Ufo Crosses Path Of 777 Jet Outside Turin Italy

Ufo Crosses Path Of 777 Jet Outside Turin Italy
MYSTERY OF MOUNT MUSIN`e, ITALY (VIDEO BELOW)High atop Mount Musin`e, an area where colored lights are rumored to be seen periodically by the citizens of the surrounding villages, an enormous stone slab sits embedded into the mountain's peak, displaying an esoteric and opaque message for all to see.The stele is of unknown origin, but whomever carved and placed it upon the mountain was no doubt inspired by the allegedly mystical properties of the mountain, long considered a gathering point for UFOs, strange energies and mystifying effects, including rocks displaying prehistoric carvings seemingly representing flying objects.THIS IS THE MESSAGE OF THE STELE:"QUI E' L'UNA ANTENNA DEI 7 PUNTI ELETTRODINAMICI CHE DAL PROPRIO NUCLEO INCANDESCENTE VIVO LA TERRA TUTTA RESPIRA EMETTE VITA. QUI OPERANO LE ASTRALI ENTITA' CHE FURONO: HATSHEPUT ECHNATON GESU' IL CRISTO MAOMETTO CONFUCIO ABRAMO IL BUDDHA GANDHI MARTIN LUTER KING FRANCESCO D'ASSISI E ANCHE TU SE VUOI ALLA FRATELLANZA COSTRUTTIVA TRA TUTTI I POPOLI. PENSACI INTENSAMENTE 3 MINUTI. PENSIERO E' COSTRUZIONE".TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH, IT READS:"HERE IS THE ANTENNA OF THE 7 ELECTRODYNAMIC POINTS THROUGH WHICH, WITH ITS LIVING GLOWING CORE, THE ENTIRE EARTH BREATHS, GIVES LIFE. HERE OPERATE THE ASTRAL ENTITIES THAT WERE: HATSHEPUT, ECHNATON, CHRIST, BUDDHA, MOHAMMED, ABRAHAM, CONFUCIUS, GANDHI, MARTIN LUTHER KING, FRANCIS OF ASSISI, AND EVEN YOU, IF YOU WANT TO BUILD BROTHERHOOD AMONG ALL NATIONS. THINK ABOUT IT INTENSIVELY 3 MINUTES. THOUGHT IS CONSTRUCTION"The stele (as it is known) was reportedly removed once by authorities, but mysteriously reappeared, again of unknown and unclaimed origins.According to local legend surrounding the stele, huge streams of energy pass from the slab into the city of Turin, itself full of strange legend and history, and give it powers and mystic energy unlike anywhere else.As the stele indicates, concentrating on positive thinking, a person can insert a positive energy in these streams, and effect the mood and power of Turin, and the larger world beyond.POSTER COMMENTSVIDEO SHOT NEAR AVIGLIANA, ITALY NEAR MOUNT MUSIN`e NOTORIOUSLY FAMOUS FOR SIGHTINGS OF UFOS (UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS).UFO PASSES BOEING 777, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, 2013, ITALYhttp://www.educatinghumanity.com/feeds/posts/default


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