The Daily Gleaner
Fredericton ufologist Stanton Friedman has been inducted into the Roswell UFO Hall of Fame.
Friedman was appointed to the hall of fame at a ceremony in Roswell, New Mexico, recently during the annual Roswell UFO Festival.
"I feel very good," said Friedman in an interview Wednesday. "I am the original civilian investigator of the Roswell incident.
"I started the ufological world on the Roswell train, if you will."
Roswell is the site of the alleged but famous flying saucer crash in 1947. Some believe the United States government recovered dead aliens, alien technology and covered it up.
The official explanation of the incident is that it was a top secret, high altitude surveillance balloon that crashed.
Friedman, 75, became famous in UFO circles in 1978 when he interviewed the late major Jesse Marcel who was involved in the recovery of debris from the incident in 1947.
Marcel said he thought there was a military coverup of a crash of an alien spacecraft.
At the time of the alleged crash, the Roswell military air base was home to the only nuclear bombing squadron in the world.
"I was the first one to talk to Jesse," said Friedman.
Marcel was inducted into the Roswell UFO Hall of Fame in 2009, the year the hall of fame was created.
"I have been delighted to be able to go back there many, many times, especially for the festival," said Friedman. "I like Roswell. They like me.
"I gave three lectures at the museum when I was down there over the July 4 weekend and was on a panel."
He said there were great crowds at the annual festival.
Friedman said he was presented with his hall of fame trophy by Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr., son of the late military officer.
According to Friedman, Marcel Jr. briefly handled some of the alleged spacecraft debris brought home by his father in 1947.
Friedman, a former nuclear scientist, said the hall of fame is a means of giving recognition to people who have contributed in some way to spreading the story of Roswell.
"There will be others who will be honoured for standing up and being counted.'
Friedman said the best proof that aliens are visiting Earth isn't a new video of an object in the sky but the many large-scale scientific studies that have been done on the subject over the years.
"The cumulative evidence based on 60 years of collection," he said. "Sure, most of the evidence gets thrown out."
But there are always cases that can't be explained by natural phenomenon, said Friedman.
"I would say in the general public the great majority of people believe some UFOs are alien spacecraft, but they are afraid to admit it.'
He said he has lectured at universities all over Canada and the United States and done hundreds of radio and television interviews.
One of the things he does at his lectures is ask university students to answer questions by a show of hands while they have their eyes closed so they aren't influenced by their neighbours. Friedman first asks them how many people they think believe in UFOs and the answer is usually around 20 per cent.
Then he asks them to close their eyes and raise their hands if they believe in UFOs.
He said about 80 per cent of his audience raises its hands.
"So we have the crazy situation that most people believe but they believe most people don't so therefore they act accordingly," said Friedman.
See Also:
Stanton Friedman is Real
Stanton Friedman's Ongoing Task in Educating The Ignorant (Debunkers)
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A Pennsylvania witness at Palmyra reported watching a large, black, V-shaped UFO that appeared "shimmery" in the night sky, according to testimony in Case 64079 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside walking a dog and searching the sky for satellites using a phone app when the object was first seen beginning at 8:22 p.m. on March 18, 2015.
"After finding and watching three satellites and not finding the fourth, I heard and saw one of our UH-60s flying past Hershey Park on their way back to Fort Indiantown Gap. While watching the helicopter and noticing that several other airplanes and commuter jets were in the air on such a clear chilly night, I detected movement out of the corner of my eye."
Looking at the object directly, the witness said the red lights were very dim and the craft was shimmery almost like 'Star Trek' cloaking. Pictured: Town marker. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness noticed the unusual object.
"I turned my head and there was a giant black V flying from the southeast to northwest. It had to my best recall, six red lights that I could see on the lower left wing, one under the nose and one I could make out under the right wing in the further most aft position."
The witness tried to gather as much information as possible during the short sighting.
"With my arm fully extended and the right hand thumb and index finger fully extended - that was the size from nose tip to trailing edge of a wing. It was completely silent. It travelled a heading of about 320-330 degrees. It passed over and just behind the Blackhawk I was watching. All other air traffic was unaffected."
The object had an odd characteristic.
"Looking directly at it was harder than using off center viewing which is best for night time. Looking at it directly, the red lights were very dim and the craft was shimmery almost like "Star Trek" cloaking. With off center viewing you could see the red lights better and the outline of the craft."
The object appeared as though it was sliding along in the sky.
"It wasn't like it was flying. It was like it was sliding on a solid surface. It was so smooth, fast and silent. Whole exposure time was about 5 seconds. To the average person that may not sound like much, but to a aircrew member, five seconds can be an eternity when the adrenaline and training kicks in. I tried to get a picture with my cell phone, but once you took your eyes off the craft it was hard to re-acquire the target. Then a tree was in the way and then I snapped a picture in the area it would have been in, but it was inside the satellite app of my iPhone."
The witness is guessing the object's airspeed would be 5,000 feet and 1,000 mph., with zero sound. Heading 320-330 degrees and the size estimate is 300-350 feet long nose to tail/end of wing. (Credit: Google)
The witness is speculating on the object.
"Doing my own research it mostly resembled the V from Phoenix. My educated guess on altitude and airspeed would be 5,000 feet and 1,000 mph. with zero sound. Heading 320-330 degrees and size estimate 300-350 feet long nose to tail/end of wing."
The witness has a military background.
"Twenty-four years military service; still active National Guard. Enlisted for 15 years and now a Warrant Officer since 2006. I spent my whole career in aviation and most of it flying and crewing CH-47 Chinooks. Now a course writer and platform instructor. I know aviation well and I am trained to react and work under pressure and unusual environments. After the sighting, I finished with the measurements."
Palmyra is a borough in Lebanon County, PA, population 7,096.
Pennsylvania is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 - with 0.71 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Pennsylvania received a total of nine UFO reports in February.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels - 1 through 5 - where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 - 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 - 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 - 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
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Serious believers of UFO may have a good reason to get out for one night this September.
Las Vegas-based Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum made announcement to its plans for one night event that would feature speakers from both U.K. and the U.S. military in an effort to go deeper about UFO and alien mysterious activities in Area 51.
The event will be scheduled on September 22 as announced by the National Atomic Testing Museum. It plans to reveal personal stories from men who write books and conduct investigations both outside and inside the military.
One of the scheduled speakers Col. John Alexander said that the panel will be composed of people who worked with the military, and believe that UFOs are real and worth of research. While participants will just few, they are highly credible, according to Col. Alexander.
Joining Col. Alexander in the discussion will be Col. Bill Coleman of the U.S. Air Force. Coleman was working with Project Blue Book and ex-FBI investigator of UFO reports between 1947 and 1969.
Alexander is the event's chief spokesperson.
Also expected to be part of the discussion is Col. Robert Friend, former director of Project Blue Book that already reported 701 UFOs out of 12, 618 from 1947 to 1969.
The event organizers added international flavor among guest speakers with the inclusion of former UFO investigator at U.K.'s Ministry of Defence Nick Pope and ex-Deputy Base Commander at Bentwaters Col. Charles Halt.
Mr. Pope is set to share how both the U.S. and U.K. governments collaborated in forming study groups over UFO sightings and why both agreed to close their records on the issue.
The event is part of ongoing series of lectures on Area 51 held by the museum and will present what they believe real alien artifacts from around the world.
. David Clarke 'e conferencista em jornalismo na Universidade Sheffield Hallam. Ele tem um interesse de longa data que remonta 'a sua inf^ancia, de pesquisar e escrever sobre Ovnis e fen'omenos estranhos.
Concluiu o doutorado em folclore na Universidade de Sheffield, em 1999. Jornalista experiente, j'a trabalhou para o "Yorkshire Set" e outros jornais e revistas, incluindo BBC Record, e actuando como pesquisador e consultor de uma s'erie de produc~oes de r'adio e televis~ao.
Desde 2008 que tem vindo a trabalhar com o The Central Records (TNA) (Arquivo Nacional) como consultor para a liberac~ao de arquivos Ovni, criados pelo Minist'erio da Defesa Brit^anico.
Autor de "The Angel of Mons" (2004), David lancou recentemente o livro "The Ufo Records". Esta obra prima combina relat'orios oficiais do governo e de testemunhas oculares que revelam a incr'ivel hist'oria de mais de um s'eculo de avistamentos de Ovnis.
. Facts de publicac~ao : 9 de Setembro de 2009.
. Editora : The Central Records.
. David Clarke descobre um vasto conjunto de hist'orias surpreendentes, a partir dos relat'orios oficiais que o governo brit^anico tem vindo a liberar. Entre os casos divulgados destaca-se; ovnis durante a Guerra Fria, o mist'erio de Rendlesham na Gr~a-Bretanha, relatos de civis e militares, crop circles, hist'orias dram'aticas de raptos, entrevistas realizadas pelo pr'oprio autor, desenhos e fotografias raramente vistos recentemente divulgados pelos arquivos liberados.
. Um livro indispens'avel para quem realmente se interessa por um dos grandes mist'erios da humanidade...
More than 400 people in West Australia reported that they saw unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and met extraterrestrials, and they were looking for advice and counseling about the matter, The Sunday Times reported.
Following this report, Rob Hartland presented the photographs of what he claimed to be unidentified flying objects which he captured using his digital camera.
Hartland was testing his new camera from the veranda of his house in Darlington in the Perth Hills when he noticed strange objects after enlarging and enhancing the captured images. Though he believes that there are things flying in the sky that are made by humans, he said that he is sure that the objects his camera caught are unidentified.
Hartland, who finished PhD in biochemistry, said that most of the UFOs in the photos have the shape of a saucer, square or a round ball. These photos are uploaded to his website
According to The Sunday Times photo editor Jackson Flindell, the UFO images presented by Hartland seem to be not tampered. However, he suggests that dust on the image of sensor of the digital camera or powerful magnification could result in anomalies in some cases.
12 juni 2011 - Dr Howard H. Campaigne 's document waarin de NSA (National Security Agency) poging om te analyseren en te ontcijferen een radio-uitzending, dat ergens in de ruimte. Het document werd onlangs vrijgegeven.
De transmissie werd ontvangen in stukken die de NSA overweegt eenheden, over te gaan tot de staat dat de eenheden van de transmissie werden meerdere keren herhaald. Dr Campaigne het document voegt hieraan toe dat het bericht was een soort van seri"ele code met behulp van letters van het alfabet de aan te wijzen waar het bericht gevarieerd gegeven. De serial code werd meestal gebruikt als referentie.
Dr Campaigne het document is een van de vele recent vrijgegeven rapporten en documenten die de NSA onlangs vrijgegeven. Andere documenten zijn rapporten van inlichtingendiensten, archieven terug naar stretching v'o'or de Eerste Wereldoorlog tot de jaren 1960, het begin van de ontwikkeling van de technologie (met name die van computers), en diverse meldingen van UFO's.
De verslagen over UFO's en buitenaardse wezens beweren vaak dat ongebruikelijke waarnemingen zijn iets banaals, zoals een ballon. Echter, veel van het lichaam van de documenten is geredigeerd, black-out woorden en paragrafen rommel de pagina's. De oorsprong van deze UFO-meldingen vari"eren van Communications Intelligence en COMNAVSECGRU, Naval Security Group Command, evenals verslagen van UFO-waarneming door de Joint Chiefs of Staff, het Department of State, en de marine.
De NSA beweert dat de vrijgave van deze documenten werd veroorzaakt door de civiele rechtszaak "Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Geheimhouding v. National Security Agency" uit 1980. Geschillen van de zaak de oorzaak van de NSA te lokaliseren en derubriceren een aantal documenten met betrekking tot UFO's. Onder de documenten die worden vrijgegeven in directe relatie tot de burgerlijke rechter zaak zijn van een Air Force Research verslag met betrekking tot het "Roswell-incident", een Defensie Documentatie Centrum bibliografie van UFO-rapporten en andere documenten over UFO-gerelateerd onderzoek.
Op hun website van de NSA zegt dat deze versie van de documentatie is alleen de eerste partij in de geplande 2 jaar durende project. De vrijgegeven documenten zal worden gehandhaafd door NARA en beschikbaar voor evaluatie op het Nationaal Archief in College Park, Maryland en een lijst van documenten is beschikbaar op de NSA website, waar er ook meer informatie (c) 2011
The next 5 alien abductions were witnessed by credible observers and some are supported credible photo evidence and drawing evidence.
One of the landmark cases of UFO abduction occurred on November 30, 1989, in Manhattan, N.Y. The case centers around one Linda Napolitano, who claims to have been abducted from her closed apartment window into a waiting UFO by the "grays," and subjected to medical procedures. Read more.
In the early morning of Tuesday, December 1, 1987, Philip Spencer an ex-big city policeman, recently moved to the Ilkley area of West Yorkshire in deference to his wife's wishes, set out southward across Ilkley Moor equipped with a compass for navigation and a camera (he was apparently hoping to catch on film some of the strange anomalies that the off time spooky moor is noted for while on the way to visit his father-in-law in East Morton).
Within minutes he was surrounded by a cold, damp Yorkshire fog, the mist itself almost a living thing and it was through a parting of the mist that he allegedly first glimpsed the alien, a diminutive being waving at him as though telling him to leave. At this time Spencer remembering his camera took a shot, then yelled, the creature as though startled moving out of site.
A few moments later it was the policeman's turn to be startled as a strange craft looking like two saucers stuck top to bottom with a domed top lifted off from behind an outcrop and with a loud humming sound disappeared skyward. Read more.
Jim Weiner, Jack Weiner, Charles Foltz and Charles Rak claim that they were abducted by aliens during a camping trip near Allagash, Maine on August 20, 1976. According to the four men, hypnotic regression enabled them to recall the experience of being taken aboard a UFO and "probed and tested by four-fingered beings with almond-shaped eyes and languid limbs. Read more.
Travis Walton is an American logger who was allegedly abducted by a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Walton could not be found, but reappeared after a five-day search. Read more.
Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who were allegedly abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of New Hampshire on September 19, 1961 through September 20, 1961.
The Hills were driving back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. There were only a few other cars on the road as they made their way home to New Hampshire's seacoast. Just south of Lancaster, New Hampshire, Betty claimed to have observed a bright point of light in the sky that moved from below the moon and the planet Jupiter, upward to the west of the moon. While Barney navigated U.S. Route 3, Betty reasoned that she was observing a falling star, only it moved upward. Since it moved erratically and grew bigger and brighter, Betty urged Barney to stop the car for a closer look.
The incident came to be called the "Hill Abduction" or the "Zeta Reticuli Incident" because the couple stated they had been kidnapped for a short time by a UFO. Read more.
Worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence - the most highly classified subject on Earth.
Since 1961, he has amassed a wealth of evidence, including several thousand declassified intelligence documents.
Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools, and at many organizations, including the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group, and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies.
In January 1989, following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first UFO researcher from the West to be interviewed on Russian television. He was invited for discussions at the Pentagon in 1998, and at the headquarters of the French Air Force in 2002. He has also acted as consultant for several U.S. Congress investigations. He is known to millions through his numerous television appearances and has co-produced several documentaries on the subject.
1950S-1970S: Bigfoot is a North American Ape living exclusively in the United States Northwest
1980S-1990S: Bigfoot is a descendent of Gigantopithecus living in Washington, Oregon, and Northern Calfornia.
2000S: Bigfoot is from the family of man and lives everywhere in the US and especially in the breadbasket area from Ohio Valley to East Texas and may or may not be related to Nephilim or ancient giants.
We have evolved our thinking about Bigfoot over time. It might have once seemed preposterous that Bigfoot could possibly live in the Midwest or near areas of dense population, that he could possibly bury his head dead (that's too human) or that he could have language (apes don't talk). We had to adjust our thinking over time in order to adapt to the reality - Bigfoot are opportunists. "And opportunists who go undetected are intelligent."
A cryptid clan of the human family tree, who want to go undetected, do what? They learn their world, it's seasons and patterns. Humans toss food into dumpsters and alongside roadways, berries come in season up north in late August, earlier down south, farms have corn crops in August, and the short hairless humans generally don't go out at night unless they have a telltale flashlight.
Ask rural folks growing family gardens, living near the woods, and having a yard filled with junk if their "stuff" ever goes missing. From someone pilfering their corn "Damn those deer!" to the kids' toys missing near the swing set, "they must have forgotten where they put them"."
When I was a kid, there was a woman in my neighborhood. She had two peach trees in her front yard. They were the best peaches I ever tasted. I grew up with fruit trees, vegetable garden, nut trees, and berry bushes, but the greatest treat in the universe was a fresh peach from her trees! She also was an avid bird watcher. She sat at the huge picture window near the peach trees all day long, studying nature and occasionally lifting her binoculars. Still, every summer, I managed to steal a peach or two every time I went by. I knew her routine. I knew her blind spots. I also watched her window until she got up and went to use the restroom. All these things combined to make me a freaking awesome peach snatcher. And, if I timed it right, a peach a day from each tree (2 peaches total) and she never ever had a clue any peaches were missing. I could move on down the street to the strawberry patch next.
Bigfoot utilizes animal sounds from crows to owls, coyotes to dogs to perhaps call each other or even incite coyotes to yap so they create noise to cover up their comings and goings. That ability to utilize what is around them shows signs of an intelligent player in a woodland filled with creatures. He is top of his food chain there. Trees are yet another opportunity since humans do not climb them or even bother to look up them. These are all chances to utilize what is available and find opportunities and work them to their advantage.
"But Bigfoot could never be near population dense areas."
Let's rethink that one. #1 priority for Bigfoot is the same as other living being - water. Water brings hydration, but it also brings food sources, either in the water or visiting the water. But, nature doesn't always provide in a timely manner. Take the last wild Native of America, Ishi of the Yahi tribe of California. In 1911, his tribe had been in hiding 50 years from White Man, but White man had killed all the deer in the woods and in their desperate state, they began to kill the cattle. The White Man exacted revenge by killing them off. Ishi, the last tribe member, stumbled into a slaughterhouse and was caught trying to find food. Even man is an opportunist when he must be.
"Thus it is with Bigfoot."
By "Scott Harper" - This is a firsthand account of something that occurred when I was a child. To this day I'm not 100% sure of what I saw. This was one of my earliest paranormal encounters, and still may well hold the record for the strangest. It happened when I was six, and has left an irremovable mark in my life.
When this happened, it would've been in the early-to-mid 1980s. I would've been 6-years-old. Maybe 7-years-old. At the time, I would occasionally spend a Friday or Saturday night at my grandparents' house. They lived in the country a few miles outside of a small town in central Ohio. On the evening in question, I was at their house with Grandma. Grandpa was out somewhere-I don't recall now where. As evening came on, darkness was starting to fall. A dense fog also started to roll in. For some reason, Grandma began to grow very nervous. She told me several times not to look out the window. She seemed afraid of what I might see if I did. Being an inquisitive young boy, I wanted to know why I kept being warned not to look. It had never been an issue before. Grandma simply became more agitated; she soon became upset. She refused to give me an actual answer. She just kept giving me variations of an answer I hated and loathed as a child, and still do to this day-"You'll do as I say because you're a child, and I'm an adult." She refused to give me a logical reason as to why I wasn't allowed to look out the window. So, I refused to accept that. Eventually, she left the living room to, if I recall correctly, start supper in the kitchen. As she left the room, she warned me yet again - without explaining the reasons-that I wasn't to look outside right then. I, of course, promptly climbed up on the couch, and assumed a kneeling position, arms braced on the back of the couch, looking out a window. Fog kept rolling in, more and more densely. With the sun setting, darkness approached quickly. Soon, visibility was down to almost nothing. Still, I kept staring out into the growing dark, and the fog, wondering why Grandma had so abruptly become so adverse to me looking outside.
When the glow appeared in the fog, I had no idea what I was seeing, thinking the source, at first, to be car headlights. I stared harder, not quite believing my eyes, upon realizing that headlights weren't the answer. Gradually, the glow intensified, and I realized that the source of the glow was approaching my grandparents' house, moving along the road. The glow could soon be seen to actually be two glows-one yellow, the other pink. Both colors were washed-out, pastel shades.
I kept watching, getting nervous. My jaw dropped a few moments later when the glows brightened, and their source came into view through the fog-two cows, dancing on their hind legs. One glowed pastel yellow, one glowed pastel pink. Each had a foreleg over the shoulder of the other, swaying, and dancing-almost staggering-their way along the road.
As I watched the spectral cattle, stunned, Grandma came back into the living room. Upon seeing me looking out the window, she shouted at me to move away, and not to look. I told her to look, and pointed at the cows. Grandma hurried forward, took one glance out the window, and promptly fainted, dropping to the floor.
Being a small child, I was, at that point, freaking out. I had my unconscious grandmother lying in the middle of the living room floor, and what appeared to be a pair of ghost cows dancing down the road outside, moving steadily nearer to the house. I froze, having no idea what to do. I kept looking back and forth between Grandma, and the dancing cattle.
Luckily, Grandma came around quickly. The cows were, by then, vanishing from my view, blocked by the front of the house. I jumped off the couch, going to Grandma. She woke up completely very quickly, screaming me at for having looked out the window. She kept shouting at me to never do that again when told not to, and to be sure not to mention anything that had happened to Grandpa when he returned home.
I wanted to know why I couldn't tell Grandpa. Grandma resumed her earlier non-answers of simply commanding me to do as I was told because she was the adult. Again, I wouldn't accept such an answer. I wanted something rooted in logic, and sound reasoning. She wouldn't give that to me. Nor would she even talk about the cows we had seen, much less explain them to me. So, the instant Grandpa walked through the door, I told him exactly what Grandma and I had seen outside. Grandma resumed screaming at me for, once again, disobeying her. Grandpa immediately grabbed up his rifle, and went back outside into the foggy darkness. Grandma kept shouting at me, asking, "Why did you tell him?" over and over.
After a few minutes, Grandpa came back inside, upset. He claimed to have seen nothing outside. Grandma refused to discuss it further, but kept glaring at me. For the rest of their lives, both Grandma and Grandpa refused to talk about that evening. Neither ever said another word to me about it. Any attempts on my part to obtain more information from them-I'm still full convinced that they knew what the glowing, dancing cattle were; why else would Grandma have been so adamant that I not look outside even before they showed up-were met only with silent glares, and angrily shaking heads. Before long, I stopped talking about, letting it rest. I told no one else about it.
For a long time I thought that would be the end of the story. Then, one day, out of nowhere from my perspective, another chapter got added.
A childhood friend of mine, whom I've long since lost touch with, had a lot of problems at home. She mother loved her drink, and had a new live-in boyfriend seemingly every month. This friend in question, and her younger sister, were more or less raised by their grandparents. Her grandparents were next-door neighbors to my parents and I while I was growing up. One day my friend kept acting oddly. I asked her what was wrong. She told me I wouldn't believe her if she told me. I promised not to laugh, and asked her to tell me. The story she told me left me shocked, and amazed.
The night before, she had spent the night at her grandparents' house. This happened more often than not, so that wasn't at all unusual. The night before had been very foggy. My friend told me that, as it was getting dark, and the fog began rolling in, she had looked out her bedroom window. In the fog, and growing darkness, she had spotted two steadily brightening glows moving toward her grandparents' house. One glow had been pastel yellow, and the other had been pastel pink. She watched, too afraid to look away, she said, and saw two glowing cows-one yellow, one pink-dancing along on their hind legs. Each cow had a foreleg over the shoulder of the other, as they staggered, and danced drunkenly along through the fog.
My friend said that she jumped onto her bed, covering her head with her blankets. She refused to get out of bed until morning. Even then, she was afraid to look out the window, and frightened to be outside. I told her of my own sighting of what seemed to be the same phenomena from several years earlier. The fact that I didn't think she sounded crazy made her feel better. The fact that she hadn't simply been dreaming-the explanation she had been trying to convince herself of-made her feel worse. After that, she refused to ever discuss it again.
Hearing my friend's account made me feel better. I knew, given my grandparents' reactions when my own sighting of the dancing ghost cows had taken place, that I hadn't been imagining them. Having confirmation of the same type of sighting from someone else made me feel better, though.
Still, in all the years since, I've not heard of another such encounter. Why? There are a number of similarities between my own sighting, and that of my childhood friend. Both events took place at our grandparents' homes. Both took place as darkness was falling. During both, heavy fog was rolling in. Both took place in the same general area of the same state. We were both young children when our sightings took place, though she was older at the time of hers than I was at the time of mine. I don't recall if both sightings took place during the same time or year, or the same time of the week.
Is there a connection? Or are the similar details only coincidence? Given that the sighting my friend had took place right next door to my childhood home, I also have to wonder if the phenomena wasn't, in some way, linked to myself.
Has anyone else had such a sighting? If so, I'd be very interested in hearing the details. Every time I think back to my own sighting, and the story related to me by my friend, I wonder if the dancing ghost cattle are still there. I also wonder why they were there to begin with. Research has turned up nothing new.
"Scott Harper is the author of more than 30 published short stories and several novels. There has been talk, from several fronts, about turning his fourth novel, "Predators or Prey?", the first book in his Wendy Markland series, into a live-action project. Interest from a movie producer has also been voiced about turning his eighth novel, "Quintana Roo, Yucatan", into a film
Harper graduated from Marysville (Ohio) High School in 1993 and began screenwriting in 2007, after the publication of several short stories and novels. He has worked on projects for James Tucker Productions and 11th Dimension Films. He is currently involved with several projects, covering literature, film and comic books. As of May, 2013, he is also a contributing writer for "Nuclear Winter Entertainment".
Scott has previously submitted articles to "'Phantoms & Monsters'"
Predators or Prey?
Well Wishes
Quintana Roo, Yucatan
Winter's Rite"
By Marc DAntonio The UFO Records12-12-14 In our movie called UFOTOG Hastings book was hand-me-down as positively bits and pieces but it moved out me as soon as dependable questions. I dont disgrace Bob but I ask the questions science insists on.For every one verification in the story you friendship to for demand here would be a trek of evidence and ending statement from multiple sources.For instance:-STMT: A Deposit Cautioning Array SAW A UFO Floating At once Director THE Case.- QUESTIONS:o Who saw it and everywhere are they now? Its now masses so they can assert.o Was it stated to be Director the container and not possibly a cold object cheerfully lit in the sky and seen historic the silo?o If so it might control been deceiving as being Director the container extremely at night everywhere prized few give a price of points are tenable for observations?o Was it possibly the moon seen in the course of clouds and in the life deceiving for a brilliant UFO over the silo?o Were the familiarity alerts a stoppage which led to a certify bill seeking an "assailant" and consequently self-primed to "grasp one" unconsciously?-STMT:... THE Deposit Array Supposed "THE UFO Spent Sincere UP AT Skinny Line."- QUESTIONS:o Might the sour deficiency of an object in a event everywhere it was seen moments to come be construed as an object bolting straight up?Well I empathize this stick from sequence demand. Yes, we illustrated this on a Mother country geographic special as soon as a live swagger test how sprint perceive abandonment and duplication of an object. In every one case sprint felt the object bolted developing.-STMT: Last THE Plan WAS SEEN TO "Gorge" Sincere UP AN F106 WAS SEEN Giving "Go after."- QUESTIONS:o Was it latent that the F106 and the "bolting" UFO were ostensibly the exceedingly object misinterpreted?Missile ancestors and certify workforce are not sprint who are proficient to brains situations past of their common purview and this lawsuit whether ordinary or deceiving was absolutely past all of their beliefs regimen. Intruders on foot or in a helicopter they can control. But if they inspection that the light WAS over the container and the other members firm as soon as the progress creature who ended that contract statement, later all of them would report as observed by the progress in all fate.o Might it control been the F 106 flying in the course of clouds that night that caused them to goof the light as a on top near object entirely?Jet weary in mil planes assured lights up clouds. I control seen this one-sidedly more readily a bit.o Like this is a masses device now everywhere is the F106 pilot, tower and assembly who would memorize chasing a UFO if that is in fact what happened?-STMT: THEY Scholastic With THE Flooring ELECTRONICS WERE FRIED AS IF BY A Hulking great ELECTRICAL To cut a long story short.- QUESTIONS:o Isnt it more readily latent that the fried electronics might control ostensibly occurred Principal and like caused all of the observed electrical malfunctions?The deceiving familiarity alarms, the found go-no-go, and the ruthless on/off sequencing, might all control been generated by a cascading systems falling off that occurred initial. This ostensibly may be to a large extent on top actual pure electrical systems movement for falling off. Lest self chew over that these systems are bulletproof, search for the annals of electrical running and falling off and you motivation be baffled to grasp how fine our weapon found systems assured control been. Exact a failure-as-cause as contract, albeit of course unprovable at this goal, the UFO sighting might control been a deceiving society and would later be the single-handedly nonconformity together as soon as the case. The enhanced questions edit the potent build of this case for me in the role of the cascading falling off that was with conviction next found might actual control occurred Principal and like caused all electronic warnings and evils seen in the systems.As I imaginary to come I am in no way truism Bob isnt reporting denouement information, I am quite asking the awkward questions in the role of answers to such awkward questions motivation crane cases from a standing of "lively but unprovable" to "lovely and potent".See Also:UPDATE/REBUTTAL To DAntonio: UFO Activated One of his ICBMs-Twice, Says Former U.S. Air Induce Bludgeon Imminent Authorized UFO Activated One of his ICBMs-Twice, Says Former U.S. Air Induce Bludgeon Imminent AuthorizedMalmstrom Air Induce Bottom Picks Up UFO on Radar; "Challenge Cautioning Array To be found Several UFO At once Director The Bottom" UFO Buzzes ICBM Imminent Dosage at Minot AFBMy Evidence: The Invoice of Minute-Man Military hardware Human being Disabled, To the same extent UFOs Hovered Director The Imminent Services Discover YOUR UFO EventMake out on top >>
In yet brand new sighting of an Anonymous Carried by the wind Explanation (UFO), a wonderful vivacious light was spotted controlled over the skies of California.
The sighting was captured on a live cam on 28 June over Santa Clara Corridor in California. The 51 seconds video shows inestimably wonderful light over the blue skies in the town.
Compound conclude UFOs transfer been sighted in the US earlier as well. A red vivacious object was spotted controlled over the town of Altoona, Pennsylvania, USA [Recording] on 30 June 2014, by two homeland and the video was captured on a Windows 8 Appeal.
The fantastic footage appeared to go from one apprehension to brand new while vivacious eternally red, which makes it clear that it is not an even, as planes transfer ineffectual lights gulp down in the same way as ruby.
UFO Report
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Report Suited For You
This looks to be a great new review-based blog from Neil Arnold (author of the excellent book "Monster!"): "Cryptozoology in the Movies".
As Neil himself says in his press-release sent to me over the weekend:
Posted: March 5, 2008Date: March 4, 2008Time: 10:00 p.m.Who do I get hold of as I am watching the things in the sky. Is there somebody you can call right away to confirm what you are seeing, example last night (March 4, 2008 10:00 pm) I was looking out my window when I noticed what I thought was just a plane. I could only see the lights, no shapes until it got closer. You could see an oval object hanging down from it. It was traveling from the east going west when suddenly a jet coming from the west and went over top of it. It suddenly turned and started going east also. As I live in an apartment block my view was obstructed, so I could not see what happened. However, I am a very avid sky watcher and this is not the first time I have seen strange sightings. With one sighting I tried to call the police. They just said no other calls came in about anything. So I would appreciate it if you could give me a phone number to call as it is happening so others could verify what I am seeing. I live in Sudbury Ontario. Sincerely.Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. report/index.htmlJust added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
There crystal clear views of alien rock formations are just a few of the impressive images sent back from Nasa's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter. Captured by the onboard HiRise camera, they show dramatic landscapes including inverted craters, deep water-forged gullies and frost covered dunes. To date, scientists have released 11,762 such images to the public. They were sent back to Earth from the spacecraft, which is circling the Red Planet 72million miles away. This image shows dark sand dunes and inverted craters in the Arabia Terra region of Mars. The sand is dark because it was probably derived from basalt. The 'inverted' shape is found on Mars and Earth where erosion has stripped away surrounding topography On the floor of this crater carbon dioxide ice forms an uninterrupted layer in winter. On the dunes however, dark streaks form as surface material from below the ice is mobilized and deposited on top of the ice This week the orbiter broke through a major download milestone by passing the 100 terabytes of data mark. This is more than three times the amount of data collected from all other deep-space missions combined. Just one terabyte is the equivalent of 300 hours of good quality video or 1,000 copies of the Encylopedia Britannica. 'What is most impressive about all these data is not the sheer quantity, but the quality of what they tell us about our neighbor planet,' said MRO Project Scientist Rich Zurek. 'The data from the orbiter's six instruments have given us a much deeper understanding of the diversity of environments on Mars today and how they have changed over time.' Barchan sand dunes that form in wind regimes that blow in one dominant direction. The ridged arcs of sand that define the barchan dunes end in horns that point downwind Sand dunes, with graceful blue-gray swirls caused by dust devils, which are like mini-tornadoes. The milestone comes as the orbiter completes its fourth year of operation. The spacecraft entered orbit around Mars on March 10, 2006, after it was launched on August 12, 2005, from Florida. It completed its primary science phase in 2008 and continues investigations of Mars' surface, subsurface and atmosphere. The orbiter sports a dish antenna 10 feet in diameter and uses it to pour data Earthward at up to 6 megabits per second. It has a number of instruments including three cameras - one of which is HiRise, a spectrometer for identifying minerals, a ground-penetrating radar and an atmosphere sounder. A thick (2mile) sequence of ice and dust, stacked like a layer cake, covers the south pole of Mars. Once ice begins to melt, darker dustier material is exposed. A branch of the Cerberus Fossae - a series of semi-parallel fissures on Mars formed by faults which pulled the crust apart in the region The capability to return enormous volumes of data enables these instruments to view Mars at unprecedented spatial resolutions. Half the planet has been covered at 20 feet per pixel, and nearly one per cent of the planet has been observed at one foot per pixel, sharp enough to discern objects the size of a desk. The radar, provided by Italy, has looked beneath the surface in 6,500 observing strips, sampling about half the planet. Among the mission's major findings is that the action of water on and near the surface of Mars occurred for hundreds of millions of years. This activity was at least regional and possibly global in extent, though possibly intermittent. The spacecraft has also observed that signatures of a variety of watery environments, some acidic, some alkaline, increase the possibility that there are places on Mars that could reveal evidence of past life, if it ever existed. Read more:
El pasado 26 de noviembre LOS FAN'aTICOS DE LOS OBJETOS VOLADORES NO IDENTIFICADOS quedaron estupefactos frente a una notable fotograf'ia tomada por un austriaco en Viena.
La captura, enviada a la Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), la mayor asociaci'on de uf'ologos del mundo, muestra una aparente nave de forma triangular, semitransparente y con puntos brillantes que parecen ser sus motores, seg'un describen los distintos sitios webs especializados.
De acuerdo al testigo presencial, quien no quiso entregar su nombre, el objeto permaneci'o dos minutos inm'ovil en el cielo antes de desaparecer. "Soy un residente de Viena en Austria y cuando estaba en el balc'on, vi este enorme veh'iculo transparente flotando sobre las nubes durante unos dos minutos. Tom'e mi tel'efono (Samsung Galaxy S5) y despu'es de tomar una fotograf'ia de 'el, el veh'iculo no estaba", narr'o el residente vien'es.
En las redes sociales, donde la imagen ya est'a siendo ampliamente replicada, las opiniones son muy variadas aunque para la mayor'ia se trata de una falsificaci'on, pues el objeto aparece en alta definici'on en contraste con la gran mayor'ia de fotos de objetos de esta naturaleza que se caracterizan por tener una calidad muy pobre (ver imagen original ac'a).
A pesar de ello, hay quienes s'i creen que la foto es real ya que aseguran haber visto algo semejante anteriormente.
Para quienes piensan que la fotograf'ia es aut'entica, el dilema est'a en conocer si se trata de aviones militares seretos o bien de una nave de origen extraterrestre.
Dejamos un v'ideo donde se analiza este caso:
Dart para Anunnakis
Geipan, the French UAP research and information group
Since the dawn of time, people have observed all kinds of phenomena in the skies-often with interest, sometimes with fear. Over the centuries, these phenomena have given rise to varied interpretations, usually based on belief in superior beings or divine powers.
In Greek mythology, for instance, natural phenomena like wind, storms and lightning were sent by the gods to show their approval or anger at the schemes and intrigues of mortals.
More recently, research and discoveries have helped further our understanding of our environment and demystify many of these phenomena. However, the advent of new technologies, exploration systems and spaceflight in the 20th century has led to renewed interest in the "unknown".
In response, Geipan, the French UAP research and information group, investigates unidentified aerospace phenomena and makes its findings available to the public.
UFO stands for unidentified flying object.
Analysis of eyewitness accounts and the results of investigations show that this term is usually inappropriate. In most cases, observers describe a known or unknown phenomenon, typically involving lights in the sky, but with no evidence pointing to an actual physical object.
The generic term UAP (for unidentified aerospace phenomenon) is therefore more accurate.
From Gepan to Geipan
In 1977, the CNES Director General set up the Gepan* research group to pursue studies initiated by a CNES engineer as a personal project. Its mandate was simple: conduct research into UFOs (as they are commonly called). The group's work was overseen by a scientific advisory board.
Gepan continued its research until 1988, when it was superseded by Sepra**. As well as UAPs, the new unit also monitored artificial atmospheric re-entries, i.e. debris from space missions falling back to Earth.
In 2000, Sepra refocused on the original mission of UAP research, albeit with limited resources. In 2001, the Director General requested an audit to help decide on the future of this CNES department.
Acronyms used:
* UFO: unidentified flying object
* UAP: unidentified aerospace phenomenon
* GEPAN: Groupe d'Etudes des Ph'enom`enes A'erospatiaux Non identifi'es, the French UAP research group
* SEPRA: Service d'Expertise des Ph'enom`enes de Rentr'ees Atmosph'eriques, the CNES department responsible for assessing atmospheric re-entry phenomenon
* GEIPAN: Groupe d'Etudes et d'Information des Ph'enom`enes A'erospatiaux Non identifi'es, the French UAP research and information group
* COPEIPAN: Comit'e de Pilotage des Etudes et de l'Information sur les Ph'enom`enes A'erospatiaux Non identifi'es, the steering committee that oversees the work of GEIPAN
6,000 eyewitness reports
Since 1977, Gepan and then Sepra have collected close to 6,000 reports from eyewitnesses, mostly on the ground but about 6% who observed phenomena from aircraft.
Once reported events have been grouped into observation cases, about 28% remain unexplained after investigation and analysis.
New unit, broader mandate
On the basis of the audit recommendations, UAP activities resumed with a new CNES unit called Geipan, set up in 2005. This unit reports to senior management at the Toulouse Space Centre and is overseen by an independent external steering committee, which guides and monitors its work.
Geipan's missions are to:
* Collect eyewitness accounts of UAPs observed from the ground and aircraft, preferably reports made to the authorities (gendarmerie, police, civil aviation authority, air force, etc.)
* Analyse accounts and investigate at the scene if necessary to attempt to provide scientific explanations of reported observations
* Archive accounts collected on French territory
* Inform the public about methods and findings
This recently added fourth mission forms an important part of CNES's UAP activity. Information will be made available to the public through a dedicated website, due to go live in late 2006. With huge volumes of archive documents scanned, the site will post all available information, as authorized under current legislation.
An independent steering committee
GEIPAN is overseen by a steering committee called COPEIPAN*, which submits recommendations to CNES about GEIPAN's objectives and operations. Chaired by former CNES Director General Yves Sillard, it has 15 members representing:
* French civil and military authorities (gendarmerie, police, civil protection agency, civil aviation authority, air force)
* The research community (CNRS national science research centre, M'et'eo-France weather service, CNES)
* Comit'e de Pilotage des Etudes et de l'Information sur les Ph'enom`enes A'erospatiaux Non identifi'es
In-depth analysis
From data collection...
In its first five years, Gepan developed scientific methods for collecting and analysing interdependent data.
Since the 1980s, a rigorous scientific approach has also been applied to UAP-related investigations. This approach is still used today.
Through agreements and conventions between Geipan and its partners (authorities, researchers, etc.), the unit has access to the information sources and observable data it needs to conduct investigations.
These data come from:
* Eyewitnesses interviewed to ascertain their physiological and psychological profiles
* Eyewitness accounts in the form of verbal and written reports to the authorities
* Psychosocial factors assessed by looking at the influence of social environments, i.e. what eyewitnesses read, their education, media influences, etc., as all these factors affect the way people perceive and interpret phenomena
* The physical environment in which the phenomenon occurred, including analysis of evidence on the ground, camcorder footage, photographs, atmospheric and astronomical conditions, etc. conclusion
Geipan also relies on partner research bodies and experts to perform analysis in different fields.
After analysis of all observable data, researchers attempt to determine the origin of the stimulus, i.e. the actual event the eyewitness saw and reported.
Stimulus, Psychosocial Environment, Eyewitness, Physical Environment, Eyewitness Report
Each phenomenon is then classified in one of four categories:
UAP A: conclusively identified
UAP B: probably identified
UAP C: unidentified due to insufficient data
UAP D: unidentified
What if you observe a UAP in France?
Think, record, report
First, ask yourself if you are really observing a UAP. If so, then what should you do?
If you observe a phenomenon you cannot explain, write down the details as quickly and accurately as you can. Include:
* The date and exact time and duration of the event
* Its precise geographic location and reference to landmarks, etc.
* Its shape, size, colours, movements, etc.
* Any noise it makes
* Any other information you think could be relevant
If the phenomenon leaves any visible traces (e.g. tracks on the ground, damage to vegetation, etc.), do not enter the area.
No meaningful analysis can be performed on samples not taken according to established protocols.
In all cases, report to the nearest police station, which will take all necessary steps and record a formal statement that will be forwarded to Geipan.
Possible sources of confusion
Certain phenomena can be confused with UAPs.
Natural phenomena:
Northern lights (aurora borealis)
Mist and fog effects
Lightning and related phenomena
Phenomena linked to human activity:
Fireworks, vehicle hazard lights, will-o'-the-wisp (light from burning marsh gas), fires, etc.
Laser effects (parties, nightclubs, etc.), floodlights, searchlights, lighthouses, etc.
Aeroplanes and other types of air vehicles (helicopters, microlights, hang-gliders, airships, etc.)
Balloons (scientific, weather, toy, etc.)
The GEIPAN French UFO Database is available at
Source: CNES-GEIPAN Website
In accordance with French law, this government publication is public domain.
O'Hare witnesses who were courageous in coming forward and honest in what they saw and what they felt.
I love what the pilot said. "I reported it because I thought it was a craft not a UFO".
Best UFO Investigation:
Michael M. Nelson (for the blowing the lid off of the cover-up on the famous Portage, Ohio case).
Government conspiracies are real:
This evidence comes not from a shadowy figure but from actual old police files kept by a police officer.
He was told to throw out the files decades later, as part of a basement cleaning effort, but, thank whoever you want to thank, this Police Officer kept them.
Project Bluebook declared it was "Venus" and it was over for them. The debunkers had a field day and two human beings were made the scapgoat.
Runner UP Best Investigation: Brad Sparks:
"New Revelations on the MJ12 documents" a presentation at the 2007 MUFON Symposium, DVD available:
I like people like Brad, people who make mistakes... it's the perfect people I always worry about... even when they claim they aren't.
Brad through hard work and secretly tape recordings by past MUFON dirctory Pratt of conversations with Moore and OFOSI agents during the MJ12 fiasco.
The evidence strongly suggests the MJ12 documents were disinformation created by OFOSI agents and that in the end it worked. I BELIEVE IT WAS TO PULL UFO RESEARCHERS AWAY FROM ROSWELL.
It is time to end the research on MJ12 unless we get the beef, the actual documents; otherwise we will be going back and forth until hell freezes over about the authenticity of these documents.... and I have a life folks.
Best DVD:
Jaime Maussan & Santiago Yturria Garza: NASA Mission ">Either these NASA films are faked or... Unknown Craft BUZZ our spaceships and space station - there are no third possibilities here.
Best NASA UFO Footage
These NASA images all by themselves goner my respect for the power Jamie Maussan has as a conduit for great video, from the witnesses in all walks of life, from videos from around the world, and even unbelievably; form NASA.
Best DVD Runner UP:
Paul Kimball DVD ("Best Evidence: The Ten Best Sightings" Redstar)
When you get right down to it UFOs are real. If you want the best evidence here it is. These reports are not from shadowy figures or unknown military sources these UFO reports are cases so well documented only a fool would say they didn't happen.
Do you take your mistakes with or without radar?
Best Book:
"A Witness To Roswell" T. Carey D. Schmitt:
I could not put it down.
I am so sorry the UFO community focused on Haut statement after his death and all but forgot about the ten or so Military Officers and high ranking officals deathbed revelations who were stationed at Roswell in 1947.
In the last days of their lives they finally broke their oaths and told their family the truth about Roswell crash, the ship, and the bodies. Yes my kiddies intelligence Officers and Commanders of Atomic Bases know the difference between a balloon and a spaceship. Roswell story illustrates how some of our more scientifically minded UFO researchers could easily discounted good witnesses statements beyond any common sense. Maybe they need to understand that many of your average folk may not be scientist or engineers but they are not idiots either.
Runner Ups:
Strange Company Keith Chester - Need To Know. Timothy Good
What can I say for these two books
... Some "Foo Fighters" were flying saucers...Some foo Fighters were UFO mother ships that traveled at 9000 miles an hour.. some Fo Fighter played jokes on our pilots....Some Foo fighters were dangerous. This book seems to show me someone or something is hiding in our oceans..
"Need to Know" should be called Need TO READ. This book is a page turner Tim Good puts it all together for anyone with an open mind.
Bill Gunston, fellow of Royal Aeronautical Society one of the foremost aeration historian says about Good's Book:
"Need To Know proves UFOs are real and a current problem facing governments worldwide. The Evidence...irrefutable.
Dumbest Debunkers Statement Of The Year:
Charlie schlemiel Schumer of the Skeptical Magazine odor in statement in one of "The History Channel Program - UFO Files"
I'm Paraphrasing:
"Why people want to believe that a Alien Advanced Civilization morally superior would travel these enormous distance in space to come here and do this to the cattle when an animal or a dog could easily explains what happened to them, I don't know"
Scientist today decry that people no longer respect science. No, we respect science, we just don't respect some of your Soma brain spokesman.
You get respect when you get it.
This schlemiel Schumer just called all these hard working ranchers with decades of experience, who by the way know all too well what kills their cattle and how to track them: cheaters or liars or fools.
"Who you going to believe your lying eyes or Charlie, sitting in a nice comfortable History Channel studio never once visiting a cattle site".
Most touching moment:
I was introduced to a woman who had met the "Proctor family" they had handled a piece of the Roswell wreckage in 1947. I asked her what her takes was on them. "Quiet and humble not seeking the limelight at all". She answered. Another debunkers myth laid to rest.
Most Promising Show Of Next Year: "UFO Hunters" History Channel.
Happy ">
UFO SIGHTINGS - This footage of unidentified flying objects hanging in the sky a cut above Colorado was recorded on 20th February 2012 at 5:45 pm and submitted to us a few days ago.Perceive report:"Finding location: Morrison, Colorado (spotted over Denver) "Date: 2/20/12 at 5:45 p.m."It was sundown whilst I was rock climbing in the foothills of Morrison, Colorado (on President's Day), next I saw three lights in the southeast sky hanging over Denver. I ran to my van, grabbed my camera, and by the time I started filming, precisely two lights remained, they were amber-colored, they glowed Diverse announcement aircraft, and they stayed static. Thus, one of them began to move: it piece featuring in two, raced corner to corner the sky reinforcement the other one, and as well as piece featuring in three objects."Author: Danny Z.source: submitted to
This merely in from Anomalist Books:"Get ready: UFOs are about to scope history. Governments carry on been difficult about UFO sighting reports such as WWII, but historians carry on never ready a concerted judge to understand their normally opposite responses to the phenomenon. How could whatever thing of such undertake methodological and national charge end result carry on absent no distinguishable notion in the history books? "Whether it's a conspiracy or not, the deputation has been marginalized to such an allot that it's as if the military never acted surrounded by sadden on the heels of a UFO sighting, as if the intelligence narrow never took up the issue losing closed doors, as if government research and deal with hard work never attempted to replicate the phenomenon. But they carry on. "So now a accumulation of weathered UFO historians and researchers carry on attempted to vocalizations this over and done blooper surrounded by the newspaper of a new book entitled "UFOS AND GOVERNMENT: A Historical Post-mortem". The authors carry on used up more than four excitement researching thousands of government documents and archives in report to let somebody see a work of over and done permit on the U.S. government's heavy-handed response to the UFO phenomenon. How and why the U.S. government-and other governments impart the world-have dealt surrounded by the UFO phenomenon hip most of a century is the internal of this over and done inquiry. "The good story explains very much that is new, or at smallest not commonly exact, about the strictness surrounded by which the military and intelligence communities approached the UFO tap mentally. It also reveals how the deputation became treated as if it were a lightheartedness, and why the Cooperative States government deemed it perceptive to dinner it so. "Still the book focuses to begin with on the U.S. government's response to the UFO phenomenon-revealing how bureaucracies fight together with themselves, watch over themselves, and in the end award to event the public-also included is the carefulness of the deputation by the governments of Sweden, Australia, France, Spain, and other countries. "The book's international cast of authors was headed by Michael Swords, a retired schoolteacher at Western Michigan Instructor surrounded by an great brainchild of UFO history, and managed by Robert Powell, higher of research at the United UFO Interconnect."
In December 1988, my shrink and I were on our dairy farm feeding the plants a duet hundred yards from our house. We were walking sideways the lane on our way preference to the house for instance my shrink unused, realizing he forgot to shape on the cows. I went go on hunger strike as my shrink ran preference to the store. One or two proceedings consequent, a neon yellowish-brown egg-shaped craft popped up from a gap about 15 feet from me. The influence shimmered next to a gaseous cloud enclosing the faithful object. The influence may possibly not suspend been less important than 20 feet full-size and may suspend been choice than 25 feet. As it hovered aristocratic the lane, I noticed round portholes in the side of the craft, as unstrained from my angle. For three proceedings the object hovered lacking fabrication a valid. Then, significance as clear as it had appeared, it shot off point a bunk bed of vegetation and mislaid record in a southwestern peace. I with no trouble fled the view to apportion my encounter next to my parents.
Formerly this encounter, I was plagued by mysterious thoughts of a selection of boys and in my opinion yelling as we ran from a UFO and jumped point a casement. One night, in chary, I had my having forty winks bag zipped up over my head out of attention from the encounter. I felt as if no matter which had reached in point the casement and poked me point the having forty winks bag. I couldn't see what it was that terrorized me, but I experience it was relevant to my remaining encounter.
To the same degree I grew ancient I had choice revolutionary experiences. In 1997, I witnessed a formation of colored lights about a relative's house like severe. The objects were red, colorless, fair, and innocent and were forcefully 40 yards banned from my tickle pink.
It was the most recent encounter, until now, that up till now spurred me to apportion my experiences as it was too make to loll to in my opinion. Having the status of hunting next to associates on a dairy farm three miles from my house, I came across a charm view in the woods. It was a days three feet tall next to colorless veil, black almond formed eyes next to no whites, a undetectable go through, and very thin lips. To my flabbergast, the days looked close to human and was in the sphere of a innocent involve hunting cap. My hunting buddies were turned banned from it at the time, so I was the righteous one of us that witnessed the days previously it mislaid. I experience this days may suspend been a few organize of human-alien hybrid, but cannot give further details about why it was in the sphere of a hunting cap.
Mental picture is significance a badge of UFO sighting
NOTE: I normal this a few existence ago. The evidence, who lives in immature New York state, desires to defray nameless at the quality time but told me that he would believably contact me consequent. If you suspend an vivid encounter that you suspend questions about and/or entail to apportion, comfort email me at
Interview with Stanton Friedman in Stuart Miller's Alien Worlds. Here's an little bit from Miller's blog; for the full interview, order the magazine, details on Miller's blog.In talking about Bill Nye, "the science guy" here's what Friedman had to say:(Miller) Isn't he a children's TV scientist?(Friedman)Yes. He did a lot of that. I was looking on Amazon and I couldn't find any books by him on UFOs, of course, because that would take some work, just as Shostak hasn't written one, nor has Shermer. It takes work and you've got to look at some evidence and these guys don't want to bother with that. Whenever I meet them, I always look forward to a nasty, noisy, negative bashing going on. I've lost my patience with these guys a long time ago to tell you the truth. I did an interview yesterday with a guy I've known for forty years and he was a little surprised about how strong I came on in the new book about the SETI guys and astronomers in general and mostly in particular.But I'm at an age in my life when I feel no need to be kind. I'm not looking for jobs from any of these people and I've got to tell it as it is. This shocks some people and that's too bad. But I give specifics when I blast these guys.I love it!Good point: that none of these guys have written a book on UFOs, not Nye, not Shermer, not Shostak. Yet they come on and talk about UFOs as if they know what they're talking about, which they don't. We need researchers like Stanton for so many reasons, one being, we need to be reminded of how very simple it all is, really, on some levels. There is evidence --mountains of it. There is an active disinfo machine out there; witness the antics of SETI, Shostak, Shermer, Ny, McGaha, and so on. Their persistent, stubborn and often dishonest blatherings about UFOs goes beyond simple skepticism. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with honest inquiry. A true scientist mind set looks at these things in an open, curious, honest way. They don't perform the convoluted tricks we're witness to on programs like Larry King to deny and debunk something that's been going on right in front of us for thousands of years.