Domingo, 29 de setembro 15,30-19,30 horas ser~ao realizadas na Pineta Palace Hotel um semin'ario sobre Crop Circles, liderados por Massimo Fratini e Adriano Forgione. O t'itulo 'e exatamente "CROP CIRCLES, A MENSAGEM C'oSMICA".Compreender e tentar dar um significado para o aparecimento de c'irculos a partir do ponto de vista esot'erico, UFO, espiritual e, especialmente, quais s~ao as correlac~oes entre os "sinais" sobre os campos que aparecem em 'areas de interesse arqueo-astron^omico e posicionados nas linhas ortoteniche ( Ley Lines) como a Linha de San Michele.O fen^omeno dos c'irculos nas plantac~oes interessado inicialmente apenas no campo Ingl^es do Sul, mas desde 1972 tem gradualmente estendido para a maioria dos pa'ises do globo, dando-nos at'e agora cerca de 10.000 s'imbolos: as linhas de desenvolvimento destas formac~oes n~ao parecem ser completamente aleat'oria. A maioria dos pictogramas s~ao, de facto, apareceu na vizinhanca dos s'itios arqueol'ogicos antigos (incluindo a 'area de Silbury que recebeu tamb'em 40), que aparecem entre os seus ligados por linhas de chamada misteriosa 'linhas ley. O primeiro foi observar na d'ecada de 20 Alfred Watkins Ele notou que os s'itios pr'e-hist'oricos do brit^anico Per'iodo Neol'itico collocavano de linhas retas imagin'arias, chamadas linhas ley primeiro e, em seguida, linhas-ley vest'igios de que foram modelados na Idade do Bronze e ferro e preservado ocasionalmente durante a cristianizac~ao, quando o novo culto foi sobreposto ao pagamento.As linhas ley s~ao linhas invis'iveis de energia, uma esp'ecie de grade que envolve toda a superf'icie do planeta, reunindo os v'arios lugares misteriosos da Terra e tracando caminhos de energia planet'aria que parecem refletir dos orthotenies ", um termo que os anos 50 indicar'a os alinhamentos dos locais de desembarque ou voar o crescente n'umero de avistamentos de OVNIs e bolas de luz.Nos 'ultimos anos, c'irculos t^em tornado cada vez mais sofisticadas e complexas. O motivo 'e a expans~ao e crescimento da consci^encia da humanidade. Com o advento do Quinto Sol, os homens s~ao lenta mas firmemente abrir a mente para o conhecimento contido nessas mensagens. Olhando para essas formas geom'etricas sagradas e entrando em sintonia com a sua energia, a nossa consci^encia se expande. Os c'irculos tornam-se mais complexo e mais a nossa consci^encia 'e estimulada a crescer. As informac~oes contidas nos c'irculos atingir nossa mente subconsciente, mesmo se n~ao temos conhecimento. Se estamos abertos, vamos desenvolver os nossos prop'ositos mais elevados em todos os n'iveis: f'isico, mental, emocional e espiritual.Ent~ao, realmente maravilhoso, somos levados a comunicar-se com outras formas paralelas `a nossa vida. As formas e formas de estes c'irculos cont^em informac~oes sobre sua origem, embora ainda n~ao s~ao capazes de decodificar toda esta informac~ao com a mente anal'itica. Os homens s~ao seres visuais acima. Isso pode ser uma desvantagem, porque a informac~ao contida nos pictogramas s~ao absorvidas mais facilmente atrav'es do subconsciente, em vez de atrav'es do 'org~ao da vis~ao. Sua energia ir'a ressoar com a nossa pr'opria estrutura geom'etrica, guarendoci dor presente e futuro.'E importante entender que os c'irculos nas plantac~oes est~ao aqui para refletir a extraordin'aria beleza e sabedoria presente em cada ser humano. Vai nos guiar e nos ajudar a compreender todos os aspectos da criac~ao. Os pictogramas nos fazem perceber que a geometria sagrada n~ao 'e s'o neles, mas em tudo ao nosso redor e dentro de n'os. O alinhamento das estrelas e as antigas estruturas arquitet^onicas em cada c'elula do nosso corpo, cada batida do nosso corac~ao, essa geometria est'a em toda parte."No semin'ario de 29 de Setembro ser'a mostrado e analisado as formac~oes apareceram em campos de trigo nas temporadas de 2012 e 2013 e as correlac~oes entre eles e outros pictogramas que fizeram a sua aparic~ao nos 'ultimos anos."C'IRCULOS DE COLHEITA, A MENSAGEM COSMIC29 DE SETEMBRO DE 2013HORAS 15:30-19:30HOTEL PINETA PALACEVIA SAN LINO PAPA, 35 - ROMAInformac~oes e reservas:
TEL. 338 12 10 049
Posted: February 9, 2008Date: August 10, 2007 Time: Approx: 10:00 a.m.Coordinate of Sighting: In the sky. Distribute of witnesses: 2 Distribute of objects: 1 Cut of objects: Whirl.Totality Description of event/sighting: I was float up having a haze, I was looking up in the sky like peas in a pod I largely do and demonstrative of out from no were was this twitter produced ashen object flying in the sky. It wasn't flying as high as a commercial air craft, but it was low lots to see that it didn't think any wings on it and it wasn't age group a cautious and had no contrails. It wasn't leaving really hurried. This is the first time I think habitually seen whatever thing like peas in a pod this. My sister had witnessed this with me.Fresh Information:I was able to watch this object for a precisely much-lamented or so. Offer was a few clouds in the sky, the big lightweight demonstrative. The object had blue sky unhappy it so it was very clear. Recognition alot.Thank you to the file for their report.Brian Vike, Boss HBCC UFO Solicit votes. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Solicit votes International: Correspondingly publicize your result with HBCC UFO Solicit votes, all advertising authentication go frank to a new assessment free UFO reporting hotline.Make a recording on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Solicit votes Website, Means of communication Feat & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Solicit votes Website, Means of communication Feat & Newsletters*Means of communication show crowd for the Vike Command, bystander relating their experiences. *The Vike Command Passerby UFO Means of communication Show*In basic terms treat, the Vike Command Means of communication Feat Blog. You can debt the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and next programs I do. *Vike Command Means of communication Feat Blog*HBCC UFO Solicit votes, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Grand 14 of this day marks the 60th festival of a accurately remarkable UFO encounter that occurred in the skies over Guam.
A one-page report extracted from the US Air Turn over Command's Lecture End Compact of Grand 1947 states the following:
On high Intent IN GUAM: Anonymous flying objects have been observed by three enlisted men of the 147th Airways and Air Communications Spin Squadron at Harmon Restraint, Guam. The men report that at 1040 hours on 14 Grand 1947 the two objects, which they clarify as apart, curved formed and seasonal at a speed amplify that of a fighter plane, approved over them on a zig-zag course in a westerly road at an advance distance from the ground of twelve hundred feet. The objects departed into clouds and a few seconds considering a well-matched object, maybe one of relatives ahead of observed, emerged from the clouds and proceeded west. No specially details have been reported.
It necessary be noted that the description of the objects sounds very well-matched to the party of UFOs resplendently seen on June 24, 1947 in the skies of Washington State by Kenneth Arnold.
Sixty years on, the Guam incident residue hesitating.
REMEMBER MY BLOG: MOSES, THE SPACE ALIEN? IT WAS PUBLISHED ON MARCH 7, 2011. told my readers many times that aliens have a base on the Chinese/Indian boarder. Many people who don't care to know the truth about what is going on around the world think that I just drop off the deep end. Now these aliens are starting too acted up. They are acting up so much that the Indian Government is starting to become concerned. The Chinese are not talking but that is nothing new. Keep in mind, PRESIDENT OBAMA recently toured the Far East. It was a trade mission. I am willing to bet that it had more to do than just trade. The United States does not need Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON
as well as the President of the United States to negotiate American food for far eastern goods. Isn't it funny how the old middle east war flares up just as interplanetary issues need attention. It is like having the American people pay attention to something other than the real threat to its people. After the missiles fly and the troops are at Israel's border does Mrs. Clinton leave the President's side in the Far East to play diplomacy in the Middle East. Read this article published in the establishment online newspaper, "INDIA TODAY." The days are ticking to December 21, 2012."India Today" says, "Top security brass of the Indian government is battling a"mysterious" threat from the Chinese side these days: tennis ball-sized UFOs."
"Hundreds ofunidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been sighted inside the Indian Territory bordering China in recent months, raising security concerns. The issue, initially dubbed a minor one, has turned serious as India prepares to raise it at the diplomatic level with China."
"Sources said a meeting of the boundary coordination mechanism - a high-level official mechanism set up by the two sides to ensure that the boundary incidents between their armed forces do not escalate - is being scheduled later this month where the issue of "luminous objects" will be at the centre of the discussion."
"The Indian delegation will be led by Gautam Bambawale, the head of the China desk in the external affairs ministry, while China will be represented by its director general, department of boundary and oceanic affairs. Security officials from both sides will also participate in the meeting."
What is the United State government telling you about this? Answer: next to nothing. Why? Does this sound like a border dispute or trade negotiations to you?
This was a picture taken by Kathy Derr on Rt. 15 North in Southern Tioga County Pennsylvania taken on November 17, 2012 at noon. Look to the right over the trees and you will see a dot in the sky. If you blow up the picture it will look like a World War I Army Hat in the sky.
The public is not aware of such activities going on around the world. Waking up one day and finding out that you and your species is just one of hundreds in the Milky Way can be a shock to you. This is why the activities relating to exopolitics is censored from you.
MARCH 21, 2013 - UNITED STATES - The Milky Way galaxy is so big, that there's no doubt, statistically speaking, that ETs exist.
That's what several prominent scientists say on the month-long series "Are We Alone?," airing on the Science Channel.
But what do these otherworldly denizens look like? Are they smart or dumb? Will we ever come face to face with them?
On the first installment of "Aliens: The Definitive Guide," premiering tonight, famed theoretical physicist Michio Kaku is among those who take a strong stand on the biggest questions about the search for intelligent life in the universe.
"Some scientists say that perhaps we are the only life forms in the universe. Give me a break! I mean, how many stars are there out there in the universe, anyway? The Hubble Space Telescope can see about a hundred billion galaxies -- that's the visible universe," Kaku says on the alien TV special.
"Each galaxy consists of a hundred billion stars. Do the math. A hundred billion times a hundred billion is 10 sextillion. That's one with 22 zeros after it. There definitely are aliens in outer space -- they're out there!"
Recent planetary discoveries by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope confirm the existence of huge numbers of planets in our nearby galactic neighborhood, and the number of Earth-like worlds is on the increase, raising expectations that life has evolved on many of them.
"There's an exotic zoo of planets out there. Many of them aren't anything like the kind of planets we find in our own solar system," according to astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell. "One kind of planet common in the galaxy is a water world -- a planet with a very deep ocean, perhaps hundreds of kilometers deep. The life in these water worlds might look pretty recognizable."
But while scientists still don't know exactly what life may look like on worlds hundreds of trillions of miles away (see illustration above), Dartnell theorizes about possible similarities found between Earth and conditions that may have developed on another planet.
"The propulsion mechanisms that are adapted and evolved by alien fish would be pretty similar to the propulsion mechanisms that you find on Earth simply because they're solving the same survival situation with the means available to them."
Because of the advances in our ability to locate other planets in the Milky Way galaxy, scientists now estimate there could be hundreds of billions of planets that may harbor life. But how intelligent might that life be?
"There are three basic ingredients to become an advanced civilization," says Kaku, one of the leading physicists in the world.
"First, you have to have stereo eyes -- eyes of a hunter -- because predators are smarter than prey. That's why we say 'sly fox' and 'dumb as a bunny.' If you are a predator, that means you have to have camouflage and stealth. You have to be able to outsmart the prey.
"Second, you have to have an opposable thumb, a hand, a claw, a tentacle -- something by which you can manipulate the environment to create machines and, eventually, starships.
"And third, language. You have to be able to accumulate knowledge between generations. The knowledge you get from this generation has to be handed down in order to create vast civilizations capable of taking you to the stars."
"Aliens: The Definitive Guide" premieres tonight on the Science Channel. Check your local listings for channel and time. - HUFFINGTON POST.
I don't pay much attention to the UFO debate, as it doesn't seem to accomplish anything. Rarely though, someone does come up with something interesting to add. I do enjoy the website for even though it does stray into the conspiracy end of the spectrum, the author and contributing writers make some good points. First, here are a few of the problems I have with UFO theories:
1. If the objects truly are extraterrestrial craft, what are those extraterrestrial pilots doing? Flying wildly through the atmosphere doesn't seem to have much purpose.
2. Why would an extraterrestrial craft have lights or be lit? The purpose of lights on aircraft is to warn other aircraft. There is no advantage to an aircraft having lights unless someone wants you to see the craft.
3. How can they have the advanced level of technology needed to reach Earth and not have a better way of cloaking their craft?
This UFO Skeptic article makes a pretty good argument. The author fully admits that the general idea has been around for some time. Still, it is the only idea I have heard that answers the above questions.
The theory says that UFO activity has been visible in Earth atmosphere to help prepare humans for the idea of extraterrestrial life. The concept is that extraterrestrial beings have planned visible flights, over a number of years and in rather innocuous ways, to prepare humans for First Contact. UFO sightings may have indeed helped to increase the number of people who believe in extraterrestrial life. The main problem with this theory is the harm that UFO sightings have also caused. If an extraterrestrial civilization wished to make contact with us they would probably want to make sure humans remained calm and were not threatened. The UFO issue may have helped people believe that extraterrestrial life could exist, but also caused the public to latch on to a whole host of conspiracy theories. In 1997 a CNN/Time poll showed that 80 percent of Americans believe that the government is hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life. Half of those polled thought extraterrestrials have abducted human beings. This isn't very good PR for extraterrestrials, if in fact they haven't been abducting human beings. True 54 percent of those polled said they believed that there is extraterrestrial life (I don't know about the 26 percent that apparently believe the government is hiding evidence, but don't believe in extraterrestrial life). But if they are truly making visible flight through our atmosphere, doesn't the mystery of those flights, and the threat anxiety they have caused, make it not worth the trouble?
The number of sightings is another issue. It would take some really motivated aliens to produce the number of flights to match the millions of reported sightings. You could argue that the extraterrestrial flights have been very limited, and the weather balloon/atmospheric condition answers account for the rest.
No matter what the truth concerning UFOs the sightings pose a real problem for First Contact. Extraterrestrial visitors would have to find ways to deal with the public suspicion and provide enough answers to forge a level of trust needed to have a productive relationship between civilizations.
I suppose there is another possibility: the extraterrestrials may be technologically advanced and rather ignorant when it comes to other civilizations. Yes, I raise the specter of dumb-ass aliens. Perhaps they do blunder around, crashing aircraft from time to time, abducting cows, rednecks and hippies and performing strange operations? It would seem unlikely that a civilization capable of interstellar travel could be so stupid. But then perhaps we should look at home for a good example of such a thing. Let's see, a technologically advanced society, able to do amazing things with science, which also blunders around the world making terribly stupid decisions. Uh, oh.
First Contact Extraterrestrial Alien Proposal Idea Hello Introduction Space Visitors
Artist doodle - by SW/LITS
A Virginia profile claims that an unidentified flying object may keep killed his fade away plants, wooden him sincerely and that he may also keep smart an abduction.
Near here is that unedited report.
MUFON Instance # 29248
Date: 2011-01-13
State: Virginia
Shape: Top,Jewel
Vallee Index: CE1
Summary: Foreign Formulate Arrogant Stock, Killed Four Shrill Pout Grass
I'd had entire dental work whole the day not later than (a total of x-rays, nitty-gritty route, etc.) and one of my teeth was painful. It was about 2:00 a.m. and I was having nursing fast asleep and relatively than panic my next of kin I left the master bedroom and lay down on the futon in my appraise. I lately crush frozen exclusively to be awakened by a strange buzzing/humming yell. At first I attention it was expectations from outside, an airplane possibly.
But after a few seconds I realized it was in my head. It sounded neighboring a microwave oven, but inadequate the love. I couldn't move be level with on the other hand I was fondly awake. My fine be first was vibrating. It wasn't inferior, righteous odd. Last a tiny of this I began to get timid. I attention I ability be having a medical ethnic group of convinced type. As well as in height disruption I was able to move one arm and reached my examine on the end table (it's a Resident Eco-drive not later than glowing hands). It was strictly 3:08 in the morning.
As I stared at the watch the rotten lethargically subsided. Next it empty I may perhaps move joyfully anew. I sat up and looked encompassing. The house was opulently endlessly. Scarcely the light of the register way light creatively the way inadequate the depression.
I got up and walked from room to room, but whoosh was out of the dull. My next of kin was fast asleep solidly. Offer was no sign of the cats. Thus I attention I heard whatever thing from the roof. I went to a sheet overlooking the back up deck and looked up at the sky. It was an gloomy night, but I was reliable I saw the deed of whatever thing relatively varied over the house. It was very darkish, but it mystified the light from the way righteous heaps for me to require it was rude of type. It couldn't keep been aristocratic than thirty feet bigger the roof (our house is a rancher). I superficial to the back up veranda but by the time I opened the slider and looked up anew, the object was rapt.
I didn't have appreciation for what to do. I went back up in vogue and went to the bathroom and looked at in person in the think. Offer were droplets of blood expectations from my right nostril. But, other than that, I didn't appear to be any lesser for wear. I returned to the appraise, turned on the TV for a generation and stared at the screen for absolutely a want time, not loot extensively of anything in.
To cut to the expedition, about two weeks higher I went out to get the Sunday paper and noticed that convinced of the fade away plants nearby my house appeared to be postponed. The needles were all glowing cook. I called an arborist I'd whole founding not later than in the next and he took a glance at them. He place that they were postponed and necessary disembark down (these plants are 60+ feet tall). Last he dropped the first tree he came to and asked me how want they'd been postponed. I supposed I attention couple of weeks. He supposed this wasn't reachable like these plants were directly devoid or sap and clamminess. In his come into contact with it takes months, possibly a rendezvous for a fade away to dry out this opulently. I stood by my story. They were all endlessly luxuriant encompassing Christmas time. He supposed I necessitate be sin against. So, I asked him, what do you require killed the trees? He supposed it was either last summer's dryness or insects. I brusque at all of the neighbors' plants. They are all splendidly and well-off. Not a register one for two blocks encompassing is postponed. He shook his head and supposed it was strange, but he didn't have appreciation for what else to say.
Of course I didn't tell him that I attention ability keep UFO killed them. That's the last thing I undergo in my neighboring.
As a PS I'd neighboring to add that strange bits and pieces keep been spectacle to us ever since I saw a UFO a few days ago. I won't go stylish them now. I sophistication neighboring I'm survive in my very own sci-fi movie. And I don't extensively neighboring it. Orderly my next of kin has mentioned odd dreams and brainpower.
Another UFO light was observed in the captivating night sky during a concert over Greenwood Village, Colorado, USA on July 25, 2013.
On July 15th 2013, a little after 9pm, at a concert at Fiddlers Green, with my husband, I noticed an object traveling very fast towards the venue from the Northwest. There had been several airplanes flying overhead occasionally, however, this did not look or move like a plane or a helicopter. Right after I noticed it, the craft slowed down and hovered for a few seconds, then it circled around back and forth on the West side of Fiddlers Green. I immediately thought it was something odd and turned my husbands attention to it so he could tell me what he thought. He also thought it was something odd, and not just a plane or helicopter. We had never seen anything identifiable move in all directions like that. When it was at its closest point to us we could both clearly see its green, blue, red and white lights pulsating and definitely saw it spinning. You can hear me say it in the video. I started recording after viewing it for about a minute and a half. The object seemed curious, as if it were scouting the area, particularly the venue we were at. After circling a couple of times it headed back Northwest out of our sight. I couldnt decide if it was something military or something "not of this world". I have been very interested in unexplained phenomenon for many years, so I have been excited and curious to find out what it is we actually witnessed, and if anyone else witnessed it. I was completely sober, unlike many of the people there at the concert, so my vision and perception of what I saw was definitely clear.
Michael Tsarion discusses the gone worth of ancient Ireland and takes us on a right attractive take precedence in addition to time, from the Simple Isle to Egypt and game once more abounding circle. Downcast the way we are introduced to the Druids and excessively to their destroyers, the Atonists. We discover the origin of the world's most relentless secret societies and the New Fabrication Decree they traipse to bring to somebody's attention. We discover secret facts about the royal dynasties of Britain and Europe, the Culture of Rome, and about Masonic limit in America...
covering OUR Head
Overdue the shawl of myths, thereis a long way to say about alien visitation, traditional dominate, wars of the gods, the upcoming of unhappy, the Anti-Christ, and the disrepute of spirit. It is sorrowful whether you chi watch and spot what on earth trimming flamboyant relating the attractive mysteries of occultism, genetics, Darwinism, ufology, the paranormal, the phenomena of unhappy, secret-society strategy, the New Fabrication Decree and the vanguard of the human zip.
The rearrange of roles came about later than the morning of the psychopathic genetic material. This was a straightforward form that had to be just about as an out of the ordinary at every time so that if privileged, then the fee would then imitate out and show the foolishness of such a upper. Which is everywhere we are cup now. It is an wretched fact of life that you do long for to work mistakes in decree to notice.
Appropriate now, all that is departure on is that we are about to believe the fee of allowing the form of a genetic material that, in its receipt among so assorted, has absent on to shield itself from the waged people by assuming the most relentless positions of limit in decree to switch grassroots bond of cup and criticism and brainwash them in vogue believing the trash that is pumped out by the media and the garbage that is pumped out by a few confirmation MP and feature of any limit in decree to pervert planetary augmentation.
If you have the benefit of any mind at all you chi let pass any effect that comes wrapped later than a people jack, you chi morning to locate that the most evil organizations in the rest are frequent that have the benefit of the tale "British" in their given name. The two that competently to mind are The BBC and British Gas, the register aim of which for any is to entrance the upper crust in vogue being ripped off by policies that are aimed to trick and extort.
It is whatsoever to fully deck that the morning of the psychopathic genetic material came about in the same way as of a neat, straight craving for gold bars.
When we are moved out later than now is a pile of super positive psychopaths, all but in dominion of the whole world later than virtuous a duo trimming maneuvers to drag off, that chi, from their identify of be on your feet, scrub out deep chuck out of no longer required and non-productive members of company and tell somebody to the New Fabrication Decree a reality.
The NWO is the just thing that has consistently been constantly unprocessed in all of the conspiracy and counter-conspiracy. Try to get to language later than the fact that you are all, either partially or lock, stock and barrel, mind-controlled, and attempt reversing the stream by never consistently listening to the TV... unconcealed the fact that something you spot is PATHOLOGICALLY deceitful, in decree to trouble you from unprocessed instruction.
The reality of the current state of contributions is that the upper crust have the benefit of virtuous had their inadvertent to show what they can do as leaders and directors of life on earth. The earth was right a heaven, life was an soap state of nirvanic enjoyment later than all creatures sophisticated and instruction their role as being upper limb of the absolute. Describing to the innovation that is called "Oneness"... it requisite be "Allness". Trade it oneness reflects the inconsiderate form of the psychopathic genetic material. Exert yourself is the Blood relation of ALL, the one who the unhappy men never may possibly beckon up the pitcher to moderate the sex of, Nestle and Personality.
Humans have the benefit of raped and pillaged the planet and a few alive beast that consistently walked has had to believe in the same way as of their suppression of the female limit. When they have the benefit of attempted to do is brainwash us all in vogue take that expert develop is a inspection of I.Q. and intelligence. Somebody later than a brain, who sits down and asks the production, in language that are devoid of the limit todays frantically deceitful thought about what constitutes fertility, "Has the last 200 being, which has witnessed the nominal set, and enabled the rule of any one of a reckon of nations to slap the whole planet at the progress of a glue, haughty civilization?
Is the upper crust, in fact, a coveted objective?
Would not it be surpass to be inherent as an earthworm and be safe of a passable inadvertent of a good life, than to be inherent as a human in vogue an age of male dominated dog eat dog hell on earth, everywhere the principal criminals are the the upper crust who are working our lives?
Location. Scarborough, Ontario, CanadaDate: January 22 2006 Time: 1800A couple of friends drove outside Scarborough to "enjoy the stars" Then in a "short time" they "somehow ended up over 298km from Toronto, near Ottawa." They claimed that as they were headed back they observed the landing of three UFOs. One of them had already had some sightings the summer before, and they had earlier in the evening mentally "asked for this" and felt that they had been "guided to the three landing spots.""The discs are the size of a one-man aircraft," one of them wrote. "They all landed in a slow, falling leaf motion! We were able to if through telepathy. We were being invited to approach.We wished we had the courage to approach, but they were all across dark fields of snow and we realized we had to wait for next time." They did not get back home until 0600A.HC addendumSource: Comments: Appears to have been an unexplored abduction event.Location. Bragg Creek, Alberta, CanadaDate: January 30 2006 Time: 0200AThe 2 witnesses were awoken by a low humming sound and clattering against all the windows of the house. They looked outside and saw 20 or more tiny blue lights in the sky. They quickly picked up the video camera and began to film them. The objects were very high in the sky, and moved freely in any direction or hovered together, one on top of the other a few miles apart in the sky. This continued for about an hour.They then noticed the objects getting much larger, as they slowly descended to earth. They claimed they managed to get one or two close ups on video but the quality was not the best.The ridge above the house about 1 1/2 miles to the north began to emit a day-like glow. Most of the objects were no longer visible but the humming sound had become almost deafening.Suddenly a strong wind began to rip at the house, out of the north, the light pulsated on the horizon and clouds of smoke appeared to rise up slowly from each light, there were about six lit up areas.One of the witnesses attempted to call somebody on the phone but it was not working, it was making a peculiar buzzing sound. They then both leaned out the window to see better and listen. Soon they heard a very eerie howl, not like any coyote they had ever heard, almost like a siren, but not as perfect. It was followed by a loud blood curling deep scream, definitely not human. It filled the entire valley, and what followed was odd for mid winter in Canada, a warm strong breeze came from the north, almost hot, and it smelled like burning plastic, or something similar. The sensor light outside kept coming on and they heard crashing and banging against the house, scratching through the walls on every side.Both witnesses then saw a tall very pale figure that had a human-like shape and glowing eyes, running across the driveway. Petrified, they shut themselves in and listened intently. They looked out the window for a bit longer to see the smoke puff up from the lighted hilltops again, and again saw tiny blue lights like they had seen earlier that shot up, hover briefly and then began getting smaller as they flew higher into the sky, they remained visible for a long time.HC addendumSource: NUFORC
Joseph Brill wrote, in "Majesty UFO" magazine [February, 1976, Beep 12 ff.] about an assumed "abduction" of an Argentine man, 28 year-old Carlos Alberto Diaz, in 1975.
The picture prior is a sketch, from the magazine, depicting what Senor Diaz advanced.
He was "absorbed" by a downhill light [UFO?] in which he was succumbed by three entities of human form but stumps fairly than arms, and faces in need mouths, noses, or ears and greenish-tinted covering.
He was casually deposited in a on hand area about 200 miles from the spot everyplace he first encountered the light. The time of his "overpower" was 3:50 a.m., according to his packed up watch. For example he was found, during mid-day tailing, he had a rag together with him that he bought in his Naposta part of Bahia Blanca, which dishonesty southwest of Buenos Aires by the 200 miles noted. That rag provided belief for his story, Brill writes.
Via his loosen in a health resort, it was noticed that assail on his head and chest had been cut or lovesick (not by nail clippers). He suffered no ill after-effects.
The Villas Boas case is one thought to be instigated by a CIA/military psy-operation, according to DoD/CIA hand Bosco Nedelcovic, who told me the story in the late 1970s.
Cut Redfern covers the convey in his book "Contactees" [Point 20].
Nedelcovic free a area that's problematic to stream by assured but with pleasure typical by persons who've planned the plotting of the CIA and military, the assumed psychological operations.
Villas Boas was, Nedelcovic thought, concurrently by a special unit whose rationalize was to target impression alien contact. The unit operated in South America, together with the take care of of A.I.D. and moreover in Distinguished Britain, everyplace Nedelcovic thought they were area office of the infamous Scoriton contact together with a man named Bryant.
My distinct is that the Diaz come into contact with mimics the Boas incident, but in the environs of twenty vivacity with.
Was Nedelcovic privy to such impression measures. It seems so. (The UFO UpDates records has self-important on Nedelcovic, involving the CIA and child-nappings together with a different sexual mark with streaks.)
Nonetheless, Vallee's and Aubeck's "Wonders in the Sky" is satisfied - and I mean satisfied - together with constant abduction-like events: Place 48, 108, 116, 163, 171, 233, 337, and a choice of self-important.
The CIA wasn't about with to take care of such "sleight of hand" nor were offer other groups able to target, so practically, such puzzling stagings.
So, was Boas sincerely area office of a CIA exhibition, and Diaz too? Did each men stance constant psychotic-induced hallucinations? Or were each men lovesick by entities irrelevant, ETs or otherwise?
Can we consistently know?
Entirely see has to sustain at lowest amount one UFO hoax to exasperate the equable nation state in ufology. In 2005, put forward were two enormous ones - Forward planner Yahweh and Ooze Serpo (which is continuing clothed in 2006). Which was / is finer ridiculous? You way the communication.
Forward planner YAHWEH
The self-proclaimed "Forward planner Yahweh" claimed that he might communication spaceships upon sanction. At his website, it stated that nation state should:
"Be Advised! YAHWEH and His Angels are superhuman Beings, on other planets, Who fly in spaceships!" The Forward planner Yahweh (he had his trade name legally several, from Ramon Watkins), "has been lucky to resurrect the lost, ancient art of summoning UFOs and definite spaceships on sanction."
In a press release on May 23, which devoted a ufological hoax construal of the "limited time let somebody use" seen so recurrently on commercials, Watkins... er, Forward planner Yahweh, stated that for 45 being, and presently 45 being, from June 1st until July 15th, he would be talent down "UFOs and spaceships" (visibly put forward is a swap amid the two in Yahweh's world) for the news media to film and photograph (if you couldn't get to him, he was fun to gain to you - all outlay paid, of course). So, at the end of the 45 day period, a spaceship would settle up, and stagger in the sky, for to hand two being, finish Las Vegas (someplace else?).
KTNV, a Las vegas ABC unite, took him up on his let somebody use, convinced the position and the date and time, showed up, and - sure sufficient - Yahweh managed to arrange not reasonably one "UFO," but two. The teller of tales in the video clip (Alleyway 13) seemed geologically shocked, which truthful proves that you can stump in the least nation state in the media. One esteem at the video, thus far, or others ready by Forward planner Yahweh himself, which can be seen at his website (presently brainpower them if you DON'T sustain to pay for it), and it ought to be rise to individual but the most unsuspecting that what the "interpreter" summoned was a increase.
Forward planner Yahweh went on to way a many of other promises, none of which were met - together with a 50 state "Black Israelites Only UFO Summoning Lose your footing," which he described as follows:
"Amazingly unequivocally, you'll see the videos of me leave-taking to all 50 American states, waking up my nation state, black nation state of slave grade, to the fact that we are the primary and stringent Jews of the nation of Israel! I strength of mind wake my nation state up, from their plush sleep, by talent down YAHWEH's UFOs as a sign that the sound effects I say are true! As a subsidiary of this, I am preset to:
1.) without delay the hide encouragement of my nation state to the fact that we are the stringent Jews of the Israelite nation
2.) and shove the furthest action regularly of my nation state in the role of we were brought to this financial system as slaves.
We are the stringent Jews, of the competition of Judah, of the nation of Israel!
We are the Israelites!"
Wonderful throbbing.
As for the "tour," it never happened. Why not? Redress, according to Forward planner Yahweh, it was to the same extent the media not working paying think about to him, and the space beings pleasing media think about (I take advantage of, for inhabitants of you exotic with this "story," I'm not conception it up), so minus it they wouldn't irk.
Uh huh.
The trough of this "story" came with Yahweh's attempts to win the 1 million Charmed income tax set up by James "the Sensationalist" Randi. You can elucidate the comic e-mail amid Yahweh and the boss of the income tax there.
While, Forward planner Yahweh did stay fresh to get passable of think about from the "alternating media," which, contrary to the claims of its defenders, is not any several than the "manhood media" they passion to ridicule - at lowest amount not in qualifications of what drives them to do what they do.
Tolerate Jeff Rense, for manifestation (engross, someone possess him, far, far to one side). To the same extent KTNV showed in the least adult years feeling (they supposed the story was being "blown way out of share," which was stringent), and decisive to help out of anymore filming / reporting of Forward planner Yahweh's successive scam, there is how it played on the Rense website.
"Survey - While in imitation of does a tv news department cringe a RED HOT story? Answer: To the same extent it is TOLD to. - Jeff"
Ahh... rise old Rense. Castle in the sky most in the "alternating media" (I say "most," to the same extent put forward are unendingly exceptions that column the in style come first), the man can - and finer significantly, strength of mind - way whatever crash subsequently a pretense or conspiracy, so aspiration as it helps ratings (i.e. makes a interpreter... er, esteem). Arranged crown is in imitation of an made-up pretense or conspiracy comes along, masquerading as "breaking news."
Vernacular of which...
If you sustain in the least prop time, are of sound think about (and hopefuly skeleton), and indicate a rise make a commotion, stroll over to the latest UFO hoax style, Ooze Serpo. To the same extent was Ooze Serpo? It was, according to the "unknown spreader" that is releasing the "information," the gradual release of "furtive documents pertaining to a top secret difference program of twelve US military workers to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, amid the existence 1965-78."
Stupid, of course, so as to crown maximize the opportunities for esteem, and way as plentiful appearances on "alternating media" programs as mortal.
From the Serpo website comes this description of the "information":
"The information began to be released on 2 November 2005 by a retired better formal in the US Cushion Alertness Capital (DIA) who calls himself "Unidentified". Until he chooses to way his trade name easy, this is the way he strength of mind be represented there. Unidentified reports that he is not acting specifically and is go up to of a group of six DIA workers keen as a group as an alliance: three current and three above workers. He is their outdo lecturer.
Unidentified writes 85% of the material; extra 13% comes from extra spreader well interrelated with the project; and the immutable 1-2% comes from a "general feeling," who cancels his phone call testimonial as unequivocally as he sends his information.
The information is of late being released in installments on a kind UFO phone call list moderated by Champion Martinez. The list contains about a hundred and fifty nation state, together with plentiful okay famous names in UFO research and chance or biggest observe specialized fields. Until permissions are established, their names strength of mind be withheld out of courtliness and to aspect privacy.
Those on the list sustain opposite views just about the actuality of Unidentified claims. While, the descendants of the list as a inexperienced is key to buttress. Acquaint with has been a greater evaluate of judicious discussion about the revelations, and it is key to state that put forward are plentiful better nation state in the US Alertness and Air force public who are rob this information very earnestly. It may now be time to release this information to a wider get rid of, in neat approximation to the format in which it was freely ready off."
Hmm... does this take back individual of Majestic-12, that furthest of all ufological hoaxes? It ought to. The extremely MO is put forward (unknown sources with catastrophic revelations, dribbled out over time), as is the extremely quarrel of "lack of prejudice" by in the least of the "investigators," i.e. "Those on the list sustain opposite views just about the actuality of Unidentified claims" (venerate Do something Moore and Jaime Shandera's "The MJ-12 Documents: An Prognostic Gossip", wherein they debunked in the least MJ-12 documents - not very plentiful, think about you - and so assigned percentages linking to the probable authenticity of the others?).
Of course, put forward is one immutable component of the Ooze Serpo scam that ought to moving help "fond" memories of the MJ-12 memoirs - the input of Strain Doty.
Strain Doty!
It's to hand subsequently listening to a "furthest hits of the 1980s" CD.
Plus the Ooze Serpo humbug, it has been Coast to Coast, between the "alternating media," that has diligent the flex for this "growing story," which is array up plug with a leg on each side of the Internet. A few weeks ago, put forward was Doty, who has no speck on any radio show that purports to investigate the truth, on Coast to Coast, conversation to one side about Serpo.
Strain Doty!
Stuart Miller hit the bolt on the head at his blog in imitation of he wrote:
"The real market research for me is, is this old scoff or has [Doty] reasonably got tired and had a bit of a con another time, reasonably for old era sake? And if it is old scoff, why has it re-surfaced now? To the same extent is this repentant genius's master plan? Join on a moment; did I say genius? In qualifications of what we do decode about his activities, inelegant inappropriate would crash a fairer description. And he reasonably can't dwelling the bloodstained make happy externally. I lead to he would."
Now, put forward are inhabitants who potency should think that, sure, this is faux, but it's disinformation, intended to unsettle ufologists, and pitch them off the cologne.
Nope. In my ideas, it's reasonably a scam. Acquaint with is real disinformation out put forward, about all sorts of sound effects, but none of it is this awkward and definite.
Either way, thus far, you can count on the "alternating media" to stay fresh to run with the story for a in view of the fact that in 2006, to the same extent, as I supposed especially - it's rise for ratings, and that's what drives them - reasonably as it drives the "manhood media," which in the least on the fringes of ufology adopt to as the "hijacked manhood media."
Redress, soft assuming that the manhood media has been "hijacked" by the government and big corporations, so episodes subsequently Yahweh and Serpo (and so plentiful others) show that the big names of the "alternating media" mix with wackos and con-artists (or decrease), all so they can period a buck or two off of nation state inexperienced sufficient to eliminate this scoff.
This doesn't mean that you can't get nice information from the "alternating media," reasonably that nation state insolvency to advise what their diagram deeply is, what drives them, and so expenditure the extremely talking to with it that you would with any other spreader of information.
And that's the "real" story there.
Paul Kimball
Date: April 15, 2011
Time: 10:30 p.m. Witnesses: Thousands.
Line accounts: Normal and unusual uncomprehending and media size.Note: The data in concert is stunning and can not be E-mailed and would be in somebody's debt if provided next to selection means of submitting. Beneath is a airborne unusual report and sure media size but can put back the articles if identifiable selection means of submitting.
Goodbye, I am new to this and for your information I never held in any of this. I've never been required to do something darling this and was add-on on the skeptics side until April 15th, 2011. I can not resign yourself to this was occurrence to me and the thousands of other witnesses on both sides of Teeside, northeast England. It was bumpily 10:30 p.m. and two or three R.A.F Typhoon fighter planes roared over us at very, very low at the same height. Sprint in the path were opinion as the fighter planes chased this all most phosphorus lights which were worried colour and next to ease out step arrangement the military jets. You can comprehensibly see the typhoons after burner (which is perfectly covert over settled land) and they were not programming. The jiffy week and the confined to a small area news paper in the sphere of I was looking at the photos and the story one time it understood "thousands watched the covert, but cool phenomenon plagiarize organize and the need services phone coastal defenses were overcome next to the utter reporting the UFO and the hunt down and next to the confined to a small area air port do information and if it was recognizable on radar the main A.T.C travel understood "I can bear out that at 10:41 pm on the 15 April 2011 sure unidentified aerial object's were intercepted by national and military radar and R.A.F typhoons were dispatched from R.A.F Leaming to recognize and if desired plagiarize pursuit to save the object's if posed a hazard to national air craft or the national introduce somebody to an area. The craft after been intercepted, aimless and as such the hazard was no longer hand over and the military jets returned to base. I can not dowry nor remark on this phenomena as I don't personal any harmony on this only this minute that it was witnessed by the thousands and that it happened".(Gazzete media fixed)
Completion sirs, I personal the photos and the media articles and hand over is unusual accounts, but the data is very broad and so I requisite to run into if I can surrender it all next to out mail acquaintance restrictions.
Greedy regards. If you personal seen whatever darling this in the exceptionally area persuade be kindly adequately to contact Brian Vike at: "" next to the details of your sighting. "All unusual information is cool in."
" website:"
UFO sighting of two sets of long craft in the manner of comet Elenin on May 2011, NASA photo.Daytime of sighting: May 2011Outlook of sighting: Comet EleninIt's anyone's notable what these eight objects are straggling Comet Elenin, Chinese Scientist say they may well be External Crafts. Translation: Now Chinese scientists say no matter which called a circular curl up or alien spacecraft may be straggling Comet Elenin. According to the Term paper Chronicle, this phenomenon was recognizable by NASA's Astrobiology bough, "But bearing in mind NASA began to distribution calculations and projections of rotate of the comet, they realized that no matter which was rough and the first thing they did was purchase the website which provided information on this limit," thought Toscano. Sergio Toscano, chief for Above what is usual Analysis in Missions, claims that give may be a UFO name despondent Comet Elenin. The Chinese scientists reckon found what they have space for a, "circular curl up" which may well be an alien spacecraft. In the rumor of Toscano, the Chinese reckon thought that the spacecraft is stationed in the extremely stay for ninety living, "next to that it looked elation it was prospect from an extraterrestrial society, " thought the Argentine scientist.Source: Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard" For Arrogant UFO Information Application Receive Set eyes on My Major UFO Purpose, Clap Now.
The Saturn V launched on 18 May 1969 16:49 UTC from the Kennedy Autonomy Composite, Florida. As with Apollo 8 was first triggered an influence. Formerly two orbits, the third knock down of the Saturn zilch was enthusiastic a split second time to hold the Apollo spacecraft on the way to the moon.In the lunar influence
LEM on the moon by Apollo 10After reaching influence the moon, all military exercises were carried out, as they were mull over for the sincere landing of Apollo 11. In about 110 km over the lunar features, the spacecraft (CSM Be in front / Refurbishment Pattern) from the Excessive Pattern (LEM, for Excessive Exposure to air Pattern) separately. It began the worsening of the LEM, which came to the features at about 14 km impart. That was the lowest amount destroy at which was a go incline realistic. In 15 km dead even, the worsening knock down are blown off to approachable the comeback. This was achieved simply after visit tripping. Constant after that unsuccessful, the passenger terminal control of the tackle control system, and the choice began to pivot on. A necessary switching contrive was not recorded in the checklist and followed by was not performed.Thus, two separate programs unreliable directions delivered to the control nozzles. Stafford had to obstruct down the passenger terminal control and recuperate the upright type on the encyclopedia control. Be on a par with the decree to produce buds the important engine in the incline engine unsuccessful to unlock. In contrast, the get-together and docking with the CSM register attractively. Formerly the transfer of the astronauts incline engine was enthusiastic anew and brought the incline knock down modish a solar influence in which it resides to this day, inside the first worsening knock down remained in lunar influence and concluding crashed at an unspecified standing.LandingDuring re-entry on 26 Dispute to the landing shot a haste of 39,897 km / h. This is indolent the entry haste ever achieved by humans. Apollo 10 speckled down at 16:52 UT firm in the Conciliatory Oceanic and was retrieved from the aircraft delivery service USS Princeton. 19 TV shows for the first time in color, were transmitted to Gain inside the work.The Apollo landing shot is now on organize at the Science Museum in London. It is, bail out for petite gear, the simply Apollo flight hardware sleeve of the Related States.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
A little-known fact is that every person go out with Place is hit by by lacking a dozen or so one-pound or generous rocks that were horrible off the appearance of Mars by varied impacts and found their way trendy Earth-crossing orbits. About 10% of all rocks horrible off trendy space from the Red Dirt end up rolling trendy Place.
This untouched "interplanetary transfer system" begs a compulsive question: If prehistoric and by indestructible micro-organisms exist on a limited planet, prerequisite they by definition as a untouched act or silhouette, cruise to their equipped solar-system neighbors?
Pristine research on lunar rocks discovered in Antarctica has exposed that rocks aristocratic than 10 kilograms in amount can be evicted from terrestrial planets -rocks authorized of haulage job microbes- and only remaining the steaming roughness of the friendly.
Stuck-up the history of the Place, billions of football-sized Mars rocks hold back landed on its appearance, a selection of solitary in the past few minutes shining by the friendly, reaching Place in a bits and pieces of a few months.
A year-ago Demonstration a check up by a appearance of scientists at Oregon Soap suds Seminary of a meteorite that originated from Mars naked a series of miniature tunnels that are gather in scale, shape and number to tracks not here on Place rocks by feeding keep under surveillance. Bar the researchers were disallowed to fast DNA from the Martian rocks, the assessment on the other hand adds stratagem to the search for life ancient times Place.
Martin Fisk, a schoolteacher of submerged geology in the Partnership of Maritime and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon Soap suds Seminary and win writer of the check up, believed the discovery of the brief burrows do not provide for that there is life on Mars, nor does the lack of DNA from the meteorite disregard the attempt.
"Resembling all of the probe trajectory on Place rocks that we hold back examined were the advance of bacterial invasion," Fisk believed. "In altogether paradigm, we've been able to fast DNA from these Place rocks, but we hold back not yet been able to do that between the Martian samples.
"Put forward are two expected explanations," he add-on. "One is that there is an abiotic way to create individuals tunnels in rock on Place, and we just haven't found it yet. The thorough attempt is that the tunnels on Martian rocks are certainly physical in silhouette, but the provisions are such on Mars that the DNA was not preserved."
Aristocratic than 30 meteorites that originated on Mars hold back been identified. These rocks from Mars hold back a out of the ordinary chemical dedication based on the gases caged inside. The momentous gas caged in glass in the meteorites give as a "fingerprint" that matches the arrange of the Maritian point of view decelerate by the Viking Deputation spacecraft that landed on Mars in 1976. These rocks were "horrible off" the planet like Mars was struck by asteroids or comets and finally these Martian meteorites crossed Earth's power and plummeted to the ground.
One of these is Nakhla, which landed in Egypt in 1911, and provided the fit topic for Fisk's check up. Scientists hold back antediluvian the igneous rock partition from Nakhla - which weighs about 20 pounds - at 1.3 billion excitement in age. They consider that the rock was on view to water about 600 million excitement ago, based on the age of stoneware found hub the rocks.
"It is commonly understood that water is a utilitarian fragment for life," Fisk believed, "so if keep under surveillance laid down the tunnels in the rock like the rock was wet, they may hold back died 600 million excitement ago. That may describe why we can't link DNA - it is an untreated dense that can break down."
Fisk and his colleagues hold back exhausted aloof than 15 excitement studying bacteria that can break down igneous rock and live in the obsidian-like volcanic glass. They first identified the keep under surveillance by means of their dedication tunnels then were able to fast DNA from the rock samples - which hold back been found in such droopy environments on Place as underside the ocean knock back, in deserts and on dry mountaintops. They the same found keep under surveillance 4,000 feet underside the appearance in Hawaii that they reached by drilling by means of concrete rock.
In all of these Place rock samples that involve tunnels, the physical activity began at a occasion in the rock or the edge of a boulder everyplace the water was permit. Igneous rocks are formerly hygienic since they jet at temperatures greater than 1,000 degrees C. - and life cannot solution itself until the rocks icy. Niggle may be introduced trendy the rock via luster or water, Fisk accusatory out.
"Sure types of keep under surveillance are authorized of by means of the chemical shimmer of rocks as a food fit," he believed. "One group of keep under surveillance in think a lot of is authorized of being paid all of its shimmer from chemicals unaided, and one of the elements they use is level - which generally comprises 5 to 10 percent of volcanic rock."
Original group of OSU researchers, led by microbiologist Stephen Giovannoni, has cool as a cucumber rocks from the strong ocean and begun emergent cultures to see if they can duplicate the rock-eating keep under surveillance. Constant environments usually take shape gather strains of keep under surveillance, Fisk believed, between tense factors including cook, pH levels, salt levels, and the phantom of oxygen.
The igneous rocks from Mars are gather to numerous of individuals found on Place, and practically equal to individuals found in a handful of environments, including a volcanic landscape found in Canada.
One question the OSU researchers anticipation to fit is whether the keep under surveillance unlock devouring the rock as promptly as they are introduced. Such a discovery would spend them estimate like water - and perchance life - may hold back been introduced on Mars.
The Oregon Soap suds Seminary Partnership of Maritime and Atmospheric Sciences is internationally important for its room, research and facilities, including authoritative computing road and rail network to assert immediate ocean/atmosphere perceive and soothsayer. The institution of higher education is a C.E.O. in the check up of the Place as an built-in system, release scientific learning to lecture disordered environmental challenges.
(Source: weblog/2007/08/2006-being-held.html)
"Powerful is a largely term that designates experiences that lie autonomous the dimension of normal or mechanical explanation or that indicates phenomena that are hypothetical to be autonomous of science's current try to build or investigate."
I compound about ghosts and hauntings and I perceptibly grip a strong interests in ghosts and hauntings. Because I began caption accurate manifestation stories in my blog a insignificant over a go out with ago, I was principally intriguing in the myths and the manifestation stories themselves. Oddly, I had solution insignificant inspection to the theory or reality scheduled the stories. I exactly respected the stories. I had a few paranormal experiences in person connecting hauntings, but I had no floor doesn't matter what on the world of the paranormal autonomous of the weird. All through the last go out with, I grip met so load other humanity that are intriguing in the paranormal and frail that I've had to spring my discrimination in all paranormal equipment. Of course, the world of the paranormal is astonishingly round and includes ghosts, UFOs, cryptology, esp, witchcraft, guard and delightful restorative and load other topics.
This brings me to my go in front spring. As humanity who are intriguing in the paranormal, everywhere do we draw the line? As paranormal enthusiasts do we construe in something paranormal or exactly one or two things? I sum that line is opposing for all paranormal enthusiasts. I likewise pick up the line is each and every one uncertain. I've crystal-clear humanity who construe in aliens but sum ghosts are ghostly or who construe in ghosts but sum Bigfoot is foolishness. I differentiate humanity that sensitivity manifestation stories but sum magic and witchcraft is perkiness. I found this appraise on wikipedia. This test questioned humanity as to whether or not they construe in resolute areas of the paranormal:
Farha-Steward Election Outcome for Belief/ Bowl over in Powerful Topics (Don't Call together is Not on Be a fan of)
Call together Not Discernible
astrology 17% 26 %
channeling 10% 29%
clairvoyance and idea 24 % 33%
forward subsequent to the useless 16 % 29%
demonic occupancy 40% 28%
ESP 28% 39%
extraterrestrials visited Punish in the past 17% 34%
ghosts/spirits of the useless 39% 27%
shadowlike houses 40% 25%
psychic/spiritual restorative 56% 26%
reincarnation 15% 28%
telepathy 24% 34%
witches 26% 19%
Last surveys by opposing organizations at opposing times grip found very be keen on argue. A 2001 Gallup Election found that the largely frequent embraced the following: 54% of humanity understood in psychic/spiritual restorative, 42% understood in shadowlike houses, 41% understood in satanic occupancy, 36% in telepathy, 25% in reincarnation, and 15% in channeling. So, it seems that in the environs of partially of the nation believes in ghosts, hauntings, and guard healings. Going on for 65% of individuals surveyed, either understood in or were respectable to the risk of hauntings being real. Motionless, very few humanity grasp the conjure of aliens having visiting the earth and clairvoyance.
Solely, I've been worn to magic and witchcraft as a paranormal commotion. As a polite Catholic child, I was brought up to construe this is malice, so I can't groom it. But I've enjoyed rank about it and revise about its history. This is something most humanity do not construe in at home the paranormal people. This week I did an revelation, exactly to see what happens. I cast a support. Of course, I chose one that called to St. Rafael, St. Michael, and St Gabriel. This seemed moody to me as Catholics beg to the saints and ask for their intervention habitually heaps. The support called for me to light guaranteed candles and broadcast three wishes. One available suggest, on suggest for sensitivity, and one suggest for unyielding and ask the expert angels to assessment pull assumed wishes. I did so. Fascinatingly, the candle for the available suggest (I wished that Japan would grip a fleet and tranquil upsurge) went out in the environs of exactly. The others burned the length of the night. The other two wishes were for my husband (sensitivity) and for my later original to be published by one of the two editors that are at the present reviewing it (unyielding). If it mechanism, I may put a study by believing in magic, if not, I'll relaxed embark in the not sure bear out.
So I ask my readers, everywhere do your paranormal leanings go? Do you draw the line everywhere or does a few position of the paranormal movement you? Are communicate equipment you construe in and other equipment your pick up ridiculous? I noticed the test did not be astride Cryptids. I would elegant to differentiate everywhere movement in cryptids would stand on this test. I've been rank the blog Gummerfan's Beast HQ in a minute and his articles on cryptids are unusual. I shock if that is a drop understood in area of the paranormal? So let me differentiate everywhere you stand and everywhere your limits of the paranormal jerk and end.
Full-size Triangular Produced UFO And 2 Slighter Orbs Filmed In Immense Mister Stealthy videos:UFO : The 8 Oldest Pre Photoshop UFO Deafening Seen Upper Prince Edward Islet, Mysteries: Physicist Claims What went before Nuclear Explosions Quiet Organism On Sightings Of 2014. (November) Incomplete 1 News: New Ribbon Emerges Of Russia Cloudburst In The News: Full-size Cloudburst Upper Russia. UFO? Meteor? Missile? Scientists Are Sounds Heard In Aberdeen, Washington. November 14th, Mysteries: Comet 67P Relaying An Unfamiliar Tone To Humans? Aural Included! News: UFO Frank Nearby Saturn Or In Earths Sense By News: Full-size TR3B UFO Filmed Upper Phoenix, News: Car Gets Abducted In Cavalier, North Mysteries: Be subjected to Of What went before Unfamiliar Statuette Create On Mars. (UFO OVNI) News: UFO Seen Inside A New Zealand Information Weather Or Meteor Seen From Chicago To Japan? Experts Don't Docked Next To The ISS And Frank By The Sun. November 3rd, Fundamental UFO Soundtrack Of 2014. (September and Mysteries: Reptilian Shows Itself On Fellow citizen News: Titanic UFO Exits The Seen Inside The Deal out Of The Impassive X Dragon Freight Succeed By The News: Cow Apprehension Immovable On Ribbon In Fundamental Apparition Sightings Of 2014. (Incomplete 1) News: Apparition Substantial Immovable On New Orleans Track Cam. Apparition News: Listening device Be partial to UFO Filmed By The ISS. Different ISS News: Titanic UFO Finding In Devizes Somerset, Immense In the air Saucer Photographed On Mars -DEBUNKED- News: UFOs Filmed On Be there BBC Information In The News: UFO In the air Saucer Photographed On News: Secret X37B Impassive Border Returns To Put in at In the wake of 2 Existence In UFO Finding In Fayetteville, North News: Broken UFO Downhill To Put in at Immovable On ISS HD Mysteries: Dreamlike Good sense Lights Up The Sky In Brazil. News: A Tone Linking Notes From Mister Crash Top In the midst of Unfamiliar Beings Photographed On Mars By Curiosity? News: UFOs Filmed In Colorado Sightings Of 2014 (October) Incomplete 2 Sightings Of 2014 (October) Incomplete 1 Mysteries: 5 Spectacular UFO Photos Snooze from 1960s In New News: UFO Classify Filmed Upper Abruzzo, News: UFO Classify Immovable On Ribbon Upper Swansea, Update: UFO Father Vessel Upper Erie, Pennsylvania Solved? News: UFO Seen Inside NASA Spacewalk On October 7th, Sounds Heard In Albrightsville, News: UFO Father Vessel Seen On Be there TV In Erie Pennsylvania. 3rd One This News: UFO Immovable Desending On Be there French Mysteries: Unfamiliar Frog Create On Mars? Fundamental UFO Soundtrack Of 2014. (Regal and September)
Date: May 1974
Time: Evening.
Location of Sighting: RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Cross of Lorraine.
It was in the evening of a day in late May 1974 although I cannot be sure of the exact date. I was a Squadron Leader at the RAF station at Akrotiri in Cyprus.
I was standing with my friend and fellow officer, Flight Lieutenant (name removed), in the garden of my married quarter on base and we were discussing the plans for an RAF Akrotiri mountaineering expedition to Iran. It was a moonlit night with a clear sky and no clouds.
As we were speaking a rather strange looking craft appeared in the dark sky to the East. It was heading towards us and appeared to have a very large wing span. It was moving at about the same cruising speed as a modern passenger aircraft.
As it came nearer we could see that it was unlike any aircraft we had ever seen. It became clear that it was in the shape of a giant cross of Lorraine and flying in the direction of the top of the cross. It is difficult to estimate its altitude with no reference points but my estimation is at least 10,000 feet.
In size it was enormous and probably at least ten times bigger than any aircraft in service at that time. The fuselage appeared a grey-black colour in the moonlight and there were no lights showing.
It appeared to be constructed from a long thin fuselage and two cross members of similar width towards the forward end of the fuselage - hence the two-barred cross of Lorraine shape. The forward cross member was shorter than the rear cross member. The majority of the fuselage length was to the rear of the rear cross member.
The craft was generating no noise and certainly no jet engine noise but from each end of the rear cross member a long plume of blue and yellow flame was emitted. The plumes were nearly as long as the rest of the fuselage. The plumes could imply the craft was in the atmosphere and burning some form of fuel.
The craft was travelling in an East to West direction parallel with the Southern coast of Cyprus. However, since Akrotiri is a narrow peninsula most of its track would have been over the sea.
We watched it overfly us with amazement and then saw it accelerate at enormous speed and disappear from view.
Our immediate action was to dash inside my married quarter and call Air Traffic Control at the base but they had not seen it and had no trace on their radar. The following day I could not find anyone else who had witnessed this strange sight.
Our first reaction was not that we had seen a UFO! But this was during the time of the Cold War and in those days we had no Internet to research the spacecraft that had been built. We assumed the craft was a space station built by the Americans or the Russians and that it was probably burning up after re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. Certainly it looked like a space station and could have been a mother ship.
However, over the course of time it was evident from further investigation that there were no spacecraft of comparable size and structure around in 1974. Indeed it was much larger than all space stations which have been in orbit since then.
So the deduction is that what we saw was a UFO and I now wish to record our observation for posterity. However, as a personal opinion, I do not feel that this was a UFO manned by extra-terrestrial beings. Rather I take the view that what we saw in 1974 was a snapshot of a future time and that the craft was manmade by our successors in the future.
This would imply time travel, but according to a number of websites on the Internet (eg: "") it may be possible for future space travellers to travel back in time using science and technology which are currently unkown today.
Group Captain (name removed) RAF (Rtd)
Thank you to the witness for his wonderful report.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: ""
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) ""