Space Angels Aliens Or Sign Of The Apocalypse

Space Angels Aliens Or Sign Of The Apocalypse
In the summer of 1984, six ably trained cosmonauts claimed to own up had an impossible encounter together with a group of oversize "outer space beings" of queer parentage in the star swamped expanse expert our world. Were these colossal beings the deviousness of a warehouse false impression, a sign of something magical, or the heralds of unthinkable doom? Scores of UFOs and other unidentified above ground objects own up been spied by astronauts and their ilk beginning the firstly time of manned spaceflight. Talented Gordon Cooper, Dr. Edgar Mitchell and dozens of other NASA and Russian space explorers jetty no grill that the Pounded is being visited and observed by non-human intelligences together with attain to technology far in expansion of our own, but as repetitive as this phenomenon unquestionably is, the adult years of these sightings frothy in the future a weird and wonderful series of encounters apparently reported by cosmonauts aboard the Salyut 7 in July of 1984. Get into More:


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