[Note: Tom Mickus and ParaNet Pi are an independent personal computer basedBulletin Board System (BBS). Even though Tom is a CompuServe member andcontributer neither he, nor ParaNet have any business affiliation withCompuServe or the National Issues and People Forum. We thank Tom for hiscontribution and suggest that those wishing to repond communicate directly withhim though either EMAIL or the Message Board of this Forum]THE CRUCIBLE 416-244-9999 *HST* - 24Hrs - 12/24/9600 - 44 Megs - The following file was uploaded to me by Bill Cooper on 12/12/88. I haveincluded a msg from him from Pi's UFOlogy Conference as a preface to thefollowing file information. Tacked on to the end of this file are two shortentries entitled "GUEST" and "RELIGION". They were taken from a filepreviously sent to me by Bill Cooper, and added in with his permission, asthey were originally part of this file. -Tom Mickus 12/13/88 Conf: ParaNet Pi - UFOlogy Msg: 89 of 89Subj: Everything I know To: AllFrom: Bill Cooper (#169)Date: 12/12/88 23:05:11 I have decided to come out of the closet and let the UFO community knoweverything that I know and have seen and that@my sources have communicated tome over the last 1w years regarding the UFO question. I have uploaded thetruth to several who have gained my trust over the last few months. Thosepeople are Tom Mickus, Don Ecker, Stan Friedman, Bryon Smith, John Lear, andone other who`has chosen not to be identified at this time. I am releasingthis information at this time to the public and I am releasing thosee namedpeople from their bond of silence regarding the subject. Once you read theinformation you will be clear on my past actions and on what I know. I knowthat this will stir up much controversy and some bad (more) feelings on somepeoples part. I do not wish this to happen. I hope that you alll can come tosome kind of pact on sharing information as what I am releasing is for the mostpart documented and in your hands but not shared. Some of the information youhave never had before and will provide serious UFOlogists with much fertileground for research. I hope you all can benefit and most of all I hope thishelps to expose the whole issue as quick as possible.Merry Christmas,Bill When I released PUBLIC02.DOC my purpose was to expose the documents andinformation released by William Moore et al as being fraudulent andmisleading. Indeed it was. MAJESTIC TWELVE is an advisory team ofscientists who's only purpose is to evaluate information and makerecomendations. This team does exist as a scattered bunch of men who donot meet regularly as a group. The information gathered by the controlgroup MAJI is released to MAJESTIC TWELVE when study is needed. MAJESTICTWELVE has never been given the whole truth. MAJI is the MAJESTIC AGENCYFOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE and has total control of information and interfacewith the aliens in dealings with the United States Government. Some of the documents released by Moore were changed from the originalwith the deliberate intent to mislead UFO researchers. I do not know whois responsible but I believe that the Government is behind the whole thing.The rest of the documents are deliberate frauds. I am releasing the truthwhich I have obtained from excellent sources within the intelligencecommunity in order to set the record straight. MAJI is the sole agency in control and responsible for every past andpresent consequence of contact with the alien presence. MAJIC is thesecurity classification of all projects and information connected with thealiens, their craft, their bases, and dealings with the United StatesGovernment. MAJIC means MAJI CONTROLED. MAJIC is the highest securityclassification in the nation. The name of the overall project is GRUDGE and always has been. GRUDGE isthe proword for AQUARIUS and a few other projects as you will see when youread the rest of this file. The AQUARIUS document released by Moore which he claims was given to himby Mr. Graham was changed and I am including a reconstructed document as itwas presented to me by one of my sources. I am also including all theinformation (in short form) that I presently have regarding the U.S.Government and the Aliens. This information has been reviewed by 3different people who know the information but do not know each other andthey have made some corrections to the document. If the informationdeviates somewhat from information that I have previously released it isdue to those corrections. My previous information was from memory ofdocuments seen over 16 years ago and I am pleased that my memory haswithstood the rigors of time quite well. In case you doubt that I had theinformation previous to this release you may check with Stan Friedman, TomMickus, Don Ecker, John Lear, and Bryon Smith as I had given theinformation to them some time ago. Any document you see where I stated that MAJESTIC TWELVE was the controlgroup was a test of Moore et al and was never to be posted or releasedpublicly. The public posting of those documents was done by Jim Spieseragainst my wishes. He was told that the information was mixed as a testbut he posted them anyway. They contain true and false information andshould be ignored. The information contained in this file is true andcorrect to the best of my knowledge and to the knowledge of my sources. THIS IS THE ONLY FILE REGARDING THE GOVERNMENT AND THE ALIENS THAT I CANHONESTLY SAY IS THE TRUE INFORMATION IN WHOLE AS I KNOW IT. It is backedby the John Lear Hypothesis, Paul Bennewicz' information, WilliamStienman's information, the Fenwick interview, and other bits ofinformation which is in the hands of UFOLOGISTS. The test of time willprove this information to be true and correct. Nothing in this filecontradicts my PUBLIC02.DOC. This file should clear the air regarding mystatements and actions thus far. In this file you will find informationwhich you have never had before and it should open up numerous paths forSERIOUS UFO researches to explore. I have many documents and letters to back up this information much ofwhich I have already released and much of which is the product of your ownresearch. John Lear has in his possession many letters and documents whichwill also back up this file. William Stienman is another. I would alsodirect you to Don Ecker's SPOOK.DOC, and to bits of Moore's information(fraudulent though it may be it does contain some truth). The Fenwickinterview is another source of information, along with the FEDEX files onParanet Alpha. The letter from the man who participated in Project PLUTO isright on the money although he mistook the term PLUTO/POUNCE as beingproject PLUTO that he worked on. He was a part of POUNCE which comes underProject PLUTO thus PLUTO/POUNCE. The first word is always the Proword andparent project while the second word is the project itself. Another FEDEX file contains the account of a man who worked at AREA 51 inNevada and stumbled upon Project REDLIGHT. The correct name isGRUDGE/REDLIGHT. If you would stop calling people names and put ALL yourinformation together from ALL your different files you will see that thisinformation is all there for you to see and verify from different sourceswho neither know each other or even know about each other in mostinstances. Most of the UFOLOGISTS that I have seen and talked to inperson, on the phone, or by computer seem to like to talk much more than dohonest research. It is all there and all you need to do is put ittogether. I must admit that I had a much easier time of it having seen theinformation and having excellent sources. I knew what to look for, but atleast I looked. William Moore must know much more than he lets on. He has to knowsomething other than the phony information that he has released or he wouldnot go to such pains to alter the information (by his own admission). Icannot believe that he has been so completely duped after having read "TheRoswell Incident". TOP SECRET/MAJIC EXECUTIVE CORRESPONDENCE EXECUTIVE BRIEFING SUBJECT: MAJI PROJECT GRUDGE/AQUARIUS (TS/MAJIC) (Graphic of finned rocket enclosed in circle bisected vertically by dashes.) ATTENTION THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY MAJI. MAJI IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS SUBJECT MATTER. DOCUMENT CONTROL: ECN 0001(Graphic of world in circle.) CLASSIFIED BY: MJ1/MAJI DECLASSIFY ON: EXEMPT TOP SECRET/MAJIC PROJECT AQUARIUS(TS/ORCON) (PROWORD): GRUDGE Contains 16 volumes of documentedinformation collected from the beginning of the United States'investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Identified AlienCrafts (IAC). The Project was originally established in 1953, by order ofPresident Eisenhower, under control of CIA and MAJI. In 1960, theProject's name was changed from Project SIGN to Project Aquarius. TheProject was funded by CIA con- fidential funds (non-appropriated). TheProject assumed full responsibility for investigation and intelligence ofUFOs/IACs Dec 1969 after Project Grudge/Blue Book was closed. The purposeof Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific, technological, medicaland intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alienlife forms. This orderly file of collected information has been used toadvance the United States' Space Program. (TS/ORCON) The preceeding briefing is an historical account of the UnitedStates Government's investigation of Aerial Phenomenas, Recovered AlienAircraft, and contacts with extra- terrestrial Life Forms. TOP SECRET/MAJIC THE PROJECTS UNDER PROJECT AQUARIUS1. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT PLATO: (PROWORD: AQUARIUS) Originallyestablished as part of Project SIGN in 1954. Its mission was to establishdiplomatic relations with Aliens. This Project was successful whenmutually acceptable terms were agreed upon. These terms involved theexchange of technology for secrecy of Alien presence and non interferencein Alien affairs. Aliens agreed to provide MAJI with a list of humancontacts on a periodic basis. This Project is continuing at a site in NewMexico. 2. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT SIGMA: (PROWORD: AQUARIUS) Originallyestablished as part of Project SIGN in 1954. Became a separate project in1976. Its mission was to establish communication with Aliens. ThisProject met with positive success (sic) when in 1959, the United Statesestablished primative communications with the Aliens. On April 25, 1964, aUSAF intelligence officer met with Aliens at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. Thecontact lasted for approximately three hours. After several attemptedmethods of communicating the intelligence officer managed to exchange basicinformation with the Aliens (Atch 7). This Project is continuing at a sitein New Mexico. 3. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT REDLIGHT: (PROWORD GRUDGE) Originallyestablished in 1954. Its mission was to test fly a recovered Alienaircraft. First attempts resulted in destruction of the craft and death ofthe pilot. This Project was resumed in 1972. This Project is continuingin Nevada. 4. (TS/ORCON) PROJECT SNOWBIRD: (PROWORD REDLIGHT) Originallyestablished in 1954. Its mission was to develop, using conventionaltechnology, and fly a flying saucer type craft for the public. ThisProject was successful when a craft was built and flown in front of thepress. This Project was used to explain UFO sightings and to divert publicattention from Project REDLIGHT. TOP SECRET/MAJICMAJI The TOP SECRET/MAJIC project control group responsible for EVERY ASPECT OF INTERFACE WITH THE ALIEN LIFE FORMS INCLUDING SECURITY & INTELLIGENCE, AND DISINFORMATION TO PREVENT PUBLIC OR FOREIGN DISCLOSURE OF THE ALIEN PRESENCE. MAJI IS RESPONSIBLE ONLY TO THE PRESIDENT. (THIS IS WHY ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRING TO "MAJESTIC" OR ANY OTHER FORM OF THAT NAME ARE WRONG.) MAJI IS ONGOING IN WASHINGTON DC.MAJIC SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ALL MAJI AND AQUARIUS INFORMATION. MAJIC MEANS "MAJI CONTROLLED". MAJIC IS THE HIGHEST SECURITY CLASSIFICATION IN THE NATION.MJ-1 DIRECTOR OF MAJI. THE DIRECTOR OF THE CIA IS USUALLY MJ-1 AND REPORTS ONLY TO THE PRESIDENT. (OTHER MEMBERS OF MAJI ARE DESIGNATED MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc. This is why MJ-12 CANNOT BE USED AS A NAME FOR THE CONTROL GROUP AS IT WOULD CAUSE CONFUSION IN MEANING,
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