Beyond Belief

Monday, April 14, 2008

Brazil: High Strangeness Creatures Strange Creatures in Brazil: Highest Strangenessby Dr. Rafael A. Lara, CEFP

(Dr. Rafael Lara is the co-founder of the Institute of Hispanic Ufology. This is one of his many articles covering "high strangeness" events in the Americas - Ed.)

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world: spreading over an extension of 8,511,965 square kilometers, it is the fifth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China and the USA. Most of it is made up of jungles that remained unexplored to this very day, great savannas and a number of mountain ranges which remain enveloped in dense vegetation, without mentioning the vast swampland of the Amazon, which harbors an infinity of creatures and beings, some of them known to science and others known only through tradition and sporadic sightings made by explorers and aborigines.Our research shows that two groups of entities may be taken into consideration: 1) Strange beings linked to the apparition of UFOs (bearing in mind that Brazil is foremost among the nations with the greatest number of sightings, landings, contacts, abductions, etc.; 2) Giant cats, winged creatures, hairy humanoids, dwarves, sea monsters, gigantic serpents, etc, which steer the investigator toward a cryptozoological or paranormal phenomenon.

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology


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