Stan Friedman In Alien Worlds

Stan Friedman In Alien Worlds
Interview with Stanton Friedman in Stuart Miller's Alien Worlds. Here's an little bit from Miller's blog; for the full interview, order the magazine, details on Miller's blog.In talking about Bill Nye, "the science guy" here's what Friedman had to say:(Miller) Isn't he a children's TV scientist?(Friedman)Yes. He did a lot of that. I was looking on Amazon and I couldn't find any books by him on UFOs, of course, because that would take some work, just as Shostak hasn't written one, nor has Shermer. It takes work and you've got to look at some evidence and these guys don't want to bother with that. Whenever I meet them, I always look forward to a nasty, noisy, negative bashing going on. I've lost my patience with these guys a long time ago to tell you the truth. I did an interview yesterday with a guy I've known for forty years and he was a little surprised about how strong I came on in the new book about the SETI guys and astronomers in general and mostly in particular.But I'm at an age in my life when I feel no need to be kind. I'm not looking for jobs from any of these people and I've got to tell it as it is. This shocks some people and that's too bad. But I give specifics when I blast these guys.I love it!Good point: that none of these guys have written a book on UFOs, not Nye, not Shermer, not Shostak. Yet they come on and talk about UFOs as if they know what they're talking about, which they don't. We need researchers like Stanton for so many reasons, one being, we need to be reminded of how very simple it all is, really, on some levels. There is evidence --mountains of it. There is an active disinfo machine out there; witness the antics of SETI, Shostak, Shermer, Ny, McGaha, and so on. Their persistent, stubborn and often dishonest blatherings about UFOs goes beyond simple skepticism. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with honest inquiry. A true scientist mind set looks at these things in an open, curious, honest way. They don't perform the convoluted tricks we're witness to on programs like Larry King to deny and debunk something that's been going on right in front of us for thousands of years.



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