2 Large Bright Orange Lights East Of Riseholme Road Lincoln Uk

2 Large Bright Orange Lights East Of Riseholme Road Lincoln Uk
Date: February 14, 2010

Time: 6.20 p.m.

Situate of Sighting: East of Riseholme Chance Lincoln UK

.Character of witnesses: 1

Character of Objects: 2

Shrewdness of Objects: Round/oval.

"Tote up Kind OF EVENT/SIGHTING": I reported this to UFO sightings UK simply after it happened, this is the document of my report.

Onerous scarce a sports specialism (sports specialism seedless) I saw two low, very sturdy frothy tawny lights, they encouraged crossways the sky, getting close at hand related then separating. They zig-zagged until that time stirring off in a south westerly management, one of the lights emitted an tawny laser type fluffy. I sluggish my car and watched them move crossways the sky until that time they went up defeat a number of clouds, the objects passed away but the tawny burst into flames was yet visible in the clouds.

Offer was no appreciable profit expectations from them. Two being ago my communication and I witnessed a minute thing, two frothy tawny lights, each one subsequently laser type beams zig-zagging, expectations very familiarly related then in reserve, then fallow completely yet supercilious us, we watched them for about ten account until that time they shot rectify up and passed away from sight. These tawny lights grow to be appearing very regularly all over the world, do you organize they may well be spy drones or at extreme, HAARP?

Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.com

Brian Vike, Point of The Vike Occurrence (Participating in The Moving) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/


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