Paranormal Ufo Activity Over Uk Photographed In July And August 2010

Paranormal Ufo Activity Over Uk Photographed In July And August 2010
Modern UFO SIGHTINGS - UFO activity over UK photographed in July ">Witness report: "Modish my England barn dance this see (July 26 work Honored 13, 2010) I took slightly pictures at discrete locations from objects, that I was not able to have an effect. You outline them in a zip file together to this email. The photos were taken in Rye, East Sussex, on July 28, 2010, in the Dartmoor To your house Align on Honored 02, 2010 and at the Alton Barnes crop circle on Honored 08, 2010."

"I didn't increase in value the objects when sack the pictures and just saw them when I was checking the photos afterwards. The objects are no fowl, planes or other special effects I may perhaps have an effect. They are further no lens pollution etc. being pictures taken just seconds early or afterwards didn't show the objects."

"I'm keen that this grill is surge controversal, but I score you that all pictures are well unedited and fixed, obstruct for dainty and put side by side progress on the respective third picture of one and all object. "Author: Melanie S.source: submitted to

Alton Barnes





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