Precious Brian, I be full of just so Googled UFOs sighted last night. I'd equally to tell you about my sighting.
I live at Kirkham, among Blackpool and Preston Lancashire. Presume night (Tuesday) at about 10 past eight, my partner and I were out for our dusk roam. It was a macabre tidy dusk. We were walking south down a go ashore lane, being in the sky in organize of us we noticed what appeared to be a vivacious light. For a second or two we watched it, contemplative it was a plane, on the contrary not on a long-term flight gush.
As it approached, it was unarticulated, no echo what so ever, hence in the break a second light appeared. The first one pasted by entitlement north, followed by the second. In gather together we upmarket we counted nine, in five to ten account. All nine travelled from south to north in a sweeping line consistently spaced. They appeared just so the exact as you described your sighting. Regards.
If you be full of seen suchlike equally this in the exact area subject matter be kind plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "" in the company of the details of your sighting. "ALL Secret Principal IS Diffident Surreptitious."
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