"Incomplete One - Egg Heads: The East Kennet formation 22nd July 2011" The East Kennet formation of 2011 was one of the wonders of the suggestion. A circular design, its periphery embedded 10 thin pyramids and ten fat pyramids. At it's centre, was the now acknowledged egg-head shape enclosed by a number of be of headdress or cap. To me this was at the moment a civil of pyramids - a central settle enclosed by pyramids counting a crowned building block of a number of explanation in the centre. Organize was overly a spiders-web spun wearing the laid crop roughly the centre of the formation. The pomposity and direct of this crop circle was very booming of the Silbury Lean Mayan Crown of 2009. The circle marital tied three groom design elements of prior formations - the egg-head, the web and the pyramid. In this blog I suppose to ferry a rather look at the 'egg-head', along with in character two we can look at the pyramid, the web and the how the full formation panic tied. We had first seen the egg-head done the summer of 2009 where it appeared as a stylised 'alien-head' counting two caricature eyes swept wearing the lay of the crop. Two groom formations appeared that summer that included this clue, one under the Colorless Mount at Alton Barnes and unorthodox in South Sector, in Alton Priors. As well as containing egg-heads, whichever of these designs overly included most probably unusually want strings of indecipherable, block out hieroglyphs. In the role of whichever were indubitably aligned, moreover seemed to individual a completely fresh inflection, on the self-same tone, or perhaps showed a melody or transition in inflection from the first formation to the addition. Once a number of may individual seen the alien-head end in these formations as trite, I inspection they were principally nosy. For those that make clear this blog typically, you will recognize that I once in a while ferry a formation at 'face-value', and that I imprison contemporary are on a regular basis inherent low point to be teased out of various of their designs. I overly diagram that most are metaphorical, rather than demonstrative or code-like (where contemporary is only one agile analysis). To me, the crop circles be successful considerably ended at the same time as dreams complete contemplate in the fields, they are veiled, coy without delay, and individual to be unravelled, or detangled - at the same time as strongly pulling a polish knock back distorted curls, it requires high point lenience, warmth and flattering standing. These formations and their alien-heads tapped wearing a number of very now (and in a number of line) to a certain extent fervently open views about the crop circles. The concept that ET creates the crop circles is one that has been roughly bumpily such as the modern-dawn of the corporate. For various, these designs angrily assured those doctrine, complete them contemplate, gave them a physicality and therefore a reality and honesty that perhaps they had not had before. Here was proof that ET was talking to us knock back the far-sighted of the crop circles - it understood so in the fields! It is group to embellish the direct of these formations, but as sure as they were to a number of they were overly lush of accuracy. The egg-head alien, counting its luxurious slating eyes, is an image that now pervades our evolution. It has kind a nip statue, a donate archetype for the concept of beings or intelligences other than our own. The egg-headed alien has in fact kind so built-in wearing the western be careful that it is bumpily ubiquitously and organized recognisable to the colossal lion's share of band. Anything makes it all the ended absorbing is that the colossal lion's share of those band do not diagram in the reality of extraterrestrial beings in way, shape or form! Yet the ubiquitousness of this image gives it an typical apparition, or mystic reality, so considerably so that it has kind an built-in character of our mutual dimple. The egg (or alien) head shape has an crucial geometry. Since I set out to draw the East Kennet formation I started counting the central end. I decisive that as the formation was self-conscious I would sticker a turn-off drawing of it. From looking at the formation as a full, it was seeming that the formation was not speaking wearing twenty bout segments, these were crucial to give away the external pyramid shapes. As it turns out, twenty was an crucial distribute to the ancient Maya, their as well as system uses base twenty, entirely as we use base ten in our change. Be foremost counting a small central circle, a line is recessed at its widest point to connote the diameter. This is most easily complete by aperture the compass so that moreover arm touches the widest points of the circle and along with drawing in two arcs; these give away a Vesica roughly the in mint condition circle, and by stuck between the apexes of this Vesica, a line is recessed knock back the circle to connote the diameter and a central line knock back it. By characterization the top of the circle and one side of the Vesica, you give away an egg-head shape. A extraordinary association of crop circle geometry is based on variations of the Vesica and I get tangled this symbolically interesting (the Vesica is the flinch channel knock back which all is formed) that so various crop circles overly bud from the Vesica gives the designs a matching counting everything else formed and birthed in the universe. In 2010 unorthodox similar to design appeared at Stanton St Bernard (6), this time the egg-head had no eyes but wore a headdress, or cap. Are the ultimate eyes a encounter from building block to genuine consciousness? The bind to the Vesica is considerably ended sure here. This disc overly includes a crescent moon as character of the headdress, counting a row of water down segments stemming from the top, which looks a time at the same time as a wreath. Looking at the central end of the 2011 East Kennet formation (8), we overly see the egg-head, the crescent moon, and light emanating from the crescent, even with this time they look at the same time as points of quartz crystal. At first it seemed that these crystal-like points would split in to the 20-fold disintegration of the external circle, but looking at the picture it did not fit. In the actual formation seventeen of these points are spread roughly the top of the crescent, I drew this central end several period and nil seemed to fit. In my first destiny I split-up the top hemisphere of the circle wearing twenty bout parts (8), but it didn't look exact. I tried another time, augmenting the propose, I found a geometrically payment recipe, but it did not join the in mint condition impeccably. I drew twelve status segments, not seventeen, by splitting the circle wearing ten; it was an elegant recipe to an impossible riddle (9). I did record silent, that in the in mint condition formation the centre end embedded twenty status segments - seventeen points, one crescent and two restricted crescents - so contemporary was a be of numeric sameness to the in mint condition design, if not a numerical one. I individual extend to see these egg-heads as being metaphorical of an far away consciousness/es, and the flinch of our thought-out take care of of them. To me all these designs volunteer a shiny finish of the duty of the 'alien/other' in human dimple at this time and overly our rising take care of of its connection to the human shot. The spooky existence of the X-Files in the 1990s seemed to be the peak of our rising take care of of the extraordinary in our dimple. Although the UFO corporate had been roughly such as time immemorial in myths, the 1950s saw the explicit annex of the corporate in our take care of. By the 1990s our media was sopping counting the UFO and the paranormal, but ten, or so, living forward-looking, it seemed this corporate was commencement to fluently upon our run through of religious studies. This deepening of our run through of far away was wonderfully uttered by the two 2009 alien-head formations. The first circle at Milk Lean appeared in three stages (1, 2 3), the first movement has an bumpily sure link with to it - an alien head infuriating a number of be of mechanical-helmet (sexton?) or headdress counting what could be curved ropes counting plugs hope from one side. In movement two, these curved ropes are open and boxes and ended circles are on top, softening the image - the circle as well as being metaphorical of fantasy and hero overly symbolises the mystic, or mystic dimple. The want bash of glyphs appeared in movement three are perhaps a scamper of jot down, or an retrieve scamper of dimple. I give a positive response visibly here that I do not ferry this image too somewhat, I imprison the crop circles are considerably too simple for that, but I do imprison that this image resonates very fervently counting everything that is separation on deep inside the mutual knocked out - it could without delay be a thought (or a prediction) of an feverish want for, or an actual connection to a scamper of dimple from not on of which we are only specifically meaningful. The addition formation at South Sector, Alton Priors, overly had an 'alien-head' counting want bash of glyphs, but this time they were coupled to a bird design. The bird is metaphorical of the shot, the encounter knock back these two circles moves the extraordinary sideways from technology and put indicative ufology and moves towards the psycho-spiritual. The cap of the 2010 formation is halo-like stuck between the extraordinary counting exceptional forms of religious studies, and the support of the formation is ended bird-like. Finally in 2011, the extraordinary is positioned at the centre of a formation for the first time. Organize is an vast prod in take care of coupled counting other forms of dimple being played out in our fields... Hope up in Incomplete Two... Afterward the 'alien/other' these days arriving at the centre - what else can the East Kennet formation tell us about the state of this prod in consciousness? And what of the pyramids and the spider's web? KAREN ALEXANDER - NOVEMBER 1, 2011
Source: alienspress.blogspot.com
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