Ingrid Schon 23, of Germany and Adi Hassan, 22 of France reportedly see a Bigfoot. Near Sydney recently two travelling backpackers were trekking in Leura a small town near Katoomba in the blue mountains - "THE THREE SISTERS AREA". Upon returning home after there day long trek in the late afternoon, they reportedly were startled by loud noises and cracks in the forest. They turned to see what it was and pointed the torch in the direction of the noise. What they saw was a creature reportedly around 2 metres in height and had fur. After being shone by the light of the torch the creature quickly charged away. "IT DEFINITELY HAD NO CLOTHES ON AND WAS NOT HUMAN.' INGRID SAID. 'WE WERE PETRIFIED AND ALMOST LOST OUR WAY BACK IN OUR NERVOUS STATE"' INGRID COMMENTED." They both were convinced it was a Bigfoot.. Interestingly, by Aboriginal legends there is a yowie / bigfoot creature in the THREE SISTERS AREA which correlates with there description. Tags: ufo book ufo dan alien alien sightings 2009 latest ufo videos men movie roswell record egyptians aliens footage shows possible ufo moon allagash abductions pictures
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