Following the Gemini missions the Apollo Space Program took effect and on 20th July 1969 the astronauts of Apollo 11 took their first steps on the surface of the Moon. Although it was claimed that nothing unusual was seen by the astronauts, rumors that the crew were "never alone" whilst on the moon began to circulate. The following conversation is alleged to have taken place between Mission Control and the crew of Apollo 11:-
Apollo 11: What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know. These babies were huge, sir......... oh God, you wouldn't believe it...
NASA : What....what the hell's going on?
Apollo 11: They are here, under the surface.
NASA : What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.
Apollo 11: Roger, we're here, all three of us. But we have found some visitors..... They've been here for quite a while judging by the installations.... I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there. They're lined up in ranks on the far side of the crater's edge.....
However, the evidence for the truth of this event is very doubtful, Otto Binder, a former NASA employee, claimed it was overheard by amateur radio enthusiasts who could access a confidential channel. Neil Armstrong - the first man to set foot on the Moon - denies it. At approximately 6-30 a.m. on 17th March 1990, a radio ham from Baltimore, Donald Ratsch, was listening to transmissions from Discovery when he heard the following:"Houston, this is Discovery, we have a problem. We have a fire". Shortly after Ratsch claims he heard "Houston this is Discovery, we still have the Alien spacecraft under observance".A former mission specialist with NASA, Bob Oeschler conducted an intense investigation into these events and concluded that the message had in fact been broadcast from the vicinity of Fort Meade in Maryland, an area where the US National Security Agency had it's base. The NSA has long been interested in UFOs and Oeschler was of the opinion that the transmission was a deliberately set-up hoax for some intelligence purpose.Your comments are very valuable for me, so please don't forget to comment. Thanks.
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