Sighting 1 - 11/3/13 between 6:15 - 6:30pm EST. I first noticed an extremely bright white light over the Dayton Mall area while driving home. Once I arrived, I got out the binoculars and observed this was no airplane or helicoptor. It was quite large and changed shape. It changed between a mushroom shape and a circular shape with a definitive pattern inside. The pattern had a large circle in the middle with smaller circles radiating out like spokes on a wheel. There was no sound heard. Sighting 2 - 11/5/13 between 6:15 - 6:30pm EST. I was outside seeing my wife off to work and then moving my car into the driveway,when there it was again. An extremely bright white light in the same vicinity. I got out the binoculars again and saw the samething. This time I got the camera. It is a Nikon Cool pix with a 15x wide optical zoom. What I saw through the camera was completely different to what I saw with the binocs. It looked like two soup laddles tied togther, kind of like the shape of an 8 and it was slowly tumbling end over end. The pics however came out like squiggly lines. It moved away in a SW direction. No sound heard.
Credit: MUFON
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