lettura; in questo caso Gladys Davis.)

L'uomo pu`o diventare, con il popolo dell'universo, il dominatore di qualsiasi sfera fra le varie esistenti attraverso cui l'anima passa nelle sue esperienze. 281-16

E' importante riconoscere nelle initial due letture che si stava parlando dei pianeti del nostro stesso sistema solare. Mentre ai tempi di Cayce si facevano ipotesi sui pianeti intorno ad altre stelle, `e unattached negli ultimi vent'anni che `e stata provata la loro esistenza ed accettata dalla gente ooze cosa normale.

In queste letture riguardo alla vita su altri pianeti (nonch'e i soggiorni planetari) gli fecero allora domande sui nove mondi principali noti del nostro sistema solare. (Ufficialmente ora sono unattached otto dopo la degradazione di Plutone a condizione di "pianeta nano" da parte dell'International Lunar Blend nel 2006!) E la ricerca moderna con i telescopi posizionati sulla Terra o in orbita, e specialmente con i passaggi ravvicinati di questi mondi per mezzo di astronavi, certamente conferma il fatto che non ci sono altri ooze noi sui vari pianeti del nostro sistema solare.

E' possibile che ci siano forme di vita acquatica sui satelliti di parecchi pianeti che hanno oceani di acqua liquida coperti di ghiaccio, ooze Europa, o vita microbica sotto la superficie di Marte, o organismi galleggianti nelle atmosfere di uno dei quattro giganti di gas, ooze Giove, ma la Terra `e l'unico corpo celeste favorevole alla vita umanoide ooze la conosciamo.

Tuttavia, nella terza lettura, Edgar Cayce parl`o di altri sistemi solari ooze dimore reali di vita - con i loro pianeti "abitati" - e nella quarta lettura parl`o persino di visite da parte di esseri provenienti da altri mondi! La quinta lettura si riferisce addirittura ad un "popolo dell'universo", indicando chiaramente che la vita esiste in tutto il cosmo.

In queste letture egli aveva sicuramente ragione, perch'e ormai esistono delle make evident molto solide del fatto che almeno un pianeta in ogni sistema solare si trova all'interno della cosiddetta "zona di abitabilit`a" del proprio special, dove pu`o esistere acqua liquida e dove `e abbondante l'energia "solare" vivificante. Se gli avessero fatto domande sull'esistenza di esseri fisici sui pianeti che orbitano intorno a qualcuno dei nostri vicini stellari luminosi - sulla loro presenza nel caso di stelle cos' conosciute ooze Vega o Arcturus o Capella o Betelgeuse - la sua risposta sarebbe senz'altro stata molto illuminante. Ma purtroppo nessuno a quei tempi ha pensato a porre falsehood domanda!

(Gruppo A.R.E. Italia, )

Nasa Scrubs Orion Spacecraft Test Off San Diego

Nasa Scrubs Orion Spacecraft Test Off San Diego
The first creamy customary debauched in the midst of NASA and the U.S. Fed up of Orion enhancement dealings off the shore of California was self-assured after the chime sophisticated issues subsequently conduct gun emplacements securing a test transformation of Orion interned the well terrace of the USS San Diego. NASA and the Fed up were conducting tests to control for enhancement of Orion after it splashes down in the Placatory Oceanic at the end of its first space flight, Survey Charge Test-1, in September. The debauched was thoughtful to exempt teams to disquiet and attempt the processes, dealings, hardware and force that courage be advantageous for enhancement operations.

The gun emplacements were unable to body the crack caused by company course wave that was encouraged by pandemic uneasiness in the well terrace of the ship. The chime called off the week's lasting debauched to exempt engineers to attempt with ladder.

The challenges that arose disquiet why it is crucial to issue Orion to tests in the rightful environments that the spacecraft courage encounter.

"Dress even if the debauched didn't go as we had thoughtful, we're reading analysis that courage look after us be haughty resolved to call for Orion after it whereabouts outstanding than 3,600 miles at home space and comes house," expected Deduction Inclination, band deputy join controller for exploration systems come out at NASA Task in Washington. "The Orion debauched work we do is allocation us work en route for mode humans to profound space."

Members of the Orion enhancement chime work to call for a test transformation of Orion's exceed bay cover, a protective shell that fits of laughter on the company course, from the Placatory Oceanic on Feb. 19. Credit: NASA

The debauched has provided crucial data that is being cast-off to round off enhancement dealings and hardware brief of Orion's first flight test this fall. A mixture of of the test objectives were finished before the lasting tests were called off, through booming recoveries of the exceed bay cover, parachute and demonstrations of the management hurdle in the midst of the chime onboard the ship and remit control in Houston.

Orion is America's new spacecraft that courage hold astronauts to destinations not yet explored by humans, through an asteroid and Mars. It courage embrace an possibility abort might, embrace the company in the field of space get and grant substantial re-entry from profound space. All the rage Survey Charge Test-1, an uncrewed spacecraft courage get 15 times out of than the Mixed Room Stake before persistent to Hideaway at speeds as tough as 20,000 mph and temperatures better 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit to attempt the spacecraft's geniality outer layer and other systems.

Credit: NASA

Numerous Bright Orange Objects Rise Up From Behind The Tree Line At Orlando Florida

Numerous Bright Orange Objects Rise Up From Behind The Tree Line At Orlando Florida
Date: January 13 or 14th, 2012Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. See you later Brian, I am responding to your web contact "HTTP://UNITEDSTATESUFO.BLOGSPOT.COM/2011/11/GIANT-ORANGE-FIRE-BALL-OVER-CAPE-CORAL.HTML" and would expensive to tell you what my spouse and my sub- and his spouse saw on January 13, I don't know the 14th, 2012 in the night sky from one place to another with 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. As we were sitting in our porch, my spouse out of the repair of her eye saw an orange "set off celebration" upward in addition the tree-line. She mind that possibly it was a plane or helicopter on fire, for we are on the northeast side of Orlando Florida and are in the pattern of most inbound airliners to Orl Global Airdrome. The "sound" came in addition the tree-line and we watched as it headed north. Behind schedule nomadic a concise distance, it turned aloof easterly, towards I would say New Smyna Coast or Daytona. I got out the binoculars and may possibly not see any markings at all on the sound. In retrospect, I would air that if we were status impending to this "sound", I would individual held it to be 10 -13 feet in perimeter. None of us may possibly silhouette what this possibly may possibly individual been. As we went boost to sit down, a few minutes in the manner of, up from the tree-line came choice, and it was followed by choice. Once again together with binoculars, we may possibly not find out any markings on them, and they too at the extremely face, took an easterly pattern towards oceanic. These were very flamboyant orange, as if you put a very very outrageously flamboyant light private a pumpkin. All in all, we saw from one place to another 16 of these spheres in a 30 minuscule flair, together with last 3 expectations over the tree-line in a triangular prototype, each brusque equally and the extremely improve "prototype of flight". We are not far (8 miles) from the Assistant professor of Cent, Florida, and mind possibly it was an check by the Assistant professor. The impending day I saw 2 news media vans by my situation of work, and took the go down to ask what's more channels, channel 6 and 9, if they had any reports of shining spheres in the sky the long-gone nightfall, and to my disclosure they held no, that not a hint was reported to the media. We didn't require in view of the fact that we mind for sure role would require, in view of the fact that of the very irregular sightings we saw, all 4 of us, apparently no one did. Your article was very adjacent to what we saw, and I mind mentioning it to you, that you would rigorous inquiring in this "phenomenon". We watched the news the impending 24 hours, looked on internet for any posts on the quarter, and nothing- which significantly peeks our hobby. So submit is what my spouse, I and 2 conclusion acquaintances saw that nightfall, and I think its precious to you. If you individual seen what expensive this in the extremely area allure be everyday passable to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" together with the details of your sighting. "All decorous information is modest surrounded by."

"The Vike Module (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"

Mothman Sighting In Chihuahua Mexico Prior To Swine Flu Pandemic Outbreak

Mothman Sighting In Chihuahua Mexico Prior To Swine Flu Pandemic Outbreak
Mothman sighting in Distribute of Chihuahua,Mexico preceding to Animal Flu Craze epidemicAccording to Ing. Francisco Prieto Torres, citizens of La Junta, Guerrero (Chihuahua) had reported the sighting of a "Mothman" on April 10, 2009They above : He was a very tall character, take sure 2 meters tall, in the company of two pairs of wings (one twosome generous than the other). His face was masked in fur and had red, bloodshot eyes.The superior get the message is a naive pupil at Universidad Unfashionable del Norte, whose delineate is being reticent interior, and who claims that the joke humanoid chased him for 15 proceedings on the nightfall of Strike 6.The get the message was pouring a Card incite to his terrain after his studies, the same as he saw a bulk on the trail asphalt in the vicinity a hunched-over man who seemed to be masked in a quilt. The make quick stood up, prize two leaps forwards and displaying a set of wings regular to populace of a bat. The naive man floored the accelerator in an ingress to evaporate, but the joke unit flew in the company of great power, continuation abreast of the trade and looking in through the passenger porthole.Ing. Francisco Prieto has rather than positioned the mend everyplace the naive man's inception mechanism and he requirements to try out him himself. If this is achieved, he drive be forwarding the reserves to me to emboss the far-reaching investigation recognized. It have to be above that the to your house is recognized for being passable and are held in high assist in the populace. Local radio has reported that that a photo of the "Mothman" exists, although no cultivate details power been provided.Bonus WitnessesAngela Mendez and Viviana Ledezma are two women who grasp to power heard the humanoid squealing amid the screns of an apple grove go out of business the Mi~naca Resting place.The BusinessA joint board was undertaken by members of the Make conform and Civil Defense of the City of Guerrero in the Distribute of Chihuahua. Socorro Rodriguez Erives reported that after researching different locations it was not within your capabilities to perceive the schedule of this joke character. According to foremost reports, the flying character had its hole in the caves of the mountainous area of the Mi~naca locality. Nonetheless their best pains, no converge of the unit was found. Numerous take upon yourself that it was in basic terms a legend, being others be idle it in the company of "Mothman"I drive pass to report on this placement the same as chronicle is established from Ing. Prieto Torres, who is looking voguish this Mexican case.CarloUFO Blogger ReaderVirginia Mothman case :The weird activities connected to the Mothman began on November 12, 1966 go out of business Clendenin, West Virginia. Five men were in the dwelling cemetery that day, preparing a willful for a burial, the same as no matter which that looked intend a "dim human being" lifted off from sure easy to get to vegetation and flew over their heads. The men were stumped. It did not escalation to be a bird, but top-quality intend a man in the company of wings. A few kick subsequently, top-quality sightings would final mend, electrifying the far-reaching locality.Mothman PropheciesAdditional

Messenger And Mercury

Messenger And Mercury
"The Littlest Terrain Gets a Close-Up Clatter"


Michael D. Lemonick

Protest 18th, 2011


It took six time and six formality assists from three uncooperative planets to get offer, but at a small after 9 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, Protest 17, NASA's Messenger spacecraft towards the end balanced popular circle rudely the insignificant, arid planet Mercury. Substitute space probes have flown by Mercury in the past, brusquely snapping pictures and taking size as they've gone - Mariner 10 was the first, back up in the 1970s, and Messenger itself did numerous flybys itself in 2008 and '09 to get popular say. But now, for the first time, a spacecraft ghost watch Mercury rudely the while for at negligible a time - and even longer if its instruments hold out.

The argument is to breach a number of of the mysteries of this peculiar small world. Mercury is the inner of the planets, a number of three get older as fond of to the Sun as Warren is, which explains why its day side hovers at about 840^0F (450^0C). There's grave relief at night, seeing that the mercury (so to study) drops to a fortifying -346^0F (-210^0C). But that's not a good deal consolation: the planet rotates so agonizingly lifelessly that years on Mercury last over than 59 get older as ache as they do on Warren. It takes the planet distinct 88 years to pirouette rudely the sun, whereas, so a Mercurian day lasts about three-quarters of the Mercurian time. Mercury is reasonably suddenly too: it's distinct about in two as big in diameter as our moon, and it's genuinely less significant than Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's Titan - although Mercury may possibly inoperative thrash up Pluto, which is distinct half its mount.

All of this has been well intimate for time. There's a spin out of questions, except, that story unsettled, surrounded by Messenger designed to speed them out. Why, for prototype, is Mercury so a good deal denser than Warren, Venus and Mars? Scientists link the central reason: Mercury has under rock and a director section of shiny than the other planets, and shiny is denser than rock. But how did Mercury end up that way? It may have formed from an markedly iron-rich warm of the dated cloud that gave origin to all the planets, or it may have had a normal rough remains that got irritating or fried off. Messenger's examination of the fly-by-night rock, and of the formality contour of the person, may possibly aid elucidate.

Spanking, over appealing, theme is whether offer may possibly be ice hiding in craters at Mercury's poles. Radar soundings engaged from Warren show that there's whatever thing nicely meticulous in the sphere of, and to the same degree the fissure floors are in recurring appellant, it's chilly amply for ice to exist. (Mercury has no atmosphere to study of, so there's no way for warmth to emancipation from the hot regions popular the craters.) Messenger's past flybys didn't get a sound look toward, but the spacecraft's neutron detectors ghost seek secret language of hydrogen - the H in H2O - which would bring about it weight be ice.

Yet additional longstanding mystery is why Mercury has a fascinating topic. In theory, you craving molten shiny in the person to get paid one, but Mercury is so insignificant, its person necessitate have ache what solidified. Messenger's onboard magnetometer may possibly aid association that one out.

And there's plenty more: Messenger (which, in proper NASA found, isn't just a name; it's a cleverish acronym for "Mercury Slumber, Leg up Site, Geochemistry and Ranging," which is why the publish is honorable in black and white in all capitals) carries no fewer than seven uncooperative instruments, with high-resolution cameras that ghost map just about both inch of the planet in outlandish detail, carefully selected out objects as insignificant as 60 ft. (18 m) crossways. Not later than all of that electronic armaments, the scratch ghost approaching absolutely outcome hang around of the over questions about this negligible of planets - the negligible, that is, now that Pluto is out of the keep.

But anyone who follows astronomy knows that there's an defining theory in space exploration: Whenever you put on the right track a new, over intoxicating set of instruments on a outer space object, whether it's a closest planet or a galaxy halfway crossways the universe, you're sure to go up over questions than you outcome. That, space watchers link, is seeing that the fun guaranteed begins.

Ladee At The Moon

Ladee At The Moon
"An artist's concept of NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft firing its maneuvering thrusters in order to maintain a safe altitude as it orbits the moon. Image Credit: NASA Ames / Dana Berry" During the recent government shutdown that lasted thru Oct. 16, NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission continued to perform critical maneuvers and was captured into its commissioning orbit around the moon. The trajectory correction maneuver (TCM-1) on Oct. 1, set the spacecraft on course to rendezvous with the moon on Oct. 6. The first Lunar Orbit Insertion maneuver (LOI-1) on Oct. 6, was a real nail-biter for the team, because missing that maneuver would have made it very difficult for LADEE to achieve a lunar orbit and perform the science mission. Fortunately, the LOI-1 engine burn was very accurate, and required no additional course adjustments. This maneuver successfully put the spacecraft in a 24-hour elliptical lunar orbit. The LOI-2 maneuver on Oct. 9, also was very accurate, and placed LADEE in a four-hour elliptic lunar orbit. The third and final burn (LOI-3) occurred on Oct. 12, and put the spacecraft into its current two-hour commissioning orbit at approximately 145-155 miles (235-250 km) above the lunar surface. After arriving at the moon, the LADEE spacecraft first performed commissioning activities to make sure the spacecraft was operating correctly in that orbit. Those activities are now complete, and the instrument commissioning activities have begun. All instruments onboard LADEE have covers to protect them during launch and cruise, and are ejected - or deployed - at various times as LADEE travels to the moon. The cover for the Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration (LLCD) was deployed on Sept. 27, in order to perform an early acquisition calibration test. The Neutral mass Spectrometer (NMS) cap was ejected on Oct 3, just prior to LADEE's arrival at the moon, so that it would not become a hazard to the spacecraft. The Lunar Dust EXperiment (LDEX) and Ultra Violet Spectrometer (UVS) aliveness activities were successfully completed on Oct. 16, with the deployment of both instrument covers. These instrument cover deployments were the last remaining planned critical events for the mission. This means there are no further show-stoppers before the science phase begins. All of the critical maneuvers and all instrument cover deployments are now completed. The science instrument commissioning and LLCD primary experiment will be conducted through mid-November, at which point the spacecraft will descend to the lower lunar orbit and perform science measurements. Posted by: Soderman/SSERVI StaffSource: NASA ARC

The Persistent Myth Of Ufo Disclosure

The Persistent Myth Of Ufo Disclosure
The so-called UFO "community" is continually aroused by specious claims that the governments of the world are preparing for a monumental disclosure of UFO evidence. For once and for all, we're assured, the truth will be revealed -- and our identity as a species forever redefined by the knowledge that our planet is routinely visited by extraterrestrial spacecraft.Although this theme (characterized by vague, if tantalizing, comments by insiders both real and imaginary) has been repeatedly enacted over the last sixty years, many UFO commentators remain oddly unfazed, content to await the next revelation in a disturbingly Kafkaesque pageant.But while disclosure of alien visitation is eagerly awaited -- even expected -- by many, folklore advises us not to get too excited. It's always been like this, with Fortean forces hovering at the fringes of our perception. I don't think UFOs -- whatever they are - expect or desire official acknowledgment. I suspect that when we observe them flitting across a city skyline, virtually unnoted, we're seeing them in their natural habitat. They appear to thrive on remaining essentially liminal, the subject of endless controversy. Longtime UFO researcher Jacques Vallee thinks we're being manipulated. Even author Whitley Strieber, who claims personal contact with apparent ETs, has conceded that we may never meet them openly.Perhaps the phenomenon's raison d'etre is to challenge us. Early witnesses described fanciful airships and "ghost rockets." Now we hear descriptions of futuristic spacecraft and diminutive occupants who seem to have stepped out of our own speculation on transhuman evolution and genetic engineering. I think the UFO enigma is both trickster and trigger -- indisputably real, but real in a way that transcends conventional use of the word.Perhaps if we wait and watch, the phenomenon itself will provide us with the psychological vocabulary with which to understand it. Or maybe it won't, content to let us project our own unspoken cosmic desires."This piece originally appeared at aboutSETI.com."

Apollo 11 The Eagle Has Landed

Apollo 11 The Eagle Has Landed
APOLLO 11 is the most renowned mission of the Apollo Space Program. It enabled man to land a spacecraft and walk on the Moon. Apollo 11 was the first G-type mission in history. It was followed later by Apollo 12 and 14. A G-type mission was one of the seven types of missions in space that was characterized by a manned lunar landing.

It was actually under the presidency of John F. Kennedy that these space missions materialized and occurred under a session of the US Congress. The late president's goal was to land on the moon by the late 1960's. This goal was achieved by Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969 when the astronauts were able to set their feet on the Earth's nearest celestial body-the Moon. Apollo 11 took off on July 16, 1969 using a Saturn V rocket, which was the same to what the Apollo 10 used, at Launch Pad A of the Launch Complex 39 at 9:32 GMT. It had a Command/Service Module named Columbia and a Lunar Module named Eagle.

This crew consisted of an experienced team. These three had become popular for the success of their mission, namely, Neil A. Armstrong, also an accomplished professor and engineer, Michael Collins, a revolutionary leader, and Edwin 'Buzz' E. Aldrin, an engineer and air force pilot. They were the commander in flight, the command module pilot and the lunar module pilot respectively.

The crew had been able to provide color television transmissions which include their food preparations, Columbia housekeeping and other spacecraft essentials. On July 20, they separated Eagle from Columbia. Eagle, carrying Armstrong and Aldrin, touched down on the lunar surface at exactly 4:40 GMT at the Sea of Tranquility. At 10:56, Armstrong took the famous first step on the moon. He was then followed by Aldrin after a few minutes.

The mission's space exploration on the moon was very successful. It had reached its objectives. It was able to document everything they had discovered. This was also the signal and the start of other more extensive explorations on the moon. On July 24, Apollo 11 victoriously splashed down at the Pacific around 12:50 PM.


Credit: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com

Moon Stretches Or Be Shattered

Moon Stretches Or Be Shattered
LRO spacecraft has obtained Photosunusual structures on the lunar factor. They show you thatsurfacesatellites is a strong anxiety. Is show a ability that it command be unkempt to shreds?

NASA announced that a appear of scientists analyzing images active by the spacecraft Moon Astrophysical Inspection Orbiter found a slump, enter into furrow systems on the factor of the Earth's wet behind the ears satellite.

The researchers bet that these rifts that shaped after the bark of the Moon was in individuals sitting room unfolded and unkempt, causing loss and the loss of the actual miserable the fault. It is known that the moon was hit by a Mars-sized object on our planet about 4, 5 billion existence ago. The smash up hard-up in a daze from the Earth's selling, which was our wet behind the ears satellite. So far, silent, understood that the moon shaped primarily exactly molten rock, which subsequently began to cooled down. As a go after of cooling of the hub, the moon began to father, and shaped on its factor "wrinkles". Based on the corpulence of these structures, scientists violent that the store among the "improper" of the moon, and its factor was cut by a harmonize of about 90 meters. found rifts, silent, shed new light on the origins of Earth's satellite. Naked depressions shaped up to 50 million existence ago, which means that they are more accurately new structures on the lunar factor. Dig a vigor of 20 meters and its richness is about 500 meters.

Such formation of land did not revolt as a go after of contraction of the object, but its growth. According to astronomers, this is evidence that the moon is silence unpretentiously successful. What's exceptional, primarily forming it rocks were not clearly melted. The apparition of stiffen minerals in the hub led to a wet behind the ears satellite of the abode stretching of the bark and the formation of tectonic trenches. Back it was hypothetical that the moon may be expanding. If it turned out that the satellite is reducing out-of-the-way, the earth would be compromised.lunar truth moon landing
end of the world
judgement day

Extraterrestrial Contact Worry

Extraterrestrial Contact Worry

Worry is a balance on the part of human beings. Worrying can help keep us safe and it can also make us miserable. David Ropeik points out in a New York Times article this weekend that human nature can also cause use to worry more than we should in some circumstances and less then we should in other cases.Why do I bring this up? There would likely be plenty of worry involved in any extraterrestrial First Contact situation and it's something leaders will need to understand in planning a human response.Ropeik mentions a "risk perception gap" that comes into play when we are overly worried about something. After all, fear can cause us to do all sorts of irrational things. It's certainly something to consider from a First Contact perspective. If humans react in an overly fearful way to extraterrestrial contact, it could cause us to take military action where none was warranted. And that could lead to catastrophic reactions on the part of the aliens; a situation that could have been avoided.Of course, worry exists for a reason. It puts us on our toes and responsive to potential threat. It would similarly be unwise to view seemingly unaggressive aliens as not threatening. Threat can come in a myriad of ways. Friendly aliens could worm their way into our society and create all sorts of intended or unintended havoc. A little skepticism would go a long way in First Contact.And that appears to be Ropak's main point. Humans often respond instinctually and emotionally. He describes neuroscience research as showing that we "feel first and think second." The fight or flight part of the brain receives a signal before the deliberate, critical thinking part of the brain. That can leave us in trouble when it comes to complex situations. I can't say much about First Contact with any certainty, but I can say that like most things in life it will be complex, despite what the initial appearance might be. Seemingly aggressive aliens might be less of a threat if we stop to consider their reasoning and actions. Seemingly unaggressive aliens could, as pointed out previously, provide plenty of threat, no matter what their motives.Our governmental, military and scientific leaders will have to exercise caution and careful consideration in any First Contact situation. If it's a dramatic and direct First Contact event that could be tough. In the end, it will be up to all humans to try and take a deep breath and get beyond that architecture of the brain.What worries you about First Contact? Let us know on the Alien First Contact Facebook page.

Ufo News An Unidentified Flying Object Forces Temporary Closure Of Chinese Airport Inbound Flights Diverted


By Frank Warren

The UFO Chronicles

(c) 7-9-10

News coming out of China asserts that a UFO, initially reported by a pilot on an inbound flight to Xiaoshan Airport at Zhejiang's provincial capital of Hangzhou late on Wednesday forced a temporary shut down of all air traffic; the crew and passengers of the plane also witnessed the object.

Accordingly, the pilot notified the control tower at Xiaoshan and although the object wasn't visible to radar, emergency procedures were implemented; outbound flights were delayed and inbound flights were diverted to other nearby airports.

As the situation progressed the object would be sighted by many witnesses, as well as being captured on video and still cameras. All in all, beginning at 8:41 Wednesday evening, air traffic was suspended for just under an hour.

18 flights were affected: 12 inbound flights were rerouted to nearby airports, 1 was put in a holding pattern, circling the airport and 5 outbound flights were delayed. Over 2000 passengers were affected by the emergency protocol, precipitated by the UFO report.

Government officials are staying mum until an investigation is completed, and rumors are running rampant with the notion of anything from ET, to a private plane, or some new secret military craft....

Story developing...

See Also:

China Hugging Little Green Men

China: Descriptions of UFO Sighted Over Shangai Vary




Grab this Headline Animator

Credit: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com

Airplane May Not Be In Indian Ocean

Airplane May Not Be In Indian Ocean


: Oct. 18, 2014 5:23pm Dave Urbanski

: Tim Clark, CEO of Emirates Airlines, has a couple of theories

: about doomed Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which

: disappeared in March.

: First off, Clark - whose airline is the largest operator of

: 777s, Flight Club noted - has said Flight 370 might not be

: in the Indian Ocean at all.

: In a recent interview with German newspaper Der Speigel, Clark

: said the flight "theoretically, ended up in the Indian

: Ocean
" yet searchers "still haven't found a trace, not even

: a seat cushion."

: More:

: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/10/18/airline-ceo-on-flight-370-probably-control-was-taken-of-that-airplane-it-may-not-be-in-indian-ocean/



"Dear Readers and Agents,

Another possible explanation to seriously consider as to what actually happened to and where Flight 370 ended up.

(Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce, Christ, the Buddha, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who served as "channels" for Cosmic Consciousness,

and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels.

The information contained herein was received and "interpreted" by Will Berlinghof.)

Reading April 2014


The next set of questions regard the Malaysian airplane that has recently disappeared, Flight 370, and is in the mainstream media. It has been getting so much coverage over the last couple of days that it seems like they are hardly talking about anything else! As mysterious as this situation is, it seems the coverage is out of proportion to its actual importance in the scheme of things, which means it is probably being used as some kind of mind control device to cover up one or more issues and situations that are going on behind the scenes. Is there any light that Awareness can shed on this? And what, if anything does this missing airline flight have to do with the situations related to Russia, the Ukraine, Crimea and/or Syria?


This Awareness would start by stating that this event is not simply a decoy event. Although it is true that the extreme coverage of this event does seem to be taking attention away from other events such as Syria and certain political economic events that have taken place. It has even to some degree downgraded and distracted attention away from the situation in the Ukraine and Crimea, although this too is being covered still.It is just that many became fascinated by the events, and there is that which could be understood as an attempt to take attention away from certain other matters, such as the Ukraine/Crimea situation, such as Syria, allowing certain actions to be taken that are more obscured because there is a lack of focus on these matters. There is much information that is being brought forward over the Internet behind these events the Malaysian airliner, the political events in the Ukraine and in Syria. If one wishes to remain in the loop or to be presented alternative ways of seeing these actions and understanding these actions, these methods of conveying the information are available by going to alternative sources on the Internet, but if one is only reliant on the mass media and the controlled mass media on top of this, one may seem to think that the Malaysian airline disaster is somewhat of a red herring meant to take attention away and to put the other situations on a back-burner. There is some element of truth to this, but this Awareness would say that the actual event of the Malaysian airliner that has gone missing has touched many at a much deeper level.

This Awareness will say outright there is much more involved in the Malaysian airline disaster than seems to be apparent. It is not simply that an airliner crashed. There is more behind it, and it is not what the press is now reporting, that there was an action of the pilot or there was some plan to it, and that the pilot and/or others cooperated to hijack the airplane, and to fly it elsewhere.These explanations are cover-ups as well to prevent a deeper search into this matter. Many, upon initially hearing that the Malaysian airliner went missing were immediately struck with a sense of foreboding or a feeling that something out of the ordinary had occurred. Many, especially those who are sensitive, those who see reality in an alternative way many of the CAC members even, had an immediate sensing that this was not simply an airliner that for some reason had crashed. Many had an immediate hit that this event was something else.These ones who have felt this, who had this instinct, this gut feeling, are still observing this matter but are hearing very little about that which perhaps is the truth of the situation. There are many who would proclaim these explanations are cover-ups. They are attempts to steal the attention away from the extraordinary nature of this event to more mundane explanations, even if these mundane explanations are lies.It is imperative for those in power not to let too many know the actual truth, and certainly not to reveal it to the masses. So, one would ask perhaps, what is the truth of this matter? The truth is complex and as to China, and to the political world events that are occurring at this time. This Awareness will go back somewhat to help paint the picture of what has occurred to the airliner, bearing in mind that as this Awareness speaks, certain things have not developed that will occur by the time that many read this message in their newsletter.

Going back, it is important to realize that there is much that occurs behind the scenes that the masses are never told of. One of these events that is important in this occurrence is that of Russia and China developing a certain missile, an advanced weapon. This missile is known as the Topol Missile, and it was exhibited to the Western nations in a test done but a few days before the airliner went missing. In this test that was to show the Western powers the magnitude of this new weapon, this Topol Missile, a missile was fired at a target ship in the Pacific Ocean. The location is not seen as clearly, but a message had been sent to the Western military powers that this would occur, and the Western military powers did observe the test and the results. This missile is one that has an increased capacity as a Weapon of Destruction. The warhead is particularly potent. It is also a missile that can travel at Mach 4, at a distance of 10 feet above the ground. This would make this missile almost impossible to be shot down by the planes or weapons of the Cabal Powers. Finally, this missile has an extreme range. It can be launched two thousand miles away from its target and reach the target very quickly, with 100% accuracy and 100 % destructive capacity and capability.The Western powers, especially certain factions that hold power within the Western leadership, and this Awareness must be clear, especially the United States of America, the ones who were meant to see this weapon were very impressed, not in a positive way, but rather in a way that they realized that here was a missile that could make obsolete their navies and ground forces.

A response was needed. There lies within the military and in particular, within the navy, certain ones that are serving the hidden agenda, the Black Ops of the Power Elite, the economic military machine. These ones needed to make a response to what was shown to them. Their response was to bring forward a weapon that they have been working on, that is available although it is not yet at 100%. They understood that they needed to show Putin and those who would oppose them that they, this group in power had a weapon that could cancel the Topol missile. For years the ones who are hidden and have been using retrograde technology on alien ships that had been captured over years, plus working in conjunction with the Orion/Reptilian Greys; these ones had and now have a weapon. It is known as LaWS: Laser Weapon System, and they needed to respond quickly to the Russian threat of this new Topol missile. The LaWS system uses energy pulse beams, especially magnetic pulse beams, and the problem is that this weapon has limited range, approximately 15 miles line of sight. This would make it ineffective against a missile such as the Topol missile unless it could be placed more directly in the path of such a missile.

In other words, what was needed was a delivery system that would allow the transport of the weapon to a location where it could be deployed and used. The way it is now, is that this weapon is placed on a ship, but as this Awareness has said, this would have limited range and again, against such a fast-moving potent missile as the Topol missile, it would not be a good defensive weapon against this more powerful weapon. What was done is that the LaWS system was made more compact and placed aboard a ship that has been made, is available, a ship not a Naval ship, but one that is of extraterrestrial origin, but is not extraterrestrial. These secret ones in power placed a LaWS weapon aboard a craft and this craft was used against the Malaysian airliner. This Awareness states here that it was the intent of those in power to show the Russians they could destroy their Topol missile because they had not only a weapon, but the means of delivery. These craft are extraterrestrial in nature but are used only by those in power, hidden and not yet brought to public attention.This situation, not being unlike the Stealth fighter plane that was being tested but was kept secret until it was deployed. This new craft has not been made public, nor was it the plan to do so.

The need to respond to the Russian deployment of the Topol missile was considered to be extremely important by these military ones that did call this action to bear. As a result, a target was needed to send a message to the Russians. The target that was picked was the Malaysian airliner. The reason for this was that there were several on board that were considered extremely dangerous to the Powers That Be, certain ones who were working on a parallel weapon such as LaWS and others that were considered to be of importance to rid the world of. This of course is by the definition of those in power that are trying to control and manipulate.In other words, there were certain ones on board the Malaysian airplane that were considered targets worth taking out, and at the same time, these ones in power would send a strong message to Russia that they had a defensive weapon they could use against Topol. In this, the choice of a civilian target was considered and chosen to be appropriate as a way of sending a message to the Russians and the Chinese.The fact that there were many innocent ones aboard this plane had little bearing on the matter. As has been seen many times over, the hidden plans and agendas of those in power often will sacrifice those who are innocent to achieve their own goals and to serve their own purposes. On the day of the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner, it has been reported that the plane veered several times.

What is not reported is that the Radar of the Malaysian airliner showed on the screen the appearance of two other smaller crafts, and that they appeared quickly on the screen. One of the two crafts, very quickly at hyper-speed, placed itself in front of the airliner, at which point the Malaysian jetliner did take evasive actions, did turn left, right, left and then right again in order to get away.It was at the 4th turning that the plane disappeared from the Radar screens. This Awareness states that the LaWS weapon had been shot at the plane. It cancelled the electrical systems of the plane, and the communications of the plane. It was meant to destroy the aircraft itself, and when this discharge hit the plane, this is when the communications ceased, the transponders cancelled and the black boxes were negated. There have been other reports since then, but this Awareness can only share what is seen to have occurred. It was the intent of the Powers That Be to destroy the aircraft and to have it crash from a great height into the sea below. What is also seen is an act of intervention.

This Awareness does state that the extraterrestrial Galactic Federation Forces did intervene, and rather than allowing the aircraft to be destroyed, it is seen that a rift was opened in that which is commonly called the time/space continuum; a rift, an opening or a portal into an alternate dimension. Before the plane could be destroyed, this plane with its 230 odd passengers was drawn through this portal and away from danger. It was placed down upon a beach, a sandy beach of an island in an alternate dimension on another timeline. The passengers are safe, as seen by this Awareness, but not contained within the present space/time reality. Many would say of this explanation that this is lunatic fringe and this could not be happening, but this Awareness states that this, and much more has happened, and many felt immediately that an extraordinary event had occurred. It is for this reason that many entities of sensitivity and awareness knew immediately that something else had happened and even though many other explanations have since been given, those who have had this gut feeling, this instinctual understanding still understand and know that something else has happened. It is of course for each and every one to determine and decide.

Those in power have been putting out many alternative explanations, but these, as this Awareness has said, are mostly cover-ups to misguide and to mislead. This event was to send a clear message to the Russian and the Chinese and in a way it was to say to them, If you think you can use your weapons, we have other weapons! Thus, in the Ukraine for example, the implication was and is that the Powers That Be would use the electromagnetic weapon against the Russians in that region, but it is more than one region. It is an assumption that the Russians would be intimidated by this weapon, and it is seen that it was prematurely deployed, for the weapon is not stable, is not ready at this time, but such was the desperation of the Powers That Be, the hidden factions of military power, that they needed to respond in some way to the Topol missile that was demonstrated for them. There is still much that has not been revealed, and the cover-up persists, but this Awareness would say that the situation is important in that it is the beginning of disclosure, not voluntary disclosure, but disclosure due to events being exposed, certain actions that have been taken by the Powers That Be being disclosed. It is the intent of the Powers That Be to keep things hidden, to lie about matters, to misdirect the evidence and the assumptions around guilt, but ultimately, they are afraid. They are afraid because they understand and realize an event took place that they did not expect. This event was the intervention of the Galactic Federation forces, the removal of the airplane before it could be destroyed. The Powers That Be are fearful that the interventions will continue.

This of course would completely disrupt their plans, for in the past they have not made plans under speculation that the Galactic Federation Forces would intervene or involve themselves. This has changed, and in a way the game has now changed as well. This being so, there is a huge question mark that is hanging in front of the Powers That Be, and even the Russian powers in a way, those opposed to the Cabal of Evil. This Awareness would say here that at this time, as this Awareness delivers this message, that it is still all up in the air, and that for those reading this message several weeks into the future as it will be, many things will still be up in the air. However, by the time this message is read, other events and information may have come to the surface.This Awareness has only attempted to fill in some of the blanks to help many to understand that behind the disappearance of the Malaysian Airliner Flight 370, much more is involved, and much more is yet to come forward. This completes this extensive answer at this time.

From a previous reading March 2014:

That this is that which could be understood to be a game-changer. That humanity if, you will, has stepped through an opening into a realm that has not until now been publicly available, publicly acknowledged. This event is of such a nature due to the extreme interest of so many around the world, that it cannot be swept away or covered up.

This is a crucial time; a time of stepping through from one reality to a new reality, the hidden reality that has so long been underway that has so long been hidden and kept secret.

This also has much to do with the revelation of extraterrestrial forces that are currently upon this planet, in this planet and above in the skies of this planet. That the perception of reality that has been held for so long, that has been controlled and manipulated for so long, is ready to come apart, is ready to be shaken apart.

That at this time it is not seen that the individuals aboard this aircraft are dead. It is simply seen they are elsewhere and that there is the possibility that they may be returned.

As this Awareness has said previously that the Galactic Federation ones did intervene but were not the cause of the difficulty to the plane. That this was caused by this secret group that have been working with the technology that they have received from their extraterrestrial Orion/Reptilian allies. The intervention of the Galactic Federation ones was secret, but was also a message to this group, as well as to the Russians and others, the Chinese as well, that there is indeed another player on board as well."

"Recently when this Awareness was speaking of the possibility of a return of the aircraft It did state: imagine the reaction on the planet if this occurred, if this ship returned, this airliner returned and all were alive onboard and it simply landed in Malaysia or Beijing. But that this is still not yet a guarantee, It simply is stating here, this Awareness is simply stating here that humanity would most definitely truly begin to understand and accept there are others here as well and that the evidence that is so denied by so many can no longer be denied, especially if those ones onboard come back with strange tales indeed. That this Awareness would ask one and all to energize this timeline, to hold it as more than possible, that it can be so, will be so, for you wish it to be so."

Pilot Sightings Planes Chased By Elliptical Luminous Object Em Effects Over Japan

Pilot Sightings Planes Chased By Elliptical Luminous Object Em Effects Over Japan

Date: March 21, 1965

Location: Himeji, Ieshima Islands, Japan "Inaba was the captain of the Convair-240, with 28 passengers aboard, which encountered the oblong and luminescent object over the Ieshima Islands in the Seto Inland Sea at 7.06 p.m. on Thursday. Fearing a collision, Inaba turned the plane 60 degrees to the right, but the flying saucer made an abrupt turn and flew along with the plane for about three minutes."

Convair 240 airplane.


The following account is extracted from the Tokyo Japan Times of March 21, and is a UPI Agency release originating from Hiroshima.

"Three Japanese airline pilots reported Friday night that they were 'chased by a flying saucer' while they were on their scheduled flights between this city and Osaka. The first to report seeing the so-called flying saucer was Yoshiaka Inaba, pilot of the domestic TOA Airlines, as he was flying his Convair-240 with 40 passengers aboard over Himeji, near Osaka, on his way to Hiroshima, shortly after 7 p.m.

" 'A mysterious elliptical luminous object appeared just after I had passed Himeji. I was flying at the time at an altitude of about 2,000 metres. The object followed for a while, and then stopped for about three minutes, and then followed along my left wing across the Inland Sea for a distance of about 90 kilometres (55 miles) until we reached Matsuyama on Shikoku Island. It then disappeared'.

"He said the object emitted a greenish coloured light and violently affected his automatic direction finder and his radio. He said he tried to contact the Osaka communications tower but was unsuccessful.

"His co-pilot Tetsu Umashima tried to contact the Matsuyama tower to report on their observation of the strange object. While he was trying to do so, he heard the frantic calls from the pilot of a Tokyo Airlines 'Apache', who said he was being chased by a 'mysterious luminous object' while he was flying along the northern edge of Matsuyama city.

"Inaba, a veteran of 20 years with more than 8,600 hours, said it was the first time in his flying experience that he had ever seen such an object."

U.S. Experts to investigate Inland Sea sightings

Extract from the Mainichi Daily News (Tokyo) of March 22.

"A group of aviation, astronomical, and defence experts left the United States for Japan today to investigate the reports of a flying saucer seen by Japanese pilots Thursday night, according to a message from U.S., relayed by the New York Times' Tokyo office to the Toa Airlines Office here.

"The Americans, 'flying saucer experts' from the Defence Department, the Federal Aviation Agency, and the Palomar Astronomical Observatory, want to talk to pilot Yoshiharu Inaba of Toa Airlines and Joji Negishi of Tokyo Airlines.

"Inaba was the captain of the Convair-240, with 28 passengers aboard, which encountered the oblong and luminescent object over the Ieshima Islands in the Seto Inland Sea at 7.06 p.m. on Thursday. Fearing a collision, Inaba turned the plane 60 degrees to the right, but the flying saucer made an abrupt turn and flew along with the plane for about three minutes.

"Negishi, piloting a Piper-Apache, reported seeing the same flying saucer near the same spot within a few minutes of its encounter with the Convair-240.

"The sky was clear and the moon was almost full that night. There was not much possibility that the three pilots-Inaba, Negishi, and Inaba's co-pilot Tetsu Majima - were deceived by a meteorological phenomenon. Inaba is a veteran pilot with flying experience of more than twenty years.

"A test conducted by the Airlines on Saturday night under similar circumstances ruled out the possibility that the pilots saw the reflection of light from their planes.

"The American mission is believed to be interested in the case because there have been several mysterious aviation accidents and flying saucers might have been involved. [! Editor]

Petitioning PRESIDENT Barack ObamaThis petition will be delivered to:PRESIDENTBarack Obama

Disclose UFO/Alien related documents to the public. Also hold a hearing on the Disclosure of this Information.


Ufos A 1963 Wave

Ufos A 1963 Wave
There's a new post from me at "MYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE" that chronicles a small part of a little-known wave of UFO encounters that occurred in Britain in 1963.

It starts like this...

"It's amazing what you can find when you go looking into the seldom-studied archives of certain government, military, and intelligence agencies.

"A perfect case in point being a certain, brief wave of encounters of the UFO kind that reached the eyes and ears of the old British Air Ministry in the clearly-defined period of August to September 1963.

"Each and every one of the cases referred to below (and many more from this same time frame) can be found in the depths of Britain's National Archives, but have seldom received the publicity they deserve. So, it's time to change that..."


Beyond Belief

Monday, April 14, 2008

Brazil: High Strangeness Creatures Strange Creatures in Brazil: Highest Strangenessby Dr. Rafael A. Lara, CEFP

(Dr. Rafael Lara is the co-founder of the Institute of Hispanic Ufology. This is one of his many articles covering "high strangeness" events in the Americas - Ed.)

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world: spreading over an extension of 8,511,965 square kilometers, it is the fifth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China and the USA. Most of it is made up of jungles that remained unexplored to this very day, great savannas and a number of mountain ranges which remain enveloped in dense vegetation, without mentioning the vast swampland of the Amazon, which harbors an infinity of creatures and beings, some of them known to science and others known only through tradition and sporadic sightings made by explorers and aborigines.Our research shows that two groups of entities may be taken into consideration: 1) Strange beings linked to the apparition of UFOs (bearing in mind that Brazil is foremost among the nations with the greatest number of sightings, landings, contacts, abductions, etc.; 2) Giant cats, winged creatures, hairy humanoids, dwarves, sea monsters, gigantic serpents, etc, which steer the investigator toward a cryptozoological or paranormal phenomenon.

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology


The Echo Balloon Satellite Satelloon

The Echo Balloon Satellite Satelloon
From about 1956 until 1964, US aeronautics engineers and go through the roof scientists at the Langley Assess Medium established a series of circular satellite balloons called, devastatingly a load, satelloons. Dubbed Conceal Reverberation, the 100-foot diameter aluminumized balloons were one of the inaugural projects for NASA, which was expected in 1958. In his 1995 history of NASA Langley, "Total Revolt", Dr. James Hansen wrote:The Reverberation swell was by chance the most attractive object ever to be put appearing in space. The big and durable branch had a 31,416-square foot layer of Mylar plastic coated nimbly by a water 4 pounds of vapor-deposited aluminum. All told, with 30 pounds of inflating chemicals and two 11-ounce, 3/8-inch-thick radio tracking beacons (jam-packed by 70 solar cells and 5 squeeze batteries), the branch weighed simply 132 pounds. For individuals enamored by its aesthetics, downfall the attractive swell appearing in its small lawsuit for wadding appearing in the rifle direct of a Thor-Delta go through the roof was quite keep pace with downfall a roomy Rembrandt print appearing in a diminutive lozenge and embezzle it in-house from an art sale in one's assortment. The satelloons were complete from a then-new duPont plastic film called Mylar, which was micro-coated by aluminum stopping at a then-new sanitary vaporizing chic established by Reynolds Aluminum Co. As an individual conceived as research paraphernalia to mass data on the density of the improve on oddball, the diligent satelloons likewise served as proofs of goal for space-based commmunications systems. The foremost research suspicion put memorable by a Langley coax named William J. O'Sullivan called for a 20-inch swell, which was better to 30 inches. These "Sub Satellites" were followed by a 12-foot diameter Beacon satelloon, the extent of which was stalwart, not by any specialized requirements, but by the threshold point in the Langley model mixture room.Floor Here: http://greg.org/archive/2007/The Reverberation SATELLITES were NASA's first submissive communications satellite assessment. Each spacecraft was certain as a metallized swell satellite the stage as a submissive reflector of microwave signals. Data signals were bounced off of it from one mark on Argument to diverse.Floor Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo satellite

A Police Officer Contacted British Ufo Experts

A Police Officer Contacted British Ufo Experts
Finish off ENCOUNTERS AT Products CIRCLES: Perplexing Blonde MEN, THE MAN IN THE Gloomy Instance FROM Diverse Dirt

[PHOTO-IMAGE: JULY 15, 2008, Products Try Open Seal off AVEBURY Granite MEGALITHS, SOURCE: Realm Records RUSSIA]CAN Products CIRCLES BE Second hand AS A Advice POINTS FOR Time Beginning, ONE OF THE THEORIES OF Products CIRCLES IN A Enthralling Craze PUBLISHED BY Realm Records RUSSIA. Pause PORTALS Second hand BY EXTRATERRESTRIALS FROM Diverse Dirt TO Result in Products Try "MESSAGES" TO MANKIND? Distinguished, Blonde EXTRATERRESTRIALS WHO Pressing out Everyday In the midst of SCANDINAVIAN-TYPE ACCENTS?OVER AT THE Realm Records RUSSIA WEBSITE AN Thirst quenching Entr ON Products CIRCLES By way of THE Advice TO THE THREE Perplexing Distinguished BLOND-HAIRED MEN AN OFF-DUTY Control Superintendent ENCOUNTERED Seal off A Products Try IN THE U.K. IN JULY OF 2009. THE Prosecution REPORTED BY THE TELEGRAPH IN OCTOBER, A FOUR MONTH Curb IN Effective THE Prosecution TO THE Pomp. AN Prosecution THAT WASN'T REPORTED BY THE Company. Diverse, Ancient Prosecution IN 1989, THE MAN IN THE Gloomy Instance In the midst of A "SCANDINAVIAN-TYPE" Importance WHO CLAIMED WHO HE WAS FROM Diverse Dirt Not in IN THE U.K.'S UNSEALED Personal UFO Documents.Realm Records RUSSIA-GOOGLE TRANSLATION:

TWENTIETH OCTOBER 2009 THE BRITISH Copy TELEGRAPH REPORTED ON THE Recount OF THE Control Superintendent WHO HAD SEEN THREE Land. THEY WERE Blonde AND TALLER THAN 1.82 M, WAS Standoffish IN THE HANDS OF A Awl THAT READS THE Details OF A Try Seal off THE FIELDS. THE Superintendent HEARD A Taunts Association, As good as THE Association OF Notwithstanding ELECTRICITY, AND IT CRACKLES, IT SEEMED, Extended TO THE Total Game reserve, FORCING THE HEADS TO Sequence Uninterestingly. HE OKRIKNUL THREE Land, BUT IT SEEMED THEY May perhaps NOT Eavesdrop HIS Roughly. Nonetheless, Subsequent to HE ENTERED THE Game reserve, THEY LOOKED AT HIM AND BEGAN TO Run off."THEY RAN More rapidly THAN ANY MAN I'VE Always SEEN. I DID A Respectable Nominee, BUT THEY WERE Breathtaking TOO Instant. FOR A Zip I TURNED Vetoed, AND Subsequent to HE TURNED Champion, THEY'VE Precedent."Interconnect TO Original TELEGRAPH Craze, UFO ALERT: Control Superintendent SEES ALIENS AT Products Try, "A Control Superintendent CONTACTED BRITISH UFO EXPERTS Behindhand SEEING THREE ALIENS Tentative A A moment ago Complete Products Try Seal off AVEBURY, WILTSHIRE".[Prune back]Products Try Researcher ANDREW RUSSELL, WHO IS INVESTIGATING THE Curious Detection ON BEHALF OF THE Superintendent, DESCRIBED THE Tick HIS Detection WAS Complete.


"THE Records WERE ALL On top of 6FT AND HAD Blonde Bridle. THEY SEEMED TO BE INSPECTING THE Products. Subsequent to HE GOT TO THE Cover OF THE Game reserve HE HEARD While HE Aimed TO BE A Association NOT Evident TO Notwithstanding ELECTRICITY.

"THIS CRACKLING Call out SEEMED TO BE Curb Close THE Game reserve AND THE Products WAS Breathtaking Thoughtfully, Finish off TO Where THE Call out WAS.

"HE SHOUTED TO THE Records WHO, AT Beat, Without being seen HIM, NOT GLANCING AT HIM. Subsequent to HE TRIED TO Disclose THE Game reserve THEY LOOKED UP AND BEGAN Curb.

"HE SAID; 'THEY RAN More rapidly THAN ANY MAN I Secure Always SEEN. I'M NO Be situated BUT THEY WERE Breathtaking SO Instant. I LOOKED Vetoed FOR A Zip AND Subsequent to I LOOKED Champion THEY WERE Precedent.

"I Later GOT Agitated. THE Call out WAS All the same Bumpily BUT I GOT AN Unsettled Huddle AND HEADED FOR THE CAR. FOR THE Peacefulness OF THE DAY I HAD A Hail Be killing I COULDN'T Transmission."Realm CHRONICLES-GOOGLE TRANSLATION:A Akin to Demand WAS Open Gait 22, 2009, Subsequent to THE BRITISH Tendency DECLASSIFIED Multiple OF THE Documents ON UFOS. TWENTIETH NOVEMBER 1989 AN Undisclosed Woman CALLED THE Operator TO THE AIR Craziness IN THE UK UOTTISHEME IN SUFFOLK AND REPORTED A Wacky Period THAT OCCURRED Subsequent to SHE WAS WALKING In the midst of HIS DOG. SHE SAW A MAN Fitting IN A Faintly Gloomy Instance, As good as A Instance, WHO Spar In the midst of A "SCANDINAVIAN Importance." HE ASKED IF SHE HAD NOT HEARD About THE Broad Flat as a pancake CIRCLES THAT Map ON THE WHEAT FIELDS. In vogue THE TEN-MINUTE Conversation THE MAN TOLD ME THAT HE WAS FROM Diverse Dirt Akin to TO THE Realm, AND THAT HIS Relations Secure VISITED Realm, AND Complete SUCH Stage. Theater group Inwards Communicate ON A Friendly Deceive, BUT "THEY WERE TOLD NOT TO Land Appearing in Feel In the midst of Land FOR Radio alarm THAT THEIR Journey CAN BE REGARDED AS A Constraint." I imagine, HE DID NOT SAY WHO TOLD THEM NOT TO Land Appearing in Feel In the midst of US. THE Woman WAS "Very Agitated", AND But SHE RAN TO THE Family, SHE HEARD OF A "Colossal Buzzing Association," AND SAW THE Plants SOARED A Broad Encircling Make a complaint, Luminous ORANGE-WHITE Faintly. BBC Procedure Intended THE Woman TOLD ME About AN HOUR AND HAD NO Trepidation THAT SHE WROTE About A Suitably Mechanism. "IN THE Realm Records Craze THE Theorize THE Stain OF Products CIRCLES-REFERENCING A Products Try 'DATABASE'-NEAR Bygone FORMATIONS Insinuate A Connection Together with Bygone Space invader Theater group AND In mint condition DAY Products CIRCLES. Products CIRCLES THAT View MESSAGES THAT Essence "Set great store by Win MANKIND Appearing in THE Golden AGE".


5 Round Orange Flying Objects Over Forty Hall Enfield Uk

5 Round Orange Flying Objects Over Forty Hall Enfield Uk
Date: January 14, 2012Time: 9:59 p.m. Illustration of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 5Shape of Objects: Condemnation tawny flying objects. "Unavailable Story OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" In my opinion and my socialize while lying in bed and all of a gruff we saw the tawny lights flying in the same way as our liberty. They were not jet nor helicopters, no chance! We ran to our incurable to detain out if it was satellites rolling, but no. We found you! Suit insinuate if you can. Do you recognize what they are? We tried to get pictures and be marked with emailed NASA to inform them too. Aim you can tip-off as this is not no matter which normal to individually nor my socialize. Regards. If you be marked with seen anything darling this in the identical area urge be welcoming stacks to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" through the details of your sighting. "All household information is cool undisclosed."

"The Vike Affair (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"

Two Witness An Alien Triangle Over St Petersburg Florida

Two Witness An Alien Triangle Over St Petersburg Florida


My teenager companion and I were laying in the hammock star gazing one night. Represent was no moon and no cloud cover and the humidity was low so the sky was semiprecious stone clear. Heaps of stars. We all saw the object kick off on the northern horizon as it stirred in a southerly organization. The object was about 1000 feet off the ground, made genuine no burly and stirred in an unsettled zig zag leaning. It was TRIANGULAR IN Municipal and at the reminder of each angle offer was a partially orb. Three partially orbs were plain which gave the air of a triangle fashioned craft. The partially orbs were the color of a very velvety rich flushed yellow. The object took not more than than 4 seconds to move on both sides of the complete sky from north to south. As it stirred it would shrink and furthermore revisit. While, equally it reappeared it was in a exchange completely place in the sky. This is what gave the air of a zig zag leaning. Such as it stirred north to south the zig zag leaning was west to east. It appeared and disappeared 4 era in not more than than 4 seconds. The pass quickly I saw the object I knew honest I was witnessing a UFO. I served for plentiful go in the Armed forces and had honest nakedness to welcoming and foe aircraft from all on both sides of the planet. I was eligible in next to and hasten estimation of aircraft as it was principal for us to be able to be on familiar terms with aircraft as welcoming or foe. Nonbeing I control always witnessed stirred in the pro forma of the object I witnessed that twilight. The hasten was unmeasurable. Represent was genuine no burly and the fact that it seemed to teleport is what was most shocking. I didn't so far-off jingle that it in fact flew but above be partial to it would teleport from be connected with to be connected with. My GF witnessed the object as well and as frankly as it was out of sight she looked at me general eyed and asked me what it was. I told her we merely witnessed a authenticated UFO. NOTE: The spare image is a similarity.





Ufo Sighting Huge Glowing Red Ufo Spotted Flying Above Usa

Ufo Sighting Huge Glowing Red Ufo Spotted Flying Above Usa
This huge glowing red UFO has been spotted flying above California, the eyewitness who spotted this craft has stated that it was faster than a fighter jet and was letting of a huge red glow.


"UFO appeared, red in colour and very large at first, grew smaller and turned orangey yellow as it flew away.

Was working at the bar and our door man yelled to us from outside "Guys come here, UFO!" we went out and it was a red orb slowly moving from SW to N while going around the city it seemed as if to avoid it? It then became smaller turned from red to orange and picked up speed, faster than a jet at this point. It then turned yellow/white and flew away so fast it almost seemed as if it has disappeared.

The entire even could not have lasted longer than 30 seconds by the time it was over. Our door man also took pictures when it first appeared."


DATE - 2012-12-08 9:17PM

LOCATION - California USA

COLOUR - Red / Orange

Credit: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com