Off Topic Re The Most Monumental Cover Up In Space History

Off Topic Re The Most Monumental Cover Up In Space History
The UFO question?

Well people you can all relax now, the governments of the world really have been telling us the truth about UFO's. There really is no such thing.

Not because alien space craft do not exist, but because no "Unidentified" flying objects exist. The truth in a lie of omission. Something much easier to do with a straight face. They have known for many years that alien's and their crafts exist, so the statement that no UFO's exist is true. They figure if they can keep us asking the wrong questions they won't have to answer the questions that are truly pertinent. We need to get off the "Do they exist" question and on to the questions they really don't want to answer

The questions we should be asking are: Who are they? Where are they from? And What is their purpose in being here?

Does any one else think it odd that there are so many reported UFO crashes? One would think that civilizations capable of interstellar or inter-dimensional travel would also be able to minimize or eliminate "crashes". Are these crashes mistakes? (I think not) Or are they the result of craft being damaged by warfare?

The ancient texts from India & elsewhere depict a war between "The God's" and describes in detail their use of highly advanced craft & weapons. The texts also describe multiple factions of "God's" who evidently disagree on the treatment of Earth, it's resources & inhabitants.

What I suspect is that there is an ongoing conflict, as depicted in the ancient texts, between multiple alien culture,s over the Earth.

And due to our technological infancy, compared to them. We are in no position to actually do anything about the situation. The governments of Earth know we are helpless in the face of the alien's technology, and do not want us to freak out over their powerlessness. Thus the "Keep the facts secret" position.

Whether or not aliens exist is not a relevant question, just from the numbers stand point alone. Which most scientists will readily agree, is highly probable. The more appropriate questions are, how many exist? And what are their agendas?

If in fact there is a war going on over the Earth, it's resources and inhabitants, the outcome over which we have little or no input or control, ignorance could truly be bliss.

Robert M. Coe

Statistics: Posted by bobc896 - Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:55 pm


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