I thought that I would give you an opinion of Exopolitician Ed Komarek on the issue of colonization of Earth by alien beings.
by Ed Komarek
Posted: 12:15 April 9, 2008
Those of us involved in the emerging field of exopolitics attempt to make sense out of the huge body of evidence available to us involving extraterrestrial reality. I believe the stakes are very high for all of humanity that we collectively understand our situation relative to UFO/ET reality. Developing this situational awareness involves understanding the real reasons for 60 year old UFO/ET cover up even while we struggle to end it.
The pattern I see emerging which I think is reasonably accurate is that we can define two categories of extraterrestrials, colonizers and liberators, interacting with humanity that are the most important for us to understand. I have written previously that there are two very basic evolutionary strategies in nature competition and cooperation, and because we are part of nature our society is driven by these evolutionary forces.Just as with the laws of physics I see no reason why these evolutionary laws do not apply to the whole of the universe. This logic is confirmed by the facts available to me involving extraterrestrial reality. Of course this is not a new idea but one that runs though religious texts from around the world.What the religious texts seem to indicate is that there has been a longstanding attempt by less ethical predatory colonizing extraterrestrials to take over this planet that are being resisted and thwarted by more ethical cooperative extraterrestrial races. All I am trying to do is bring the public up to speed on modern developments in what seems to be an end game scenario resulting in extraterrestrial colonization if we don't get smart fast.
Those that demand absolute proof and are waiting for our government to announce the truth that extraterrestrials exist should think long and hard about what I now have to say. What are you going to do, where will you stand, should the President of the United States or the head of the UN make the following speech.
"Ladies and gentlemen I have something of great importance to relate to the whole of humanity. We are not alone in the universe. Over the past sixty years governments have been covertly investigating alien activity on and about our planet and have developed secret contact with several extraterrestrial races. I would like to relate to you that we have formed alliances with some of these races which we feel are necessary for national and global security in a universe that is both full of promise and great danger.
The leaders of all nations have decided that these alliances are essential for human survival even if though some may question the effect of these alliances on civil liberties and global sovereignty. In order to mitigate any possible societal shock and disruption world leaders have decided to declare a temporary worldwide state of emergency. People should not be distressed at the temporary institution of martial law and suspension of civil liberties as these are necessary steps to ensure order in time of crisis."
The President or UN leader might go on to say, "The public should be aware that there are other extraterrestrial races that have failed to contact and collaborate with world governments. We have not always been successful in keeping these other races out of our airspace and off the planet. Citizens should not have contact with these races that may appear friendly but in fact could be dangerous. These uncooperative races are considered a very serious national security threat and any attempts by citizens to contact or interact with them will simply not be allowed."
"Some misguided individuals harboring false ideas of freedom and liberty will try to contact these subversive infiltrating races but if they do they will be severely punished. We regret that we will have to take such actions but it is necessary for the security of our nation. We in authority are completely on top of things and because we have a better overall understanding of the situation, citizens should and must allow us to do our job and trust our judgment. We are counting on all patriotic Americans to report any citizens having extraterrestrial contact on their own and without government permission to the authorities."
I believe such a scenario would be a recipe for open civil war between autocrats and democrats worldwide. If this scenario came to pass will those of you that have blindly believed in your government and demanded absolute proof of extraterrestrial life now just as blindly support colonization and martial law? If we have to fight a revolutionary war all over again where will you stand?
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