Alien Wars

Alien Wars
"Ohhh! Right on schedule...[alien wars]! First seen in the data waaaay back in 1999, even before the creation of the SpaceGoatFarts entity, which is chock full of [alien wars] language.

Noting that it is the Pacific basin in the VT article linked below, and the 'timing', what are the 'odds' that the global coastal event of 2013 is the result of a 'response' from the [space aliens], rather than a 'natural occurrence'.

Next up in the [alien wars] temporal marker meme set is [farmers fight off space alien attackers with shotguns and tractors]....coming soon, to a reality near you." -- clif high, "Half Past Human"

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UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco

Full story from "Veterans Today:" 687-sep-17-16-23/

Battleship - Trailer


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