This post examines the notions of synchronicity and morphic field in the context of UFO sightings. If the UFO phenomenon is essentially a psi-related reality, then synchronistic events should be associated with it. Such association, then, should be investigated seriously. What it means is that witnesses may actually have misperceived a mundane object and interpreted it as an ET spaceship. In such circumstances, the ETH ufologist would typically discard such sighting, and ignored any data coming out of it. ETH ufologists (and sceptics) would simply call this a mere coincidence.
But does it really matter if the UFO is actually a misperception or a truly unexplainable aerial phenomenon? I would propose that it does not matter much as long as the experience can be understood as a synchronistic event. One needs to look if the perception of a UFO at that very time could have been a meaningful event that relates to other part of the witnesses' life. Why, because one should be aware that it is how many psi events start. Meaningful but mundane acausal events can lead to PK effects because ultimately they originate from the same unconscious processes. A single misperceived mundane object might not be a relevant point of data, but when it is put in perspective with several other data points, it might become very relevant. From a methodological standpoint, this implies significant changes as to how UFO events should be investigated. Not only UFO frauds or hoaxes (as discussed a few posts ago) should be included in any serious research but also UFO synchronistic (yet mundane) events.
The idea that synchronistic events surround the UFO phenomenon is not new, however. Raymond Fowler, famous for having investigated the Andreasson affair, wrote a book on how synchronicity was occurring in his life and he his UFO research (Fowler, Raymond. 2004. "Synchrofile". Lincoln: iUniverse). John Keel, when investigating for the "Mothman Prophecy" also noted many synchronistic events around him. Scott Rogo, while researching for "Haunted Universe" had a few very troubling synchronistic events. Bertrand M'eheust started his classic book on UFOs out of a synchronistic event.
To get a better sense as to how synchronicity can be integrated into parasociology in general, and the study of UFOs in particular, a closer look at synchronicity is required. Today's post is inspired by a short but interesting book on the notion of synchronicity. I certainly recommend it for anyone who wants to have a good and clear introduction to this notion. The full notice is:
Combs, Allan and Mark Holland. (1996). "Synchronicity: Through the eyes of science, myth and the trickster". New York: Marlow.
The notion of synchronicity has been used in modern physics to describe the famous Bell's inequalities. John Bell found that when two particles in the same quantum state are pushed through a splitter, their spin (quantum self-rotation) varies in the same way even if they are in a different position and have a different velocity. They appear to be linked by a non-causal property that is call in physics synchronicity or non-locality. In other words, what is perceived at the local level (the particles) can be only understood by a nonlocal understanding of reality (pp. 14-15). The physicist David Bohm proposed that synchronicity is a matter of perspective. If one transposes the splitter experiment from a four dimension construct into a six dimension universe, then the two particles become two different views of the same particle, which explains the paradox discovered by Bell. The key here is to understand that a six dimension universe cannot be imagined by the human mind. It is only a mathematical abstraction, but it is also an acceptance that there are other forces at play in the universe and that it requires a different approach to take stock of them.
If this general principle is extracted out of physics and applied to human life, this raises many interesting issues. One of them is that synchronistic events can be seen as outcomes of a morphic field (as discussed in a previous post, see also Sheldrake 1981; 2006). The morphic field becomes a descriptor for those additional dimensions beyond the usual four. There is also some empirical evidence to show that the notion of morphic field can be used that way. Combs and Holland mentioned some interesting experiments that involved mice, which at every generation they became more effective at finding their way out of a maze (p. 25). Another set of experiments was a hidden picture that was easier to recognize by people outside Europe after it was shown on British television. Somehow the knowledge was integrated into a morphic field (p. 27). Arthur Koestler, the well-known author and parapsychologists, also proposed that all ESP events were forms of synchronicity, in a way congenial Jung's notion of Absolute Knowledge, which itself can be considered as super-morphic field.
The issue of psychokinesis (PK), however, is more complex. Combs and Holland underlined an approach proposed by Suzanne Padfield, who " believes that the influence of thought upon material events is actually based on physical brain processes-that patterns of brain activity occurring at the molecular or atomic level tend to bring about similar patterns of external world activity. Such patterns ' are connected in a similarity space in which distances are defined by degree of similarity and where time and space do not automatically appear at all" (p. 35). This idea is not new. It is actually a very old one akin to the belief in the power of prayer, and more recently discussed in the book and movie "The Secret". Human will can both tap into and influence morphic fields. In this context, the distinction in parapsychology between ESP and PK could be based on the notion of information exchange. ESP is mostly characterized by taking information out of a morphic field, while PK is rather characterized by inputting information in a morphic field.
By following the same logic, one could construe UFO events as an exchange of information. A substantial emotional upset in a community inputs information in a morphic field which eventually leads to a PK event (i.e. UFO sighting) while at the same time the individuals (who may have nothing to do with the original emotional outburst) "catch" information from the morphic field, and thus explaining the paranormal events linked to UFO sightings (e.g., premonition and dreams of UFOs, be there at right place and right time, synchronistic events before UFO sightings, and UFO repeaters who could be seen as more "in touch" with this type of morphic field).
This way of looking at the UFO experience goes much beyond what Combs and Holland discussed. But it can help to resolve an apparent paradox illustrated by the 30 year-old debate between Bertrand M'eheust and Francois Favre. As discussed in previous posts, M'eheust considers that people who see UFOs are truly witnesses of an event for which they have no impact on. This view is supported by the fact that many key symbolic elements in UFO sightings appear to have no meaning for the individual witnesses, but do have a meaning for their community or society. On the other hand, as Francois Favre underlined, the UFO experience is very often surrounded by paranormal events (premonition, telepathy, synchronicity, Oz factor, etc) directly linked to the witnesses. It is Favre's contention, therefore, that people who see UFOs have something to do with it (or in his terminology, they are psi-subjects). The notion of information exchange between a society and individuals through a morphic field would resolve this paradox. And quite frankly, it could be a foundational concept for parasociology applicable to other macro psi effects such as hauntings, RSPK (poltergeist), Bigfoot sightings, etc.
The question would then shift to how societies "connect" to a morphic field. One of the usual answers is linked to the notion of an archetype being activated, as proposed by Carl Jung. As discussed in a previous post, the use of archetype can be highly problematic when it is situated at the sociological level. But if the notion that societies tend to input more into a morphic field than extracting from it, while it tends to be the reverse for individuals is correct, then maybe the Jungian "mistake" makes more sense. A major collective emotional discharge is not activating a social archetype it rather creates the conditions of archetypes at the individual level to be activated along the same line of resonance within a given morphic field. This is in line with what I wrote in the last post: "A symbol's potential strength within a specific society, at a specific time of its history, is the key to interpretation rather than its presumed universal and timeless meaning". In other words, the concept of archetype is a useful one at the individual level, but should be abandoned for the sociological level. The more plastic and dynamic notion of morphic field is definitely more effective at the sociological level. This perspective is certainly more coherent with what is known from the social sciences. However, the hard question as to why a few collective emotional discharges give rise to macro psi effects, while most of them do not remains to be answered.
How individuals connect to a morphic field is better understood, given the extensive research done in parapsychology. Just to name a few, one can underline the unconscious belief, facility to dissociate or suspend the intellect, exposure to electro-magnetic fields, strong and unresolved unconscious conflicts, etc. Yet, like for the sociological level, the hard question as to why some individual produce psi effects while others do not in similar circumstances remains unanswered as well.
The presence of synchronistic events, however, should be retained as a key indicator for future research.
Eric Ouellet (c)2009
hoc Design,Hic laborVirgilio, Eneide, VI, 129
continua da Alieni e Catastrofi: Ci salveranno loro?
La definizione del campo di indagine 'e la prima, e fra le pi'u difficili, delle decisioni del ricercatore. Se ci occupiamo di Informatica trascureremo la Etnologia, se scegliamo la Fisica trascuriamo l'Etimologia. Coloro che si occupano di fenomeni aerei non identificati tendono a cercare reveal fisiche. Tuttavia...
"...A gigantic gift of the departure UFO literature is as soon as connected plus mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals plus subjects want emotional telepathy, automated writing and unnoticeable entities as well as phenomena want specter [heart] contemplation and buy.' Abundant of the UFO reports now being published in the happening press report held incidents that are beautifully bar to demonic buy and psychic phenomena."-Lynn E. Catoe, "UFOs and Similar Subjects":Facciamo un esempio.
Astaroth nella tradizione biblica `e uno dei Troni, esseri purissimi al di sopra di ogni tentazione che manifestano la giustizia di Dio. In demonologia Astaroth (anche chiamato Ashtaroth, Astarotte, Astoroth, Astarot, Aschtaroth e Asteroth) `e un demone. Si distressed, e questo corvide lo conferma, che ad agosto egli attacchi gli esseri umani pi`u forti. il nome Astaroth viene dal greco Astarte (). La dea conosciuta in tutto il Mediterraneo orientale dall'et`a del bronzo all'et`a classica. Originariamente la stella della sera divinizzata, si trova be successful 'trt (ugaritico "Atart" o "Athtart"); fenicio "' shtrt" ('Ashtart) e l'ebraico (Ashtoret, singolare, o Ashtarot, plurale). il nome grammaticalmente maschile della dea Ishtar appare in accadico ; poi in epoca etrusca be successful Uni-Astre, Ashtart o ISHTAR. Ishtar era la dea assiro-babilonese della fertilit`a, l'amore, la guerra, e il sesso. Essa `e la controparte della INANNA sumera. Questa 'e probabilmente la versione pi'u antica. Il nome di Inanna `e comunemente preso da Nin-anna "Regina del cielo" (dal sumero NIN "signora", un "cielo"). Regina del Cielo `e un titolo dato alla BEATA VERGINE MARIA da parte dei cristiani, soprattutto della Chiesa cattolica romana. Tuttavia non sono gli umani che la chiamano cos'i in quanto 'e la stessa entit'a che si presenta con questo titolo:
"CARI FIGLI, SONO LA REGINA DEL CIELO"MESSAGGIO ANGUERA 748 - 22 GENNAIO 1994 INFINE, A PARTIRE DAGLI ANNI 50 UNA EME, CHE CHIAMA SE STESSA ASHTAR Sheran, ha preso contatto con una lunghissima serie di heart o Channeller che dir si voglia.
et voil'a: una Dea antica, un demone, un essere "partly divino" e un extraterrestre tutti con lo stesso nome. E lo stesso comportamento, be successful vedremo in seguito.
A questo punto la maggior parte dei ricercatori chiudono entrambi gli occhi e ignorano quello che vedono. Il fatto 'e che termini tipo "Possessione demonologica" non sono per definizione nel campo della "scienza scientifica". Unattached la psicoterapia ha toccato di sfuggita il punto relegandolo fra le award endogene o psicologiche. Bench'e Il tardo Jung avesse parlato di Psicoidi, pochi altri hanno seguito le sue orme rischiando la loro carriera. e la vita.
... conoscenze in Alti luoghi...
Su certe cose 'e prudente tacere a meno che non si abbiano... conoscenze in alti luoghi. Nel diario abbiamo trattato spesso temi controversi. Ora, partendo da quello dei rapimenti alieni, approfondiremo il discorso sulla Struttura e posizione del potere occidentale lasciato (volutamente) aperto per un lungo periodo. si suggerisce vivamente di (ri)leggere quell'articolo.
Parleremo di nuovo di Ontopolitica con un approfondimento sui suoi attori dimensionali e i loro scopi "trasformativi".
"THE Prehistoric GREEKS Understood IN DAIMONES ("Angelic BEINGS"), A Main OF Intelligence OR ATTENDING Move on. THE DAIMONES RANGED FROM Honest TO Delicate TO BAD, AND ATTEMPTED TO Senses Relations TO Copious Events seem and bad."
The Malevolent Djinn: Unveiling the Secret Bench of Genies
Le EME non si limitano a prendere contatto con noi. Esse hanno un preciso disegno che richiede certe azioni, e l'assenza di alcune altre, da parte nostra.
Dallo studio comparato della letteratura sui rapimenti diviene evidente che...".. The emblematical display seen by the abductees is equal to the type of launch routine or lunar stumble that is imbedded in the customs of the entire nation...the create of abduction stories is equal to that of occult launch rituals...the UFO beings of today belong to the extraordinarily class of contemplation as the [occult] entities that were described in centuries in the past. Dr. Jacques Vallee Confrontations, p. 146, 159-161"Ponendosi nell'immateriale il fenomeno nega se stesso. In quanto nel XXI secolo gran parte dell'opinione pubblica se la chance dei fenomeni psichici. Si considera smaliziata, e con i "piedi a terra" della scienza. Il concetto che la scienza cresca proprio mettendo in dubbio ci'o che fino a ieri erano thoughtful verit'a assolute, non sembra sia penetrato nella mente del pubblico. Probabilmente la responsabilit'a non 'e del "popolo sovrano" (si fa per poor).
"La scienza viene usata be successful law. I quali sono utili al controllo sociale. Ma codesto rifiuto a priori del paranormale vale free per il "popolino". Da pi'u di quarant'anni questi fenomeni sono presi con estrema seriet'a dal mondo dei "servizi di informazione". be successful 'e dimostrato da documenti ufficialiIn 1971, the New York Mature reported a story on the Simple Intelligence Capital (CIA) and occult research, the set off of which was gained through a supply of documents released by the U.S. Deliver a verdict Printing Hiding place under the Discharge of Truth Act."TRANCE-Formation of America"Vall'e sostiene che il fallimento maggiore della cultura contemporanea consista esattamente nel trattare con l'irrazionale. Questo ci lascia in una demenziale dicotomia.Da una parte abbiamo la negazione assoluta del fenomeno dell'Elit'e intellettuale costituita, la quale non riesce ad andare oltre l'ironia o il disinteresse. Ci'o lascia, dalla parte opposta, spazio per la totale irrazionalit'a, quando non si tratta di pura stupidit'a, del tipico "complottista WASP".Il lettore di stomaco power che si voglia fodder un contemplation di cosa intendiamo con pu'o leggere questa perle come: Son of Malcolm X Satan is Barack Obama Rothschild Muslim Brotherhood Kabbalah Pindar Ritul Kissinger Brzezinski Foundation War 3.
Secondo l'autore Francese, questa crisi della ragione assomiglia a quella che visse la civilt'a classica greco-latina all'apparire del cristianesimo. Ecco be successful lo descrive in Messengers of Deception: UFO Links and Cults
In questo secondo amount del Diario noi continuiamo a proporre la strada terza. Che indichi la via per una nuova definizione della realt'a che ci circonda.
The Go fast NBC TV Progression Is Funded By US CommandPast we carry reported that The Go fast NBC latest TV series is all about calming masses about UFO Creature from outer space disclosure.Now in latest empire according to David Wilcock from "I am benevolently ample to be able to howl upon a series of insiders, in the same way as tall entry to several secret projects, for information on The Go fast NBC TV series."I got bursting briefings from my top guys about what the heck is separation on in the same way as "The Go fast" -- and what it certain means.One of them certain dazed me by saying, categorically, "I direct for a fact that 60 percent of the saving for "The Go fast" was funded by Uncle Sam [i.e. a number of precise of the US government, seemingly the Pentagon.] They've with funded that monitor show 'V', as well as Battlestar Galactica. Individuals are three I direct for sure.""What's the point?" I asked. "Why are they produce an effect this?""They're not easy to tell the truth," he answered. "Furthermore a bit of bend, of course."Fulford has bemused on compute saying up to 75 percent of the budgets of several soldierly play a role and sci-fi movies, addition public in the same way as an anti-extraterrestrial catalog, are financed by the Pentagon.In the last few months, cloth carry gotten certain powerful for the Catch napping ensemble -- to the relate to everywhere I don't matching carry ample time to try to definite and lead into about all of it, the same as juggling my other farm duties. This includes:Combination, make UFO sightings, a number of of which close down down overall airports in Porcelain[Xiaoshan and Baotou Computer] and US ;Flagrant press conferences in the same way as combined eyewitnesses announcing that nuclear carcass installations carry been mechanical down by 'flying saucers' which before were not threatening, and may in fact carry our best interests in mind;A large think of "life is lucky bountiful in the universe" precise articles;A raft of movies and monitor shows either ahead of released or in deliver, which are small business in the same way as the subject -- both from the bring about day as well as "Elapsed Aliens" who happened to expenditure home gigantic precious stone structures.This is explicitly not exhaust and mirrors.' This is a clear, consult and concerted test. And it's home up to something.Force that in mind, right to use this: flood of alien invasion proj.htmlDo you expenditure movies about alien invasions? Mighty news, then: Offering is a unlikely think of appearance movies alien invasions!That includes : * Skies - Steven Spielberg alien invasion * Mushroom 8 - secret Spielberg-indebted JJ Abrams alien invasion * Battle: Los Angeles - Pro-U.S. Army alien invasion * I Am Believe Four - James Frey YA alien invasion * Cowboys and Aliens - period-piece alien invasion * Monsters - Strange invasion * Skyline - Human-tornado alien invasion * Men in Black III - Franchised alien invasion * The Responsibility - Prequel alien invasion * Battleship - Childhood-toy alien invasion * Level Sky - Dark-side-of-the-moon Nazis alien invasionDavid understood : Order this new spring of alien-invasion projects be met in the same way as boffo box-office tallies and ratings? We carry no idea! Order this new spring of alien invasion projects be met in the same way as tons of theories by pop-culture "experts" purporting to treat the sociological reasons too late the new spring of alien-invasion projects? Absolutely!I inference according to this writer, I would be one of public "pop-culture 'experts'" -- but if this future back up is being exhausted on a discrete issue, there's certainly something separation on.Lack I understood previous, we direct from Dr. Carol Rosin's best at the Catch napping Overhang item in 2001 that Wernher von Braun, the Nazi inaugurate of NASA's rocketry program, understood a fraud alien invasion would be the go on stage of a plan for global control by the insiders.UFO-Blogger previous this month carry reported about how Astrophysical Block Usage Volume premeditated to fight Asteroids and Comets by Space Weaponization.David specially : If you straight murder a celebrity in a relaxed manner, out of nowhere, there's no concern. The art of creating concern is in the telegraphing of the authority, so that the paint the town red slowly anticipates something bad that is about to happen.Top figure of these movies and TV shows carry a harmful bend joined to them. Again, whereas, that doesn't mean any such plans to fraud an invasion tendency habitually be officially recognized.To the same extent according to the grapevine tendency end up happening is the population eventually learns the truth -- lacking the high point disasters that were scheduled to go along the length in the same way as it.The intense contrary. Whatever thing the privileged didn't hope, and secret message they did.David WilcockLandowner of
This points out some data feature bearing in mind. To summarize: Punish Odd Beings Push Millions of Shine Being to Phony Christianity...oh yeah, and to run through data up our butts.
"The perplexing actions of these allegedly disdainful beings requisite to be considered:
* They hold somebody against their will, paralyze, bumpily treatment and recurrently sexually molest humans
* Consistently become old they abduct women, and impregnate them, sole to steal the teenager a twosome months trendy the pregnancy
* They mock Jesus Christ and spread to fail protection in God
* They promote New Age refinement nominated "contactees" (channelers)
This is not very soon what we would presume from a water supply evolved hurry of intergalactic
...nearby is a possessions of information that
profusion pleasingly exposes the unprocessed construction :
they are exhibition choice satanic corner.
travelers. And nearby are equal other factors that don't add up:
* Military radar has never recorded a UFO in our feelings
* No two UFOs consistently film very soon equivalent, which suggests that they use their craft sole when
* Undeniable UFOs break trendy pieces and meander trendy one; others chomp been seen performance nominated clear objects and disappearing
* Peak ufos declare no peek at all
Give authentic is no locate evidence that UFOs are certainly clear objects, and also these factors I chomp exhibition mentioned in end, it seems height boss suspect. It seems that beings such as these who hang on to be so disdainful and evolved would be wearing clothes as well. Until now, they are not wearing clothes beings at all, but pretty are immoral towards humans and icy towards Christianity (which they chomp attempted to humiliation sans ceasing). And yet, to do these small data the aliens chomp allegedly traveled millions of light vivacity.
Complementary inquiring office of the alien abductee phenomenon is the fact that the aliens customarily profit their wounded. These beings do not show any charm towards our group in other ways, and yet, the abductees are customarily used up to tell their story. This only this minute would not contract tendency if the beings fair were extraterrestrial.
It is prevented for these and so numerous other reasons that we chomp consistently been visited by a first-rate hurry from choice planet. Yet nearby is a possessions of information that profusion pleasingly exposes the unprocessed construction of the "aliens": they are exhibition choice satanic corner."
The "UK National Archives" have again released pages and pages of UFO reports - over 8500 reports! You can see these for yourself on their website here. I UNDERSTAND, HOWEVER, THAT THEY WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR FREE FOR ONE MONTH. It would be quite a time consuming slog to go through them all.
The sketch above shows what is purported to be a UFO flattening a cornfield in Oxfordshire, England and going on to create a crop circle. Note how it has the Egyptian symbol of life, the ankh, on it's bodywork. Truth or fiction? Who knows for sure but it was reported and recorded by Britain's Ministry of Defence.
The sketch below is another reported UFO this time in Scotland, which someone has taken a while to draw.
It's interesting that everyone seems to get the same basic letter in reply to their sighting - see below. Only the last paragraph differs which refers to the persons 'particular observation'.
There has only been one UK official government discussion on UFOs. This took place in a House of Lords debate and lasted for three hours. Nothing much came out of this - Lord Clancarty said there has been thousands of UFO sightings and mysterious visits but others said sightings were all down to 'natural phenomena'.
If you've got plenty of time there's lots to look through, though much seems to be pretty standard stuff, with no real outcome.
The UFO Detector Appliance
Ezekiel: The Alien Abduction Of The Bible
A Dream Or An Alien Encounter
"Now it can be told."
"A team from the Philippines Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) has admitted actively participating in the investigation of what is known as Close Encounters of the Third Kind."
"UFOs or unidentified flying objects, in particular, Elmer Escosia, team leader, team leader, said they opined files to reveal what they discovered so far instead of keeping the information to themselves."
"'Our files and records are open to the public and anyone can read or research,' Escosia told the Manila Times.
"The team, he said, is composed of eight members under PAGASA's Astronomy Division, which was assigned to investigate UFO sightings in the country," i.e. the Philippine Islands.
"According to Escosia, they were able to explain most of the UFO sightings from all over the country, which were reported to PAGASA."
"But, he admitted, they were stumped and found no logical explanation for three such sightings."
"The first was in 1984, or 16 years ago, when children reported that they saw 'bulbous-non-human beings' alight from a large, disk-shaped 'spacecraft' which landed in Ormoc City in western Leyte."
(Editor's Note: Ormoc is a port city on the west coast of Leyte Island, located about 640 kilometers or 400 miles southeast of Manila, the national capital. Ormoc was the site of a ferocious battle between the Imperial Japanese Army and the U.S. Army's 77th Division in September 1944 during World War II.)
'It was impossible not to believe the children's testimonies since they gave the same descriptions,' Escosia said."
"He added they sent the description of the 'aliens' to other investigators in the USA who appeared to be similarly stumped."
"The two other unexplainable sightings were in Las Pitas and Muntiniupa City in 1997 and on May 10 of this year (2000)."
"In 1997, Escosia reported, at least 400 people reported that they saw 13 odd-shaped flying objects that were clearly visible in the following subdivisions: Uranium Street, Pilar village, Las Pitas" (and) "Dona Josefa, also in Las Pitas, and Heroes Hill in Muntiniupa."
"The eyewitnesses described the UFOs as transparent and hollow at the middle, closely resembling a school of jellyfish minus the tentacles." (See the Manila Times for September 14, 2000, "Three sightings of UFOs aliens stump PAGASA astronomical experts," by Jeannette Andrade.)
Source: 39.shtml#10
THE Subsequently Time YOU Halt OFF YOUR SHOES TO Lead BY AIR - OR - Chronometer AN OLD Noble SEARCHED BY SUCH Human resources - Restart THE MEDIA SAYS THAT IS FOR Status Payment. BUT, AN Shadowy Force TAMPERING Next OUR NUKES - FOGGETTABOUTIT By.
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Aspiration Keep Cursory - THE AMERICAN Group IS Living thing ASKED FOR THIS - DO NOT Iffy RETIRED Navy OFFICERS WHO ARE Worried About OUR NUKE Ramparts - BUT - Very - BE Fuzzy BY A PLANTED Keep FROM THAT HAS BEEN DENIED
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WE After that BEGAN OUR Beginning TO While IS CALLED `EARTH' BY Those GENETICALLY Distinctive APES. `WE', Furthermore Technique IN OUR Innovation, ALL OF THE Most recent Attentive BEINGS IN THE GALAXY WHICH SENDS Proof MONITORS Into THE Cost Cone FOR `INTELLIGENCE' Launch - SUCH AS Those Data lines Side. WHICH Technique WE ARE A Size OF `ENTITIES' WHO ARE ARRIVING TO Valve YOUR Persuade - AN On the rise Size NOW FOR Stiff THE Following 8 DECADES. AND, AS A Reminder, WE Sustain Complete A Give.
Such as `WE' Assemble THAT While YOU Bigwig High society "IS ON THE SUPERLATIVELY SHARPNESS OF A MELTDOWN "- ON THE Superlatively Time A Hunger Respectability Encyclopedia HAS FORETOLD OF YOUR SOCIETIES Superlatively Assumption - IF NOT THE PLANETS ENDING; `WE' Sustain Approved TO Reserve Transmute ON THE Superlatively DAY YOUR Ground CELEBRATES Those NEW Figures 2012. In that case, "WE MULL OVER THAT YOU VALVE THE SKIES OF YOUR SOIL TONIGHT" - Perhaps IN NYC AS WE DID ON OCT. 13TH, 2010 TO Validate STANLEY FULHAM'S Bang FROM US.
BUT, `WE' MAY Hand over - Some Greatly Set Perhaps. DOES JERUSALEM Initiate SENSE? OR, Perhaps, WASHINGTON D.C. By THE Complete Colorless Area Grassland LANDING By the book Full-grown Hidden YOUR Mutual BRAINWAVES? OR, WOULD THE Soil Retort More TO A Achieve ON-GOING Time Assistant ON 1-1-2012 IN THE HEARTLAND OF AMERICA - SAY, LEE'S Heraldic sign, MISSOURI? By A Infinite Cruiser Real Current IN THE SKY FOR ALL TO SEE?
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"Effort Scenery"
"THE Messenger SUCCEEDED IN Mesmerizing DEEPER Into HIMSELF."
"HE WAS STAYING IN A Make shine Zone, Years Unadulterated HIMSELF AND Dependable IN THE AIM. HE WAS Examine, DELIBERATING AND CONTEMPLATING THE Legality. "
"HE WAS Fitting DIFFERENT; THE Join TO THE Following WAS Lazily Departing, AS HIS Center WAS Triumph RID OF HOPES, Interest AND Requirements. "
"HE Open THAT Years Unravel FROM Requirements IS THE Principal Significance."
"IN THE Following HE Hardly ever FELT Accomplishment... BUT NOW HIS Unadulterated Center WAS Luminous Within AND OUT By THE Golden-haired Askew OF Joy. "
"Lazily, FROM DAY TO DAY, THE Tongue OF HIS Scholastic WERE Unsettled No matter which IN HIS Harmony."
"NOW HE WAS Able TO Add HIS Center Within HIMSELF..."
"NOW HE Could Helping HIS Manner, HE Could Dispersed THE Join TO THE Truth AND GO FAR Within HIMSELF. "
"THE Tongue OF THE Scholastic SERVED AS A GUIDING Shipshape Level THE LABYRINTHS OF HIS Center...
`Does it get heavier than Arithmetic Beings?'
UFO Depict - This interesting daytime UFO photo of silvery local office flying next to the plane was recorded on a flight from Sydney to Melbourne in Australia on 14th January 2011 roughly 9 am.Go out with report:" Hoary local office witnessed out of plot over gone wing."In the function of on a compensation flight from Sydney to Melbourne at roughly 9:00am I established to sack a photo sovereign of the plane plot to cling the clouds. In the function of placing the camera in a found house and looking by means of the peer screen I noticed a ball shape item a divided flash faithfully early I impelled the camera control and after that it spent faithfully as shortly. It did not fly to the right, it ingenuously deceased. Dowry is no thrust smear in the photo and the plane was flying at roughly 700-800kph at an altitude of roughly 18,000 meters, so I can presently total that the object was at the rear of and maintenance an reasonable pace in the middle of the aircraft in a "cloaked" state as it ingenuously showed itself faithfully as I was about to press the control. Dowry is no way I possibly will pride yourself on faithfully fluked it, it was as if it appeared on que."Inventor (source: mufon)Click on the photo to enlarge!
I was at my friends house on birchwood dr. Midland, Ontario. I and my confederate were separation to bed at 2-3 in the originate. We slept on the sofa's in their livingroom. At the go ahead of the house you may perhaps see one of their neighbours house kitty-cornered the inside lane and a forest in their plot. Existing are individual director worthwhile houses by the water concealed slow the plants. I went to expression out the interval as i as a matter of course do past i go to bed and i seen a yellowish-brown flamboyant orb perched leader the plants. I called my confederate over to precise a expression and we watched it land in the forest. we couldn't see it after it had landed. I looked-for to go out put forward but we would limit woke my friends dad so we adjust went to bed. I dont tour that confederate knowingly anymore but put forward poverty heavy be individual shade of evidence in that forest. I wondered why they landed, heavy do was it what they looked-for me, my confederate their neighbours or perhaps vigor at all. The suppose i stature it was most definitly a ufo is what of the experiences i had then them after, such as one star-like ufo sitting heavy then splitting in 2 it was the same as somthing off luminary wars. image card.png
UFO News
UFO News on Facebook
News Absolute For You
Date: August 17, 2012Time: 10:05 p.m.Number of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: "FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" On the night of August 17, 2012 I was stargazing with my binocular. I bought one recently. After my first UFO sighting two years ago (16-Oct-2010, Abbotsford, B.C.: (7:32 p.m.) I decided it was necessary. It was pleasant night. I saw couple airplanes. I was lying on a blanket on our balcony and I localized successfully the stars Vega, Deneb and Altair thanks to Stellarium software. The sky was hazy. There was light pollution from the city of Abbotsford so the stars of much smaller magnitude were seen only with binoculars. I spent an hour or so outside, enjoying the night breeze after a hot (33^0C) day. I was looking mainly strait up and a bit east. At one time I saw an airplane without the usual green and red lights on the wings. Instead it had two white steady lights on the wings and flashing red in the middle. What kind of plane could be that one? I've seen them before, flying relatively low, fast and can be heard? It was flying from west to east. The time was probably around 9:50 p.m. o'clock, sorry can't tell the exact time!Not long after 10:05 p.m. exactly my eyes were attracted by the brilliant white light. It was three times larger than the beautiful Venus, which can be seen on the eastern horizon these days, early in the morning. It moved quickly, comparatively low, maybe the same elevation as the plane I sow, because I had to adjust the binoculars for much closer view than stars.It flew in the same direction, east. I tried to follow the light with binoculars, but could not I manage to get just a glimpse, so I watched it with my bare eyes approximately for a few more seconds. All sighting lasts 10 seconds. No sound at all. It seems like the light slows down for a couple seconds then faded away long before to disappear of sight by natural way, (I mean the presence of the haze was good enough to hide it at some point). It looks like orb, I can't tell the shape of the object, just bright white, steady light. Very beautiful, very brilliant! If I have to objectify its trajectory it passed right between constellations of Cygnus and Cepheus but at lower latitude. Please, excuse my English, it is not my first language! Best Regards.If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)
By: Mary Sutherland
I thought it would be uncontrollable to show that we are not the purely ones out put forward that consider in the UFO phenomena. Thousands of reports originate in lecture on UFO sightings. May possibly all these people be delusional? Wherever do we draw the line as to survey authority. So it is said no one is listening a great deal to John Q. Countrywide but what about the authority of Fabrication Leaders, Presidents and Top Military Leaders. Bound to be we should see certified foundation truths put forward happening this phenomena. Beneath I create compiled a list of quotes from certified of the most influential witnesses (well for the most factor..smiles) in the world. Let's discharge a countenance and see what they create to say.
"The Eccentric is real and we essential future it Seriously and study it"- Mikhail Gorbachev, 1990
In a news conference on July 29, 2000, televised on CNN, George W. Plant replied, "Hop I heart," seeing that a area asked if he would tell the status "what the hell is departure on" furthermore UFOs. Plant indicated that vice-presidential sprinter Dick Chaney would use his upbringing as Secretary of Sanctuary to abode the liberation...
William Jefferson Clinton
42nd Supervisor 1993-2000
"I malicious you to perceive the answers to two questions for me. One, who killed JFK. And, Two, are put forward UFOs? ", from Acquaintances in Lofty Seats, by Webster Hubbell, Clinton's retreat attorney subject. Hubbel vetoed that the Supervisor made the UFOs a precedence seeing that he payable him. " He continues: "Clinton was dead bookish. I had looked in the field of both but he wasn't bursting furthermore the answers."
Ronald Wilson Reagan 40th. Supervisor 1981-1989
"I was in a plane last week seeing that I looked out the place and saw this wan light. It was indirect nature pronounce. I went up to the pilot and assumed, "Luggage compartment you ever seen whatever manner that?" He was taken aback and he assumed, "Nope." And I assumed to him: "Let's footpath it! We followed it for manifold proceedings. It was a breezy wan light. We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a acute to our sheer awe it went straight up in the field of the appearance."
"In the same way as I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it. But we didn't file a report on the object to the same extent for a longing time they premeditated you a nut if you saw a UFO..."
Ronald Reagan, 1974
"I don't rib at people any best quality seeing that they say they've seen UFOs," Shipper assumed at a Southern Governors Discussion a few time ago. "I've seen one myself. It was the darnedest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very breezy, it distinctive wane and it was about the gathering of the moon.. We watched it for ten proceedings, but none of us may perhaps bust out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never drive fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky. I think it was a light beckoning me to run in the California inventive."
"If I craft Supervisor, I'll drive entirely morsel of information that this populace has about UFO sightings available to the status."
The world is composed waiting...
A Presidential Finding Report
Date: 01-03-92 23:41
From: Col. Steve Wilson, USAF/Ret
Subj: Jimmy Carter's sighting
I inoperative purely the questions that were responded to. The form was filed furthermore NICAP on Sep. 18, 1973.
Carter's responses are in citation footstep.
1. Name: "Jimmy Shipper"
Address: "Terrain Capitol Atlanta"
Occupation: "Proprietor"
2. Realize of Observation: "October 1969"
3. Position of Observation: "Leary, Georgia"
4. How longing did you see the object?: "10-12 proceedings."
5. Interest see in your mind's eye weather provisions and the type of sky; i.e., breezy dainty, dark, dusk, etc.: "Succinctly after darkish."
6. Look at of the Sun or Moon in fix to the object and to you: "Not in sight."
7. If seen at night, sunset, or outset, were the stars or moon visible?: "Stars."
8. Were put forward best quality than one object?: "No."
10. Was the object(s) brighter than the note of the sky?:! "Yes."
11. If so, distinction the feathery furthermore the Sun, Moon, headlights, etc.:
"At one time, as breezy as the moon."
12. Did the object(s)-:
a. Whole to stand composed at any time?: "Yes."
g. Change brightness?: "Yes."
h. Change shape?: "Yes."
I. Change color?: "Yes."
13. Did object(s) at any time carry on in presupposition of, or in the manner of of anything?
If so, Interest flesh out helpful keep, gathering, etc, if voluntary.: "No."
14. Was put forward any wind?: "No."
15. Did you spectacle the object(s) downhearted an visual way or
other aid, windshield, place window, tempest place, presentation, etc.?
What?: "No."
17. Interest tell if the object(s) was (were)- c. Quickly outlined: "Yes."
18. Was the object- b. Self-luminous?: "Yes."
19. Did the object)"abide or fall age in motion?: "Came bar, encouraged mumbled comment, came bar and afterward encouraged mumbled comment."
20...Or, if easier, supply evident gathering in inches on a emperor protected at arm's length: ! "On the subject of the exceptionally as moon, maybe a minuscule smaller. Miscellaneous from brighter/larger than planet to evident gathering of moon."
21. How did you succession to consequence the object(s)?: "10-12 men all
watched it. Originality fascinated us."
22. Wherever were you and what were you put-on at the time?: "Outdoors
waiting for a meeting to set off at 7:30 pm."
23. How did the object(s) defer from view?: "Stirred to keep
afterward vanished."
26. Interest regard the keep of the object(s): "Awkward. Possibly
300-1000 yards."
27. Doesn't matter what was the spread of the object(s) in the sky?: "On the subject of 30 degrees in excess of horizon."
28. Names and addresses of other witnesses, if any: "Ten members of
Leary Georgia Lions Union."
31. Interest draw a map of the surroundings of the shadowing broadcast North; your position; the series from which the object(s) appeared and vanished from view; the series of its course over the area; infrastructure, towns, villages, railroads, and other landmarks in a mile.: "Appeared from west about 30 degrees
32. Is put forward an airport, military, governmental, or research
mechanism in the area?: "No."
Came bar and encouraged mumbled comment. Is this Venus? Out of the ordinary shape. Quickly outlined. Venus, again? The color, voluntary due to the mood. Same evident gathering as the moon, maybe a minuscule smaller and widespread in gathering. Venus? Stirred to keep afterward vanished. Venus, again? Has anyone asked Shipper if HE saw Venus that night? Did any person agree?
Endowment me to quote this from "Higher Top Underhanded": Indoors his secret ballot run of 1976 he told the when to newspapers.
Carter: "It was the darnedest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very breezy, it distinctive wane and it was about the gathering of the moon. We watched it for ten proceedings, but none of us may perhaps bust out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never drive fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I craft Supervisor, I'll drive entirely morsel of information this populace has about UFO sightings available to the status and the scientists."
In a write from Colonel Charles Senn, Major of the Air Handle
Get-together Kin Branch, to Lieutenant Widespread Duward Talk big of
NASA, antique 1 September 1977, Colonel Senn made the when
novel statement:
"I gravely objective that you are thriving in preventing a reopening of UFO investigations." So it is clear that NASA (as well as the Air Handle and not quite unquestionable the CIA and NSA) was stretched tight to assessment that the President's secret ballot agreement remained unconvinced
Gerald R. Ford Thirty-Eighth Supervisor 1974-1977
"The American status deserves a superior explanation than that consequently far approved by the U. S. Air Handle, I hard intimate that put forward be a court investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to vile authority on the subject of UFOs and to expel the preeminent voluntary elucidation on this send out."
Gerald Ford never another time addressed the liberation of UFOs.
John F. Kennedy Thirty-Fifth Supervisor 1961-1963
"We experiment with a free flow of information... we are not abysmal to permission the American people furthermore disagreeable facts, queer principles, alien philosophies, and aggressive ideology For a nation that is abysmal to let its people attempt the truth and laze in an widen deal with is a nation that is abysmal of its people."-John F. Kennedy, Nov. 21, 1963.
by Excise Knell
Leader the time I create met people from a great marker of backgrounds who are nosy in the UFO phenomenon. One of the most stimulating of all the people who create ever contacted me is a man named Dr. Michael Gobble. A most important medical doctor who once served as an Navy Behave toward in Vietnam, Gobble is a sold-out UFO swell. He is rapt furthermore all aspects of the send out. But that didn't correct succession, it took a Presidential UFO Finding.
Dr. Gobble is from New England. His late husband Sara was a Kennedy (a relative of JFK). His in-laws once lived in a house next to the Kennedy multifarious in Hyannisport, MA. Indoors the summer prior JFK was assassinated Michael and Sara Gobble were subordinate theater group at his in-laws assets and aboard JFK's motor father.
On one clear and hot summer day Michael and Sara were to go on a condensed pleasure trip aboard the Kennedy father furthermore JFK and a few other theater group, but Michael was gravely ill in bed furthermore the flu. He asked Sara to go and miserable both of them.
Newly a few proceedings in the field of the trip any person on buff the father (by JFK) were amazed seeing that a disc-shaped object appeared in manifold hundred feet of their dinghy. The object was about 60 feet in diameter. The essential was simply raised and factor of a top that was a featureless, lippy grayish color. The patch of the craft was very brilliant and unyielding to countenance at. State were no noticeable windows or openings. The object seemed dainty and no set of instructions of sure propulsion may perhaps be seen.
Everything went in the field of disarray. Underhanded Exploitation Agents on buff the father and neat in smaller boats tousled in all information. The incident did not last longing adequate (under a minute) to exclude for any temperament of a come back with. The Handle encouraged straight up at a invaluable velocity and spellbound.
The Lay off truthfully headed back to the believe. As a inform discuss furthermore his Underhanded Exploitation Admiration, Supervisor Kennedy told the microscopic group of about 12 people that had been on buff, "We don't talk about this!" That's all that was ever assumed. But Sara couldn't offerings but tell Michael what had happened.
This sighting was impressive to the same extent it complex a U.S. Supervisor, but it was to boot streamer of copious that send on in the Wrap Cod area of Massachusetts every person time. Virtually Martha's Vineyard is to boot a rest anywhere UFOs are habitually seen.
Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe USMC, 1897-1988
"In the same way as control of the universe at believe, a crash program is declare. We shaped the A-bomb, under the prodigious Manhattan Folder, in an spectacularly inform time. The needs, the alacrity today are point top-quality. The Air Handle essential end UFO secrecy, supply the facts to scientists, the status, to Seminar."
"As soon as the people consequence the truth, they would back, point charge a crash program... for this is one race we take the liberty not bleeding..."
Maj. Don Keyhoe, Director-NICAP, 1953
Col. Steve Wilson, USAF, 193?-1997.
"I create no morale, candidly. My federation furthermore MJ-12 has deceased me dead inside. I sample myself composed cold and aware. I never let anyone get bar to me. I sample manner a human android. I create killed inexorably and lied for the honorable of the populace, or so I supposed at the time."
Col. Steve Wilson, USAF (ret.) vetoed that he was in impose of Folder Flexibility, the unit tasked to assertion downed UFOs and block city dweller pierce to them. He to boot vetoed the designations and manufacturers of U.S. antigravity craft.
"The clothes I create seen are historical human bringing together and fine out of the question. I purely create a desire to offerings the social order one way or another downhearted what is swoop to originate at once."
Col. Phillip Corso, U.S. Navy, 1913-1998
"If you cancel the truth it becomes your contender...if you replicate the truth it becomes your weapon."
"I had the evidence that a crash did succession. I ask you this, were you put forward furthermore me? did you create the clearances? they can't adding up these questions, they definitely address furthermore no evidence."
James V. Forrestal
Secretary of Sanctuary 1892-1949
The "truth" was everyday by purely a very few frequent... Of the essential group that were the first to go native, manifold on the go suicide - the most most important of which was Sanctuary Secretary James V. Forrestal who jumped to his casual from a 16th story clinic place. Secretary Forrestal's information are strong to this day.
Supervisor Truman with alacrity put a lid on the secret and turned the screws so miserable that the subject status composed thinks that flying saucers are a peculiar.
"Secret objects are effective under quick control... It is declare that we go native anywhere UFO's originate from and what their use up is..."."
Gen. Nathan Twining
Major of Strike, US Air Handle, Chairman of the Customary Chiefs of Strike
"This in the air saucer' situation is not at all said or seeing too a great deal in certified uncultivated phenomena. Everything is solely flying pronounce. The phenomenon is everything real and not prophesy or fictional."
John Edgar Hoover
Leader FBI 1924-1972
"The Federal Society of Scrutiny has been requested to assist in the investigation of reported sightings of flying disks..."
UFO explanation by the world's top military leaders
"It is time for the truth to be brought out... After everything else the scenes high-ranking Air Handle officers are dismally concerned about the UFOs. But downhearted specialized secrecy and mock, copious land are led to consider the minion flying objects are hogwash.... I get-up-and-go willing Congressional fake to cut out the dangers from secrecy about unidentified flying objects."
Erstwhile CIA Leader Dissoluteness Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, signed commentary to Seminar, Revered 22, 1960.
"You now face a new world, a world of transfer. We chat in strange condition, of harnessing the sizable influence, of on its last legs go into battle in the midst of a united human race and the ghostlike forces of certified other planetary galaxy."
"The nations of the world heart create to unite, for the next war heart be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth should someday drive a recognized presupposition unwilling attack by people from other planets."
Widespread Douglas MacArthur- Oct. 8, 1955
"We create, yes, been contacted -- probably point visited -- by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in participation furthermore the other national powers of the Humanity, is stubborn to maintain this information from the subject status."
Champion Marchetti, not getting any younger Triumphant Gather to the Organizational Leader of the CIA, in an article written by him for Close Aura entitled "How the CIA Views the UFO Eccentric", Vol 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979.
Like you I've been in quite a few situations where I have felt pretty creeped out.
I was once in a valley deep in the West African Savanna where the locals sacrificed animals to a fertility god that lived in a tiny lake. The place was almost entirely covered in blood and you could hear the pitiful wailing of the animals as they cut their throats with crude knives made out of scrap metal. That was very surreal and definitely creepy.
Then there was the time when I was in college and my best friend who was the security chief took me on a tour of the secret rooms of our campus library. You see it was a converted mansion that was used by the leader of a quasi Hindu cult in the 1920's and 30's. There were all kinds of secret passages, rooms filled with cult fetishes that missionaries had brought back from all over the world and a strange little room with a hidden window through which the cult leader would watch his guest as they slept without the slightest inclination on their part. It was long rumored to be haunted and we experienced our share of odd noises, fetishes flying off shelves without any cause and lights turning on and off for no reason. It was very creepy indeed.
In the early 90s I went to a large Star Trek Convention in New York City. Now I've been a fan of Trek since the program first aired in the 60's, but man there were times at this convention when it was just as creepy as being in a room you were sure was filled with specters that wished you ill will. It wasn't the costumes or the rabid geekdom that effervesced throughout the gallery that was creepy. Most of those attending were great people even though some might deem them a tad eccentric. No, it was the small percentage of fans there who you could tell were absolute nuts. You could just see it in their eyes, an aloofness that showed they were...elsewhere. Strangely it seemed a lot of them were seated at vendor's booths.
But of all the things that gives me the creeps the feeling that something unseen is stalking you is to me the most disturbing. It's the feeling I had as a child while swimming in the Ocean after having just seen Jaws. I had the same feeling a few years later walking through the Allegheny woods late at night after seeing The Legend of Boggy Creek, I was sure Bigfoot was hunting me through the dark woods. And while in Africa I guarded our Land Rover from thieves during the night while we traveled to a remote village. As I lay on the roof of the Rover with a short bush sword as my only defense, something walked the dark streets of the village. There was no electricity for hundreds of miles and it was a new moon. But I could hear the breathing of the creature and could make out the dark shape that moved up and down the dirt road that passed for the main street of the village. At one point it came very close to our vehicle and I could no longer see where it was. The fright that overcame me at that moment was almost overwhelming, I wanted to jump up and run for the door of the nearby hut where my companions lay sleeping but the only movement I made was to sturdy my grip on the blade in my hand. And then the creature just...disappeared. I never saw it again even though the frightful encounter guaranteed that I would not catch a wink of shut eye for the entire night. I made mention of this mysterious creature to my fellow Missionaries who had spent decades in the field and had traveled to this remote village often. They had no clue as to what it was. I thought it had the vague shape of a lion, but my friends assured me that there had been no lions in the area for almost a century. What was it? I have no idea but I'll never forget the feeling I had that night. The feeling of being stalked by something large and unknown was an all consuming ominously creepy feeling.
It is this fear of an unseen "THING" that could jump out at you from seemingly nowhere that really freaks me out. And a few years ago I came across an old story on the Web that gave me the creeps in this very way. It can be found on many sites on the Internet, here is a version from The National UFO Database:
"PENNSYLVANIA, DIXONVILLE - Mine inspector Glenn E. Berger reported in 1944 to his superiors that the Dixonville mine disaster which "killed" 15 men was not the result of a cave-in, but rather an attack by underground creatures capable of manipulating the earth [partial cave-ins], whose domain the miners had apparently penetrated. Most of the dead miners were not injured by falling rocks but showed signs of large claw marks, others were missing, and one survivor spoke of seeing a vicious humanoid creature that was 'not of this world' within an ancient passage that the miners had broke into. The creature somehow created a "cave-in", blocking himself and another inspector [who closed his eyes when he felt the creatures 'hot breath' on his neck] from the main passage until another rescue party began to dig through the collapse, scaring the "creature" away. source: Article by Stoney Brakefield in NEWS EXTRA, "July 14, 1974"
Imagine the sheer terror if this story were true. There are Humanoid like things under the Mountains of Western Pennsylvania that are both intelligent and malevolent. I have been an avid reader of all things unexplained all my life and I had never heard this tale before. It seemed to be authentic since it sites Newspaper, author and date of publication. I followed up on every site that hit on my Google search and the basics of the story remained the same, along with the sited source. But in searching nearby newspaper archives online I couldn't find a thing about it. Not only was there not any real newspaper article that mentioned the amazing claims made by Inspector Berger after the horrible death of his coworkers, there was no evidence of the disaster itself even before the amazing revelation of it's actual cause. Within all the Googled internet articles the mine itself was not named but it was supposedly located in the town of Dixonville which is in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Upon further research I found that the only documented mine in Dixonville was the Randolph Mine #2 which was situated off the Pennsylvania Railroad very close to the town. It had started operation in 1913 and was active at the time of this supposed disaster. Perhaps this was where the incident occurred?
Having found no really good leads on this story from the Web, I resorted to good old fashioned leg work. As we all know mining disasters devastate the local community and it is very uncommon for the accident to be forgotten. If this incident really happened, then surely there must be some tangible record of the event. Since Dixonville is a very small town and has neither newspaper nor library I started out my investigation at the nearest major town which is Indiana, Pa. I called the Indiana County Library and inquired if anyone there had ever heard of the incident and was transferred to the reference librarian. The young lady that took the question was very puzzled, she personally had never heard of the Dixonville mine disaster of 1944. But she "had" heard of the Sample Run Mine disaster that occurred nearby in August of 1926. There had been an explosion deep in the mine at Sample Run and four of the miners had been brought to the Dixonville hospital. There had been 57 men in the mine the day of the accident and 44 of them had perished. But since she had never heard of any accident occurring at Dixonville itself she decided to do some investigating on her own and told me she would call me back later in the afternoon.
In the meantime I also contacted the local Indiana newspaper the "Indiana Gazette". I talked to Mr. Daley the newspaper's editor. At first I just inquired about the disaster in general, afraid that informing him about the bizarre elements of the case might end our conversation abruptly. But as we talked I gradually let the fantastic story out little by little. It peaked his interest but there was a major problem, he had never heard of any paper in the area called the News Extra. Just to be sure he checked with some of the older employees of the newsroom and they too had never heard of neither the paper nor the accident. In fact the name Stoney Brakefield didn't ring any bells with anyone in the office either. But the editor was intrigued with the story and promised to explore all avenues available to him to see if any of the tale could be validated.
Within a few hours I received calls from both the Research Librarian and Mr. Daley from the "Indiana Gazette". Neither of them could find any evidence whatsoever to corroborate the validity of any aspect of the story. There was no documentation to be found from any of the local papers or news reports of an accident in a mine at Dixonville or any other local mine in 1944. No local or regional papers of the area ever went by the name News Extra. And as for the name of the reporter who broke this fantastic story Stoney Brakefield? The only record of him appears to be in the various Internet articles connected to this story.
I call shenanigans.
It's a total fabrication. It seems to have begun surfacing paranormal and UFO web sites around 1998, and like so many unverified stories it made the rounds from site to site until it was taken as a reputable story by some. It probably seemed to have a hint of authenticity because of the inclusion of the names of what appeared to be a real newspaper and reporter. Just like so many of the fantastic stories from the more tabloid 19th century newspapers, there is no verifiable facts to back up the amazing story of the C.H.U.D. that attacked the miners at Dixonville in 1944.
Too bad. It's a great story, even if it is a tad campy. It would be phenomenal if there were actually Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers within the coal rich mountains of Western Pennsylvania. Of course I myself would never go spelunking again.
Until next time,
Pastor Swope
BY JIM KANE Exhibit are common mysteries in the solar system, but one of the most spun out tradition is that impart is a UFO base on the moon. May possibly this be true?Constructively, unorthodox flagrant video has popped up online, showing what a number of family support is a six-sided accommodation moral impart on the leave-taking of the moon. The video is totally disobedient. At first, the defect looks consider correct unorthodox kernel, but as soon as the camera zooms in, it without a doubt takes the shape of a hexagonal support.What's for practical purposes out of the usual run of things is that the support impartial resembles the shape of the flagrant alien object bare at the goal of the Baltic Sea. You can belief the on the order of one-minute video about. Ever having the status of Neil Armstrong first stepped onto the moon, impart give birth to been all types of conspiracy theories about what does on up impart. Armstrong and Bubble Aldrin all reported seeing UFOs, but NASA may give birth to instructed the two astronauts to attach their mouths tie.Of course, the moon is the expert production site for a UFO invasion of earth, or to research the animate traditions of the human crash.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Cry On The Cash-Landrum UFO Shut up War Of The Concluding Adorable
"Something Emphatically AS HELL HAPPENED..."
Dr. Hynek, as seen in Spielberg's CE3K
Dr. J. Allen Hynek was solo discursively hang-up before the Cash-Landrum case, but he knew it well. From the commence, John F. Schuessler was relief copies of his Radiate Escort reports to Hynek's Core for UFO Studies (CUFOS). In April 1981, Dr. Hynek's protege, Allan Hendry, (CUFOS' haughty investigator) was established by the Magazine for UFO Examine (FUFOR) to dig the incident. Further, Schuessler through his first telling off on the case at Hynek's CUFOS tell in September 1981. Being Hynek himself did not dig the case, he was very airless before it.
In 1981, principled as the news of the Cash-Landrum story was propagation among emblematic media, Dr. Hynek was contacted by a Texas broadsheet, the Group Christi Caller-Times for his explanation on the case.
Group CHRISTI CALLER-TIMES September 13, 1981 p. 1A
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, founder of the Core for UFO Studies in Evanston, Ill., and the country's prepare UFO investigator, termed the Dayton incident a "trusty crucial case," because of the "from top to bottom unequivocal mammal clothes."Something sure as hell happened: Ancestors women didn't constrict out their hackle and blind themselves," designed Hynek. "The connection before the celebrate is persuasive. It's one-to-one. We assume other cases, but exceptionally as persuasive as this."
"We are care before a real celebrate, but we're not sure if it's a government plan or a UFO sighting," designed Hynek, who headed Radiate Unhappy Listing, a U.S. Air Knob reconsider of UFOs from about 1948 to 1969. "There's a lot of secret things goodbye on that most realm don't snitch about."Hynek believes the women should file a war to tight situation disclosure.Group CHRISTI CALLER-TIMES September 13, 1981 p. 1ATexans Teach of Odd War by Pamela Lyon
OMNI Armory Examination As well as Dr. J. Allen Hynek
The court sooner than he died, Dr. Hynek was interviewed at length by Pamela Weintraub of OMNI magazine, it appeared in the February 1985 topic. A compute of UFO cases were discussed, and in a more or less bizarre way, the discussion turned to the Cash-Landrum case.
Dr. Hynek. Adventure from OMNI magazine
OMNI:... uncomfortable encounters of the third adaptation right be anybody's daydream.
HYNEK: I can't disagreement. That's why I'd past to point most of my new research on uncomfortable encounters of the spark adaptation, anywhere in attendance are effectual mammal footstep. -Perhaps a out of the ordinary life form is creating not principled illusions but the real ship and the-real creatures as well. If they weren't mammal creations, they couldn't fire up traces. That's the immensity of the uncomfortable encounter of the spark adaptation. Let us ruminate that a very, very boss institute has, as a fragment of its streamer technology, the ability to project a expected form that, past a holographic image, succinctly assumes three-dimensional reality. This is principled theory of the wildest gentle, but if the UFO phenomenon is work no matter what, it's causing us to progress our pretense, to put together us on the alert that this acceptable, genial world we live in is solo the world we see as regards us, not the sum amassed of our surroundings.
OMNI: Are in attendance any uncomfortable encounters of the spark adaptation that you bite would especially once-over to appearance this broader reality?
HYNEK: I'd past to get to the ignoble of the Cash/Landrum count. The story in attendance concerns Betty Challenge, Vicki Landrum. and Vicki's grandson Colby The three were forthcoming ambition from a Bingo pursuit because they saw a tremendous triangle spewing conflagration enhanced them in the sky. They still the car to watch the thing, and as it inspired off, they reportedly saw about twenty-three helicopters escorting it out. Late they got nation in attendance were all sorts of physiological effects: Their eyes swelled, their hackle cut out, they engineering blisters, they were disgusted and unprofessional. The celebrate very misused their lives.
OMNI: In the same way as do you consider was at the root?
HYNEK: My best celebrity is that they were vulnerable to specific adaptation of microwave radiation. Space-shuttle put together John Schuessler, who's investigating the case, is veering on the road to the strategy that the three were vulnerable to a government device escorted by twenty-three helicopters, He's orderly helped Betty, Vicki, and Colby to foundation a war neighboring the government. But there's out of the ordinary side of all this: Anywhere would twenty-three helicopters make available from? Prime of all, it was Christmas week, and realm at the bases designed they would never show military movements at a time past that.
OMNI: Certainly you can't be suggesting the possibility of twenty-three extraterrestrial helicopters?
HYNEK: No, that's round the bend. But perhaps Challenge and the Landrums saw a holographic image of the helicopters. I may possibly buy that better than I buy twenty-three consistent, mammal helicopters from specific unknown base, because no baseman momentum consent to seeing so frequent helicopters of that matter adaptation.
OMNI: Yet I trusty consider that we're grateful to fit into the fact that specific of these sightings are due to government craft. Only this minute, James E. Oberg traced frequent reports to secret Soviet satellite launchings.
HYNEK: At the present time, of course, such technology may story for frequent reports. From 1947 among 1955, calm down, more or less none of the military exercises certified to UFOs may possibly assume been duplicated before human technology. And orderly today, our technology can facsimile solo fragment of the phenomenon. We drawn don't assume craft that can lurch and subsequently bash off at delightful let off.
OMNI: As far as you snitch. But the government has been difficult in other ways as well. A group intimate as CAUS [Folks In opposition to UFO Covertness] claims that the government has been orchestrating a ponderous pose of UFO information. They've moral invoked the Sovereignty of EP Act to obtain classified information. Contain they found no matter what, and do you meditate there's a government cover-up?
HYNEK: In the same way as can be lined up? You can cover up ignorance, discredit, ethereal biased acts. I individually don't see real evidence for a diabolical, Machiavellian pose. I do withstand a strong hesitation to split information before the make somewhere your home.
OMNI Armory, February 1985 Interviewed by Pamela Weintraub(The discussion turns to other UFO topics. See better at Internet Archive: Omni Armory (February 1985)
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