BY STEVE HAMMONSWhen people hear the terms "transcendent warfare" or "transcendent concepts," they might wonder what exactly these phrases are describing.One reason the terms are quite open-ended is because their nature, potential and far-reaching implications are unclear, even to those conducting research and activities involving transcendent concepts.The basis of some transcendent phenomena can be quite conventional and everyday, such as the love, fellowship, compassion, creativity and courage that human beings often show.At other times, it may be unconventional or even seem "paranormal." This gets into the realm of things like near-death experiences, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), extrasensory perception (ESP) and similar unusual phenomena.The range of these kinds of transcendent elements often seems quite deep and wide.And, the application of various transcendent approaches may be useful, or even crucial, in areas ranging from national defense and intelligence gathering to medicine and healing, from technological development to childhood education, from agriculture to sustainable clean energy, from movies and TV to human development.Let's briefly look at three areas where transcendent concepts are involved: physics, national defense activities and creative media projects.EXPANDED REALITYWhile some transcendent viewpoints are based on philosophical, psychological or spiritual perspectives, others have their basis in scientific theories and discoveries.For example, theoretical and experimental physicist Hal Puthoff, PhD, recently stated, "The interesting developments going on in physics lately have brought us to where science fact is outstripping science fiction."According to Puthoff, "Wormholes and warp drives, quantum entanglement and teleportation, multidimensional universes - these are now standard fare in mainstream science journals.""Based on this, phenomena that would have seemed outrageous even just a decade or two ago cannot now be rejected out of hand without careful scrutiny. The playing field of reality has expanded," Puthoff said.Puthoff was one of the scientists involved in the early stages of the U.S. government project on human consciousness generally known as Project STAR GATE. He is a former Navy intelligence officer and president and CEO of the Austin, Texas, research firm EarthTech International, Inc.And, he is not alone in his views about such ongoing developments. Other researchers and professionals from different fields have also come to similar conclusions - that our understanding of "reality" should include awareness of leading-edge and transcendent developments that are now emerging.That expanding reality is not only around us - it is within us. Human consciousness is one of the key elements of transcendent concepts and activities. Who we are and what we are connected to - these seem to be important elements to consider.TRANSCENDENT WARFARESeveral years ago, a Navy SEAL officer doing research for a graduate-level academic paper at the Marine Corps War College looked into the applications of emerging leading-edge discoveries for national defense activities.The SEAL officer concluded that knowledge gleaned from certain advanced research and development projects could contribute to what he called "transcendent warfare." He referred, in part, to the discoveries involving "remote viewing," a type of ESP used to gather intelligence.At the same time, he seemed to include a larger range of potential applications of new knowledge in his idea that transcendent warfare activities can be helpful for national defense and on many levels.Joeseph McMoneagle, a retired U.S. Army intelligence chief warrant officer, was "Remote Viewer #001" of Project STAR GATE. That project researched and implemented the specific ESP protocol called remote viewing in support of numerous Department of Defense and national intelligence agencies for twenty years.McMoneagle is the author of four nonfiction books on the subject of remote viewing. "Few realize the extent to which the government will go to use paranormal abilities in solving problems with critical national implications," he says.He is also a member of Writer's Guild of America-East (WGAE) and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA).We seem to now be in an era when we may want to explore the effectiveness of "soft power," public diplomacy, peace operations, humanitarian operations, constructive psychological operations (PSYOP), open source intelligence activities (OSINT) and other helpful methods.It seems clear that transcendent concepts have an important role to play in the areas of national security and international relations as well as human development.MEDIA MESSAGESIn the rich creative milieu of today's media, we find many books, films, TV shows, online sites and other communications platforms that seem to connect with transcendent concepts. Part of the reason for this is that people may increasingly be aware of emerging developments and leading-edge discoveries that are both interesting and relevant to our daily lives.Why settle for "dumbed down" books, TV shows or movies when we can access more meaningful and enjoyable creative products related to transcendent concepts?Media platforms that explore these ideas may themselves be on the leading edge of creative development. The market for transcendent media activities seems to be expanding, like the expanding reality that physicist Puthoff described. Maybe there is synergy and synchronicity in the ways some of these factors connect. Maybe other developments around us and within us are continuing to flow toward some objectives or outcomes that have not yet come clearly into view.However, the exploration of, and communication about transcendent concepts in science, national defense, education, human development, mass media and other fields seem to be very valuable endeavors at this time.
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