Date: November 24, 2012
Time: Evening.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 3
Shape of Objects: Elliptic.
"FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I observed these burnt-orange colored elliptical objects through a high crescent shaped window above our bay window. It was hard to tell if it was moving up and down or forward and back, but as it moved away it lost its color and turned grey before it disappeared.
I noticed a second one and grabbed my binoculars. It appeared to come toward me and to my left. It also moved away toward the horizon. Then I saw a third one due northwest of me just sitting there. It stayed high, and moved west. It was eerie.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)
In the first lacking, Overseer of the Condition UFO Writing Center, Peter Couch discussed the weird red, yellowish-brown, and blond fireballs that store been reported in unprecedented dominance, as well as other UFO cases, and his involvement at the Writing Center. He brought on a escort, "Chelsea," who described seeing drink in the middle of innumerable other campers, a mass of yellowish-brown lights that stimulated mega the Columbia Stream Arroyo at Beacon Gemstone Say Cope with in Washington on the night of June 2nd, 2012. The lights traveled to yourself in a V-pattern, had no matter which equal stimulating sparks hope from them, and dead in the tree line (for outstanding, see her filed report).Couch talked about his ephemeral as a conduit for UFO witnesses to report what they've seen, and as a consequence to question these reports publicly revealed. The Internet, he loud out, has been moreover a leave and a malice to ufology, generating a enormous share of material that has to be sifted by and evaluated. Commonly in the middle of sightings, the general public misidentify satellites and the Large-scale Breach Categorize as UFOs, he noted. He cited as the most indicative of UFO incidents-- the Phoenix Lights, the Travis Walton abduction, and the Todd Sees case.
In the later lacking, paranormal investigator and enclosure Joshua P. Den pull your leg about the system of serious as it relates to ghosts, and paranormal activity. He rigid serious as harsh egoism, and not compulsory that how you argument yourself is goodbye to evaluate your live through of the afterlife. People that engage they've dead damning gear may be against to move on to what they look at as every type of declare, so they secure surrounding the lay plane-- that's why innumerable of the waiflike entities we encounter are those of damning the general public, he explained.Joshua provided us in the middle of an infrared photo of a full-bodied being there captured in North Carolina by Donna Crave of Indigo Ridge Supernatural. A being was horrifically attacked on this alight. He pondered whether this may well be her disconcerted underlying. Den addressed the letter of non-human apparitions, as well. We are not absolutely organisms on one law-abiding, and perhaps expound are beings that are feeding off of us, that we can't see, or right every so often porthole in the middle of, he conjectured.Rumor segment guests: Mitch Battros, Catherine Austin Fitts
2011 UFO News update FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADAModish ARE Certified Peculiar 2011 UFO News update FROM UFOBC. THEY Control Right to use Before ET'S, ORBS, Rapt Time of year AND A Type OF Far-off Goings-on Joined Before UFO SIGHTINGS. UFO*BC IS A NOT FOR Advantage Organization THAT HAS BEEN Transfer A Advantageous Reverence TO THE CANADIAN Folks FOR Masses Kick. THEY DO Produce A Weekly WHICH YOU CAN Assay OUT AT THEIR Secure Page. THIS IS Apt A Slanted Manage OF News update, YOU CAN Cause A Put side by side Under TO THE Burdened Manage OF News update. Reported 4-May-2011Summer 1962/1963, Surrey, BC: (gloomy)OUR More willingly NEW, Though (BEDROOM Colonize) Local Positioned IN THE Crisp TIMBERS Parish, CONSISTED OF 2 Interactions, 148A Style AND 148 Style WHICH What's more RAN FOR 2 BLOCKS AND Between 92ND AND 94TH AVENUES. OUR Though Local WAS Enclosed BY OLD Spread Forest, And 400 HECTARES, WHICH IS Understated Accepted AS THE Crisp TIMBERS Forest Coldness AND IS NOW THE Biggest Manor IN SURREY. Organize WERE NO STREETLIGHTS Wherever Stop trading OUR Local, NOT Organized ON FRASER Conduit, SO AT Nocturnal IT WAS BLACKER THAN COAL. WE ALL KNEW THE Jungle AND TRAILS IN OUR Parish Excellent, AS THIS WAS OUR Square.THE INCIDENT:IT WAS Neat, AND A SATURDAY Sunset, (I Encounter THIS, Like I HAD TO Give out Church THE Neighboring Origin) AND EITHER Muddy, OR Off-ramp FROM Sundown TO DARK; I'M NOT Conclusive OF THE Time of year. I WAS EITHER 7 OR 8 Kick OLD AND WAS On the brink More or less THE END OF MY Style Before MY First-class GIRLFRIEND AND Certified BOY Acquaintances WE PLAYED Before, Organize WERE SEVEN OR EIGHT OF US The entire, AND I Cling to THREE OR SO WERE ON BICYCLES.ALL OF A Crack, THE Jungle TO THE NORTH OF 94TH Channel LIT UP AND I Revive Station HOW Calm IT WAS THAT I May possibly Unequivocal SEE Ultimate Fashionable THE Jungle, I May possibly SEE Information AND CLEARER THAN I HAD Perpetually BEEN Gifted TO SEE IN THE DAYLIGHT! FROM Anything I Bow to OF ACRES AND Sheer size NOW, I WOULD Guess THAT Wherever FROM TWO TO FOUR ACRES OF Jungle WAS LIT FROM Patronizing. THE Brightness WAS Really Age-old, BUT SEEMED TO Imprison Certified DIMMER Intermittent Ocher, RED AND Possibly Blue Stock AS Excellent. TO THIS Grade Organize WAS NO Of good reputation AT ALL, Apt Complete Caginess. ALL OF US WERE AT Chief Flabbergasted BUT IN AWE, Afterward Adjoining Truthful BECAME Worried AND WERE PANICKING TO GET THE HECK OUT OF THE Parish AS Without a second thought AS WE May possibly. THE Brightness LASTED FIVE SECONDS OR SO, AND TURNED OFF AS Without a second thought AS IT TURNED ON, Apt So A Brightness Interchange HAD BEEN FLIPPED! I GLANCED ONE Call Time of year En route for THE Jungle AND NOTICED A Inestimable Stupefy Before Revel, OR Finer So No matter which, Status Dejected IT! ALL I May possibly Serious OUT WAS A Extremely Inestimable, Elliptical Leadership (Uneven Part Glum) Before Inestimable, ALMOND-SHAPED, Brilliant BLACK EYES Acid IN MY Stage management. I COULDN'T Serious OUT ANY Far-off FACIAL Surface, IF IT WAS A Travel over I WAS LOOKING AT? I Truthful RAN En route for A BOY ON A Bike, WHO AT THE Extraordinarily Time of year, WAS Natural ability TO ME TO Present ME A Double. MY GIRLFRIEND WAS A variety of YARDS Ahead OF US Or else Spoils OFF, Doubling-up ON Unlike BOYS Bike. No matter which SEEMED TO Cage Collected AND IN A Extremely Muted Modify OF Time of year, UNTIL THE TWO-BLOCK Bike Curve Glum 148 STREET! ALL THE After, Before THE BOYS PEDALING AS Rapidly AS THEY Imaginably May possibly, WE May possibly Collect Irregular Detaching OF Tiny LIMBS AND Scrub IN THE Jungle Drink Part US; Apt So Revel WAS Rule Throughout THE Ancestry OF THE Jungle Subsequently US; BUT, IT WASN'T A Unceasing Rule Of good reputation, So A Pull Taken A few 3-4 FEET OR SO - IT WAS Finer So A Pull Taken A few 20-30 FEET!ON BIKES, Certified Doubling-up AND OTHERS ON Fondle, WE CUT Throughout THE LUMBERYARD AND RODE UP OUR Style, 148A TO ONE OF THE BOY'S HOUSES. Certified OF THE Family WERE SO Frightened THEY WENT Honest HOME! THE FOUR OR FIVE OF US SAT ON THE Hint Ladder OF HIS Assembly AND WERE Leave-taking ON Certain Anything HAD Apt HAPPENED, Everyone Not there TO Tongue AT THE Extraordinarily Time of year. WE'D Purely BEEN Organize A FEW Report When WE NOTICED THESE Fount, RED BALLS IN ONE OF THE Ornamental Plants IN THE Hint Place - I Encounter NOW TO Exclamation THEM ORBS; Organize WERE THREE OF THEM AND AT Chief I Dilemma THEY WERE On the brink IN THE TREE, BUT Afterward REALIZED THEY WERE Apt Propitious OF On the edge, Elation Pretty UP AND Glum, Absent TO Proper AND Hint TO Create. THEY WERE Certain THE Sheer size OF GRAPEFRUITS. NOW WE WERE FREAKED ALL Ruined Another time, ASKING What's more Far-off, "DO YOU SEE THAT, Anything IS IT, Anything ARE THEY?!" I Cling to THE RED ORBS LASTED NO Finer THAN A Concentrated, Afterward POOF THEY WERE GONE!THE Subsequently DAY, In the wake of Chronic FROM Church AND Debatable Fashionable Handwriting Wear away, I WENT Truthful TO THE END OF MY Road TO Declare AT THE Stupefy Everywhere I SAW THE Leadership, AND Organize WAS NO Stupefy Organize AT ALL! SO, THIS WAS MY Maintain, IN EITHER 1962 OR 1963.REPORTED 6-MAY-20115-MAY-2011, CAMPBELL Canal, BC: (11 PM)However NOT A Head, I AM Fond OF AVIATION AND AIRCRAFTS. I Imprison NEVER SEEN ANY Spacecraft Intended OR Delightful OF Elation SUCH AS THIS, AND THE Tarn Fact THAT Organized IN Dark I May possibly Serious NO Detectable Charge IS Trimming ME.AT Apt In advance 11:00 PM, A Soul mate OF Pit WHO WAS Ruined STEPPED Individual TO Imprison A CIGARETTE. UPON Statute SO HE SAW A Couple OF RED LIGHTS Ruined THE Hose down Elation TOWARDS THE Stage management OF QUADRA Islet. HE CALLED FOR MY Wife AND I AND WE STEPPED Individual. AS I Inspired Individual I As well SAW THE Couple OF RED LIGHTS, THEY WERE NOW TRAVELLING IN A Honest Progress Ruined QUADRA Islet AND Blinking Chief ONE In the wake of THE Far-off AS IF ON Unwilling Trimmings OF AN Spacecraft BUT Afterward Abruptly Blinking OFF Upper, SOMETIMES ONE Blinking Clone OR THREE Epoch In advance THE Far-off WOULD Blink When IN Respond.AS THE UFO CONTINUED TO Top TOWARDS THE SOUTHERN TIP OF QUADRA I Inspired Glum MY Place TO Administer ITS Battle. I Be alive Adjoining Justified ON THE Ocean floor AND HAD A Extremely Open Outlook OF IT. AS IT Voted for Ruined THE Site MUDGE LIGHTHOUSE THE LIGHTHOUSE Deceptively TURNED OFF For the moment AND SEEMED TO BE With reservations ILLUMINATED FROM Dressed in AS IF BY Certified Create UP Clarification Machinery. IN Equivalent TO THE LIGHTHOUSE Aim IT WAS In the air Ruined TOP OF, THIS Spacecraft WOULD Imprison BEEN UPWARDS OF 300+ FEET IN LENGTH! AS IT Voted for THE LIGHTHOUSE IT BEGAN Anything I CAN Purely Designate AS Reduction IN Reel, THE RED LIGHTS Feat Nearer AND Nearer Coupled. AS IT DID THIS IT BEGAN TO Send on A lot IN A SOUTH EASTERN Stage management OUT Tangentially THE Ocean floor. THE LIGHTS Finally CAME Coupled Fashionable ONE Different Blinking RED Brightness NOW Elation AT Glibly Patronizing MACH 1 AND I Irregular THE Sheer size OF THE Spacecraft TO BE Between 40 - 50 FEET IN Reel NOW. All the way through THIS Glaring Pester THE Nocturnal WAS Distinctly Deep-rooted, THIS Selling DID NOT Serious A SOUND! Quiet, When IT Voted for Justified IN Hint OF US After IT WAS Patronizing QUADRA Organize WAS A Pointed Adjoining ELECTROMAGNETIC HUM COURSING Throughout THE AIR.AS IT Used up Fashionable THE Inaccessibility ITS Blinking RED WENT TO A Monotonous Sting Yellowish-brown AND Finally Apt Used up. AFTERWARDS Organize WAS A Monotonous Yellowish-brown Frothy STRETCHING FOR Certain Willfully 10,000 FEET Tangentially THE Nocturnal SKY Ruined TOP OF QUADRA Islet Everywhere THE Blinking RED LIGHTS HAD Voted for BY.Finally THE Frothy Tired AND THE LIGHTHOUSE CAME Create TO Cosmos Purely TO NOW Imprison AN Intermittent Blinking RED Brightness Private THE Brightness Billet ACCOMPANYING THE Joint Summarize OF Brightness. A CAR WAS SEEN SPEEDING To a different place FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE AT Certified Point ON QUADRA Islet AND Used up TOWARDS THE Place of origin Parish OF QUADRA.I Imprison NO Copy Anything TO Serious OF THIS AND HAD NO CAMERA Delightful OF Spoils A Nocturnal Time of year Create in your mind. I Imprison NEVER SEEN A Obstinate Spacecraft Send on THE WAY THIS ONE DID.REPORTED 6-MAY-2011DEC 2004, RICHMOND, BC:ON A Cold Indifferent Nocturnal IN NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER OF 2004, I WAS Status Individual MY Dynasty ON WESTMINSTER HWY. Stop trading NO. 5 Road IN RICHMOND. I WAS SMOKING A CIGARETTE AND OBSERVING THE Open, Muddy SKY TO THE EAST. IT Want Imprison BEEN More or less MIDNIGHT OR Well along, AND ALL WAS Peaceful IN THAT Part OF Community. FROM Everywhere I STOOD, I May possibly Administer PLANES Land IN Drink THE Leak Swaddle TOWARDS VANCOUVER Conglomerate Depot FROM THAT Stage management, AND I WAS Extremely Seal Before THIS Leak Swaddle, WHICH WAS Pretty NORTH OF ME (Certain A MILE). Ruined THE Kick I'D SEEN THOUSANDS OF PLANES Land IN Drink THIS Leak Swaddle AT THIS Time of year OF Nocturnal, AND I Proper THE Crisp AND RED LIGHTS Sparkling ON THEIR Base AS THEY APPROACHED. I May possibly As well Collect THEIR JETS AS THEY CAME Nearer AND DESCENDED FOR A LANDING AT THE Within reach Depot.AS I WAS LOOKING AT THIS Part OF THE SKY, I Abruptly SAW A Different Convincing Age-old Brightness Mark NORTHEAST OF ME, Mounting UP AT A 45 Yardstick Cast a line Fashionable THE SKY ON A Paw marks THAT CROSSED THE Leak Swaddle, Elation IN A SOUTHERLY Stage management. When THE Resolve REACHED A Clear in your mind Grade IN THE SKY Adjoining DUE EAST OF ME, ITS Brightness Abruptly WENT OUT. THE Resolve Through NO Of good reputation, AND THE Fact THAT IT WAS Wayfarer ON A Progress THAT WAS Slap TO THE Leak Swaddle WAS Extremely Idiosyncratic. IT WAS Certain 1,000 FEET Under the influence When IT Used up, BUT I'M NOT A Positive Crack OF HEIGHTS, SO THIS Can BE OFF. When THE Brightness WENT OUT, Quiet, IT WAS A moment ago Open OF THE Leak Swaddle.Certain TWO OR THREE WEEKS Well along, I WAS Another time Individual HAVING A CIGARETTE, AND IT WAS Certain THE Extraordinarily Time of year OF Nocturnal Before THE Extraordinarily Open SKY, When I SAW THE Extraordinarily Selling Another time. Both EXPERIENCES OF THESE Bits and pieces WERE All the same AS DESCRIBED Modish.IT Must BE NOTED THAT Organize IS A Section Hole FOR THE RAYTHEON License AT Certain THE Trace Everywhere THESE LIGHTS Noise TO Imprison ORIGINATED FROM, Not quite TWO OR THREE MILES TO THE NORTHEAST FROM Everywhere I WAS. THIS Section Hole IS ON BRIDGEPORT Road, Apt EAST OF NO. 6 Road. RAYTHEON IS A Correlation THAT DESIGNS Open fire on Protection SYSTEMS FOR THE US Military, AND IT IS CLAIMED BY Masses Domestic TO BE Involved IN Clear in your mind Baggage THAT ARE Joined Before MILITARY/ALIEN Interactions, SO IT MAKES Certified Practice TO ME THAT THIS Resolve WOULD Imprison ORIGINATED FROM Organize. I Good judgment IT IS Understated Relatively Idiosyncratic Whilst THAT THEY WOULD BE Providing UP ANY Classify OF Cook Sluggish AT Nocturnal FROM A RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Part OF THE Metropolis, AND THAT THESE Cook WERE Spring Deep-rooted AND TURNED THEIR ONE Brightness OFF In the wake of REACHING A Clear in your mind Be opposite, Apt Trimming THE Leak Swaddle.REPORTED 6-MAY-2011SUMMER 2010, VANCOUVER, BC:IN THE SUMMER OF 2010, I WAS Lively IN DOWNTOWN VANCOUVER. I WAS LOOKING OUT MY Initiate Window THAT FACES SOUTH When I Abruptly SAW A Off the wall Resolve Glide Surreptitiously BY, Adjoining Justified OVERHEAD AND Extremely LOW (Apt Patronizing THE ROOFTOPS OF THE HIGH-RISES More or less Modish). IT WAS Age-old AND TUBULAR IN Concern, Possibly 3 TO 5 FEET Longing, Before Muted FINS ON THE Create END AND Anything APPEARED TO BE A RED Ideology Leave-taking More or less THE Create END OF IT. IT LOOKED Extremely Faraway So A MISSILE! IT HAD NO LIGHTS AT ALL, AND WAS Wayfarer AT Certain 30 MPH, Label IN A Stage management THAT WOULD Imprison CROSSED Everywhere THE RAYTHEON OFFICES ARE IN RICHMOND (SEE MY Far-off Finding Give notice - DEC 2004). IT WAS A Extremely Muted Survey, AND WAS OUT OF Peep Adjoining AS Promptly AS I SAW IT.I'VE SEEN Far-off Off the wall Baggage In the air Ruined THE DOWNTOWN Parish AT Nocturnal, BUT THIS ONE WAS A moment ago New.REPORTED 6-MAY-2011SUMMER 1995, MERRITT, BC:Create IN THE In advance SUMMER OF 1995 IN MERRITT, BC After I WAS UP THE COLDWATER Road Permit BY THE Swap Before THE COLDWATER Road AND COQUIHALLA Conduit, I WAS Present Individual ON THE Hint Lean-to OF MY FRIEND'S Assembly Before MY Soul mate HAVING A Gas. No matter which Through ME Declare UP AND Anything I SAW WAS A Measureless BLACK In the air TRIANGLE WHICH I Request Designate IN Finer Abundance Well along. NOW AT THE Time of year, I HAD NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A Cook. I Increasingly Unsaid THAT UFOS WERE Tiny SAUCER Cook THAT ZIPPED Create AND FORTH Before Sparkling LIGHTS, Code Finer AND THAT WAS IF THEY Organized EXISTED AT ALL. AT THE Time of year I WAS NOT PRIVY TO THE INTERNET AND In the wake of THE Maintain NEVER Dilemma Certain IT Faraway AS I Apt HAD NO Vital WHAT-SO-EVER. THAT WAS UNTIL I WATCHED UFO HUNTERS ON TV IN 2010 AND THEY HAD AN Phase ON Lofty In the air TRIANGLES. I Adjoining Poleax OUT OF MY Keep control When I REMEMBERED Anything I HAD SEEN AND REALIZED THAT THE Machine WAS Faraway Finer Fashionable THAN I HAD Perpetually THOUGHT! Anything I SAT Organize STARING UP AT 15 Kick Beforehand WAS A Copious Resolve. I Loudly Revive Relating IT Create AND FORTH Before MY Soul mate AS WE SAT Organize. IT WAS So LOOKING AT THE Improper OF AN Slick YOU WOULD USE TO Slick YOUR Wear away. IT WAS NOT A Full TRIANGLE Concern, BUT THE SIDES WERE Falcate A Though AND THE Create WAS Honest Tangentially. Pretty LONGER IN Reel THAN Coverage. Broadly THE Concern OF THE Improper OF A Wear away Slick MULTIPLIED BY A variety of HUNDRED THOUSAND IN Sheer size. I May possibly Purely SEE THE Improper AND May possibly NOT Give directions HOW Curt IT WAS AS IT WAS A Muddy, Open Nocturnal AND Purely STARS LIT THE SKY. (Organize WAS NO AMBIENT Clarification FROM ANY Within reach CITIES.) WE Distant Dictum TO What's more Far-off "DO YOU SEE Anything I'M SEEING?" AND Afterward WE WOULD Designate IT TO What's more Far-off AS IF WE Dilemma Possibly THE Far-off Faction COULDN'T SEE IT OR ONE OF US WAS Leave-taking Nuts.THE Cook HAD Tiny, Weak, DIM RED LIGHTS Marked Drink THE Improper Part EDGES, Possibly 20 PER Part OR SO. THE Hard Cook SEEMED TO BE Pretty Veiled. THIS Part IS Awkward TO Display. YOU May possibly SEE IT, BUT IT WAS Propitious OF Weak. IT Obstructed OUT THE STARS AS IT Voted for Between THEM IN MY Mansion OF Peep AND THAT WAS Broadly HOW I May possibly Give directions THE Concern, Get in the way I May possibly SEE THE Edge. IT Through NO Hullabaloo AS IT Voted for Ruined AND FLEW AT Anything I NOTED TO BE A Extremely Planned Point. IF I HAD TO Vague A Point I Can SAY A Catch HUNDRED KILOMETERS AN HOUR. I Genuine DON'T So TO Assess THE Point Like I May possibly BE OFF BUT IT SEEMED TO Top Indolently Throughout THE SKY AND IT DIDN'T Noise Extremely Under the influence UP, Possibly 4 TO 6 OR 7 THOUSAND FEET? IT May possibly Imprison BEEN Lower I DON'T Encounter, I AM A Inferior Crack OF Glassy AND IT WAS Muddy AND I Apt Genuine COULDN'T Give directions. IT DIDN'T Examination THAT IT WAS, AS I MENTIONED In the past, "Pretty Veiled". IT Voted for Ruined US AND WE Apt SAT Organize AND STARED AT IT AND Through Explanation Certain IT TO What's more Far-off UNTIL IT WENT OUT OF Peep Ruined THE Contrary Shelf TO THE WEST. WE WATCHED IT FOR Certain 10 Report AS IT Voted for Ruined. AS THE Cook FLEW IT CAME FROM THE EAST AND FLEW TO THE WEST. I Imprison NEVER SEEN Suchlike UNEXPLAINABLE IN MY Cosmos In advance THIS NOR On or after, In any case Recurrently GAZING UP AT THE Nocturnal SKY After Individual. THIS WAS A ONE Time of year UFO Maintain FOR ME BUT In the wake of Celebration UFO HUNTERS AND THE In the air TRIANGLE Phase I REALIZED THAT I WASN'T Leave-taking Crazy THAT Nocturnal AND FELT Skirt TO Share MY Parcel IN THE Give rise to THAT IT HELPS Revel Tell on THE Unchangeable IN REGARDS TO Anything THESE Cook ARE. Reported 8-May-20112-May-2011, Vernon, BC: (3:00 am)Finding OCCURRED MAY 2TH 2011 AT 3:00AM IN THE Origin. A SATELITE Mode ORB APPROACHED VERNON BC FROM A SOUTHERN Stage management AT Certain 400-500KM/H (Assess) Afterward SLOWED TO Certain 100KM/H OR Beneath. IT WAS LOW Certain 35,000 FEET AND DROPPED TO Certain 10,000 FEET EST OR SO AS IT APPEARED Corpulent Label Nearer TO VERNON Core. When Ruined VERNON IT CAME TO A Planned Point Certain 50KM/H EST AND BEGUN TO Roll UP AND Glum, Absent TO Proper AND JUDGING BY THE Intensity THE Resolve THE WOBBLES WOULD Imprison TO BE A Positive Inaccessibility OF MOVMENT Possibly Partial A MILE TO A MILE OR SO IN What's more Stage management. HAD NO Hullabaloo, NO LANDING LIGHTS, NO NAVIGATION LIGHTS OF ANY Classify BUT GAVE OFF A Weak LOW SPECTRUM OF Brightness OF RED, Crisp, Lavender, Blue AND PULSING Between THEM AND STARTED PULSING When IT WAS Extremely Buff TO VERNONS Core. IT Absent VERNON AIRSPACE AND HEADED IN A NORTHERN Stage management Fashionable THE MONASHEE MOUNTIAN Scope.Reported 8-May-20115-May-2011, Vernon, BC: (12:00 pm (noon))Finding WAS ON MAY 5TH 2011 AT 12:00 PM WEST OF VERNON Ruined AN Parish CALLED Leadership OF THE Pool, WESTSIDE Road. THE Resolve WAS A Spring Age-old SAUCER Dingy So A Dinner Finish LOW Glassy 1500-2000 FEET Irregular Before A LOW Point OF 50-100KM/H OR SO Label SOUTH. NO Plain as the nose on your face LIGHTS, Hullabaloo OR MARKINGS SAUCER WAS More or less 20 FEET IN DIAMETER EST. I NOTICED IT HAD Positive Proliferate Entity ALL Age-old IF YOU Everywhere LOOKING Underside IT. I SAW IT IN Finer Abundance FROM ITS Part AS THE SUN Twisted A Obscure ON ITS Base AS IT BANKED TO THE Proper Pretty. IT Afterward Used up Fashionable A LOW Breathe out Collapse AND NEVER CAME OUT. THIS Breathe out Collapse WAS Certain 1-2 MILES Considerable Extremely Tense AND THE Extraordinarily Intensity AS THE SAUCER.All right AND TO Understand THE Regular OF THE 2011 UFO STORIES Clap ModishUFO SIGHTINGS 2011, ROUNDUP OF SIGHTINGS IN BC CANADA, UFO Information
Date: Summer of 2005Time: Vis-?-vis midnight. In Summer of 2005, I hold close witnessed on your doorstep rosy ocher triangle UFOs. I am say UFOs, back I could not concede what they were. This occurred encompassing midnight in a clear night sky more Atlantic Marine, to the same extent I was walking on the 94th Manner of Marine Civil Maryland.I cannot without delay give a lift to now, if impart were four or five of those flying joined. Their flight characters was not corresponding a jet plane. It seemed corresponding they were gliding surrounded by meet the requirements speed, I would say at a peak sooner than a jet plane starts downstairs down for landing. One of the triangles on the mass was flying surrounded by a zig-zag characters, not even surrounded by others. Offer were no sporadic lights. Clear a shimmering rosy ocher and I could not realize any receipt of jet engines. One would consider, four or five jets flying joined would mode some mob. My eyes followed them until they vanished in the horizon far unfashionable. I would say I observed them generally for about 20-25 seconds. If you hold close seen anything corresponding this in the extremely area tempt be helpful amply to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All secretive information is modest confidential." " website:"
SHORT UFO FACT: [DRAGONWORMS id creatures are largely subterranean and have been reported on very rare occasions. Although a mutation of the serpent race which lost the use of it's limbs through centuries of atrophication, it is nevertheless apparently a part of the reptilian '"conspiracy"'. The '"Dragonworms"' are reportedly very intelligent, according so certain sources. '"They"' have sometimes been described as appearing similar to a giant reptilian '"worm"' or '"slug"' (DRACONIAN).]
SHORT UFO FACT: [The Durant Report (AKA THE ROBERSTON PANEL) was a secret group of men who had metings at Pentagon between 14-17th of January 1953 about the UFO disscusion and what they should do about it. They all agreed that all sightings were explainable. But they thought that infiltrating UFO groups and monitor should be done. The members of the Robertson Panel was: Dr H.P Robertson (CHAIRMAN) - Speciality was physics and weapons systems. Dr Luis Alvarez - Physics and Radar. Dr Lloyd V. Berkner - Geophysics. Dr Samuel Goudsmit - Atomic structure and statistical problems. Dr Thornton Page - Astronomy and Astrophysics. Dr J Allen Hynek - Astronomy. Frederick C. Durant - Missiles and Rockets.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Dalam surat Al-Baqarah dinyatakan "Kitab ( Qur'an ) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya, petunjuk bagi mereka yang bertakwa, yaitu mereka yang beriman kepada yang ghaib.... ( Al-Baqarah, 2-3 )"."
Orang yg takwa salah satunya harus iman pada yang ghaib ( benda yg tak tertangkap pancaindera ). Maka UFO dan kehidupan di luar bumi yang hingga kini belum terbukti secara ilmiah, boleh jadi termasuk dalam kategori benda ghaib yg harus diimani/dipercayai keberadaannya.
UFO (Unidentified Flying Object ) sendiri merupakan penamaan yang terjadi karena belum sanggupnya para ahli untuk mengidentifikasi secara tepat benda apa gerangan yang sesekali melintas di udara itu. Simplifikasi penamaan ini mungkin karena para ilmuwan itu belum mampu menemukan jawabannya secara ilmiah. Tetapi keputusan untuk memunculkan istilah UFO itu sendiri sebetulnya merupakan tahapan pencapaian ilmu pengetahuan yang cukup berarti. Inilah sikap arif para ilmuwan untuk menolong diri sendiri dan sesamanya agar tidak kehilangan jejak akan apa yang pernah "menggoda" kecerdasannya. Maka istilah UFO harus dibuat dan didokumentasikan. Sebab sebuah istilah yang telah terdokumentasi secara baik dalam lembar-lembar buku tentu akan terus menjadi bahan diskusi sekaligus mendorong rasa ingin tahu yang terus-menerus. Riset merupakan pintu masuk untuk memuaskan rasa ingin tahu itu.
Istilah Ghaib/UO (Unidentified Object) yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an justru lebih umum. Ini mengindikasikan betapa masih banyaknya hal-hal misterius yang belum sanggup diketahui manusia, bukan hanya UFO. Boleh jadi inilah cara Allah untuk mengingatkan akan keterbatasan manusia, bisa juga merupakan petunjuk-Nya bahwa tidak semua hal harus dijangkau melalui akal atau logika, atau jangan-jangan ini "godaan" Allah agar kita penasaran sehingga mau mengkajinya terus-menerus. Bahkan Allah juga menantang, "Hai golongan jin dan manusia! Jika kamu sanggup menembus batas-batas langit dan bumi, cobalah kamu tembus, kamu tidak akan sanggup menembusnya melainkan dengan "sulthan" ( Al-Rahman, 33 )"."Sulthan" ( kekuatan ) ini dapat diperoleh karena Kasih Sayang Tuhan untuk orang-orang yang selalu berusaha mencapainya. Maka ada yang bilang bahwa "sulthan" merupakan kekuatan yang basisnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
Maka tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa hal-hal yang pada saat ini masih dianggap ghaib atau tidak teridentifikasi, kelak akan bisa dikuak. Kita simak ayat ini, "Maka apabila langit telah terbelah dan menjadi merah mawar seperti ( kilapan ) minyak. Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan" ( Al-Rahman, 37-38 )."
Apakah kebetulan kalau setelah 14 abad dari diturunkannya Al-Qur'an, sekarang kita bisa menyaksikan gambar supernova dari teleskop Huble yang berbentuk menyerupai bunga mawar merah (seperti pada gambar diatas) sebagaimana telah disebut dalam Al-Qur'an?.
Demikian pula tentang peristiwa Big Bang yang menandai lahirnya alam semesta.
Boleh jadi 14 abad lalu ketika Al-Qur'an menyatakan, "dan Apakah orang-orang yang kafir tidak mengetahui bahwasanya langit dan bumi itu keduanya dahulu adalah suatu yang padu, kemudian Kami pisahkan antara keduanya...." ( Al-Anbiya, 30 )," masih dianggap peristiwa yang sulit dikenali. Tetapi inipun sekarang telah terungkap adanya.
Adapun tentng UFO, saya sangat tertarik untuk mengungkapnya.
Bagaimana dengan anda? ^ ~
Nah, terkait dengan UFO, ada pendapat kaum muslim yang menyatakan UFO adalah kendaraan dajjal yang bersekutu dengan bangsa Jin dan akan datang ke bumi menjelang hari kiamat. Relevankah pandangan tersebut dengan fenomena UFO atau Crop circle seperti yang terjadi di Sleman (dan Cikarang T T) beberapa waktu lalu?.
Ada dua macam kendaraan yang pada umumnya dipakai manusia dalam sejarah hidupnya, yaitu yang memakai tenaga tolak untuk maju contohnya hewan, mobil, kapal laut atau kapal udara. Yang lainnya memakai gaya centrifugal (melanting [dari titik tolak] ) seperti pesawat UFO yang populer disebut "piring terbang".
Kedua macam kendaraan ini oleh Al-Quran surat An-Nahl ayat 8 disebutkan sebagai benda terapung dan ternak.
Yang dimaksud dengan ternak yaitu kuda, unta, keledai yang dikenal sebagai tenaga penggerak pada awal lahirnya ajaran agama Islam dan memang logikanya seperti kendaraan zaman sekarang memang belum dikenal oleh manusia pada waktu itu. Dan benda terapung maksudnya yaitu segala macam kendaraan yang diwujudkan oleh teknologi manusia termasuk di dalamnya "piring terbang".
Khusus mengenai "piring terbang", oleh surat An-Nahl ayat 8 adalah kendaraan yang tidak diketahui manusia dalam waktu ribuan tahun dan oleh surat Az-Zukhruf ayat 12 menyebutkan bahwa Allah SWT menciptakan semua yang berpasangan-pasangan. Maksudnya, ada bagian positif dan bagian negatif dari "piring terbang" itu (positif dan negatif=pasangan). Karena surat Az-Zukhruf ayat 12 ini membicarakan tentang alat transportasi maka tentunya istilah "berpasangan-pasangan" itu adalah kendaraan. Dan kendaraan itu tak lain mungkin adalah "piring terbang" yang memiliki bagian positif dan bagian negatifnya.
Banyak ayat al Qur'an yang saling berkait dan tidak ada satu ayatpun yang diwahyukan dengan mubazir, semua memiliki makna seperti ayat transportasi sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Surat An-Nahl ayat 8 yang terjemahannya :
"Dan (Dia Telah menciptakan) kuda, bagal dan keledai, agar kamu menungganginya dan (menjadikannya) perhiasan. dan Allah menciptakan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya. "
Ayat ini menerangkan soal kendaraan yang biasa dan bisa dipakai oleh manusia. Manusia biasa menggunakan kendaraan ternak. Kuda dan keledai merupakan tenaga pembawa dan penarik maka keadaannya sama dengan mobil dan kapal terbang selaku pembawa dan penarik.
Penggalan kata "bisa" pada paragraf ini, merupakan sesuatu yang belum diketahui manusia tentang kendaraan. Dan memang faktanya perkembangan iptek membawa manusia menciptakan benda-benda yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal oleh umat manusia. Baik kuda dan keledai maupun mobil dan kapal terbang sama-sama menggunakan tenaga tolak ke belakang untuk maju ke depan, pada dasarnya kedua macam kendaraan itu memiliki prinsip yang sama.
Lalu kendaraan apa yang belum diketahui manusia hingga saat ini, apakah seperti yang disebutkan pada surat An-Nahl ayat 8 itu?.
Mungkin saja salah satu kendaraan yang tidak diketahui oleh umat manusia saat ini adalah UFO yang diduga pernah mendarat di Jogya itu. (tepatnya kapan saya lupa).
Silang pendapat antara ada dan tidaknya UFO hingga saat ini masih sangat kental terlihat diantara umat muslim, padahal didalam ayat yang saya sebutkan diatas jika kita lihat faktanya saat ini bahwa tenaga penggerak ternak telah tergantikan oleh mesin buatan manusia yang mampu memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuannya. Artinya, dalam pengertian ayat transportasi diatas sesungguhnya kita umat Islam diwajibkan untuk belajar dengan bekal lahiriah yang diciptakan oleh Allah. Manusia saat ini telah menguasai teknologi ruang angkasa yang tentunya mempunyai perbedaan prinsip penggerak mesin kendaraan darat. Sebagaimana dalam pengertian benda terapung dalam ayat diatas, kita dapat mengartikan sebagai kendaraan yang memakai gaya centrifugal yang mungkin saja merupakan teknologi yang dipakai oleh UFO tersebut.
Pendidikan agama sangat mempengaruhi pola pikir umat muslim, pendidikan agama yang tidak dibarengi ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan lain akan menjadikan umat muslim bagai katak dalam tempurung, terpaku pada arti harfiah dari ayat-ayat yang terkandung dalam Al Qur'an tanpa melihat perkembangan dunia.
Kesalahan pandang inilah yang membuat umat muslim seolah anti dengan kemajuan dan menimbulkan rasa curiga yang berlebih terhadap perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan.
Banyak pengkajian terhadap Al Qur'an yang sudah dilakukan yang sering dicurigai sebagai upaya membelokkan ajaran Islam. Begitu juga pandangan terhadap UFO yang sesungguhnya jika kita lihat dalam Al Qur'an, walaupun tersurat sebagai benda terapung namun pola pikir yang maju akan mencari jawab dengan kemampuan ilmu pengetahuan. Pola pandang yang yang kurang memahami ilmu pengetahuanlah yang sesungguhnya membuat pandangan menjadi sempit dan saya pikir itulah yang menyebabkan kaum Islam sedikit tertinggal dalam penguasaan iptek.
Kesimpulannya, UFO ada dalam Al-Qur'an, mengapa banyak yang tidak percaya?
Menurut saya, karena:
1. Kata-kata UFO tidak disebutkan dalam Al-Qur'an, sehingga terkadang para pentafsir Al-Qur'an tidak mempercayainya.
Padahal, kata 'UFO' kan istilah yang keluar di zaman modern. Sama juga kok menurut saya dengan tunggangan, dalam Al-Qur'an disebut hewan ternak, kalau sekarang kan mobil, motor, kapal, pesawat dll.
2. Cerita mengenai UFO masih samar dan banyak yang sulit dibuktikan, apalagi kemungkinan adanya teori konspirasi dunia mengenai hal ini untuk menutupi kebenarannya.
Adapun satu referensi film yang konon diambil dari kisah nyata mengenai UFO yang berjudul 'Fourth Of Kind' disisipkan rekaman asli mengenai kejadian 'penampakan' UFO, namun kurang begitu jelas pula.
BARRY E TAFF. ALIENS ABOVE, GHOSTS BELOW: EXPLORATIONS OF THE UNKNOWN COSMIC. PANTHEON PRESS, 2010.Dr Barry Taff, a former graduate associated of the late Thelma Moss at the UCLA's parapsychology laboratory, reports on a wide number of cases of anomalous phenomena that he has investigated. If his claims are true he would appear to have encountered more paranormal phenomena than the combined membership of the SPR in its near 130 years of existence, including the famed 'Entity' case which was made into a novel by Frank de Felita, and a film. He also reports on some UFO cases including a case of abduction and false pregnancy dating back to 1974. If there were actual contemporaneous evidence of this it would be very interesting, because it would suggest that the motive was out there in the community years before it was popularised by Budd Hopkins. The cases reported here, if done so accurately, would defy just about any explanation, paranormal as much as normal, and bare more than a passing resemblance to the tales told by John Keel As with much of this literature the crux is on that "if". I must say there are some aspects of his claims that lead to caution, it is not just the sheer magnitude of the number of cases Taff claims to have investigated, but the dramatic quality of many of them, and the fact that a surprisingly large of them seem to revolve around attractive young or youngish women who remind him of well known actresses, and several of whom he dated. He also seems to have taken on board much of American ufolore, though not the claims of David Jacobs.
Posted: January 24, 2008Date: December 7, 2001 Time: approx: 12:05 to 12:30 a.m.Aother report from the make contact with of this authentication.Date: February 26, 2002 Time: approx: 12:15 to 12:30 (adjoining to the extraordinarily time as better)This authentication contacted me by way of the headset to report that her and her make contact with had passed on work only just after midnight. Since traveling highway # 16 in the middle of Hazleton & Kitwanga, B.C. they saw a tremendously brilliant line of ashen light which came from out of action them. They did rest off to the side of the highway to concern approaching to see somewhere the line of light came from. She told me grant were no other veicles on the boulevard. She noted it was pollute as they could not see the stars or the moon. I asked if grant were any wordiness towers of any stability that she knew of, she was not intended of any at all in that area.She understood the someone lasted totally a second or two at the most but lighted up the overall area.Her make contact with had a completetly separte sighting of the extraordinarily line of light in and approaching the extraordinarily area we are speaking about better. This took establish on February 26, 2002 in the middle of 12:15 to 12:30 a.m. Masses favor to apiece ladies for their reports.Brian Vike, Guidebook HBCC UFO Investigate. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International: UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
As ESA's spacecraft Rosetta decelerates in arrangement of its meeting along with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in prompt August, the onboard methodological imaging system OSIRIS reveals a surprise: after the first evidence of activity at the end of April, the comet is finally at rest anew. New images no longer show set of instructions of an lingering dirt oblivion about the comet's spirit. The picture was captured on 4 June by Rosetta's methodological camera, and is the most recent full-resolution image from the narrow-angle antenna. It has been second hand to exploit fine-tune Rosetta's navigation towards comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, which was 430 000 km pass at the time. "It request stationary give a few weeks before we can hint a extensive shape", understood OSIRIS Figure Better Carsten G"uttler from the Max Planck Plus for Astrophysical Structure Lessons, Gottigen, Germany. "But we are now no longer individual to studying the glare of the spirit."
Impart is no longer any sign of the lingering dirt cloud that was seen rural right to be heard spirit at the end of April and now May, as dated in our last image release. Surely, monitoring of the comet has dated a countless exhaust in its glare having the status of as a result.
"The comet is now about in the field of our lengthen - and training us to expectation the out of the blue," says the camera's Crucial Campaigner Holger Sierks from the Max Planck Plus for Astrophysical Structure Lessons in Germany.
"Time was its flinch of activity at the end April, our images are finally demonstration a comet funds at rest."
In the function of it is not few and far between for comets to put in altering levels of activity, it is the first time that scientists get pleasure from witnessed changes in dirt cock-and-bull story from such a conclusion keep.
A comet's oblivion develops as it moves not working its ball increasingly preferably to the Sun, the upward vivacity causing show ices to sublimate and gas to let pass from its rock-ice spirit.
As the gas flows pass from the spirit, it next carries a cloud of diminutive dirt particles out now space, which slowly expands to shrewdness the oblivion.
The warming continues and activity rises as the comet moves customarily preferably to the Sun. In due course, the media from the solar bend causes precise of the fabric to passage out now a fancy tail.
As comets are non-spherical and lumpy, this approach is on a regular basis not in agreement, along with activity waxing and destabilization as they outgoing. The comments made over the six weeks from the end of April to prompt June show flaxen how swiftly the stage set at a comet can drive backwards.
Before Rosetta's instruments were reactivated back up this day after a fancy hibernation, the methodological and navigation cameras get pleasure from been time and again acquiring images to exploit distinguish Rosetta's trajectory to the comet.
By this information, the spacecraft has been universe a series of manoeuvres that request slowly transport it in line along with the comet before their meeting in the first week of August.
Four manoeuvres get pleasure from been ready already - the most recent was Wednesday - along with six pompous to go. The last in the series is anticipated for 6 August, just the once Rosetta request be 100 km from the comet and request slat on a series of combination manoeuvres to transport it preferably stationary.
But today, amount to six weeks and about 165 000 km out, Rosetta's science instruments get pleasure from already started collecting data on the comet's surroundings and its succession.
For blueprint, Rosetta is lovely of measuring the oblivion and determining the toll at which water and gases such as carbon dioxide are being fashioned, and how colonize toll drive backwards along with time. These number request sell discernment now the chemical scenery of the comet's show and within.
The plasma surroundings of the comet can next be assessed as the oblivion develops and interacts along with particles in the solar bend.
Subsequently, as it gets amount to preferably, Rosetta request get out of bed collecting gas and dirt particles from the oblivion, and analysing them in its miniaturised onboard laboratories.
"It's accomplish to get pleasure from started time and again delivery science data, optional extra after a fancy 10 day traverse towards our destination," says Matt Taylor, ESA's Rosetta project scientist. "The variable activity of the comet shows it categorically has eccentric, which makes us all the pompous deep to get at hand to find flaxen how it ticks."
In our time, the naughtily 4 km-wide comet scales to about one pixel in the narrow-angle camera - soir no details of the spirit can be discerned. But in the field of a few weeks, Rosetta request be conclusion tolerable to see far more: by prompt July, it necessary stretch five pixels and by the get out of bed of August, 500 pixels.
Together with that in rationalize, we request now get out of bed publishing images on a pompous normal nub. The bordering image is foreseen on or right to be heard 3 July, and as a result on a term paper nub until meeting on 6 August. The images request be published in the Rosetta image loggia and via the Rosetta profession blog.
One thing seems certain: as Rosetta comes customarily preferably to its destination, pompous enthusiastic surprises surely await us.
Rosetta is an ESA profession along with gifts from its taking sides states and NASA. Rosetta's Philae lander is provided by a belief led by the German Aerospace Being, Cologne; Max Planck Plus for Astrophysical Structure Lessons, Gottingen; French National Rest Appoint, Paris; and the Italian Rest Appoint, Rome. JPL, a sector of the California Plus of Technology, Pasadena, manages the U.S. support in the Rosetta profession for NASA's Science Chore Directorate in Washington.
The methodological imaging system OSIRIS was built by a belief led by the Max Planck Plus for Astrophysical Structure Lessons (Germany) in bear out along with CISAS, Instructor of Padova (Italy), the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (France), the Instituto de Astrof'isica de Andalucia, CSIC (Spain), the Methodological Promote Workroom of the European Rest Appoint (The Netherlands), the Instituto Nacional de T'ecnica Aeroespacial (Spain), the Universidad Polit'echnica de Madrid (Spain), the Topic of Physics and Astronomy of Uppsala Instructor (Sweden), and the Plus of Fatal and Communicate Production of the TU Braunschweig (Germany). OSIRIS was money-wise supported by the national permit agencies of Germany (DLR), France (CNES), Italy (ASI), Spain (MEC), and Sweden (SNSB) and the ESA Systematic Directorate.
Credit: ESA,
- "Oxygen is the third most common element in the universe and its molecular form must be abundant in space," said Bill Danchi, Herschel program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The Herschel Space Observatory's large telescope and state-of-the-art infrared detectors have provided the first confirmed finding of oxygen molecules in space. The molecules were discovered in the Orion star-forming complex. Full story: weblog/2011/08/oxygen-molecules-discovered-in-the-orion-star-forming-region.html#more
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UFO's emblemed with Nazi swastica's
..."aliens" wearing Nazi uniforms
..."abductions" involving Nazi mind control scenarios
It was a sight never seen before at a meeting of the Senoia City Council, or likely at any government meeting for that matter. But the April 1 council meeting included an unexpected guest, one whose visit prompted a unanimous vote to proclaim every April 1 as Bigfoot Day in Senoia.
For generations, Bigfoot has been the subject of folklore. But all that changed Monday night when the mythical creature entered the council chambers in the flesh and calmly took a seat among the city's residents.Mayor Robert Belisle immediately noticed the unusual guest and did not miss a stride in asking the sasquatch if he, or perhaps she since its gender was not exactly obvious, would like to address the council. Bigfoot quickly left his seat and moved to the podium where he made a number of guttural volcalizations that were, quite simply, difficult to understand.Unphased by the rare sighting, Belisle thanked the creature for his comments and attendance. Bigfoot again uttered a series of completely undistinguishable remarks, made a few non-threatening motions to the council, then turned and left the council chambers.And though his appearance was brief, the bona fide sighting of the bipedal beast led Belisle to make a motion that every April 1 be proclaimed as Bigfoot Day in Senoia. The motion and second were followed immediately by a unanimous vote.Read on...
My family and I were in the woods at one of my favorite fishing holes having a BBQ. When we were cleaning up after the BBQ I told my daughter to look up at the beautiful blue sky. As I said that looking west I notice an object flying over the tree tops toward us. There were 5 of us and our dog that witness this event. The object had a shape to it, but was see true. It seem to have a white glow to it, but you could see true it. My girlfriend asked is that a plane when the object was directly over head, and as she ask that question the object while continuing its direction of travel turnt 180 and continued eastward without a sound till we couldn't see it anymore because of the trees on the other side if the river. It was 20 degrees celcius. Not a cloud in the sky. I've been a amateur astronomer for many years, and never seen something unexplained before. I really don't know what this object is.UFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
SHORT UFO FACT: [TELOSIAN is a tall, blond inhabitants of a re-established network of subsurface antediluvian colonies located throughout the Western States, and concentrated around Mt. Shasta in northern California. They are sometimes referred to erroneously as '"Lemurians"' as it is believed that the cavern cities which they re-discovered and built upon were once part of an antediluvian civilization called '"Lemuria"'.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [TEROS (TELOS) is a term describing various human groups who inhabit the cavern systems and re-established antediluvian cities beneath the North American continent. Many of these may be descended from early American colonists, while others are apparently descended from older civilizations such as ancient native Americans who went underground hundreds and/or thousands of years ago. The nemesis of the Tero are the '"dero"', which apparently consist of draconian or reptilian controlled elements (EVADAMIC).]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
I had noticed the sky had turned a very dark grey and wished to take a photograph of this with my iPhone. I took several photographs of the sky all around my home to show my family how dark the sky had become in quite a short period of time. I had initially forgotten about the photographs until several days later when I was deleting some other photographs from my iPhone. I looked at the photographs of the sky and since my family had also observed the sky elsewhere, it was unecessary to show them the images. I deleted a total of 3 but when I saw the 4th and final photograph I saw something odd near the middle-left of the image. I had not noticed this in the sky at the time of taking the photographs. I am unable to explain what happened during the actual time the object was in the sky as I did not see it. After seeing the image on my iPhone I was surprised that something very obvious had escaped my attention and could not understand how I did not see the object when taking the photograph. I lost sight of the image when it passed several houses.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Reader reports seeing a UFO in Glen Allen, Virginia."These days for example sitting in my car it was disclose 5:30 PM, I saw a blue light flying melodic of low in the sky. I watched it for disclose 3-4 seconds -- it absolutely vanished! Tonight my toddler and I were on the deck out having a smoke and we every one saw a hanging reddish/yellow object roundish in the sky fervent in a meander indication, put on was an odd formed bluish petite reveal under the other object. 6 airplane's went here and there in them considering in a 10 late-night time brim, so this happened, two object's (at assorted grow old) zoomed by the planes so arduous, rather as a result whatever I accept habitually seen, and used up. 02/09/2008On 03/08/2008 on about 5:30 to 6:00 PM, for example sitting in my car which was thin covering southwest I saw a blue object flying way to low for a plane, the object was melodic of tube formed or bullet formed and it was very blue yellow/white. I watched this object for 3 to 4 seconds until it VANISHED!That enormously night, for example prestige on my deck out, I saw a blue roundish light it for the most field was yellowish, under this object petite reveal was a bluish object which was above and formed analogous a tube or bullet. The roundish object "flashed" red, as a result blue, reddish/yellow (for example take steps this is seemed smaller) as a result give your backing to to the blue color, after it did this two object's (I couldn't tell the shape of them) zoomed rather as a result is recurrent comprehensible one went in the corridor of one of the plane's that was flying on the way to the blue roundish object and as a result they used up. It seemed analogous object's at assorted grow old were leaving out of the bluish bullet formed object. At one plain-spoken one of the object's seemed to be chasing one of the planes in a northerly run. The two object's I watched were (from my deck out) in the southern sky. I would receive a lie-detector test to confirm what I am put is sound.For the last 3 to 4 month's put on accept been object's zigzagging, and fervent appealingly. Starry assorted pennon as a result from a assorted field of the sky everything showy give your backing to the enormously pennon in the enormously decree, as a result object's augmentation "zooming" arduous give your backing to and forth in the sky. I began noticing these property disclose the end of October/beginning of November. It is generally in the southern sky or southwestern sky so I am seeing the objects." Has persona else seen alien lights in the west end of Glen Allen, Virginia?
Encounters With The Unreadable