is named the sighting of a UFO within 200 meters.MEETING OF THE 2ND TYPE
is 2nd type if the UFO leaves marks or scars on earth your witness.
3RD MEETING OF TYPEIt is when you see the UFO with an alien entity.4TH MEETING TYPE
It is called when the person is kidnapped or abducted into the UFO.5TH MEETING TYPE
A meeting of the 5th type means that a communication with an extraterrestrial entity directly or indirectly (telepathy, radio signals, etc.) is set6TH MEETING TYPE
involves cases where the witness is injured or dies because of UFO encounter.
A close encounter is an event in which a person witnesses the presence of an unidentified flying object (UFO) and eventually its occupants hypothetical. This terminology and classification system that underlies it were invented by the astronomer and ufologist Josef Allen Hynek (1910-1986), and first appeared in a book written by him in 1972 (The UFO experience: A scientific inquiry).
The following are the types of encounters, including those that were added due to the casuistry after the original classification:
1st Meeting type It is named the SIGHTING OF A UFO within 200 meters. 2nd Meeting 2nd type is type IF THE UFO LEAVES MARKS or scars on earth to witness. Meeting 3rd type is when YOU SEE THE UFO WITH AN ALIEN ENTITY. 4th Meeting type is named when THE PERSON IS KIDNAPPED OR ABDUCTED into the UFO. 5th Meeting A meeting of the 5th type type means that ESTABLISHES COMMUNICATION with an extraterrestrial entity directly or indirectly (telepathy, radio signals, etc.) 6th Meeting type involves cases where THE WITNESS IS INJURED OR DIES DUE TO MEET. UFO
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