I briefly read a few comments however based on a handful of credible cases I am inclined to believe extra terrestrials are/have visted us. I'd be considered as a "skeptical believer". Im very interested in getting involved with ufo investigations as I can approach most cases totally neutral with an open mind. My studies of "ufos" conclude me to believe 95% of reports are either misidentification or hoaxes; however of that 5% there are a small number of reports that have no terrestrial explanation & theres a high probably these crafts are of extraterrestrial orgin. Now seeing as I've never witnessed any such phenomonon I must remain as I mentioned "skeptical" since we have yet to have actual indepentently verified by a neutral source physical proof. What I tend to be most skeptical of are abductions & these constant reports of crashed extraterrestrial crafts. The roswell crash sounds credible perhaps a couple others. Do u think after having the technology to travel through interstellar space these craft are gonna crash left furthermore there's no way in hell we have any weapons capable of shooting one down. Being that said its possible there have been a couple crashes at most since I tend to believe as advanced as these folks are their ships must be artificially constructed therefore mechanical failure on rare occasions is possible as pilot error is too. Im sure these guys make mistakes just like the rest of us. I'd probably also guess the majority of true extraterrestrial crafts, particularly those that appear very small or "orb like" are robotic as most of our deep space crafts are & do not carry any live beings on board. If the reports of the very large ships witnessed are accurate they likely are carrying live "ebe's". In conclusions of the handful of cases that most intrugue me the one that stands out the most was the december 1980 report at the nato base in england. Those reports were very accurate furthermore my understanding is the report didnt even become public until several years after the incident. I'd like to see cases like that investigated further.
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