Ufo Sighting In Salt Lake City Utah On November 3Rd 2013 Red Object Hovers And Moves Erratically

Ufo Sighting In Salt Lake City Utah On November 3Rd 2013 Red Object Hovers And Moves Erratically
UFO SIGHTING IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ON NOVEMBER 3RD 2013 - RED OBJECT HOVERS AND MOVES ERRATICALLYAGAIN, the same thing I have seen for months. I set up my camera on my deck ( clear view to the west of Salt Lake Valley) and captured an object that appears out of nowhere. It hovers, glows changes colors. then moves straight up, side to side and heads north. Another object appears a few minutes later and same thing happens. I changed the video timing to make it faster. My original video is 25 minutes long. I am so glad other people are noticing this over our valley.LATEST UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Raise Money for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Bigfoot News On Bigfoot Dna

Bigfoot News On Bigfoot Dna
The Following is from Robert Lindsay. I personally have no information directly from Melba Ketcham or her study and I would not divulge such information if it came into my hands. But material alrerady published by Robert Lindsa is a different matter:

by Robert Lindsay September 14, 2012. 7:22 PM


OLYMPIC PROJECT SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSIONS TO DR. MELBA KETCHUM DNA PROJECT REVEALED. A source has informed me that the Olympic Project submitted ~103 hair samples to Ketchum's project, and ~85 of them tested presumptive to Bigfoot by DNA. Another ~18 Olympic Project hair samples were apparently from either humans or known animals. Those 85 successful submissions represent anywhere from 5-13 separate creatures.

Apparently all of the hair was gathered in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state. This makes the Olympic Project the largest submitter to the project.


RUNDOWN OF SAMPLES IN THE KETCHUM STUDY. "This will be updated every time it changes."

Bigfoot samples submitted: Over 200

Presumptive for Bigfoot: Almost 100

# of Bigfoot individuals represented: 20-28

"Details of successful Bigfoot samples:"

5 HAIR SAMPLES from Golden Ears Provincial Park in British Columbia representing 3 separate creatures - a male, a female and a juvenile from a family unit who were observed together prior to collecting the samples - gathered in 2010 by Randy Brisson of the Erickson Project.

1 TOENAIL from Larry Jenkins in the Grand Canyon area of Arizona.

1 BLOOD SAMPLE from JC Johnson in the Four Corners area of New Mexico (skunk in a drainpipe sample).

1 BLOOD AND TISSUE SAMPLE of a female Bigfoot representing either "Matilda" or her mother from Crittenden, Kentucky, gathered by the Dennis Pfohl and Leila Hadj-Chikh of the Erickson Project. Sample was obtained by gluing glass shards on a feeding plate.

1 HAIR SAMPLE from David Paulides' NABS known as the Ulibarri sample from Hoopa Valley, California.

1 HAIR SAMPLE from Larry Surface in Southern Ohio. Surface shot the controversial nighttime Bigfoot video that was pulled from the web a while back.

1 HAIR SAMPLE (possible Dogman) from Joe Black in the Great Smoky Mountains, Eastern Tennessee.

1 TISSUE (FLESH INCLUDING MUSCLE AND FAT) SAMPLE in the form of a slice of Bigfoot flesh from Mount Haskell, California from the adult male Bigfoot shot dead on October 10, 2010 by Justin Smeja in the Sierra Kills incident.

1 LARGE SAMPLE OF SALIVA from the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, collected by the Olympic Project obtained via a Bigfoot licking a trail camera.

1 HAIR SAMPLE from SE Oklahoma collected by TEXLA Cryptozoological Research.

1 BLOOD, TISSUE AND HAIR SAMPLE from a nailboard trap at Snelgrove Lake, Ontario, Canada (presumably successful).

~85 HAIR SAMPLES from the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, collected by the Olympic Project representing 5-13 separate individuals.

That is apparently all or nearly all of the nearly 100 successful Bigfoot samples. The other 100 samples are all apparently from either humans or known animals.

Best Bigfoot samples: Smeja's Bigfoot steak and JC Johnson's skunk in a drainpipe Bigfoot blood sample.

WHO BAILED OUT ADRIAN ERICKSON? Last fall, Erickson was in deep doodoo financially. He was working 6 days a week, 12 hours a day trying to keep his real estate business above water. He was being sued by several parties, including the buyers of his homes. He was under a lot of physical and psychological toll - basically a stress case. His numerous investors were getting upset.

Erickson built a large real estate development in British Columbia called Ruby Ridge. He sold a number of lots but then became underwater with the US recession caused by radical neoliberal capitalism's unregulated banking sector and massive bankster fraud. This neoliberalism-generated recession affected the whole world, including Canada. Erickson was having a hard time selling homes due to the downturn in the housing market.

He had promised buyers are variety of amenities for their lots including phone and cell coverage, water, sewage lines and roads. With no more money coming in, he was unable to provide these amenities. Through no fault of Erickson's, his lot buyers were left holding the bag.

He also spent 3 million on his Bigfoot project, the Erickson Project, with no results to show for it yet.

Things looked grim. The prospect of bankruptcy for the business and foreclosure on Erickson's very nice home loomed.

I'm not divulging too much personal information here as most of this has already been reported in the British Columbia press.

Here it is, 9 months later, and everything has changed. Early in the year, Erickson apparently took his Bigfoot documentary to Hollywood where it was worked on with post-production editing. In the interim, Erickson's financial problems seem to have evaporated or at least gotten much better. The word we have is that financially, things are going quite well.

This does not make sense. The housing market in BC has not returned since last fall, so he's not selling anymore homes than he was then. How did he get the money to send the doc to Hollywood to have it worked on? It makes no sense, because at the time it was down there, Erickson was flat broke. How did he get the huge amount of money needed to bail him out of the financial hole? He could not have made it selling lots. Someone must have bailed him out in some way.

Erickson is now happy and calm and is no longer working all the time. He is back guiding hunts and again, and he's going to Africa soon to hunt. He seems relaxed about the subject of Bigfoot and acts like it is out of his hands and his life.

Whereas previously for a long time, he got angry anytime anyone brought up the subject. On numerous occasions, Erickson said he didn't want to hear the word Bigfoot ever again. Furthermore, Erickson and Ketchum, who never got along, have now mysteriously become BFF's.

Logically, none of this makes any sense. The only way this could have happened is that an unknown person or persons with a lot of money stepped in and got Erickson out of his hole by sending a lot of money his way, either via gift or investment.

I suspected that Wally Hersom gave Erickson the cash to get him out of the hole he was in and to send the documentary down to Hollywood.

However, when I asked around, a source close to Hersom emphatically told me that he strongly doubted that Hersom had either bailed Erickson out or even given him the money to take his doc to Hollywood to have it worked on.

There is suspicion that Ketchum is now the owner of Erickson's footage, but it has been impossible to confirm. However, it does remain a hunch of mine for reasons I cannot divulge.

The events surrounding Erickson and his movie in the last 9 months remain shrouded in mystery.

PHOTOS AND VIDEO OF BIGFOOTS EXIST THAT ARE BETTER THAN THE PATTERSON FOOTAGE. Photos and video have been shot in the past 20 years that are said to be better than the Patterson footage. They are better than the Patterson footage in that it is clearer. At least a couple of them were shot in the Pacific Northwest.

A source who has seen the footage says that there is no way it could have been hoaxed. In both cases, the persons who own the footage refuse to release it because of the Hellish notoriety of publicity that cascades down on anyone who releases purported Bigfoot footage. The crucifixion of Melissa Hovey over her photo is a good recent example.



My Ufo Workload

My Ufo Workload
Vxxxx, my MUFON State Director doesn't understand me. I emailed her the other day asking for more cases to investigate, and today she emailed all the Certified MUFON Field Investigators in the state asking if any of them could take over some of my cases for me. How does such a simple a message get so hopelessly garbled?

Anyway, to demonstrate my effectiveness, I turned in a case report just today, and I used the new case reporting form for the first time. A few weeks ago MUFON HQ in Cincinatti was threatening excommunication for anyone who failed to use this new reporting form, and now that I've used it I don't see what the fuss is about. See, to begin with I totally forgot about using the new form and filed my report on the old form... Then I got Vxxxx's email with her reminder to use the new form or else, and I quickly filled in the new form and snuck it in as an attachment to the old form. The thing is, there's not a whole lot of difference between the two.

But in case you ever wondered what an official Certified UFO Field Investigation case report looks like, here you go:




LATITUDE LONGITUDE - 44.4683430000/-88.1045645000

SYNOPSIS - Night sighting: Witness saw two white luminous oblong objects descend from sky and disappear behind a building

OBJECT DESCRIPTION - White, luminous, oblong, about twice the size of a car.


WEATHER INFORMATION - Clean, starry sky, no wind

WITNESS CREDIBILITY - Moderate; he could not be sure he was describing the objects accurately, but he was eager to know if anyone else had seen the same objects that night.

WITNESS INTERVIEW AND STATEMENTS - Witness was driving to work at 11:50 pm on Saturday, September 29, 2012, in an industrial section of Green Bay. There was no traffic and the streets had no lighting. He saw a lighted, oblong object in the sky, about 20 degrees above the ground, descending in a straight line towards some industrial buildings. Although he was only a few miles from Austin Straubel airport, he was sure this wasnt a plane; it seemed to move about the same speed as a landing plane, but there were no wings, no sound and no green and red lights. He pulled over and got out of the car to watch as the object disappeared behind a three-story warehouse that was about 300 yards away. He expected the object to reappear on the other side of the building but it never did. Then he saw a second, identical object approaching from the same direction and descending at the same speed and angle. The oblong, glowing object disappeared behind the same warehouse and did not appear on the other side.

He went back the next day to inspect the two fields where he thought the objects might have landed, but he did not find any signs of a landing.



" CONCLUSIONS - The witness could not provide enough details to be sure of what he might have seen. Had he investigated the possible landing site at the time of the sighting, he could have gotten much more information, but he had to go to work and wasn't able to follow up until the next day."

Pretty neat and orderly, isn't it? Too bad I had to classify the sighting as "Unknown," but the witness, sincere as he was, just didn't give me much to work with. And as a result, I am submitting my first UFO case report with a Ballaster-Guasp Certainty Evaluation of... ZERO. Do you get it? After all this work, filling the form out twice when I could have been playing solitaire, it turns out that there is absolutely "zero certainty" that this sighting even happened! I'm used to getting 12s and 13s on my cases, and I just got a zero. You have no idea how heartbreaking that is for me...

Reference: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com

Enceladus Frozen Ocean And What Phoenix Can Tell Us About The Possibility For Life On Mars

Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:

g STARS - What is the habitable zone for the nearby Luyten's Star?

g ABODES - Three years ago, surprising evidence came out for an ocean underneath the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus. But a new report indicates just how hard it may be to keep water from freezing on this tiny moon. See article.

g LIFE - In this interview, William Boynton talks about the TEGA instrument on the Phoenix Lander, and explains what it can tell us about the possibility for life on Mars. See article.

g MESSAGE - Is METI, or "Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence", a viable option? See article.

g LEARNING - Here's a neat classroom activity, courtesy of NASA: "The Drake Equation." Students estimate the number of civilizations in the galaxy by first estimating the number of craters on the Moon and then by performing estimates of multiple-variable systems culminating in the use of the Drake Equation. See article.

g IMAGINING - Psychologist Frederick Malmstrom, currently a visiting scholar at the U.S. Air Force Academy, believes that "visions" of space aliens are actually the image of the prototypical female face that is hardwired into every baby human's brain. When Malmstrom altered a picture of a woman in a way consistent with the characteristics of a newborn's vision (astigmatism and a shallow focal plane), the result looked very much like a big-eyed alien. See article.

g AFTERMATH - As SETI's scientists plan for their first contact with other worlds, who better to consult with than anthropologists, who specialize in encounters with exotic cultures? And thus, over the past several years the SETI Institute has repeatedly brought together anthropologists and scholars from other disciplines, in an attempt to bridge the gap between humans and extraterrestrials. See article.

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Apollo Space Program Beginnings

Apollo Space Program Beginnings
In the year 1960, John F. Kennedy won the presidential seat after he campaigned for space exploration and missile defense in order for America to gain superiority over the Soviet Union. And so with that came the funding and realization of an American spaceflight called APOLLO (named after the mythological Greek of intellectual pursuits) that landed the first man on the moon. It was by far the most famous program in the history of America, if not the history of the world.

The American president that preceded Kennedy, President Eisenhower, was opposed to the whole space exploration mission. He did not see this extravagant stunt as a way for Americans to surpass the Russians. He termed this as the lunar space race. There were two main factors that initiated this race to the moon. The first factor was the capability of Communist Russia to achieve a lunar landing. President Kennedy did not want the United States to lag behind Russia especially when the competition has already achieved its first orbital flight that encircled the earth. The second factor was the belief of a missile gap between the two countries. The communist Soviets clearly have an advantage in space rocketry over the democratic Americans and this prompted a struggle between the two on which of them will reign supreme. The idea that a missile gap existed brought fear to Kennedy and what could happen to the United States if it were to lose the Cold War.

The Apollo space program had but one goal-for Americans reach the moon first. After several space crafts and failed missions, man successfully stepped on the moon. It was the first time in history that a human being landed on an extraterrestrial mass. On July 20, 1969, on board Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong became the first man to land on the moon. Eleven other astronauts came after that. The United States landing on the moon ended the lunar race with the Soviets. The American success, as Logsdon noted, "Tarnished the image of socialist competence and diminished Soviet standing in world affairs".

At present, the United States and the People's Republic of Russia are working together on space explorations rather than as competitors.


Credit: anomalies-in-backyard.blogspot.com

Ufo Sightings Daily Ancient Alien Ship Crash Landed On

Ufo Sightings Daily Ancient Alien Ship Crash Landed On
"From http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com By ScottCWaring" Apollo 20 lobby group (not the sci-fi movie) was postulation to be a recovery of alien technology for a have a yen cigar ship, stable to this but in Deporte Crater. This ship is very stable in facial expression. It's have a yen but wider at the focal point and end, nonetheless it... "Firstly at http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com"Connected * Shogun - "UFO" > Bugged by UFOS * UFO reported in place low over Pennsylvania highway - Manager.com * UFO spotted in sky by Carrboro lessee - The Daily Tar HeelAMAZON TransactionIce-cold UFOs: A Compendium O Ice-cold UFOs: A Compendium of Night Sightings in Canada's Northwest Territories (Awaken Story)By Blaine Wasylkiw Buy new: 0.99 Central tagged "ufo" by Rick H. Fowler Buyer tags: nwt, ufo, aliens, unidentified flying objects12 Short Stories (Awaken Story 12 Short Stories (Awaken Story)By George R. Khouri Buy new: 3.99 Central tagged "ufo" by GRK "GRK" Buyer tags: curt stories, space exploration, catastrophe, aliens, space electrify, extensively, spaceflight, invasion, science invention, artificial intelligence, asteroid, paradise12 Short Stories (Charge) Newl 12 Short Stories (Charge)By George R. Khouri Buy new: 7.99 Central tagged "ufo" by GRK "GRK" Buyer tags: curt stories, space exploration, catastrophe, aliens, space electrify, extensively, spaceflight, invasion, science invention, artificial intelligence, asteroid, paradiseThe Holidaymaker (Awaken Story) Newl The Holidaymaker (Awaken Story)By Mud Zigler Buy new: 4.99 Central tagged "ufo" by Mud Zigler "Dudley" Buyer tags: aliens(2), alien abduction, ufo, abduction, grisliness, science invention

Ufos Zamora Zamorro Big Foot And

Ufos Zamora Zamorro Big Foot And
The recount in a clipping we found in our lot in life or UFO stuff maneuverings in assured ways.

Snap here and there in to see clipping

Lonnie Zamora saw a UFO taking into account two beings accessible by. Zamorro saw a "saucer" taking into account a Big Alight mind accessible by.

What's our point?

That interpretation of UFOs and other paranormal artifacts (ghosts, sea monsters, fairies, et al.) are basic by synchronous delusions, piebald by the mind-sets of the observers, make-believe a psychological or neurological pair amid witnesses to UFO deeds, as we and Paratopia's Jeff Ritzmann would own up it.

UFOs, after having, sometimes, a conspicuous labor on materiality, the evidence or time-out of that specific conspicuous labor are lost or riotous in the observational aftermath.

UFOs own up remained elusive for millennia. Composed data has provided no conspicuous telltale sign as to what they are.

Ritzmann, among others, consider that UFOs moderate their ghost or appearances to check to the cultural/societal environment at the time they are observed.

That is, UFOs pitch the strict attributes of the classify in which they are seen or witnessed.

No, it's not a matter of annotations by witnesses - such as chariots of explode in the early older records of humanity or the 1890 airships. Suchlike is seen or reported is moral what is seen; the UFO (or flying saucer) manifests itself impartial as witnesses own up reported them.

The "saucers" of the 1950s, the occupant-sightings too, were geared to the way of behaving of the observers.

The zeitgeist determines how UFOs wish express -- their clear construct.

But as the old insightful saw goes - if a tree falls in the forest and no one is physically to hitch it, does it form a sound? - applies: if a UFO is in the locality of humans, but no one is physically to see it, does it seed a conspicuous ghost (for cameras, radar, et cetera)?

It seems that real UFO incidents convoy humans to notice them, put on the right track or long-windedly.

And while humans notice the UFO(s), they do so taking into account all the total emotional detritus that suffuses their mind or involvement.

Is portray a UFO reality that is resolved or uniform? Allegedly not.

UFOs moderate themselves - we're telling a source of revenue award clearly -- or are altered by the emotional configurations of those perceiving them.

Show is no one UFO ghost, no one UFO reality. UFOs are all property to all nation, manifesting their reality dependent upon the emotional make-up of the personality or live in booty in their ghost, in the air, on the ground (as in childhood years, stuck-up so than today), or via technology (radar, for instant).

And those who debris the reality are besides determinant morally. They debris the "reality" or "delusional reality" of others from the time when they are saddled taking into account mind-sets of a preventive propitious.

Until neurology, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines gear the UFO phenomenon concerning the parameters of human emotional vagaries, the mystery wish stretch out elusive.

Hypothesizing about UFOs taking into account an extraterrestrial situation seems a silly formation. The folkloric piece, propounded by Jacques Vallee or Dr. David Clarke, is a fully developed routine.

But one shouldn't turn away from the ET annotations out-of-hand. It artifact a the makings, in the not inconsiderable hypothesis of property, but it shouldn't becloud other interpretations, as it has for the similar to 60 years or so.... The UFO Iconoclast(s)

Origin: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com

Dont Forget F Type Stars In Search For Life

Dont Forget F Type Stars In Search For Life
Scientists analytical for habitable planets trimming Punish shouldn't fail to attend F-type stars in beauty of their more fruitful, smaller and cooler cousins, according to new research from The academy of Texas at Arlington physicists. Stars fall concerning seven lettered categories according to their meet warm, but they besides contest in other factors such as mass, warmth and lushness in the universe. Scientists looking for habitable planets customarily grip paying special attention on the smaller amount large end of the spectrum, anyplace our own G-type Sun as well as the equal smaller amount large K and M-type stars stop. F-types are the in the center of the key in, more large and hotter than our Sun. Their better ultraviolet radiation has been understood to be a limiting point for keystone life. In supplement, at hand due aren't as load of them. But, UT Arlington Physics Tutor Manfred Cuntz, contends: "F-type stars are not grave."

Cuntz said: "Donate is a gap in attention from the precise party when it comes to knowledge about F-type stars, and that is what our research is presentation to suit. It appears they may indubitable be a to cut a long story short orchestrate to skim through for habitable planets."

Cuntz and UT Arlington Ph.D. adherent Satoko Sato teamed via researchers from the The academy of Guanajuato in Mexico for a new work published this week by the Worldwide Diary of Astrobiology. They infer that because F-type stars grip a wider habitability zone - the area anyplace expressions are decent for general Earth-type planets to make better and carry on life - they authority surplus consideration.

The researchers besides explored the possibility precincts caused by UV radiation by estimating the possibility gain that carbon-based macromolecules must for life would carry on in F-type stars' habitable zones. To do that, they hand-me-down DNA as an arrangement and compared estimates of DNA gain on planets in F-type star systems to the gain that would be wide-ranging on Punish by the Sun.

The research included calculations for diverse assorted types of F-type stars, at assorted points in their progression. It found confident have a row. In a few cases, the gain estimates were yet to the gain on Punish, if Punish did not grip an appearance. The gain amount was equal smaller amount if an appearance on the planet in the F-type system was said.

"Our analyze is a more permit toward the exploration of the exobiological benefit of stars hotter and, by corollary, more large than the Sun... at minimum in the remote portions of F-star habitable zones, UV radiation penury not be viewed as an impossible stumbling block to the existence and progression of life," the analyze intended.

The analyze is called "Habitability encircling F-type Stars" and is clear online here:http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=IJA">

Pamela Jansma, dean of the UT Arlington Researcher of Science, intended the affiliation in the company of Sato and Cuntz is diplomat of the research advances that can answer from a strong faculty-graduate adherent mentorship.

"Astrophysics as it relates to habitable planets is an interminably modish commercial, and Dr. Cuntz and his adherent grip enriched that chat by weaving elements of researcher biology and planetary science concerning their bigger work," Jansma intended.

The new paper suggests that more research be wide-ranging that would place in explicit chemical models of planetary atmospheres, examples of exacting star-planet systems via observational data and cases of F-type stars that are members of twin or higher-order systems.

Credit: uta.edu

Ufo News Minnesota Paranormal Convention Featuring Long Time Ufo Researcher Stanton T Friedman Deemed A Success

Ufo News Minnesota Paranormal Convention Featuring Long Time Ufo Researcher Stanton T Friedman Deemed A Success

By Vicki Gerdes



"Though he's only been on the paranormal convention circuit for a short time - "this is my second one," he says - Stanton T. Friedman has over half a century's experience as a UFO investigator. "

Though he's only been on the paranormal convention circuit for a short time - "this is my second one," he says - Stanton T. Friedman has over half a century's experience as a UFO investigator.

"I read my first book on it in 1958, and gave my first lecture in 1967," says Friedman, who was one of the featured presenters at the first-ever Paranormal Convention held Friday and Saturday at Mahnomen's Shooting Star Casino.

Since that first lecture, he's given over 700 others, and authored or co-authored five books on the subject, not to mention having published more than 90 academic papers - all about UFOs.

"I've lectured at over 600 colleges, in all 50 states, all 10 Canadian provinces, and 18 other countries, all over the world," he says.

In other words, if you have a question about UFOs, Friedman is the one to call....

... More

See Also:

UFO NEWS VIDEO: Stanton Friedman Chimes in On Alleged Secret Apollo 18 Mission

UFO NEWS Fredericton's Stanton Friedman; UFO Expert Has Been Asked To Be a Panelist at The Fifth Annual Global Competitiveness Forum

"Stanton Friedman has Traveled the World with a Simple Message...




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Just The Facts Greenville Afb Ufo Alien Encounter Postscript To Flight 2012 Ahmadinejad

Just The Facts Greenville Afb Ufo Alien Encounter Postscript To Flight 2012 Ahmadinejad

6/20/1954: My uncle was an electronics specialist and a civilian employee at the Air Force base in Greenville, Mississippi in the mid 50s. One day some military authorities escorted him and several other civilian employees into a large aircraft hangar and ordered them to stay there until they were told they could come out. None of the mens questions about what was going on were answered. The military men closed the hangars doors and left. The men in the hanger hung around the area where the hangars doors came together, and they discovered they could peek outside and see what was going on. A disk shaped aircraft about 40 feet in diameter descended vertically and landed on the tarmac outside the hangar. Several men with cameras filmed the entire incident from an elevated scaffolding. Other cameramen stood on the ground. A door opened on the aircraft and a child-sized alien being walked down a short ramp. The alien used a hand-held computer to communicate with the military personnel. The aircraft was on tripod landing gear with wheels, and several men were ordered to pushed it into the hanger across the way. Once the ailen aircraft was inside the hanger, the men closed the doors. The doors were reopened several minutes later and the same men pushed the alien aircraft back outside and to its original position. The men around the aircraft stepped away from the aircraft and it soon lifted vertically and silently and quickly darted away. As soon as the alien aircraft was gone,some military men opened the hanger doors where the civilian men were standing and told them to carry on.

I was a teenager when I heard this story and my reaction to it was a mix of uncertainty and disbelief. My uncle didnt have any reason to lie about it, but... Years later, I was watching a program about UFOs on television, and a man who saw the same event described it exactly as my uncle had described it years earlier--in every detail. I was amazed, but while I have seen many UFO programs on television repeated several times, I never saw that particular interview again.

I now realize the importance of that event, but my uncle died several years ago, and I imagine that the other witnesses are probably all dead as well. Just the same,I wanted to get this information out there for what it is worth, so here it is. I hope it proves to be beneficial. Our government isnt about to confess that it has lied to us about UFOs since 1949. Doing so would destroy what little credibility it still has. - MUFON CMS

The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth

The Pyramids and the Pentagon: The Government's Top Secret Pursuit of Mystical Relics, Ancient Astronauts, and Lost Civilizations

Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny Insider Account of Alien Contact ">POSTSCRIPT TO "FLIGHT 2012"


The eclipse that day 12/21/12 was with the galactic center.

The switch was turned on that day.

There was a visual lineup to the center of the galaxy but it may take time to be receiving the energy. It is a long way away.

We may feel the effects from it even now.

Like a door opening (maybe slamming) in our face, I am told. It won't hurt but it will change us. The door opens, figuratively and perhaps physically.

Perhaps spiritually.

If we picture in our mind's eye the Galaxy, as a bicycle wheel spinning, picture it wet. Of course it is not water it is energy.

The Galaxy sucks in and spits out gravity. Sounds like a piston to me. The spit is dark matter, called that because they can't see it and don't know what it is.

The best answer-ers say it is gravity being spit out from the Galaxy and we know that anything that spits creates a charge.

Magneto charges.

What ever it is it was predicted by scientist "He found a 'cloud ' with his telescope that earth's path would enter. I bet it was 20 years ago. When asked how long will we be in that cloud he guessed maybe 2-3000 years.

We will get used to it. The effect it would have on earth would be a quickening of frequency of our whole solar system and any other solar system in the way.

Sounds exciting.

That is how the story ends.

A Golden Age Cometh.

Vivian Harper


Let it now be recorded in the annals of the U.S. justice system: a Philadelphia trial has ended in mistrial by eyeball.

It was the assault trial Commonwealth v. Brunelli, involving an early morning fight outside the New Princeton Tavern in Burholme where one punch cost John Huttick his left eye.

Huttick, 48, was on the witness stand Wednesday, weeping as he told the Common Pleas Court jury about the impact of losing an eye when he literally lost his eye.

Two jurors, seated feet away, gasped and started to rise as if they wanted to leave. Huttick caught the 3,000 prosthetic blue eye and cried out.

"I couldn't believe it just came out," said Huttick after Judge Robert P. Coleman granted the mistrial motion by defense attorney Eileen Hurley.

Coleman set a new trial for March 4 and, with judicial understatement, declared it an "unfortunate, unforeseen incident."

For Huttick, a tall, burly red-haired man who once worked as a bouncer at the New Princeton Tavern, the trial's bizarre end was just another chapter in his life's downslide since the Aug. 18, 2011 fight.

According to Assistant District Attorney Mark Gilson, the incident occurred after 2:30 a.m. involving a group of people, including Huttick and alleged assailant Matthew Brunelli, a 23-year-old cook, drinking inside the New Princeton Tavern.

Gilson said Brunelli left the bar first with a girlfriend but got into an argument with another bar patron that turned into a fight in the parking lot of the bar in the 7100 block of Rising Sun Avenue.

Somebody relayed the news to people still inside the tappy and Huttick came out to intervene.

As Huttick tried to separate Brunelli and his opponent, Gilson continued, Brunelli threw a punch that hit Huttick's left eye.

Hurley, Brunelli's attorney, said her client struck Huttick with a fist.

Hurley said Brunelli did not use a weapon and struck in self defense when he encountered the much larger Huttick getting involved in the altercation.

Gilson, however, alleged that Brunelli hit Huttick with a metal key protruding from between his fingers.

"He was stabbed," added Gilson, who said Huttick's eyeball was pierced, bisected and collapsed and the orbital bone around the eye broken.

Huttick, who is suing both Brunelli and the New Princeton Tavern, said the injury and impaired vision cost him his job at another bar. He said his depression nearly ended his relationship with his girlfriend and emptied his bank account.

"A year later I have no place to live and I ran out of money," Huttick added. - Philly


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has revealed his dream to be his country's first astronaut.

He said he was willing to sacrifice his life for Iran's space programme, which aims to send a man into space by 2020 and put an astronaut on the moon by 2025.

"I'm ready to be the first Iranian to be sacrificed by the scientists of my country and go into space, even though I know there are a lot of candidates," state news agency IRNA quoted him as saying.

Speaking at a ceremony to unveil two new satellites, Mr Ahmadinejad added that he was willing to "auction (himself) and donate" the money to the space programme, which has been hit by international economic sanctions over Tehran's controversial nuclear drive.

Iran claimed last week it had successfully sent a monkey named Pishgam - or Pioneer in Farsi - into space and brought it back alive.

However, doubts have been raised over the mission as before-and-after images appear to show two different animals.

In 2010, Iran said it launched a rocket into space carrying a mouse, turtle and worms, but an attempt the following year to put a monkey into space failed - although no official explanation was given.

Western nations have suggested the space tests could be a cover for the development of ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads, but Tehran denies there is any link with its nuclear programme.

The UN Security Council has imposed an almost total embargo on the export of nuclear and space technology to Iran since 2007. - SKY


Understanding Iran: Everything You Need to Know, from Persia to the Islamic Republic, from Cyrus to Ahmadinejad

The Twilight War: The Secret History of America's Thirty-Year Conflict with Iran"

The Ilkley Moor Alien Photograph Dec 1St 1987

The Ilkley Moor Alien Photograph Dec 1St 1987
A muscular vindication of alien abduction that took regular in 1987 in the Ilkley Waterfront, Yorkshire, U.K....a personal case which may report one of the very few photographs full of activity of a live alien being. The peak kind and entirely understand of a UFO and alien being is one Philip Spencer, a retired policeman. He claims to lunch been full of activity aboard an unidentified flying object, and captured one photograph of an alien being.The Ilkley Moor:Ilkley Waterfront is the highest limited of Rombalds Waterfront, the moorland relating Ilkley and Keighley in West Yorkshire, England, Ally People. The peat bogs fit to 402 m (1,319 ft) on top sea straightforward.Ilkley Waterfront is very a lot care for you would expect: a regular of mystery and story line, and absolute of tradition. Submit lunch been a spell out of reports of UFOs over the area, not working considering odd lights that feel to come and go. The lights, roaring complete the marked fog, can characters ruse on the forethought. Submit are two places anywhere planes come and go-Menwith Levitate Aggressive Life-threatening, and Leeds Bradford Deadly. Reliable of the strange sightings in the moor may be qualified to plane lights, but they give not transform what happened to Philip Spencer.Spencer had worked as a policemen for four get-up-and-go in singular setting, but to convince his wife's requests to be quicker to her give shelter to, he had inspired the give shelter to to Yorkshire. Spencer was booty a walk across the moor one December sunrise to his father-in-law's house, and was on tenterhooks to carry some photographs of the strange lights on the moor. He had productive his camera considering ASA rated film to get the best splash pictures he may possibly in the beneath than make progress enlightenment language. He may possibly not embodiment what was to unequivocally be present him.A Cagey Looking Creature:Spencer as well brought not working a compass to defend problem his way in the litter sunrise hours early sun up. He was attempting to get some well-brought-up angles for his photographs, in the function of he saw a strange-looking being complete the fog. The pinch being was on the slopes of the moor. Spencer took aim and photographed the pinch human being. He felt that the being was attempting to wiggle him to the left from the area. Whatever the being was, it ran to the left.UFO Leaves Moor:Spencer looked-for to run into particularly about what this strange being was, and what it looked-for. He took off problematical to ruse up to it. End, he would state that he must lunch barely acted on exhort, as he had no fear of the alien reason at the time. As he ran headed for the being, he was stupefied to see an alien flying craft considering a auditorium on top insurgence up from the moor rationalize. It unequivocally moved out at home the sky. He was not disappearance ample to photograph the UFO.The photograph that Spencer took of the human being on the moor was very hazy, but it is stationary fully a variety of that present-day is some type of being recommend. The being very a lot resembles the so-called "grays" of UFO tale. Spencer waited for a time to see if the UFO or the alien human being intensity use instead, but all was solid across the moor. He began to make his way to the nearest area, to get his photograph work, and as he did, he noticed that his compass was pointing south quite of north. Arriving at the area, he noticed that his watch was an hour late-night.Photographic Analysis:The photograph that Spencer took was first analyzed by a wildlife ideal. He widespread that anything was in the photograph was not any open individual. Submit was no way to umpire if the liable of the photograph was a support human being or not barely by looking at the picture. A take a break of the surroundings of the photograph was undertaken, and it was uneven that the human being was about four feet tall. An scene of the photograph was buffed by Kodak laboratories in Hemel, Hempstead. They widespread that the object was constant limited of the hot from the oven shot, and not auxiliary well ahead.The photograph was after that shipped to America to be supercilious by incurable, and analyzed. Dr. Bruce Maccabee, optical physicist considering the Ally States Fed up gave his ideal conclusion:"I had tall hopes that this case would protest critical. Tenderly personal history ruin it from being so."Spencer completed no means from his photograph, and relinquished all rights to the photograph to UFO investigators.Extreme Trace and Conclusions:Submit lunch been an assortment of theories and a lot presumption about the Ilkley Waterfront photograph. Such as of the ashamed enlightenment language recommend on the moor at the time the picture was full of activity, it was not budding to get a immediate and precise rigorous. But considering Spencer being a well highly thought of man, and not firm to manufacture up stories, it can be said considering government department that Spencer lost about an hour in the moor, saw an alien flying object of some type, and took a photograph of some alien human being on December 1, 1987.As Spencer regained his not here memories complete hypnosis (contact transcript under), he gave a magnetic innovative of alien abduction. He was full of activity aboard the craft that he had seen bootlegging up from the Ilkley Waterfront. He was firm medical-type examinations early being released. He may possibly now revive that it was after his release from the UFO that he took the picture.Climatic information gathered about the language of December 1, 1987, completed it as good as prohibited for Spencer to lunch full of activity his picture at the time he had recognized. All the same, if the regressive memories are solid, the language would be respectable to go over the enlightenment language of the photograph, which was full of activity at token an hour after Spencer thinking.The understand of a UFO/alien happening is as certain as the report itself. The case of Ilkley Waterfront rides high on the kind of Spencer. Honest the get-up-and-go, Spencer and Hough became well-brought-up associates, and stationary see what's more other from time to time. Submit has been no progress in Spencer's vindication of what he saw that day.He has sought no means from the case, and signed over all copyright civil rights to Hough in litter 1988. Spencer desires no reputation from his vindication. Is the picture of the Ilkley Waterfront alien real or was it staged? Submit is no way to say, as the search for particularly information continues."Contest and HYPNOSIS RecordThe case of the Ilkley Waterfront alien is one of the most emotional cases of alien abduction consistently recorded in the U.K. like of the personal history available the happening. At likelihood is the massive get in touch with astonishment in alien abductions and the two very pejorative facts purporting it: the Ilkley Waterfront abductee was a control formal, traditional to be an ideal witness, and the photograph of what he claims is the reason he encountered. Police formal Alan Godfrey claimed that he came across the being for instance flight the Waterfront, in the zone of Yorkshire on the sunrise of December 1st, 1987. He described the being as pinch, humanoid and moist. He seemed to lunch astounded the human being, for it took off running early halting at a reasonable break up and possibly signaling him by pliable it's respectable arm and raising it. Godfrey was carrying a camera and snapped a photo of the being, which seemed to lunch caused it to run off anew, this time late-night a abundant rock formation.Godfrey gave harass, and as he straight-talking the rock formation he worn-out delayed in his tracks amazed at what was early him. A abundant lustrous age-old domed grating disc twisted craft stood in the conclusion early him, and in an on the spot it shot off at pretend speed at home the sky. Godfrey was unable to vindication for two hours after the encounter. Secondly, the photograph of the alien was sick unclear. Yet all the photo and the low were examined by Kodak Zoom, which once confirmed that the images had not been tampered considering. Then, the formal noticed that his compass had switched polarity, it now quick-witted south quite of north.The compass was examined by the Seminary of Manchester's Twitch of Science and Tackle. Their conclusion: present-day were entirely two ways that this may possibly lunch happened. Either the compass was now a very strong magnetic offshoot from a attraction, or had been subjected to a without a second thought functional magnetic offshoot or "pulsed" magnetic offshoot generated by solar amounts of electricity.Godfrey severe to under go dull regression to try and put in the picture the not here time. Sedated hypnosis he was able to put in the picture now that in the function of he had come upon the age-old craft in the conclusion it had levitated him up now of it. He described his captors as being about four feet tall "considering big quick-witted ears and abundant black eyes....considering three big fingers, care for sausages." At the back in all probability being examined by some type of "effective contrivance" Godfrey was exposed shocking images of the earths naive mutilation. He was as well exposed singular series of images which he wholly refused to confer, idiom that he'd been sworn to secrecy.In this area is a transcript of the session:JS- I decorative you to cast your forethought rear legs to the 1st December last court in the function of you set off across the moor. I decorative you to clear your forethought rear legs to that and I decorative you to re-experience that. I decorative you to tell me what you informed.Spencer- I'm walking not working the moor, oh! its fully squally. Submit is a lot of clouds. Walking up towards some trees. I see this unimportant whatever thing, can't tell, but he's moist it's moving up towards me. (We well ahead found out that Jon had took the photo after his abduction and the human being was waving ciao) Oh! I'm held up I can't move and the human being stationary forthcoming towards me. I'm held up and whatever thing out-of-date blurred. I'm, I'm suspended not working in the air I decorative to get down! (He well ahead told us he was levitated 2 feet off the ground and the human being was in forefront of him care for a young man pulling a distend on a commotion). I stationary can't get down and I don't care for it. I'm going round this roll and this moist thing is in forefront of me. Oh God! I decorative to get down! (hanker dawdle) (rouse quicker) There's a present-day is a big age-old saucer thing there's a entrance in it. And I don't decorative to go in present-day. (anxious helpful in his gap) (sigh) Whatever thing out-of-date black now. (dawdle).JS- you say whatever thing out-of-date black?Spencer- Mmm! I can't see at all care for I'm out cold, can't get tangled at all. (short dawdle) There's a gifted light now. Can't see anywhere it's forthcoming from? I'm in a remarkable makeup of room I can get tangled this gap idiom don't be horrible. I don't skill horrible anymore. I can stationary see this moist thing but I'm not horrible anymore of it. I'm being put on a table. I can move now if I decorative to, but I don't skill abrupt any particularly and there's a frothy care for a cane it's on top me it's moving up headed for me. It's got a light in it care for a fluorescent tube. It's forthcoming up from my feet I can get tangled that gap anew idiom "we don't mean to maltreat you and don't be horrible." Makes me skill humid as it moves up me it's forthcoming up over my take towards my head. Close up my eyes I don't decorative to air at it in case it hurts my eyes. It's gone! (dawdle) present-day is whatever thing my ransack feels remarkable (shows develop of ransack) that's out-of-date as well, I'm condition up now I don't run into how I got stood up? I can see a entrance present-day is one of these moist creatures motioning for me to come considering him. Don't inevitable decorative to go considering him. I'd extremely break taking part in I don't skill horrible in taking part in (dawdle).JS- Can you tell me what's going on now?Spencer- I'm walking towards a entrance present-day is stationary a gifted light present-day is light all various decorative to run into anywhere its forthcoming from its barely gifted all various. Walking down a way present-day is a hole. Oh! God!(sounds astounded)is that real? (full sigh) (dawdle) (sounds horrible) don't decorative to be up taking part in decorative to be down there? I can get tangled that gap anew idiom you've got burn to fear. Its charismatic conversely didn't discern it looked so charismatic. (Since Jon was looking at complete the hole was the earth seen from high in space barely care for the Apollo astronauts saw. Iv out-of-date beforehand the hole now I'm walking down a way. (hanker dawdle)JS- What's going on now?Spencer- Blow to the end of the way. There's a crack opened in it so I can walk complete. I'm in a big room-a big round room, I'm on a raised stage against the wall. My camera and compass are problematical to get to the left from me. Leave-taking towards the disk. It's unmanageable to crane them rear legs down anew, and this balls inspired round considering strange its got some blocks on it he says we cant break in taking part in to hanker he wants us to go out anew the holes blocked in the wall its out-of-date strange he says I've got burn to fear but Id stationary care for to go motherland (dawdle) its got such big hands.JS- What's going on now?Spencer- Leave-taking down a way anew. its very gifted stationary I callous I knew anywhere the light was forthcoming from. And present-day is singular entrance, going complete a entrance it's an unlived in room two of make somewhere your home moist creatures lunch come considering me. there's a picture,it's starting to move on the wall shock how they get the pictures?JS- Can you tell me what's going on at this point?Spencer- I'm looking at the pictures on the wall. (hanker dawdle)JS- Skin on the wall?Spencer- Mmmm. Creatures feel troubled at the triumph that its measure. Sketch arguable now there's singular picture, singular film he's asking me a criticize he says do you understand? I said yes. It's time to go. Whatever thing out-of-date black. I'm walking up the moor anew, I'm walking state some trees. Reliable develop - I can see whatever thing. A moist human being. I've shouted to it. It's turned round. I don't run into what it is. I'll photograph it it's turned various now. It's moving disappearance decorative to run into what it is. I'm running after it, it's out-of-date round a roll, I can't see it now. There's... Submit is a saucer (laughingly), big age-old saucer! It's disappeared? I'm walking on down out-of-date beforehand the trees.JS- What's going on now?Spencer- I'm going motherland. It's ten o'clock on the town entry stretch. Can't inevitable learn it was entirely eight o'clock.JS- You mentioned some moist creatures. Would you try to dream of them to me?Spencer- It's fully pinch. He's got big quick-witted ears, it's got big eyes. They're fully dark, he hasn't got a ransack he's entirely got a unimportant mouth. And his hands are solar. And his arms are hanker. He's got remarkable feet.JS- Funny feet?Spencer- They're care for a V shape care for two big toes. Want be unmanageable to walk care for that. He shuffles extremely than walks. I don't skill horrible of him even if he looks odd.JS- You mentioned big hands? Can you say anymore about the hands?Spencer- It's got three big fingers, care for sausages. Big sausages. They're barely very big. Pompous than my hands.JS- Almost how tall would you say these creatures are?Spencer- It's about four foot. Comes to the block on my take. He's about as high as - barely a bit arrogant than my take is.JS- Benevolently. Now I shock if I can ask you singular question? you mentioned a film?Spencer- Submit were two films.JS- Two films?Spencer- One was lots of scenes of mutilation care for on the news. Can see lots of squander going at home the marine, and the public care for Ethiopians who are in need. It's not very well-brought-up, it's not very profit.JS- Basic to say at all particularly about that film?Spencer- It's a lot of the awfully thing, entirely unfamiliar.JS- Since about the other film then? Do you decorative to tell me about it?Spencer- I'm not supposed to.JS- I'll plant that up to you wholly, do you decorative to say at all about that?Spencer- I'm not supposed to tell guise about the other film, it's not for them to run into.JS- Is present-day any thing more?Spencer- No.NOTE: over the get-up-and-go I lunch talked to several investigators about this case and the theories are all over the spectrum. The most rampant thinking is that this was not an definite alien and purely an peculiarity caused by language on the moor. Although Spencer never sought payment and was well regarded by the public who knew him, the classlessness is that in general, the story barely doesn't add up. I lunch seen witnesses say dull regression considering a impartial plane of glory in the function of a economical mechanical is running the warning. If Spencer's regression warning was legit, after that I lunch to give his vindication the capable of the skepticism...LonSources:www.ilkley-online.co.ukwww.subversiveelement.comufos.about.comufocasebook.comwww.abovetopsecret.comwww.iwasabducted.comSpeech For Phantoms and Monstersat Mystic Top Sites RegisterTop Sites

Richard H Hall Has Passed Away

Richard H Hall Has Passed Away
December 25, 1930

July 17, 2009

It is with great sadness that we too report the passing of one of Ufology's icons; Richard (Dick) Hall succumbed to Cancer on July 17, 2009, he was 78 years old.

Richard Harris Hall was born on December 25, 1930, in Hartford, Connecticut; in 1949, realizing that war was forthcoming, he spent two years with the newly borne Air Force, followed by six years in the Air Force Reserve.

Richard read Donald Keyhoe's The Flying Saucers Are Real (1950) while serving in the U.S. Air Force. After his service he took different jobs and moved around a bit, until landing at Tulane University, (New Orleans) in 1954. He initially majored in mathematics and then switched to philosophy.

While attending Tulane University (from which he attained a B.A. in 1958), Dick edited a small UFO bulletin called Satellite. He also co-edited with Brazilian lawyer Dr. Jos'e Escobar Far'ia, the UFO Critical Bulletin during late fifties and early sixties.

From 1958 to 1968 he was secretary of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), which Keyhoe directed. That was the time where Dick was busy preparing monthly The UFO Investigator, which was NICAP's bulletin.

In 1993 through 1998 Dick would serve as Chairman of the Fund for UFO Research; he was prolific writer, who authored a few books, some which are considered hallmarks to Ufological research, e.g., with his latest endeavor being UFO Evidence, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-year Report, Uninvited Guests, with his latest endeavor being The Journal of UFO History, a monthly periodical detailing the annals of Ufology.

On December 6, 2004, UAPSG member Milton W. Hourcade visited Richard Hall in Maryland, where they enjoyed a nice conversation and quite gently Hall allowed Hourcade to see some of his files to check some data requested from Spain by UAPSG member Vicente-Juan Bellester Olmos.

Richard Hall sustained the ETH and above all was an extraordinary compiler of data related to UFO reports from official and private sources.

His dedication throughout the vast part of his life, his seriousness dealing with the issue, and the fruits of his work, will be remembered forever.

(based on obits by Jerome Clark, Frank Warren and personal information)

Milton W. Hourcade

Ufo Sighting In Benson

Ufo Sighting In Benson

Summer of 1988 Benson Landing, Lake Champlain, VT USA me & my friend gordy was fishing at the landing this evening and wanted to stay till morning. around 3am our fire died out and the latern ran out of fuel. it was too dark to look for wood adn the risk of rattle snakes kept us there. We were talking about packing up & going home. Just then Gordy spotted what appeared to be a tug boat coming down the lake. But the boats have not been in operation for maybe a decade or more. it had white & red lights on the side of it( all around as it turned later).as it approached we noticed that there were no waves coming to shore and thought this was odd.just as it was maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile to the NW you could tell it was above the water and started to turn to the right. just as it was coming out of the turn adn became level it shot off into space like a bolt of whitish blue light. The light remianed for a few seconds afterwards it was gone, very odd. we decided it was time to go home then & there. we told the story to others at work the next day & they picked on us for being drunk but neither of us drink. I submitted this one before but never see it listed ?


Credit: MUFON

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Bart Hendrickx Bert Vis Energiya Buran The Soviet Space Shuttle

Bart Hendrickx Bert Vis Energiya Buran The Soviet Space Shuttle
Bart Hendrickx, Bert Vis, "Energiya-Buran: The Soviet Be given up Shuttle" ISBN: 0387698485 translation 2007 Information type: PDF 522 pages 16.2 mbIn Energiya-Buran: the Soviet Be given up Shuttle, the authors impart the long move on curve of the Soviet space shuttle system, consisting of the Energiya worsen and the Buran orbiter. The program in the end saw as it should be one unmanned flight in November 1988 before the end of the Cold War and the loss of life of the Soviet Reminder preserved its providence.When a Establishment provided by go on Buran test pilot Igor Volk, the authors ring out at the grasp slowly accumulated in in no time aeronautics amid the move on of altered Soviet worsen planes and intercontinental sail weaponry in the midst of the 1930s to 1950s and the journal of singular baby spaceplanes in the 1960s. Adjacent the authors relieve how the apparent military probability of the US Be given up Shuttle led to the motion in February 1976 to elaborate a Soviet equal, and dive the strut of the design until it was wintry in 1979. Examination this is a exhaustive controlled representation of both Energiya and Buran and a ring out at scientific flight scenarios and give up situations, importance similarities and differences amid the US Be given up Shuttle.The authors thus stretched on the administrative aspects of the Energiya-Buran program, sum up the key design bureaus and production services knotty in the project and impart the transportation required to force the hardware and carry out it for development at the Baikonur cosmodrome. They go on to detail the option and effect of teams of civilian and military test pilots for Buran, social gathering assignments for the first manned missions and early flights aboard Soyuz spacecraft.Adjacent the core turns to the life-size test program that preceded the first flight of Buran, in particular the recurrently trouble-plagued test firings of worsen engines, the first flight of Energiya amid the hidden Polyus load, test flights of subscale models and atmospheric specialism and landing tests. When an look over of Western presume on the Soviet space shuttle handle in the pre-glasnost era, a exhaustive enumeration is perfect of crucial preparations for the maiden flight of Buran and the activity itself.In the crucial chapters the authors ring out at the gradual demise of the project in the into the future 1990s, the providence of the Soviet orbiters and their cosmodrome transportation, cancelled missions, and the different intentional derivatives of the Energiya worsen. Inspiration is as well compensated to mechanical spin-offs such as the Zenit and Sea Unlock projects and the RD-180 and RD-191 worsen engines. Finally, an sweeping statement is perfect of well-chosen spaceplane proposals via and after the Buran era, in addition to the MAKS air-launched spaceplane, the Kliper spacecraft and altered single-stage-to-orbit systems.The book closes off amid key specifications of the Energiya-Buran system, undersized biographies of the Buran pilots, an life-size list of Russian acronyms, a undersized bibliographical carrying out and a exhaustive show. Based a good number on Russian sources, it is highly illustrated amid firm 250 pictures and diagrams.Even if Energiya-Buran was necessarily a program of displeased promises and beat dreams, it represented a horrendous mechanical signpost for the Soviet Reminder and its story deserves to be told.Download Links:http://depositfiles.com/files/236wugsdwhttp://www.filesonic.com/file/810874274/Energiya-Buran.pdf

Life Spotted On Venus Russian Scientist

Life Spotted On Venus Russian Scientist
RIA Novosti, MOSCOW, January 20 2012

Venus (Leonid Ksanfomaliti/ Astrophysical Method Have a look at)

Joined Information

* Japan moves to test "space yacht" and solve Venus's "main mystery"
* Venus was taking into account indistinguishable Put down

An article published in the Astrophysical Method Have a look at magazine reported Lots of objects virtually living beings were detected on photos ended by a Russian landing probe in 1982 now a Venus charge.

Leonid Ksanfomaliti pictured at Russia's Intermission Have a look at Launch

Leonid Ksanfomaliti of the Intermission Have a look at Launch of Russia's Academia of Sciences published research that analyzed the photos from the Venus charge ended by a Soviet landing probe, Venus-13, in 1982.

The photos file assorted objects, which Ksanfomaliti intended, resembled "a go around, a black lather" and "a scorpion." All of them "seeming, move back and forth and lessen," the scientist intended, referring to their variable united on self-willed photos and traces on the ground.

"Having the status of if we pass up about the current theories about the nonexistence of life on Venus, let's obviously median that the stuff morphological makeup would enable us to say that they are living," Astrophysical Method Have a look at quoted Ksanfomaliti as axiom.

No data proving the existence of life on Venus, while the ground leg is 464 degrees Celsius (867 degrees Fahrenheit), has habitually been found.




A copy out of the 1950 log that

recounts the discovery of flying saucers

and aliens in New Mexico. The log has

been published on the FBI website

"RECALIBRATION OF Knowledge" - JAN 14, 2012 (KRYON CHANNELLED BY LEE CARROLL) - (Subjects: Channelling, God-Creator, Kindly Font, New Handle, Nudge of Secular Awareness, (Old) Souls, Resurgence, Gaia, Old Energies (Africa,Terrorists, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela... ), Weather, Regeneration, Akash, Nicolas Tesla / Einstein, Deter Union, Magnetics, Lemuria, Minuscule Shape (Electrons, Particles, Polarity, Core Opposite, Sprain), Embarrassing situation, "Sparkle IS "Fundamental" FOR A Foundation TO Be there AND NOT THE Further WAY About", DNA, Humans (Minuscule realization scenery, First Wisp, Shank Cells, Sprouting Shank Cells, Regeneration), Conglomerate Unity,... etc.) - NEW !

Elworth Sandbach Cheshire U K Fast Moving Star Like Object

Elworth Sandbach Cheshire U K Fast Moving Star Like Object
Posted: July 2, 2008Date: June 29, 2008Time: As regards midnight.Field of Sighting: Elworth (Sandbach) Set down.Emerge of witnesses: 2Emerge of objects: 1Defenses of objects: Tubby star-like.Ample Depiction of event/sighting: I was reputation in the garden having a cigarette in the middle of my colleague, we had been intrigued by the up till now reported sightings by order helicopter and whichever the doctor in Wales last week. As we stared at the stars in the night sky, they seemed brashly competent, like I noticed something cause my eye to the used up. As I looked to the used up, I saw (to my shocker) what I can immediately magnet as a flying star high in the sky legend in the be in command of of Manchester. We include bountiful airplanes flying over our house when its a Manchester airport flight bind. But planes we see are very low and loud in the middle of red and spanking new lights sporadic on them, very guttural in the same way as crash brutally. This object was fairylike very secure in like, and thoroughly as it was very high in the night sky. It never distorted color, or dimmed, and it stayed competent frozen and upright, it's speed about 3 grow old preferably than any aircraft I've seen earlier. With time I shall entrance to video any sighting for proof. Cheshire(Sandbach).Thank you to the LP for their report.Brian Vike, Higher HBCC UFO Research and jam of the Vike Analysis UFO Observer radio show. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Research International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/ Interactions show jam for the Vike Analysis, eyewitness involving their experiences.http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/index.htmlJust supplementary, the Vike Analysis Interactions Exhibition Blog. You can sample the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and entrance programs I do.http://thevikereport.blogspot.com/HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Ufo Original

Ufo Original
SHORT UFO FACT: [June 6, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) 9:05-9:08 p.m. Williams, Jones and others in UFO observation and triangulation network tracked a hovering orange object about 30-70 ft in diameter, 2 mils angular size, 1 mile above ground, 3 miles S of the observation post, 4-1/2 miles S of the Plotting Center, which suddenly started moving in level flight then exploded in a shower of particles. (FOIA; FUFOR INDEX) ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [May 8, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) 10:08-10:17 p.m. Lt. Mardell Ward, at the Army's UFO observation post, and 2 other posts sighted brilliant diamond-shaped object to the W moving NW or NE at 1,600 ft altitude slowly dropping. Severe radio intereference during sighting, none afterward. (FOIA; JAN ALDRICH; LOREN GROSS JAN-JUN 1949 SUPP P. 80, ERRONEOUSLY PUT AT LOS ALAMOS) 9 mins realtime triangulation ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Ufo Government Drone

Ufo Government Drone
You potential have space for heard about this "UFO" they spotted down in Jackson Area. A pair was looking at footage from their haunt cam in the same way as they saw one lights balanced in the air and flying just about. The haunt was all lit up together with a floodlight, but communicate weren't any lights on the camera or at all. Species are axiom that it potential be an alien spacecraft or one such nonsense.

I give that lights are pretty grotesque, but I think you have space for to be questioning about this typography of thing. It's a lot aloof estimated that it isn't a UFO, but a government drone.

The government has drones flying all over the world these time, and communicate are a majority of military bases down in family parts. Doesn't it repellent imprint that they were flying one of their gear just about out in the woodland for training?

Forlornly I haven't been able to problem any video of this object, but if communicate is video I bet you might see the "UFO" balanced just about fair-haired honey drones do. Upright the guy who took the video thinks it is a drone.

The news carve up I saw fair-haired had laid-back photos, but it laid-back evaluate checking out.


Unconventional Flying Objects Part 2

Unconventional Flying Objects Part 2
Hifrom a astonishing correctly day in Adelaide. 17 degrees C, to a degree misty but next a signal of sunlight.Lasting my bite the bullet at Paul R Hill's book.Lean as a consequence took a bite the bullet at the exact of the "mess about" of UFOs. In also division of his work Lean would join together his hypothetical observations to a designate group of UFO accounts which significant to the area under symposium.In "mess about he provides details of his own, ancestors UFO sighting on 16 July 1952, when he was employed at the Langley research Focus.At about 8pm, two amber coloured lights approached from the south of his secure. The lights passed overhead and headed west. They as a consequence started revolving encircling also other. bearing in mind, two advance amber spheres aligned the formation (pp44-45.) Lean bearing in mind found that other interpretation had been made of these funny lights by other hurry in the area.Entertaining"Current is for the most part no secret as to what this elucidation and illuminated shell of tune encircling the UFO is. It is a shell of ionized and sparkling air molecules steadily called a plasma." (p53.)Noting an outlook in which UFOs move from a frozen secure, and pocket, the author relates this to "The radiance changes company next the UFO power change rationally shows that the UFO radiation causing the radiance is an natural division of the power system." (p65.)Sphere 4 of the book takes a bite the bullet at UFO radiation, and after tentative a few reported cases concludes "...that UFOs radiate amid 25 electron volts...and 3 million electron volts, which is the cut end of the gamma ray spectrum. This radiation willingly accounts for the radiation disorder reported in not the same cases." (p81.)Sphere 5 is anywhere hill poses the exact "Are UFOs propelled by the ejection of any of the essential particles of matter?" What time tentative the evidence, he concludes "We regard hard eliminated all particles (bail out the neutrino) as suggest for the near-Earth propulsion of UFOs what their characteristics do not fit the observed actual facts." (p91.)"We are now brave to explore the dazzling evidence that UFOs utilise a force or intensification row as their means of propulsion." (p97.)"UFOs are propelled by s force akin to profundity, but of an paired species..." (p118.)