Australia Loses Ufo Files Breaking Ufo News 67

Well, this is disappointing. In a response to a Freedom of Info request, Australia tried to recover its UFO files for a period of 2 months and came up empty-handed. Apparently, they've all been lost. It reminds me of the UK's recent disclosure of" its" UFO files, which was also not complete - the most important of them, involving the Rendlesham incident (the UK's Roswell), were mysteriously MIA.. not destroyed, just "lost." "The files could not be located and Headquarters Air Command formally advised that this file is deemed lost," the department's FOI assistant director, Natalie Carpenter, told the paper. Defense officials could not be contacted by Reuters. ""The only file Defense had been able to locate was a folder called: "Report on UFOs/Strange Occurrences and Phenomena in Woomera," a military weapons testing range in the center of Australia's vast outback, Carpenter said. ""All other files had been lost or destroyed, which the Herald said could fuel conspiracy theories about their disappearance. ""The single remaining file detailed a sketchy series of sightings from around the country and overseas, including people living in towns near Woomera, in South Australia state. "Now there's a group effort to find out why these UFO files were so carelessly handled, and why others were destroyed. It "is" typical to destroy files that are just taking up space, but to lose them is a bit reckless. Especially when these files relate to so much conspiracy theories, as is.



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