UFOs are the talk of the town afterstrange objects spotted in the sky were caught on camera last month.
The mysterious objects were captured by friends Tracey Schneider and Charlotte Hellings about three weeks ago while they were taking photos of the sunset from the Yorkeys Knob golf course.
STRANGE OBJECTS: UFOs, top right-hand corner, were captured on film by Yorkeys Knob resident Tracey Schneider.
One photo shows two brown domes above a cluster of about six smaller objects which Ms Schneider said were not in the previous shot, taken 10 seconds earlier.
While Ms Schneider said she was keeping an open mind about what the mysterious objects might be, they had moved too quickly to be birds.
And she said the fact the objects were caught on both cameras proved they were not caused by dirt or a mark on the lens.
The pair's encounter has sparked similar stories throughout the beachside suburb, with The Cairns Post receiving calls from Yorkeys Knob residents who claim to have made similar sightings.
"I put it on Facebook and a lot of people were saying they had seen the same thing," Ms Schneider said.
"I'm not a big UFO person myself but I thought it was interesting and people can make up their own minds."
It is not the first time the Far North has been on UFO watch, with several Cardwell residents reporting strange lights in the night sky in January. UFO Research Queensland recorded three sightings last year at Wangetti, Port Douglas and Townsville.
The photos were also snapped about three weeks before the international space station became visible from Cairns.
The ISS can be sighted over the next two weeks. - CAIRNS.
Origin: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
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