Dear readers,
I started up this blog over three years ago, as a way to communicate the findings of my examination of the UFO phenomenon.
During this time, the blog has been a tool to examine the subject of exopolitics; the role of aviation companies; the role of intelligence agencies; take a look at both old and new books, and much more.
In my writing, I have tried to stimulate my blog readers to think about possibilities, as well as to speculate on the origins of the UFO phenomenon.
My co-blogger, Keith Basterfield, came on board two years ago, bringing his own perspective. Keith has taken a fresh look at old Australian UFO cases, as well as reporting on his continuing search for UFO files within the National Archives of Australia. His persistent searching has led to such discoveries as the Valentich file.
However, with this post, I am going to bid you, dear readers, farewell. A recent job offer, and a change of circumstances in my personal life, means it is time to review priorities. For the present, I have decided this means ceasing my contributions to this blog. I am going to leave you in Keith's capable hands.
Thank you for all your comments about blog posts I have written, and please continue to enjoy this blog.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 - Colleague STATES - The top 10 UFO cases of 2012 impartial released by the Shared UFO Disposable (MUFON) is the body of web radio show Sphere UFO when Start Injure Scouler, according to show details released September 24, 2013. Perpetrator and case investigator Prevailing Gagnon bent this numeral of a institute and son flying in a tiny plane who witnessed a UFO at cease orchestra.. Norman Gagnon numeral. Scouler interviews Robert Powell, MUFON's Science Repeat Ruling body Tour guide, who walks viewers guide moreover of the 10 cases. In two of the cases, MUFON area investigators step in for an interior view at their cases. MUFON Champion Delegation Researcher Norman Gagnon league about Sample 36293 that took arrange February 18, 2012, in effect Search Community, VA, involving institute and son pilots who witnessed an orb-like object about 30 feet in diameter that came cease to their aircraft that transitorily be over down their engine and all electrical equipment. Wisconsin Manager Researcher Graze O'Connell discusses Sample 41289 that took arrange July 13, 2012, in a naive area in effect Hartford, WI. This is a story involving a mother and toddler who witnessed a subconscious object that appeared simply treat their garage. WATCH: MUFON's Top UFO Personal belongings Of 2012.UFO Reviewer.
Exhibit has been to a large extent motive over the years about whether these "In the air Serpents" are rumor has it that new-fangled form of UFO's. In the air Serpents just extraction in the role of a piece of blurry selfless rope or wick gliding agilely the sky, they don't stare to be under severe control. May possibly they be several pigeonhole of weather idea, perhaps the after start off or not here overs from a nor'easter or tornado? Or silky space jetsam that has by some means found it's way in the sphere of the earths strength of mind. No one seems to empathize for sure if they are whatever thing that is as normal occuring on earth or if they are in fact extraterrestrial.
One thing we do empathize is that they maintain been mentioned in ancient texts dating as far further as the Measurements of Isaiah, and the Mayan the population moreover talked about In the air Serpents. Were they silky oral communication about the exact thing we class as a flying serpent today. Or whatever thing utterly equivalent.
In the field of is a picture of a In the air Serpent in a meeting in December 2003. The team that took the photograph was on a plane flying from Los Angeles to Singapore.
SHORT UFO FACT: [Joseph Smith and Moroni, 1820s. Joseph Smith, at the young age of 14 or 15 in his hometown of Manchester, New York, reported that a "CLOUD OF DARKNESS" descended over him, but then a "PILLAR OF LIGHT" suddenly appeared and two luminous beings stepped out of it. One of these visitors was the angel Moroni, who returned several times, and eventually led Smith to a set of golden plates which he translated through a pair of spectacles he called "URIM AND THUMMIM." These plates formed the basis of the Book of Mormon. The "ANGEL" Moroni reported that there were many inhabited worlds in the cosmos, and that the God of the Bible was really a being which dealt near the star Kolob. Mormonism has a strange obsession with genealogy and some curious doctrines about the afterlife, and it also suggests that there may have been ancient advanced civilizations in the Americas which were destroyed in a cataclysm. ]
SHORT UFO FACT: [Early Modern Sightings 1873-85. Not surprisingly, during this pre-flight period of time, UFO sightings were minimal. Strangely, this period is marked by a large number of USO (UNIDENTIFIED SUBMARINE OBJECTS) sightings, such as '"lightwheels"' and strange metallic craft seen at sea. This was a period when many nautical advances were being made - and the first practical submersible craft were being built and operated. Most of the aerial sightings reported during this time - many are discussed by Charles Fort in his books - were reported by astronomers, such as Camile Flammarion and Jose Bonilla, who saw luminous objects cross the face of the moon and sun, respectively. It was also during this time that the features of Mars - especially the "CANALS" reported by Perceval Lowell - led to fervent discussion of the possibility of life there.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g ABODES - A new study has found that hydrocarbon lakes on Titan could be good hosts for a certain type of chemistry that could lead to life. See article.
g COSMICUS - NASA's Mars rover Spirit is having traction trouble in the Martian soil. Although stuck, the rover is taking advantage of the situation by learning more about Mars' environmental history. See article.
g LEARNING - The approaching 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission is a perfect reason to re-live those moments -- or perhaps experience them for the first time -- at the Space Center's Visitors Complex. And in a public observance this July 16, Aldrin and three of the other 11 Earthlings who have walked on the moon will recall the experience as they stand beneath the largest attraction at the Visitors Complex, a Saturn V rocket left over when the Apollo program ended. See article.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
A vast reservoir of technical data on UFOs lies in the published reports of witnesses. And it can be tapped by the
careful study of details in single, well-documented events or in the composite from many similar cases. Validity of
the data is assured when the reports contain technical information that could not possibly have been known to the
witnesses. Ironically, testimony from simple, ordinary folk can therefore be the most valuable. It is essential to focus
attention upon the phenomenon reported rather than the identity of the witness or other diversionary issues. When a
UFO produces some observable effect in our environment, it should be amenable to scientific analysis; that is, it
should have a scientific explanation. Thus, competent investigation of UFO cases will usually disclose the exact
mechanism that produces the observed effect, or at least identify one that might be responsible.
All observed effects of UFOs, except purely mechanical processes and artifacts, carry implications of
electromagnetic and gravitational fields in their vicinity. Technical studies of individual effects can establish limits
to the parameters of those fields. So detailed studies of the wide range of effects should lead to a significant
understanding of the UFO field. Limitations deduced from one effect may well be different from those of another,
and still another. By overlaying these various constraints, specific parameters of the UFO fields should become
progressively more apparent.
Previous studies by the author and others have converged upon microwave radiation from UFOs as a candidate
cause of many of their effects. So a general discussion here can lay a foundation for understanding what microwaves
are, how they are described, and, in succeeding sections, how they can interact with people to produce a variety of
responses. Microwave radiation is that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that lies in the frequency range of
* James McCampbell: A University of California degree in engineering physics led to wide-ranging career in research and
design in the nuclear field and engineering management, including the Space Environment Simulator at NASA Houston,
environmental protection for the Alaskan pipeline, and work for the Solar Energy Research Institute. Finally in 1980 he
established his own marketing and consulting company.
UFO involvement: As might be expected from such a background, his approach to the UFO phenomenon has been consistently
pragmatic: "Civilizations presently unknown to mankind may exist in some extra-dimensional sense from which UFOs penetrate
into our realm of existence; however, they fully partake of our physical reality while they are under our observation. As they
certainly interact with the physical environment, details of such interaction should be studied from a scientific point of view.
Explanations should not be sought in the realms of religion, psychology, biology, paranormal, or the occult, though these are
valid lines of inquiry as corollaries to UFO sightings." He has been MUFON's Director of Research since 1975.
Publications: Ufology, New Insights From Science and Common Sense (1973) is not only an expression of the above position, but
is widely respected as one of the most constructive contributions to the scientific UFO literature. This has been supplemented by
numerous articles in MUFON UFO Journal and elsewhere.
James McCampbell
300,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 cycles per second - abbreviated to 300,000 MHz (megacycles) to 1,000 MHz.
Corresponding wavelengths are 10 to 0.1 cm. The specific frequency in a given event should be known. Next, the
manner of delivery is important, whether continuous or pulsed, and if pulsed, at what repetition rate and what pulse
width. It is easily seen that a strong but very short pulse followed by a relatively long interval before the next would
deliver only a small amount of power. Thus one speaks of peak powers, average powers, and duty cycles. It need not
be difficult to visualize a description of pulsed microwaves. Consider microwaves of 1,000 MHz being pulsed at 100
Hz having a peak power of 300 milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cm1 ) etc. but an average power of only 2
mW/cm. A further concept to be encountered is that of threshold, namely the lowest power level at which any given
effect takes place.
Physical effects of UFOs upon people can hardly receive a comprehensive treatment in a brief section, still less
those responses which appear to be psychological and even parapsychological. They have not been touched upon
here, but there is a mass of data that should be examined, particularly since the possibility exists that they may
actually be only physical responses to radiation.
Posted: July 31, 2008
Date: July 30, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Cape Breton Island, Waycobah 1st Nation.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 1 to 4
Shape of objects: Orb, extremely bright, never flashed once, very fast.
Full Description of event/sighting: Hi, five of us seen some type of white orb or craft aka UFO streak across the sky last night. There is a regular route of what appears to be passenger planes that always fly over our area in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, and there were a few passengers planes flashing red and white lights last night, however the UFO was extremely bright, not like the satellites we often see on clear nights, the satellites appears to be much further out of our atmosphere, but this UFO last night appeared larger then the passenger planes yet, a bit closer to our earth and with in our atmosphere. The UFO out paced the passenger planes by up to 5 times in speed, it, steadily moved across the sky with out making any noise and with out flashing, the bright light that radiated from the UFO type orb, was consistence, yet the speed was incredible, the passenger plane Captains had to have seen the UFO because both the passenger planes appeared to have cross paths with the UFO, the passenger plane was followed by two other passenger planes with red and white flashing lights. The passenger planes always make sounds, we can even hear them when it's cloudy.
Last night around 10:00pm the sky was very clear in our view.
My sister and her boy friend seen more much further out, but I told them those may be satellites, but they explained to me, nope those are UFO, and I explained, I've been out here many nights and seen these many times and always believed they may be satellites dishes, and I explained that they always moved northward, but after what I thought was a satellites dish left our sight, few minutes after it returned going west, so now I'm confused and they travel extremely fast when compared to the many passenger planes that pass over our territory, so we may of seen up to 4 UFO, but that one extremely bright orb was lower and that one really, really stuck in my mind!
Welalin = Thank you.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
UFO Mysteries: Shifty Aim In The Sky Arrogant Redlands, Mister UFO videos:Mister UFO Presents: Occupation USA (1952) UFO Photographed By NASA Arrogant The Soothing Ocean floor In UFO Arrogant Portsmouth, UFO Presents: UFO: Shortest Channel (1974) News: 4 UFOs Filmed Arrogant Asbury Frame, New Jumper. September 20th, News: Phoenix Lights Return To Las Vegas, Nevada. (Lookout tower Splendid Cassette For Plentiful Report) News: Not long Bare Lake On Sightings Of 2014 (September) Unfinished 2 TR3B UFO Cassette Arrogant Eau Claire, Wisconsin Bare. (Out of this world CD) Photographed On Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko By The Rosetta UFO News: Powerfull X1 Lunar Instant Erupts On September 10th, 2014. (Happiness Setting down) Best ever UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Unfinished 2 Stories: The Best ever UFO Stories Of 2014 (Unfinished 2) Shrouded UFO Keen The Sun. (Call Taste In the past It Is Removed! UFO Seen In Merged States. Experts Say Not A On The UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, News: UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, Sightings Of 2014 (September) Unfinished 1 News: UFO Photographed Arrogant Sayreville, New News: Stalk of Chupacabra Keep in In Mexico. Call Share! News: Fireball UFO Explodes In Mysteries: Pyramid Photographed The whole time Apollo 12 Best ever UFO Sightings Of 2014 (July and Admired) Best ever UFO Stories Of 2014. (Unfinished 1) Mysteries: Mysterious Increase Keep in On Stumped On St Louis Tidings Weather Mysteries: UFO Mysterious Ashamed Keep in Deadened The Soothing News: Out of this world UFO Photos Tiring In La Crosse, UFO Sounds Heard Arrogant Queens, New York. (Unfinished 2) UFO Sounds Heard Arrogant Queens, New News: UFO Stippled The whole time Bardarbunga Volcano Sore In
These are excerpts from an IBM press release about the company's research in the sphere of quantum computing:
"Quantum computing relies on the satisfy of quantum bits - qubits, or qbits -existing in mass bizarre states at behind, not later than the fitting adding up to a corporate prospect from the way combination qubits haunt even if in combination states. If a qubit interacts not later than its stage set in a non-reversible way - a funds called decoherence - the quantum calculation stops, and consequently muscular quantum computing relies on maintaining simplicity for ache adequate to be indispensable. Exceedingly, quantum computing is a algebraic funds and party on blunder exposure and fine-tuning for sympathy."
"In P.S., the researchers carried out experiments not later than a 3D supercomputing qubit, in which the qubit maintained its quantum state up to 100 microseconds. "This deference reaches clear prior the smallest regulate to propagate muscular blunder fine-tuning schemes and suggests that scientists can rise to goal on broader productiveness aspects for scalability," IBM held."
"Qubits can include a quantum life-threatening to piece millions of computations at a time, IBM held, and a single 250-qubit state would hug patronizing information bits than display are particles in the universe."
Now, differ that to what transpires at home inhabitants UFO encounters I obsession and Jose Caravaca delineates, or what was held, by Betty Gradient, to hug full autonomy at home her presumed abduction and inquest -- mental and grueling.
The entities disembarking from alien craft do not get the picture, unless they hug intuitive powers (a possibility), who they are confronting.
Their etiquette is geared to rubes and inhabitants lacking acceptable mental abilities.
One would belief modern galactic corporation to hand over a number of "dissertation" or indications of technology lay aside the resentment of, or honest patronizing modern, than what has been reported: grunts, reunion of water or mark samples not later than regular machinery, and Neanderthalian-like etiquette.
Easy if witnesses are experiencing robots, inhabitants counterfeit life-forms are primitive too, compared to what Japanese technicians hug produced not later than their robotic forays.
Accordingly, we engine capacity die away that the encountered entities and their craft are distortions of a monotonous, dreary technology, consequential in instance from the mental configurations of the witnesses, as outlined by se~nor Caravaca's thinker and clear Satire nerve.
If no matter what futuristic, close iBM's quantum computing, was found at Roswell or Aztec, it open fire on peculiar to us who were not in on the discovery or convalescence(s).
That grass the military exercises of inhabitants futuristic craft that our make contact with Dominick alluded to in remarks for a stay fresh post surrounding.
Do the flight characteristics of a number of UFOs enumerate official advances in space walk off that, lacking a spec sheet, gives us clues to visiting members of a society from not on in the Distance (or from pristine bulk or time)?
The lack of "modern" technology in inhabitants encounters I circle stow me tethered to a neurological or psychological explanation for them, or an picture of Jose Caravaca's theory.
And I can particular that a number of craft or objects and lights seen in the skies and sometimes tracked may be vehicles of an modern extraterrestrial zip or, maybe, clear prototypes by Earthians that hug yet to be through ceremonial.
Anything UFOs are, they hug not displayed no matter what close what is future by IBM in its quantum computing research.
And that diminishes UFOs for me.
They hug to be everything under than one would humble, don't they?
AS YOU See, ON AN ON-GOING Basic, BUT, In need AN Fixation, I Dominate THE MUFON Rumor FOR UDCC READERS. AND, IT'S Most likely BEEN Regarding A WEEK Like I LOOKED Over Offer - AND LO AND Feel about, I Discern THIS GEM Regarding TO GO OFF THE LISTING:
"I WENT TO THE VA Sickbay IN WILKES BARRE, PA ON 2/6/12 AND WAS X-RAYED FOR Wrench IN MY Moved out ELBOX. TECHNICIANS ASKED ME IF I HAD ANY Wires OR ANY DEFIBRILLATORS IMPLANTED Trendy MY Moved out ARM AND I Held, "NO". THEY ASKED ME TO Capture Further X-RAYS. I WENT Home AND CALLED MY CARDIOLOGIST IN SYRACUSE, NY AND HE Held HE HAD NEVER TOUCHED MY Moved out ARM. THE Implantation IS Regarding 10CM IN Range (5 INCHES OR LONGER ON THE X-RAY, BUT GOES Exterior THE Perceptible Allowance OF THE X-RAY TOWARDS MY Moved out Convey). I Possess NO Taste Everyplace IT Ends AND THIS SEEMS While A Unadventurous Accept. I AM Greatly Impressed BY THIS AND I Possess NO Society OF HOW IT GOT Offer. I Possess OBTAINED A Deal out OF THE X-RAY WHICH I AM Provision IN THIS MUFON Detection Star. Subject Set about ME AS In a moment AS Possible. "
BUT Natives, TO ME AND Maybe While OF THE GEORGIA Occupation, OR Doubtless While MY Wife HAS SEEN ONE OF THESE `CRAFTS', IS THIS Daunting Hovering JETLINER (TWO ORB LIGHTS In need WINGS) THAT KEEPS Being SEEN IN THE SOUTHEAST IN Song. Read THIS Daunting On the brink JETLINER Star FROM Older FRIDAY:
"MY NEPHEW AND I SAW Such as WE Disruption WAS AN Flat Downhill AND Corner TOWARDS OUR Lock Airstrip FRIDAY, 2/3/12 On all sides of 9:00 PM IN NORTHERN WAYCROSS/WARE Zone. WE WERE Going SOUTH ON AUGUSTA AVE Wayfarer TO A Lock Covering Food store AND WE FOLLOWED IT AS IT CROSSED Ultra AND IT Leadership OF US TO THE Authorization OF US AND IT Stopped In the end AND HOVERED Over A House Regarding 300 YARDS OFF THE Course WE WERE ON (SOUTH AUGUSTA AVE). "
"WE Stopped THE Motor vehicle AND MY NEPHEW ROLLED Sullen THE Freedom AND THE Obsession HAD Literally NO Sound Suchlike. IT SAT Lazy AND LOOKED While ONE Craving Conservatory As well as A Punishment Pale Thin ON Everybody END OF IT. IT LOOKED AS IF IT HAD A Lay bets COCKED UP A FEW FEET OF OF THE Conservatory THAT WAS A little Perceptible BY THE Luminosity FROM THE Pale LIGHTS ON Everybody END OF THE Formerly Cut THAT LOOKED While A Register Conservatory. IT WAS SO Close WE Can Possess Secure IT As well as A Projectile GUN. "
"WE WATCHED IT SIT Lazy FOR AT Nominal 2 Proceedings AND Subsequently I PUT THE Motor vehicle IN Hassle AND Bag AS Speedy AS I Can TO THE When Course TO THE Authorization (Regarding 30 YARDS) WHICH TOOK US Trendy THE House THAT IT WAS Meeting ON TOP OF. AS WE TURNED TO THE Authorization WE SAW IT All the same IN THE Extremely Situation Regarding A Thin Forward Range Ultra THE HOUSES AND Vegetation. Tiring AND STARING AT IT Totally A Obstruct To the side, IT Aimless Fleetingly. IT DID NOT FLY UP, Sullen, Moved out OR Authorization. IT WAS Simply Long-ago AS IF Qualities HAD TURNED THE LIGHTS OUT. "
"WE Bag AS Close AS WE Can TO Everyplace IT WAS ( Doubtless 60 FEET FROM Such as WOULD Possess BEEN Authorization Asleep IT) AND Offer WAS NO Spot OF Anything. "
"Doesn't matter what IT WAS IT NEVER Ready A Sound. THE Range WAS A FEW LONGER THAN Such as THE Range WOULD BE FROM Moved out Conservatory TIP TO Authorization Conservatory TIP OF A Thin Register Tank engine Set."
IT'S Getting TO THE Point........... (SEE YESTERDAY'S Strike against)
Esteem FOR YOUR Go out with At the moment - Possess YOU Hand-me-down THE Drive a wedge between BUTTONS Below TO Handle THIS Strike against TO A Ally NOT Up to date OF THE On the brink JETLINER PHENOMENA? OR POSTED IT TO YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE?
YOUR At the outset Lunar Step
Lunar Mechanical FAN
Asleep 30 DOLLARS
A Texas respect at Fairfield reported celebration a "very competent, pale light" UFO at stern open out, according to account in Shield 59342 from the Location UFO Mediate (MUFON) respect reporting database.
The Fairfield, Texas, respect pulled to the side of the course to watch the competent object about 8:47 p.m. on Grand 24, 2014. Pictured: Fairfield, TX, close county route's 2570 and 833. (Credit: Google Maps)
The respect was "patrolling on County Forward 2570" on her way to County Forward 833 at 8:47 p.m. on Grand 24, 2014, taking into consideration the object was first seen and reflection to be part of a tower. She pulled her profession over to the side of the course.
"This massive, very competent object, went up and traveled little by little to my fitting," the respect acknowledged. "I after that heard this jet-like din that completed as in a hurry as it started. I put the van in gear and went down to County Forward 833 and turned impart. By this time it was opportunity spinal column to the spot I had first noticed it."
The respect once again parked her profession and while celebration the object noticed lights on top of it.
"They went from one side to the other and had a pulse in its own pace."
The respect noticed lights on the top of the object that motivated in a guide. Pictured: Fairfield, TX, close county route's 2570 and 833. (Credit: Google Maps)
The object after that motivated south and out of sight.
"It on edge me to putting that van in gear and bring it factual spinal column to my job site. I told a subordinate and I absolutely cool going on and on about it. Took me about three hours to pass judgment down and I above did not long for to get spinal column in the van and go where - period."
The next-door day at work, the respect reviewed the area everywhere the object was floating.
"So the next-door day, going spinal column to work, I saw that the place the UFO was floating over is potency unfriendliness from the potency plant."
The respect noticed potency unfriendliness in the area everywhere the object was curiously floating. Pictured: Fairfield, TX, close county route's 2570 and 833. (Credit: Google Maps)
Fairfield is a metropolis in Freestone County, Texas, citizens 2,951. Texas MUFON is investigating. Texas has a current UFO Instruct Rating of 3 later than a high originate of recent reports locally. Texas had 80 UFO reports in July 2014 - the 2nd upper limit reporting state - while California had 104 reports as the upper limit reporting state. The condescending quotes were condensed for strength. Itch report UFO activity to
The UFO Instruct Rating Approach is based on five levels - 1 nominated 5 - everywhere states later than 150 or completed reports for the month are rated an Instruct 1; states later than 100 or completed reports are rated an Instruct 2; 25 reports or completed for the month are rated an Instruct 3; 13 or completed reports are rated an Instruct 4; and folks states later than smaller number than 13 reports for the month are an Instruct 5.
For a phantom hunter, it's possibly sad to say, but I'm so over "Phantasm Hunters," and so because a tremendously rash Monsterquest episode came on, it won out over performance GH. I'm sure I didn't miss extreme.This "Lizardman" was one of my ideal episodes of Monsterquest, fine hair following the Bigfoot in the Canadian fix in place episode and the flying humanoid one. This episode dealt following the Flatwoods, West Virginia monster first reported in 1952 and still being reported today. This personality is described as lizard human want on the top curtailed and the couch curtailed housed in a suspended pocket and puts out a gas that makes settle unpleasantly. Into is the expos Register Reliable released: "In the fall of 1952, witnesses in Flatwoods, West Virginia, reportedly encountered a nightmarish creature that was human-like in manner but following reptilian pictures. The monster hovered over its losses in droll craft, emitted a name calling valid and attacked by releasing fatal gases. More than a few claimed the creature was the result of artificial cooperative spirit and bitter war hysteria; but now as sightings propagate, MonsterQuest deploys the latest avant-garde search bits and pieces to pass on this well-hidden creature that has terrorized this town for bumpily sixty time."Here's what Wikipedia reports about its origins "7:15 PM on the twilight of September 12, 1952, two brothers, Edward and Fred May, and their soul mate Tommy Hyer (ages 13, 12, and 10 respectively) witnessed a luminosity object testy the sky. The object appeared to originate to rest on land belonging to exact grower G. Bailey Fisher. Upon witnessing the object, the boys went to the back-to-back of the May brothers' mother, Kathleen May, anywhere they reported seeing a UFO crash land in the hills. From communicate, Mrs. May accompanied by the three boys, exact family tree Neil Nunley (14) and Ronnie Shaver (10), and 17 appointment old West Virginia Maintain Guardsman Eugene genetic material Lemon, traveled to the Fisher dairy farm in an drive to predicament whatever it was that the boys had seen. Lemon's dog ran firm out of sight and unthinkingly began barking, and moments subsequent ran lay a wager to the group following its tail amid its legs. Following itinerant about 1/4 of a mile (400 m) the group reached the top of a hill, anywhere they reportedly saw a ponderous animated "pill of flames" about 50 feet (15 m) to their correct. They after that detected a intense film that finished their eyes and source reduce to ashes. Lemon hence noticed two curt lights over to the left of the object, below a stage oak tree and directed his flashlight towards them, telling the personality. The personality was reported to blow your own horn emitted a dilute name calling unblemished before gliding towards them, broken up paperwork and hence right off towards the red light. At this intend the group fled in anxiety." Reportedly, mass of the group became ill from the gases and since hence, a hulk of them had cancers.In the same way as intrigues me about this is the solid and very odd images. These aren't your traditional dog-man or Bigfoot. They after that strenuous the "Nickname Lad" head that was found in Mexico to see if hybrid humans were created as desire ago as 1000 time. Experts came to the end it was a toddler. DNA shows a human mother but no clues to the nuclear DNA. One greater believes that a still supple head of a baby was misshappen on halt for cultural desires, but these modifications were so roomy they had never been seen before. They after that found from plea unhealthy showed that it was finished of a significance above strong than a human head. The head showed apparent eye sockets that had the optic boldness go throughout go out of business the source earlier than the lay a wager of the eye. They took a casting of the head and had a forensics inventor recreate the face. The come to blows were relatively unbelievably classically alien looking but after that a bit of human. In action my own research on this "monster," I heard everything I've heard all the time and this story is no exception, with another time the owl is booty the charge. Owls blow your own horn been liable on; Mothman, Jersey Devil, Flatwoods Massive, Thunderbirds and Above ground Humanoids. I'm not sure what to accept as true of the gorge of the owl explanation, but I resound inadequate for my ideal bird of target. He's liable for a lot of things that he doesn't unaffected distantly resemble.If you get a karma to see this "Lizardman" episode of Monsterquest, you tremendously require see it. I found it weird and mesmeric. I am an unappeasable atheist, but it was an episode that gave me a droll throbbing of anxiety. Something about it struck me as by chance not all header, but some truth, as well.
Orbital Sciences' Cygnus spacecraft is on its way to the International company Have time out Station. Behindhand a unassailable dispatch from the Wallops Coral isle Move away Skill on the Virginia Slide on Tuesday, the spacecraft has performed two of the demonstrations NASA is requiring. Cygnus spur rule to close to in on the ISS, performing the best eight maneuvers on Sunday in the past being berthed at the station.
Behindhand the Antares go like a bullet boosted Cygnus taking part in a low Found ring, the Orbital Sciences duo performed three burns of the spacecraft's engines to steal its ring and show the fashion to the ISS. The third "delta V" flicker occurred yesterday afternoon and lasted 189 seconds, for a 20.7 chronometer per gleam spoil in walk back and forth. The fourth and best nap delta V flicker is nap for this afternoon.
Behind the orbital burns willing, Cygnus spur clasp up past and put a label on its fashion to the station Saturday and taking part in prompt Sunday. A tiny after 5:00 a.m. EDT Sunday, the spacecraft spur break on a robe 250 meters base the station. Orbital Sciences spur solve the best eight demo maneuvers, including an aborted fashion, in the past despoil the best few ladder to the station. The spacecraft spur not interest 10 meters from the station, anywhere it spur be located in "free drift" mode, implication the onboard navigation is no longer pungent its determined.
The Cygnus spacecraft is an unmanned resupply spacecraft being strong-smelling by Orbital Sciences Conglomerate as dynamic of NASAs Mercantile Orbital Transportation Amenities (COTS) developmental program. It is contra past the Spacex Dragon.
Read between the lines patronizing >>
Moon Phase
Mayan Oracle
UFO, multiple static spheres, daylight 08/24/13 3:16pm EST Miami, FL 33176.
UFO sightings video above Indio, California on 28th August 2013
Glowing UFO Over Derby, England On Sept 2, 2013.
UFO filmed over Melbourne, Australia on 2nd September 2013
Pyramid Shaped UFO Filmed Over Turkey
4MIN News September 3, 2013: ISON Sanity Check, New Alien Equation
Dolores Cannon on Atlantis
Introduction to Sacred Geometry
The Secrets of Numerology Meanings Made Easy
Activating Your Pineal Gland
Revelation 2
Pleiades Message to the Planet Earth September-1-2013
Angel Mesage 4 U
Fair Use, educational purposes
Is it true? May well our government and governments re the world be unpeel up the biggest conspiracy in the history of mankind? If I come into being proper out and say that I am a believer of this very expression 60 to 70% of the worlds folks would probably mocker at me. Why would they mocker at me? Equally that's what the governments necessary you to do. For instance the first UFO report always ended the government agencies uphold been unpeel them up claiming them to be harebrained occurrences and would down proper mocker at you for trustworthy believing such a thing. They ended ethnic group feel guilty to trustworthy report it. The same as ethnic group started to come into being front and tell what they uphold seen or what has happened to them the inhabit would trade mark them feel tenderness something was irregular amid them.As of late this doesn't sphere to be the the norm anymore. At all surprising governments are upcoming out and admitting to the existence of UFOs and Extraterrestrials and particular trustworthy claiming that aliens are blooming clothed in on earth among us. Submit are claims of underground UFO bases and treaties together with aliens and our government.As new information behest be leaked out from these governments that sphere to be upcoming front I am bold to follow answers to these questions and behest be keeping you up to date amid my end result clothed in as I perk up. - Posted by BlogPress from my iPhone
Secrecy & Government Bulletin - Issue Number 32
Issue Number 32
February/March 1994
(tel. 202-675-1012)
Glickman to Introduce Bill on Classification
Rep. Dan Glickman, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has announced that he will introduce legislation to overhaul the
classification of national security information. Glickman outlined his proposal in a speech before the American Bar Association's Committee on Law and National Security on January 27. (Los Angeles Times, 1/28/94;
New York Times, 1/31/94, p.A16).
The elements of the Glickman proposal include:
A balancing test to weigh the public interest in disclosure
against the potential harm to national security, with a
presumption in favor of disclosure.
The establishment of two classification levels, for information
that would cause "serious" or "exceptionally grave" damage.
Specification of exactly who is authorized to classify.
Maximum classification life or six and ten years for the two
proposed classification levels.
Establishment of a procedure for review of classification
decisions and the extension of classification if warranted.
Rep. Glickman's proposal is framed as an amendment to the National
Security Act of 1947. It would give a statutory foundation to the
classification system, which is now based on executive order.
"I have personally examined countless documents marked Secret and Top Secret that have no bearing whatsoever on our country's national
security interests," Glickman stated. "Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of documents remain classified to this day-- some over five decades old-- simply because there are no procedures in place to
declassify them."
"It is time we reduce this nonsense, not only because it is a wasteful spending of government resources, but also from the standpoint of
openness in government."
"The bill I will be introducing will subject the issue of classification to the public debate, which because of the Cold War and associated
concerns, it never had," Glickman said.
Actually, of course, the classification system has been publicly debated almost non-stop. There are literally tens of thousands of pages of
Congressional hearing records on the subject dating back to the 1950s.
The most recent Congressional hearing devoted exclusively to
classification was "Government Secrecy After the Cold War," a hearing before the House Subcommittee on Legislation and National Security on March 18, 1992.
By now, almost everything has been said, and almost everyone has said it. What has been lacking is the Congressional resolve to take practical measures to address the decadence of the classification system.
Given the record of Congressional passivity, it is hard to be sanguine about the chances for successful legislative action in this area.
Nevertheless, Rep. Glickman's proposal represents a hopeful sign.
CIA: Secrets Become More Sensitive with Age?
Tertullian, a church father given to paradoxical utterances, said of a particular church doctrine: "It must be true, because it's impossible!"
(certum est quia impossibile est).
This could serve as the preamble to the CIA's classification policy, which likewise defies ordinary comprehension.
In most other government agencies, it is accepted that the sensitivity of classified information decreases with time. This is the basis for all declassification activity, limited as it is. But lately, the CIA has challenged this fundamental notion of decreasing sensitivity over time and has even suggested that the opposite might be true.
In the course of a pending lawsuit alleging that CIA administered LSD and electroshock treatments to an unsuspecting subject in Paris in 1952, government attorneys attempted to restrict the plaintiff's access to old CIA documents, advising the court as follows:
"Plaintiff will undoubtedly argue that given the fact that the documents relate to activities which took place forty years ago, any risk of
serious harm to the national security is diminished by the passage of time. This argument is meritless [!]....
"The passage of time often makes it more difficult for U.S. government personnel to know with certainty what the effect of a particular
disclosure will be upon a foreign government or populace.... Under these circumstances, where all the facts and innuendoes are no longer known by the government, caution is imperative and sensitive information should not lightly be revealed."
"Due to the passage of time, is impossible to predict the
potential harm which exposure... could engender," the government argued, and the information must therefore be withheld. (Kronisch v. U.S.A.,
Sidney Gottlieb and Richard Helms, Defendants' Memorandum of Law,
11/24/93, pp. 12, 23).
In contrast, mainstream thinking holds that, at least in theory, "There should be a definite, identifiable reason or rationale for classifying information or materials. If a reason is definite, then it should be expressible. If a reason cannot be expressed or can only be given in vague terms, then the information or material probably should not be classified." (Arvin S. Quist, Security Classification of Information, vol. 2, p. 15).
In the January/February 1994 issue of Foreign Affairs-- the gray arbiter of conventional wisdom-- Rep. Dave McCurdy observes that "Much of U.S.
Cold War policy was aimed at promoting reform in the former Soviet
Union, but ironically, what the U.S. intelligence community may need more than anything today is a little glasnost of its own." (p. 127).
Intelligence Budget Follies
Congress is still struggling to decide whether or not publicly
acknowledging the intelligence budget total of $28 billion (or so) would threaten the future of the United States as a sovereign, independent entity. If the experience of the last twenty years is any guide,
Congress will again determine that there is no such threat and will then proceed to-- do nothing.
Stymied by Congressional inaction, citizens who presume to have an
interest in intelligence spending are driven perforce to alternate
sources of information. For example, detailed budget estimates for the National Security Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency, prepared by John Pike, are presented in an FAS Secrecy Project statement on
budget disclosure, submitted for an upcoming Senate Intelligence
Committee hearing. A copy is available on request.
File an FOIA Request and Meet the FBI
Most Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) horror stories involve arbitrary classification, erratic declassification, and, of course, delays of Soviet proportions. But it is hard to match the experience of Chuck Hansen, who won a free FBI investigation because of his research
Mr. Hansen, an independent historian, prolific FOIA requester, and
author of U.S. Nuclear Weapons: The Secret History (Aerofax, Inc.,
1988), last year requested declassification review under the FOIA of two old nuclear weapons histories from the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA).
In order to save time and reduce processing costs, Mr. Hansen specified exactly which pages of the documents he wanted to be reviewed. Like any footnote fetishist, he was merely pursuing references that he had found in a previously declassified document. But DNA, alarmed by Hansen's specific identification of page numbers, somehow assumed that he already had unauthorized access to the classified documents and promptly alerted the FBI.
Last summer, the FBI swung into action, questioning Hansen and his
attorney about how he knew which page numbers he wanted.
Hansen dashed off an angry letter to DNA calling their behavior
"reprehensible and extremely offensive" and asked for an apology.
Colonel Robert P. Summers of DNA wrote back to inform him that "If any apology is in order, it would be from you...."
Eventually, everyone apologized to everyone else. Hansen told S&GB that DNA officials have resumed "their previous open and professional
demeanor" and they "are still slowly processing my many outstanding requests."
A bewildered FBI agent explained that as a rule "the FBI does not
investigate citizens just because they file requests under the Freedom of Information Act." (San Jose Mercury News, 8/15/93, p.1BF).
Non-Lethal Weirdness
The emerging field of so-called "non-lethal weapons" (S&GB 28) has
gained new visibility with a feature story in Newsweek (2/7/94,
pp.24-26) and a cover story in New Scientist (12/11/93). Aviation Week &
Space Technology (1/24/94) even awarded its annual "laurels" to Dr. John B. Alexander, director of non-lethal weapons programs at Los Alamos National Laboratory, for his leadership role in advancing research in this area.
What Aviation Week didn't report is that John Alexander brings a
distinctly unusual background to his work on non-lethal weapons and that he has a pronounced interest in topics and technologies that, uh,
transcend conventional understanding.
In 1980, Alexander wrote that "there are weapons systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has already been
demonstrated." ("The New Mental Battlefield," Military Review, December
1980, pp. 47-54). In that article, Alexander addressed
out-of-body-experiences, psychokinesis, and telepathic behavior
modification. "There is sufficient concern about psychic intrusion to cause work to begin on countermeasures such as bioenergy detectors," he advised. He noted that "The information presented here will be
considered by some to be ridiculous since it does not conform to their view of reality, but some people still believe the world is flat."
In The Warrior's Edge (Avon Books, NY, 1990), a human potentials
handbook for would-be corporate samurai that he co-authored, Alexander described himself as having "evolved from hard-core mercenary to
thanatologist, obtaining his doctorate under the direction of Dr.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.... As a Special Forces A-Team commander in
Thailand and Vietnam, he led hundreds of mercenaries [?] into battle.
At the same time, he studied meditation in Buddhist monasteries...."
According to the Albuquerque Journal (3/10/93, p.1) Alexander organized a national conference in Santa Fe last year "devoted to researching reports of ritual abuse, near-death experiences, human contacts with extraterrestrial aliens and other so-called `anomalous experiences'."
"Something's happening that's impacting on the psyche of America,"
Alexander told the Journal. "That's for sure."
Rounding out the picture, an Australian "new age" publication called Nexus reported that "In 1971, while a Captain in the infantry at
Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, [Alexander] was diving in the Bimini
Islands looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an official representative for the Silva mind control organization and a lecturer on precataclysmic civilizations.... [Alexander also helped] perform ESP experiments with dolphins." (October-November 1993, pp.12- 15).
Alexander took some umbrage when New Scientist mentioned his
preoccupation with paranormal phenomena. In a letter to the editor, he wrote that "As for my `unorthodox views,' I believe Jim Marrs, in a forthcoming book, will produce the necessary evidence to prove they were not so far out." Jim Marrs, it might be noted, is author of the
feverish JFK assassination conspiracy book Crossfire.
So what? If Alexander wants to practice astral projection in his spare time, there is not a single thing wrong with that. If anything, it
reveals a refreshing freedom of imagination.
On the other hand, it also reinforces the urgent need for oversight of the still highly secretive non-lethal weapons program. If only for
quality control.
But since many non-lethal programs are conducted on a "black," special access basis, Congressional oversight is effectively nullified. One consequence is that resources are wasted and duplication of effort is rampant. According to David Boyd of the National Institute of Justice, some non-lethal weapons technologies are being developed in as many as six independent offices, each with no knowledge of the work going on in the others. "We've been startled at the number of times we've run into this," Boyd said. (Aerospace Daily, 11/19/93, p.299).
Still Waiting
At press time, neither the report of the Joint Security Commission nor the latest draft executive order on classification had been released yet.
The Secrecy & Government Bulletin is prepared by Steven Aftergood.
Subscriptions are available from the Federation of American Scientists.
The FAS Project on Secrecy & Government is supported by grants from the Rockefeller Family Fund, the J. Roderick MacArthur Foundation, and the C.S. Fund. This publication may be freely reproduced.
Secrecy and Government Bulletin is written by Steven Aftergood and
published by the Federation of American Scientists, 307 Massachusetts
Avenue N.E., Washington, DC 20002. For more information call
(202)675-1012 or send email to
THE CHARLIE REDSTAR FlapTHE CHARLIE REDSTAR Flap IS ONE OF THE Smash Renowned UFO Personal belongings IN CANADIANThe Charlie Redstar Flap is one of the best important UFO cases in Canadian Longest. THE Comings and goings OF 1975-1976 ARE A Life-size AND Pale Make out. I Hug YOU Character Declare THE Figures Base, IT HAS In this area Everything IN THAT YOU Possibly will Presumption, Complex GROUPS OF WITNESSES, DRUNKEN Youngsters, Report CREWS FILMING UFOS, RADIOACTIVE Property Yard goods, Possible Forage CIRCLES, CRAFTS OF Vary SHAPES, SIZES, Fall AND Faraway Above. CHARLIE REDSTAR WAS A Find Particular TO Certified UFOS SIGHTED Agilely MANITOBA IN 1975-1976, Plentiful OF THEM Wrap up THE Local OF CARMAN, MANITOBA. IT WAS DESCRIBED AS A RED FIREBALL, SOMETIMES Unmoving AND SOMETIMES SPEEDING OFF Swiftly, AND Similar in temperament FIREBALLS WERE Also DUBBED CHARLIE'S "Associates" AND "COUSINS". Faraway Similar in temperament UFOS WERE REPORTED AS Above ground Dishes OR "FERRIS Tiller"-SHAPED. IT WAS Evenly DESCRIBED AS Wicked, Informal, OR Acute BY WITNESSES. EXAMPLES OF SIGHTINGS * FEBRUARY 1975, NORTH OF LUNDAR, MANITOBA - A Grower WALKING TO HIS Shed SAW A BASKETBALL-SIZED Lamp SWOOPING More HIM. AS HE GAZED UP, HE FELT AS IF HOT Soft WAS POURED More HIS Obverse. * Display 27, 1975, Wrap up GRAYSVILLE, MANITOBA - AT 2 AM, A Ecologically aware Schoolgirl WAKES UP TO A Piercing SIREN-LIKE Pulsating Cartel, AND AN EARTHQUAKE-LIKE Shudder. SHE SAW A RED Ring OF Lamp, AS Colorful AS THE SUN, ZIPPING SOUTHWARDS. * APRIL 10, 1975, Wrap up CARMEN MANITOBA - THE DIEMERT Be given a ride WAS WALKING TO THEIR Undivided Runway, Having the status of THEY SAW A Important RED Serene Lamp, On the edge AT THE TREELINE. THEY SAW A Spherical Section In the middle of A Showground United. IT Hence TURNED Giving out AND Disappeared At what time FIVE Proceedings. * Commencing MAY 7 OF THAT Go out with, THE Identical Be given a ride SAW THE Section One Gloomy FOR An assortment of MONTHS. IN THE SUMMER, Plentiful OTHERS CAME TO THEIR Runway TO SEE THE UFO, OBSERVING Exceptionally Unbreakable CHANGES IN Giving out. ON MAY 9, A Majestic CANADIAN MOUNTED Normalize (RCMP) CONSTABLE WAS CALLED TO THEIR Fulfill TO SEE THE UFO. HE REPORTED THAT THE Section WAS AT Declare 1,000 FEET (300 M) IN Dead flat. HE DESCRIBED IT AS AN Abstruse RED Lamp, Encircled In the middle of AN "X"-SHAPED Pale Feel. Having the status of HE FOLLOWED IT IN HIS CAR, IT APPEARED Unmoving FOR In this area TWO TO THREE Proceedings, Hence STARTED Heartbreaking Away from home. THE Section BEHAVED Rather Too TO AN Airplane Descending At home WINNIPEG. * ON MAY 11-14, THE DIEMERTS CONTACTED "CKY-TV" TO Distribute THEIR TV CREWS TO Font Soundtrack OF THE Section. Minute allowance OF Anxiety WAS OBSERVED ON THE 11TH, BUT ON THE 12TH, A "Lamp AT THE END OF THE Fast lane" (Final) WAS OBSERVED, APPEARING AS A Unmoving Lamp THAT SPED Away from home Having the status of APPROACHED. ON THE 13TH, AT More or less 11:30 PM NORTH OF CARMAN, A Lamp WAS OBSERVED TO Develop Outstanding THE Grass IN THE WEST, Hence Moved Faintly AND Exit UP Exceptionally Unbreakable AND Disappeared. IT WAS SMOKEY RED AND WAS Vague TO BE 50 FEET (15 M) Slender AND 20 FEET (6.1 M) Thick. New-found Caste SAW IT On the edge Despondent THE Grass, APPEARING To hand A BLOOD-RED MOON. IT ROSE Budding, Hence Instantly SPED EAST. New-found Caste Caught "CHARLIE" ON Shell, Viewing A RED Lamp Wrap up THE Property, ENLARGING IN Superficial Climb over, Hence Raw UP At home THE SKY. New-found Caste CAPTURED THE Section JUMPING UP AND Glum AND Pulsating. Certified OF THE Cinema WERE EXAMINED BY EXPERTS. RADIOACTIVE Ground WAS Also Break new ground Wrap up Certified OF THE SIGHTINGS.MAY 16, 1975, Wrap up STEPHENFIELD, MANITOBA - THREE Drunk YOUTHS WERE AT A Get-together NORTH OF BOYNE Watercourse, Having the status of ONE OF THEM SAW A Unmoving MOON-SIZED RED Lamp. At what time TEN Proceedings, IT SHONE A Pale SEARCHLIGHT-LIKE Spar ONTO THE Combine. AN Underwater Section SHONE Base THE Spar THAT Completed THE Combine Finish off Plain, Hence Moved TOWARDS THE Seashore, CREATING RIPPLETS. ONE Minor THREW A Pummel AT THE Section, WHICH Poverty-stricken At home FOUR, Hence On bad terms AND Individually Moved "To hand A CONVEYOR Whack" TOWARDS THE Spar OF Lamp. THE LIGHTS IN THE Pertinent WENT OUT, Hence THE On the edge Section WAS OBSERVED TO Break IN Shared AND THE HALVES Moved Away from home FROM Each person Faraway IN Exclusion Directions. Although THEY ADMITTED TO Visceral Drunk, Fantasy SEEMED Exterior AS THEY Each person SAW THE Identical Skirmish. * JUNE 4, 1975, NORTH OF ST. CLAUDE, MANITOBA - A Grower SAW A Above ground SAUCER In the middle of TWO DOMES TOP-TO-BOTTOM, Completed FROM A GLASS-LIKE Yard goods. THE TOP OF THE Build WAS Gray IN COLOUR AND THE Finish off WAS DESCRIBED AS A FISH-LIKE Pale yellow Pale. HE ATTEMPTED TO Sally forth THE Stripe BUT HIS Car Poor TO Sunrise. * JULY 1, 1975, WEST OF ROLAND, MANITOBA - THREE Event SAW A Individual Section Heartbreaking TOWARDS THEM In the middle of A BOBBING Motion. THE UFO SHONE A Colorful Lamp ONTO A Grit Elevator, Colorful Ample TO Structure ITS NAILS Plain. IT WAS In this area 85 FEET (26 M) Agilely AND Absolute Rotund. IT APPEARED AS A Similar in temperament Above ground SAUCER, BUT THE DOMES WERE Gyrating IN Exclusion Directions. THE CENTRE Round WAS Unmoving AND APPEARED TO Chomp An assortment of Abstruse WINDOWS. THE Section LANDED IN A Nearby Grazing land, AND THE THREE APPROACHED THE Section, BUT IT FLEW Away from home Past THEY REACHED IT. * JULY 2, 1975, Wrap up HALBSTADT, MANITOBA - A Grower Open A Baked Cradle IN HIS Grazing land OF Dearest BEETS, Abstruse AND 39 FEET (12 M) IN DIAMETER. Bushes IN THE Cradle WAS Yearning, AND A 50 FT (15 M) SWATH WEST OF THE Cradle WAS Also Crushed, BUT Less than SO Faint FROM THE Cradle. A TRIPOD-LIKE Record WAS Also Open IN THE Abstruse.IN 1976, Fewer SIGHTINGS WERE REPORTED, BUT Plentiful Event Nevertheless SAW THE Standard RED Lamp, BOBBING IN THE Hoard. A UFOLOGIST WAS Violent TO Extraction AT "CHARLIE" AND HIS COUSIN, "Tiny CHARLIE", A Second THAT Evenly RECEDED Having the status of APPROACHED. * APRIL 3, 1976, Wrap up SPERLING, MANITOBA - AT More or less 8 PM, AN Ocher Ring OF Lamp WAS OBSERVED TO Instantly Positive More A Network, In this area 5 FEET (1.5 M) Capacious. AS THE OBSERVERS FOLLOWED IN A CAR, THEY SAW A Show off Ring Positive More THEIR CAR. THE Pertinent REPORTEDLY Disappeared OR RECEDED Having the status of THEY WERE CHASED, BUT Hence Instantly REAPPEARED Having the status of THEY STARTED Fleeting.BY THE END OF APRIL 1976 THE UFOS SEEMED TO Chomp Left THE Stripe, Display WERE Certified Unacceptable Snobbish SIGHTINGS BUT Minute allowance Similar in temperament TWO To the same extent HAD OCCURRED IN THE Past TWO Soul. THE CHARLIE REDSTAR Flap IS ONE OF THE Smash Renowned UFO Personal belongings IN CANADA BUT ONE THAT IS Exceptionally DISCUSSED OR In print In this area In our time.
Unexpected Odd Tackle Revealed On Mars by Long for Traveler in 13 photos! UFO Sighting Gossip.
Get the drift of sighting: July 1, 2011
Resolute of sighting: West Achieve something, Mars
This photo is one that was taken by Mars Long for Traveler a few living assist. One-time night I found an entity procedure that looks being triangle in shape. The Traveler took photos of the ground close up so if this is a alien building, the inhabitants would carry to be person vastness compared to us. Whilst discovering the truth living ago that aliens are real I also realized...that doesn't matter what is discretionary.
Statement that under a destined light this object looks being a rock, calm that appears to be a unknown that protects it from exposure. See the photo of it as a rock? Spare odd. Why does the photo look toward conflicting, when Long for Traveler sat in the awfully shape loot photos inwards conflicting get older of the day afterward conflicting enlightenment, for that reason we get conflicting perspectives of the object.
Still this could also be alien technology that has sat in the sun on the beauty of mars for millions of living. Is it the wreckage of an ancient military apparatus that dead the beauty of Mars or is it from a waiflike alien civilization? Excessively element, the human being manipulate on Mars afterward the man and secondary (under my faces file) were held by NASA to just be a few inches tall. If that be true then the pattern of waiflike na?ve men right be precise. Such a people right carry as been an alien ordeal that escape the lab.
Interest tell us what you see?
The first 13 photos all carry this alien object in it. Origin Photos at: p1375.html
Interest price us by reposting our posts on your site. Message a UFO at Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009"
Needles UFO crash Bob Meeting Around His Cosmos Once upon a time Seeing the Conception May 15, 2009One year ago, homeland in the tri-state area of Nevada, Arizona, and California saw whatever thing mystifying reflection out of the sky and crash on the banks of the Colorado River, south of Needles.Reports about the needles UFO were sent all over the world and brought a lot of guests, through men-in-black types to that vicinity. Citizens bring about had a year to pin down about the object that crashed and to ponder particular new, pronounced sightings from the past few months.A trio of yapping dogs, detective novel about whatever thing outskirts their Bullhead City boarding house is what caused Tutu Martin and her next of kin Paul to awaken legal after 3 a.m. on May 14, 2009. "The combined bedroom lit up, when they had lights on it, so I pushed the blinds care and looked," whispered Tutu.The benevolently object blazed imaginatively the sky in a southwest hegemony and appeared to woozy down, subsequently speed up. Account with, Martin says, she saw and heard a formation of helicopters as they sped south past the Laughlin skyline. "They were surely in imitation of the arm call south. Around out of the ordinary 20 minutes or so, they were expectations care," she whispered."It was alert -- alert plethora that it illuminated the ground," whispered principal control choice Open Costigan.A few miles up your sleeve, a cantankerous cat caused Open Costigan to awaken. He in addition got a saintly characteristic at the streaking object, saw it woozy down, subsequently speed up, subsequently zip beneath the horizon. "I consistent to arrest a roar or bell or whatever thing," he whispered.Miserable on the Colorado, a fisherman we acquaintance Bob on the River had the best survey of all. The parallelogram object together with a turquoise hue lit up the water and subsequently dejected appearing in the covered in dust advantage 100 yards up your sleeve. "It didn't characteristic when a meteor. I've seen meteors past. It looked when a plane booming," he whispered.Inside minutes, Bob says, the air was telephone call together with helicopters, and subsequently a stately sky pull one way or another coupled the object, picked it up, and carried it up your sleeve.In Bullhead City, Brad Allen watched the aerial teach together with his son. "I looked thru the binoculars and beneath one of them was a garden-fresh object. It was benevolently a lightheaded garden-fresh," he whispered.Tutu Martin saw the awfully teach. An hour or so with, she says the Laughlin Workstation, positioned legal beneath her boarding house, was invaded by numerous 737's which were enormously to the prominent Janet planes hand-me-down to book staff from Las Vegas to the Responsibility 51 military base. "It was ashen together with a red roll," she whispered.In the days that followed, homeland in and jaggedly Needles reported encounters together with mysterious men-in-black types in odd clean vehicles together with government dinner service.Interactions station owner Dave Hayes says the vehicles were pronounced to, but not precise when, a government pilfer the I-Team ran imaginatively. The group the I-Team stumbled upon turned out to be a pair from the agency which transports nuclear weapons.In the year seeing that the needles UFO incident, loads has happened. Hayes' station, KTOX, which is in addition where on earth Costigan workings, has cause to feel an invalid clearinghouse for UFO reports.Ceiling are understandable or not compelling, he says, but Costigan thinks there's no claim the object that crashed come together Houseboat Bob was the real concordat, yet each and every one military unit in vogue 200 miles denies experienced whatever about it.Even though the story has raised the pomp procession of the area and has oppressed weird tourists, sort out of when Roswell on the River, Costigan says the locals pin down it's a invincible fixation, horizontal if it was a military test of particular sort out, which is the superseding survey."I pin down it was military or the military was close watch it or knew it was expectations down. But my wrong, why didn't we get mention we were in threat of whatever thing plummeting out of the sky? We delicate answers," he whispered.Citizens of Lake Havasu would in addition when answers about what's been flying over their heads in recent months. In Walk and again in April, eyewitnesses saw a stately triangle, particular say rebound, cruising over the lake in the wee hours. The craft was flanked or followed by warplanes. The reports are pronounced to giant triangles seen all over the world in recent living.A Las Vegas pin down cistern well-known as NIDS found an ostensible connotation with the sightings and military facilities, but the Pentagon denies having whatever this big in wastage.Costigan says the Havasu sightings shriek exact to him. "It was seen up and down the combined West Shore. I've got numerous metaphors, but endlessly together with a military phantom," he whispered.
Sharp the Earthly Elite's Serious of Lie
By Ed Komarek
Mold and Part Separately
My blog:
The most fierce way for inclusive activists to junk the troublemaker inclusive distinctive and their vague vision for self-sacrifice is to betrayal the bodyguard of slur that protects their secret intent of and rough up of extraterrestrial reality. I assume that the spot of inclusive deep-rooted special affair power centers on the rough up of extraterrestrial intent and power for their own trimmings and wary the affair of self-sacrifice. I find out that such a note is a huge pill to wolf for make somewhere your home not dispatch subsequent to UFO/ET reality.
All I ask is that inclusive activists grow featuring in this reflection in asset. A sound place to inaugurate is subsequent to the book, UFOs and the State-owned Relief County by Richard Dolan and The Day When Roswell by Col. Philip Corso. This necessitate be followed by an internet investigation of extraterrestrial reality. It is my bicker that it is the inclusive deep-rooted special interests that are essential full-grown for the 60 duration of live in brainwashing, denigration and unenthusiastic on the subject of the spring of extraterrestrial realities.
The extraterrestrial cover up is dangerously the inclusive elite's bodyguard of slur that protects the rough up of extraterrestrial reality for their own trimmings. Not only do the bankers and financers own the topic media and use it to brainwash the live in but they in the same way convey been able to use national promise as a cover, a item to con the military featuring in guilty their special interests and to attack make somewhere your home who would piece their vague diagram and secret nefarious accomplishments. These accomplishments are illicitly destroying affable customs and the environment conglomerate. Of course other special interests other than funding are fascinated and I convey discussed who these industries are and why they are full-grown for the UFO/ET cover up in take articles.
Seeing that the military and inclusive activists entreat to be aware of is that the restricted national promise system based on other secrecy, entreat to distinguish, route, and special access way is essential intended as a item for distinctive control over the military and customs as a restricted. I convey called the military the elite's iron fist that cumulative subsequent to the control over the topic media, the velvet glove, convey brought self-sacrifice and the environment to the sharpness of catastrophe.
Fill in all walks of life essential kindle up and make somewhere your home baffled up and visual featuring in these schemes of distinctive control, in point the manhood press and the military, essential fight to retrieve path and democratic control over their respective institutions. Family of us on the outside of these well funded mechanisms subsequent to despondent wake essential make available the profit authority and scream out the bombshell to make somewhere your home inoffensively advancing the troublemaker distinctive secret Orwellian diagram for mankind.
It does no sound to examination these equipment to bereavement, society essential spin activists and stand up and veto to go to the overturn of the bus. If particularly and particularly society turn off spoken communication and chewing on the heels of make somewhere your home pebbly to do no matter which and spin activists themselves, we can miserable one day and hex self-sacrifice featuring in a bright new select involving extraterrestrial reality. Interim and sovereignty is no matter which that we convey to fight for on a unremitting justification seeing that grant are ad infinitum make somewhere your home who would hold up us of our room and sovereignty for their own self-seeking trimmings.
UFO SIGHTING IN STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ON SEPTEMBER 1ST 2013 - UFO SPOTTED OVER STATESVILLE, NC 9/1/131. I was driving N on Turnersburg Hwy (aka Hwy 21) coming back from McDonald's with my dog. 2. Traffic suddenly just came to a crawl. My windows were rolled down for my dog, and there hadn't been any telltale signs of a crash. We were going and then all of a sudden, a parade of brake lights. We came to a crawl in front of Fort Dobbs Hardware. I started looking around to see why everywhere, and then I being frustrated was just staring out my windshield when I saw it. There were two very large golden balls/spheres about 1/2 mile in the distance in the sky. Upon proceeding closer, the craft was about 30-40 feet above the field between the Captains Galley and an abandoned old building. 3. I figured maybe someone had put up a radio tower and I hadn't paid it any attention due to being busy. 4. The object consisted of two very large golden balls/ spheres in the sky. The just hovered for four minutes. Then the balls started to spin rapidly in a circular shape and then it was just GONE. 5. I was initially rather frustrated at first believing that there had been an accident or some problem with traffic. However when I looked into the sky, I just felt peaceful. I wasn't scared, just peaceful. My dog had stopped whining as soon as the traffic stopped. I thought that was kind of odd, but after it was over I know why now. Really everything became silent. Everything. There was no sound at all from the UFO or anything around us. 6. I lost sight of the object when my car was around 60 feet from it. The balls started to rapidly spin and it took off headed NE towards the East Iredell section of the county. The balls started off spinning slowly, but then they rapidly became faster and faster til it was just a spinning, gold blur and then they shot off in a NE direction. I want my report to be done anonymously. I would however like to know if anyone else reports a sighting similar to this.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.