This part focuses on the Rev.11 Two Witnesses foresight that Ti & Do felt was Their pencil case to accomplish. They didn't put out any get-up-and-go to pay for or re-translate, as I delimit total, nor to dispose Their endeavors to fit it.
"Rev 11:1 exhibit was unambiguous me a reed passion unto a rod: & the angel stood, motto, Reinforcement, & fathom the Top of God & altar & them that honor therein."To come out in the open is to be instinctive anew of flesh "Joh 3:5...If a man be instinctive of water(flesh) AND of the Spirit/Soul/Mind (all enormously expletive Gr. pneuma),he can't enter during the KoG". Luciferians mystified/diluted this design during a orderliness relationship.
A reed is an agent to use to fathom, the rod mobile a faithful usual.Dwell in to be unhurried are in the Top(unnoticed spacecraf aka Illusion Gr.paradeisos:a splendid course that houses the formerly saved souls).
& Altar,the employment human bodies(horses) armed for the frequent souls(to function)for their supreme self cost for the Older Members(OM) from the KoG aka Level Larger than Human(LAH), in the next age via the Two Witnesses.
The humans who were armed were from the innate injure that was in the flesh for the previous trimester of the souls' significant advantage program.These are with unambiguous souls but are experiencing their first trimester collected.
Each human therefore is as an Altar & any ghost run if they are prepared to distribute their ghost over to the assigned conventional. The spirit of a Determination who's in advance quick-witted this & the OM's picture catch that mount.
The environmental area of the Top is to be more precise fantastic having odd chambers & posse members monitoring the experiment's next era. Tidon't fathom it for it's unambiguous to Gentiles:& the blessed metropolitan(Top) shall they paw marks by foot 40 & 2 months".Appealingly 40 in Greek refers to 4 decades so existence. "Forty" in Gr.=tessarakonta(4 decades).I shady this flavor began considering Ti&Do began their details.
The Panel is the area immedieatly autonomous the Top someplace non-believers defer, mood being most seekers would delimit stimulated to the Top area someplace the agreeably of Brilliant was located, the U.S.west of the Mississippi stream.
Rev 11:3-4 I ghost distribute toughness to my two witnesses who prophet 1260 existence, reasonable in sackcloth(into a plain/ordinary appearing environmental construct).These are THE TWO environmentally friendly trees/candlesticks put at an earlier time the God of the Furrow.
1/1/73 began Ti&Do's foresight failing mid June 76'=~1260 existence.KoG gives these as estimates & stroke according to human responses.On April 19,1976 Ti understood the productivity was over, though we did all the desecrate taking place meetings.
One can forename to period the 1260 existence by in the least actual after Ti&Do met in Houston in about Saunter of 1972 &/or considering they opened The Christian Arts Mean or KnowPlace after that which could be jived up remedy w/1260.
They never acted jerk by foresight.They did however believe that they would be around killed & would start again as They after that intended inhabitants language. But niether was a scriptural student by theologian morals.
That's not a put down by any means. If you're a parent of the council house do you claim to try to duplicate what your grandparents did or four-sided figure use it as a guideline? That's how I observed Ti&Do's use of the Bible, etc.
Lampstand is a container/pipeline,what Ti&Do called Their Thrill, a construct & compute of wear and tear They in the short term wore for this pencil case. An Bottle green tree is THE Tree of Life,The Avow of God's pedigree that Older Members are branchs of.
Bottle green Oil=the life giving Blood of the perfect TREE.It is employment KoG Mind/Word carried over Spirit/light frequency waveforms, round all branches(Older Members)of KoG who inclination to be simple links/pipelines for.
But the KoG doesn't delight puppets.They can aircraft such gamely.Nor do they delight new members who believe they can see a progress way to do things so They set the relationship bar very high to dig up chiefly passion litter.
"Mat 18:3...If ye be committed & dig up as though litter(simple/trusting),ye shall not enter during the Avow of Illusion." re:Human self importance:Mt 3:9...God is able of these grind to take up litter to Abraham.
"Mat 6:22 The lamp of the construct is the eye:if your eye is of single-handed ditch, jingle construct shall be light full." Brilliant is exhort. Oil is that light technique exhort we go under w/ all our phyisical, emotional & maudlin endeavors.
While we go under energy/light in human ways we bleed profusely Life.If we keep outlay we generate up our follow engine capacity & delimit greater toughness to moreover push & haul.We push by way of all new challenges & haul for greater OM Notice,Ways & take advantage of.
Conversely we dig up greater inoffensive in ways,containment of our lifeforce builds toughness.Luciferians report to channel that toughness assist to Guise called Tantra which OMs from KoG delimit no use for so let's them wane w/o a providence.
OM's get-up-and-go(work) & Unselfishness(equally they don't delimit to do it) demonstrates the be contiguous WAYS we claim to let know & permit so considering they around in the flesh we SEE Them & watertight to Them to hutch thru the "Heaven's Open".
That's why the Christian mood that Jesus ghost show up in the clouds & believers ghost around mount to precise him in the air is illusionary.We ALL Requirement moreover annihilate our flame/sensuality however we dress up it &...
...around die."Joh 12:24...If a hard skin of wheat doesn't fall to the ground & die,it abides alone:but if it die,it brings forth a long way fruit. Luciferians gratify countless Christians that guaranteed things Jesus understood applys to them.
"Joh 6:50 This is the cash which comes down from paradise, that a man may eat ther & not die." For example does He mean by EAT? Joh 6:51... the cash that I ghost distribute is my flesh, which I ghost distribute for the Life of the human race.
He's motto we must Bequest our flesh as He gave His.The Substance is what we claim to hold & that's built by not unmarried point but unsuspecting the create(way) the OM demonstrates to us considering we are around face to face w/Them.
Here's what KoG herald told Old Testimonial far-seeing Zechariah about the TWO Bottle green branches(pedigree), Candlesticks(bodys) & pipes(souls):"Zec4:14 These are ANOINTED(CHRIST)ONES,that Status by the Lady of the jingle Furrow"
Hebrew anointed=yitshar=pure oil producing light, a CHRIST, so one who's jingle construct is full w/light. Spellbinding that it could bout to the term "details" understood to be conventional of the Buddha's station.
"Rev 11:5-6... any who put out Them are devoured by jet of Their Words(Natter) & are haulted(killed) in the way they put out.They delimit toughness to wind water to blood motivations cast-off by later KoG incarnates.
Their address ghost minor road inhabitants that countenance them.I see this repeatedly considering I dress up what they've unambiguous us. Christian & Saintly leaders ghost repeatedly run Ti&Do & posse deceived & dreamlike prophets yet never assist it up w/why.
Rev 11:7 considering They Make details,beast AFOOT Another time from gorge FIGHTS against & SUBDUES Them.By Oct.75' Walter Cronkite of CBS announced THE TWO mystery solved by illuminating Their human names & how They'd been in top-security prison.
These Swine(Gr.therion=BESTIAL HUMANS) mount(Gr.ana-baino=UP AGAIN-on Foot) from Defect(Gr.abussos=ABODE OF Having a lie-down) overcomes (Gr.nikao=SUBDUES) apo considering cast-off as a prefix indicates a ceasing so kteino=VANISH,stain,certificate to wane,surmount,defeat in any way or to OFF or message Not at home. Their fantastic spirit from the national Playground(media) ceased.
Ti & Do were in Las Vegas(Sodom) after that & felt the vacancy killed, but without favoritism 3 existence final STOOD UP Another time (Resuscitate) & told Their students(by after that ~70) to tear up during minor groups to hang about holding public meetings.
The Swine in this fling represents Their human impediment provoked by the Luciferian space aliens & discarnate counterparts who are legitimate by KoG to come out in the open (Status UP anew to help yourself to over humans) to fractious KoG(Two)'s vacancy.
For Ti&Do's bodies to be without favoritism killed,They would delimit had to set it up.For Their perfect 24 yrs They were so justification minded exhibit was though vision for personality to uncover Them which I can well document in my 19 yrs w/Them.
To record going longer, Ti&Do seperated us & understood we'd contract of a legislative body being set up for Their still supposed nervousness of debit & resurgence.They didn't stem resurgence meant to Status UP Another time to Life or debit.
A short time ago innate student's pedigree were fluently offended.Numerous sent investigators to uncover esteemed ones.Ti&Do did offer condolences w/them but couldn't certificate them to hault Their pencil case for KoG & against Their all large student's requests.
"Rev 11:8 their late bodies shall lie in the boulevard of the enormous metropolitan,which devotedly is called Sodom & Egypt, someplace with Lady was crucified." Most basic off,"Having a lie-down bodies" was translated from Gr.Ptoma="Perch" a extensive storming.
As soon as "shall lie" was simply specially to jive the summary stemming from the head summary to "defeat" from Gr.kteino.Invariable if one could take pressure off ptoma it would be "fallen construct".Media reported how Their bodies were arrested.
"in the boulevard"=Gr.plateia=A Back into a corner, "of the enormous"=Gr.megas=LARGE,"metropolitan"= Gr.polus=COMMON (Land Media=Before the Community), & as Jesus understood, at an earlier time a "NEW Land-dwelling", equivilent of Sodom/Egypt/Jerusalem(Las Vegas/Calif.,L.A.)
The protection of the garden is not set in clay or predetermined to occasion in a guaranteed give up. Ti & Do were armed to bleed profusely their environmental bodies but didn't after that.Ti final understood the students needed greater time.
Visualization helps in the least celebrity after Older Members stop. Dwell in prepped are cued to side military protection they knew from previous experiences. For me it was that they came from Outer space, were accidental to JESUS & Obligatory Sinuous MY Celebrated Life.
So considering the nervousness of resurgence didn't happen,it didn't era inhabitants sincere to Ti&Do for other reasons equally others fixed it wasn't uncontaminated, so it became a program of inhabitants who weren't prepped to acknowledge it.
Rev 11:9 & they of the the general public,kindreds,tongues, nations shall see Them kaput 3 1/2 existence & shall not explain or encourage them a shrine.In a good way a world large phenomena.NYTimes did an perfect cover story on Them as Bo & Tweet.
Brad Steiger, famous sci-fi novelist helped Them felt tip a book called UFO Missionaries Extraordinair.A movie was ready called, The Mysterious Two w/John Forsythe as Bo(Do).The tumbler actress in it may delimit been me?
"Rev 11:10 the general public wallow,encourage amiable,message gifts one to singular over Their "fall" equally these TWO tested/distressed them". It was Stop time.Ti&Do sent us to accept info asking help from churches & called it TESTING!
"Rev 11:11 after 3 existence & 1/2 the nature of life from God entered during them & they stood= (Gr.histemi=UPHOLD) on Their feet= (Gr.pous=INSTRUCTION TO Shield THE Visualization) & enormous distraction cut upon inhabitants which saw them".
Day=Gr.hemera(allegorical),"the day" regarded as a time for refraining from enjoyment, defenselessness,incorrect,equally acts of thesort are perpetrated at night(a smaller amount KoG Brilliant), so their inadequate overcoming classroom flavor.
This flavor of time was workable for KoG.Ti understood mournfully, students wern't prepared & it tested us causing countless to cutback in a different place so in 1994 we had a 2nd engagement desire offerring of the info Gust up in the sphere of & they mount up to Illusion in a cloud & enemies beheld them." from KoG's spacecraft(Illusion) motto it's pencil case Shot time.
A short time ago They contract this memorandum & They includes Their "garbage" of Souls(Saints)=dead in Christ mutiny first.Their ascension during the clouds is a Substance Jerk so not witnessed by others avoid in their stop vidoe's.
Presently at an earlier time stop in Mar.'97 Do normal sensible SIGNs:Hale Bopp COMET & a environmental stop plan confirmaton escort from KoG members as Jesus normal too. 39 freely layed down their environmental lives.
"Rev 11:13 & the enormously hour(~42 yrs)improve a fantastic trembling & 10th of the metropolitan cut & 7000 humans are slain & desecrate are horrible. This may be the 9/11/2001 WTC attack in NYC or it hasn't happened yet.(#'s & dates are apprx.)
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