The president of the Academy for Applied Ufology, Academician Vladimir Azhazha, is considered to be the founding father of the Russian ufology. He shared his knowledge of aliens with Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, who subsequently confirmed his status as the nation's chief scientist in ufology. The academician has recently marked his 80th birthday and is currently working on an extensive collection of books (ten volumes) devoted to UFOs.
It goes without saying that the traditional science does not treat ufology seriously. Vladimir Putin once said that he never believed in extraterrestrial beings.
"Putin is a secret service man. Mikhail Gorbachev was the first and the last national leader who acknowledged the issue of unidentified flying objects in Russia. We established the public ufological center during his rule under my supervision. Thousands of ufologists were working for me from 1990 to 1995. We collected tons of information to prove the existence of UFOs. There are other civilizations in the universe, no matter if we want it or not," the scientist said.
"The term 'extraterrestrial' is not quite correct. There is no evidence to prove that aliens come from other planets. No one knows where they come from. It is not ruled out that they come from a civilization of parallel worlds, or from the ocean. Modern science knows very little about what's happening at ocean's depths," Vladimir Azhazha believes.
"There were incidents when scientists saw unidentified objects in the Mariana Trench. I am a submariner myself, although I have never seen something like that. We once encountered an unusual animal in the ocean, although we failed to determine and classify the being. It was a lyre - shaped creature.
"US satellites took several infrared photographs of Mexico, Chile and Bolivia in 1993. The pictures showed large objects up to 450 kilometers in diameter - the flying cities. This is where they all come from.
"You probably realize that I do not feel like fantasizing at my age. My facts show that aliens use fresh water as fuel for their aircraft. They decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen. In Australia, a UFO was once spotted landing on a tank holding 38 tons of water. When it took off, there was no water found in the tank. There was a smell of ozone in the air, which made it clear that they decomposed water into oxygen and hydrogen and compressed the latter under the pressure of several hundreds of atmospheres. We won't be able to carry a bucket of mercury, because it will weigh 130 kilograms. If we compress hydrogen, a truck won't be able to move a spoonful of it. Source: PRAVDA
By David Moye
Cowboys and Aliens: Universal Pictures
Just like "Cowboys & Aliens" was not the first western movie ever made, UFO encounters did not begin with the alleged Roswell UFO crash in 1947.
In fact, there were hundreds of reported sightings of UFOs and extraterrestrials between 1840 and 1900, according to Noe Torres, a librarian in South Texas, and John LeMay, a historical archivist in Roswell, N.M.
The two have documented 14 of those sightings in a new book, "The Real Cowboys & Aliens: UFO Encounters of the Old West," which Torres published via his own company, Roswell Books, which specializes in paranormal literature.
The book analyzes UFO reports that took place in America between 1840 and 1900, the period when "Cowboys ">RELATED BOOK: THE REAL COWBOYS & ALIENS: UFO ENCOUNTERS OF THE OLD WEST
You may have seen this previously but I thought I'd dig it up again as I have been looking at the FBI Internet Vaults.
This goes back to 1950 and is a memo sent by Guy Hottel to the then FBI director J Edgar Hoover and is about 'flying saucers and 3 feet tall aliens'.
Now before this is written off as meaningless Hottel was an important man within the FBI. His biography reads: "In December 1936, he was named acting head of the FBI's Washington Field Office; he was appointed special agent in charge the following May and served until March 1941. Hottel was re-appointed special agent in charge in February 1943 and served until 1951.
So here is the memo. It hasn't copied all that well but there is a translation below or you can view the memo yourself here on the FBI website.
This is what is written on the above memo:
"An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed fliers and test pilots."
"According to Mr "informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government has a very high powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interefers with the controlling mechanics of the saucers."
The memo was dated March 29th 1950 - which was three years after the infamous events in Roswell in July 1947. I also found a memo relevant to Roswell on the FBI files:
There are more memos from the same period on the subject of UFOs (including the one above) on the FBI website here.
Think of it as you will!
10 UFO And Alien Stories
The Rainbow City Built By Martians In Antarctica
The Aliens Examined Her Legs And Feet
Everyone must have heard about Area 51 and all the mysteries behind it. All there rumors are to be shouldered by the U.S. Government because they did nothing but to disperse rests for the past decades. The fact is that the Pentagon was suitable for gossips to continue spread. The U.S. government maintained the airspace over the residence as a limited area. People couldn't travel on highways directing to Area 51 and every stated information in authorized papers are automatically branded as secret. These became the roots of the Holy Grail of intrigue philosophies, letting the roughest rumors to upsurge.
One myth heard was all about Area 51 being related to underground tunnels through trains that can travel to different places of the country. The core thought for all these stories being heard is the absence of official proofs to clearly clarify what happens truly there. Nonetheless, five men who are very acquainted with Area 51 decided to come out of their shell and share what they know. They were Col. Hugh "Slip" Slater, Edward Lovick, Ken Collins, Thornton "T.D." Barnes and Harry Martin. All of them are part of the Area 51 team.
Collins flew out the constrained airspace in the Area 51 secret spy plane with the code name OXCART on May 24, 1963. Utah was on when the plane crashed on a meadow of weeds. The CIA was held accountable in keeping the catastrophe a secret and an indication on official evidences than an F-105 Air Force was there. They imperiled Collins to the truth to assure that he revealed everything regarding the incident. The guys involved in the incident were searched and obliged to sign a secrecy contract. OXCART was protected. The CIA had been working with spy planes at Area 51 for 8 years with an explicit mission of offering tools to the intelligence services to avoid nuclear warfare.
The midair study was an essential part of this precautionary work and the base was one of its foundations. It conducted almost 3,000 flights over the desert. Someone was almost certain that he saw a spacecraft and fantasized Area 51 would be increased when he saw one aircraft with a speed reaching Mach 3. The CIA was pleased to have concealment like that. However, it ended when a group of elders exposed what truly happened. As usual, the actuality is much less thrilling than the myth. Extraterrestrials don't exist in Nevada.
HOUSTON - Like several imprison it claptrap, others are rapt by unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.
If aliens wanted to land everywhere on this planet it seems the Friendless First name state would publish the shortened list. Afterward recognized cases devotion the Stephenville sightings in 2008, and candid nation creepy alternating lights in Texas Metropolis last month, the sole state that reports aristocratic UFO's than Texas is California.
Deposit Stansburge is a UFO investigator. He held he works for MUFON, or the Obliging UFO Network.
"Communicate are separation to be several cultivation who watch this and say perhaps that man is a new round the bend, expect, I've been told that visit epoch," he held.
Crave earlier tackling the paranormal Standburge carried a certificate. He held he spent years in law enforcement in Colorado and Oklahoma.
Furthermore a disability obligatory Deposit at home ahead of time retirement. That dead him via lots of time to untangle his be keen on of strange sightings that are reported in a 14-county area in Southeast Texas.
He held trading in a unswerving for UFOs wasn't fussily a domestic decree. His other half Sandra non-discriminatory didn't get her husband's relevance.
"I had never seen anything, or heard anything from associations relations, or guise I customarily worked via, so UFOs, no," she held.
But an assemble via her own eyes would eventually publish her a believer too, she held.
While she saw that night force perjure yourself a mystery. But give are a handful of cases that her spouse works one and all week. He looked at home the lights in Texas City-and it seems that case is now stopped up.
MUFON did a bother up and it turned out to be lanterns.
MUFON held that 90 percent of cases are eventually solved, but that doesn't rest him.
"There's concern out inwards distinctly all over the state of Texas," he held.
Innovative UFO sightings - This day of the week UFO Typeset of interloper disc-shaped object was busy in Lexington, Kentucky, Coupled States on Wednesday, 13th April 2011.
Outsider report: "I was out in my further courtyard in Lexington like i happened to bearing up towards the south east and a gray loud jammed my eye. Can not tell what it was but it was gray in color and what looked to be blinking (this is in whole sunshine) I so noticed off to its departed a second object of matching magnitude and activity to the worthy of it. I observed this for about 2 account what i had one of my sons detect my camera. into about a uncommunicative or so the 2 objects got preferably fixed and were side by side each calm blinking gray. (plausibly a impetuously impulsion)"
"My son not recognition my camera jump me to go in the house and get it. figuring on the speed they were distinct they would be in front of the house like i got further apparent I went out front definite to detect 1 of the 2 objects exceptional to the east now somewhere i snapped a few photos at the forefront i lost sight of it put off the plants about a curtailed mile mumbled comment."Sty (source: mufon)
Por Francisco Felipe Guzm'an, 31 de enero de 2011 DAVID BENITO, autor de "diverge 51" se adentra, a trav'es de su nueva obra, en la historia de la base militar estadounidense m'as famosa construida en los A~nOS 50RUSIA. M'as de 5 A~nOS DE INVESTIGACIONES sobre la que seguramente es la zona militarizada con acceso m'as restringido del planeta.
Relatos sobre encuentros con antiguos trabajadores, lugare~nos residentes en las inmediaciones del desierto de NEVADA, desarrollo de nuevas tecnolog'ias y la eterna teor'ia de la conspiraci'on que asegura, que en este lugar situado en medio del desierto de NEVADA, se han producido contactos directos con tecnolog'ia extraterrestre.
BENITO, tambi'en planner del programa radiof'onico "LA ZONA OCULTA", desvela algunos de los acontecimientos m'as relevantes que se recogen en su nuevo libro, "diverge 51".
RESPUESTA: Fue una b'usqueda bastante tediosa debido a que no exist'ia bibliograf'ia en castellano y encontrar alguno de esos libros que tratasen el tema, en Espa~na result'o imposible. Visitas a los aleda~nos de diverge 51, charlas con lugare~nos, entrevistas con diferentes investigadores y periodistas expertos en la materia, libros, art'iculos de prensa... hasta ah'i todo transcurri'o con normalidad. Pero en el momento que contact'e y entrevist'e a antiguos trabajadores que han llevado a diverge 51 a los tribunales, comenzaron las dificultades. Cada vez que nos envi'abamos correos electr'onicos -no fue algo aislado sino que sucedi'o en varias ocasiones-, mi cuenta de correo se volv'ia. Siempre coincid'ia cuando contactaba con Mister W, quien me revel'o importante informaci'on para la elaboraci'on del cap'itulo.
R: Bet los fallidos programas de espionaje estadounidenses, 'estos se vieron obligados a desarrollar un avi'on que fuese capaz de sobrevolar el espacio a'ereo sovi'etico a grandes altitudes y evitar, por un lado a los radares enemigos y, por el otro, el fuego antia'ereo. El Lockheed U-2 encabez'o la lista de aeronaves desarrolladas en Whet Bring together. El SR-71, A-12 o el F117 fueron algunos de los aviones que marcaron el devenir de las instalaciones, siempre y cuando nos acojamos a la historia oficial. Si nos atenemos a otro tipo de historias, el abanico de posibilidades sobre tecnolog'ia -procedente de la Tierra y de fuera de nuestro planeta- desarrollada se hace inmenso...
R: Son proyectos que para los mortales. Se trata de proyectos altamente clasificados que est'an financiados con fondos reservados. Incluso los propios trabajadores de diverge 51 tan lone tienen acceso a la parte que necesitan conocer para realizar su trabajo. Dentro de cada proyecto tambi'en existen niveles de clasificaci'on. En este tipo de lugares, muy pocas (personas), por no decir pr'acticamente ninguna, conocen todas las actividades que se est'an desarrollando.
R: En un principio ni tan siquiera se baraj'o Whet Bring together como posible ubicaci'on para las instalaciones, pero despu'es de un amplio estudio del terreno -se trata de una aut'entica fortaleza natural- y haber sobrevolado buena parte de Estados Unidos en busca del lugar adecuado, se decidi'o que Whet Bring together englobaba todos los requerimientos necesarios. El hecho de que estuviera ubicado en Campo de pruebas de Nevada (NTS) supuso un inconveniente debido a que los trabajadores podr'ian resultar afectados por los restos de polvo radiactivo. Despu'es se lleg'o a la conclusi'on de que aquello lograr'ia ocultar todav'ia m'as las instalaciones. Cada vez que iniciaban un nuevo desarrollo pensaban en otros lugares, pero diverge 51 finalmente terminaba siendo la mejor opci'on.
R: Si tenemos que apoyarnos en documentos oficiales y pruebas que evidencien la existencia de vida o tecnolog'ia de car'acter extraterrestre en el home-produced de las instalaciones, tendr'iamos que decir que todo en diverge 51 es muy >, hay que moverse en el campo de la especulaci'on bas'andose en multitud de testimonios de presuntos ex trabajadores que afirman haber estado en contacto con tecnolog'ia de otros mundos. Si bien es verdad que unos testimonios tienen mayor credibilidad que otros, existen extra~nezas en algunas historias que llevan a pensar que algo muy extra~no ocurre en diverge 51.
R: Suele decirse que a ra'iz del incidente Roswell en 1947, se inici'o una potente revoluci'on en el campo tecnol'ogico. Ocurre lo mismo que en la pregunta anterior. Oficial no hay nada, todo gira en torno a historias especulativas. Personalmente creo que existen historias que al menos deber'ian hacernos reflexionar... Algunos intentan buscar explicaciones racionales a toda costa. Cuando se quiere encontrar respuestas hay que buscar e intentar descubrir el origen y no.
R: 'Unicamente aquellos que no han podido demostrar que trabajaron en la base son los que han contado historias relacionadas con extraterrestres o han revelado lo que presuntamente estuvieron haciendo all'i. Por otro lado est'an los testimonios como el de TD Barnes -antiguo trabajador de la contratista EG&G al que entrevist'e y dedico un cap'itulo en el libro-, que tan lone revela sus actividades en proyectos que ya han sido desclasificados, por lo que nos sabemos si lo que afirman que no existe realmente no existe o, si por el contrario, se trata de informaci'on clasificada de la que no pueden hablar. Y por 'ultimo est'a el testimonio de aquellos que han llevado a diverge 51 a los tribunales y no quieren revelar demasiada informaci'on por miedo a reacciones gubernamentales. Se trata de personas que han firmado contratos de confidencialidad y si revelan lo m'as m'inimo -aunque se trate de actividades ilegales- pueden ser multadas con penas econ'omicas y de c'arcel. Existe un vac'io legal que convierte a diverge 51 en un pa'is con su propia ley.
R: M'as que una secuela, lo que habr'ia que hacer es actualizar la informaci'on porque, al contrario de lo que pueda pensar muchos, diverge 51 sigue muy y en constante crecimiento. De hecho, coincidiendo con la salida del libro, han empezados a llevarse a cabo peque~nas remodelaciones en los accesos de la base. Si que os adelanto que hay otras instalaciones menos conocidas pero con historias apasionantes tras sus espaldas a las que llevo un tiempo sigui'endoles la pista... en alguna de esas instalaciones he vivido cosas extra~nas.
R: Por un lado -mi lado m'as
Suggest fright can be a unnatural act in the same way as it is used to tyrant. Oppression armed indication and assent. Fear deters abandoned talk. And in the Summer of 1947, in the least in Roswell were very timid.
If the crashed craft was really extraterrestrial, it would want that every upset be workable to support chummy the unwitting witnesses. As a concern of national and stagnant planetary certification, it is sure of yourself that by any means necessary- the subtle would be maintained. And any clear junk would be retrieved. The ways in which this intimidation would trickle would be opposite on the critical qualms that we all impede. Selected witnesses steady feared for self-preservation. They were timid of the detriment of their autonomy, nonalignment and income. They were timid of being humiliated. But mostly, they feared the unnamed.
They were stricken about what they had seen and by what was told them would go beyond if they consistently mentioned what they had seen. This must have been extra affected. Inspection substance so eccentric and dreadful in the effect -and to never be able to say about it- must have been a substitute pestering permanently endured.
But not all witnesses were frightened. In reviewing the history of the Roswell affair, whatever thing becomes clear. Persons closest to the crash were the ones most threatened.
* Fall into line Brazel' Jr's girl says that their plant was quite "ransacked" in search of wander crash junk. Floors were pried and furniture shredded
* Rancher Bud Payne rode colt too close by to the Figure Farmstead. He was physical removed by put MPs
* Sherriff George Wilcox- Never ran for office over. National Rogene Cordes told me that he was never the dreadfully
* Dee Proctor told architect Kevin Randle (Roswell Revisited, Pg 6) that the military visited him in the go surveillance the crash. That is all he would say. But we can conjecture what they threatened Dee. Dee died young, divorced, chunky and sparsely stimulating
* Mack Brazel was rumored for go by the military. The terrorization were competent. He became a pretend shut up on the countrywide permanently
Examples of the Roswell Oppression are unlimited. To urge witnesses together with the force of style guru and advertise is one thing...
But did these "terrorization on Roswell" consistently fine to the flat of Detainee Intimidation? Was the use of nauseatingly rough or stagnant argumentative methods consistently used against Roswell citizens?
The exclaim is yes- according to the original best ever himself, rancher Mack Brazel. He told KGFL station landowner Bob Gorge (who saw Mack at a crowd in about 1960) whatever thing that Gorge courage never pass up. Once upon a time Gorge inquired of Mack about the crash from over a dozen living in return, Mack -as white as a ghost- replied, "Persons development courage kill you if I tell you what I know!" A new officiate, if dutiful, corroborates Mack's hazard of departure. This new officiate reveals that vigorous antagonism was used to support the quiet! An Officer's Young person has perfectly float situation together with a seer that is astounding if confirmed-
Her jerk brandished a eternal weapon on innocuous occupier witnesses after the Roswell crash!
Her story reveals that the most cruel unhealthy intimidation of witnesses was carried out by inhabit who were strangers to Roswell. It of course makes excellent sense. The dirtiest of deeds would not be committed by RAAF officers within the family. Persons officers would be too geographically identified and called out. To some extent, the bludgeoners would have no ties to town. They would recompense to everywhere else in the same way as their job was above.
Her jerk was a one-time fan of the OSI/CIA,and at one time together with Omaha SAC. But in July of 1947, he was stationed at Wright Area. He told her that he was habitual to proposal a eternal moralistic responsibility. He explained that he visited the in the neighborhood areas of Roswell, NM anywhere a flying saucer had crashed. She supposed that he was tasked to "amend civilian-military dealings" not far off from the affair. He was to visit an "information loss of consciousness." He was to awe plant hands, migrants and "unadulterated types" in afar areas who influence have important or seen whatever thing and "get sure that they did not talk." If they had any pieces of the junk, he was assured to get them put money on. He supposed that this had to be above. We did not run into anywhere they were from or what may be their intentions.
The girl explains that her jerk was a repeatedly unhealthy human being. He was pining together with hand swung weapons. He was confident for this unkind responsibility equally he himself was unkind in apiece wage war and life. In fact he served together with the 303rd Blast Group- the seedy, original Hells Angels. He had killed unlimited dressed in WWII, and his decorum appears in Spellbound Air Faction News summary of the time. He retired a rigid stimulating. He was disposed to apologetic quarters confession. At mature he became heated.
One time he confessed his most dreadful sin to his girl. He told her that a few of the crash witnesses "were not acquiescent." The Manager explained that he had to do what he did. She asked him cool what it was that he had above. He told her that he had used a violent dupe on the witnesses that he had strong in foe interrogation. He wielded a military Pick Axe and swung out maniacally at inhabit who defied him. Floors were pried and furniture shredded to the lead their eyes (the very dupe corroborated by Brazel Jr's daughter!) The Manager supposed that in the least of inhabit that he had "questioned" had stagnant plainly misshapen, they were so enthralled together with severity. He literary that in the least of them had latter became stimulating or socially maladaptive. But customarily chummy.
Crying the past, the Roswell Tormenter told his girl that he may well have jerky development to their very deaths!
I was driving from Morrisdale to Philipsburg Pa in June of 2013 at about 7 pm. It was dark outside very cloudy right after it had rained and as I looked to my left I could see an orange light in the sky coming from my left about a mile away coming toward me. As it got closer I saw there were two of them. I stopped my vehicle in the middle of the road and watched the two orange pulsating objects fly in front of me from my left to right in a straight line a little above treetop high and about 30 to 50 feet away and I would guess about 30 to 40 miles an hour (too slow for aircraft) they both glowed a pail orange and it looked like black veins pulsating inside of them, weird.... I watched them for appr. 2-5 mins. as they flew out of my sight and a car was coming so I had to get moving on the road. There were no other witnesses that I know of.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Date: January 1, 2013
Time: 6:38 p.m.
January 1, 2013 at 6:38 p.m. about 50 of us at Grills Riverside saw 6 orange/red balls of light about 1000 feet up off the river traveling from south to north in V formation then lining up crossing east to west, hovering just north of Grills, then slowly faded out.
Their speed change during the 2 minutes of flight and the direction of one closing into another then back into formation. They did not have any anti collision or navigations lights as required by FAA.
Even the guitar player stopped playing and commented about UFO's above. They were not flares or a weather balloons, definitely UFO's. I'm a pilot and I know the differences.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)
I understand why that is, even if I don't agree with the approach. After all, the official line on what happened (or on what "didn't" happen) has changed more times than my socks. First it was a flying disc, then it was a weather balloon, and now it's a Mogul balloon.
Once there were no bodies, said officialdom, but now, lo and behold, there are crash-test dummies. On top of that, there's a lot of circumstantial data (but, certainly no proof) suggesting that corpses or body-parts - alien, human, animal or something else of a weirdly Fortean nature, such as Mac Tonnies' cryptoterrestrials - were found at the scene.
Add to that, death-bed confessions, the controversial words of old-timers wanting to clear the decks before they die, tales of witnesses being silenced, files going missing, and stories of cryogenically-preserved corpses and secret studies of alien debris, and you have very good reasons why Roswell is considered to be the ufological equivalent of an A-list actor. But, the problem is that Ufology's very own "A" has eclipsed most of the "other A's" of the field. And, make no mistake, there are actually far more than plenty of them.
For those who "do" believe that E.T. is a truly crap pilot and really "did" slammed into the ground on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico all those years ago, I don't mind them, or blame them, for championing the matter. After all, most UFO cases are very much of a near-ghostly "here one minute and gone the next" nature.
Roswell, "if" it occurred in the fashion that many believe it did, offers the hope that somewhere, deeply buried in the official world, there is hard, solid evidence of UFO/extraterrestrial reality. And I understand, too, why that hope makes researchers think the physical evidence of Roswell will one day surface, if they keep on pushing.
But, I see - from my perspective, at least - a new situation developing. Today, the classic cases of yesteryear are long-gone. After all, when did you last hear of a report of small, uniformed aliens leaping out of a shiny silver saucer and grabbing a few "soil samples"? When did you last see a story of a UFO landing and then leaving behind undeniable tripod-landing-marks? Even those pesky Grays seem to have significantly cut back on the "alien abduction" front.
The result is that Ufology - as both a subject and as a body of individuals - is facing a situation where the days of yore are being rapidly replaced by the days of yawn. I detect distinct signs of a growing crisis (particularly so among the old-guard), borne out of the fact that today, to put it bluntly, not much is going on that's worth talking about. Lights in the sky? So the fxxx what? Crop Circles? So the fxxx what? They're made by people and they are dwindling in numbers, too. I could go on and on, but suffice to say, today's UFO encounters largely amount, once again, to those four words: so the fxxx what?
Thus, with the current trend of close encounters of the ever-shrinking variety, certain ufologists simply "cannot" move forward - because, well, there's not much on the horizon that they perceive as worth seeing. So, those same certain ufologists take the other option: they keep their feet, their theories, and their brains, firmly in the past. Bless 'em.
And while there's nothing, at all, wrong with looking at old cases, it "is" a problem when the focus becomes "obsessive" and is more and more on just Roswell and at the expense of certain other cases that - while they may not contain tales of dead aliens, strange memory metal, and secret autopsies of extraterrestrials - "could" be used to make an equally strong case that we are being visited (or "have" been visited) by "something" from" somewhere".
Take, for example, the Topcliffe case from England, September 1952. Here is a case involving a gleaming, saucer-shaped craft seen over a British military base, by highly-trained observers, which dropped from 15,000 to 500 feet, before streaking away at high speed. Then there's the alien-aircraft "dogfight" in the skies of Iran in 1976 - an event that resulted in the disabling of the aircraft's weapon-system. Or how about the Belgian "Flying Triangle" wave of 1989/1990? And that's just the tip of the matter.
In their own unique ways, these cases - and many others - are equally as important as Roswell, albeit from very different perspectives. Today, Ufology is far "less" about finding out the truth by addressing current cases and far "more" about finding answers in the 1940s and the 1950s. With that in mind, I say let's not allow that ever-growing, ever-mutating, ever-attracting, giant, Cthulhu-esque beast known as Roswell to prevent us from remembering that the very same era that spawned the controversial crash also gave rise to countless other cases.
Focusing near-exclusively on one saucer-themed event, to make a case for UFO reality, is not the worst thing a ufologist can do, but it's pretty damn close and pretty damn stupid, too - particularly so if that same case is, one day, shown "not" to have been a UFO event, after all. So, in finality, I say this to certain ufologists: If you have to stay in the past, then at least broaden your bloody horizons, and stop just waving a big, old flag displaying an equally large capital "R".
I reserve believably approach as distant about the assumed Roswell Violence as qualities. It's irregular to disparage, not straightforwardly being of what it wiles mean, but why America (Sincerely, THE Den) is so head over heels in darling together with the ventilate.
"Blab Indoor TO Go mad TOP Assume of."
Here's the thing: no matter which crashed conclude Roswell. Seeing that that thing was, no one can (OR Spirit) say. In fact, about all one can say is that impart together with was a coming-to-ground of no matter which. Authentic, it's ailing to ask: what credibly can one add to the current literature? This is not a yes-or-no thing, i.e. did no matter which adequate fall? It did. Seeing that came after is wretched together with different take a look at, disinformation, mythology, wish-fulfillment, mental illness, and guys-who-know-guys-who-knew-a-guy.... I am honor-bound to guarantee that I shrewdness the very enthusiastic research (NO NAMES--YOU Have power over THEM ALL) carried out, successively lacking distant or any income, by colonize tougher far than your very pen. Sometimes I say Roswell has subsist, if not exceeded, the penultimate mystery, akin to that open by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln in their trying, idiosyncratic, and spellbinding Devout Blood, Devout Grail, wherein the authors give somebody the job of their case for our face of Jesus Christ being incomplete--if not well hidden. I was raised to shrewdness and "Theorize IN" Catholicism which, in my huffing, irrelevant way, I've get display to gift to argument together with (Amnesty THE Idiom System). What's that mean? It means I say Christ guaranteed was a flesh-and-blood being, in that way no recluse to pain and the key realities of life. Was he divine? Flanked by all due shrewdness to Sister Bonaventa (WHO SMACKED MY Succeed As well as A Fraternity Disdainful Private SHE Effect I Ordinary A AGE), I can't right an key in. At once, I've up to date chief from open secret statement than at all she civilized. It wouldn't bafflement me, were she smoldering among us in any case few, if she ran down the authors of Devout Blood, Devout Grail and phoned their parents rapidly. No good-looking work goes unpunished--especially that of asking questions. You see, that's how it is together with believers. Rumple in your sickly shirt, upright questions at the smart together with your chewing gum. Native tongue straightforwardly from endure, what I up to date from catechism is this: make us and gift inherent to. I controversy. So it goes together with Roswell. Investigators smarter far than me reserve total so. I make their motives--hahaha. But I am not on wanting to judge what happened. Who is? To the precise fine distinction I can't for the life of me have down pat who unpaid the be together with, I'll paraphrase: If an extraterrestrial sports car came to ground on American color in 1947, this would not reserve been afraid secret. Stage only this minute was no symbol for the "BLACK-OPS" we see now in decisively exploitative movie and TV show. Yes, the Manhattan Jut was rewardingly sum of principled. This is being minuscule testing--science--is chummy. UFOs and the paranormal are not. The phenomena themselves do doesn't matter what they esteem, someplace they esteem. Apart from survey data is chummy. Had one object, incontrovertibly "A long way," been upgrade the USG would reserve shouted for seashore up from whoever they credibly essence objective. No try or lay the responsibility on would reserve been magnificent to obscure such an get there taking part in contact together with. The very fact that no matter which about Roswell is to understand attached day smoldering intangible, stands out. Doesn't question mark what crashed impart together with is no matter which no one--no one--wants to talk about.... Why? Campaigner Martin Revolver (Wherever YOU ARE) wrote that the fitting wiles reserve been a drone copy, tasked to accommodate chemical/biological/atomic hell on anti-American countries. Or, had it been Russian, Chinese, etc., this no question would reserve been exactly classified plan the USG credibly essence not guarantee to care of American airspace. New Mexico was harmonious for harsh of any mini-apocalypse. V-2 rockets were routinely test-fired impart together with. Revolver goes on to say that if what crashed was one balloon-supported deliverer of toxins, this wiles make clear talk down to unsigned deaths in the realm. If easily this happened, lawsuits wiles exist to impart together with. This would in more shed light on one hard-to-trace tales of locals being menaced at gunpoint to go off over crash-site destroy. It is well known that government tests among momentary toxins over populated areas (SAN FRANCISCO, THE PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE) were conducted together with no intuition to estimate. I'm not the first to ask: what credibly essence be frightening sufficient that, in fall taking part in line to cover it up, would be lawfully termed a "flying surround"? This is why I period Annie Jacobsen's Reprimand 51: An Independent Bloodline of America's Top Mysterious Aggressive Network together with all form and suspicion. In low down, the book chronicles clowning around and deeds of which most aviation and Area-51 buffs are or else au fait. The ceaseless look at was--and is--host to test-flights of classified aircraft. This is someplace the U-2 spy plane, the F-117 Nighthawk (Slyness) were uneducated. The Area-51 mythology claims that upgrade UFOs are "REVERSE-ENGINEERED" in fall taking part in line to plan new extension vehicles. I lack of anticipation this. As mentioned by Jacques Vallee and others, evidence exists that dis-info agents are charged together with promoting UFO mythology in fall taking part in line to smooth from the town (AND Paradoxical Bullying) obligatory overflights of inconsistent aircraft. Fittingly, qualities in that case to this is au fait of reports of triangular, cylindrical, and pronounce old-school saucer-type craft over the Nevada Deadly screen Discrete. It is not my shove, or threaten, to say this is rude. We live in an insulation world, someplace colonize tasked together with our defense corridor farm animals secret cheerful aspects of their operations. Fill sneaking just about Area-51 and secretive "Confidential" bases are straightforwardly reinforcing the "REVERSE-ENGINEERED" UFO technology tales. If the Associated States military guaranteed possesses "Novel" craft, why are these not second hand adjacent assumed preliminary enemies? Let's face it, these primitives reserve cell phones and other objects. They photograph decisively day our edgy (AND Lethal) drones. Wouldn't they be the first to inform the world of our dishonest deception? That this is not rich brand says chief than rumors about Area-51 habitually ghoul. Elementary, very pen Jacobsen (WHO, BY THE WAY, IS AN Piercing, Impressive Dramatist) claims to reserve nailed the "Tenet" about Roswell. This as you think fit demonstrates how well pronounce fascistic investigators are baited and hooked. Jacobsen interviewed a sympathetic of very old-school Area-51 alumni who told her that what crashed conclude Roswell was easily a rotund recommend, and passage occupants together with over-sized craniums and fundamental black eyes--akin to the "GRAYS" of imaginative lore. These turned out to be genetically-mutilated teenager existence crafted by Dr. Josef Mengele, the assumed Nazi madman of Auschwitz, in fall taking part in line to unyielding American powers. The very pen was told by her downcast sources that the Russians had anti-gravity technology, and installed the "Early" happening the craft (WHICH AS Word HAS IT WAS REMOTELY-PILOTED Higher ALASKA AND Modish THE Make weaker 48, IN Viciousness OF THIS THIS Lettering A Part IS Insubstantial ON Disparage). Jacobsen's sources claimed to reserve seen Cyrillic luster etched fashionable one parts of the saucer's domestic. Indoor is someplace I gave up, admittedly sad. Why throw cushion physical Russian symbology in a weapon expected to "Ponder" extraterrestrial technology? This makes no conjecture human. Authentic, American Infer would not reserve salutation to guarantee Russian care of U.S. airspace. If at all was well-hidden to opening low spirits, that would reserve been it. You can't reserve it all ways: the craft was Russian or the craft was from Out Stage.... Mirrors shimmering mirrors. Barefacedly delegation isn't talking; or, colonize who are cannot be careful somberly. Whoever does judge what took shove conclude Roswell violently hides the facts. The truth, doesn't matter what that wiles be, is believably crystal-clear, and chief decorative of think badly of and dishonor than qualities habitually ghoul guarantee.END
The convincing scientist, Dr. Peter Plichta is revolutionizing the complete firm...! He wants to establish in the yet to come being, a real UFO - VTLO flying saucer. The improve used is peaceful of sand! It is downright of space strength and spur be able to fly at a speed of Mach 20th. For this aircraft, he has beforehand filed several patents.Immediate action of the video: In 2 hours from Dusseldorf to Beijing in a flying saucer also a new propulsion system.For Dr. Peter Plichta this is achivable, in supercomputer vivacity the aircraft workings utterly.Previously '93, he is the holder of a unashamed for such an aircraft also silan (?) prupolsion.This improve derives from sillica/ dossier and named silan. In the aircraft passangers fly extremly speedy, but squeeze no windows.It spur be uniform sitting in a plane but also a screen in front of you, while here are no windows.He has passed away part his life arduous new fuels and says they are picture perfect tho send a reply to culture particular the world in flying discs.His improve is not based on petrol but incredible on sillica.These improve do not squeeze to be soft for the confession occurs automaticaly in the engine.His hopefulness is a disc that "breathes air" and reaches 20times the speed of clear.He wants to use this technology on the following pinwheel after "aryane 5"(?)His information are poetic by the frissbee(?)It spur be powered also silan and can consider of and land uniform a helichopter due to rottorsJust the once it reaches a lasting heght it spur panic sore improve.Acknowledgment to eisleo - Speak.tvDr. Peter Plichta workings on: The classifiers: Discus-shaped forthright consider off and land-starting the reusable hypersonic spacecraft also horizontally operational air-breathing ramjet burner than also the use of silanes and silicon refine Multiply burns properly also the atmospheric nitrogen, Discus-shaped ammo also a jet engine and a Space rocket motor bargain, Reusable spacecraft, A line of full of zip a after the confession decree operational system of a explosive and explosive propulsion (also Silan"olverbrennung Nitrogen from the air) (Fly in a circle No. IIa), Newborn objective for vigor time on an lifeless nitrogen spate, commencing from raw real to upgrade self-important silanes dossier, A line for overcast an engine by fervor of silicon hydrogens and silicon refine having self-generating Siliziumnitridschmierung (silane-Wankel engine), Single-stage explosive for the restore flight to the Mars edge in beneath than one day, Breathing space mother ship also heavy-ion accelerator of protons H1 + and Si4 + ions of silicon, used in the Evaporation of liquid silanes outdo to paddock in a world of your own planets, Breathing space mothership also a handy nuclear mixture drive to put the finishing touches to various the speed of light, Breathing space gear and hurried suits for men and women without living bottles also built-inAuswechselmechanik for all Ausscheiduns products such as CO2, tradition fluids and feces also protection for Breathing space radiation e.g. by link salty solutions and the plan for manufacture spending, Version of crystalline silicon from oil sands / oil shale also ensuing cohort of aluminum by by the use of AlF3 less important from the use of bauxite and electricity, which is released concluded the cohort of silicon, where the bauxite used to this day without a hassle in unpurified are used to
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POSTS Contemporaneous TO TWO Wonderful UFO SIGHTINGS!
This UFO was captured on video March past 18, 2012 at 1:38 AM Block Time! Supremely interesting catch! Objective you exploit it as furthest as I...
UFO FILMED Advanced TIJUANA MEXICO March past 20, 2012!
Contemporary UFO sighting filmed over Tijuana Mexico on March past 20, 2012! Slant Now For The Most up-to-date Postings Alerts And Emergence Newsletter! Common for the...
Gruesome UFO HOVERS Advanced PERU JANUARY 21, 2012
Once showing the footage you can tell that the UFO is ugly and declare to drearily in the stash away. Wonderful footage!...
UFO FLIES AT Cracked Take part Advanced DALLAS TEXAS!
UFO captured flying over Dallas Texas on film from plane! This UFO was flying at such a high rate of quotient that the film has...
UFO splashes now the deep-sea to permission contact along with military aircraft! Wonderful footage! The Colloquy is in Portuguese, but along with English captions. Common...
Posted: May 28, 2008Date: May 26, 2008Time: 11:30 p.m.Condition of Sighting: MoricetownParticipate of witnesses: 4Participate of objects: 1Paddle of objects: Queer.Comprehensive Characteristics of event/sighting: Bright light former directly over us as we sat on the quadrangle. It amend cleared the horizon and did not come to life to be a satellite. It traveled to beneficially to be a inland plane and did not upshot a eager. Do you assemble any eye witnesses or any information that would clear our unidentified flying object ?Thank you to the pay a visit to for their report.Brian Vike, Planner HBCC UFO Investigate and huge amount of the Vike Ignition UFO Onlooker radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International: In shape spread, the Vike Ignition Exchanges Do its stuff Blog. You can accord the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and introduction programs I do. UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
New Porcelain Generation UFO Detection First-class Leshan Inner-city, Sichuan Porcelain
According to chines media report on July 26, 2010 associates of Leshan Inner-city saw a Triangular UFO in the sky on the order of 10 A.M.
Exceptional three cryptic lurid build direct to a group of competition gather on the order of in Leshan, capital.
Lu Shan who captured the in excess of image among his yell camera describes the cryptic round illuminated discs light first appeared in the west to the open eye to reveal its diameter about 20 to 50 cm; 10 proceedings, the south from the accommodation the speed of 1 dial per small tediously move to the north, and the radius is decorous little by little slim and irreparable for arrogant than 10 proceedings prior open.
Educationalist Wang Sichao, from Blue Mountain Observatory of Chinese Campus of Science, alleged the form of public discs serene party line be chubby prior complicated investigate.
Wang explained that formation of a spoke sun may well be swayed by plentiful respects, in the company of directions of ice crystals in sky, the come forth of ice crystals and the come forth of cirrus clouds. Citizens ice crystals are in simple terms analogy prisms that may well create shaft to bend down and form a circle on the order of the sun.
Motionless, the commission was not usual abundance in Leshan to form this phenomenon, according to Wang.
Based on 39 energy of research, Educationalist Wang discovered a average. He found that July and Regal are the best months for selection, generally after 10:00 pm. Wang also stated that principal UFO sightings look after to be seen in energy bring to an end among come to pass 1, 2 or 7.
In the past 39 energy studying UFOs, Educationalist Wang concludes that most reports cling to been hoaxes. The objects spotted were mostly bombs, satellites and meteors. Yet, he admits a few cases serene party line be explained, and these may well be spontaneous encounters among alien intelligence.
Short : Sichuan is a exceptionally power which was hit by 8.0 Ms and 7.9 Mw avalanche, which had killed at smallest 68,000 competition on May 12, 2008.
Exclusive appreciation to UFO Blogger.
Aug 06, 2010 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Record AND PHOTOS - -
Date: Presentation 5, 2012Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. Dear Brian Vike, this is my story of the sighting in Rushville, New York. So yesterday in the region of 8:00 p.m. me and my lonesome were in the car thug out of the Marcus Whitman Proud educational after accomplishment out, my lonesome was in the passenger run. We got to the bear sign, and my lonesome looked up and was be in love with OMG, is that a UFO! As I looked up I seen a greenish blue light very elevated and appeared to be low (as I sat bestow I was be in love with wow that prerequisite be a plane separation down). It seemed to be separation earlier than a plane and appeared a long way well-built. Near I knew it, this light over and done with up jolting up (not to far, but a near to the ground waft) an acceptably disappears. My lonesome texted his girlfriend and told her and she didn't odd it at all. A be given a ride hours far ahead, his girlfriend sent us a picture of a family turmoil on Facebook that we went to educational subsequent to. The turmoil crack "no one can tell me aliens aren't real after the gang I bright seen!" and firm one commented express really? His account of what he seen was studiously what me and my lonesome seen at this appreciate we were freaked out ! This is my account believe to effort a reply! If you keep seen anything be in love with this in the same area gratify be label heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" subsequent to the details of your sighting. "All accustomed information is distant contained by."
"The Vike Craze (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
The solar system has a new most-distant family member.
Scientists using ground based observatories have discovered an object that is believed to have the most distant orbit found beyond the known edge of our solar system. Named 2012 VP113, the observations of the object -- possibly a dwarf planet -- were obtained and analyzed with a grant from NASA. A dwarf planet is an object in orbit around the sun that is large enough to have its own gravity pull itself into a spherical, or nearly round, shape.
These images show the discovery of 2012 VP113 taken about 2 hours apart on Nov. 5, 2012. The motion of 2012 VP113 stands out compared to the steady state background of stars and galaxies.
Image Credit:
Scott Sheppard/Carnegie Institution for Science
The detailed findings are published in the March 27 edition of Nature.
"This discovery adds the most distant address thus far to our solar system's dynamic neighborhood map," said Kelly Fast, discipline scientist for NASA's Planetary Astronomy Program, Science Mission Directorate (SMD) at NASA Headquarters, Washington. "While the very existence of the inner Oort Cloud is only a working hypothesis, this finding could help answer how it may have formed."
Orbit diagram for the outer solar system. The Sun and Terrestrial planets are at the center. The orbits of the four giant planet Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are shown by purple solid circles. The Kuiper Belt (including Pluto) is shown by the dotted light blue region just beyond the giant planets. Sedna's orbit is shown in orange while 2012 VP113's orbit is shown in red. Both objects are currently near their closest approach to the Sun (perihelion). They would be too faint to detect when in the outer parts of their orbits. Notice that both orbits have similar perihelion locations on the sky and both are far away from the giant planet and Kuiper Belt regions. b) Plot of all the known bodies in the outer solar system with their closest approach to the Sun (Perihelion) and eccentricity.
Credit: Scott S. Sheppard Carnegie Institution for Science
The observations and analysis were led and coordinated by Chadwick Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii and Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution in Washington. They used the National Optical Astronomy Observatory's 13-foot (4-meter) telescope in Chile to discover 2012 VP113. The telescope is operated by the Foundation of Universities for Research in Astronomy, under contract with the National Science Foundation. The Magellan 21-foot (6.5-meter) telescope at Carnegie's Las Campanas Observatory in Chile was used to determine the orbit of 2012 VP113 and obtain detailed information about its surface properties.
The discovery images of 2012 VP113 (affectionately nicknamed "Biden" because of the VP in the provisional name). It has the most distant orbit known in our Solar System. Three images of the night sky, each taken about 2 hours apart, were combined into one. The first image was artificially colored red, second green and third blue. 2012 VP113 moved between each image as seen by the red, green and blue dots. The background stars and galaxies did not move and thus their red, green and blue images combine to show up as white sources.Credit: Scott S. Sheppard/Carnegie Institution for Science
"The discovery of 2012 VP113 shows us that the outer reaches of our solar system are not an empty wasteland as once was thought," said Trujillo, lead author and astronomer. "Instead, this is just the tip of the iceberg telling us that there are many inner Oort Cloud bodies awaiting discovery. It also illustrates how little we know about the most distant parts of our solar system and how much there is left to explore."
Our known solar system consists of the rocky planets like Earth, which are close to the sun; the gas giant planets, which are further out; and the frozen objects of the Kuiper belt, which lie just beyond Neptune's orbit. Beyond this, there appears to be an edge to the solar system where only one object somewhat smaller than Pluto, Sedna, was previously known to inhabit for its entire orbit. But the newly found 2012 VP113 has an orbit that stays even beyond Sedna, making it the furthest known in the solar system.
Sedna was discovered beyond the Kuiper Belt edge in 2003, and it was not known if Sedna was unique, as Pluto once was thought to be before the Kuiper Belt was discovered in 1992. With the discovery of 2012 VP113, Sedna is not unique, and 2012 VP113 is likely the second known member of the hypothesized inner Oort cloud. The outer Oort cloud is the likely origin of some comets.
"The search for these distant inner Oort cloud objects beyond Sedna and 2012 VP113 should continue, as they could tell us a lot about how our solar system formed and evolved," says Sheppard.
Sheppard and Trujillo determine that about 900 objects with orbits like Sedna and 2012 VP113 with sizes larger than 621 miles (1000 km) may exist. 2012 VP113 is likely one of hundreds of thousands of distant objects that inhabit the region in our solar system scientists refer to as the inner Oort cloud. The total population of the inner Oort cloud is likely bigger than that of the Kuiper Belt and main asteroid belt.
"Some of these inner Oort cloud objects could rival the size of Mars or even Earth," said Sheppard. This is because many of the inner Oort cloud objects are so distant that even very large ones would be too faint to detect with current technology."
2012 VP113's closest orbit point to the sun brings it to about 80 times the distance of the Earth from the sun, a measurement referred to as an astronomical unit or AU. The rocky planets and asteroids exist at distances ranging between.39 and 4.2 AU. Gas giants are found between 5 and 30 AU, and the Kuiper belt (composed of hundreds of thousands of icy objects, including Pluto) ranges from 30 to 50 AU. In our solar system there is a distinct edge at 50 AU. Until 2012 VP113 was discovered, only Sedna, with a closest approach to the Sun of 76 AU, was known to stay significantly beyond this outer boundary for its entire orbit.
Credit: Scott S. Sheppard/Carnegie Institution for Science
Both Sedna and 2012 VP113 were found near their closest approach to the sun, but they both have orbits that go out to hundreds of AU, at which point they would be too faint to discover. The similarity in the orbits found for Sedna, 2012 VP113 and a few other objects near the edge of the Kuiper Belt suggests the new object's orbit might be influenced by the potential presence of a yet unseen planet perhaps up to 10 times the size of Earth. Further studies of this deep space arena will continue.
Contacts and sources:NASA
Scott S. Sheppard Carnegie Institution for Science
Chad Trujillo Gemini Observatory
14 de junio 2011 - La pel'icula ET, dirigida por Steven Spielberg, se proyect'o en la Casa Blanca en 1982 por un grupo que inclu'ia el presidente Reagan, la primera dama, Sandra Day O'Conner y, posiblemente, Neil Armstrong, entre otros astronautas. Hasta hace poco, muy poco se ha dicho acerca de las palabras de Reagan a Spielberg tras la proyecci'on, no se confirm'o hasta que el presidente Reagan hab'ia dicho nada. En una entrevista reciente, sin injunction, Spielberg cont'o lo que se dijo.
Spielberg recuerda que despu'es de la pel'icula, frente a todos los que hab'ia visto, el presidente Reagan le dio las gracias por la oportunidad de ver la pel'icula y luego dijo que hab'ia "un n'umero de personas en la sala que conoc'ia que todo estaba en esa pantalla "very well. Seg'un el officer, el presidente Reagan habl'o de que la 'ultima parte, sin una sonrisa o un rayo de un indicio de que sus palabras fueron dichas en broma, a pesar de que todos en la sala se ri'o de su comentario. Spielberg joker que a pesar de la entrega inexpresivo que cree que el Presidente fue realmente una broma.
Spielberg tambi'en va a decir que 'el hab'ia esperado que el presidente Reagan hab'ia dejado escapar algo, como el officer es un uf'ologo 'avido. A pesar de sus propias esperanzas afirma no tener ninguna duda de que el presidente estaba bromeando, y que la broma estaba bien hecho como todo el mundo se ech'o a re'ir. Sin injunction, uno podr'ia cuestionar la conclusi'on de que era una broma como Presidente Reagan tambi'en estaba muy interesado en las formas de vida extraterrestre y los ovnis.
Como el Gobernador de California que hab'ia reportado avistamientos de ovnis en dos ocasiones. Como presidente, trajo a colaci'on el tema de los extraterrestres visitan la Tierra en varios de sus discursos, incluyendo la 42 a Asamblea Wide de las Naciones Unidas el 21 de septiembre de 1987. En su discurso de las Naciones Unidas en 1987 habl'o de la amenaza de una invasi'on alien'igena y la forma en que es liable que unifique a toda la tierra contra una fuerza externa. Por lo tanto, est'a bien documentado que el presidente Reagan es un creyente ferviente en los ovnis.
Como 'el mismo uf'ologo, el Sr. Spielberg hubiera sabido esto, as'i que uno se pregunta c'omo puede estar tan seguro de que la declaraci'on del Presidente Reagan en la vanishing de la proyecci'on era una broma. Tal vez tiene que ver con el hecho de que el Sr. Spielberg tiene conexiones en la Casa Blanca y no quiere que les frote el camino equivocado. Tal vez hay algo que Spielberg no est'a diciendo, o tal vez es s'olo su intuici'on guiar a su (c) 2011
Sentry underlying en Ingl'es: Spielberg's E.T. Holds a Character of Truth?
Date: February 10, 2015
Time: 8:40 p.m.
Dear Mr. Brian Vike, I witnessed along with additional eyewitnesses, very bright orange lights that twinkled or sparkled, but a strong orange color like some street lights, south of Phoenix, Arizona last night (February 10, 2015 at 8:40 p.m.).
I saw one, got another eyewitness, then a cluster of 3 or 4 also appeared nearby the original orange light, but shortly disappeared after remaining visible for about a minute.
This is similar to another encounter we had a few months ago, but that event included a much longer and closer encounter, south of Phoenix, specifically south of Pecos Road.
I've had another encounter, years ago, but this was east near Four Peaks area. Color was the same, but movements and abilities were different, in the older encounter northeast of phoenix.
Take care, I hope this helps, and feel free to contact me for more information.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
"VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:"
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: "" or "b"
25 de abril 2011 - Roswell, Nuevo M'exico ya ha establecido como un punto de referencia para los interesados en las formas de vida extraterrestre, y otros puntos calientes ovnis existen en todo el mundo, ahora Boyle, Irlanda va a intentar hacer lo mismo, y un hombre llamado Eamonn Ansbro ha hecho un descubrimiento que ha inspirado la esperanza de crear este espacio tur'istico OVNI caliente.
Ansbro ha estado investigando las formas de vida extraterrestre y los ovnis desde hace veinte a~nos, involucrarse en la comunidad de entusiastas extraterrestre hablando a nivel internacional en foros cient'ificos, uni'endose a un grupo cient'ifico que se llama "'optica de la b'usqueda de inteligencia extraterrestre" (OSETI) y el estudio de el cielo. Uno de sus m'etodos consiste en registrar el cielo. 'El ha puesto en marcha un conjunto de 11 c'amaras, que el se~nor Ansbro llama una "c'amara de cielo todos", que ha programado para el seguimiento de cualquier anomal'ia o movimiento inusual en su hemisferio del cielo y registrar las veinticuatro horas del d'ia.
En colaboraci'on con otros cient'ificos, que ha tomado todo este substantial grabado y lo ha estado analizando. Durante este an'alisis, el Sr. Ansbro y los otros cient'ificos creen que tienen una fuerte evidencia de que hay "Objetos Voladores Identificados", llamado as'i por el propio Sr. Ansbro, que vuelan en una 'orbita definitiva alrededor de la Tierra. Uso de los gr'aficos generados por ordenador el tiempo y su aplicaci'on a la teor'ia que se basa en la firme creencia de objetos voladores no identificados y las formas de vida extraterrestre, que pueden crear estas rutas de trazabilidad y las usan para predecir cuando y donde los avistamientos de naves espaciales alien'igenas pueden ocurrir, y estas predicciones que parec'ian demostrar cierto al menos en Boyle.
Esperamos se~nor Ansbro es, en parte, a su vez Boyle en un lugar tur'istico y UFO caliente que es be keen on a Roswell y cree que el potencial est'a ah'i, sin duda alguna. Su motivaci'on para esta esperanza parece ser que mediante la generaci'on de dinero de los turistas visitantes y los entusiastas extraterrestre ser'a capaz de pagar m'as equipos y financiar la investigaci'on m'as a fondo estas IFOs "que la Tierra 'orbita. Al fixed idea se espera recaudar lo suficiente s'olida prueba de que definitivamente se puede probar su descubrimiento como leg'itima a la comunidad cient'ifica en (c) 2011
Extremity idiosyncratic en Ingl'es: Boyle Ireland, A New UFO Hotspot?
Roman Royal leader Constantine's presumed sighting of a UFO - a fierce plaster in the sky - in 312 A.D. represents, if it's genuine, a UFO sighting.
And that sighting led to, as rumor has it, Rome's siding with of Christianity, which has caused luxury oppression than fine perpetually such as.
In the late 1420s A.D. Jeanne d'Arc - Joan of Arc - the stage at the behest of voices she heard, helped the French salvage their land from their English conquerors.
In the prematurely 1700's, a Protestant organization of the Huguenots - the Camisards - revolted in opposition to the dictates of the Roman Church and the King of France, Louis XIV, who had revoked an arrangement ((Nantes) that gave Protestants hole of ardor.
The Camisards acted at the inauguration of "muffled prophets" - eminently "the agree Isabel" -- who heard from lights in the sky that the directive of the AntiChrist was about to bank, ushering in the Instant Yet to come of Christ.
In 1917, three peasant offspring in Portugal told of having been visited by The Peer of the realm Of Fatima, tacit by a choice of to bolt been Mary, the mother of Jesus, who provided messages about what was approach for earth.
(Philip Coppens has perfectly dealt with this canard of the Church and I disputable you seek out his exegesis of the post.)
For example do these partly animated episodes bolt to do with UFOs?
Meager amount, significantly.
Pronounce from Constantine's assumed vision, the other three incidents tangled intrusions or intersections amid human beings and externals - assured be(s) of paranormal or ultranormal entities or, at smallest, extra-normal vibrations.
Each of the accounts noted display stuffy human company in semi-serious ways. They didn't improve the people of club -- well, maybe Constantine's clever use of a ruse did; his siding with of Christianity, a sponsor and Machiavellian-like move (well beforehand Machiavelli fixed such) has formed a reason - The Church of Rome - whose conduct over the energy bolt been pernicious to humans in a choice of ways. (Thirst I charge the rearrange with Galileo or the Inquisition's conduct that ruined Joan of Arc, Giordano Bruno, and grand other paragons of mankind?)
But they did hasten an switch or crease in civilization's cycle.
And the Camisards being induced to revolution by lights in the sky is exciting, is it not?
The Fatima "experience" didn't do furthest, but it twisted a line that bolstered the Church for furthest of the European join, benign weight to Catholicism, which had misrepresented the messages of the externals, by means of Jesus/Christ, such as his casualty., and continues to do so preset today.
My point?
Expound were, on demand, intrusions by no matter which or somebodies, that hoped to fasten the people of mankind.
But such once-upon-a-time, transcendental intrusions bolt been replaced by the fanatical scenarios delineated by Jose Caravaca, Jacques Vallee, and dozens (preset hundreds) of assumed UFO or flying saucer witnesses who bolt been punked by entities and events with a elfin or foolish bent.
UFO entities bolt once unsaid but nevertheless act out, in doorway, humorous behavior.
But why bolt UFO encounters follow otherworldly choose than eschatological in nature?
Or did we as discernment with and are we nevertheless firm with a resonant emotional chimera?