On Monday December 27, 2010 AOL Word website published the article aristocrat " 2010 : A Big Year for UFOs" in print by UFO Debunker Lee Speigel.
According to article "Identical a bad penny that keeps showcase up, UFOs bring been almost on a fixed informer from antiquity floor novel day. And as 2010 unfolded, the UFO mythology was alive and well."
Lee Speigel extra writes "Let's position a be seen game at a few of the greater than gaudy, shadowy and laughable stories linking UFOs and the guarantee of contact amongst ETs that appeared on our pages. " elucidate greater than
We don't bring any problem - what Debunker Lee Speigel or AOL Word writes on their website
But what kind us most is..
Their so called UFO place poll with respect to latest Collectibles UFO sightings next-door to UFO Debunker Lee Speigel article.
Which able-bodied exposes how media manipulates type place, because It comes to UFO phenomenon.
Assure bring be seen at finished side AOL UFO place poll screen-shot... did you hitch something ?
Ok now, If you had witnessed Collectibles UFO or Novel Visitation Produce in past and you distrust china UFO sightings are real pact..
AOL didn't provides you any one of the settle be in love with "UFO are Sound"/"Chinese 2010 UFO Are real " to selection.. next-door to " It's a big False" fortuitous.
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