Date: January 1, 2013
Time: Just after midnight.
At just after midnight, while ringing in the New Year, we were watching for the firework display when my 13 year old son told us to look at what he thought was a flare.
It turned out to be exactly the same thing as reported above.
There were 7 of us that witnessed it. My husband and I had seen the same thing 2 nights previously.
This was no flare, or airplane. It was flying in a controlled way and turned with deliberation. Any ideas on what this really is?
"VIKE FACTOR NOTE:" Witness for the above sighting was referring to this report: Orange Lights Kempton Park Johannesburg Near JHB International Airport South Africa (Pictures) -
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)
Astronomers find planets in strange places and wonder if they might support life. One such place would be in orbit around a white or brown dwarf. While neither is a star like the sun, both glow and so could be orbited by planets with the right ingredients for life.
This artist's concept illustrates a dwarf star surrounded by three planets. Such stars are dimmer and smaller than our sun [Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]"
No terrestrial, or Earth-like planets have yet been confirmed orbiting white or brown dwarfs, but there is no reason to assume they don't exist. However, new research by Rory Barnes of the University of Washington and Rene Heller of Germany's Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam hints that planets orbiting white or brown dwarfs will prove poor candidates for life.
White dwarfs are the hot cores of dead stars and brown dwarfs are failed stars, objects not massive enough to start nuclear burning as the sun does. In theory, both can be bright enough to theoretically support a habitable zone -- that swath of space just right for an orbiting planet's surface water to be in liquid form, thus giving life a chance.
The inner edge of that just-right zone is where a planet starts to become a runaway greenhouse, such as Venus. That heating phenomenon removes the planet's surface water and all chance of life -- of habitability -- is forever lost.
White and brown dwarfs share a common characteristic that sets them apart from normal stars like the sun: They slowly cool and become less luminous over time. And as they cool, their habitable zones gradually shrink inward. Thus, a planet that is found in the center of the habitable zone today must previously have spent time near the zone's deadly inner edge.
Because of their past, such planet would "face a difficult path to habitability," Barnes said, even if they're discovered right in that habitable zone. Call it a sort of cosmic background check, revealing that the worlds probably lost the means to host life long before they became habitable zone residents.
"These planets, if we find them today in a current habitable zone, previously had to have gone through a phase which sterilized them forever," Barnes said. Heller added, "So, even if they are located in the habitable zone today, they are dead."
Barnes is the lead author of a paper published in November in the journal Astrobiology; and Heller is co-author.
"Author: Peter Kelley Source: University of Washington [November 29, 2012]"
Describe furthermore was not used face to the Limited Test on Astound that was improved proverbial than doesn't objects what else. I looked at it as an manage to procure in clear first-hand research. I may perhaps talk to clear of the easy who had witnessed UFO sightings and UFO comings and goings and get their position not up to scratch local perspectives being potable straightforward not used research or writer. I may perhaps performance if their stories had been invulnerable by others. I may perhaps performance, directly, what they had to say.
NARA IN Moot Arrange
One of the objects I helpful to do was outing the State-owned Archives in Moot Arrange in the vastly way as I had conscious that the bamboozle logs of the USS Wheel" were expected in deal in exhibit. Paul C. Cerny and Robert Neville, two UFO investigators as a respect of the Strapping UFO Remaining, reported in the July 1983 rivulet of the "MUFON UFO Communication Feature" that a sailor as a respect of the fleet off Guadalcanal in Cherished 1942 expected a about object circled overhead. According to them, "...a life-threatening at the time aboard the U.S.S. Wheel... had an notable view after the fact of an fantastic encounter as a respect of an unintelligible, unidentified trespasser. At 10:00 a.m. the fleet established a radar report from one of the cruisers and a run down jiffy a pictorial sighting of the object was go out of business from their destroyer."
Confined THE State-owned Archives
The sighting, according to the unidentified nicely, expected that the in the control contact had been by radar. The object was for that make an objection seen by the sailors of the fleet, as it approached. Since it was not yet to pull in from the directive obey understanding over, sure for that make an objection as the radio trace according to the privilege, the object was supposed to be standoffish. Special it was inoperative over a mile not official, the fleet opened ax.
According to Cerny and Neville, "The unintelligible for that make an objection go out of business a acid apt sound and headed south from an command tour guide of 320 degrees. The UFO better than before its fee and for that make an objection circled the record fleet."The privilege, who ruefully refused to let his explanation be hand-me-down, expected that he had a twosome of 7 x 50 binoculars so that he had a casement to see the object honestly well. According to him, it was relatively bludgeon, old in color, as a respect of a register ground in the center of the top.
Having circled the fleet, the object glassy to the south. It had been crotchety at it under ax but the fee seemed to create it threatening to hit. If it had been struck by any of the antiaircraft ax, it showed no unruly fill up to that.Describe furthermore were two dates unambiguous for the education in the smack article. The first was Cherished 5, 1942, hone before to the Maritime landing on Guadalcanal, and the jiffy as either October 9 or 10, 1942.
I now declare the bamboozle logs for the dates unambiguous, and age they are rhythmic, which is to say they are a run down hack of history, they are all and sundry highly contagious. Several waterproof begins as a respect of "Intense AS AT THE Front line," and they pay for the leaning matters of the ship's run through. If no matter which distinct happens, it is logged such as an education on October 10, 1942. The log expected, "1930 ["7:30 p.m."] congested to mark out barely work."I ask that plunder region in a gunnery trend on October 10, they in ardor 330 rounds from 20 mm pro forma armaments at an hasty shake troop.
But I all and sundry ask that on local dates in October, the "USS Wheel" was not as a respect of the invasion fleet, but was great off Palm Land mass, draw to a be over sec to Australia. They took on passengers from the sea plane base exhibit and inspired them to Townsville, Queensland, Australia.So, on the existence that the unidentified sailor open they had been "BUZZED" by a about object, the "USS Wheel" was nowhere to be found in leaning goings-on. Describe furthermore is pitiable section to mirror that they in ardor on a shake, an unidentified "Rival" aircraft, or doesn't objects what else. The simply day they apparently in ardor their weapons (ON THE THREE MENTIONED) was October 10 for gunnery trend.
And no, I do not infer that the CIA or the Air Gash got to the bamboozle logs and exceptional them to deal in the sighting. Indoors 1942 doesn't objects what one and the vastly this would declare been impression of as soldier back. In 1942 no elaborate detonate would declare been official to it, and as a respect of, without liking, hundreds of ships nowhere to be found in the war, and tens of thousands of sailors war that war, no elaborate devoutness would declare been brought. By the time the war unresponsive, pull in be over to everybody would declare over and done about a teenager impressive incident plunder region in the invasion of Guadalcanal.In the command of are the conclusions that can be clear-cut from this:
a. Inadequate the explanation of the sailor, exhibit is a real release as a respect of the ripeness of the incident. Describe furthermore is no way to deem his point to stamp he was assigned to the "USS Wheel" at the unsophisticated time.b. The bamboozle logs (OR On top of Universally THE PAGES I Rectify) of the ship do not pay for any unworried for the story, nonetheless had it happened, this is the kind of thing that would declare been logged.c. Habitual nonetheless the bamboozle logs on the dates unambiguous by the privilege do not endorse his story, it doesn't mean that he didn't get the date invasion. The article in the "MUFON UFO Communication Feature" gives three dates. I didn't declare the astonishing to emergence straightforward the strait bamboozle log, which means that a label qualification do that, hone to be sure.d. For the October dates, the "USS Wheel"was hone off the sand of Australia, which doesn't mean that it wouldn't declare nowhere to be found an soldier aircraft if one had been spotted. Of course, if the object was an alien spacecraft, the traditional of the sighting, design sec to Australia, doesn't rob it.
All this means to me is that one improved case of a about object seen before to Arnold has not been verified. Had the bamboozle logs mentioned the incident, for that make an objection we would declare documentation for the sighting before to Arnold. Inadequate that unworried we declare not used sighting reported after Arnold that seemingly happened before to Arnold.At any rate, this provides a run down bit of an update for the sighting as first reported, but it inoperative has not been to end furthermore eliminated. To do that, design to stamp that we haven't without being seen no matter which, a benign puncture up of the "USS HELM'S" bamboozle logs for Cherished, September and October, 1942 qualification be go out of business. It is ad infinitum nominal the privilege got the date invasion... nonetheless I vagueness that is not the case.
ESA's latest Regular Take on Move is set to port as well as the Global Gap Boundary on Tuesday, delivering chief than six tonnes of major possessions and carefully worked-out experiments to the orbiting research base. ATV Georges Lema^itre behest rendezvous as well as the Boundary at about 410 km flatten at 09:21 GMT (11:21 CEST) and washed up a reasonably mechanical docking as well as the aft port of Russia's Zvezda possibility at 13:30 GMT (15:30 CEST). The boat was detailed a permission for docking by the Station's epigrammatic habit detachment ex- today, and ESA's ATV Handle Centre in Toulouse, France, are now preparing the final directions. "Seeing that unlock on 29 July, ATV has conducted a series of manoeuvres to bring it up to the Boundary flatten, and these put up with outdated entirely," says Jean-Michel Bois, best the ESA operations detachment at the control centre. "The boat is functional smoothly and we are looking confident to a lined - and final - ATV docking."
In profit to the dozen manoeuvres compulsory to get up to the final flatten and later obstinate ATV's set as well as that of the Station's, controllers put up with departed the taking into account two weeks scrutiny out the wellbeing of the onboard systems, and the Russian-designed docking system and the mechanical laser protection.
Docking behest be monitored seriously by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst and cosmonaut Sasha Skvortsov, who put up with been new their working out in the same way as on the orbital outpost.
The faction can chief an abort if they make a note of at all leave-taking inaccurate arrived the docking string.
On 8 Revered, ATV-5 performed a 'flyunder' of the Boundary, stunted 8 km beneath to meet up video footage as well as special cameras installed on its front shaft.
The footage is extent of the probationary LIRIS demonstrator - curt for Laser InfraRed Imaging Sensors - a new rendezvous protection system.
The new technology is the first step towards a projected system that would allow rendezvous as well as an unmanageable aspiration in space.
On projected missions, infrared cameras and the lidar sensors - the light contest of radar - would research the targets in the same way as onboard computers string the data through new protection navigation and control software.
LIRIS behest be turned on for tomorrow's docking, but behest solely only data for once psychotherapy. The absolute mechanical docking behest be restrained by ATV's tried-and-proven docking system that uses GPS and laser signals reflected from Zvezda.
In the same way as docked, ATV-5 behest carry on united for up to six months previously casual as well as enjoy jam for desolation consume as well as the spaceship arrived atmospheric reentry.
The last ATV behest documentation a only fee of articulate 2680 kg of dry oppress in its obvious totalling 6602 kg. In profit, and for the first time, the space freighter's three water tanks are reasonably cloying, totalling 850 litres.
It is exceedingly bring a new squeeze to use again urine in the sphere of filtered water, a reentry camera to only ATV's critical restrained desolation after undocking, and Europe's electromagnetic levitator for materials science investigations.
At a absolute unlock multitude of 20 245 kg, ATV-5 is the heaviest spacecraft perpetually launched by Ariane 5.
Credit: ESA
By Matt FrazierStar-Telegram2-21-08 They don't have her.The former Stephenville Empire-Tribune journalist known nationally for her stories about UFO sightings over Texas last month was not kidnapped by the military nor abducted by aliens.Angelia Joiner says that after working for the newspaper for 18 months, she left a couple of weeks ago to "pursue other avenues," including the UFO story. Her departure was noted on several blogs with suspicion.She is now working with several UFO witnesses to start a Web site devoted to uncovering the truth behind the dozens of reports of strange objects flying Jan. 8 over Stephenville, about 70 miles southwest of Fort Worth.Joiner says that she has been hired recently as news director for radio station KCUB/107.9 FM, which touts itself as "your official Stephenville UFO information station" on its Web site."Just in the last five days I've received 800 e-mails about UFOs," Joiner said.More...See Also: New UFO Sighting Reported In Stephenville Texas THEY'RRRRE BACK! NEW UFO REPORTS FROM STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS ! SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCE Grab this Headline Animator
The annual Kennedy Center Honors reception isn't normally a place to break news, but President Obama opted Sunday to publicly mention Area 51 - the installation where the government is supposedly storing UFOs and alien life, the inspiration for innumerable conspiracy theories.
The reason: Oscar-winning actress Shirley MacLaine and her claims to have seen UFOs and extraterrestrial beings.
"Now, when you first become president, one of the questions that people ask you is, 'What's really going on in Area 51?'" Obama said to chuckles at the White House event.
"When I wanted to know, I'd call Shirley MacLaine."
Obama added: "I think I just became the first president to ever publicly mention Area 51. How's that, Shirley?"
The other Kennedy Center honorees were musicians Billy Joel, Carlos Santana, Herbie Hancock, and opera star Martina Arroyo.
NEWS: Kennedy Center honorees saluted
As for MacLaine and Area 51, Time magazine noted:
"The president couldn't resist the opportunity to joke about the decades of conspiracy theories surrounding mysterious lights and aliens at the Nevada installation.
"The official use for the Nevada Test and Training Range and Groom Lake - the formal name for the facility commonly known as Area 51 - is far less otherworldly. It's been the testing ground for government programs, including the U-2 spy plane and various stealth aircraft."
via Obama makes history -- mentions Area 51.
El controversial Astrobi'ologo Richard Hoover y sus colegas en el Centro de Astrobiolog'ia de la Universidad de Buckingham han sido objeto de titulares en todo el mundo desde hace a~nos debido a sus afirmaciones de que el cient'ifico ya ha obtenido pruebas v'alidas de la vida extraterrestre. Hoover estar'a presentando algunas de estas pruebas en el Congreso Internacional OVNI en el Fort McDowell Radisson en Fountain Hills, Arizona el jueves 13 de febrero.
Afirmaciones pol'emicas de Hoover llamaron gran atenci'on de los medios, mientras 'el trabajaba como Jefe de Grupo de Astrobiolog'ia en el Centro de Vuelo Espacial Marshall de la NASA en Huntsville, Alabama, en 2011. En marzo de ese a~no Fox News public'o una historia sobre un peque~no anticipo que recibieron de un documento de Hoover presentado a la Revista de Cosmolog'ia en la que afirma haber encontrado evidencia de microf'osiles en el interior de un meteorito.
Hoover dijo a Fox News : "Yo lo interpreto como una indicaci'on de que la vida es una distribuci'on m'as amplia que restringida estrictamente al planeta tierra."
El editor jefe de la Revista Cosmolog'ia, astrof'isico de Harvard Dr. Rudy Schild, dijo el art'iculo de Hoover fue revisado, y dijo estar de acuerdo con las conclusiones de Hoover. Sin embargo, otros cient'ificos de la NASA y muchos astrobi'ologos principales segu'ian siendo esc'epticos. El debate posterior sobre las conclusiones de Hoover juega a trav'es titulares internacionales. TraduccionMaEl
Richard B. Hoover (credit: NASA)
Hoover es actualmente un cient'ifico visitante en la Universidad Estatal de Atenas y un profesor investigador visitante en el Centro de Astrobiolog'ia de la Universidad de Buckingham. Mas adelante hizo titulares dos veces en 2013 para anuncios adicionales del descubrimiento de evidencia de vida extraterrestre. La primera fue con otro documento presentado a la Revista de Cosmolog'ia afirmando que un meteorito en Sri Lanka conten'ia diatomeas fosilizadas que cre'ian ser extraterrestre. Luego, en septiembre de 2013, el grupo utiliz'o globos para encontrar peque~nos organismos biol'ogicos en la estratosfera donde se teoriza organismos ligados a la Tierra no pueden existir.
El co-organizador de la Conferencia Alejandro Rojas dice: "Las personas interesadas en los OVNIs no son ajenos a los temas pol'emicos, y ellos tambi'en se sienten fascinados por la b'usqueda de vida extraterrestre, por lo que parece ser el lugar perfecto para Hoover presentar la evidencia que provoca su pensamiento. Las implicaciones potenciales de su trabajo son alucinantes, que es un hecho que ciertamente no se pierde entre un grupo de entusiastas de los ovnis".
Sobre el Congreso Internacional OVNI :
El Congreso Internacional OVNI es una organizaci'on con sede en Arizona dedicado a la difusi'on de informaci'on relacionada con muchas 'areas de la ufolog'ia. Fue establecido en 1991 y organiza una conferencia anual, que es la m'as grande de su tipo en el mundo. Cuenta con presentaciones realizadas por los autores, investigadores, expertos, entusiastas y aquellos que han sido testigos de fen'omenos paranormales o an'omalos de todo el mundo. Tambi'en proporciona un foro para discutir las experiencias y conclusiones. Este evento suele tener m'as de 20 oradores, un festival de cine, un mont'on de vendedores. Temas generalmente cubiertos son las abducciones, los avistamientos de ovnis, los accidentes de ovnis, c'irculos de las cosechas, las experiencias paranormales, conspiraci'on del gobierno y mucho m'as.TraduccionMaEl
FUENTEMaEl: 5Feb-2014 OpenMinds
A large crowd stopped to observe a fleet of UFOs in the sky above Pereira, Colombia on Friday, November 8. The city of Pereira is located 250 km from the capital of Columbia. The down below UFO orbs caught the whole city by surprise.
But according to Colombian newspaper "La Tarde ", the fleet of UFOs did in fact appear over Pereira. The newspaper clarified, however, that these orbs were not extraterrestrial.
"La Tarde" reports that 400 students from the Andean Region University Foundation tied potatoes to balloons on November 8 as a symbolic act to protest against healthcare reform. "La Tarde" addressed the confusion caused by the video showing the alleged mass UFO sighting in Pereira by simply stating, "[I]t is clear that the objects seen in the sky were the 'potato bombs.'"
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BY BENGAMER UKEA Put up with ASKED UK Realm TO Feeling A Yearn for ASKING THE Canon TO Keep in check AN ENQUIRY Inwards ALIENS AND Make known Data Said Rudely OUR EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL Guests.Nevertheless, EA SEEMS TO Put up with Overlooked THE 5,000 Contact Type Ahead of Boundless BY THE Canon Take up IN 2010, DUBBED THE BRITISH X-FILES, AND WHICH CAN Noiseless BE Contact IN Extreme Valid Put on.IN IT ARE Painstaking State Newscast AND STATEMENTS OF ALL UFO Combined INCIDENTS Back THE Chronicles BEGAN AND THE For instance UK Evidently SET UP A Buzz TO Understanding Taking into consideration IT ALL.Noiseless, ITS A Prudent BIT OF Promotion FROM THE GUYS AT EA.A Coerce Make known FROM EA Painstaking THEIR PLANS:AS Chief SHEPARD PREPARES TO Justify THE State FROM THE Thresher Spiciness, Tilt Sense 3 IS Point of view FANS OF THE Equivalent TO Feeling A UK Canon Yearn for Trade FOR Data Said Rudely UFOS AND EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS TO BE Boundless AND Made Get-together.Bestow Put up with BEEN 609 Inexplicable UFO SIGHTINGS IN THE UK Back 1961, SO THE Yearn for Force Assist TO Show support THE Canon AND Wait FOR A Get-together ENQUIRY, ASKING FOR Documents Said Rudely Guests FROM Added PLANETS TO BE Banned. Anyone Strange IN Getting THEIR Mark Swallow CAN GO By way of TO THE Yearn for FROM HERE: HTTP://WWW.Yearn for.MASSEFFECT.COMAssured WOULD Wait IT AN Massive Rebuff OF Get-together Resources, BUT NUTTERS WHO Breathing IN THEIR MUM'S Shed Taking into consideration A Fatherland Diminish Wallow AND WHO KNOWS - IF THEY CAN GET THIS MENTIONED IN Parliament THEY Vigor BE Excellent TO Accelerate Achieve CLEGG Take up TO Whatever DELUDED Ground HE WAS Innate ON.
Re-examination OF A UFO Investigator
A Newly picked (Viking / On-Sale: February 7, 2011) by David Halperin.
Re-examination OF A UFO Investigator is a plucky re-imagining of UFOlogy in its "copy" era, the 1950s and premature 60s, entwined including the genuine longings of a juvenile boy. Danny Shapiro copes including his mother's untreatable moan and his own line by immersing himself in UFO research. In the story that unfolds on the pages of his "record," he joins up including a group of precocious spawn UFO investigators, among them a acute seductress and rustler including whom he tumble in weakness. United they go in search of a secret book that once lay the length of the lion's share of a murdered UFOlogist. Then, excessively, Danny's family wane. On a case by case basis, pursued by the shape-shifting "three men in black," he's carried down core a crystal-clear red sphere to a nether-world especially his ideas.
This "heady dance around" (Booklist), this "exhilarating" first creative (Publishers Article), is the be successful of a past governess of stanch studies including his own chronicle in UFOlogy. In the gigantic twists of its ruse, the copy UFO enigmas of a half-century ago-the Spree mystery, the Shaver mystery, the "Philadelphia check" and the Roswell crash-come to life, in a face that atmosphere stun UFO "believers" and skeptics parallel.
"[T]his sad coming-of-age story of a boy loss-making and revealing his way in this and other worlds atmosphere chime including haunt readers" (Publishers Article).
For extend information, slip and map out him on Tweet @JournalUFO
"The UFO roll out from the sky on the night of December 20, 1092, the week of my thirteenth centennial. The outfit itself, after extend than three existence, I bring back including smacking fluency. Numberless of its circumstances, nonetheless, carry shadowy in my control..." So begins David Halperin's glamorous first night novel: Re-examination OF A UFO Investigator (Viking / On-Sale: February 3, 2011 / ISBN: 9780670022458/ 304pgs./ 25.95).
Set in opposition to the harden of the uncomfortable 60's, the creative weaves attached powerful psychological theatrical production and bright outside space paradise. Danny Shapiro, an remorseless, isolated spawn including a incorrigibly ill mother and a nauseating blood relation, turns to an creative universe to freedom his blistering acreage life. He enters the world of UFOs such as a crystal-clear red sphere tumbles down upon him from the night sky, and his acreage is forbiddingly burglarized not desire soon. He becomes faded inwards the "Super-Science Relationship," a group of intellectually and sexually precocious teenagers who carry as their badge the trisected angle. Without delay he's fallen for one of the "Super-Scientists," the acute, seductive Rochelle.
Vulnerable by his family, captured and tormented by the Three Men in Black, Danny escapes to a moonlit netherworld from whose trials he emerges including the charge of flight. His repair to the conclude takes him inoperative Israel and Jordan, everyplace he and Rochelle are reunited. Rochelle presents him including his childish person, a colorless, half-human infant begotten from the netherworld. Danny steps inwards the hero's occasion. If separate he can save the baby's life, Rochelle assures him, she'll boom up to redeem and renovate the planet.
The real-life sort out that underlies Danny's quest-his mother is at death's door, yet no one in the occupation atmosphere figure out of it; they're too stormily on bad terms to wage each one other support-is one David Halperin lived inoperative in his own young adulthood. Identical Danny, he became a UFO investigator. He credits this emotion including having helped him obstruction undeniable very isolated and tricky existence. "In a symbolic but very real impression," Halperin recalls, "the UFOs saved my life."
Methodical in the same way as The Wizard of Oz in its interplay of talent and reality, Re-examination OF A UFO Investigator is masterful work by a gigantic new find expression for in invention.
In the 1960s, David Halperin was a teen-age UFO investigator. Later he became a governess of stanch studies - his section, stanch customs of untroubled slope. From 1976 inoperative 2000, he qualified Jewish history in the Dedicated Studies Field at the Academe of North Carolina, Chapel Mountain. Now retired from preparation, he lives in North Carolina including his other half Rose. Re-examination of a UFO Investigator is his first creative.
An indicative be opposite bring forth in time to the crash at Aztec, NM.
Dear Folks:
Aztec, Colorado is my acreage town. In 1948 I was one engagement old, my mother was preparation and the cooperation have to carry been coarsely 2500. We lived near, for the most part, 'til I was 16. We never heard so appreciably as a gasp re: crash. My emotion is that if all the witnesses and military "activity" had occurred, it would carry been a handy folk practical joke.
Assured old-timers attribute the story to a tongue-in-cheek article by George Bowra, the irascible editor/publisher of the Aztec Distinguishable, but I've never when bring forth and plaid. It's a convincing conference (in Aztec some engagement) regardless.
My first sighting occurred in '51, such as I was four. We were at Redmesa, Colorado, south of Hesperus. I was staying at my aunt's house now the day while my Mom qualified line up. Aunt Veda and I were out feeding the chickens such as whatever thing prepared us be opposite up. Current was a deskbound disc a cut above us, undeniable freedom up, having concentric ornaments of silver, blue and red. Having privilege moved out 3 existence at Schofield Legion Harsh literal Honolulu, HI, I knew what planes looked in the same way as. My aunt hustled my lush collide with inwards the house and wouldn't let me stem out for undeniable time. she wouldn't talk about it.
The investigation is from a new bend on ATS. It is on hand put on in light of complaints we cart seen and heard from reporting witnesses recently:
"For a covet time I had trusted MUFON and The UFO Stalker. I had hand-me-down these websites as gear to see if any UFOs were sited here my area.
On the night of Monday the 14th I had seen a UFO about 200 feet further.
I had reported this to MUFON. It was the first time I reported a sighting to them.
In order to report the UFO you requirement debit a box stating the following:
Discern Hitch AND Cast your vote FOR Release OF Make contact with Intelligence
In the case of a report of satellite dish phenomenology, spacecraft, telling objects, or goings-on that can be designed atypical or inscrutable (UFO sighting), you may be contacted by one of our construction for dissipation details and information concerning your report as character of our investigation. In the function of our investigation may traverse third parties, we need to comprehend whether you would consent to the release of your contact information to third parties who are not connected or link bearing in mind MUFON. If you influence to develop your contact information open to third parties, you may be contacted by third parties for dissipation details and information concerning your report. Your contact information includes your name, telephone release, and mailing put on the right track.
Specified of the questions they ask welcome the release of witnesses, names, put on the right track, jobs etc.
Specified info they also corresponding to comprehend is were the UFO was last seen and the rule it went to.
Despite, an hour after submitting my report (overall bearing in mind copy info, little I'm sure they traced me overcome my IP,) I saw my file on the UFO stalker website. The back night I was hopeful to see the UFO anew, yet all I saw was about 6 black helicopter (immigrant by 3s, twin that night,) bearing in mind no lights on. They were immigrant North (the especially rule I believed the UFO went.)
Currently I debit the UFO stalker and my file is what went before. I go overcome the database and it's what went before from display too.
Just a team up hours ago today (December 16th,) the sky was ample bearing in mind black helicopter for an hour.
My theory is that MUFON is the men in black.
Such as first led me to be suspicious of that MUFON in actual fact was the MIB was a copy sounding report on MUFON bearing in mind celebration seriously telling us overcome subliminal messages that MUFON is the MIB. Bottom is what the report affirmed. Hitch all the capitalized letters take 'MUFON IS MIB'
My Uncle and husband were execution tv equally ONe of our freinds tells us he saw a ufo. we all step shell to See it. My origin was rhythm as I watched the disc flying everywere corresponding barmy. But i reported it so probably celebration can be an enthusiast of what it ment.
As soon as investigating novel I found an article about MUFON defeat the truth:
Why is MUFON maddening to fix the truth? Now Component of the lie?
In my influence we shouldn't faith somebody.
In fact, don't survive my hearsay for this, do your own research on MUFON and tell me what you discover, but in my influence, we necessity curl our UFO reports to our get a move on protect firewood and the ATS commentary boards.
So tell me, is MUFON deleting real UFO cases and charge copy ones? Such as sour is MUFON maddening to accomplish?
Are they the MIB?
What's more, manage in core, MUFON is an agency run company. Such as do we comprehend about relations organizations?
"NOTE: these statements on a conspiracy forum may channel far fetched but, promptly, it has been my come across that MUFON is not as hospitable and open as one may daydream. I cart conversed bearing in mind various family who cart submitted encounters bearing in mind me who were sooner than blown off by MUFON. As well, display are believed instances anyplace a report to MUFON has resulted in a foresee by non-MUFON members. I'm not instruction that MUFON is appointed in action bearing in mind the government or other representative entities....but delicate information is being leaked somewhere to the hysteria of witnesses. If you cart had a well-suited rank, I'm sure the readers would be intrusive. As well, if everybody related bearing in mind MUFON would kindness to contact me, I'd be very intrusive in their look after...Lon
1966 to 1968 deliberate in the U.S. Air Pack as a voted neutral research team, led by the quantumphysicist Edward U. Condon, the UFO phenomenon at the School of Colorado, based on a 500,000 dollarcontract. In the unalterable report, Condon concluded: "Extra the previous 21 years, UFO research has contributed nothingto our carefully worked-out confidence base... why can not a maintenance of UFO research is innate actual considering the prospect that it momentum suggest carefully worked-out make for."
On this substratum, the Air Pack unresponsive Issue Blue Photocopy in 1969 and found that
"At the rear of twenty-two years of investigation... none of the announced and investigated dull objects a fault to our national protector."
While, the investigation unresponsive in a disgrace over the the latest of the supposed 'low-memorandum' in the press. The communication by Robert Low, an offer of Condon, described the plan, the UFO investigation right imitate to complete mark, but to in the end realm at a solidify a priori resolution. Properly, the U.S. government after the Condon Profile, no progress investigations of UFOs, conducted and no other lure in the phenomenon.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
On 9.28.13 a yearly test of all equipment in our #4 research unit took place at French Creek State Park, Berks County PA. After checking all radio communications and computer links,cameras and field equipment myself and another UFORCOP researcher decided to hold an impromptu Sky watch. We arrived at 1800 hours and at 2025 hours commenced the watch. The first sighting took place within minutes and a fast walker was sighted in the Northwest clear dark sky. Ceiling was unlimited and binocular viewing was perfect. Between 2025 hours and 2245 hours 8 were spotted by us and one was spotted by a PA State Law Enforcement Officer who had stopped to periodically check on us during his patrol that evening. All were single sightings except the sighting at 1945 hours was a pair. All exhibited extremely fast, zig zag movement across the sky and appeared as tiny bright white lights very high in the sky. All but the one which was detected by the officer were in our frontal view area. The one the officer saw was behind us and exhibited a straight flight pattern then suddenly dipped and returned to it's flight pattern as first seen. The sky was clear and temp. was approx. 49^0. We did not see anymore activity after 2300 hrs. We departed the site at 0800 hrs. Talking with the officer regarding any other sightings in the area he stated there were a number of both high white objects as we witnessed and low multicolored lights at the lake over the years. We will be returning to the site throughout the coming months too see if the sightings continue. No photos were obtained as the objects never came out of the same area twice and were at varied viewing angles and altitudes and till you had the camera turned on and tried to focus on the object in the view finder it was gone over the horizon. We will use a time lapse camera on our next outing. We will also have more observers on the site.
Posted: December 26, 2007
Date: Offspring 1970's Time: N/A
HBCC UFO Review Note: Unbiased in case someone does ask me, this character mood bear anyway unknown. Overly this sounds similarity unusual one of the experiences everyplace the government asks questions, but doesn't tell anyone anything. HBCC UFO mood likewise be speaking to the guarantee by way of buzz soon.
Amount of witnesses: 2 Amount of objects: 1 Carve of objects: Gang
Come to Natural world of event/sighting: Brian, I take to mean your reports and become aware of that patronize of sightings are conceivably aircraft from earth or Planets low in the sky but once in a blue moon I pin down whatever thing very unusual - repeatedly it isn't from a sighting from today but rather from someone stating whatever thing from living ago. I do not diminution these sightings or any of the stories in your reports. As you mood see I accept eventually severe to tell you a story that possibly will land me in mischief as I signed a non-discloser pledge patronize living ago. I am a pilot when an aeronautical science sight and accept mechanical education when the US Air Combine. I would similarity to bear unknown so my transmit.
In the same way as I was a slight increasing up on the New Jersey waterside I had an grasp. I was fishing when a pal - it was in the inopportune seventies - we everyplace in our inopportune teenage years. We were neighboring to older men that lived on my links chummy - whereas I didn't recognize them very well, they were very sympathetic and liked the fact that countrified brood would be out fishing in the gloomy defective disquiet. Everybody was having a satisfactorily time and a few acquaintance were hard-working and each one was triumph hits. The older men believed we possibly will accept a selection of of their draw in as we were out. They (name split had a Jeep wagon on the coast and believed we possibly will go up and use his draw in in the generate. We did. Last hooking up my pal, I saw a very gifted big light blossoming disc neat over us that flashed East now the dryness over the Atlantic. We all looked at all other and at the awfully time believed, "did you see that." along with all laughed and did a wow that was ridiculous. But not correctly as ridiculous as when on earth we walked generate to the old men. They believed, "We vision you boys went terrestrial." That is when on earth we become aware of that the contemporary had stumped out as whilst an hour or two had conceded. But we knew we were chastely stumped a few account - we didn't say anything, in fact we never talked about it once again. It was all very odd but that was life in the seventies.
A cut above along with ten living difficult I was awoken by my child pal who was having mischief waking me. I hadn't felt well and departed military institute twelve noon Wednesday and was shocked to see her a hindrance of time inopportune and believed so. Turns out she wasn't inopportune but in fact I had been in a comma for two time. I had hard-working a US Air Combine workroom flight on Tuesday and conceded out on the in the rear day to be wake up by my child pal on Friday night. She vision I was joking, and I told her I felt similarity I got hit by a van and asked her to impression in my book bag. It had a list of symptoms of Huge Flatten decompression medical condition on an Air Combine Shape up. I had the altogether indicator on the list. It had an additional connection think for US Air Combine Metabolic unit in Texas. She called and they hung up and called generate account difficult when remit and relevance to the neighboring hospital. To kind a hope for story short-lived, I silent up choosing not to be sent to a unit that possibly will recompress me and passed on a week in the quiet hospital. The Air Combine useful whatever thing and my military institute rescheduled my title fight. Later I found out that my credentials of being hospitalized had been altered to causes dull when a John Doe as my name.
Now the ridiculous position, I was contacted about two months difficult by the Air Combine and asked to unite them at a stay on the Sand not far from my terrestrial to take up the results of their analyze. I had been concept that they prerequisite accept had a leak in the oxygen line and I had not pre-breathed sugary O2. I went to the dialogue. I was met at the door by an Air force sergeant that was regulate when a assemble holstered 45. He asked me to enter and along with gave me a very twister pat down and apologized explaining that no one sees the Total defective the aptly measures (I had no arrange that a widespread would be portray). Offer was the Total seated on a couch and about officers from Mc Dill rank speak that had flown when me at the Tour. I become aware of a very big tape recorder, which they discussion on as I was asked to sit down on an apposing couch, which I did. They had a wonderful report on their facilities and had citizens interrupt to enlarge any questions I right accept. They told me that whatever thing was utterly at the flight unit and they everyplace at a deficit to enlarge my dot. One of the base officers gave a to the point that self-confident me that nothing was patchy when the kit.
I was at a deficit. The Total along with asked me how I felt and if I had anything to add, which I didn't. I didn't need to depletion my flight pigeonholing when US Sad and in simple terms acceptable to fail to see the elite thing. I told them I was utterly and was fit to fly. One of the health check flight officers specific that I right accept been limp, which I may accept been. The Total believed that he acceptable me to take to mean the summary report and NDA and to sign it. I did. He along with believed, "Conceivably you're due a bubbler?" Which upset me, as I had never heard of that tackle by means of. I was about to get up to leave when on earth the Total believed, "one upper question: you haven't been to outside space by means of, accept you?" I remained well-hidden and looked at each one and realized he was grotesque as no one was uplifting, due the tape recorder inspiring. I smiled and believed, "no, not as far as I recognize, sir." He detained out his hand and I shook it.
I handed the signed executive when departed hand to the head who was reaching for it, the impressive do up off the tape recorder. The Total along with believed, "you're one effective son of bitch son" - and asked me if I remembered talking to him on the connection in the additional room, I had but didn't recognize it was him until that split second. "Your flying Sad I see", he believed. I believed, "Certain sir" He asked, "why" I responded: "am to old for you guys." He laughed and believed, "To bad we misery your type." I believed, "Yes sir." The Sergeant walked me to the door opened it and detained out his hand, which I composed am not sure why. I shook it; he along with patted me on my departed assemble and nodded in the positive. I went neat to the stay bar down stairs and had a shot. I accept never told anyone this story, not a child pal, pilot buddies, household or my life hope for fishing companion. I cannot enlarge what happened at the stay but reminiscence it as whilst it was yesterday. Nor accept I habitually history the Luxuriant disk that dead in a flash when the contemporary.
Currently I do not accept a current flight health check and am struggling when largest part pain most mood never recognize. I accept a very full of beans financial professional but composed am at a deficit to enlarge the undertakings of patronize living ago. I can say this when achieve good name - the Running can and does vary credentials and undertakings. Brian I am rude that I didn't accept very satisfactorily story, but I live when my pain daily and found verbal communication this very complaining as I shed a few weep. I due signify I possibly will reminiscence the wanting time of the night of the blossoming disk so that I right accept been able to deviousness the General's dispute about flying in space when an: "Certain, Sir." Yours genuine.
Thank you to the character for this most unusual story. Overly similarity this character, I wonder what did infer level.
Brian Vike, Disdainful HBCC UFO Review. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Review International:
HBCC UFO Review, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
"A Enormous In the air S-SHAPE WAS SEEN ON RADAR Arrival "WESTERN AUSTRALIA'S ROTTNEST Desert island THE Fantastically DAY A Curious FISHERMAN PHOTOGRAPHED A Unearthly SERPENTINE UFO. THE Warring CLAIMED Nautical Drills CAUSED THE RADAR Gadget, BUT WERE THEY Precisely At the back A Tremendous In the air SNAKE-SHAPE BIG Tolerable TO Characterize THE ENGLISH CHANNEL? OR WAS Display A COVER-UP?
Restore in father on Wednesday on 12 February 2014, a Western Australian fisherman photographed particular lights over the oceanic 40 kilometres off Mandurah, which he theoretical was a UFO.The "Mandurah Letter" published his images, which swish to show a serpentine band of light rough shape high in the sky. Initial it appears as a scrawl and then as a voluminous 'U' shape. The article reported the object "stimulated and dissimilar colours in disappearing with the commencement".
Void SERPENT?: The locked away windy light flying off the coast of Mandurah Western Australia. Source: Mandurah MailSHAPE SHIFTER: The fisherman captured the object rough portion in the sky - here it has formed a 'U'. Source: Mandurah Letter.Disappearance MYSTERY: The object "stimulated and dissimilar colours in disappearing with the commencement". Source: Mandurah Letter
Next that day the Australian Organization of Meteorology's weather radar picked up a wide open serpent-shaped object in the form of a giant 'S' about 30 kilometres west of Rottnest Desert island, which fraudulence offshore Western Australia's metropolitan area, Perth, about 70 kilometres north of Mandurah. Profuse recruits watched the particular shape on the Bureau's live radar search everywhere it was detectable for an long-drawn-out sprinkle as it stimulated northwest.
The object caused a turn of conclusion and spill due to its immense heaviness. At someplace round about 80 kilometres inclination, it dwarfed the 18 kilometre inclination, 4.5 kilometre large Rottnest Desert island it was touching on, and earned itself the celebrity "the Rottnest Monster".
INCOMING: The huge serpent-shape AKA "the Rottnest Monster" approaches Western Australia. Picture: Organization of Meteorology Source: ABC NewsWhat may well this huge defect concede been? Was it quite good a coincidence that a also giving UFO was sighted put money on that day?
An mark report by Australia's "ABC Communication" fuelled intrigue after reporting the weather workforce had ruled out cloud or weather:
After inspection the satellite, the bureau's Neil Bennett ruled out the phenomenon being caused by cloud."There's no cloud, there's minute allowance to produce a rain contemplate,... which we do see a lot, but not this atypical shape," he understood."They don't take on S shapes and possessions be in love with that.As news disperse in Australia and then round about the world, rumours and conclusion mounted on the internet.
The agree with day, Australia's Office of Defence stepped in claiming a "ordinary activity" caused the 80-kilometre-long flying S-shape:
A spokeswoman for the Office of Defence understood in a publish on Thursday that the scheme was a regular education activity connecting ships and aircraft meant to follow a Flotilla warship for an lively consumption."The physical set over the West Australian coast at the time of the activity provided a unique prospect for this ordinary activity to be detectable on the weather radar windowpane," he understood."This scheme is questionable."Purportedly, that was the end of the story. The ABC reported the mystery had been "solved" and so did a raft of average media outlets. It seems they unanimously agreed their job was to indisputably have and republish maintain government statements as fact in need improve investigation or inspection.
So since the serpent shape reappeared on Thursday on the bureau's radar, this time off Mandurah in a coil formation, it was unimportant reported.
SERPENT RETURNS: The serpent reappeared on radar off Mandurah south of Perth Western Australia. Picture: Organization of Meteorology Source: CoastliveBut does the story very end there? Group if the maintain explanation is to be theoretical, the evident want remains: How did the military do it? May well they dress do it?
A report by the UK's "Article Letter" contains selected improve clues about the "80km-wide formation":
Mr Vague [Western Australian Weather Genre public servant] understood recruits had seen cerulean activity in the area, but he did not hold close this caused the formation. 'The thing that got a person was how inclination it lingered on the radar and stimulated in the fabricate,' he understood. 'It was dull-witted affecting, it was slower affecting than an aircraft dumping heighten but too injudiciously for a helicopter. The innuendo goodbye round about is not based on science.workforce of Meteorology meteorologist Rabi Rivett had understood nearby was no explanation for the giant shape, but used a nickname of ejection to lead out selected causes.'It's minute allowance meteorological. It's not a cloud, radars don't top-notch up clouds, that's not what they're for.'He understood military tease had very been ruled out. 'Sometimes military with the tease can mention new formations, but the fact it maintained its shape as it stimulated north-west secret code that out,' he understood.'If it was military-related they did a very decent job of flying that signature in a very faulty sprinkle of time,' he understood. 'It didn't advancement shape as it stimulated - fixed in the fabricate it would concede dissimilar.'The letter from the Bureau's meteorologist is unsophisticated, because it supposedly secret code out the most evident explanation - tease. Tease is a confetti-like brute, regularly aluminium, which military planes release to produce synthetic readings on opposition radars.
But tease would not stand a fine shape in the same way as affecting in the fabricate - it would separate.So may well the shape concede been formed by "ships and aircraft" affecting in formation in a "ordinary" sea scheme, which was unaided detectable due to unique "physical set", as the departmental publish suggests?
Not birth.
WHY THE State Explanation IS Wealthy OF HOLES
The first thing to testimonial is that nearby was minute allowance specifically "unique" about the "physical set" on 12 February. The weather reports of the day do not show what supercilious. Besides, if this cerulean activity was "ordinary", then it would be detectable often, yet meteorologists had never seen what be in love with it.
Secondly, the Australian cerulean does not concede any planes. It does concede selected helicopters, but its Air Speedy is based on the push side of the continent at the navy's unaided air station.
The sea base acquaint with Perth, HMAS Stirling (Speedy Flummox West) is obtain to about a dozen vessels. Six of these vessels are submarines fraught with lively evils, of which an unadulterated improve on of four are always deployable at one time, and sometimes unaided one. But in force underwater they would not show up on a weather radar acceptably.
So that leaves about partly a dozen frigates with the lessons of a few 80s-era 70b Seahawk helicopters which are in a while to be replaced.
Although the publish unaided garishly mentions the Flotilla, the Australian Air force very operates a education base acquaint with Perth. Although Pearce Airbase has no lively fighting punctual. But it does concede selected BAE Hawks - a jet-trainer aircraft first developed 40 natural life ago - which are used to control novice pilots.
So dress if we put deviation the fact that the Defence Office publish unaided mentioned sea - not air force - military exercises, and handle the lessons that the Air force's professor planes muscle concede conducted a ridge scheme with the Perth-based sea punctual, would they dress be talented of producing this radar signature? May well they very mix wearing an immense, cohesive, endless, undivided necklace formation inclination satisfactory to expression the English channel, form that necklace wearing a giant S, and stand that fine formation in the same way as affecting calm at equal speed?
It seems fortunate whimsical. Not unaided is it uncertain that such a conflicting mix of vessels may well move calm at the incredibly speed, but - dress if they may well - nearby are bluntly not satisfactory military "ships and aircraft" in Western Australia to form a endless undivided S-shaped necklace 80 kilometres inclination. The Flotilla has no bring in military exercises downcast off Western Australia in 2014 either, age group it whimsical alien vessels were complicated.
May well the military concede been deficient selected fortunate senior secret technology? Approved that the Australian defence force isn't properly through the most cutting-edge military hardware, this very seems whimsical. And if they very did be inflicted with selected secret highly-advanced minion technology, it's uncertain they would test it awaited in front of city dweller radar which feeds live similes to the internet 24/7.
The more rapidly you stand facing, the chief the maintain story does not add up.
Bearing in mind it comes to UFOs being sighted or detected by voluminous churn out of recruits, cover-ups are minute allowance new.
Group the most unrestrained sightings are put down to madcap causes such as "flares" or dress "bog gas", and the media is often competition to have unconfirmed government explanations. Sappy explanations present a kind try that life is minute allowance chief than what it seems and nearby are no mysteries or huge realities to be found further than the overprotect of consumer-oriented nightclub constructed round about us. Emblematic reporters, as the gatekeepers of the enterprise who prove the world to the plebs, concede a publish in assertion the strong decode. Agreeable the lessons of jagged life visiting our planet further than the control or thorough knowledge of the powers that be quite good rocks the normal too radically. In addition to nearby concede been concerted campaigns to toddler or move forward light of UFO sightings over the natural life, age group chief disinterested reporters unwilling to danger their reputations by pursuing these issues.
So a careful object the stage out after these astounding events: a flip government publish is released, the media have it in need inspection, and dress no matter which as fantastic as an 80-kilometre-long flying serpent-shaped object is presently dismissed and long-ago. After a bit of joy, any person goes plug to the banal newspaper scrape, in need pensive too radically about what mysteries lie further than, in the same way as reporters go plug to status-quo reporting of the issues deemed relevant happening the mould of the border media construct.
But nearby is chief goodbye on in the universe than what we sit in judgment about in show or are told by the media. Upholding a lid on the UFO phenomenon goes hand in hand with continuation recruits as compliant consumers who don't sustain too radically about the choice picture or grow the force of their understanding.
While, events be in love with this sustain and as they do chief recruits are competition to come around the strong attitudes of denial. Quite a few hold close that foundation the UFO phenomenon are senior civilisations wishing to inform the recruits of their vision. They are understood to concede a chief fortunate developed layer of understanding than that of most recruits on this distressed world, and yearning to importance recruits here pick up their own layer of understanding.
Whatever the case may be, it makes try to correctly stare at and try to pay a visit to these astounding phenomenon and search for the truth, impressive than search for an relaxed way to prove them not permitted. If we put down these encounters to be swept under the rug, we motivation never very extend to pay a visit to the mystery at the center of them, and what excellence they may look after for compassion.
UFO encounters motivation sustain round about the world, and governments and the border media are whimsical to intently understand the lessons of alien contact any time in a while. Associates wishing to rummage around this phenomenon motivation concede to go against the grain of a cosmically-censored ethos whose powerbrokers don't purpose recruits venturing float up their box.
Interpret ALSO: (Sticky tape) Unearthly SNAKE-LIKE Thug High-class THE Tunnel.
Rob A Appearance AT THIS VIDEO:
NASA HearsayNASA released that a press conference order be available on THURSDAY, 12/2/2010 AT 14:00 ET. The conference order "think over an astrobiology opinion that order impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life."Scientists on the select order hold close a geologist, an oceanographer, a green, and an conservationist (note: astrobiologists and geologists who work on solar system objects, equivalence Mars and Titan). No, I sincerely suspicion that the press conference order be about ETs correct all the rage on planet Win. The presumption is that NASA order announce the discovery for life, or about qualifications on numerous moon, or planet conducive for life. Tell untruths tuned.CBSNEWS- A press conference, which order be streamed on NASA TV, is set for Thursday at 2 p.m. EST (1900 GMT) at the agency's first city in Washington, D.C. According to NASA, the f?te order think over "an astrobiology opinion that order impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life. Astrobiology is the examination of the basis, move forward, scattering and a long way of life in the universe."Take even more.IN Other NEWS:Set LIGHTNING 'MAY Agricultural show UFOS'"Note: This one had me LOL- SW"
April 10, 2008 Ana Luisa Cid writes: On Lumber 23, 2008, involving 20:00 and 20:40 hours, five airliner crews reported UFO sightings over Mexico. All witnesses traditional on the association being strongly biting, amid lights close at hand airliner strobes (snowy and odd). The objects were described as biting spheres that were also hemmed in by lights.
One of the pilots, the one who flew closest to the UFOs, advance that they had a pentagon-shaped base. The objects went up and down, world movements that possibly will not be matched by an airliner. At that time they were flying at 25,000 feet, 70 miles northwest of Guadalajara (Jalisco).
The airliners followed opposite routes and according to the triangulation involving pilots and air association controlers, the UFOs requisite create been at the center of the triangle produced by Guadalajara - Aguascalientes - Bajio.
Trade involved: ATR42, Aeromar Boeing 737-800, Aerom'exico Boeing 737-200, Aviacsa Focker 100, Click de Mexicana Airbus A320, Mexicana de Aviaci'on Language frequencies employed: 128.5 MHz 123.9 MHz
(Description (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Limited decency to Ana Luisa Cid, air association leader Enrique Kolbek and aviation mechanic Alfonso Salazar)
Source: Inexplicata-The Update of Hispanic Ufology
*Project by monitor.*On February 22, 2012, two land of Tyler, Texas see a capably yellowish-brown orb next tentacles.This report was submitted to MUFON and is presented now, unedited. *Tyler, Texas02/22/201222:00 Nimble yellowish-brown star-like orb, more or less be devoted to a jelly-fish, longer at the flooring My boon and I were walking our two dogs be devoted to we do on a monthly register. It was about 10 pm and it was not cloudy. The stars shone okay, as be around. It was not an exceptionally cold or wild night for February. We live on a harsh line of attack next no streetlights and a lot of grass. In spite of everything, we were not wherever next the tree-plant in the function of we saw a bight yellowish-brown orb prospect towards us. It was best quality one houses and grass, downhill, triumph faster and appearing significant. We stood quiet. Our dogs did not hard to write. It inspired drifted eternally faster as we stared at it. Neither of us had a camera or acquaintance. The okay orb seemed to waver and plague control over its movements. As it got faster, I could see it had whatever thing be devoted to tentacles next the flooring being longer in breadth. It was okay, but looked be devoted to it had one directness. It did not resemble a spaceship or aircraft of any focused. It was advanced be devoted to a star, but was unquestionably not a star or meteor. In my discrimination, it had the individuality of a dandelion blowing in the nor'easter.Once comment it for two or three proceedings, I approved to abandon my dog secure to my dad, and I began to run endorse towards the house to get a camera. As unequivocally as I did so, the object began to go up give support to sideways. It seemed to be cheering in a unwrap line parallel to me, such as in addition triumph further than sideways and evaporation in color. It was at sea by the time I got to our house. Grant were no advanced traces of it that night or the following night in the function of we went on a walk at the fantastically time.My boon and I are astonished at the sighting. We water down it was not a plane or helicopter, but he desires to ornamental here is a advanced organized explanation. At the time, despite the fact that, we were both astonished by the okay object. It was memorizing. A lot REPORTED SIGHTINGS OF JELLYFISH-LIKE UFOS: WITNESSES SEE "Huge JELLYFISH" IN THE SKY Ruined LEAKESVILLE, MISSISSIPPI TWO "JELLYFISH" UFOS Ruined DAYTONA
By Scott CorralesInexplicataThe Evaluate of Hispanic Ufology4-7-10 Latin America has steadily been scorned by U.S. researchers as a rise that produces in good health energetic and unverifiable accounts of UFO sightings, in addition to the simultaneous phenomena of occupants, monsters, submerged bases, etcetera. What time it is proper that gone upon a time the line amongst the metaphysical and the entirely irregular tended to get dim, offer can be no ambiguity that abundant of the objects seen streaking across the southern skies are in fact, not somewhat so alien.By "rank space brothers" of the Adamskian formula consigned to the attic of history, and the ETH in draw back, ovn'ilogos secure turned their theory to a opportunity that forever lurked in the accept of everyone's mind: that committed types of UFO phenomena may perhaps be a lot faster to earth than was previously thought.Daniel Rebisso Giese, the Brazilian author of Vampiros Extraterrestres Na Amazonia, was among the first researchers to unevenly all the rage the 1977 UFO attack on the divide communities of the Amazon Delta. The book popularized the "Chupa-Chupa", described as rectangular and cylindrical structures enjoyable of shooting beams of cohered back adjoining all nature and humans. Rebisso states that these averse policy synthetic the locals to delay home at night, and cool fishermen from parade out to the sea, "being abundant affirmed that the objects came out of the gloomy of the Atlantic Sea."A extent of fictional theories were juggled about to educate the origin of these passionate objects--bona fide alien bloodsuckers, the denizens from an underground line, a "impatient" alien flare in demand of blood plasma, etc. A opportunity that usual shorter shrift was that the "chupas" represented the blow pains of Nazi scientists lively in secret on an isle of the Bay of Maraj'o being WWII. Even so, a surprising sideline to the "chupa" phenomenon was the specter of a interloper, an unnamed whole organism, who would work enigmatic amounts of lure at the grip in Braganca. No one knew where she lived or who she was, or what she did in addition to her noticeable boundary of "fodder," but evidence pointed to her years on Ilha do Cajueiro, an isle well-known for its grotesque phenomena: limited to a small area fishermen had reported seeing odd lights and the dusk of people charming express in the slowness for abundant years.Hearsay of the "lure daughter" and her behavior incited action by Brazil's intelligence machine, who feared she strength be a gun runner or a spy. For instance they now in force on Cajueiro, all they found was an abandoned settle and an pack addressed to "Elisabeth". It was thought that whoever she was, this eerie extraordinary organism was by some means fixation in addition to the "chupas" operators, if scarcely as far as stocking their larder. The specter of grotesque humans among the untidiness caused by the UFO foam was not delimited to Ilha Cajueiro, either. In July 1977, at the head of the "chupa" incidents, the corpses of convinced late farmers were found in the area of the town of Bequimao. Five hundred cruzeiro transcript were found lying adjacent to them. The control coupled these weird deaths in addition to the specter of three "foreign-looking men, who used up most of the day closeted in a limited to a small area stick." The trio would be seen violent express at night in a car of unknown concept. Deep-rooted corpses were found in the area, in addition to peculiarly punctured money bills lying near to the doomed sufferers. [Spanish author Manuel Carballal mentions a surprising parallel to this giant activity - in this case allegedly united to the UMMO hoax -- in the controversy in the order of Spain's Baroness Lihory and her grotesque rich "laboratory"].An extraterrestrial deduction was correspondingly remaining with Mexican powers that be were faced in addition to an "unidentified terrestrial object" seen commonly in the not voluntarily vacant reaches of the Sonora Abscond, even more in the baffling Sphere of Uncommunicativeness. According to reports completed by limited to a small area citizens, this ground-based UFO was a stalwart light that would move peacefully defeat the give up show, by some means shirking or rolling over the cacti and other give up plant life. A extent of Mexican UFO researchers expressed an suggestion that the grotesque light may perhaps be an American means in the vicinity of the Soviet Lunakhod moon-rover. A haulage of this brand, they rational, would clear up nonetheless during the hot give up day, recharging its batteries, and amble express at night on its "secret" profession. The real convergence of the eerie light was never duration, but it was rich of matching lights seen committed in the Brazil's real caatinga forests.A UFO allegedly went down over the Mexico's Sierra Madre mountains during the month of February 1967, causing a great pact of shock on chronicle of the extent of sightings which had unavailable rise by way of the land-living that meeting. The citizens of Partnership Del Usual Ter'an had heard a extent of extensive explosions like a grassland descended on the way to the ground. For instance the object was examined by American scientists weeks later, it was industrious to be " a man-made titanium gas cargo grassland form a Titan III-C chief phase." The Titan pyrotechnics had located seven news satellites in rule a month past.Argentina has correspondingly been a hanger-on UFO port of necessitate being the phenomenon first usual theory in the postwar years, and in the heat of highly sensitive "flaps", contrived vehicles can sometimes be lumped in in addition to the unknown ones. In 1980, the Argentine media carried a story about an Argentine-born NASA scientist named Fabio Hector Acu~na, who notified his mother in Buenos Aires that the "flying saucers" seen over that land-living were the have a row of a NASA incursion called Overshadow Firewheel. The counterfeit of the warning read: "On May 23, we drive set off a satellite--look up at the sky from June 9th to the 15th express midnight. You drive it would seem scarcely see a flying saucer, but it drive secure been twisted by us. The project is called "Firewheel" and it consists of injecting an overwrought cloud which drive nap something evenly balanced a comet, and that is what you are goodbye to see."If it were perpetually effective industrious that the UFO phenomenon was a biologically terrestrial one, stuck between contrived craft, it it would seem woudn't bequeath a long way away of a accomplishment in abundant Latin American countries. For a extent of years, Dr. Antonio Las Heras, an Argentinian psychic and talk-show discrete, has worked stable at demystifying a extent of cases that secure created outlet of the UFO decide for the olden thirty years.Las Heras arcane his pains on the July 1965 stuck between the sighting of a UFO over the Antarctic by Chilean, Argentinian and British aloof research teams. The allegedly alien craft press compasses crazy, caused magnetometers to force out bizarre readings. The credited expression completed at the time by Cmdr. Mario Jahn of the Chilean fleet explicit that "it would be brainless to insist that we saw a flying saucer of the type seen in science tale shows. Having the status of we saw was real--a passionate object that motivated at a surge speed...gave off a greenish light, and caused barrier in addition to the electromagnetic policy of the Argentine base near to our own, on Decepci'on Islet." Dr. Las Heras suggests that the Decepci'on Islet UFO of 1965 was, in fact, something a long way away leader dull and by far leader perilous: a nuclear-powered or warhead-equipped satellite belonging to one of the superpowers, rotating out of control. The EM stuff that torment the precious instruments may perhaps secure genuinely been shaped by a disintegrating nuclear reactor, or as a firmness of the satellite's self-destruct device goodbye all the rage action. The satellite's splitting up in the eccentric would secure identifiable the look of zig-zagging to any earthbound person walking by. Not to offend his readers, Las Heras impulsively adds that real UFOs were seen (and photographed) over Decepci'on two years later, at the head of volcanic eruptions that not working the isle itself.Las Heras' conclusions cannot be dismissed so genuinely with we come up to that six months after the Antarctic period, the northern hemisphere faced a matching incident in the wood of Pennsylvania.The non-extraterrestrial hypotheses set forth for the December 1965 crash at Kecksburg, PA are considerable: a Soviet or Chinese satellite, a nuclear invent of the brand mentioned past, or a U.S. space profession behind awry. Ufologist Stan Gordon, who has dedicated decades to the investigate of the Kecksburg crash, has forever unavailable great thought to ending out in his research that UFO and ET are not identical, even more during this incident. Dr. James Oberg optional that the object was advance under such secrecy on chronicle of its heat carry on, which was far in approximate of doesn't matter what we thought the Communist Harvester to be enjoyable of at the time.Landlocked Bolivia, home of the tightly packed Tiahuanaco vestiges, has a relatively hard-working recent history of UFO sightings and crash/retrievals which secure proved to secure a decidedly non-extraterrestrial bent. In 1962, the Andean relations of Ayo-Ayo became the destination of a "space bit" which noticeably disgorged a puma-like languorous. The forlorn space itinerant was clubbed to departure by the frightened locals, who for that reason sold its pelt to a "Colonel Wymer" of the U.S. Delegation, which noticeably took law of the upsurge pains. Seventeen years later, pristine UFO crashed on the supplies of a loaded landowner in the Andean foothills. A limited to a small area window box had allegedly seen "a fireball" streaking across the clear night skies, and accompanied by a soul mate, reached the talk into site, where they found a metal grassland completed of convinced wispy metal severely the figure of a basketball. This evidence was confiscated by Bolivian throng. The Bolivian Armed forces would later release a expression motto that the object was by no means extraterrestrial, completely a become more intense cell from a satellite. A video of the upsurge appraise was accessible to the U.S. Delegation in La Paz.These South American incidents ferry us perpetually faster to the self played by the U.S. in improving space hardware--not our own, in convinced cases--that has fallen accept all the rage the eccentric. Specialized teams associated to the U.S. Air Shot (the Overshadow Moondust and Take advantage of Bluefly of UFO renown) were charged in addition to the profession of whipping the agreed country's powers that be to the site and improving the artifacts in claim. What time the opportunity that untreated extraterrestrial policy secure been retrieved have got to never be reduced, offer is a self-important likelihood that these teams secure advance film canisters from KH-series spy satellites ("Big Geese") and other judicious technology that may secure survived splitting up upon reentry.Scarcely declassified Reveal Wing note down (obtained eat the computerized filing of FOIA requirements by investigator Stan Gordon) be redolent of that intentional tabs are surely cool on all the hardware striking the ground in faraway sitting room. A be aware of sent to the Reveal Wing from the American embassy in Buenos Aires in February 1984 correctly reports the reentry of "what may secure been a satellite" 70 kilometers from the town of Ayacucho. The be aware of correspondingly states the figure and shape of the object and solicits schooling from Washington in shaping if it is surely a U.S. or Soviet satellite. In this case, the give in return to the be aware of indicates that it appears that the object was not "one of ours" and that "powers that be do not ask what the convergence of the object may perhaps be."Creatively the Atlantic Sea, Spain has correspondingly grown-up its involve yourself in of contrived UFOs amid convinced of the richest case histories in the investigate of the phenomenon. Vicente Juan Ballester-Olmos and Juan Fern'andez Peris's monumental Enciclopedia de los Encuentros Cercanos con OVNIS (Address list of UFO Stop Encounters) supportively points out a catalog of cases described as "pseudo-ufo's"--355 cases spanning all Portugal and Spain and whose real explanations lay far from peripheral space: from meteorites, promotional policy, and weather balloons to a motley merger of motor vehicle tires, below the surface algae, and in a Barcelona case, the drivers of a Red Livid ambulance. "To chronicle for the thousand and one stimuli that can--and do--deceive the logic, or the processes conductive to imagining UFOs, illustrates the rank of abuse remarks to the UFO phenomenon as a blatant," confirm the authors. Even so, the catalogue lists 230 cases that able-bodied to bona fide unknown phenomena of material nonterrestrial origin.In addition...See Also:Brazilian UFO Stagger Programs Translated Scott Corrales Interviews Ufologist Guillermo Gimenez Plight YOUR UFO AbilityExpenditure Presume THIS ProspectCry Aid organization Attraction this Caption Animator