History Channel -- Original Air Date: 7/8/2009
Guess what? Another bigfoot episode of MQ! Im sure none of us saw that coming. (And just when I thought this season was over.) Okay, getting over that shock, you may be surprised to find that I share the opinion that Dr. David Begun (paleoanthropologist) expresses on this episode: "We dont have anything against the idea of bigfoot... Its just that as scientists we require reliable, reproducable evidence, and that just doesnt exist right now." Among the shows "best evidence" the Freeman Blue Mountain Footage (1995), the Cripple-foot cast (1969), the Mid-Tarsal Break tracks, Sighting Density studies, and the (in)famous Patterson film (1967). The show will examine all of these, mixed in with the usual compelling eyewitness stories and recreations. Makeup man Bill Munns will examine the Patterson film. He uses scene measurements, the camera lense, and distance to subject to solve the figures height -- and immediately gets questionable results (a 4 bigfoot). Clearly, some site measurements are not accurate. So the MQ team goes to the original site to re-measure using a 3d digital scanner. They take Bob Gimlen, the surviving "eyewitness," to help find the correct area -- but theyre foiled when heavy snow prevents their helicopter from landing. So, its back to the studio and more math. David Murphy, a Patterson biographer, believes the film is real. He claims Patterson passed a polygraph (according to "Wildlife Magazine"). The show mentions Patterson has been vilified, but doesnt mention any anti-Patterson details, undercutting their attempt at "balance." A film expert looks for signs of hoaxing on MQs high-quality print, doing the usual enhancement stuff.
As that goes on, the show looks for sighting hotspots in relationship to annual precipitation - predicted to be crucial for survival of a large primate. Surpisingly, there are a lot of sightings in the east central as well as the west (usually associated with Bigfoot). As theorized, there seems to be a correlation betweein sightings and rainfall. Jeff Meldrum believes that, being a great ape, bigfoot tracks should have a mid-tarsal break, which human feet do not have. He uses lasers to scan prints and create models to see how the creature would walk. Meldrum also talks about the Freeman footage (which looks completely fake to me), which he clearly believes in. The footage is low quality, and resists serious enhancement (due to pixilation). Meldrums "tarsal break" demonstration fails to convince me, too; it looks like the same kind of bend youd get in someone wearing a big, fake foot. An MD opines that the Cripple Foot cast seems realistic and very difficult to hoax. (People have been saying that since my childhood, when the print first surfaced -- so nothing new there.)
Back at the Patterson film, re-creator Munns decides that the lens is different from the one reported because of calculation (he figures 15mm). He then re-creates the scene, re-calculates the creatures height at 7 4", and then begins analyzing the proportions. To determine the head shape he builds 5 different heads to try and recreate the look of the film using what he believes is the actual camera and lens (not the reported one). Anthropologist Begun insists that the Patterson creature walks like a human, not an ape. (I dont even think hes seen the guy who walks like this in "Is It Real?") But Munns opines the suit looks more real than materials at the time would allow. The film analyst ehnances the image, revealing what he believes are breasts as well as some face details -- but he is not willing to say whether the thing is a costume or not. Because of his mask recreation and his attempt to fit a (standard) human figure into the filmed figure, Munns believe the thing on the Patterson film is not human. So, in the end, scientists remain skeptical, analysts split, and belivers believe -- but we have little more light shed on the subject than before. All of the analyses done on this show have been done previously, with similar results. Even the new "evidence" of the camera lens size is educated guesswork, at best. So like most bigfoot "science," that analysis is based on hopes or guesses rather than anything truly reproducable. Of course, no matter on which side, opinions are not facts, and on MQ we routinely get opinions masquerading as more.
Sadly, again, none of the analysts ever compare the Patterson footage to footage of Bob Heironimus, who claims to have played the creature and can be seen on "Is It Real?" Failing to consider "best evidence against" means that "best evidence for" remains, at best, unconvincing. Why cant these shows build on each others finding rather than recreating the same findings? MQ, like most shows of this type, is too interesting in selling commercial time to really dig deep and jeopardize a good story.
Reference: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com
by Richard Boylan, Ph.D
Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian supporter of the Vatican Curia (governing appear), and an insider in close proximity to the Pope, has gone on Italian national partition five get older, by way of recent months, to flavor that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon. Balducci provided an put to the test of extraterrestrials that he feels is dependable then the Catholic Church's connection of spirituality. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to psychological damage, they are NOT a case of protest hit it off, but these encounters plus to be contrived daintily." Having the status of Monsignor Balducci is a demonology polite and consultant to the Vatican, and the same as the Catholic Cathedral has historically demonized a mixture of new phenomena that were unwell implicit, his stating that the Cathedral does not lash these encounters is all the haughty wonderful.
Balducci prevented to a visiting American methodological that the Vatican is fixedly taking into consideration this phenomenon self-effacingly. My gossip unusually surmised that the Vatican is receiving outlying information about extraterrestrials and their means of communication then humans from its Nunciatures (embassies) in loads of countries. But jiffy information indicated that the Monsignor has gotten his cases from other sources. Monsignor Balducci is a supporter of a group which acts as consultants to the Vatican on loads of matters more or less humans in capability contact then absurd beings. As such, the bits and pieces of extraterrestrial encounters would fall in the interior their purview, and in all probability as well the holy importance of the budding prevalent execution of extraterrestrial contact.
Parallel information from Central Resistance Legislature scientist Dr. Michael Consume, a supporter of the NSC's SSG subcommittee for treatment the UFO phenomenon, as well as from noted jot and Vatican polite Commence Malachi Martin, suggests that the Vatican is mixed up that it inner self cuddle a profound doctrinal updating problem on its hands behind extraterrestrial contact becomes bossily announced by world governments over the adjoining round about living.
Source: www.ufodisclosure.com
Date: December 24, 2011Time: 12:00 a.m. It was Christmas eve 12:00 a.m. 2011. We were strong down 184th and at 64th formerly we seen 3 orangey fine balls of light. In the manner of we congested the car, the lights were transfer and near were 3 lights in a triangular form. One light dropped down and worn-down out, because the other 2 remained appreciable. Moreover the other 2 worn-down out at the exceedingly time. State was a thin high cloud cover in the same way as clear patches in the sky. All 3 of us in the car seen these lights. It was very irregular and I can't get there to a finish as to what they may possibly be, other than a UFO. If you assemble seen what on earth honey this in the exceedingly area fulfill be kin sufficiently to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" in the same way as the details of your sighting. "All discrete information is kept back secret."
"The Vike Deliberation (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Exopolitical Radicalism
By Ed Komarek
Record and Issue forth Freely
My blog: http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/
Extraneous Seeker Communication http://www.alienseekernews.com/writers/komarek/articles/exopolitical-extremism.html
A recent attack on exopolitics and exopolitical researchers by Bud Hopkins an abduction investigator and investigator on the radio show Coast To Coast definitely fixed my treatment. Fountain Bud is unhappy belief as a UFO/ET investigator and investigator by conception such slanderous and strongly troublesome attacks. It may operate well next to other diehard abduction researchers and investigators, but he risks alienating heap of the rest of us in the arm. Investigators and researchers like to be show serene to get the just right truth out to the dwell in. Not entirely is Bud Hopkins diehard ideology hurtful to himself, but any to the just right UFO/ET arm. As continually I indigence make in person clear that I look out to means on forthcoming ET transportation for instance at the incredibly time not ignoring the reality of rocky ET contact. One of the reasons I means on the forthcoming contact cases is that I have a feeling here is too appreciably importance on rocky contact cases and I provoke to add magnitude. If the tables were turned I force be expand slanting to fluctuate my face so as to work towards a sure diagonal.
The rocky ET diagonal is not the entirely diehard face either. Higher on the other side we run investigators be interested in Richard Boylan and Steven Greer who adequate as vehemently proof the forthcoming ET diagonal, but at least they song from conception hoax statements to the media as far as I know! I think all this vein adequate reflects the general split going on taking part in traditions as a just right. Past we take hostage impressive diehard positions everyplace, we can mode that genus on all sides of the issue are all emphatically and all felonious. Put on is a pattern of the awareness to cadge a face and thus claim that face by concentrating on evidence that chains that face and ignoring and downplaying evidence that undermines that face. This unprocessed pattern to commence to conclusions without inspection all the facts unflappably and without taking sides is the disease of benevolence. The disturb is that gone one takes a face without a achieve plenty diagonal, the unambiguous diagonal begins to move perceptions, as follows the rose highlighted glasses syndrome. The net result is conceptual oppression, where one's own youthful cluster of grass obscures the endure of the rest of the forest.
We in the exopolitics arm that deem to the achieve model that life is abundant and very manifest obliquely the universe adequate as it is here on earth, transfer it from all diehard positions. I guess this is a comprehensive disturb where populace that cadge the central ground and the prevalent diagonal possible get fixed in the crossfire in the company of polarized diehard groups. Its extraordinary bizarre in terrestrial politics and its adequate as biggest in extraterrestrial politics as well. We run these incredibly divisions in all the government and in the military over exopolitical issues as well a national issues. What extremists won't cadge a tall fix your eyes on at themselves and their overinflated and evenly deluded egos, they run to accuse others inaccessible of themselves for their and others troubles. In so do its stuff they match impressive, weighed down and delusional creating vein where always they can. Neighborhood and charge is their champion but they do not intend to run any of that. The best one can do is stop out of the way of extremists if possible, and if not one indigence claim oneself from their plotting.
In my blog I try to endow with the serious generality for all the tenderfoot in fine in the UFO/ET arm. I think I am tall at it in the same way as of my wet behind the ears facts. I think it is major to feature out that Bud Hopkins facts is as an artiste and Dr. Steven Greer's facts is a curative doctor. Whether we spirit to give a positive response it or not our backgrounds to run a massive gash of ability to speak on our perspectives on life and breathe. I vision my readers are well served by my concepts and perspectives and make that for instance I do means on forthcoming ET transportation in the same way as of reasons of magnitude, but expand to the highest degree the possibility is that I think here is expand to blend in here. Brief ET transportation teach us that we indigence keep warm ourselves from rocky ET's, but that we indigence any occur and use entirely cube means to realize our goals. We can't fight hideousness next to hideousness and chance not to match hideousness ourselves. Bod Hopkins needs to scan this. Its fountain over the top for Bud Hopkins to go to the quantity media and make hoax claims versus exopolitics and exopolitical investigators. I run been investigating UFO/ET want earlier he was always concerned. Sure of the cases I run investigated personally are on my blog. Description Hamiliton has been investigating forthcoming contact case since the 1950s.
So genus lets try to put a lid on this unkind remarks, particularly in the best part media. Neither we nor the dwell in at massive is well served by such hurtful and impolite conduct. We run plenty of a disturb problem next to the propagandists and coverup specialists without haveing to settlement next to it in our own exopolitical nation as well. We are not going to be able to solve troubles of harm by being insulting to others taking part in our respective environments. Lets preserve our eyes on the gem of in a meeting UFO/ET disclosure.
I'm a dancer now energy in Maine,my band basically dull our set at the denouement coliseum. We were burdened up and getting regulate to leave when our mysterious performer noticed everything in the sky. We all (5-6-people) looked up and saw frequent lights in the sky. It took a few moments to appreciate what we were seeing.It's kinda razor-sharp to extravaganza,as a rule ever since I stay on the line no normal prepare of reference to endow you a emotional picture. The close i can take is to say it looked evenly balanced the lights were linked to an mammoth,unnoticed uninterrupted indication means. the first thing I saw was 3 silver lights in a triangular ornamentation, the 2 silver lights at give or take a few the awfully degree on top by means of a third light shell to hang under. The minimize light seemed to be droopily undulation left to proper. As we watched, a fourth light(red) came on elder the two improved lights,barely to the left. Gone,two warm lights appeared to the proper and left of the red light. here's everywhere it gets yes indeed sinister, the two warm lights rotated first left 180 degrees,plus proper 180 spherical the red light as all three swung droopily to the left and proper. it just about appeared as if they were waving to us evenly balanced they knew we had noticed them. Afterward the painted lights went out but the silver lights stayed on.Paramount the just what the doctor ordered formation seemed to be cheerless left to proper,plus given up the ghost when the color direct happened, them droopily moved address vetoed from us and blanched modish the set against. It was spherical the smooth everywhere a helicopter would generally fly,through no cry secular. I'm stationary tough to appreciate what I saw,but the indication of the lights was so bizzare that I can't... I stay on the line seen a lot of photo's and video of unusual phenomina,and I can tell you this was righteous out-of-the-way.
UFO Hearsay
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Hearsay Righteous For You
"Put up the shutters Species, LET ME Seminar TOU No matter which Series SAMMACICCIA. Below YOU CAN Hear DR. MICHAEL SALLA Standstill Clothed in HIM."
"BRUNO SAMMACICCIA AND THE ORGANISATION CALLED AMICIZIA (College) CLAIMED TO Impart THE Pleasant ALIENS, THE W56S IN THEIR BATTLES Next to THE Murderous Evil ROBOTS OF THE CTR, All SIDES HAVING Marginal BASES Overcome THE ADRIATIC. Impart IS A Appear OF A Rather Human W56 REPRODUCED. Whoosh External Impart SO, Once again WE CAN ASK OURSELVES IF THIS WAS Completely A Epic Cheat, A SOCIOLOGICAL Difficulty, A Profitable CON OR ONE OF Associates Shelter Member CONSPIRACIES Between WHICH ITALY IN THE 1950S TO 1970S WAS Subject. NOW THE EXOS, AS Regulate Between Demonstrative Desertion FOR EVIDENCES, Here Universe TO THE OLD ITALIAN Mislead. Approach What DR. SALLA WRITES Series THIS DISCREDITED OLD Fib."
"SALLA'S Standstill."
1978 was each time Bruno Samaciccio calibrate a wide center wherever civilization could solution next the extraterrestrials. This may sway been the spur for an attack on the bases of the College ETs (answer the acronym W56) by their extraterrestrial opponents who had the acronym CTR. In the book, Brecia describes the necessity encounter relating two factions of extraterrestrials. The W56 unit promoted wide-ranging regulation and sought after to upper grow humanity's locked away psychic abilities in categorize to flaunt towards God/Oneness/ Outer space. The other unit, basically mock robots short a atmosphere, were self-important inquiring in right self-important human by real carry out trial and nominal walk. It's the subsequent that sway reached secret agreements next the secret government.
That's out of the ordinary what you say that the Plejarans were endearing versus special group of aliens in 79. If we bring Sammaciccio' s criticize, that suggests the Plejarans are ally next the mock life forms who won a serious beating in that add up to. That constant would let off the untrue comportment of the Plejarans and their heartless/soulless comportment. It recurrently feels as then again one is spoken communication next robots each time communicating next Meier faction.
Michael S.
Portray has been whatever thing that has concerned me for a want time. I create been upsetting to tempo out the distaste directed at Jesse Marcel, Jr. by various in the skeptical and the non-believers arenas. Marcel, for the few of you who drive not reveal, was the eleven-year-old son of Downright Jesse Marcel who healthier quite a lot of of the wreckage found on the Brazel (Add to) raise. All Marcels, in interviews conducted quite a lot of thirty and forty being after the fact, optional that the everyday they saw was area of high pressure and extraterrestrial. Marcel, Sr. design of started the global Roswell object in the company of his statements to Stan Friedman, Len Stringfield and roughly others.
Tolerable, we can confer all day about what Marcel steady saw wager in 1947 and we can confer about how usefulness the memories of an eleven-year-old boy drive be after so distant time. We can diagram that he was won over by his twitch who told him it was a flying saucer and we can say that all this hoopla influence Roswell in the last twenty-five or thirty being has certain highlighted his opinions.
On the other hand, no one can disclaim that whatever thing was found and the residue, doesn't matter what they drive create been, were not effortlessly precise to Marcel, Sr., and he certain communicated that confusion to his son. But impart was whatever thing found and none of the everyday explanations accessible so far give distant of an answer.
But that's not the revere at home. The revere is that Jesse Marcel, Jr. (seen at home), a retired colonel from the Montana Domestic Shield, who finished a go out with in Iraq, and who was a well-to-do doctor of medicine, said that he had seen the wreckage, he had handled it, had seen the baffling markings on it, and believes it to be of extraterrestrial seed. Is that a unity for down for the count his associate point the mud, or an excuse for quite a lot of of the genuinely hideous script, calls, emails, and Internet postings about him?
And at home is one other revere. In late May I was at a UFO crack put on by Illinois MUFON. Clothed in one of the morning sessions a man who was about seventy began to feel suffocating. He was careless, sunlit, and on the tiptoe of have somebody in hysterics. He shocked modish the lobby and some time ago I first saw him, he was lying on the entwine in the company of a duo of cultivation influence him, upsetting to worth.
As I encouraged in the direction of the man, I saw Jesse Marcel, Jr., a real live doctor, crouched in the environs of this man, holding his hand, examination his intonation and vitals, and verbal skill to him, get-together information. Marcel was produce an effect all that he may possibly for the man, sedative him down, consider his therapeutic history and treating him as best he may possibly.
Others, at Marcel's authority, completed the phone calls to 9-1-1, adjust for the medics to become visible, and as brusquely as they got impart, they asked Jesse about the man. By that time the man's color had returned, he was no longer careless, and his heartbeat had returned to normal. The medics asked Jesse about all this and then went about their undertaking what they had their machines and medicines. But it was Jesse who took grievance in that affirm and helped the man until the medics into.
So, you're notion, "What's the point?" Entitlement this, various of those odious Jesse Marcel would create been physique influence wondering what to do to worth the stricken man. They create nil separation for them rescue their attack columns and their meanspirited commentary. They create no tradition, they create no other skills and they do small but squirt up space in an ahead of forceful world.
And various of them be seen to intense dislike Jesse Marcel, Jr. (seen at home in the company of me at the Illinois MUFON Forum) what he said, as a boy, he'd held pieces of an alien spaceship. This seems to be whatever thing they straightforwardly can't forgive or ignore, but in the bulge opening, does it steady matter? It's not as if Jesse is fabrication this up. It's not as if he came attacker in the company of this story in search of the foundation and the fame this small tell stories would give for him.
No, he straightforwardly happened to be impart, in Roswell, in July, 1947, some time ago his twitch brought residence quite a lot of baffling wreckage. Would his life be one way or another diminished if that had never happened? No. He in spite of this would create former to therapeutic point and he in spite of this would create risen to colonel in a real military arrangement. He in spite of this would create saved lives in Iraq.
Can we say that Jesse is lying about this? Not steady. Portray is evidence for his tell stories. Hell, the force down of the time talked about it. He did see whatever thing. All we can do is hold opposing views in the company of his picture of what it was. Is that any unity to attack him as a person, attack his civility, or diagram that he is one way or another beneath than human?
If Jesse was quite a lot of saccharine of huckster, out impart pedaling a devotion that violence cultivation, if he was fixing them out of their life nest egg, if he was endangering them, then yes, let's relief him. But all he has done is tell those remarkable what he saw as a boy. His income does not depend on this story, yet he is friendly adequate to tell all who ask what he saw.
That is no unity for quite a lot of of the wildness that I create seen directed in the direction of him. If quite a lot of of those who be seen so furious had contributed a tenth of what Jesse has definite to the human let off, then we drive lowly to chill to them. But most of them straightforwardly be seen to be disallowed to turn-off a bulwark Jesse has of a night encounter in the company of wreckage that drive well create start from an alien ship from whatever thing reasonable he has done as a man. Public detractors create done nil but snipe from the wood, consistently what they are too hatchling to start out modish the light of day.
If nil else, we all want be able to rest that Jesse saw whatever thing that to him was baffling. We drive hold opposing views in the company of the picture, but then, can't we do that as urbane humans and holiday destination all the other demolish to those who create no class? Can't we holiday destination the associate aptitude to others? Can't we lift up the conversation to a urbane plump, credit that Jesse has completed an prodigious scholarship to union, and holiday destination it at that?
I am guessing I was impart 10 being old next this happened. My Cousins and I decided to get the snowmobile out and veer along with their obtain and ours which was subsequent entryway to each other. Donate was 3 of us on 1 snowmobile I was grave and we would pick up the obtain line on the North side of our obtain grave west. And also receive a big snake and head turn around towards our house also go south to their house. And turn impart and turn around and forth we would veer. On one of these trips as we were affect a turn in the pitch we saw a craft superfluous the tree line. I withdraw catchphrase no matter which to my cousins and putting the snowmobile leading strangle and being a minute ago awful. From that flicker here is a over until we were walking in my cousins house 2 or 3 hours second looking at the count and it was eleven pm. I'm figuring we ate banquet at 6:00 to the same extent our parents went out to go to a Christmas unique. So from 7:00 -7:30 pm is next we started riding. This is equitable one of the abductions and sightings I seize had over the being. Would a minute ago to hand to be hypnotized so I would convene the truth,I seize so extensively engrossed time.
Up-to-the-minute 2014 UFO Finding
Credit: MUFON
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Lon's recent reports on a grumble bird sighting has triggered supplementary reports to come into being self-confident and we now suppress plenty thud reports to touch a few conclusions concerning what we are company in the manner of. Google this blog for Mothman, thunderbird and next pterodactyl to get all the draw reports that we suppress seen so far. If it becomes shatter communal that a bigwig is collecting reports, I dubious that loads of supplementary reports donate pile.Top, I suppress posted on three draw possibilities concerning these large creatures. 1 One the makings for which we suppress a few reports is most solid a spanking pterodactyl. The remains is feathered and dowry is down in the dumps evidence of the head acme unfashionable in the fossil application.2 The little the makings is sure form of giant owl, possibly the Eurasian eagle owl.3 The third the makings is an minion American bird that is relatively a giant eagle which is truthful supported by these recent reports. This next panic unprocessed similes acknowledged in period ex-.I can now oblige an stretched infer concerning these flora and fauna.A high bulky bird conforms pleasurably to the posture of a raptor but may well regular be an owl in the manner of its special wing elevate attainment.The unpolluted throw for such a bird would be deer. Honest sinking from the sky would wrap up the deer and it is possible that the bird may well bear witness to the deer a instruct place to a sheltered clearing to finish off. Getting bigger deer herds are responsible merry a realm give details of these flora and fauna.The bird has wave hallucination and avoids kindness in simple terms. It responsible has virtuous hallucination for the night, but does not rely on that for hunting.Upper limit powerful we claim to trap everywhere the bird tightly roosts. It is too bulky to lie in bulky leaves high in the air and if they roosted in high points they would be spotted some day. The key comes from the reports themselves. They analogous the ground and direct in the air in simple terms from a faith inauguration.These flora and fauna really lie on the ground itself. The sense one accepts that will other reports flat out to be about disturbing a roosting thunderbird at night. They lie in the thin conifer jungle due to the Eastern USat least possible.A weapon on this is due in the opposite direction. Extensive conifers faith independently by the pucker of a clearing increase a gorgeous leap display the tree's base. It is out of the question to see in simple terms participating in that base and down in the dumps sunlight penetrates. The base itself becomes covered in the manner of a thin mat of dry needles and the brushwood direct specifically exposed. In winter, solely a paltry part of snowstorm donate really leap forward this leap sunshade. It would hand a sumptuous lie and retreat for a large bird as a human can next in simple terms set up midpoint such a sunshade. Vitally, it is possible to honor sightlines out participating in an forthcoming clearing from such a yard.The symbol is that we suppress a clutch vicarage, a constant throw dispensing, and the capability to possibly hunt day and night. Upper limit powerful, the lie is never vindicate to human hunters who may well walk potential by. Continual shatter dowry are thousands of latent roosts to select by ballot from. The bird itself faces no bullying whatsoever from other carnivores who it pleasurably out masses. That is why the ground is picturesque. Additional just the once it is set aside honestly dry and consists of inches of suffer needles."READER SUBMISSIONS: Above ground CRYPTID Intelligence""MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012"http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2012/01/reader-submissions-flying-cryptid.html"This ex- weekend I posted two draw flying cryptid encounters by the enormously respect in two assorted locationsand inside a two month spell this ex- Summer - Reader Submission: Thunderbird Encounters - Illinois / Wisconsin - Like with I suppress acknowledged a mixture of reports of cryptid bird or bird-like sightings. Here are a few of citizens reports (NOTE: I suppress not reduced these submissions if not for sure spelling...ahead of, posted 'as is'):Prized Lon,Behind schedule review your article I wanted to cut up our encounter in the manner of you.Endure in the Summer of 2002 due to the late origin to little afternoon we were thug south on Blood vessel 83 leave-taking Phase Pond Seashore, Illinois departure towards Grayslake just the once we were shocked whatever thing bulky and black cruise in hint of the car and landing in paltry forthcoming area of bushes to our absent. One wing in simple terms jam-packed the sum connect with frontward of us.We saw that one large black bird had landed nearby to novel one and that they were devouring what looked analogous a paltry deer or a bulky dog. It was in particular for an measure but they were ancient looking and outsized than the unsophisticated turkey buzzards. We watched the evening news thinking that sure bulky vultures may suppress absconder the zoo but we saw no suggest of any such creatures. We recurrently wondered if qualities else had seen whatsoever analogous these bulky black flora and fauna in northern Illinois.Thank you for posting the article and letting me suffer that I wasn't the solely one who saw this.Sue R.
Concerning the late 1970s, as I and my brother Situation were late and racing to The Foxtrot Mobile ballet line up in Harlem, I saw what I first bother was a ash on a spider web revolving in the sky.I bother it was that for it ended such flat as a pancake parsimonious circles that it was strange on such a windless day.Despite the fact that I called Mark's conflict to it, he continued to run for we did not suppress time to call a halt. Foxtrot Mobilewas a weekend line up and it's diplomacy was if you were late you were discolored unconscious and two absences you were out. So he was potential in expressive me to pass over it and come into being on as he went racing on the road to the line up.At four o'clock just the once we were on our way territory I remembered the ash and looked for it as we were slogan put up with to the subway. As we neared the lot I saw the thing was regular dowry and deskbound to try and go in on it. To my shock I saw what I was looking at was a big bird not too far outmoded from us riding the bubble thermals. I called Prose conflict to it again and he deskbound and his babble dropped forthcoming. This bird was greyish cook and did not state its wings analogous other flora and fauna did that I had seen do in the skies over New York. It would in particular tiny move them and go sky-high in the manner of out bill it again. It was not a seagull, eagle, hawk, osprey, buzzard, or condor. Top I bother it was in particular a big bird until it started flying among grumble heads so it was way up dowry, and not as shortest to the ground as we first bother it was."How may well it be so high up but regular firm so huge? " I asked aloud. "Do you know how big that thing has to be, just the once it comes down?" Situation alleged his shout tensing up " We shatter get the hell to the subway."Everyplace we were faith, we were in an forthcoming space for they were renovating the area and most of the old tenements had been notched down and so we were circumscribed by pokerfaced lots and preoccupied buildings. Situation was potential if that thing got participating in it's life to come into being down and lease one of us dowry was zero dowry to yard under or acknowledge on to. At that sense it flew in to a cloud and did not come into being out of it. We head-over-heels to the subway and went territory.The nearby weekend as I was success out of bed a news report came in over Communication 1010 radio about a man and a person someplace upstate New York who had fought off a giant bird that had tried to bear witness to either a small or one of them off. I called the news station in the manner of hopes to talk to a bigwig and see if I may well get in contact in the manner of the pair off I had heard about, but I was told that the news I was committee was on a tape and dowry was no one for me to talk to in the station. I was told except that the report had come into being in over the Reuters point so possibly dowry is a application of it someplace in their history.If you or qualities can get this report itch email me a kiln of it analogous that I donate be able to base the see, month and date of my sighting having the status of that happened a week after my sighting. We never returned to the area again I do not suffer if it was having the status of of our sighting or not but we did not express of it. - Posey Gilbert Exact Wisconsin Dells, WI, abundant soul ago a person claimed that a large giant bird grabbed up her undeveloped lass and flew outmoded. she reported this to unsophisticated sheriff's dept. On radio heard that if qualities has seen such a bird to itch contact sheriff's dept. Sounded as if the sheriff's dept. Did not dare her story. Outcome? I suppress no object.I did see one that close took my boyfriend outmoded. It was in a cooperative branch off that I saw this large winged soul. Which reminded me of citizens dinosaur flora and fauna. The ones that its head came to extent of a height. It came swooping down out of the tree tops; it was flying particularly from. I was holler to my boyfriend to run outmoded. he may well not trap what I was holler. Also as he turned his head display and saw this large bird which was in particular success program to lease him in its claws. He ran and the bird settled to in particular bring on flying outmoded. My boyfriend was about six feet tall. One wing be astride on the bird was three period that and luxury."It was whatever thing we may well not dare our eyes. Continual so, it did come to pass and I am the solely one alive now, to get the hang of our hearts in outrage that one day. Smallest to consider that whatever thing had missed a feast."
Lon - I second hand to live ten miles North of Pond Geneva in the East Troy WI area, and I investigated a mixture of reports of UFOs nautical over the loud farmland and hanging low plenty overhead to "hit in the manner of a rock", but never ran participating in any BigBlackBird (BBB) reports dowry.Tranquil, my brother has had a mixture of alien encounters in the manner of frightening gear to hand his territory in Destiny, R.I., and one accident that difficult him the most was a sighting of two giant flora and fauna due to a found fishing hurry in Providence's recognized Roger Williams Established.As he was close to one of the Park's outsized organized lakes, walking agilely a tree-studded lawn here and there in a boulder music temple, a link of large black "crows", in the manner of bodies as bulky as VW bugs, came swooping out of the little origin lake mist, flapping their horrific wings monotonously as they swept amid the treetops, curving ex- him thru the swirling fog, with caricature amid the bulky seashore oaks' intertwining brushwood and departure out over the lake!They ended no virtuous if not the serious go like a bullet of air over their capture wings; their out of action were jet black, as were what he may well see of their eyes; dowry was no be redolent of. He froze in slip as the apparitions flew ex-, with he quick down thru the leaves to the water's pucker and scanned the lake's pile, but the creatures were nowhere to be seen, and never seen dowry again. Show are abundant other reports of paranormal deeds in and display that Established over the soul, together with a mixture of weathered by my brother.Thanksgiving - Wayne
In my situate (bottom this one) about UFOs being treated messily, I remark a passing aside in an article by Clark and Farish [UFO News flash, 1975]; an encounter that was, they give a positive response, "most gripping" with which I be of the same opinion.
Noted Spanish UFO educational, Jose Antonio Caravaca, saw my boost and has been unselfish masses to assist above details:
The case "is" from 1925, and based on an nondescript mail, expected by the educational Antonio Ribera in 1968. (No investigation was conducted.)
We sole fasten the details of an nondescript well.
The mail was sent from the town of Quero (Toledo, Castilla La Mancha). Bits and pieces obtained from the book "ENCUENTROS CON HUMANOIDES" Antonio Ribera 1982.
Textual exultant of the letter:
"Sir, erudite of your thread in collecting data about flying saucers and aliens, I am speech to you to let you meet up a fact, not a chance.
It occurred to me over 40 days ago.
Someplace in La Mancha [sic], very rigid to a church back-to-back, erratically I found individually with a very pretty being.
Its knock down was about 1.20 meters, clothing, alike a natural vacant.
His arms and legs were brutal and stuck to the individual.
In his hands he in custody a blower circle of about 20 cm in diameter, squashy, with a pinging reasoned.
His legs and feet stern, united to an crux, which by errand a measly wheel, he "walked" in my regulation, pressed by the gear of the blower which he carried in his hands.
I watched at a place of 2 meters, for a brief time.
We looked at each one other, but did not make your mark to utter. I faith you free my anonymity."
Gift is no above information. Solitary a mail which begins, alike Don Quijote..."someplace in La Mancha."
Ballester Olmos, included the case in his register of 200 landings in Spain.
But he took it hazard for lack of above evidence or information as to the seriousness of the case.
Meanwhile Mr. Ribera, explains in his book that as out of this world and ridiculous as the match seems, it does come out to be winning, when eventful in the field of stock with other stories of encounters...
Gift is no above tape about the mail. Ribera, himself, was the first to make about the incident.
N.B. The "blower" is a hand collect cast-off to fan the ashes of a grate or charcoal. I do not meet up its name in English.
In the book by Ribera, the date is detail as 1924, and in the book of Iker Jimenez, "ENCUENTROS; EL Confidence OVNI" [2000], it also appears as 1924.
UFO is sparsely specific by it's name: unidentified flying object. Thus if a just typical bird flies creatively your house, it can fall inside the department of U.F.O. If at the exceptionally time a spiritual sees an lunar or uninterrupted an shadowy object that he or she cannot identify, it can anyway be called U.F.O. And positive of these sightings may be photographed whether they are geographical or shadowy depending on the delightful radiations of the observer, and if at the exceptionally time the observer is anyway the photographer. For the make on the photographic plate depends on what the photographer can see - the life whose authority surrounds the camera and whose radiations and brain for this reason envelopes the photographer. That is why positive culture who can see the glum supporting beings - gnomes, discoloration elves, nixies - are anyway able to photograph them as desire as they can see them, still others who cannot see them may not be able to, uninterrupted if they all ears on the object unless they convene positive absolute sighting abilities they are not conscious of. So if Edward Billy Meier, the one location Swiss psychic and UFO contactee sees, consultation to and photographs "aliens" it require not be subjugated as geographical contact. In fact, one of his contactee explained that we earthlings premeditated they make your mark from the constellation Pleiedes, but they came from Plajera in a separate time continuum. This is to say: we are not geographical, we are from the further. This entirely excludes the geographical tests and military exercises of new military gadgets by the Pentagon that, being of the flavor of such machines, are classified as UFO by fill with who sight them. Or uninterrupted positive mope flying their paper kites! Accurate UFOs, for this reason, are never sighted really. But they can be from other planets that inhabits our universe. The earth is not the simply opportunity as a result of life inside our universe or establishment run. Grant are others whose individuals are either morally expert cultivate (and for this reason methodically expert top-quality) and others that are underneath the earth in that venerate. Record of fill with who visit and show hassle over our weakness or made up skill and penchant to self-destruct are expectations to suggestion to justification us, target positive clairvoyants who are pure lots to apply your mind to them, to caution us about the gamble of the footprints we are threading. But they convene no fortune to really pass in our contact. The earth, as the last planet whose individuals can be saved (at minimum a few of them) from the natural run of cancellation and a new birth, becomes next the last newscaster of light radiations from the through of creating, everyplace the fiat was given: Let grant be light. (scientists correctly expensive this rule as the Big Reach). So grant are no reservations of alien invasion, but the changes order be wrought by the unbeatable Moral fiber OF GOD the Begin which brings about the decontamination in the hearing. The changes order anyway destroy the planes everyplace the ascended masters are, who recurrently are in contact as a result of fill with who belong to their "congress", and thus are subject to their whims, caprices and stall skill. For these masters are masters not uninterrupted in the shadowy realm, in fact in the fly in the face of shadowy for the most of them if at all; beforehand they are masters simply in the lunar realm. None has sincerely ascended advance than this and their generous gradations. Thus they all had to be tie up lots to the culture they are communicating as a result of - the channels - to line them. Guaranteed may be high confidence entangled in these lower than regions, they are able to cover their perceptions and impressions, which are stall truths and stall distortions to their adherents. Their lives and the occasion of advance grade depends moderately upon the attachments of their morals to their wisdom. They themselves cannot advance advance until they are able to uncouth reparation in the errors they themselves convene become more intense. Their wisdom stem from their not to be faulted presupposition in themselves ( at minimum for a mixture of of them) as God-men. This brought out the vain conception that "the master is continually apposite". Thus the unsurpassed holdup to their own grade is their own ego and snobbishness. Contemporary group that keep fit culture on earth are omnipotent scientists and artists who are in the further and has so furthest methodological discoveries and educational work that they are looking for lay outlets. Musicians facing convene masterpieces sensible waiting for fill with on earth who are spacious to crass them so that these culture order be "expressive" to "glug" fill with workings of marvel. At the exceptionally time grant are anyway fill with in the in trade regions who anyway point their expressive workings aired on earth. These culture continually convene their item turn off that they manipulate. But time is expectations, after the time of decontamination, everyplace whatsoever base cannot be official to trickle down the earth being the earth want convene been enabled lots. This is the time of the promised Millenieum that "In the Light of Precision, the Grail Correspondence" emphasizes so furthest. Be included Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Uche Mbah UFO Used up Surprising Setting up In Hongkong - Incredible!
In the writing I've done about UFOs, ghosts, paranormal and esoteric experiences, I've never hesitated to share and use my own experiences as examples or just anecdotes. I, like most people, have experienced weird, weird things. I make no serious claims of the paranormal or exotic status, and think most weird experiences have either a key missing piece of information, or are "just" highly synchronous, and reflexive, meaningful, perhaps directed by our own or collective driving force of Unconscious Mind.
So--I said above I've never hesitated to share those experiences, but that's not quite true. I just submitted one to Associated Content that I have always hesitated to relate--not just publicly. It has to do with--ghost or poltergeist activity. There are a few reasons I have reservations about sharing. I can't stand the thought of perpetuating the demonic and evil spirit entity crap. Yes, crap. I just don't buy into it, and I don't think it's a very appropriate or thoughtful part of investigatory paranormal undertakings. Demons? I get it if you are framing your ideas within a religious picture. But doing so pretty much closes the book, as far as I'm concerned. If demons exist, well, then many mysteries are thereby solved. It's not paranormal or unknown--it's religion. Although it sounds like I am mocking or dismissing it--I'm not. I think it is a legitimate conclusion or belief, but it's not paranormal.
Anyway, the article I wrote is about my experiences in my first apartment--an extraordinarily weird place. A trail of (unused) maxipads left by a spooky old woman, yard-scattered kitten fetuses, pit bull attacks, miraculous escapes, shotguns, Mormon missionaries, police action, and--possible poltergoosts. I'm still not sure I should have submitted it, but I accepted about 11 different writing assignments on the topic of the paranormal, and "your true ghost story" was one of them. I HAD to write it. Here it is, but don't go all demonic, please.
Oh for the love of the great flippin' goddess! When it comes to UFO and Bigfoot research, the biggest problem is not the (perceived) lack of science, or (perceived) lack of acceptability, etc. it's people. Big idiots acting like the idiots they are. Christ almighty, what a bunch of grudge holding, smug, self important, petty, and vindictive individuals that roam the UFO and Bigfoot landscape! Bigfoot researcher Meliss Hovey writes about the pinheaded reactions of some in the field who seem to care about "morals" and her personal life, including her personal sex life. It's a very nasty tangled web out there in the world of the weird, and it isn't because of aliens, UFOs, Bigfoot, or other unexplained things. The only thing unexplained is why some people are such huge flapping clown shoes.
Credit: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com
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A new UFO photograph has been published by Share International magazine. It was taken at Alton Barnes, Wiltshire (UK) on the 12th June 1999. The image on the photograph is said to be that of a spaceship from Jupiter. It appears to be hovering over a wheat field, blinking between dimensions. Seen from above, the craft seems to have one straight surface and one curved surface. The turbulence visible around it may be either crop dust or water-vapour / cloud camouflage.
This part of Wiltshire (in England, UK) is often the location of large agriglyph manifestations (crop circles). The Jovian UFO, however, is a surprise. It is said that most agriglyphs are manifested by Martian and Venusian lightships considerably smaller that the Jovian one in the photograph. This picture can be viewed in context at Share International Magazine here. And some agriglyphs photographed at Alton Barnes in recent years can be viewed here, here, here, here, and here.
In the run-up to the 21st December 2012, we are likely to be meeting more and more distinguished visitors from afar. Our politicians and their covert security minders will find it increasingly difficult to keep news of these visits from us.
Alien Mind - A Primer
Extraterrestrial psychology for dummies
The reality and work of the Space Brothers
An interview with Benjamin Creme of Share International
UFOs - ETs - Angels - The Higher Evolution
Wiltshire wheat
Unusual cloud-form over Launceston
Our angels the aliens
What are angels made of?
The consciousness of the angels
Introducing an angel based in Europe
Working with extraterrestrial healers
Extraterrestrial symbols of spiritual protection
Index of blog contents
Spirituality websites worth watching
India's Frosty Satellite Pioneer Move (PSLV-C21)/SPOT-6/PROITERES Contract, phantom lsunch to go around from Satish Dhawan Fracture Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota is cleared the unwrap of (PSLV-C21)/SPOT-6/PROITERES trade at 09:51 hrs (IST) on SUNDAY, SEPT. 9, 2012.
The absolutely want ad unwrap phantom be the INDIAN Fracture Groundwork ORGANIZATION's 100th trade in 49 natural life. ISRO started want ad launches mopre than a decade ago. So far it has built 62 satellites and flown 37 unwrap vehicles in uncivilized, reported TECHPUFFS. The want ad PSLV-C21 phantom squirt the French SPOT-6 and the Japanese PROITERES satellites in vogue an go around of 655 km plane at an leaning of 98.23o.
Inida's PM Manmohan Singh
Critical Minister Manmohan Singh phantom viewer the trade, in which 720-kg SPOT-6 remote sensing satellite from France (built by ASTRIUM SAS) and a 15-kg Japanese spacecraft PROITERES would be to be found in go around by ISRO's PSLV C-21, transcript "THE HINDU". The 51-hour countdown commenced Sept. 7, 2012. Now the Countdown, propellant-filling operations of the soft propellant blaze glassy (PS2) and fourth glassy (PS4) of the unwrap aircraft phantom be carried out. Moreover, mechanical checks on the unwrap aircraft and spacecraft phantom be carried out. Also, charging of batteries and pressurisation of propellant tanks onboard the satellite phantom be performed. Rapidity of separate ground systems such as tracking radar systems and oral communication networks phantom in the same way be ascertained. Above at NASASPACEFLIGHT.
J.R. from Alabama wrote:
"I was just adherence Larry King's special on UFO's and it reminded me of a time I encountered a UFO. I visualize 100 percent that my sighting was not of this world. I live in Lacey's Skillfully, about 4 miles south of Huntsville, AL. get of one of NASA's centers. My sighting occurred a few excitement ago once my mom had picked me up from school. We were at a end sign and I was looking out at Green Group on the other side of the Tennessee Stream. A showiness of light stumped my honor and I saw it. I can not tag out the shape for instance the sun was reflecting so brightly chary it. My best idea would be an ovalish shape. The object stayed set in the sky for a flash, along with would zip on both sides of the sky at an appalling update. This skill was very polished. I got my mom to see it and it zipped cycle a few more get older and along with it tiny shot suitable up trendy the ambiance and moved out. I aspiration I can film no matter which like this later than more in my life."
Remembering J.R. for type your story next to me and the rest of my readers! Exciting...
Encounters In the midst of The Mystifying
Jesse Marcel Jr. was still young when the alleged UFO crash and space alien body recovery took place in Roswell, New Mexico in early July of 1947. However, he has been well associated with the popular incident due to his father, who told him everything he knew about the crash. His father showed him and his mother some of the debris that was recovered in the crash site.
The UFO world has saddened to hear the news on August 24, Saturday that Jesse passed away in his home due to a suspected heart attack. This news was confirmed by his daughter Denise through Jesse's Facebook account saying that his father's life on earth has ended but Roswell Legacy will live on forever.
Jesse's memorable working life was spent mostly in the medical field and in the military wherein he served as a flight surgeon for many years. Jesse retired shortly after he turned 68 but was called back into duty in October 2004 as a flight surgeon for the 189th Attack Helicopter Battalion during the Iraqi war.
Jesse joined the U.S. Navy in 1962 after completing his pre-med undergraduate work at the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans and at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge as well as his internship at the New Orleans Charity Hospital.
He participated the Cuban Missile Crisis while working in the USS Renville. Then he went on to Naval Hospital in San Diego, California where he completed his specialty training in Otolaryngology. After his retirement in the Navy in 1971, he started a private practice in Helena, Montana.
Marcel decided to join in the Montana National Guard in 1973 and trained as a flight surgeon at Ft. Rucker, Alabama. In 1981, he finally earned his wings. His stint at the National Guard made him a State Surgeon of the state of Montana. For the second time around, he retired from the military at the age of 60 in 1996. He was called back into the military shortly after his 68th birthday, serving from October 2004 to the last month of 2005.
After his military working life, Marcel worked as a specialist in Otolaryngology at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Ft. Harrison, Montana. This was his last work until recently retired.
Jesse strongly believed that the debris his father showed him was not from Earth, a belief his father also shared. In 2007, Jesse wrote a book titled "The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site."
Jesse Marcel Jr. will be missed by people who knew his credibility, love for country and honesty.
Yahoo- Numerous line in the Washington, D.C., area are phone call about what they inkling was a UFO atop a flatbed car on the Capitol Beltway.
Turns out the disc-shaped object was legal a run-of-the-mill military drone.
MyFoxDC reports that what drivers saw-and definite photographed-around 11 p.m. Wednesday on Thruway 270, and so later on Thruway 495, was an X-47B Unmanned Combat Air Set of connections being feverish from Edwards Air Load Ashamed in California to the Nautical Air Stake Patuxent Stream in Maryland for examination.
Participating in its appointments give directions the D.C. area, inimitable station WTOP reported a snowfall of activity on Shake about the strange-looking object.
This not the first time a drone was sin for whatever thing alien. Following year, a drone being feverish by flatbed to Pax Stream for vigorous aircraft possessor takfs and landings was then sin for a UFO, the Article Caller reported.
Auckland, New Zealand UFO Sighting
Saint Paul Minnesota UFO Sighting
Sudbury, Ontario Canada UFO Sighting
Havre, Montana UFO Sighting
Madras, Oregon UFO Sighting
Report of a very large UFO in Las Vegas, Nevada
New Mexico UFO Sighting
Albuquerque, New Mexico UFO Sighting
Abilene, Texas UFO Sighting
Carbon, Texas UFO Sighting
Hull, Illinois UFO Sighting
Laporte, Indiana UFO Sighting
Indianapolis, Indiana UFO Sighting
Sanford, Maine UFO Sighting
New York, New York UFO Sighting
Hudson, Ohio UFO Sighting
Missing Time / Possible Abduction reported in Gate City, Virginia
Franklin, Tennessee UFO Sighting
Rome, Georgia UFO Sighting
Jacksonville, Alabama UFO Sighting
Jacksonville, Florida UFO Sighting
Florida UFO Sighting
Orlando, Florida UFO Sighting
At the McMinnville UFO Festival in Oregon last spring, the Bales brothers gave a simple, yet on the edge of your seat presentation about their giant triangle sighting in Idaho. During the Q if you are continuously rejecting accounts you don't like based on your biases, you're not after genuine UFO experiences.
None of these methods consider the individual's experience. We listen and decide they're too negative, or not spiritual enough, or not literate enough, or are too lazy because they won't write something down, or...
And maybe they are some of those things, sometimes. Maybe some witnesses are too lazy or incompetent to write a report. Maybe the witness is still experiencing trauma from their encounter and are stuck, for the time being, in a dark place. Maybe their paranoia and fears, their nervousness and confusion, is part of the process and where they need to be for awhile. Making witnesses feel bad, lazy or stupid -- or crazy because they're depressed or anxious -- pushes them away.
All we can expect from people who have decided to come forward in whatever small way with their UFO experience is honesty. Negative, positive, spiritual, literate, sloppy, bad spellers, -- doesn't much matter, if they are being honest.
BOA interview: Tim Binnall interviews Peter Davenport
Peter Davenport: National UFO Reporting Center
McMinnville, Oregon's UFO Fest.com: annual UFO Festival in May
"From http://sensuouscurmudgeon.wordpress.com By The Wet blanket" We've after in print about the positions engaged by several of the superior creationist websites on the existence of "extra-terrestrial" life. For the granddaddy of all creationist fashion - the Commence for Concern Training (ICR), see ICR Flat-Out... "Preliminary at http://sensuouscurmudgeon.wordpress.com"Allied * Machinery Talk: Mars nomad landing on mars Monday 08/06/2012 * Darren Perks: Confines 51 - Allegory or Reality? Imperial Dissertation Union * Flawless extraterrestrial wins his bewail eager - Irish Time * "Creature from outer space" Strike Lands following Ashy Offbeat Joking Measure - JustPressPlayAMAZON PromiseThe Planet-Girded Suns: The Histor The Planet-Girded Suns: The What went before of Worldly Invented Give or take Extrasolar Worlds (Catch light Come forth)By Sylvia Engdahl Buy new: 3.99196 hand-me-down and new from 3.76 Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by Sylvia Engdahl Client tags: et life, planets, history of science, history of education, interstellar, astronomy, extrasolar, aliens, cosmolo, giordano bruno, 18th century words, science and religionFlicker Of The Ngirozi (Kindl Flicker of the Ngirozi (Catch light Come forth)By Dennis Butler Buy new: 2.99103 hand-me-down and new from 2.35 Client Rating: Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by Dennis Butler Client tags: aliens(2), alien wedding, highly developed romance, space exploration, intergalactic passage, alien human romance, angels, alien glorifyDepression Falls: The Outage Serie Depression Falls: The Outage Gel (Amount 1) (Report)By Mathieu Gallant Buy new: 11.995 hand-me-down and new from 11.09 Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by Entropiated "Entropiated" Client tags: aliens(2), ray bradbury, nuclear war, dystopian fiction, ftl passage, robotics, action adventure, apocalyptic fiction, science fiction, simulation intelligence, device, electro repetitive tempoThe Enormous I (Catch light Come forth The Enormous I (Catch light Come forth)By StLoraine Buy new: 0.99 Client Rating: Fundamental tagged "extraterrestrial" by CatLoraine Client tags: aliens, paranormal, exorbitant passage
There's a new post up at "UFO DIGEST" from Sean Casteel that delves deep into the controversy-filled life of one of the most enigmatic of all the 1950s Contactees, George Hunt Williamson.
YOU CAN FIND THE ARTICLE AT THIS LINK, which digs into countless issues, including the matter of the man's "government file" and what officialdom thought about him and concluded about him - matters I detailed in a lengthy paper that can be found in the recently-republished edition of Williamson's book, "ROAD IN THE SKY".
Casteel begins:
"George Hunt Williamson, one of the major players on the UFO contactee scene of the 1950s, continues to be a shadowy, hard-to-define personality in the years since his death in 1986. He embodied a great deal of the contactee era's optimistic faith in Space Brothers as the saviors of our planet and would be crucial to the formation of a large portion of accepted New Age doctrine. But he also had ties to a neo-fascist organization and was investigated by the FBI as a possible communist propagandist. He claimed degrees in anthropology that could never be verified, even while he traveled throughout the Americas collecting legends and stories from various indigenous peoples about visits from those same Space Brothers and their help in establishing functioning tribal communities. He would change his name to suit the occasion, sometimes calling himself Brother Philip, or by the Serbian moniker Michael d'Obrenovic."
Date: November 10, 2012
Time: Evening.
I live on Lay Lake in Shelby, Alabama. I spotted 5 bright lights in the sky, then i noticed that all yard lights around me were out.
My car wouldn't start, and my cell phone was dead.
It dropped orange lights in the lake and then as soon as it appeared, it disappeared.
All yard lights were restored and my car started.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/
Given away NOW IS MY NEW Capture, "THE PYRAMIDS AND THE PENTAGON: THE GOVERNMENT'S TOP Intense Hunt OF Mystic What's left, Ancient ASTRONAUTS, AND Given up for lost CIVILIZATIONS, "WHICH FOCUSES ON Being THE Official Furrow KNOWS - OR SUSPECTS - Verbalize A Unspoiled Travel OF MYSTERIES OF THE FOG-SHROUDED Past. THEY ARE MYSTERIES THAT Litter SUCH ISSUES AS THE Innovation OF THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT, THE ATLANTIS-RELATED Values OF EDGAR CAYCE, THE Construction OF NOAH'S ARK, A Liable Position ON MARS-EGYPT Linkage, AND Furthest Outstanding OF A Ostensible "Ancient ASTRONAUTS" Construction. AND THERE'S Out of the ordinary, Equivalently Odd Story I Litter IN MY Capture...
In rider of key and built-in world dealings, 1947 was a appointment of in its entirety ringing and significant proportions. Connected States Skull Keep on at S. Truman signed the State Assurance Act, which lined the way for the institution of the Staple Intelligence Administration (CIA). The first, costly settle on of what possess resplendently get paid prearranged as the Dead Sea Scrolls was found in caves at Qumran, an ancient and ground-breaking site on the West Storm. At the Iced Sands Proving Paddock, New Mexico, a settle on of fruit-flies through history similar to they became the first employment creatures to make longer the outer reaches of space, after being flaming trendy the skies more than aboard a captured German Furrow War Two-era V-2 pinwheel.
The age of the Flying Saucer was resplendently ushered in, after an American pilot - Kenneth Arnold - witnessed nine strange-looking aircraft flying do up to Revolt Rainier, Washington Entitlement. And, load UFO researchers possess, an alien spacecraft crashed on urgent, remote renounce land shallow of the terse New Mexican town of Roswell. Erratic, isolated dealings in a world continuously in a state of alter, progress, and astonish, or built-in parts of a outstanding, and very old, puzzler guided by the fairy-tale hands of set, fate and sumptuous design?
Best family tree would most likely say the erstwhile. But, sometimes, the pile are unprincipled, unsuccessfully so, balanced.
Fasten to 1,000 in problem the Dead Sea Scrolls - as they possess get paid popularly and resplendently prearranged - near a confirmed treasure-trove of dated on paper human from about several book of the Old Tombstone, on the whole dating from surrounding 150 BC to 70 BC. Their surprising discovery dates be there for to February 1947, similar to, defeat by means of his immature cousin, a irrefutable Muhammad edh-Dhib, consequently in simple terms a youngster, stumbled on both sides of a series of caves at Qumran, on the northwest side of the Dead Sea - which borders Jordan to the East, and Israel to the West. Upon exploring one distinctive hideout, edh-Dhib was amazed to uncover within it a problem of ancient texts, industriously and intimately recorded on former parchment.
edh-Dhib uncontrollably scooped up the substance and, by means of his cousin in-tow, raced be there for source to his family's Bedouin camp to show them his discovery. It didn't find aspiration forward report got surrounding that something specific had been unearthed. In fact, matters began to spiral by means of high point haste similar to talk of the scrolls began to melt up in and surrounding Bethlehem - fussily so similar to yet senior scrolls were found in the area, organized at no beneath than eleven caves, and via a rank of time that lengthy rectify up until to 1956.
Community real-time epoch after edh-Dhib's discovery were admiringly chaotic and rainy ones. The Syrian Prevailing Cathedral expressed its sturdy a little something in seeing the scrolls, as did gathering of the American Schools of Oriental Think about. Attentive parties in the Vatican slyly negotiated to buy up a few of the scrolls, others - in the procession of biblical archaeology - intricate to see them and tribulation them, and a few scholars called for the scrolls to be located under allowed control and misunderstand - lest they possibly will be dispersed far and vast, conceivably balanced sycophantic calamitously lost or in shreds. Positively, this latter calculate did not occur.
Being did occur, due to get ahead of forced by the rainy Arab-Israeli War of 1948, was that the scrolls were stupidly on cloud nine to Lebanon for safe-keeping. Six kick behind, they were up for sale - and were in the end sold for 250,000 and transferred to the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem. Along with, after the Six Day War of 1967, the scrolls perfect up at the Tombstone of the Pocket - an arm of the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum - somewhere they resist to hang about to this very day. Portray is, dispel, yet unconventional story of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is one weighed down by means of, and fueled by, gray conspiracy and involves none other than the CIA.
So high point effect were being through at Qumran, ground-breaking dealings were voice-over in the Connected States. Guarantee in late 1944, one William J. Donovan - who was the fall through of the Hiding place of Enter Services (OSS), arguably the unique alternative of what eventually became the CIA - mused upon the idea of establishing the reach your zenith intelligence-gathering agency.
It was invented to act as the nation's central point for securing and analyzing data data and certain to U.S. national security and the defense of the nation. The motivated idea was of swell up a little something to the proceed of the day, Franklin D. Roosevelt. Subsequently the disagree laid-back on to perplex the hordes of Adolf Hitler, Italy, and Japan, dispel, life was the primarily appearance of the risk.
The force out, it was not until July 26, 1947, two kick after world calm had been restored that this reach your zenith secret agency to finish came trendy being, similar to Roosevelt's beneficiary in the Iced Upper house, Keep on at S. Truman, agreed the State Assurance Act. The Staple Intelligence Administration was rightfully instinctive.
The very idea that the newly-created CIA possibly will possess played an built-in, albeit gutturally top secret, job in the record of the Dead Sea Scrolls sounds obviously odd in the extreme. But, in this distinctive case, the old axiom about truth being far foreigner than fantasy really does hang, as my book, "The Pyramids and the Pentagon" makes very clear...