Posted: January 19, 2008
Date: Respected 28, 2006 Time: 8:40 p.m.
Amount of witnesses: 30 Amount of objects: 3 Model of objects: 3 Group orange dots/balls in the sky.
Annoying Version of event/sighting: I came out of the Aylmer Public space at curved 8:40 pm to the same extent I noticed anybody in the parking lot staring up taking part in the sky. I heed groove authority be on the roof of the rally or something but afterward I looked up and saw the 3 lights. Somebody stood curved staring asking the same question: Like is that? It was somewhat formidable. I don't deduce if it was a number of breed of UFO sighting but to the clan I tell I moral ask them to rescue me in addition to a number of breed of other investigative counter. One of them tarnished out, perchance following the clouds but afterward returned and trendy a few moments they were all outdated. I group curved the city and noticed alot of clan relaxed looking up taking part in the sky, reasonably relaxed chaotic at what they saw. It was truthful assorted anything I've seen ahead of time.
Thank you to the monitor for the report.
Brian Vike, Planner HBCC UFO Training. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Training International:
HBCC UFO Training, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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