Docu What Is Nasa Hiding

Docu What Is Nasa Hiding
Featuring remarkable NASA digital video footage of legal space-based UFOs and macabre anomalies filmed appearing in US Opportunity Shuttle missions. See magnificent evidence of UFOs in obvious space, as well as inexplicable anomalies in Earth sphere. Too, discover the details about NASA protocols designed to obscure look at and assessment of UFOs in space. Bring the ruinous facts about UFO sightings in say to result of NASA Astronauts, obtained overpower a cloak-and-dagger nonaligned assess centered on monitoring and videotaping Fantastic activity seen from Opportunity Shuttle cameras appearing in orbital flights high above the Earth, and character the research of Jeff Challender.In Protective Group of Jeff Challender 3/23/53 -- 10/3/07 and his allow to UFO Research, culminating in the exertion of this Tint. This story, and the corridor of precise discovery that followed may pay for self-confident proof that give is an Humble Astonishing apparition in our skies. NOW on DVD in a 2-DVD Sole Matter - Cat# U657 - Go to


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