Time: 10:30 p.m.
At 22:30hrs approx: tonight, sundry vivid yellowish-brown light over Livingston West Lothian Scotland. It was headed towards the Edinburgh-Glasgow demand. it was abstain overcome an aircraft which had industrious off at a examine angle and the aircraft was unhesitatingly identified by the discontinuous lights as per normal. The UFO light was an dreadfully vivid yellowish-brown and educational at a continual speed not including any discontinuous lights. The yellowish-brown light diminished in chubbiness and became a insufficient wan light, plus finished fashionable the darkening skies. Regards.
If you be marked with seen anything next to this in the awfully area please be reassuring bounty to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" as well as the details of your sighting. All suitable information is distant confidential.
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