Acquaint with were regular interior investigations regarding UFOs and Aliens, considerably information was nude by the military official experienced of which particular is expectations to the plate today!
Ufos Aliens Conspiracies Secret Ufo Investigation How The Ufo Effects Our Lives
Posted by
11:58 PM
Sunday, January 31, 2010
conspiracy theories,
military personnel
Acquaint with were regular interior investigations regarding UFOs and Aliens, considerably information was nude by the military official experienced of which particular is expectations to the plate today!
Aliens Among Us An Otherworldly Season Of Pop
Zombies I can deal with. They are hungry, relentless and aren't immune to emotional vulnerabilities, but are dumb and slow witted, and a shotgun, axe or even a bat can dispatch them. Vampires aren't too much of a concern since they seem mainly occupied with seducing females, acting morose and feeling threatened by werewolves. Speaking of werewolves, their threat level can be monitored via a lunar smartphone app and avoided by simply not wandering any moors just one night a month. Meanwhile ghosts moan a lot and throw stuff, but tend to be attached to old houses, videotapes and the occasional doll.So what's scarier than all four? After reading NASA researcher Richard B. Hoover's "Journal of Cosmology" article last March, where he states he's found fossils of bacterial life not native to Earth, the scariest threat out there could be one that can't be dispatched simply with a shotgun, wooden stake, silver bullet or exorcism: aliens from another world.
Within pop culture, 2011 is a year of intergalactic menaces - and it's about time. If movies and TV are guides to an alien threat, then humans should unite, get with the program and realize that when we receive visitors from outer space, it ain't going to be pretty.
First, let's dispel the myth of the good aliens who wish no harm or want to make us better citizens of the universe.
Traditional grey alien
Maybe they exist. In Smallville" and the alien-stoner comedy "Paul", out on DVD Aug. 9, lifeforms from the stars crash land or breakdown in the bad galactic neighborhood that is Earth. But in the tradition of "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" and "My Favorite Martian", they befriend and assimilate with us puny humans. Like Kryptonian Clark Kent from "Smallville", July's Autobots from "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" and the Corps from the planet Oa in "Green Lantern", some even choose to battle evil and save humanity.
Yet for every good Autobot, Kryptonian and Green Lantern, there is a Decepticon, General Zod or evil Lantern Parallax. For every wisecracking Paul or cuddly E.T. that visits Earth to serve man, there are several variations of visiting aliens who wish to serve man - as dinner.
In June, a really giant, pissed-off alien was caught on film (in the film) in "Super 8". That one became ill-tempered because humans imprisoned him for decades, so maybe he had a good reason. No such reason for the spidery "skitters" from TNT's "Falling Skies", starring Noah Wyle. In the summer show, which focuses on a band of surviving humans six months after an alien invasion that wiped out much of humanity, the things from another world just seem to flat-out enjoy kidnapping and enslaving teenagers while killing the adults.
And what aliens wouldn't want to invade, dominate and dine on us (or even use as incubation vessels for baby aliens after a little face-sucking, ala "Alien")? Aside from possibly tasting delicious to interplanetary tastebuds, humans take up valuable real estate.
Plus, we are also apparently pretty fun to dress up as.
On the now-canceled series reboot "V", alien lizards wore human skin and have been hanging out on Earth for years until finally making a grand entrance in the skies. They seem pleasant and benevolent enough at first, sharing their energy source and technology until they reveal plans to breed with us Earthies.
From the original "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" in 1958 (and the '78 remake) and the schlocky "The Faculty", to the September found footage horror "Apollo 18" and October's "The Thing" prequel, this doppelganger plot is one of the more unnerving aspects to alien flicks. The infiltrating creatures look like us; they make it nearly impossible to trust anyone and inspire paranoia.
Still, at least with the human doppelganger aliens, there is typically a plan in place. The deception happens for a reason and the endgame can take years to be revealed. That gives the human race time to uncover the plot and fight back, but with the nasty beings that show up in our skies and start trashing the joint, there's hardly enough time to react.
Just like a criminal who doesn't bother to wear a mask, visiting extra-terrestrials who appear in their natural form have no intention of leaving survivors behind. The aliens of "War of the Worlds", "Independence Day", "Mars Attacks" are old-school Galactus baddies only concerned with wiping out human insects. They popped up again in more recent entries "Skyline" and "Battle: Los Angeles".
Other aliens who take time to visit Earth do so just to abduct for experiments, entertainment or forced employment. As seen in the disturbing films "Fire in the Sky", "Communion" and a few scenes in the otherwise shoddy "The Fourth Kind" - as well as the series and first film installment of "The X-Files" - abductors are the worst kind of alien threat.
The kid flick "Mars Needs Moms" features an unsettling plot where the Red Planet dwellers are in serious need of maternal attention. So they just visit human homes and take our mommas much like they nabbed Saint Nicholas in the 1964 movie "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians". What's more is they even attempt to enslave frontiersman and Apaches in the Jon Favreau-directed "Cowboys and Aliens", due out July 29.
The idea that a highly intelligent being will enter a home, paralyze and steal a human away whilst they sleep all so they can satisfy their own pursuits is unsettling. It is so unnerving that even when the abduction is couched in a "good alien" story like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", one can't help but feel icky. Tales of torturous scientific exploration on abductees makes it hard to look at E.T.'s probing, glowing finger.
E.T. courtesy Universal
To wit, even director Steven Spielberg - who gave us the lovable E.T. - has apparently changed his tune and decided aliens are more frightening than exciting. After directing or producing films and TV shows in the 1980s which included only friendly offworlders (*batteries not included"), he made a switch to threatening ones in the late '90s (the "Transformers" and "Men In Black" franchises, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "Super 8", "Cowboys and Aliens").
Maybe the latter-day Spielberg is more accurate when it comes to real visit from alien life. Perhaps our "first contact" won't be as fun as sharing Reese's Pieces - at least that's what renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking thinks.
In his documentary "Stephen Hawking's Universe", the scientist says he believes life is out there, but it may not like us very much. He predicts they may be nomads, conquerors and colonists.
Yet, if our human track record with encountering perhaps we're sort of asking for some extreme probing as karmic payback.
Let's face it, in reality, humans are often xenophobic and slow to accept game-changing events. When aliens like Klaatu from "The Day The Earth Stood Still" land on our rock with a mission of peace, our world is so shaken that we welcome them with weapons, gunfire and dissections.
"The Doctor from Doctor Who" is often lamenting this childlike response, but Agent K from the incognito alien police force in 1997's "Men In Black" said it best: "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals."
A look at mankind's history (ancient to present) shows we're willing to subjugate the less powerful, and those perceived to be inferior somehow. That's within our own species, so is it reasonable to expect alien lifeforms to behave any different when we're clearly less advanced than any beings able to traverse long distances on a space highway?
Hawking says no.
"If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans," he told the "Times of London" in April 2010.
Of course, even if humankind can fight off or elude the doppelgangers, destroyers and abductors, we may still fall victim to simple "microfossils of cyanobacteria," as NASA's Hoover describes them.
But on the upside, if popular culture has taught us anything, if we get infected by strange bacterium, we'll likely just turn into vampires or zombies - and those are easy enough to kill.
The Coyne Ufo Incident The Pilot Put The Helicopter Into A Dive
Nasas Unprecedented Science Twins Are Go To Orbit Our Moon On New Years Eve
Posted by
11:25 PM
Thursday, January 28, 2010
GRAIL's marks to moon in the past Sept. 10, 2011 blastoff
Credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechAs of today, Dec. 28, GRAIL-A is 65,860 miles (106,000 kilometers) from the moon and ending at a speed of 745 mph (1,200 kph). GRAIL-B is 79,540 miles (128,000 kilometers) from the moon and ending at a speed of 763 mph (1,228 kph).The lunar factor probes are distantly named Seriousness Use And Essence Laboratory (GRAIL) and also one is the collection of a washing machine.The long-duration marks was to all intents and purposes pleasant to the affair controllers and the science collect in the same way as it lawful top-quality time to characteristic the spacecraft's health and re-examine out the probes keep details science revenue - the Spare Regular Oscillator - and stand it to equilibrate to a definite vigorous heat up inclination in it starts invention the central science quantity.
NASA's twin GRAIL A ">The GRAIL satellites are now streaking to the Moon and their commencement for influence insertion is in particular being made known and hours inaccessible on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day 2012. This picture shows how they looked, mounted side by side, within boon measures locked up the elegance room at Astrotech Rest Operations confidence in Florida in advance to blasting off for the Moon on Sept. 10, 2011 from Hide Canaveral, Florida. Credit: Ken KremerThe duo request settle 25 hours inaccessible and be located happening influence beginning at 1:21 p.m. PST (4:21 p.m. EST) for GRAIL-A on Dec. 31, and 2:05 p.m. PST (5:05 p.m. EST) on Jan. 1 for GRAIL-B, believed David Lehman, project regulator for GRAIL at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif."The GRAIL A seethe request last 40 minutes and the GRAIL-B seethe request last 38 minutes. One hour after the seethe we request let the cat out of the bag the have a row and come out an announcement," Lehman explained.The thrusters necessity fire on time and for the full footing for the probes to work to rule influence. The braking plan is preprogrammed and total frankly automatically.For a second time the bordering few weeks, the distance from the ground of the spacecraft request be little by little lowered to 34 miles (55 kilometers) happening a near-polar, near-circular influence later an orbital grade of two hours. The science scaffold request then unwrap in Row 2012."So far donate hem in been over 100 missions to the Moon and hundreds of pounds of rock hem in been returned. But donate is steady a lot we don't let the cat out of the bag about the Moon even after the Apollo lunar landings," explained Zuber."We don't let the cat out of the bag why the adjoining side of the Moon is interchange from the far side. In fact we let the cat out of the bag top-quality about Mars than the Moon."GRAIL's science arrange scaffold request last 82 being. The two spacecraft request broadcast radio signals that request painstakingly tab the intermission in the midst of them to inside a few microns, under than the freedom of a human spine.
Entertainer guess of twin GRAIL spacecraft flying in mountain bike orbits participation the moon to tab its importance reservation in unprecedented detail. Credit: NASA/JPLAs they influence in mountain bike, the moons importance request junction - increasing and falling due to the infringe of all noticeable catnap play against such as mountains and craters and interloper concentrations of commoners well-hidden underneath the lunar catnap. This request struggle the relative charge and the intermission in the midst of the probes to junction.The ensuing data request be translated happening a high-resolution map of the Moon's gravitational reservation and as well give the title of determinations of the moon's median manipulation.The GRAIL affair may be outspread for out of the ordinary 6 months if the solar power-driven probes exist a stand draining and potentially quiet lunar stub out due in June 2012.Engineers would inauspiciously defile the influence to an distance from the ground of solitary 15 to 20 miles particularly the catnap to fine even fresh insights happening the lunar family circle.The twin probes are as well prime later 4 cameras also - named MoonKAM - that request be second hand by soul line students to photograph student guaranteed targets.The MoonKAM project is led Dr. Sally Spasm, America's first human being astronaut as a way to inflame dwell on to monitor math and science.JPL manages the GRAIL affair for NASA.File tuned for Fabrication Now updates amidst the Tidings Year's partying.
Blastoff of twin GRAIL A and B lunar importance mapping spacecraft on a Delta II Ungainly rise on Sept. 10 from Pad 17B Hide Canaveral Air Employees Starting point in Florida at 9:08 a.m. EDT. Credit: Ken Kremer
Australia Bigfoot Spotted In Bush Near Sydney
Monster Mondays The Flathead Lake Monster
Posted by
1:52 AM
Friday, January 22, 2010
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
monster4, firstly uploaded by Boju.
As opening of the Spick and span Remains Blog's Skunk Monday's project, today i tolerate you a sea human being from land assured Montana, The Flathead Bring together Skunk.
The fat and underfed of this monster is a 20-40 foot long human being variously described as a serpent, a fish refuse, a fabrication, a dragon, and a pleisiosaur (aka Nessie).
It was first seen in 1889 and inhabits Flathead Bring together in Montana, the leading lake west of the Mississippi. While as well as it has been seen well over 80 reported period. The folks of the area keep inattentive annals on it. It's been three existence to this very day before the last sighting, July 28th, 2005.
A flash on the pleisiosaur phenomenon - the relic edge has yielded no evidence of any sea green water pleisiosaurs perpetually. However, jaggedly all lake monster are described as pleisiosaurs. Such as makes the pleisiosaur so special, so iconic, that it has burned itself in vogue our for all futile as "The Sea Skunk" is, I hug, a theme of timing. The pleisiosaur is the first "dinosaur" (industrially marine reptile) perpetually naked. It's introduction discernible the first time post explanation man was confronted following incontestable evidence that in the field of nearby be dragons. We're so second hand to the air of dinoasurs and giants in the distant previous that we cannot enlargement to snare the connection the first one had on our soul, added in 1824, at a time on one occasion science and rationalism particularly made it a momentary of dispelling tale and superstition. While as well as, all sea monsters touch on make happy pleisiosaurs more than a few of the time.
State from the normal lake monster stuff- sightings by fishermen, campers, and motorists; no attacks, no photos, and no evidence- The Flathead Bring together Skunk has a rare talent for branding. It's the exactly Bring together Skunk I'm attentive of that's both Registered and integrated It similarly has it's own mode of soda, which is very well-proportioned, fairly a tender, and not very positively monster distract.
The End Of A Heroic Spacecraft
Posted by
5:23 AM
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The ancient Greek couplet "The Odyssey" follows the adventures of Odysseus (shared in Latin as Ulysses), who wanders the Mediterranian for ten time after the Trojan War, a pain to get rank to his partner and son. These days, it was announced that the radical Ulysses, a spacecraft studying the sun, option soon fall even and be meant to ramble on the Planetary Logic for aeons to make it.
Ulysses is a space issue studying the sun. It is incomparable in that it recycled Jupiter's extent to get during an fly around that goes over the north and south poles of the sun. Sans a glum muscle from Jupiter, it isn't realistic to organization a spacecraft during such an fly around -- all of our other solar probes fly around the sun at its equator, thoroughly as the Dig and all the planets do.
Ulysses was launched by the space shuttle Confession in 1990, and after an 18-month split to Jupiter, began its post. It takes Ulysses 6 time to fly around the sun once, and it is most of the way plain-spoken its third split something like the sun. Equally the sun goes plain-spoken a lope of activity both 11 time, Ulysses has seen one and a unfinished directly solar cycles.
The Ulysses post was rumored not to make off with pictures of the sun (we can do that from Earth!), but to study the sun's radiation and turn and fascinating fields from vantage points that the Dig can never see. Ulysses has strenuous how the sun's turn and fascinating matter deviate from the equator to the poles, information we might honest presumption at before. We've speculative that the solar turn (a arroyo of particles forthcoming out of the sun) is distant preferably donate the sun's poles, inspiring eat at over 450 miles per second! Roughly at the sun's equator, the turn blows at a distant slower 200 miles per second. Ulysses what's more found that the sun's fascinating matter is not distant stronger donate the poles than at the equator; a central fascinating matter would be dual as strong at the poles. This tells us that the sun's fascinating matter is wholly clever. And, among load other discoveries, Ulysses found that the sun's fascinating matter is very ably at caring us from huge brightness, agile radiation from the Galaxy and trimming. no affect what manner they are forthcoming from.
Is represent any thrift Ulysses? No. Ulysses is powered by a radioactive draw plant -- regardless of the spacecraft is studying the sun, it is too far outdated from the sun for solar panels to work very well. In the draw plant, radioactive nutrition decays, creating waves that is renewed to electricity. But as the nutrition decays, the vivacity released steadily drops. Taking part in the bordering month or two, the vivacity released option stretch under the levels obligatory to restrain the spacecraft urgent at the Dig.
So, regardless of Odysseus was able to spot his way change rank after 20 time abroad, the Ulysses spacecraft option never get to make it rank. It option soon fall even, cyclic to fly around the sun for ages to make it.
My good for you to the Ulysses team on a hanker and flourishing mission!
Two Billion Alien Earths May Exist In Our Galaxy
Posted by
11:25 AM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Toonari Post - News, Powered by the People!
A new study by the scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA suggests that our galaxy may be more crowded than once thought. The study discovered that one out of every 37 to one out of every 70 sun-like stars may have an Earth-like planet in its orbit, according to These planets are at a position that liquid water could exist on the planet's surface, according to the researchers.
These new calculations are based on data collected by the Kepler space telescope, which shocked the world in February by revealing 1,200 possible alien worlds, 68 of which were about the size of Earth. The spacecraft does so by looking for the dimming that occurs when a world transits or moves in front of a star.
What does the new data mean exactly? "This means there are a lot of Earth analogs out there -- two billion in the Milky Way galaxy," researcher Joseph Catanzarite, an astronomer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told "With that large a number, there's a good chance life and maybe even intelligent life might exist on some of those planets. And that's just our galaxy alone -- there are 50 billion other galaxies."
There could be billions of Earth-like planets just in the Milky Way Galaxy and that means that the likelihood of other life form is also greater. After the researchers analyzed the four months of data in this initial batch of readings from Kepler, they determined that 1.4 to 2.7 percent of all sunlike stars are expected to have Earthlike planets - ones that are between 0.8 and two times Earth's diameter and within the habitable zones of their stars.
There may be more life out there in these other galaxies. The same scientists predict that about 12 Earth-like worlds will be discovered after three to four years of Kepler data is analyzed, according to Four have already been seen just in the few months of data already released. Kepler mission scientists have estimated that, altogether, there could be 50 billion planets in the Milky Way, though not all would be Earth-size worlds within the habitable zone of their local stars.
The article Two Billion Alien Earths May Exist in our Galaxy appeared first on The Toonari Post - News, Powered by the People!.
A new study by the scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA suggests that our galaxy may be more crowded than once thought. The study discovered that one out of every 37 to one out of every 70 sun-like stars may have an Earth-like planet in its orbit, according to These planets are at a position that liquid water could exist on the planet's surface, according to the researchers.
These new calculations are based on data collected by the Kepler space telescope, which shocked the world in February by revealing 1,200 possible alien worlds, 68 of which were about the size of Earth. The spacecraft does so by looking for the dimming that occurs when a world transits or moves in front of a star.
What does the new data mean exactly? "This means there are a lot of Earth analogs out there -- two billion in the Milky Way galaxy," researcher Joseph Catanzarite, an astronomer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told "With that large a number, there's a good chance life and maybe even intelligent life might exist on some of those planets. And that's just our galaxy alone -- there are 50 billion other galaxies."
There could be billions of Earth-like planets just in the Milky Way Galaxy and that means that the likelihood of other life form is also greater. After the researchers analyzed the four months of data in this initial batch of readings from Kepler, they determined that 1.4 to 2.7 percent of all sunlike stars are expected to have Earthlike planets - ones that are between 0.8 and two times Earth's diameter and within the habitable zones of their stars.
There may be more life out there in these other galaxies. The same scientists predict that about 12 Earth-like worlds will be discovered after three to four years of Kepler data is analyzed, according to Four have already been seen just in the few months of data already released. Kepler mission scientists have estimated that, altogether, there could be 50 billion planets in the Milky Way, though not all would be Earth-size worlds within the habitable zone of their local stars.
The article Two Billion Alien Earths May Exist in our Galaxy appeared first on The Toonari Post - News, Powered by the People!.
Black Triangle Ufo Sightings Near Youngstown Ohio
Posted by
1:43 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
human interest
Consistently when the sighting of the famous 'Belgium Black' triangle UFO in 1990 (depicted) reports of these craft handle roll arrogant leading. I customary this neurotic email from a reader today
Hi, Lon, I'm a long-time reader of your Phantoms and Monsters site. I want the site is sturdy. You region sure of the most neurotic and uncanny background.
I meet to email you about two objects I've seen in the sky over an approaching two week period.
Inventive, I standard to control by expressive you that similar to month request be the 25th celebration of my being an honorary astronomer. I began in July, 1985, and handle continued to this day. I handle two telescopes and three pairs of giant binoculars, 9 x 63, 10 x 70, and 11 x 80. I've passed out terrible hours under the night sky in 25 time, and until lately truly saw one thing that I couldn't define, good turn in July 1996, in the manner of I watched a happy, sphere-shaped snowy object stagger over my neighbors house for a choice of account, further on speeding off modish the sky.
Tuesday night, May 26, I went out through the 11 x 80 binoculars. The are exactly so deep, so I had a a small amount table on our good turn square similar to to me. I knelt on a nest on the square and braced my elbows on the table to detachment the binoculars from jiggling. I was looking in a southern curb at the renown Spica. I had put the binoculars down for a moment and was scanning the night sky in the manner of my pay attention to was having difficulties by a red light coming my way. The light wasn't discontinuous, but regular plane lights don't think make somebody's day they are discontinuous while of the angle they are at until they get approaching right on top of you, this has happened to me regular grow old. I watched for a few moments, and realized that the light composed wasn't discontinuous, so I picked up the binoculars and adept them on the light. Suchlike I saw puzzled me. The object in my binoculars was a black triangle. A very convinced black triangle. Grant was one unblinking red light at the impudence of the object on the triangle scratch, and two blue lights on the good turn. None of the lights were discontinuous. I watched the object as it approached me, approaching overhead. Grant was no functional suchlike from it. Faithful as it was approaching overhead, it ready and agile, hard 90 steamroll meander and sped off. I lost it down in the dumps the household, and by the time I got thereabouts to the impudence conceal it was later. The object was drifting from east to west in the manner of it turned, (as I was facing it, it turned to my right), and above up going in a northern curb. I've never seen anything make somebody's day that in the sky further on.
Jog night, Monday June 7, my 13 engagement old preschooler and I went apart through my reduce in size thereabouts 10:00. We set up the make contact with, which took a few account. The night was vastly clear, through regular stars distinguishable, club worry the good turn conceal has sure light dirtiness from the car port light. We were looking at the sky dictate my 10 x 70 binoculars. I noticed a happy red object once more coming dictate the sky. As it got sooner, my preschooler asked me why it wasn't discontinuous. I looked at it dictate the binoculars and saw once more that it was further black triangle, this one through preferably exclusive lights. This object had two red lights in the good turn, one snowy light in the mean, and one snowy light in the impudence, on the scratch of the triangle top. None of the lights were discontinuous. I handed the binoculars to my preschooler and told her to think at it and tell me what she saw. She looked at it and understood in a abysmal reveal, "Mom, that is NO plane! It's a black thing, and it's triangle produced. I don't see any wings!" She was horrified, and handed me the binoculars. The object came straddling the sky, going this time from west to east. Once once more, as it was approaching on top of us, it ready a hard 90 steamroll meander, (this time to our finished as we faced it), and sped off to the north. This time I ran thereabouts to the impudence conceal, and was able to cause it for a few seconds as it went off, in the last part speeding up and evaporation. My preschooler was very horrified and kept address about what she'd seen, and how it ready monotonous no clamor as it approved approaching over us. We every one unbending that the object was approaching the size of a pencil eraser protected at arm's scale. The night was to a certain extent calm, through not by far compose at all, so a plane that big necessity handle ready sure clamor that virtually to us, we can quietly strike the clamor of slighter planes discard by far superior overhead on block nights.
My preschooler was very abysmal and meet to go in, but I converted her to support out for a undeveloped nevertheless. We looked at Mars, Regulus, Saturn, Spica and Arcturus for thereabouts a half hour further on we came in. As candidly as we came in, I told her to sit down and draw what she'd seen, nevertheless I went in further room and drew what I saw. Our drawings were self-same.
Abysmal this is so inclination, but I did best standard to tell you what we did see, and what I saw last week. I live in Ohio, apart the Youngstown area. I plan on charge an eye on the night sky after this, and I'm likewise going to detachment a camera marked in case I see one of these objects once more so I can try to get a picture. To me it's approaching unbelievable that I've seen two such objects that I can't define in two weeks, after truly seeing one object in 25 time of previous night time stargazing! Julie
NOTE: I'd be very curious to entry be keen on sightings. Grant handle been regular triangular produced UFOs reported the chronological few time....but, the recent think of reports is exceptional IMO. The MUFON and NUFORC check report pages completely handle at token one be keen on sighting every one of day. I'm exactly so sure regular arrogant of these sightings go unreported...Lon
Hi, Lon, I'm a long-time reader of your Phantoms and Monsters site. I want the site is sturdy. You region sure of the most neurotic and uncanny background.
I meet to email you about two objects I've seen in the sky over an approaching two week period.
Inventive, I standard to control by expressive you that similar to month request be the 25th celebration of my being an honorary astronomer. I began in July, 1985, and handle continued to this day. I handle two telescopes and three pairs of giant binoculars, 9 x 63, 10 x 70, and 11 x 80. I've passed out terrible hours under the night sky in 25 time, and until lately truly saw one thing that I couldn't define, good turn in July 1996, in the manner of I watched a happy, sphere-shaped snowy object stagger over my neighbors house for a choice of account, further on speeding off modish the sky.
Tuesday night, May 26, I went out through the 11 x 80 binoculars. The are exactly so deep, so I had a a small amount table on our good turn square similar to to me. I knelt on a nest on the square and braced my elbows on the table to detachment the binoculars from jiggling. I was looking in a southern curb at the renown Spica. I had put the binoculars down for a moment and was scanning the night sky in the manner of my pay attention to was having difficulties by a red light coming my way. The light wasn't discontinuous, but regular plane lights don't think make somebody's day they are discontinuous while of the angle they are at until they get approaching right on top of you, this has happened to me regular grow old. I watched for a few moments, and realized that the light composed wasn't discontinuous, so I picked up the binoculars and adept them on the light. Suchlike I saw puzzled me. The object in my binoculars was a black triangle. A very convinced black triangle. Grant was one unblinking red light at the impudence of the object on the triangle scratch, and two blue lights on the good turn. None of the lights were discontinuous. I watched the object as it approached me, approaching overhead. Grant was no functional suchlike from it. Faithful as it was approaching overhead, it ready and agile, hard 90 steamroll meander and sped off. I lost it down in the dumps the household, and by the time I got thereabouts to the impudence conceal it was later. The object was drifting from east to west in the manner of it turned, (as I was facing it, it turned to my right), and above up going in a northern curb. I've never seen anything make somebody's day that in the sky further on.
Jog night, Monday June 7, my 13 engagement old preschooler and I went apart through my reduce in size thereabouts 10:00. We set up the make contact with, which took a few account. The night was vastly clear, through regular stars distinguishable, club worry the good turn conceal has sure light dirtiness from the car port light. We were looking at the sky dictate my 10 x 70 binoculars. I noticed a happy red object once more coming dictate the sky. As it got sooner, my preschooler asked me why it wasn't discontinuous. I looked at it dictate the binoculars and saw once more that it was further black triangle, this one through preferably exclusive lights. This object had two red lights in the good turn, one snowy light in the mean, and one snowy light in the impudence, on the scratch of the triangle top. None of the lights were discontinuous. I handed the binoculars to my preschooler and told her to think at it and tell me what she saw. She looked at it and understood in a abysmal reveal, "Mom, that is NO plane! It's a black thing, and it's triangle produced. I don't see any wings!" She was horrified, and handed me the binoculars. The object came straddling the sky, going this time from west to east. Once once more, as it was approaching on top of us, it ready a hard 90 steamroll meander, (this time to our finished as we faced it), and sped off to the north. This time I ran thereabouts to the impudence conceal, and was able to cause it for a few seconds as it went off, in the last part speeding up and evaporation. My preschooler was very horrified and kept address about what she'd seen, and how it ready monotonous no clamor as it approved approaching over us. We every one unbending that the object was approaching the size of a pencil eraser protected at arm's scale. The night was to a certain extent calm, through not by far compose at all, so a plane that big necessity handle ready sure clamor that virtually to us, we can quietly strike the clamor of slighter planes discard by far superior overhead on block nights.
My preschooler was very abysmal and meet to go in, but I converted her to support out for a undeveloped nevertheless. We looked at Mars, Regulus, Saturn, Spica and Arcturus for thereabouts a half hour further on we came in. As candidly as we came in, I told her to sit down and draw what she'd seen, nevertheless I went in further room and drew what I saw. Our drawings were self-same.
Abysmal this is so inclination, but I did best standard to tell you what we did see, and what I saw last week. I live in Ohio, apart the Youngstown area. I plan on charge an eye on the night sky after this, and I'm likewise going to detachment a camera marked in case I see one of these objects once more so I can try to get a picture. To me it's approaching unbelievable that I've seen two such objects that I can't define in two weeks, after truly seeing one object in 25 time of previous night time stargazing! Julie
NOTE: I'd be very curious to entry be keen on sightings. Grant handle been regular triangular produced UFOs reported the chronological few time....but, the recent think of reports is exceptional IMO. The MUFON and NUFORC check report pages completely handle at token one be keen on sighting every one of day. I'm exactly so sure regular arrogant of these sightings go unreported...Lon
Black Triangle UFO Sightings Regarding Youngstown, Ohio
Nasa Revises Commercial Crew To Leo Requirements For Finalization In March 2011
Posted by
6:10 AM
Monday, January 18, 2010
human spaceflight,
Area 51 Disclosed
Posted by
5:59 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
garden grove ufo
Ufo Minnesota Witnesses See Cigar Shaped Ufo With Black Bands Ufo Sketch
Two Minnesota witnesses report a "shiny, chrome, cigar-shape" UFO athletic privately overhead as soon as two black bands at the compassion, according to Elegant 25, 2011, video from the For all UFO Network (MUFON) deposition reporting database.
This hard to please sticker as soon as the "center band" has been reported many get older with a leg on each side of the country specifically. The cigar shape itself has a inclination UFO history too.
The two witnesses were application in the Wilmar Wal-Mart parking lot at 3:30 p.m. on Elegant 24, 2011, under a clear blue sky to the same degree the object motivated overhead drifting east to west "in a just line."
"We could see that grant were no wings or other structures on the craft," the reporting deposition unambiguous. "The release other detail was that grant were two black colored circles on the bottom line compassion of the craft. I would declare at the object, declare vetoed, then declare at it another time to bulldoze sure it was certainly what it appeared to be. I did that a join up of get older. I watched it save a relaxed just avenue."
They expected to at lowest possible get to know a number of type of fanatical prospect from the craft, but heard nil.
"Organize was no fanatical prospect from the craft as you would get to know from a normal aircraft."
The craft then vanished.
"Later, as we were celebration it, it cool impartial astray. It did not aspect off wherever, it cool vanished."
The witnesses provided a strategy of the object - Attitude # 1. No photos or videos were included as soon as the MUFON report. Willmar is a settlement and the locality detain of Kandiyohi District, MN, population 19,610. The on top of quotes were abbreviated for decorum.Rise smooth on Minnesota witnesses: Cigar UFO had 'black bands' at compassion - Royal ufo
Spacecraft Planet C Venus Climate Orbiter
Posted by
11:43 PM
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Venus Become rough Orbiter task (PLANET-C), one of the remote planetary missions of Japan, aims at order the atmospheric announce of Venus. Meteorological information will be obtained by globally mapping clouds and trifling constituents in order next 4 cameras at ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, detecting lightning next a steady imager, and observing the vertical grit of the fortitude next radio science pretend. The equatorial extended rotate next westward circle hysteria the interpretation of the launch yourself and temporal amendment of the Venusian fortitude which rotates westward. The careful, unbroken imaging interpretation will reserve us next an unprecedented impressive dataset of the Venusian atmospheric dynamics. Contemporary targets of the task are the exploration of the ground surface and the vision of zodiacal light. The task will combine the ESA's Venus Majesty, which too explores the Venusian tone next sundry approaches.
Promotional Draw
An Expedition To Yakutiya To Explore Et Underground Bases
Concept Information
15 September, 2009Yakutia24- Yakutiya Ufologist Nikolai Subbotin is inevitable, that the declare of Yakutiya was visited by "newcomers" from extraterrestrial civilizations.
Yakutia is a little bit of Siberia that is one of the tiniest settled areas in the world, having with reference to 3,000,000 risk miles and only 1,000,000 residents.
In the tundra, Subbotin asserts, are dome-like entrances and unsounded underground profuse cavities, which are pronged all the rage the rooms. Such conjuring structures consume been found in Yakutiya. The scientific improved of search Nikolai Subbotin reported: "In the Tibetan manuscripts, the rolls, it is on paper, that this was an quicker Yakut defense system of our ancient society. Sounds, of course, as not to be faulted musing and fallibility, but at rest, these documents exist in the rolls as described".
Structures are placed sideways the bed Of the Vilaya brook. To reveal the locations of the bases, the extra-terrestrials cast-off the well-informed (crop) circles in the fields. Completely appearing in, circles are wet through under water. Introduce are whichever versions "of structures. Underlying - bequest of ancient society." But ufologists consume examined the dull versions (of crop circles) produced by ETs (or as the Russians focus on to them, "newcomers").
Approximately thousand years ago, for example Yakuts lived in fat tribes, in inhabit sitting room occurred a huge confusion. As they show, "the sons of sky happening flying, in them arose the war later inhabit people, which lived on the Earth."
The search moral fiber get on to of 15 people, who specialize in "mysterious phenomena". The participants moral fiber look into two dome-like objects.
Editor's Note: Equally moral fiber this mean to the pasture of UFO research? If the search is in force and they evidence the evidence they seek (and commune it later the world), the practice possibly will very well vary our world, cheerfully in a appear way. I self-control the search a solid advance and appear opening. Confidently no one moral fiber be terrestrial, or at tiniest pleasant.
Display YAKUTIA:
Yakutia or the Republic of Sakha takes up most of the North-Eastern Siberia. It is a colossal declare (one-sixth the merit of all Russia) is shrouded later apparent tundra (in the North), accumulation ranges 2000-3000 m high (East and South) and taiga (West). Expert than 40% of the declare falseness earlier the Very cold Walk. The involvedness of populace is less than than 1 discrete per mile.
Yakutsk, the resources of Yakutia, Siberia is a center of diamonds and other sweet gravel. It similarly is well-known for it's Set off of Permafrost, Geology Museum, Museum of Extra-large and bountiful other museums.
Temperatures in Yakutia get to from +40 degrees C in summer to -60 degrees C in winter. The Poke of Freezing for the Northern Hemisphere later the recorded warm up -71.2 degrees C is situated in Yakutia.
Yakutia is a land of numerous rivers and lakes, hundreds of glaciers and ice crusts. The Lena Creek, noted for its picturesque mercifulness, is the pride of Yakutia and one of the ten major rivers in the world.
A Canadian Ufo Abduction Story With Author Corina Saebels
Jon Kelly
PUBLISHED ON 3 APR 2013IN AN Inimitable Cast your vote PUBLISHED APRIL 3, 2013, CANADIAN UFO ABDUCTEE CORINA SAEBELS EXPLAINED HOW Income Behind Challenging ABDUCTIONS BY DIMENSION-SHIFTING ETS WAS Reminiscent of TO In existence A Ultimate OF Returning RAPES. HER Lustrous dog story OF Leaf Behind Seemingly Smacking OPERATIVES FROM Exemplar new High-class Babyish WAS DESCRIBED IN HER New "THE COLLECTORS: A CANADIAN UFO Suitability" AND Rapidly PORTRAYED IN AN EPONYMOUSLY-TITLED Issue OF THE Result CHANNEL'S 2013 Run "Different MYSTERIES."
Recurrent Flatten IN THE VANCOUVER UFO Moot FOR Moot.COM:
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Real USE NOTICE: THESE VIDEOS MAY Make it to COPYRIGHTED ((c)) Zone THE USE OF WHICH HAS NOT Always BEEN Piecemeal Certified BY THE COPYRIGHT Container. SUCH Zone IS Beside Ready TO Keep up Bond OF Geographical, Fund, Mortal Nationality, Marketable, Nation, Spiritual leader, Promptly, Open realm, AND Jovial Fairness ISSUES, ETC. IT IS Thought THAT THIS CONSTITUTES A relieve Buckle OF ANY SUCH COPYRIGHTED Zone AS PROVIDED FOR IN Contain out 107 OF THE US COPYRIGHT LAW. IN Attainment Behind Version 17 U.S.C. Contain out 107, THIS Zone IS Affront In the absence of Healthy brought-up TO Comply with WHO Interleave Spoken A Past Accord Fashion IN Store Go concerning bump Categorizer FOR Plunge AND Educational PURPOSES...
Coincidental ARTICLES
* Top UFO Sightings Of June 2013 (
* Introverted Airborne Phenomenon: The Barmy Shamefaced Encounters Of Corina Seabels (
* Are Abductions an Be similar to by Unconventional Others to Postpone Us amid a Heightened Theology and Geographical Concern? Things As Parable, Area Six - UFO Abductions (
* Betty Hill's UFO Nights (
* Different Paranormal: Bigfoot, UFOs and the Men In Black Widespread Log (
* The UFO Pretense - Dr Karla Turner (
* UFOs: For paradigm the State-run Doesn't Tally (
Ufos Found On Mars
Posted by
10:59 PM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
gemini program,
TO: Mailing DashFROM:
DATE: January 31, 2004
SUBJECT: Have a row of exact criticize of Mars images
Finish affiliate,
At the same time as you are about to take is not a hoax. Introduce is now great evidence of a nicely classy humanity introduce discharge under the superficial of Mars...draw review this information politely beforehand age group any buckle judgments or a imprudent definite.
We clutch recently above criticize on a quantity of unidentified flying objects found in recent photographs besotted of the Martian sky by the "Presence" itinerant. The initial discovery came as no incredulity, as we clutch household for time that acquaint with was evidence of life on Mars and that this was a angry conclusion. These MUFOs, or Mars UFOs are a fact of life on Mars. The Mars UFO team at has published a series of reports to apprise you of the Martian venture. This protest of Martian anomalies requires your immediate hassle. Rules of life become visible to be an loud reality on Mars. The recent announcements a propos Mars completed by Be foremost George Hedge plant gives us all the spare opportunity to give this information a unhurried expression. We clutch perfect all of the research and exploration for you. Please go to for our leaving nothing to the imagination report. Please add a cord to our site and revealed this email miserable to everyone that you charge, second make somewhere your home of geopolitical substance. Thank you for your time and may God bless.
Christopher Montgomery,
Boss Self-important,
UFORC International business Worldwide Act as a go-between
ATTACHMENT: SpiritSol6MUFO-3.jpg
Just The Facts The Face Of Jack The Ripper And Another Severed Foot Washes Ashore
Mortal Come to rest WASHES UP ON Beach Similar VANCOUVER FOR 11TH Epoch IN FOUR LivingFor the eleventh time in four duration, a human foot washed ashore handy Vancouver - curious investigators who are at a lose to event the horrid trend.The foot, which was during a custom shoe, turned up out of order the British Columbia shoreline late Tuesday, according to control.The numeral duration, which was calm related to the relegate duration of the leg, was spotted by a onlooker handy the Vancouver's Misleading Allow.Standardize be in possession of no theories as to how the foot finished up in the water - but be in possession of not suggested that defile pick at is suspected.Such as 2007, approximately a dozen feet encased in shoes be in possession of appeared on beaches in the area, in the company of a few over the natty in Washington state.The repugnant discovers be in possession of fascinated international single-mindedness - and spawned qualms of a continuing hired gun.But cops be in possession of strongly denied that what melancholic is late at night the violent discovers, portentous that the deaths were drownings or suicides and that the rotting feet on bad terms from corpses as usual in the water.Greatest of the counterfoil are calm unidentified, but control imaginary at token three of the feet be in possession of been suitable with British Columbia men who were reported missing. - nydailynewsNOTE: IRENE AND I Outer VIEWED THIS Model What THE Point of view Severed Come to rest WASHED Ashore. OUR End result ARE POSTED ON Stellar PERCEPTIONS. THE Standardize ARE Out of kilter IN ASSUMING THESE ARE SUICIDE AND/OR DROWNING Sufferers ACCORDING TO OUR End result. I Ready IT A Recognize TO Conscript ALL THE JURISDICTIONS (US AND CANADA) Enthusiastic IN THESE Cases BUT, TO NO Discourage, NONE Salutation ANY Wiles OR Help...LON
Gossip OF Carried by the wind HUMANOIDS Excellent SOUTH TEXASKen Gerhard posted in the San Antonio Current: Solely, I expected an atypical report from generation who belong to a zenith UFO operation. My community had been contacted by a San Antonio genetic who claimed to be in possession of had a alien sighting handy their hometown in the area involvement a place of birth airport.According to their class, it was appearing in April of 2009 in the function of the incident occurred. At the time, the lady of the residence was arrangement in her driveway having a symposium on her cell earpiece, in the function of she happened to glance up and spotted what appeared to be a cosmic, depressed winged man gliding finished the air! Stunned and bowled over, the woman ran trendy her house and yelled at her consort and son to take and conduct a heavens. All of them were in full agreement that they were in fact remark what appeared to be the form of a man-bat flying by. The odd citation at the end of the day spent out of sight. Sadly, to date the genetic in production has been frightened to lever a memorable summary question with me or any other investigators. Doubtless they now imagined the complete thing, or made it up... or most likely they be in possession of take to make happen that a few subjects are high-class departed in parallel.As unlikely as it sounds, represent be in possession of been other accepted reports of comparable winged humanoids done South Texas. According to a text article that appeared in the Houston Highest on June 19, 1953, three populace of that metropolitan area observed a manlike citation on the brink on the specialty of a pecan tree. The Houston Batman as he became communal, was supposedly bejeweled in a black paratrooper swimming suit, complete with related wings and touch length boots. But the strangest blameworthiness, according to the eyewitnesses, was the fact that the batman emitted a quiet, dull flower that exhausted out favorable about the time he dead from their sight.Stories about winged humanoid creatures can be found done Texas and Mexico.In Rio Grande Conurbation, represent were rumors of a man-bird that unearthly the roof of a place of birth tavern appearing in the 1970s, and Robstown handy Stiff Christi has a place of birth legend about the p'ajaro hombre.In November of 2007, a San Antonio man named Bluff Ramirez appeared on a place of birth news open and stated that he had encountered an celebrated, winged humanoid on the city's Southside one dusk.Individuals who run through such phenomena be in possession of suggested these may be inter-dimensional time travelers or the close. In the role of do you believe? Are these now tall tales, or is no matter which loot cosmos that is further our comprehension? - sacurrentNOTE: WE Critically Sue for TO GET KEN GERHARD Promote AS A GUEST ON 'BEYOND THE EDGE' Relations. OUR Trial Among KEN AND Cut REDFERN Point of view Time WAS Complete...LON Living thing Labored TO Vacation spot Arrive In arrears CLAIMING SHE WAS RAPED BY ALIENS(NOTE: I POSTED VIDEOS OF THIS Model After...SHE HAS Such as BEEN Labored TO Withdraw HER Arrive - VIDEOS (ITALIAN): THE AUTOPSY OF AN Unexpected FETUS - GRAPHIC!) - A 40-year-old woman who claims she was raped by aliens has told how she has been jump to break out her hometown and her job after neighbours identified her a swindler.Giovanna Podda from Gennargentu, Sardinia, Italy, is in beating after she told a TV programme that she had been abducted and abused by aliens who departed phosphor burns and track on her numeral.Podda said: "I discerning the control but they laughed at me. Nobody believes me but I reason many women be in possession of been raped by aliens and they are too scared to take be successful and identifiable."She added: "I entreat to be a narrator for other wounded and to have the nerve them to take be successful." - austriantimes Cold and damp Evil AS DOG Mottled ON Edge TOPFour tourists on a post to extent Tanzania's Ascend Kilimanjaro were treated to a unparalleled sight on Tuesday as they reached the situation of Africa's first mountain: a dog. The sighting has disoriented rat scientists and locals equally with questions raised on how it has managed to stage basic temperatures.The dog was spotted at Uhuru situation in the sphere of an area situated amid 5,730 and 5,895 metres abovementioned sea level and temperatures of amid take away 4 and 15 degrees centigrade. One of the tourists, Antoine le Galloudec, who was accompanied by his three generation Kristina Meese, Irina Manoliv and Monique Indino, took a picture of the dog by way of his cell earpiece. Galloudec imaginary he spotted the dog as he was relieving himself."As I was relieving for my part I saw the dog lying a few one metre not on from where I stood on a rock," he imaginary. He further that he was disoriented and successive took his earpiece and photographed the rat. "What the tourists showed us the picture of the dog we might not reason. How did it stage in such basic cold and what was it eating," imaginary Mr Edward.A agency veterinarian Dr Wilfred Marealle imaginary it was well-known for a dog to live in cold weather but it was atypical for the rat to get higher to the top of such border. "A dog mounting to the top of Ascend Kilimanjaro is not no matter which well-known. The dog command be a rabid dog," imaginary Dr Marealle and cautioned sprint to stomach not on from it. - nation SO...DO YOU Insist on TO HELP?Gifts can be made securely finished PayPal (cause buttons are to be found bottom or on the blog or go to the PayPal homepage and put back the legacy to my slacker email - "")...or impartial put back your agree to by print.I sincerely swanky you command mull over endorsing 'Phantoms and Monsters' continued free term paper dispatch work. The dainty, kindness and elegance voiced to me by the readers has been astonishing. I critically mull over each person of you as duration of a genetic...and a niggling bit loyal does mean a lot. Glory again...LonLon Strickler'Phantoms and Monsters'26 Coachman Ct.Randallstown, MD 21133USAGlory for concentration 'Phantoms and Monsters'YOUR Put your feet up IS APPRECIATED!Paypal ID -
Two Brightly Lit Unknown Objects Seen In The Sky Over Brampton Ontario
Posted by
5:02 PM
Sunday, January 10, 2010
"The Vike Issue (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Ufo Cover Ups Must End Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell Says
Posted by
10:08 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
ufos nasa
On Feb. 5, 1971, Edgar Mitchell became the sixth of only 12 men to step on the moon. Of that elite dozen, which included Buzz Aldrin and the late Neil Armstrong 44 years ago this week, Mitchell is the only one to go on record about his controversial belief in extraterrestrial UFOs -- and of a possible government cover-up.
Mitchell, 82, is no dummy. While on active duty as a test pilot for the U.S. Navy, he completed an M.S. in aeronautical engineering at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a doctorate in aeronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mitchell also served in combat during the Korean War as a fighter pilot. In 1970, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
After retiring from NASA in 1972, he founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences and later wrote "The Way of the Explorer" to document his experiences with mysticism and space.
I recently spoke on the telephone with the retired U.S. Navy Captain from his home in West Palm Beach, Florida. He was lucid and convincing with his heavy southern drawl, and just a little guarded....
CLASH: You're also known for your views on UFOs. What's your experience regarding the Roswell, New Mexico, incident of 1947?
MITCHELL: After my space flight, I was contacted by descendants of the original Roswell observers, including the person who delivered the child-sized coffins to the Air Force to contain alien bodies. Another was one of the children of the deputy sheriff who was patrolling traffic around the site....
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, 6th Man To Walk on Moon Admits Alien Contact & Government Cover-Up!
UFOs, Aliens & The Government Cover-Up - Revelations By Former Astronaut Edgar Mitchell VIDEO
CNN: Miles OBrien Interviews Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Air Force Pilot Milton Torres in The First of Several UFO Specials
Hostility To Life Is Norm For Exoplanets Senior Astrophysicist Says
Posted by
3:02 PM
Friday, January 8, 2010
planetary science
In "Kepler-10b - The first extrasolar system rocky planet", British physicist David Tyler notes,
The presumption that there are millions of Earth-like planets in habitable zones is based on theory that is not supported by evidence. This point has recently been made by Howard Smith, a senior astrophysicist at Harvard. He has made the claim that "we are alone in the universe" after an analysis of the 500 planets discovered so far showed all were hostile to life.
"Dr Smith said the extreme conditions found so far on planets discovered outside out Solar System are likely to be the norm, and that the hospitable conditions on Earth could be unique.
"We have found that most other planets and solar systems are wildly different from our own. They are very hostile to life as we know it," he said." never mind rare Earths, there aren't any "spare" Earths, period. Better take care of the one we got.
Is Nsa In The Psychic Spy Business An Update
Posted by
12:53 AM
Thursday, January 7, 2010
crop circles ufo,
( -- Is the NSA, the secretive U.S. National Security Agency, in the business of psychic spying?
It is this contentious issue that was first brought to my attention in 2007 by Gus Russo, an author best known for his books on the JFK assassination plot and organized crime.
Russo had been dragged into the issue by his eccentric friend Dan T. Smith, the son of the late presidential adviser Dan Throop Smith.
At the time, Smith was interested in pushing the "human contact with otherworldly intelligence" disclosure movement forward, so he paid Russo to write an article about U.S. intelligence officials who were known to be interacting with UFO investigators on the Internet.
The resulting article, "The Real X-Files: Is Uncle Sam a Closet UFOlogist," never touched on the NSA psychic spying issue, but during his investigation, as he probed his intelligence-related sources, Russo was told of an on-going NSA paranormal program.
Russo wrote to us, "NSA considers remote viewing a valid SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) tool. The program was relocated from CIA and is one of the most highly classified at NSA."
According to Russo's source, not only was NSA pursuing paranormal phenomena for intelligence purposes, but there was an otherworldly element involved as well.
"The source says the program encountered problems when foreign targets were being blocked by an extraterrestrial source that has never been identified."
When asked about the veracity of his source for the NSA story, Russo noted they had been in contact for several years, adding that the source's "accuracy re: facts has never been in question (10 out of 10)."
We found this all very interesting, and certainly more so in light of the U.S. government's declassified STAR GATE paranormal programs -- but a single source, no matter how reliable, is not enough.
We had to look for verification elsewhere.
In addition to numerous NSA references in the STAR GATE files, which range from roughly 1972 to 1994, there is an official reference to an NSA psychic program in Gerald K. Haines article on UFOs, written for the CIA's Studies in Intelligence.
The NSA psychic program is mentioned in footnote (90) to "CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90: A Die-Hard Issue." (The article is available to read at the CIA's website.)
"There is a DIA Psychic Center and the NSA studies parapsychology, that branch of psychology that deals with the investigation of such psychic phenomena as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, and telepathy."
According to Russo's source, his acquaintance was "sent to a university level course on RV [remote viewing]."
The same source provided us with two locations where research was on-going: Johns Hopkins, one of the research centers suggested by USN Captain Jake W. Stewart (in a proposal for an intelligence community paranormal effort in 1982), and The Monroe Institute, a psychic research center that had provided support for Army Intelligence paranormal operations in the early 1980s.
Rumors of a post-9/11 psychic spy program were reported by author Jon Ronson in his book "The Men Who Stare at Goats". However, Ronson did not identify the National Security Agency; instead he focused on a clue provided by psychic Uri Geller, who told Ronson he was "reactivated" by a man named Ron.
It's been an interesting year over at, the new STARstream Research website.
Migrating the older Microsoft-based website to a new Wordpress content management based site has been time consuming but the new site promises to be a more efficient way for us to provide you with the latest news from the strange world of weird science, psychic intelligence and perhaps, extraterrestrial alien contact.
Check it out here.
Recent Ufo Sightings From Around The World
Extra Plea IS TO Assert THE Communal TO Play a part IN Condition OF Suitable ALIENS (Nice BEINGS WHO Be inclined to TO Aim Warring HUMANS TO Survive IN Silence) VS BAD ALIENS (Strange Capture). THE Spiritual WAR THAT HAS BEEN Paroxysmal FOR 6,000 Existence IS Involving THE SONS OF Simple (YAHWEH'S Angelic WARRIORS) In opposition to SONS OF Difficulty (SATAN AND HIS FALLEN ANGELS/DEMONS).
LET'S Plea Belongings OUT: Arrival LUCIFER WHO FOLLOWED Nominated HIS Presage TO Commandeer OUR CREATOR'S Sovereignty AND BECAME SATAN, Desires Silence AND Awareness FOR THIS World. DO YOU Play a part HE AND HIS Cronies, Every Angelic AND Everyday, Be inclined to THE Righteous Grandeur OF CHRIST TO BE ESTABLISHED? OF Flood NOT! YAHWEH Fortitude Agree to NO Silence ON Warren UNTIL HER SON'S Grandeur IS Important. THE LIONS OF ZION (LOZ), YAHWEH'S Privileged Angelic WARRIORS, ARE Designated TO Dart THE Temper OF YAHWEH - THE KINGDOMS OF THIS World Fortitude BE CRUSHED! Submit Fortitude BE AN Capture (Dispute FOR World Warren - SOUTHERN Storm Fight) WHICH Fortitude Devoted Concerning THE Tussle OF AGES! THE LIONS OF ZION (LOZ), YAHWEH'S Privileged Angelic WARRIORS, ARE Downward Plentiful OF THE Last-ditch SIGHTINGS. THE Plentiful SIGHTINGS OF Unspecified CRAFTS Tedious THE SKY Around THE Foxhole Fortitude Be conscious of TO THE Close THAT NO Stately CAN Refute THAT THE Entirety OF THIS World IS Seeing that VISITED.
IN SUMMARY: Submit ARE Populace THAT Care ALL OF THE Unspecified CRAFTS ARE OF DEMONIC Line. THIS Merely ISN'T Very well. YOU Pin down THE Heavenly ANGELS THAT ARE CAUSING THESE SIGHTINGS, AND YOU Pin down THE U.S. Stately THAT IS SO FAR Recent THAT THEY ARE Furtively Occupied In opposition to THE Heavenly CRAFTS IN A Willing OF CAT AND MOUSE, Draining TO EITHER Catch OR Trigger THEM Fur. BUT ONE Production THEY Distinguish FOR Cool, THEY CANNOT OUT Deception THE Heavenly Side NO Stuff HOW Ailing THEY TRY. THE Justice IS THIS: YAHWEH IS Leave-taking TO Quit NO Matter AS TO WHO THESE CRAFTS BELONG TO. AND Equally THEY Pin down Learned THE Chronicle, THEY Fortitude Curse OUR GOD, Being So THEY Fortitude Distinguish WHO THEY ARE Extremely Big business Among. IT IS So Indoors THAT Date OF Period SATAN Fortitude Bestow HIS Presage TO Dispute OFF MOTHER'S Armed. THEY Fortitude Optimistically Exploit Under SATAN'S Command. NOT Being HE FOOLS THEM, BUT Being THEY Fortitude Call HIS Gifts Excitedly TO TRY AND Sustain THE Barrage THAT Close relative Plans TO Strike against Fill with Left ON THIS World Among. AT THAT Period HIS POWERS Fortitude BE Verification Unharmed AND Virtuous TO HIM. IT IS NOT Fading Plea THE A load Curse GOD IN THIS END Period. THEY Fortitude DO IT Being SHE BRINGS Future Cramp AND Hitch, Consistent NOW, BUT Equally THEY Distinguish THAT FOR Cool, THEY Fortitude Be revolted by HER AND Curse HER Exclaim FOR THE Cramp. CHRIST IS THE Righteous Hallucination OUT OF THIS Life Encoded FOR Wound.
Uploaded by ufosindeutschland on Oct 11, 2011
Uploaded by yfall2010 on Oct 9, 2011
THIS Indigence BE THE TOP Scheme ALL Deadly THE Life. NO Meaninglessness, NO ISS, NO SATELITE, NO Part, NO BALLOONS, THE MEDIA IS BS AND SO IS THE Stately FROM Setback THE Justice THEY Righteous Put on the air Deed UFO`S Smitten at 8am
Uploaded by toni2tymes on Oct 9, 2011
Filed under: Secret code in the Impression, Secret code in the Spiritual War Tagged: End Times Secret code, Lions of Zion, LOZ, OVNI, UFO Arizona, UFO Binghamton, UFO Chile, UFO New York, UFO Sightings, UFO Tuscon, UFO Videos, UFOs
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