I just want to share an article written by Hal Mckenzie appeared in cosmic tribune.com about the Roswell crash. I do believe that the incident in New Mexico in 1947 is only the tip of the iceberg and it is a proof of alien visitations on planet Earth.By now Roswell, N.M., site of a reported UFO crash and retrieval in 1947, has become a household word. It is not generally known, however, that Roswell is only one of many such cases, and not the earliest.Another UFO crash and retrieval of debris and bodies reportedly took place in the spring of 1941 at Cape Girardeau, Missouri.At last weekend's UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, Nev., Ryan S. Wood presented eyewitness testimony backed up by newly released intelligence documents that support the reality of the case.The primary witness is Charlette Mann, who says her grandfather, the Rev. William Huffman, was called on the scene to "bless" three dead non-human occupants of a crashed saucer. Mann's testimony first appeared in Leo Stringfield's book "Crash Retrievals:The Inner Sanctum, Status Report VI." Mann recounts the 1984 deathbed confession of her grandmother who said her husband on an early spring night arrived at the site 10-15 miles outside Cape Girardeau where police, firemen, FBI and photographers had already gathered.He was asked to provide blessings to the three dead occupants of the craft, and while praying over the non-human entities, managed to glance at the inside of the craft and saw various guages and dials plus hieroglyphic writing.When the military arrived, everyone was sworn to secrecy, but Rev. Huffman chose to share this story with his wife and family.Wood later met Ms. Mann and videotaped her testimony, which was shown at the conference.In Charlette's own words, as recorded by Wood for an upcoming television documentary, she said she had seen a photograph of one of the dead aliens that had been handed down in her family."I saw that (picture) and asked my grandmother at a later time. She was at my home fatally ill with cancer so we had a frank discussion. "He [Rev. Huffman] described it as a saucer that was metallic in color, no seams, did not look like anything he had seen. It had been broken open in one portion, and so he could walk up and see that. In looking in he saw a small metal chair, guages and dials and things he had never seen.However, what impressed him most was around the inside there were inscriptions and writing, which he said he did not recognize, but were similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics.There were three entities, or non-human people, lying on the ground. Two were just outside the saucer, and a third one was further out. His understanding was that perhaps that third one was not dead on impact.... As I recall from the picture I saw, he was about four feet tall, appeared to have no bone structure, soft looking.He had a suit on, or we assume it was a suit, it could have been his skin, and that looked like crinkled, soft aluminum foil. I recall it had very long hands, very long fingers, and I think there were three but I cannot swear to that." The picture came down to Guy Huffman, Charlette's father, who gave it to a photographer friend of his named Walter Fisk around 1953-55.UFO researcher Stanton Friedman tracked Fisk down to New Mexico, but he mysteriously refuses to respond to phone calls or letters. Efforts continue to persuade Fisk to come forward or declare "no comment," Wood said.Other living witnesses include Mann's sister who confirms her story in a sworn affidavit and the brother of the Cape Girardeau sheriff Clarance R. Schade.Turning to the documentary evidence, Wood said, "Seven leaked documents from three sources since 1994 provide both direct and indirect support for a crash retrieval event that Rev. Huffman recounts.It is clear from the first memo that president Franklin D. Roosevelt writes to George C. Marshall on Feb. 27, 1942: 'I have considered the disposition of the material in possession of the Army that may be of great significance toward the development of a super weapon of War.... Consultation with Dr. [Vannevar] Bush and other scientists on the issue of finding practical uses for the atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices...'"Direct mention of the 1941 case is made in the MAJIC Eyes Only presidential briefing of Sept. 21, 1947, which reads, "This conclusion was reached as a result of comparisons of artifacts from the Missouri discovery of 1941. The technology is outside the scope of U.S. science."The other documents and many others can be viewed at Wood's Majestic Documents website. Wood also presented efforts to identify the exact crash site and other witnesses who would have been there. "The final resolution to the case is still out there," he said.
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