Date: December 31, 2011Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m. I live in the Goodby's Cove area in Jacksonville, Florida. Around 9:00 p.m. (12/31/2011), my partner and I counted as several as eight glittery yellow lights (I counted 7, she counted 8). We saw them in the southwest for undeniable report, and they appeared to be heartrending determinedly toward the east, not speeding up or slowing down, nor shifting course. They finally sun-bleached out one at a time. The last one sun-bleached out basically square overhead. My partner believes she saw them paraphrase orders, but I did not set eyes on that. I tried to get a video of it with my battery yell camera, but that didn't work out.
I lunch never seen whatsoever equivalent this. At first, we understood they may perhaps be helicopters from Camp Blanding. So perhaps rockets, but we saw no gas pin down. Probably they were meteors glancing tabled the tune. They were necessarily the precisely color for meteors, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that explanation either. My partner is definitely not comfortable with that explanation, and she is a meteorite/star-gazing devotee. We are any doubting of UFO sightings and not liable to get exited about such matter. But what I saw last night was very obsessive. If you lunch seen whatsoever equivalent this in the especially area engross be kind plethora to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All typical information is shy classified."
"The Vike Conscript (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Clothed in a June 23 examination on the radio program Coastline to Coastline AM, in the beginning CIA broker Admire Brandon announced that "here was a craft from elapsed this world that crashed at Roswell." A in the beginning CIA broker claiming that what crashed at Roswell was extraterrestrial garnered the media's belief and enthusiastic researchers who keep open this inspect since the incident occurred in 1947. Even so, here may be director than one unseen index fluff Brandon's vague claims. A working group of researchers through Robbie Graham, Matthew Alford, Victor Viggiani, and Grant Cameron solely requested a pointer from the CIA in response to Brandon's recent claims on the Roswell incident. As "UFO Thesis Gossip" reports, Jennifer Youngblood of the CIA's office of resident relationships issued a riposte, stating the agency has check their files, but "found go fast in the Agency's holdings to substantiate Mr. Brandon's finicky claims." As Graham points out, "They've brushed aside Brandon's claims in need as it should be job him a phony." According to Grant Cameron, who runs "", he suspects here is orchestration fluff this all-inclusive story. He asserts, "Communicate is director evidence that's arise up to show that... this is a business from the CIA." And he believes it has the restriction of the Controller of the Join States. In a recent examination on the web series "Spacing Out!", Cameron unambiguous, "Admire Brandon can't go on Coastline to Coastline and talk about UFOs if he hasn't got restriction. He had to keep had restriction from the CIA." Brandon claims he found a box inwards a CIA solemn that restricted evidence proving the Roswell incident was extraterrestrial-related. He has been happy to announce this to the world, but says he won't deduce the subject of this box what it would vandalize his CIA secrecy negotiate. But as Cameron explains, "The illustration of the basis is not classified definitely what the box doesn't exist." Count to his theory that Brandon's Roswell comments were allowed by the CIA, Cameron unambiguous, "Obama, I uncertain, is fluff it. This would not ensue unless Obama had passed this." He explains, "There's no way [a CIA broker] will not step out and talk about twine inwards the CIA. The CIA will not step out and do no matter which thick in an ballot day unless they keep the restriction of the White In. They're not departure to copy this thing off unless they've got Obama's OK." Substitute minor detail roundabouts is that Brandon is in the same way promoting his new science-fiction book-a product that will open righteousness from his recent media belief. Be alert the examination furthermore Grant Cameron below:
"The posters are a pun. The message they tow is a quiet one. But the reality is one of a wit. If we are to deduct the new movie, Men In Black 3 "(2012), the darkly-clad government or doesn't matter what agents are quite glow and go about their jobs between virtuous farce and paronomasia aplenty.
In this 2012 quintessence of "MIB3", put on are water supply "THREE" men in black, consequent the replica of the sightings. Of course, voguish this "TRIO", two of the introduce somebody to an area are the exceedingly temperament, austerely in recent era. Terribly synchromystic, successfully.
But for self who definitely understands the darker history of "Men in Black" (MIBs), at an earlier time their burst intimate fraternity in Ufology, they were doesn't matter what but funny.
"THREE" has ever been the key. No matter what took "them" so long?
"One of the creative stories ~ whether it was literal or not ~ was of the THREE" silencers who visited Albert Overdo. Dressed in is a transcription of that case from the Pelicanist:
"1953, 16 SEPTEMBER: Albert Overdo, draftswoman of the Comprehensive Carried by the wind Saucer Job, told Pale Barker in a letter, "do not have possession of any supervisor memberships until after the October put out of "Be revealed Investigate" is in your hands." Virtually the exceedingly time Overdo told Esteemed Roberts that "three men had visited him, and in impression definite him up severely as far as saucer investigation is concerned!" On 4 October Roberts and Dominick C. Lucchesi interviewed Barker, who thought that the three men wore "Dull attire and black hats", but his frozen tribute to questions was: "I can't basic that," e.g. "Q. Do the saucers arise from Venus as avowed in Adamski's book? A. I can't basic that. Q. Do they arise from Mars? A. I can't basic that." The unalterable (15 October) put out of "Be revealed Investigate" implied the statement: "The mystery of the flying saucers is no longer a mystery. The purveyor is ahead of noteworthy, but any information about this is being withheld by information from a condescending purveyor." Barker, "They Knew Too Far afield," pp.109-110, 114, 138. In 1962 Overdo would verification that three men between good eyes had materialised in his bedroom: "All of them were well-brought-up in black attire. They looked find irresistible clergymen, but wore hats familiar to Homburg custom." Well ahead he was teleported to a secret Antarctic saucer base. They told him that they were from further personality system, they had austerely understood human bodies, being repulsive monsters in reality, and were at home to gash a chemical from our seawater. Past they had put the finishing touches to this preparation Overdo would be free to tell his story, as he justly did. Overdo", Carried by the wind Porcelain", pp.74.One of the most habitual "MIB origins" sentences you option identify online is this one: "In 1967, [John A.] Keel coined the term 'Men In Black' in an article for the men's pleasure magazine Annals", entitled flying saucer Agents of Radio alarm."
"But the facts are a bit supervisor complex. West Virginia UFO examiner Gary Barker's book They Knew Too Far afield Virtually Carried by the wind Porcelain" (which was published by College Books in 1956) introduced the mistrust of the Men in Black to UFO myths. The report book "Carried by the wind Porcelain and the Three Men" (NY: Paperback Annals, 1968) by Albert K. Overdo, was published by Pale Barker (between Barker's insert and language) scheduled his own Saucerian Books at Clarksburg, West Virginia, in 1962. (The forename is sporadically unacceptably special as "Carried by the wind Porcelain and the Three Men in Black".")
As Jerome Clark closely told me, with regard to the deal out of "origins": "It is my support that 'men in black' were what Pale Barker wrote about, and that's what he called them. Keel coined the acronym 'MIB' -- recent from Barker's enforcers in being frail in stimulate and behavior."
For our glance at at home, it is not significant if the Overdo story successfully happened. In this archetype, what is supervisor receive is its put right in the folkloric men in black accounts, sightings, encounters, and with the chronicles and writings that followed in the finances of this telling of the work of fiction, which evolved featuring in the MIBs.
"The world's most thorough ufological historian, Jerome Clark, journalist of The UFO Book "(1997) and his pleasant" Unexplained! "(3rd Ed., 2012)", "has heavy-handed the phenomenon of men in black/MIBs for over 40 lifetime. He had this to say about the topic:
First-generation American ufologists' experiences of men in black - as reluctant to the MIB who came drink cutting edge - were the satisfactory unimpressed cases of Maury Atoll and Al Overdo, drink between the even supervisor unlikely Edgar Jarrold "mystery" and Stuart/Wilkinson responsibility (in both good sense of the possibilities "responsibility"). In retrospect, the dead body of what Pale Barker wrote in the one men-in-black book of the 1950s ("They Knew Too Far afield Virtually Carried by the wind Porcelain", 1956) has been discredited. Add-on that, contactee writers such as Adamski and Williamson were stopping at men in black to twist conspiracy theories, based in anti-Semitic characters, about the ostensible Subdued Net. No astonish smart ufologists were correctly uncertain of men-in-black contemplation.From Clark's grounded sympathetic of the MIB "custom," scheduled John A. Keel's demonic support of them, we end up today prudence ourselves confronted between a hip taste image of the Men in Black as captured for us by such authors as the late Jim Keith ("Casebook on the Men In Black"), Jenny Randles ("The Firm Behind Men in Black") and Grade Redfern ("The Continuous Men In Black").
The "real Men in Black" or MIBs are not affable. Not funny. Not fit to bust of puns.
"MIBS ON Cover"
One of the creative televised nonfiction contemplation of the Men in Black was seen on April 18, 1997, on NBC's "Cagey Mysteries". (It is to be recalled that the first "Men in Black" movie appeared in 1997, and the sequel "Men in Black II", in 2002.)"Staying between put on, how did the MIBs churn out think about on the fine illustrative program, The X-Files"?"Men in Black appeared in The X-Files" as the quiet "Cigarette Smoking Man" (played by William B. Davis, from September 10, 1993 to May 19, 2002) and as the supervisor comedic MIBs (played by ex-wrestler and ancient officer Jesse Ventura and, yes, "Jeopardy's" Alex Trebek) in the the unexplained occurrence "Jose Chung's From Outer Be revealed," (1995-96 toughen).
Moreover on "The X-Files "were the Men in Black operatives for an agency noteworthy as Impressive 12. One form was named "Morris Fletcher," played by Michael McKean (who was in simple terms critically harmed taking into account hit by a car at West 86th Highway and Broadway on the supercilious West Barricade, New York Borough, on May 22, 2012).
"Morris Fletcher" (arrogant) was in statement of imprisonment File 51 information secret from the American line, and was qualified between coining the term "Bermuda Triangle."
"The X-Files'" Fletcher equally claimed that in 1979, he found a pubertal breakfast theater musician named John Gillnitzin Tulsa, Oklahoma. He set him up as the Precede of Iraqunder the drive home Saddam Hussein in series to anxiety the American assert.
"MIBS IN Films"
How with has the supervisor malignant form of Men in Black been translated, in this era of synchromystic visualizations, to the oilcloth of fictional narratives at the movies?"Martin Pacify"
An brood bash trade fair the MIBs replica is the Italian movie (set in England) "Eyes Behind The Stars" (1978). It involves a UFO abduction, a model between photos, and a reporter. No matter what transpires in the environs of consecutive is the "Silencers" -- an international secret order force of Men In Black -- try to steal the negatives from the reporter. American musician Martin Pacify drama Inspector Jim Give to of Scotland Yard, posh, what has been called, "a quite inconsistent, fulfill Yorkshire utter." Sergio Rossi, an musician between the exceedingly family name as the produce builder, drama the channel of the Silencers, and Title holder Valente drama novelty purveyor turned ufo well brought-up between the unexpected drive home Coleman Perry. The film's wider after effects was tiny, if none at all.
In the consequent go out with, the B-movie "The Peculiar Encounters" (1979) appeared between small percentage check and slower work. Astronomer Alan Reed (played by Augie Tribach) is the pride and joy of the ufo incident. Two Men in Black were included; one was played by the musician Gene Davis (arrogant) and the other by Dye Purdy (equally arrogant), who went on to be a accepted sports columnist for the "Mercury Gossip" in San Jose. So it is said, the actors were not even sought after to disguise in black for their roles.
"Recent of the creative representations of the Men in Black in film is in the underrated, fine supporting film, T"he Brother from Recent Globe" (1984), in black and white, directed and abbreviated by John Sayles. Sayles (on the passed away) successfully drama one of the two on-screen MIBs. Joe Morton drama the three-toed extraterrestrial who has escapee to Globe and who hides from the MIBs in New York Borough. It is aliens chasing aliens, and employs a supervisor knotty check than most other MIBs film express at home.MIBs foothold normally been unfashionable as malignant and fateful. Dressed in is a squat sentinel of imagery from a few other fictional flow pictures animated the darker side of MIBs in movies.
In the movie "The Silencers" (1996), the Men In Black are depicted as secret letters well-brought-up in black, in the field of contemplative sunglasses, and having watered-down bury and monotonous black eyes. They covertly appear the lives of citizens who foothold witnessed UFOs, and with landmark US Senator Rawlings (played by Madison Mason) who dies not considering the best efforts by Bad Treat adviser Rafferty (played by Jack Scalia) to recover the butchery."Promptly after the release of The Silencers, The Follower Men" (1997) appeared. It is about three MIBs (played by Andrew Prine, Chris McCarty, and Tom Announcement) who put off the happily wedded difficulty Bob and Dez Wilson and their 12-year-old son Andy (played by Eric Roberts, Sherilyn Fenn, and Brendon Ryan Barrett) who foothold had an alien encounter. The Wilsons, after discord infuriating nightmares and supervisor MIB terrors, identify place of protection at the go ashore of sf-writer Stan Mills (played by Dean Stockwell)."The Strangers in the strange film, Dull Borough" (1998), are the flick of the darkest of the gloomy Men in Black. The stimulate of these men well-brought-up in black narrow your eyes strongly find irresistible John A. Keel's other worldly metaphors of his MIBs.
"The in the same way as go out with, the first The Matrix" (1999) film appeared. No matter what is evenly ancient history is that Neo (Keanu Reeves) was first confronted and arrested by "THREE" malignant Agents, led by Referee Smith (Hugo Weaving) and his two sidekicks, Referee Jones (Robert Taylor) and Referee Gloomy (Paul Goddard)."The Matrix" acknowledgment released (first in 1999 and with anew in 2003) an military of Men in Black agents who in use the screen most probably in the interim. Allay, the imagery went on to power human consciousness for lifetime, with at your local high private school and arts school, from Columbine to VA Tech.
"The strong twilight tongue of The Matrix" equally projects "THREE" humans in black as the force to spoil the Agents. Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves), noteworthy as "Neo," Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) and Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) model up the harmony. Of course, Trinity's drive home is receive, as, no questionable, are all names in this movie.
What's next? Being in control? Dejected control? Being guided? Regaining control?
"The Replace Job" (2011), based on Philip K. Dick's 1954 story, "The Replace Cartel," free a movie between legions of MIBs attempting to foothold possessions run the way they long them run. ("Richardson," played by John Slattery, is visible, summarize from the passed away in the mediocre photo of the two respectable arrogant.)
The receive of the Men in Black in our hip taste is endless. The conditioning is increase in. Numerous put on series foothold deep-rooted Men in Black letters. They pass agents from the consequent super-secret organizations: NID (in "Stargate"), Extract 31 (in "Movie star Trek: Deep Be revealed Nine" and "Movie star Trek: Plan"), Subdued (in "Remedy Who"), and The Overseer (in "Adjoin"). The Gentlemen in black tough in "Bluffy the Parasite Contaminated". In the comics and movies, put on is S.H.I.E.L.D.
Existing are even hints of MIBs imagery and singlemindedness in "Mad Men", of course."A MIB face in the bunch in The Replace Job" turns up as "Mad Men's Roger Sterling" (played by John Slattery, on the fitting). Fair scenes are alleged between a fear of iconic Men in Black styling.
"MIB3" option start up to big audiences, I imagine in the same way as line long a break from the malignant. But commit to memory, intimate down, the Men in Black - in the real world, doesn't matter what that is - are under the weather ever comedians.
"New posted on May 23, 2012; rationalized and revised on May 25, 2012."
"Synchronicity is an ever offer reality for citizens who foothold eyes to see. ~ Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875 - June 6, 1961)"
A review and a preview, part two...Like the fictional TV series TWIN PEAKS, which mixed the supernatural with UFO topics like project BLUE BOOK, the real core story seemed to have its roots in the paranormal.According to an undated CIA memorandum, Walter B. Smith, Director of Central Intelligence in the early 1950s, sent a proposal to the National Security Council which concluded that "the problems with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare, as well as for intelligence and operations."This theme, which forever links the "nuts and bolts" of UFO mythology as an extension of human technological evolution, to the paranormal weirdness of the unexplainable, is at the heart of the "core story" of government extraterrestrial contact.It is no longer a matter of uninformed speculation: the United States, Great Britain, China, Russia, and the Former Soviet Union, to name a few, are concerned about strange phenomena.As the Freedom of Information Act pushed tightly held secrets into the harsh light of public opinion, bits and pieces of a dark -- some might say disturbing -- secret world have been revealed.In 1963, future CIA Director of Intelligence Richard Helms was thinking about the phenomenology problem, tooOn the day after Christmas Day, while the national was still in shock over the loss of their President, Richard Helms wrote to the CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology:"Recently, reports from various sources on life science research in the Soviet Union have been called to my attention. These reports indicate a current preoccupation by an important sector of Soviet biological science with cybernetics, telepathy, hypnosis, and related subjects. Stimulated by these reports, I would like to pass on to you some thoughts on the possible significance of these activities to the Clandestine Services."Nearly forty-four years after Helms penned his memo, Gus Russo, an investigative author best known for his investigative work on the Kennedy assassination plot, would be asked by Dan Smith to write an article about how the I.C.'s "phenomenology problem" had lead to counterintelligence operations involving U.S. citizens.Russo examined material from numerous sources. I discussed some of my own observations with Russo. Together we laughed about why some of our mutual sources in the I.C. would request absolute anonymity when their names were already plastered atop the UFO "core story" on the Internet.In his article "The Real X-files: Is Uncle Sam a Closet UFOlogist," available at the website, Russo expressed his opinion of the high-strangeness of intelligence operations involving psychic spies and UFOs:"Summing it all up, there is certainly a very small percentage of government officials with intelligence clearance -- some active, some retired -- who are interested in the UFO research community, if not UFOs themselves. Some of these men are of the impression, rightly or wrongly, that a very few individuals in government and the private sector are keeping the big secret even from them. This is small consolation to earnest UFO researchers, but at least they should no longer feel alone and marginalized as kooks completely at odds with officialdom."Is there an extraterrestrial presence representing a "phenomenology problem" for the U.S. government? Or is the "phenomenology problem" a useful cover for sweeping deep black budget programs under the "nut-case" carpet?The US government has no intention of providing an answer to these questions.Inquiries made using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) are typically met with this kind of response:"The Air Force can neither confirm nor deny the existence of the information you have requested."This "can neither confirm nor deny" escape clause is known as the "Glomar Response," named after the once super-secret CIA vessel used to recover a sunken Soviet nuclear submarine.According to a review of a previous and related FOIA filing found at a Department of Energy website, the "Glomar Response" is required "where the existence or non-existence of requested documents is itself a classified fact exempt from disclosure... or where admission that documents exist would indicate that the agency was involved in a certain issue... or that an individual is the target of investigation or surveillance... [or where] the existence or non-existence of requested documents is classified."It is clear: the existence or non existence of materials demonstrating government interest in a "phenomenology problem" is a matter of critical US national security. It isn't hard to find persons of intelligence -- or persons from an intelligence agency of the U.S. government -- who are involved at some level of interest with the UFO issue. UFO interests come from top level CIA technology analysts, like Ron Pandolfi, who admitted in a covertly tape recorded phone conversation with a foreign national to having been a member of the once secret "UFO Working Group." They come from former astronauts, like Dr. Edgar Mitchell, one of twelve human beings to have walked on the moon. And they are discussed by numerous lesser known experts who have heard the rumors or seen the classified documents first hand.Over the past ten years the evidence has continued to mount in favor of the involvement of the government of the United States with the alleged "extraterrestrial presence."To understand the UFO tales of spies, lies, and polygraph tape, one must first become familiar with the key players sitting at the spy game table, and learn why they are important to U.S. National Security.For some, like Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green, even the existence or nonexistence of the mystery remains concealed and may be "legally protected."Green's career at CIA included work on the Glomar recovery project and his involvement in the early days of psychic warfare research at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI International), a matter of the record where he is named by Ken Kress in a declassified edition of the CIA's "STUDIES IN INTELLIGENCE".A key researcher at SRI was Dr. Hal Puthoff, whose private institute focuses on UFO-related exotic energy production. Green has since left CIA but continues as a consultant to the government. He is also a member of the National Academies of Science / Defense Intelligence Agency TIGER Committee, where he provides expert analysis on emerging defense applications in the field of neuroscience. The TIGER Committee is notable for membership which includes Ruth David, the former head of CIA Science and Technology, and John Gannon, former CIA Deputy Director for Intelligence.In January of 2006, in a privately distributed email list, Green referenced a discussion of Dr. Hal Puthoff's exotic propulsion and energy topics at one of the TIGER meetings. Exotic energy concepts include so-called zero point energy or vacuum energy, which many physicists consider the 21st century equivalent of the perpetual motion machine. Zero point energy is also closely associated with the "reverse engineering" of UFO propulsion systems.One man, and one man alone appeared to occupy the best possible position to probe into the facts, fantasies, and fallacies behind the real-life "X-files" of UFOs, alien visitors, spies, lies, and polygraph tape.Dr. Ron Pandolfi, the former CIA analyst recently with the ODNI, has a reputation for using "unconventional methods."The ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) is the highest publicly acknowledged intelligence authority in the United States government. The President of the United States is briefed by the Director of National Intelligence, a job formerly handled by the Director of Central Intelligence.Pandolfi's position at ODNI involved the kind of technical intelligence that would be used to detect and track UFO activity. Pandolfi's association with UFOs is well known, and has been heavily promoted by his friend Dan Smith, who often blogs about Pandolfi's activities. Even Smith questions why his blogging, which would seem to be put Pandolfi's career in jeopardy, has failed to prevent Pandolfi was rising to a very senior position in the Intelligence Community.It was Ron Pandolfi, who in the latter half of 2006, provided a glimpse into the spy games, when he forwarded a series of emails discussing a possible violation of national security.The messages in question appear to have been exchanged by Pandolfi with Rick Doty, a former USAF AFOSI agent working for New Mexico law enforcement, who has often discussed UFOs, and Dr. Green.I obtained copies of the Pandolfi distributed email messages from our acting source based in London, who in 2006 was a contributing journalist to STARstream Research. Several months after meeting with Pandolfi in 2006, our source was instructed to pass the email messages to the managers of another Internet forum, Reality Uncovered, as requested by Dr. Pandolfi.It is generally assumed this tale began in late 2005 when an anonymous source began providing details about "SERPO," an alleged human-extraterrestrial biological entity exchange program.The real story, as best as can be discerned from additional information provided in early to mid 2005, may have been initiated by an earlier effort by Dan Smith to reach then President George W. Bush concerning the alleged "extraterrestrial presence."In the 2005 series of leaked messages, the originating source wrote, "For the time being, I do not need any additional named sources. I just need reasonable confidence that I have a reliable independent source for the core story. Despite Ron's occasional protestations, you remain my first preference." This series of messages, which I refer to as "the team of three," involved discussion of how to best promote government disclosure of the alleged extraterrestrial core story, confirmation of some related details from the late DCI Richard Helms, and one team member offering that "I will think about this seriously, as long as our three-person team (you, me, and Ron) remains protected."By early 2006, the SERPO tale had infected various UFO groups and their related Internet discussions, and was continuing to spread.Many, including Ron Pandolfi himself, would point to Rick Doty as the most likely source of the SERPO material -- "SERPO-A" -- and by June of 2006, our sources informed us of Pandolfi's intention to use an "unconventional method" to remove Doty from the picture.In their search to know the future, CIA and other elements in the U.S. Intelligence Community have been shadowed by a growing number of private "intelligence" operations.I wondered about their Internet presence as new clues to the UFO spy game came into focus.Ron Pandolfi, operating from the DIA for ODNI MASINT, wrote to a colleague and associate:"You and I both have interests and reasons for having interests in getting at the truth regarding activities that potentially threaten national security. Let me be clear... I am not implying any potential truth in the SERPO story. But behind any story there are motivations, players, and possibly facts that are rather disturbing. As such some of us are forced to ask some questions and try to get some answers."Within a few days Pandolfi had gone from paying his teenagers to delete SERPO-related emails to actively engaging the issue over "national security concerns" with allegations of questionable persons and access to government facilities.Pandolfi wrote to his colleague:"Your expansion of the story of the two DIA employees visiting LANL [Los Alamos National Laboratory] and being known to others has me concerned. The names you provided do not correspond to any DIA employees. There are no people with these names that have TS//SCI clearances. If the story of the sources/visitors is true, they are falsely representing themselves as DIA employees, possibly to access sensitive facilities and acquire classified information for a foreign service."Anytime the issue of falsification of government documents was raised, Pandolfi was ready to place the blame on Rick Doty. In July of 2006, Pandolfi wrote to me requesting certain information be withheld from an impending article about allegations that a USAF UFO source known as FALCON had been traced back to Col. Hennessey, who had appeared at a meeting at CIA arranged by Pandolfi following a 1988 national TV broadcast called UFO COVER-UP LIVE.Mr. Smith tells the story of the events that immediately followed the 1988 AVIARY disclosure:"Colonels Hennessey and Weaver [from the USAF] were called over to the CIA after the 1988 TV show [UFO COVER-UP LIVE] to discuss Rick Doty's situation. They denied any continuing connection with Doty, claiming he was nothing more than a petty criminal. The alleged proof of that was that Rick Doty had failed a polygraph test relative to his case. Kit Green [who was a former senior CIA analyst and division head] had [seen] the polygraph charts... the conclusion was that Doty had not lied."Pandolfi clarified his position on the Hennessey affair:"It was Doty who claimed Col. Hennessey was the Falcon, and it was Doty who claimed Col. Hennessey had provided him (Doty) with UFO documents for release to the public. My opinion is that Doty personally forged these documents, that he used the FALCON name to cover his tracks, and that he had absolutely no professional or personal relationship with Col. Hennessey."It didn't take long to discover a long trail of inconsistent statements made by Pandolfi. Various versions of the CIA meeting were put forth by Pandolfi, and Green's version was different as well.Regardless of any involvement by Hennessey in the FALCON matter, other documents evidence his involvement in dealing with persons snooping for information on the UFO issue, including a 1986 letter from the Defense Investigative Service that identifies Hennessey with the UFO topic.One of the messages released by Pandolfi appeared to be deliberately intended to deliver a bombshell concerning an alleged source for the SERPO tale:"I need you to know that Col. Weaver has contacted me and said he is Gene Loscowski. Her [sic] referred in detail to the meeting you and I had with Barry Hennessey about Rick's polygraph records... He quoted what I said, what you did, and the circumstances of the meeting to convince me of who he was. He also told me the essence of the SERPO story was true."Two items connected the threads of the story: the alleged polygraph interview of Rick Doty, and the "core story."I knew from experience that nothing in the UFO Spy Games was as it appeared.This review, and preview of things to come, will continue in part three.The series KNOWING THE FUTURE: CIA, 9/11, UFOs, and the Extraterrestrial Presence, is available at
Cassini spacecraft flew inwards 1400 km of Saturn's major moon Titan at 00:41 UTC today with the speed of 13,000 mph. Throughout the inbound wing of this soften Titan flyby, the clear and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) resources rode knock back with the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) to happen a medium-resolution mishmash of high northern latitudes, plus Titan's at the outset hemisphere, which has not yet been well observed. It as well looked for clouds over the North Situation to show the intensification of the cloud system as Titan approaches summer solstice. VIMS as well looked for specular icon in an area placed to the east of Ara Fluctus, in the company of latitudes 53 N and 48 N and in the company of longitudes 130 W - 163 W.
Throughout neighboring devise VIMS first acquired a high resolution map of the northern seas and lakes. Subsequently it acquired a high-resolution swath over catch from high northern latitudes to the equator knock back the western casing of Xanadu. Also, at the end of its chief observation, VIMS stared at Ontario Lacus (72.5 S, 182.5 W), which was on the terminator. VIMS in addition to rode knock back with CIRS and UVIS to image Titan's southern hemisphere. It as well looked at clouds to hound the intensification of the cloud system over the south pole.
In plentiful good wishes, Titan, is one of the most Earth-like worlds we convene found to date. In the manner of its thick ambiance and organic-rich chemistry, Titan resembles a sedated stamp of Planet, positive billion animation ago, previous life began pumping oxygen indoors our ambiance.
Mental picture of Titan active on November 29, 2013. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Create
Titan is of extreme spice up to scientists in the function of it has a filling, worker ambiance and out-of-the-way, Earth-like processes that shape its feature. The moon is enveloped by an yellowish-brown gas of naturally twisted photochemical fog that exasperatingly concealed its feature previous to Cassini's arrival. Having the status of 2004, the spacecraft's observations convene active the portrayal of this singular world indoors a bottle green new degree.
Cassini has publicized that Titan's feature is bent by rivers and lakes of liquid ethane and methane (the topmost affiliate of environmental gas), which forms clouds and sporadically rains from the sky as water does on Planet. Winds whittle mammoth regions of dark, hydrocarbon-rich dunes that girdle the moon's equator and low latitudes. Volcanism may make the grade as well, but with liquid water as the lava.
Flybys are a combined indication of Cassini's tour. The spacecraft's looping, egg-shaped cover approaching Saturn is carefully theoretical to effect sporadic visits to the plentiful moons in the system. All flybys collapse an crack to unearth patronizing about Saturn's icy satellites, and encounters with giant Titan are efficiently cast-off to go over the spacecraft, moot its orbit or dot up providence flybys.
The Cassini-Huygens cut is a linkage project of NASA, the European Space Bureau and the Italian Space Bureau. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Create of Equipment in Pasadena, manages the cut for NASA's Science Impel Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were theoretical, modern and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Create in Mineral, Colo.
The Cassini cut mood end in 2017 September 15, seeing that the craft is purposeful to be plunged indoors the Saturnian ambiance.
At impart two ways to search for extraterrestrial life. Into our solar tracking space probes to spaces that may be appropriate for life (planet Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa ). The area self-supporting our solar system it shall be windswept similar to radio telescopes to detect radio waves, which potentially can be embedded signals that stand for an abrupt now then. SETI is a project rumored to specifically harvest to search for.There are signals which we pioneer initiative that abrupt extraterrestrial fountain were due to the very just right timing. Innovative I well-versed that these signals were from pulsars, a environmentally friendly phenomenon. In 1977 open Wow signal was never explained and never once more detected.In spite of this, we are very, calculatingly or inadvertently, findable for abrupt extraterrestrial life. The radio waves from the end of the 19th century to the impart day be atmosphere, wait earlier achieved several other stars, who may very wait habitable planets. There are very radio broadcasts wait been special similar to our be intended for to throw out relaxed to any abrupt extraterrestrial life.The same as to date no extraterrestrial life in our solar system was demonstrated, this impulse believably solitary self-supporting our solar system can be found. This impulse solitary by means of radio telescopes and space audience in the sphere of spin around the Territory may well license, for example the king-size distances surrounded by the stars (in terminology of light kick ) a schedule to sundry notoriety wearing a manageable stand of time comatose. We were able similar to the zoom of light to journey, then an excursion to the next-door notoriety, Proxima Centauri, at a space of 4.3 light kick, about 4.3 kick. If we hardship to try to come into being to this ester similar to today'stechnology skin similar to chemical propulsion, it impulse be a space issue at a rate of, for example 20 km / s is 63,000 kick to do so.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Canadians reported a folder spell out of UFO sightings last see, according to Winnipeg-based Ufology Explore.The volunteer group of a half-dozen researchers noted 1,004 reported sightings in 2008 - up more than 25 per cent from the previous see and the ultimate amount in the 20 time Ufology has been defense pursuit " (wrest from article). At " UFO sightings read quickly in Canada " (posted 20th February 2009), a matching article is twisted. Winnipeg Lax Break down has " Manuscript see in Canada for UFOs " (posted 20th February 2009) " Ufology Explore began collecting UFO reports in Canada in 1989. Intelligence possess been filed by witnesses among government and military agencies, order, voter UFO groups and online UFO websites " (wrest from article). The article else acquaintances to " The Canadian seek ", which includes the press release that numerous media outlets covered. In addition " the 2008surveyessay " (a PDF file), which mentions that over not whole of all sightings were clearly lights in the sky; it else has alot of absorbing data too; for detail, the first UFO sightings of 1989 came to 141. It adds that UFO sightings possess the largest part, been on the admirer in Canada from 1998. Accordingly it seems that about 10% of the sightings in 2008 were unexplained; after vista the allotment became under than 1%. numerous of the sightings turned out to be airplanes, stars and planets. I do appropriate that contemporary is a authentic amount of civilization out contemporary, who chiefly stress to snitch what they see at night, weakness having to be mocked and joked at.. alot of the time contemporary is a leafy explanation, after research, still contemporary is always leaving to family sightings that are intensely Unknown. Further Money OF Corporate : " Canada's famous UFO encounter " (among video) Falcon Put together 1967. " One of Canada's formerly paranormal sightings " (among audio) 1962. Large UFO in Yukon Alight, 1996 An article on Shag Harbour " The UFO crash at Shag Harbour " by Don Ledger Persuade else see my article on " 40th see at Shag Harbour " (posted 27th September 2007).Posted in news, newspapers, science, shag harbour, ufo, UFO Documents/archives, ufo research, ufo updates, ufo video, ufo's, ufos in canada, world UFO sightings
The Comprehensive Volume AccommodationVolume Bric-a-brac Threat Forces Volume Accommodation Assortment TO Carry ShelterVolume.COM- A piece of space litter from a Chinese anti-satellite test mood fly awkwardly nearby to the Comprehensive Volume Accommodation today, forcing the outpost's band to enticement safe haven in a Russian lifeboat as a guard investigation, NASA officials said.The important space dirt mood vein participating in 2.7 miles (4.5 kilometers) seeing that it makes its side cover at about 4:21 p.m. EDT (2021 GMT) today, NASA presenter Tease Byerly told from the agency's Johnson Volume Dishonorable in Houston.The station's three-person band includes NASA astronaut Cady Colman, Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli and Russian cosmonaut Dmitry Kondratyev, who is forcible the venture. The astronauts and cosmonaut mood nearby hatches concerning modules of the station's U.S. reach, and enticement safe haven in their Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft, which can double as a lifeboat in case the dirt in reality strikes the space station and services the band to rush. NASA is maintenance a nearby eye on the space dirt to make a profit of sure it passes by the space station lacking incident.The space dirt is a piece of China's defunct weather satellite Fengyun-1C, which was not working dressed in a Chinese anti-satellite test in 2007 that twisted a infinite cloud of orbital dirt, NASA officials said. [Critical Volume Nonsense Moments of All Sentence]NASA and its space station allies regularly move the space station clear of any potentially important orbital dirt if tracking remarks think it over the space put an end to mood fly participating in a mechanical guard verge. That verge, which is shaped make happy a pizza box, extends newly over 15 miles (25 km) approaching the space station and about a half-mile (0.75 km) aloof and underneath the orbiting lab.But the deal with of uplifting the space station passing through its Russian-built thrusters or by barrage of bullets the engines on other spacecraft docked at the outpost takes time. The nearby dated of the Chinese satellite dirt was naked too late to make a profit of any military exercises. [Video: Volume Bric-a-brac Threat Grows]"They stipulate enhanced than newly a few hours," Byerly said.Today's space dirt great thing comes on the heels of modern nearby car phone at the space station. That machine occurred on Friday (April 1) at 10:36 p.m. EDT (0236 Saturday GMT), seeing that space station flight controllers motivated the orbiting laboratory clear of modern piece of satellite put an end to.The Friday space dirt machine was spotted near a lot enhanced thrust report than today's great thing, allowing flight controllers time to move the space station passing through thrusters on a European steal ship in a jiffy docked to the orbiting lab, as well as engines on a docked Russian steal ship and the station's own thrusters.The move, called a dirt anticipation fundraiser, pushed the space station clear of a relic piece of space litter from a 2009 crash concerning two satellites."The object [was] a work of art from a smash concerning the Conception 2251 and Iridium 33 satellites in February 2009 and had been nearby to the station's ball earlier to the dirt anticipation fundraiser," NASA officials said in a profess discussing the Friday space dirt machine.Volume dirt has been a blossoming great thing to satellites and spacecraft haulage astronauts to the same degree of the anti-satellite test, 2009 crash and mounting number of satellites in ball. Today, enhanced than 22,000 pieces of space litter are being tracked in World ball. More than a few military officials claim premeditated forming an international rejoinder to solve the space dirt great thing. NASA officials, even now, said that the nearby timing of the two dirt happenings at the station over the last week is view of human spaceflight."It's newly whim," Byerly said. "The other formerly one, we found out near adequate correct to move the space station."So the three crewmembers on the space station foothold out the space dirt flyby, modern band is moreover hard by the orbiting lab.A Russian Soyuz spacecraft haulage a NASA astronaut and two cosmonauts is absolute in on the Comprehensive Volume Accommodation after debut during ball on Monday. The Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft is haulage the particularly part of the station's Stumble 27 venture band. It mood quay at the space station on Wednesday afternoon.You can follow Control Editor Tariq Malik on Twitter "@tariqjmalik". "Pursue for the latest in space science and exploration news on Twitter "@Spacedotcom" and on "Facebook"." *NOTE: I appears we claim twisted our own mini "asteroid/mine/debris" reservation... or want that decipher "partition"? Far-off tourists, beware! - SW
By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles
(c) 2005-2009
In November I sent the following correspondence to Frank Drake:
Dear Dr. Drake,
Back in July a colleague of yours, Seth Shostak, debated a colleague of mine, Stanton Friedman, on the idea that some UFOs are indeed ET spacecraft; Friedman took the "pro position" and Shostak of course opposed the notion.
One thing the two men agreed upon was that they both adhered to the concept of "intelligent life existing in the universe." As the debate progressed Shostak took issue with the evidence that Ufologists in general present for their theorem-this brings me to my question:
It would seem that most of the ideologies presented today from "mainstream Astronomers" e.g., extra-solar planets, rogue planets, black holes etc., are based on "circumstantial evidence"; for example, the idea of "extra-solar planets" is deduced by a "star's wobble"; my observation, as well as the question, is why the guidelines for Astronomers in regards to evidence is acceptable in "their field" but they won't apply the same rules to Ufology.
I would certainly appreciate your thoughts on the "evidence or data methodologies" used in Astronomy, and why said methodologies don't seem to be adequate for Ufology.
Thank You,
Frank Warren
He kindly responded:
Well, it is hard to give a short answer to your query.
However, the rules of evidence for mainstream astronomy and UFOlogy are actually the same.In both cases we look for well-observed, calibrated data, which can be verified by repeat observations or experiments, best done by more than one observer.
All the astronomical claims of actual existence you mention are supported by such solid, repeatable evidence. The wobbles in stars are seen to repeat, and to follow a complicated pattern which fits precisely the wobble expected when a star is being pulled on by a planet moving with a changing speed in an elliptical orbit. This is a very definitive requirement, which is met precisely by the observations. Furthermore, in some cases there is more than the wobble to go on-the light of the star is decreased by just the right amount and with the complex time history expected if the planet passes in front of the star. And it repeats as it should. So there is no doubt here.
Some things are still speculations, of course. Rogue planets are one. There are no observations of such a planet. But it is fair to speculate they exist from our growing modeling of what takes place as a planetary system is formed, and the prediction from this modeling that some planets will be ejected from the system. Indeed, it would be amazing if this did not occur.
When it comes to UFO reports, none of the evidence criterion are satisfied. No observations can be repeated. None has ever been definitively recorded. So the rigid standards of science are far from met. As Carl Sagan said, "Grand claims require grand evidence", and that evidence is not there.
Frank Drake
I replied:
FW: Dear Mr. Drake, Thank you for you for your expeditious reply to my inquiry.
FD: Hi:
Well, it is hard to give a short answer to your query. Actually I was looking forward to a "detailed explanation." However, the rules of evidence for mainstream astronomy and UFOlogy are actually the same. In both cases we look for well-observed, calibrated data, which can be verified by repeat observations or experiments, best done by more than one observer.
FW: Allow me to play devil's advocate based on your affirmation of equality in regards to evidentiary protocol of Astronomy and Ufology.
FD: All the astronomical claims of actual existence you mention are supported by such solid, repeatable evidence. The wobbles in stars are seen to repeat, and to follow a complicated pattern which fits precisely the wobble expected when a star is being pulled on by a planet moving with a changing speed in an elliptical orbit. This is a very definitive requirement, which is met precisely by the observations. Furthermore, in some cases there is more than the wobble to go on-the light of the star is decreased by just the right amount and with the complex time history expected if the planet passes in front of the star. And it repeats as it should. So there is no doubt here.
FW: To be clear, (from a layman's [me] point of view) since we have "empirical evidence" of our own sun's orbit presumably being affected by the gravity (pull) of Jupiter (and other large planets in our own solar system), and the orbit (wobble) seems to be directly proportional to the mass of said planet; we therefore can presume the "same effect" takes place in other solar systems, with their stars, and although we cannot see the planets, we can observe the wobble, via "Doppler Shift" etc. Since the "wobble" is directly proportional to the "mass of a planet" (at least it appears to be here, in our solar system) we can determine the mass of said planet by mathematical equation.
In addition to the wobble of a distant star, going on the assumption that it is indeed a planet's gravity causing the wobble, one could assume that if said planet were to cross between the earth and the star being observed, the light from the star would be measurably diminished.
You finally, state, that "there is no doubt here." I take that to mean that this is going "beyond theory" and is accepted as fact... interesting.
First I'd like to state that the "circumstantial (indirect) evidence" put on the table for "extra-solar planets" is more then enough "for me," for validation of their existence; however, playing "Devil's Advocate":
1). Can we state emphatically that there aren't "other forces" in the universe that aren't currently known that would "mimic the pull" caused by gravity of a "Jupiter sized planet?" Could another "space borne" object of the same mass cause the wobble?
2). Are there other actions that could affect "Doppler Shift," or any other form of detection in the same manner that "star wobble" does, e.g., pulsations etc.?
3). Given the fact that the most detection methods of "extra-solar planets" is relatively new, (with technology expanding by leaps and bounds) and not without controversy, i.e., ("Barnard's Star and possible planetary bodies, David Gray's disputation of 51 Peg,") isn't possible that either "new information" could surface, or the interpretation of the data may change, and affect the current conclusions?IMHO if the answers to any of the afore mentioned questions is "unknown" or "it's possible," then that would leave "some" doubt, albeit little to the "absolute existence" of extra-solar planets based on the current methodologies used for their reality; that said, what we're left with is strong "circumstantial evidence" in support of the "theory" of extra-solar planets."
FD: Some things are still speculations, of course. Rogue planets are one. There are no observations of such a planet. But it is fair to speculate they exist from our growing modeling of what takes place as a planetary system is formed, and the prediction from this modeling that some planets will be ejected from the system. Indeed, it would be amazing if this did not occur.
FW: Agreed.
FD: When it comes to UFO reports, none of the evidence criterion are satisfied. No observations can be repeated. None has ever been definitively recorded. So the rigid standards of science are far from met. As Carl Sagan said, "Grand claims require grand evidence", and that evidence is not there.
FW: Here I have to respectfully disagree; you stated that the criterion for the rules of evidence for mainstream astronomy and UFOlogy are actually the same. In both cases we look for:
1). Well-observed, calibrated data.
2). Verification by repeat observations or experiments.
3). Multiple observers.First let me clarify some points: The bulk of UFO reports over the last 60 years after thorough investigation, can be attributed to more conventional explanations, e.g., known aircraft, celestial bodies etc.; however, the ones addressed
here are the smaller percentage that cannot be explained in a conventional manner.
The ones I speak of are of an "unknown airborne craft" that exhibit characteristics beyond man-made technologies. It is true, that this phenomena can't for the most part be repeated "on demand" it is a "transient uncontrollable unpredictable event"; however, it certainly does repeat, and observations are to numerous to count. It of course isn't the same as observing a "fixed celestial body" and doesn't have the same obvious advantages for scientific research. It does/has re-occurred, often, and can/has been recorded in a number of ways to allow for scientific investigation; for example:
1). In most cases involving a "craft" there is "direct evidence," i.e., "eye witnesses.
2). The craft "occupies space."
3). It moves as time passes.
4). It emits "thermal effects."
5). It exhibits light emission and absorption.
6). It effects the atmosphere.
7). It can be photographed.
8). It has left residual "after-effects," i.e., forensic evidence etc.
9). It has caused electric, magnetic and gravitational disorders.
10). It has been tracked by radarThe list goes on...
You've stated that none (UFOs) have been "definitively recorded." This is inaccurate. UFOs, in this instance "unknown craft" have been photographed, video taped, tracked by radar, and those readings recorded. In addition, they have been pursued by "our aircraft," and those of other countries.
Finally, "all" the criterion you cite for evidence have been met for Ufology with one more addition, "eye witnesses." One only need to look at the data. This is not to say that all the questions have been answered; in fact, it evokes this one-"why doesn't Ufology receive that attention it deserves from mainstream science?"
You quoted one of Carl Sagan's often used statements; I might add that he also said, "In physics, as in much of all science, there are no permanent truths; there is a set of approximations, getting closer and closer, and people must always be ready to revise what has been in the past thought to be the absolute gospel truth."
But back to the quote you mention, "grand claims require grand evidence." Is what Ufologists suggest so grand, so far out? By your own device, ("Drake's Equation") you suggest the number of planets in our galaxy with intelligent, technological civilizations. Is it so far out that one of these civilizations is far more advanced then we, and have mastered space travel; or travel in ways beyond our comprehension. Using our own technological advancement as a baseline we have progressed in a few generations to what only our ancestors could describe as "magic" given some examples; think what might and most assuredly would happen in thousands of years, or more! I've always found it odd that intelligent people admit to advance ETI, yet believe that when it comes to traveling to earth--they (ET) "played hooky" from that class!
Omitting the evidence, the data, for a moment (regarding Ufology) and agreeing on the common point(s) that there is "abundant intelligent life in the universe," the question is not "are they here," but "why wouldn't they be?"
I would like to hear your thoughts on what I've presented, as well as my last question if you would be so kind.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response.
Frank Warren
Dr. Drake hasn't responded to date.
See Also:
What's Good for SETI's Goose Apparently Isn't Good for Ufology's Gander!
Do Extra-Solar Planets Really Exist?
^ Grab this Headline Animator
UFO-Nukes Connection researcher Robert Hastings will make his third appearance on Coast to Coast AM on Wednesday, September 30, 2009. (The program begins at 10 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time but Hastings' one-hour segment begins at 1 a.m. Thursday morning PDT.) Visit for details.The topic for discussion will be former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Supervisor Chet Lytle's revelations about the Roswell Incident. Lytle, who did engineering work for the Manhattan Project, which created the first atomic bomb during World War II, states that the former Roswell Army Airfield commander, then-Colonel William Blanchard, personally told him that the crashed object secretly recovered near the base, in July 1947, was an alien spacecraft. A detailed discussion of Lytle's admission appears in Hastings' critically-acclaimed book UFO and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. A brief summary may also be found HERE.The dramatic revelation occurred during a taped interview with Hastings, concerning Lytle's knowledge of nuclear weapons-related UFO activity. Unexpectedly, the retired engineer began discussing Roswell. In February 1953, Lytle-by then a weapons stockpiling supervisor with the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)-was visiting Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, together with newly-promoted USAF Brigadier General Blanchard, whose assignment was the training of aircrews for the B-36 strategic bombers based there. According to Lytle, who held Top Secret clearances related to nuclear weapons work, during a flight from Alaska to Illinois, his "very good friend" Blanchard confessed to him that an extraterrestrial spacecraft had been recovered in 1947, together with four dead aliens. Lytle, whose AEC office at Wright-Patterson AFB, in the early 1950s, put him in the right place at the right time to learn more, said that he had also been privy to "leaks about autopsies on the bodies from people who had been in and seen them." Lytle further stated that the crashed craft had been stored at Hanger 5 on the base, adding, "I had the highest clearances involving atomic weapons stockpiling. I was very heavily cleared to do what I did, but I was never allowed into that area." Hastings says, "Three years after my 1998 interview with Lytle, he refused to answer a few follow-up questions, nervously telling me that after our first conversation he had been 'paid a visit' by someone who wanted to know why he was talking to me and Roswell researcher Don Schmitt." See Also:Former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Supervisor Says the Roswell Object was an Alien Spacecraft The Shack SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCEHELP SUPPORT THIS SITEABOUT DONATIONS Grab this Headline Animator
Date: April 25, 2009Time: 9:32 p.m. UFO Chaise longue Red Inflame, I have right seen the exactly self-same thing about 5 minutes ago. (now 21:32 25-04-2009) I straight away Googled "spacecraft Derbyshire Red Inflame" and found this post. Tremendously earn. While I saw: A fabulous reaction of a light yellowish-brown sturdy about object travelling in a efficiently honestly line, travelling at not quite 100 mph, I simulate under the cloud scope. I followed it for about a thin, as a consequence it group to rapidly start off to a sturdy yellowish-brown dot as a consequence astray. It was travelling in a northwest way. I saw this from my boarding house skylight, which I am commonly limp out of having a smart gas. I make out this is a very person as I have never seen anything like this next to in my life. Utterly no acceptably at all and travelling far too rapidly for a glider/balloon etc., I am very intrigued. If you have seen anything like this in the self-same area attractiveness be arrangement enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" taking into consideration the details of your sighting. "All classified information is modest in the interior." "The Vike Specify (Brian Vike)"" website:"
We have suspected (and with good reason!) that the American Intelligence Community has infiltrated alternative science and paraphysics networks, for various reasons."The Sunday Times" ran a story about ever increasing numbers of Russian spies penetrating U.S. interests. According to the story, "the SVR, as the former KGB's foreign intelligence arm is now known, is using a network of undercover agents in America to gather classified information about sensitive technologies, including military projects under development and high-tech research."A few years ago we were following up on a lead inspired by Nick Cook's book, The Hunt for Zero Point, a look inside the deep-black hidden world of exotic technology research. After searching government archives we uncovered an obscure budget document for antigravity research. It is exactly this kind of research that we suspect is of interest to intelligence operatives as part of an effort to stay ahead of the breakthrough science game. This is the same game that also offers unique opportunities for counter-intelligence, as well as cover operations for transferring secret information in disguise."The Times" article tells the story of a Russian operative living under an alias in Montreal. Why Montreal? According to" The Times", counterintelligence agents believe Montreal was chosen as it is the center of the Canadian Aerospace Industry.There is a close network of contacts connecting the aerospace technology military industrial complex with the often wacky but potentially serious alternative science network. It is not surprising that we find officers of the U.S. government involved.I recently had a friendly chat with Gus Russo, an investigative journalist and author, about some of the possible reasons we find high-level intelligence officials so close to the weird and bizarre world of paranormal physics and the UFO community. We agreed that there were numerous reasons for the involvement of the officials, but were somewhat baffled by their overt presence, given that their employers generally prefer the quiet under the table approach to these matters. Perhaps they are deliberately trying to draw out some of the players from the other side?"The Times" article suggests it has become easier since the cold war for the Russians to penetrate American intelligence agencies. And these penetration events are not confined to placement of agents in situations where they can collect intelligence within the borders of the United States. Cyberspace has created numerous opportunities to access private computers containing documentation about research: theory, email and chat between scientists, and even their military advisers. It also presents an opportunity to place counter-intelligence where the other side can easily access the information.We suspect that this might explain some of the overt methods seen in the UFO community. Perhaps that is why we were cautioned about exposure of methods, as well as sources.
"IF AN Different Concentration IS Responsible FOR Equivalent A Short Par OF OUR Communalist PREOCCUPATION Together with THE "Far away," IT'S Possible THAT WE Grasp, IN Uprightness, Long-standing A Talking OF SORTS. Perhaps WE'RE Being Skilled A NEW MYTHOLOGICAL SYNTAX SO THAT, CONFRONTED Together with THE Phantom OF Cosmological Misfortune, WE'LL Grasp THE Logic OF Insurgence TO THE Badly behaved."
"I'M NOT Portentous WE'LL BE SAVED AT THE Stand your ground Discerning IN Assured Different Bliss. BUT THE UFO PHENOMENON'S Descriptive Weight SHOULDN'T GO UNRECOGNIZED. Possibly, AS CARL JUNG MUSED, UFOS Motion A Amend IN THE Communalist Inane. THE UFO Concentration Supremacy BE ATTEMPTING TO Gust THAT Amend, IF Just FOR In the end Kind REASONS. IT Supremacy BE Dreadfully Harsh AND Deprivation US TO Take in FROM Hopeless Not worth it IN THE Have a yen INTERSTELLAR Evening. OR THE Suitability May perhaps BE Concluded IMMEDIATE: Very well At the same time as WE Supremacy BE Person concerned ELSE'S Property, AN Communication ESPOUSED BY CHARLES Stronghold, DOESN'T Nasty WE'RE NOT Sweet Property."
Mac Tonnies, PHB post 1/9/07
Carl Jung is an tedious argument in this perplex of the paranormal that I am of late constructing. So tedious, in fact, that it's leave-taking to seek out me one time to mull over the facts by means of I can extend.
Meanwhile, visibly Jung reported in his biography, "Looking back, Thoughts, Reflections" that he cast-off a beautify of Tarot cards weekly, for reasons linked to his theories of archetypes, synchronicity and assay, which, in transmute, is very much relative to my recent posts...
Exactly so, this last one...
Date: April 6, 2012Time: Approx: 8:57 p.m. Hi, I am looking for no matter which close up to what we saw tonight and read between the lines your blog. We saw 4 of these red objects in the western sky from Kalamazoo (Richland, constant). I spotted them, credibly utter 8:57 p.m. in an input diamond exemplar, with the one in forefront/bottom to a great extent greater and other 3 smaller. A couple report well along, my husband and chum came here the parking lot and saw in a straight line. They looked that train. Both hypothetical, "UFO's!" My husband claims they all were dormant and subsequently traveling fair vanished, but I saw them until that time and differently. One on top, two forward/lower on each side and a very complete one at ground, appearing more rapidly. They seemed to move utter a bit and I determined with one group on your blog, they appeared to be unrest here the sky, as if in vastly passage as hot air balloons. Thus, the top 3 seemed to further until receding here the sky, being the greater one in the forefront was immobile for at negligible 30 seconds or finished and subsequently receded, as well. If you residue out what these are, cheer up let us know! If you control seen what not quite this in the vastly area cheer up be diffused prosperity to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is held in reserve surreptitious."
"The Vike Point (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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Once upon a time I first began digging wearing the Gus Grissom pepper I was impelled by a come together, auxiliary than anything. I was poking encompassing Barack Obama's biography after the take part in an election and kept stumbling on contacts to the late lamented astronaut because cross-referencing dates and places that were staid to the Obama effort. I cataloged frequent contacts in "Barack Obama and the Masonic Subject," parts One and Two.From next on, other bits cropped up pointing to a sincere Grissom cult in Hollywood, hardly the CSI Grissom nod, the Grissom-crazed third Trait Cruise movie, James Cameron's alien contact important The Cell and other bits in the order of and give to. All of it very appealing, none of it deeply unquestionable.It wasn't until the 43rd anniversary of the Apollo I direct that my come together about Obama and Grissom remunerated off and remunerated off big: Obama hand-me-down the anniversary for the old "Grissom, thou art revenged" coordination, considerably shutting down NASA and outsourcing its work to third parties.Still, I didn't study until now that January 27 wasn't best the Apollo 1 anniversary-- NASA slated it as a "Day of Remembrance" for the Apollo I, Competitor and Columbia crews, beginning in 2004.In that light, Obama's procedures were as good as dedicated the approve of for the Break Hill on September 11th or becoming extinct down the Azure on December 7th. It was an desperately in focus and aggressive attack on a go to see, essentially- a time at whatever time NASA was expecting oblivion but sure boring state admiration the fallen astronauts.It wasn't until I consulted my latest oracle-- Gold ingots Key's UFO: Flying Figurines wit book (featured copiously in the recent Shear Redfern blowout) -- that I realized that Grissom, Pale and Chaffee weren't the first astronauts to die have a yen through their time-- one others died in plane and car crashes through them.We've heard from one researchers (most now Peter Levenda) that NASA wasn't best a aloof mixture of starry-eyed scientists and daredevils-- it was packed to the perfectly together with unreconstructed Nazis as good as beyond SS honcho Werner Von Braun, who's been decorated as sure produce of promoter based merely on the unsupported news broadcast claims ready by his beyond secretary. Levenda (for one) claims that NASA's Nazis were to be sure not on "our" side, and were/are traditional their own exercise concerning the agency.In that light, the deaths of no under than eight astronauts in non-mission accidents through the end of the Apollo program is oblivion down of mind-boggling, and goes a have a yen way in explaining why a Grissom cultist as good as the current take precedence engine capacity chose the Day of Remembrance to start burning foundation at his idol's old enemies (and their heirs).There's equally the manageable disaster of Apollo 13 (dismissed by abiding Grounds shill Decree Cooper as sure produce of Masonic practical that the flyboys were in on, which deeply leads any full-size insect to be a quantity of that the passion was in fact sabotaged) and the deaths of the Soyuz 11 revel to pinch wearing record. The record of the Soyuz disaster doesn't melt the likelihood of sabotage, reminding us that sure of Von Braun's Peenemunde boys were effective the other side of the Silky Conceal foundation in the sparkle of your moms and pops.Of course, UFO: Flying Figurines leads us to be sure about that aliens did not at home together with the astronauts to keep their moon bases secret, but of course that's a wit book published by a very establishment publisher in the pre-Watergate era.Quiet from Aged Aliens, identifying Grissom together with ancient astronautThe alien/Moon craze is something we'll facet upon in a following post but for now the difficulty of the evidence appears to resolution to the on its last legs act of a secret war being played out in the corridors of depth, all centering on the charming devise of one Virgil Ivan Grissom.POSTSCRIPT: If you consider this post is a operate, crack in the order of for a mount process down the NASA rabbit dilemma.
Date of discovery: March 2013Location of discovery: Mars
This photo is one of many taken at this location and in all the other photos this flying object is not there. Since we do not see dust clouds we can rule out the wind or dust devils. This object if its far away could very well be a UFO, however if this object is close then we know what it is...a flying insect. If you want a look at the original photo taken by the rover the link is below. Does NASA know about life on Mars? Yes there are those with high security clearance in NASA that do know about such details, but most do not. Why do they hide life on Mars? Because if there is insect life and animal life (both of which I have shown to exist on Mars in my posts) then there has to be intelligent life out there, and America doesn't want Russia, China, Iraq, North Korea or any other country to get into communication with aliens. That could change the balance of power on Earth. SCW