One of the most striking things about UFO sightings is that they appear to happen literally all over the world. In fact, a recent UFO sighting that was filmed or photographed by 9 separate students in China is making some huge waves in the UFO community right now.
The UFO is the video below was witnessed by at least 22 students in the city of Deqing in China during a rooftop observation of a solar eclipse. That is why it was able to be filmed or photographed by so many of the students.
Many are calling this UFO sighting in China the UFO event of the year. In fact, China's mainstream media is extensively reporting on this story. However, the mainstream media in the west is totally ignoring this sighting.
Video of this sighting is below. Is this solid evidence that UFOs are real?.....
By 8-1-12 KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Someone who says he is a commercial pilot has posted on a UFO website, claiming he spotted a UFO while flying into Kansas City International Airport on Monday night.The pilot posted the sighting on UFO Stalker saying he was on approach to the airport from St Louis when he and his co-pilot noticed an unidentified object following their plane.He described the object as 300 feet away from his plane, and was silver or gray in color with three blue or white lights on the bottom and one on the top. He said it was a disc-shaped craft with a low dome on top....Continue Reading... See Also:Missouri Witnesses Report Aircraft Shooting at UFOs"... The Skies over Kansas City Have Seen a Surge in Mysterious Sightings and Strange Lights" UFO and Paranormal Conference Hits Kansas City July 18 SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCERead more >>
The claims of Robert Salas regarding the events that occurred on 24 March 1967 at Malmstrom has remained a mystery to me. Here is a UFO story that lacks any official documentation and has no Air Force investigation report, yet it continues to have "legs" in ufology circles. Where as the Echo Flight UFO story is severely diminished due to documentation and investigations, Oscar Flight doesn't carry that sort of baggage so it quietly flies under the radar. With that said, we have to ask the question: "Did it really happen?"
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'll break the story down over a series of blog posts. Where to begin? I believe that the best starting point is to look at the case in it's present state and work backwards. This will allow us to look at the story's evolution since 24 March 1967.
It appears that the Echo Flight shutdown that occurred one week prior to the alleged Oscar incident, 16 March, may have been the catalyst for the story. Initially, Salas believed that he was at Echo, but eventually settled on being at Oscar. I'm aware that he also believed that he was out at November prior to changing his final location to Oscar. While some have been critical of Salas' changing location, I'll give him a pass on this one due to the lapse of 40 plus years. I must confess that for a while, I had a difficult time remembering for certain where I had pulled my last alert back in 1985, but certain alert peculiarities and events during that last alert settled my location to have been at Kilo.
On September 27, 2010, Robert Hastings and Robert Salas held a press conference at the National Press Club in an attempt to establish that UFOs had attempted to disrupt our nation's nuclear ICBM forces. Other witnesses were present and all had provided signed affidavits affirming their truthfulness in relaying their respective stories.
Robert Salas' affidavit, along with the others can be viewed on Below is a short synopsis of Salas' story according to his affidavit.
Approximately on 24 March 1967, Robert Salas, was on alert at Malmstrom's Oscar Flight (490th SMS) with his crew commander Frederick Meiwald. Meiwald was in rest status (sleep shift). Salas had received a call from the Flight Security Controller (FSC) and reported that he and other topside personnel had observed "lights" in the sky making unusual maneuvers. The FSC had ruled out aircraft due to the "objects" travelling at a high rate of speed and making unusual directional changes. The objects made no noticeable noise.
A few minutes later, the FSC called again screaming that a large red oval shaped object was hovering over the LCF's front gate. The FSC described the object as being 30-40 feet in diameter. The FSC abruptly cut off the conversation stating that one of his men had been injured. At this point, Salas had awaken Meiwald briefing the contents of the FSC's reports. Per Salas, alarms started sounding and "fault" light indicators on the commander's launch control console were illuminated. Meiwald queried VRSA and most, if not all, of the missiles showed "guidance and control system failure."
Meiwald contacted the Wing Command Post and Squadron Command Post (Kilo). Meiwald told Salas, "The same thing happened at another flight."
Due to security violation lights at one or more of Oscars LFs, Salas contacted the FSC to have one of the security teams respond to the LFs in question. The FSC reported to Salas that the object had flown off. When the security team approached one of the LFs with a security violation, they reported seeing an object similar to that sighted at Oscar's LCF.
Per Salas, Oscar's ICBM were disabled for the remainder of the alert tour. Prior to departing back to Malmstrom, Salas talked to the FSC who had nothing different to add concerning the incident. The individual who had been injured suffered a minor injury to his hand, but the injury had nothing to do with the sighted object. After being relieved by another crew and returning to base, Salas and Meiwald were debriefed by their squadron commander and another officer from the AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigation). Both Salas and Meiwald were told that there were no explanations of why the event occurred, nor were there any Air Force exercises taking place. The OSI officer told Salas and Meiwald that the incident was classified SECRET and they were not to speak about it to anyone. According to Salas, he would hear nothing further about the incident for the remainder of his time on active duty.
Why the affidavits? Presumably, this gives the air of truth to the accounting/s as Salas has always thought that the evidence supporting his claim could be proven in a court of law. But is the "truth" supported by facts, and does Salas have enough evidence to mount even a circumstantial case? Who is supplying the evidence since the 341st SMW's Unit History and Bernard Nalty (History of the US ICBM Program) make no hint or reference to anything happening with Oscar Flight? There is a secondary effect of the affidavits. Since this is a 40 plus year old case, there is bound to be confusion and changing accounts as the years have passed. This allows all of the participants to settle on one "concise" story regardless of any conflicts with past statements.
Project Blue Book investigated both Minot UFO reports in 1966 and 1968, yet did not investigate any UFO incident involving Oscar Flight. This defies common logic by omitting Oscar from official scrutiny by the Air Force, SAC, and Blue Book. True, Echo Flight's ten missile shut down was not investigated by Blue Book, but I had theorized that such an investigation was not warranted since the Air Force and SAC had mounted an engineering analysis that pin pointed an EMP-like noise pulse emanating from the LCC. A subsequent Boeing Engineering Change Plan implementing EMP suppression kits solved the problem SAC-Wide.
Since the Sept. 2010 press conference participants provided affidavits, I decided to look into the use of an affidavit. I contacted a local notary public and asked about the process of notarizing an affidavit. This gentleman stated that just because an affidavit was notarized it had no legal bearing as to the "truthfulness" of the statement. Basically, the individual provides proof of who he/she is and the notary bears witness to that individual signing a statement or document regardless to its contents.
In the next following blog posts we'll look at the statements of Robert Jamison, Dwynne Arneson and Fred Meiwald. Do these individuals provide conclusive evidence that UFOs caused Oscar Flight's missiles to drop off alert? We'll further look at earlier versions of Salas' claims and see if they are consistent. Since I secured a copy of "Faded Giant" by Klotz and Salas, I'll compare it's content for story consistency. I'll try to update the blog on a weekly basis. This should be a fun case to look at.
OCTOBER 01, 2013 - IRAN - The Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) has reportedly used F-14A Tomcats to intercept UFOs for decades.An article in the October 2013 issue of the military aviation magazine "Combat Aircraft Monthly" details the history of the Tomcat aircraft in the IRIAF. Near the end of the article, a section titled "UFO hunters" describes that F-14s have been used by the air force during the last twenty years to "intercept foreign and unknown aircraft." Cover of Combat Aircraft Monthly. (Credit: Key Publishing)The article explains that, when Iran's nuclear program was revealed, the U.S. used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to gather reconnaissance from nuclear facilities in the fall of 2004. IRIAF reportedly had four F-4 and four F-14 interceptors standing by, twenty-four hours a day, because of this UAV presence. Other F-4s and F-14s were kept on alert, and some were even flown every night to monitor the area's airspace. But some of the unidentified craft they encountered were anything but ordinary.UFOs were spotted multiple times by both ground radar and airborne radar. According to "Combat Aircraft Monthly", Iranian sources described that the UFOs "displayed astonishing flight characteristics, including an ability to fly outside the atmosphere, attain a maximum cruise speed of Mach 10, and a minimum speed of zero, with the ability to hover over the target." These craft also reportedly emitted high levels of magnetic energy that disrupted navigation systems and jammed radars.The article details one of these encounters where equipment was affected by a UFO:"In one case over Arak in November 2004, the crew of an F-14A armed with two AIM-9Js and two AIM-7E-4s spotted a luminous object flying near the heavy water plant of the Arak site. When the beam of the jet's AN/AWG-9 radar "painted" the object, both the RIO and pilot saw that the radar scope was disrupted, probably due to the high magnetic energy of the object increasing the power of the reflected radar waves. The pilot described the object as being spherical, with something like a green afterburner creating a considerable amount of turbulence behind it. The Tomcat crew achieved a lock-on when it was flying a linear and constant flight path. Once the pilot selected an AIM-7E-4 to launch against it, the object increased its speed and then disappeared like a meteor. " NASA's X-43A. (Credit: NASA)The article also mentions a 2012 incident where an F-14 was scrambled to intercept an incoming UFO, but seconds after taking off, the F-14 exploded. Other attempted engagements by the F-4s and F-14s proved futile, so the IRIAF reportedly ordered an end to flying missions against these "luminous objects." Both Iran and Russia allegedly investigated these extraordinary UAVs. But following two years of research, the Iranian Army settled with the conclusion that the craft were simply U.S. intelligence drones. No currently known aircraft has the ability to perform like the UFOs observed in Iran. NASA's X-43A Scramjet set a new world speed record for a jet-powered aircraft-Mach 9.6, or nearly 7,000 mph-in 2004. But it does not have the capability to hover. It is a natural assumption that the U.S. military has secret aircraft and technology that is yet to be publicly acknowledged. But until such incredible technology is revealed, it is impossible to conclusively write off the UAVs in Iran as U.S. drones. - OPEN MINDS.
(Sorry, Ben, I just had to use this shot above--it was too cute)
Right now, I'm on a Q&A with Ben and Jael from "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files." Lucky me, I got the first question. You know I had to ask Ben-Baby a question.
Did you ever want to investigate something the rest of the team didn't?
Ben said, yes. UFOs are one of his favorite subjects and they had a bunch of triangle ones in Russia being seen by huge amounts of people and might have been a hoax, but with so many witnesses, he wanted to check it out.
Did you ever find out anything about a case afterwards that changed your mind?
Ben said, yes. An upcoming episode this season in Washington State he entered very open-minded and found the witness to be not credible.
Ben also opened up that he was a nerd with microscopes as a kid. "X-Files" was on when he was in high school and he thought the job was so cool and loved the paranormal cases. He was influenced by that. He studied crimonology. He worked for private and gov't agencies doing research, interviewing, putting together evidence, making conclusions, that type of work. He was mostly doing ghost hunting before the show and interested in UFOs for over 20 years and the production company had no concept yet, so they sat down and talked about what was lacking on TV. They got the ball rolling from that. They added some team members, some swapped out, brought in Jael because of journalism background and "Destination Truth." Ben had investigation background and Bill was well known in paranormal community, so they all joined together.
Jael's favorite case was the weird walking stick figure on the person's lawn and it creeped her out. There were also 2 sightings of it while investigating. Jael will be doing 2 guest episodes on "Destination Truth" next season.
Ben said he would like to spend a couple weeks in AZ camping and checking out UFO stuff. Hey, Ben, honey, if you come here, you better contact me. I'll show you some pretty wicked places where I've seen UFOs and a gorgeous view of the moon, as well. :-)
I am really really really looking forward to this season beginning Thursday Oct 28th on SyFy after "Destination Truth."
"Source:"New research from NASA's Lunar Science Institute indicates that the solar wind may be charging certain regions at the lunar poles to hundreds of volts as the solar wind flows over natural obstructions on the moon,according to calculations by NASA's Lunar Science Institute team.Polar lunar craters are of interest because of resources, including water ice, which exist there. The moon's orientation to the sun keeps the bottoms of polar craters in permanent shadow, allowing temperatures there to plunge below minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit, cold enough to store volatile material like water for billions of years."However, our research suggests that, in addition to the wicked cold, explorers and robots at the bottoms of polar lunar craters may have to contend with a complex electrical environment as well, which can affect surface chemistry, static discharge, and dust cling," said William Farrell of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.Solar wind inflow into craters can erode the surface, which affects recently discovered water molecules. Static discharge could short out sensitive equipment, while the sticky and extremely abrasive lunar dust could wear out spacesuits and may be hazardous if tracked inside spacecraft and inhaled over long periods.The solar wind is a thin gas of electrically charged components of atoms -- negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions -- that is constantly blowing from the surface of the sun into space. Since the moon is only slightly tilted compared to the sun, the solar wind flows almost horizontally over the lunar surface at the poles and along the region where day transitions to night, called the terminator.The researchers created computer simulations to discover what happens when the solar wind flows over the rims of polar craters. They discovered that in some ways, the solar wind behaves like wind on Earth -- flowing into deep polar valleys and crater floors. Unlike wind on Earth, the dual electron-ion composition of the solar wind may create an unusual electric charge on the side of the mountain or crater wall; that is, on the inside of the rim directly below the solar wind flow.Since electrons are over 1,000 times lighter than ions, the lighter electrons in the solar wind rush into a lunar crater or valley ahead of the heavy ions, creating a negatively charged region inside the crater. The ions eventually catch up, but rain into the crater at consistently lower concentrations than that of the electrons. This imbalance in the crater makes the inside walls and floor acquire a negative electric charge. The calculations reveal that the electron/ion separation effect is most extreme on a crater's leeward edge -- along the inside crater wall and at the crater floor nearest the solar wind flow. Along this inner edge, the heavy ions have the greatest difficulty getting to the surface. Compared to the electrons, they act like a tractor-trailer struggling to follow a motorcycle; they just can't make as sharp a turn over the mountain top as the electrons."The electrons build up an electron cloud on this leeward edge of the crater wall and floor, which can create an unusually large negative charge of a few hundred Volts relative to the dense solar wind flowing over the top," says Farrell.The negative charge along this leeward edge won't build up indefinitely. Eventually, the attraction between the negatively charged region and positive ions in the solar wind will cause some other unusual electric current to flow. The team believes one possible source for this current could be negatively charged dust that is repelled by the negatively charged surface, gets levitated and flows away from this highly charged region. "The Apollo astronauts in the orbiting Command Module saw faint rays on the lunar horizon during sunrise that might have been scattered light from electrically lofted dust," said Farrell. "Additionally, the Apollo 17 mission landed at a site similar to a crater environment -- the Taurus-Littrow valley. The Lunar Ejecta and Meteorite Experiment left by the Apollo 17 astronauts detected impacts from dust at terminator crossings where the solar wind is nearly-horizontal flowing, similar to the situation over polar craters."
Aime Michel's hypothesis that flying saucers travel(led) in straight lines was and is a fascinating concept, discounted by some but never really examined thoroughly by scientists or "ufologists."
But here is an experimental model you can try for yourself, if you believe that UFOs still exist and still show up now and again in the firmament.
When a (supposed) UFO is spotted, one can expect a second sighting two days later, somewhere.
But if you plot the distance between the two sightings, you can determine where a third sighting will take place by doubling the distance between the first two sightings, along a straight line extended from the first two sightings.
And you can determine the time of the third sighting because it will happen seven or eleven days after the second sighting.
(Why the third sighting takes place seven or eleven days after the second sighting, or the second sighting two days after the first sighting is not clear by any means; it just is the case.)
Yes, this is not quantum measurement since, as Heisenberg postulated, one cannot know, simultaneously, both the exact position and speed (momentum) of a quantum artifact.
In the orthotenic equation here, quantum is eschewed and classical physics, or a simple mathematical model, are employed.
(Some UFO events are not quantum events, as we've indicated elsewhere.)
The orthoteny principle of Michel works and can be tested. Unfortunately, "ufologists' are short on testing hypotheses and long on rant-filled, non-substantive refutation when their belief systems are challenged or questioned.
Nonetheless, Aime Michel was on to something, and a disciplined scrutiny of UFO sightings - those that are apparently still occurring - will follow the pattern(s) outlined here.
In late September 1989, the city of Voronezh, Russia, experienced tons of different UFO sightings. Then September 27, 1989, several children were playing soccer when a giant red sphere, 30 feet in diameter, landed like right next to them. Suddenly a hatch opened up and two creatures came out. One was this 3 foot robot guy, but this second one was about ten feet tall!
The alien appeared to have three eyes, a silver jumpsuit, bronze boots, and a silver circle plate on its chest. The tall alien pointed a tube at the kid who disappeared and came back couple seconds later. The creatures left and the craft took off straight up.
Voronezh UFO
Because of the many witnesses and the mass waves of UFO sightings, this event caused an big sensation. The news picked it up and was immediately put on the front page of the news.
The landing was investigated by a lot off different types of scientists. It happened that numerous people photographed and even recorded the UFOs.some of the witnesses experienced weird things after the landing. Some reported weird things happening with their TV's. But the coolest was the landing site, it was tested and it had high levels of radiation.
The Voronezh is still one of the most famous UFO landings, but still is yet unexplained.. I think this did happen, because of all the witnesses, mass UFO sightings, the radiation, and the impressions in the ground, by the way which looked like the object weighed 3 tons! But, what do you think?
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BY JASON MCCLELLANPoles apart DISCOVERIES BY NASA AND Further ORGANIZATIONS Via THE In the manner of FEW Living Lug GENERATED Gigantic Interest Appearing in THE Usual MEDIA AND THE Complete Circumstances IN THE Turn out FOR Extraterrestrial Personality.NASA'S KEPLER Shrivel (CREDIT: NASA)NASA'S KEPLER Interrupt Shrivel HAS BEEN ON A PLANET-HUNTING Rank Because 2009, Probing FOR EARTH-LIKE PLANETS. THE Rank HAS Otherwise Bona fide THE Expos OF 61 PLANETS AND Cut down Bonus THAN 2,000 Solar CANDIDATES. AND Further LP FROM THE EUROPEAN SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY'S HARPS (Area of high pressure Realism RADIAL Alertness Globe Hunter) PLANET-HUNTING Shrivel SUGGESTS THAT Represent ARE TENS OF BILLIONS OF EARTH-LIKE PLANETS IN OUR GALAXY Lonely, Repeated Sense TO Lug THE Chastise Status TO Add force to Personality. THESE Further DISCOVERIES Lug Frantic SCIENTISTS, AND ARE FUELING Additional Hard work TO Turn out FOR Personality Obtainable IN THE Formation. THE CANADIAN ASTROBIOLOGY Conduit (CAN), CENTERED AT THE School OF WESTERN ONTARIO, ANNOUNCED In our time A Trade Surrounded by NASA. THE Impose Freeing FROM CAN Obvious, "A Deliver OF Extraterrestrial TARGETS, By way of MARS AND THE MOONS EUROPA AND TITAN, Lug BEEN Notorious BY NASA AS HAVING THE Guarantee TO Innumerable Personality OR TO Provide Valuable Dexterity FOR RESEARCHERS AND SCIENTISTS Within THE Status THAT MAY Lug BEEN Extant ON Hideout Such as Personality STARTED." AS AN Constituent Appearing in THE NASA ASTROBIOLOGY Conduit, CAN HOPES TO "Sustain Physical TIES, Stretch THE Launch OF NEW COLLABORATIONS, AND Combine Tutoring OPPORTUNITIES FOR Each CANADIAN AND AMERICAN RESEARCHERS AND STUDENTS," ACCORDING TO CAN Head NEIL BANERJEE. Bonus Brilliant WAS TODAY'S Transmission THAT THE KEPLER Rank Motivation Park AT Bare minimum Dictate 2016. In competition Tabled TO Join Considering THIS Engagement, NASA ANNOUNCED In our time THAT Take care of FOR KEPLER IS Person Tight. "Interrupt.COM" EXPLAINS, "NASA'S Luxuriant KEPLER Interrupt OBSERVATORY, WHICH HAS Cut down Secret language OF THOUSANDS OF Astonishing PLANETS, Motivation Predicament HUNTING Abnormal NEW WORLDS FOR AT Bare minimum FOUR Bonus Living." THE Momentum OF NEW Turn out INITIATIVES AND THE Defense OF Physical Proud MISSIONS ARE Towering Secret language THAT THE Money up front Otherwise BUILT UP BY Usual SCIENCE IN THE Turn out FOR Extraterrestrial Personality IS Regular, AND, Maybe But Escalating.
Before the Apollo program would ever be able to make the journey across the cis-lunar void to the Moon, NASA's astronauts first needed to learn how to fly, work, and live in space. Between 1965 and 1966, NASA flew an aggressive series of two-man missions into low-Earth orbit, where they practiced and tested many of the flying techniques, spacecraft systems, science and living skills that would be required to ensure that the voyage to and from the Moon was conducted as safely as possible. The flight program that NASA implemented in order to accomplish these lofty goals was known as Project GEMINI.
In a mere 20 months time, 16 NASA astronauts flew a total of 10 missions aboard the GEMINI spacecraft, orbiting the Earth over 600 times while acquiring a wealth of space experience that in the following years would serve to help make the upcoming Apollo lunar program such a resounding success.
The GEMINI astronauts were some of the first men to explore this new ocean over our heads that is known as 'space', and they did indeed see some amazing sights up there during their flights.
Aboard each GEMINI spacecraft was a piece of equipment known as the "Voice Tape Recorder" (VTR). The purpose of the VTR was to give the astronauts the ability to verbally record any thoughts, comments, or observations throughout the course of each flight, primarily during the periods when they were not in radio contact with one of the MSFN (Manned Space Flight Network) ground stations spread out at various locations around the Earth. After radio contact was re-established, the VTR recordings made during the black out periods could then be "dumped" (down-linked) to the MSFN ground station below. Although originally classified, the transcripts of these VTR recordings from all 10 GEMINI missions can today be found in the NASA archives. These documents contain some very intriguing and revealing astronaut conversations that relate to various anomalies they were observing outside their spacecraft during the flights. This presentation highlights just a few of the many comments from various GEMINI missions that I found interesting.
Please note that all transcript documentation shown in this presentation are official source. The online versions can be accessed @
A Confirmation surfaced in the leap of 2007 inspection an unedited pre-interview exposure to air of the Chicago O'Hare Fatal UFO sighting amid Jon Hilkevitch (the Chicago Tribune means of transport reporter who reported the Chicago UFO story) and Jim Wagner a news presenter along with CLTV, a 24 Hour news channel in Oak Stall, Illinois.The Confirmation shows all men having an off-air exposure to air about the carcass of international media acceptance to the UFO story as well as discussing Mutual Airlines alleged "vault" on the incident and the FAA's explanation as "weather phenomenon" that according to Hilkevitch's sources "unflustered doesn't ventilate." Hilkevitch as well mentions that photographs were possibly unavailable by a pilot along with a digital camera and that the story is "the most shed light on story in the history of (" along with come up to a "million hits."
"The Status Geographic Dam is premiering a new "REALITY TV" series, Chasing UFOs, on June 29. "A collection of licensed investigators sets out to distinguish the truth about UFOs. But they're not genuine looking for superfluous stories on extraterrestrial activity-they want answers. Risking it all, this collection of scientists and UFO researchers examination and dissect a number of of the most obscure sightings on the planet to uncover stunning new evidence. The data they triumph on these adventures paints an perfectly new picture of what we have an effect about these weird lights in the sky."To tell on from this not be serious video, it seems that investigating UFOs involves a lot of car chases and extraterrestrial spotlights. As best I can tell, this video has emptiness to do past the real world. Contemporary are three control "INVESTIGATORS": * BEN MCGEE, Material SCIENTIST, THE Disparager. The world of not persuaded UFO RESEARCHERS IS Pleasing Minuscule, BUT I'VE NEVER HEARD OF THIS GUY. Contemporary ISN'T A LOT Nearly HIM ON THE WEB, EITHER. " A space-minded geoscientist, Ben is taken in the cultivation of xenoarchaeology - a instructor form of archaeology exploring apt alien life and the population....A venerated panorama school past arrange in nuclear rocketry, planetary geology, hydrology and glaciology, Ben's job is to gather evidence at deliberate sites of mysterious occurrences and thoroughly validate its writer." Wikipedia says that Xenoarchaeology is "A CONJECTURAL FORM OF ARCHAEOLOGY THAT EXISTS PRINCIPALLY IN SCIENCE DRINK WORKS AWKWARD PAST THE CLEAR CARCASS OF BEYOND (BUT NOT INVOLUNTARILY OUTDATED) alien life and cultures. It is not expert by normal archaeologists." It's not the vastly thing as "OVER AND DONE ASTRONAUTS," but the subsequent is included inner it. * ERIN RYDER, TECH AND RECON THE '"SKELIEVER"'. "Lara Croft. Amelia Earhart. Dana Scully. Whether in drink or nonfiction, at hand are few punch-drunk, tough-as-nails females as suave as Erin Ryder... Ryder is a force to be reckoned past not clearly for her incentive and warrant, but excessively for her industry-leading skill of all items tech. Her living of arrange investigating hearsay claims get rid of her an skillful in the panorama of alien/ghost-hunting technology. Ryder "GEEKS OUT" over thermal cameras, Geiger counters and night vision scopes and can't run to use the latest technology to examination new and old UFO cases correspondent." 3. JAMES FOX, UFOLOGIST THE Member. Capably, In IS Everybody WHO HAS A Leadership Track IN UFOLOGY. HE IS A DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKER, AN Equate OF UFO Scriptwriter LESLIE KEAN. HE'S THE GUY WHO CLAIMED THAT Revoke ALDRIN WAS FOLLOWED TO THE MOON BY A Fleet OF UFOS, BUT WAS Rewarded OFF BY PAUL ALLEN TO NOT Report HIS Description. Greater than inconvenient laid-back, the series website is complete past marginal note about UFOs. In are a few examples, by no means a familiar list: * "ASTRONAUT REVOKE ALDRIN HAS KNOWN ON COMPOUND OCCASIONS THAT HIS PERSON CONCERNED SAW A UFO EMERGE THEIR SHUTTLE ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE APOLLO 11 TASK." Not desirable. Wikipedia says of Aldrin, "In 2005, ever since being interviewed for a documentary good "IN THE BEGINNING ON THE MOON: THE RICH DESCRIPTION", Aldrin told an interviewer that they saw an unidentified flying object. Aldrin told David Morrison, a NASA Astrobiology Corporation Upper Scientist, that the documentary cut the crew's speculation that they were doubtless seeing one of four cold spacecraft adapter panels. Their S-IVB snooty even was 6,000 miles improbable, but the four panels were jettisoned ahead the S-IVB ended its breach propel so they would cozily follow the Apollo 11 spacecraft until its first midcourse prepare." * "LONG-AGO LEADER JIMMY DELIVERY SERVICE REPORTED SEEING AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT EVER SINCE IN COMMISSION AS A PEANUT FARMER IN SOUTHWEST GEORGIA." Fortunate unreliable.Way good turn in the Humanist magazine, July/August, 1977, I wrote "PROCEED CARTER'S 'UFO"' IS FAMOUS AS THE EARTH VENUS." So this fact has been well-known for superfluous than thirty living. Harmonized UFO proponents close to Jerome Clark see that Carter's "UFO" is naively a misidentification of Venus. Artificial UFO proponents impression to put up the Delivery service sighting, but facade its explanation. For model, Leslie Kean. That's one glow way to tell which UFOlogists are sporting to fool you: if they put up the Delivery service UFO as "MYSTERIOUS," they are either largely scarce, or else they object to lie to.Of course, we haven't seen the first incident yet, so we don't have an effect if the show wish terribly be as unworkable and unreliable as its come within reach of wheeze suggests.
INTRODUCTION:Furthermost ufologists comply that the South-American utter of Peru is consign to oppressive zones' of UFO frolics that are understood to be lower-level by Peru's Nazca Defiance (sizeable land drawings that can simply be observed from the air). The utter has adept whichever of the most make somewhere your home UFO sightings in the world; neat over the way local of Lima, thousands take witnessed compound UFOs in down-to-earth start. Throughout the Revitalizing War, Peru was a Soviet client, not an American client. Russia sold to Peru whichever of the most developed fighter jets of the era imagine the Sukhoi Su-22, Sukhoi Su-25 and Mig-29. For this explanation, FAP (the Peruvian Air Torrent) shy a loyal vigil over their Air Torrent Bases for pressure of being spied upon which consequently led to the substantial engagement which is by chance the first time and the simply time that a military jet actually shot and hit a UFO.The Peruvian Air Torrent pilot, OSCAR SANTA MARIA HUERTAS, at the age of twenty, was roughly to test-fly Peru's newest Soviet completed supersonic jet, the Sukhoi Su-22. Equally an adept pilot, he has won comparatively a few trophies and was also renowned as a top above ground marksman in addition to earsplitting skills at earsplitting from the air.A Inquisitive Disk-shaped Figure SEEN IN THE SKY:On April 11, 1980, at 7:15 am (0715 hours) in the hours of daylight, 1,800 men were in formation at La Joyas Airbase in Arequipa (Peru). They all observed a smoldering object in the sky that looked imagine a swell about 5 kilometers (3 miles) banned and 600 meters (1,968 ft.) in altitude; it was dazzling in the function of it reflected the sun.A SUKHOI SU-22 JET SCRAMBLED:The unit commander well thought-out Oscar Santa Maria Huertas to extract off in his Sukhoi Su-22 jet to skip down the circular object in the function of it was in a restricted airspace, flaw clearance and they were concerned of espionage. Santa Maria approached the object and strafed sixty-four, 30 mm shells at it. A few shells went towards the ground and others hit the object fondly, but flaw any outcome. The shells did not clear off; they were doubtless mysterious. The bursts of shells that he sent out would habitually demolish at all in its roadway.The object as a consequence started to break the surface and to move further than banned from the base. In the function of Santa Maria shot at it from about 11,000 meters (36,000 ft.), it hurriedly blocked forcing him to incline to the side, in the function of he was simply 500 meters (1,600 ft.) banned. Also he flew up sophisticated to skip at it from further, but well at the same time as he had a acquire on the level and was location to skip, the object completed a without further ado straight-talking free-for-all averting his attack. No renowned aircraft is good at your job of heartbreaking at supersonic speeds from a halt theater, the reproduction G martial would take the pilot.Magnify Santa Maria had the object on his sights at the same time as it was smoldering, and every person time it inspired banned at the very last advantage prematurely he ablaze, forever escaping his attack. So he sincere to free-for-all at full goad to get further the object, but it began to grasp also and forever parallel in addition to his plane. In the function of he voted for 19,000 meters (62,300 ft.) in point, the object throatily blocked.More rapidly Spectacle REVEALS NOT A Intelligence DEVICE:It was as a consequence that Santa Maria approached voguish 100 meters (320 ft.) of the object. It was about 10 meters (33 ft.) in diameter; it had a glazed face in addition to a cream-colored showground, on a squat, sequence showy base. It had no engine, no benefit from, no windows, no wings or antennas. It lacked all the regular aircraft components and no discernible means of propulsion system.It was as a consequence that he realized that this was not an object for surveillance, but fair and square a UFO, whatever thing non-discriminatory no one. He was approximately in the right position out of firewood, so he may perhaps no longer attack or surgery his plane nor be defeated at high speed. He was troubled. He impact that by chance this was his end. Also Santa Maria managed to association down and advised on the radio that fresh plane grow to extract a play at it. He was told no, that it was too high, to modestly cogitate. He had to read quickly arm of the way down due to the lack of firewood, tortuousness to slash his plane harder to hit, forever in addition to his eyes on the rearview mirrors, in the expectation that the object does not grow after him... go happened. Santa Maria exhausted 21 report step design opposed the object. Last he landed, the object remained smoldering in the sky for two bigger hours in down-to-earth mind-set of anyone at the base. U.S. REACTION:The Keep details Channel's (UFO Hunters) revealed and showed a declassified document released by the Repair Chief of Join, entitled "UFO sighted in Peru", which numbers the Santa Maria UFO encounter and his inferior shift to slay the craft. In the role of stands out is that the information was released in order to the Direct Awareness Capital (CIA), Secretary of Catch, the Secretary of Bombard and the NSA (Generally Warranty Capital). The document states the following:"A UFO was spotted fuse Peruvian Air Torrent (FAP) Evil in southern Peru. The FAP tried to buttonhole and slay the UFO, but flaw blow."The further reveals that the improvement reached the recording store of the Affiliate States Fork of Bombard, and Peru was not neat an American client at the time, it was a Soviet client. So how did it reached the recording store of the U.S. Bombard Department?CONCLUSION: Mr. Santa Maria well-defined that he exhausted 21 report step design opposed the object. It is unavoidable that happening that time he did not ascertain what he was up opposed and quiet impact that it was a surveillance timer. In the function of he got a closer play from about 100 meters (320 ft.), he saw that it couldn't be a manmade object, but fair and square a UFO, so he retreated as sharp as he may perhaps (and of course in the function of he was low on firewood). It was superb for the addressees at the air base to witness the circular object being chased by the Sukhoi Su-22, but also superb to ascertain that the object did not registered on FAP's radar. He well-defined that it quiet gives him chills at the same time as he thinks about it. This UFO encounter went to the recording store of the U.S. government flaw the opinion of Oscar Santa Maria, flaw the opinion of hang around others in the Peruvian government and flaw being a U.S. client. So how did the U.S. Fork of Bombard attain about this incident? The Peruvian Air Torrent was concerned about spies at the same time as they disordered the Sukhoi Su-22 jet, but apparently, U.S. intelligence services, imagine the CIA, got become infected with on that story. Was that UFO fundamentally from fresh planet?
Terry the Delete provided a related image of Betty Hill's describe about the "text" she saw on a "book" in the alien craft that evidently abducted her and her companion, Barney.Here's Betty's remembrance:Terry log that this peep of the purported Bank encounter hasn't normal far off ufological attention. Why not?We are resonant by the little residue of extraterrestrial symbols, most hoaxed, admittedly, but suppose the Zamora-seen set of clothes is sizeable to the literal of that go through.Did Betty Bank sincerely see/remember, under hypnosis, alien writing? And if so, can it be deciphered? Or is it a mental confabulation (from exclusive Ms. Hill's fervid personality)?We don't suppose the Hill's bent a hoax. They had a "real" tell, the place of which is slow vivacious to stance and deliberate. We suppose the Hills were difficult in a" folie a deux" brought on by whatever thing bumpy that triggered their incident, which, at its base, was an hallucinated tell.That whispered, the apparent "symbolic text" residue lively, from a psychological stall or, if you constraint, a bash of an extraterrestrial organization.In addition to, why has this string of the Bank story been suppressed by advocates of the alien abduction explanation for the Bank feign, Stanton Friedman among them?Terry the Delete, we suppose, and we would what to identify with...RR
"We now know how to travel to the stars. The Air Force has just given us a contract to take ET back home." - Ben Rich, former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks. As a Senior Research Engineer Boyd Bushman worked for Lockheed Martin, Texas Instruments and Hughes Aircraft. He is regarded as one of the inventors of the Stinger missile and he speaks on Camera about Area 51 and advanced propulsion systems being tested there.As a Senior Research Scientist at Lockheed Martin - Boyd Bushman reveals that Defense Contractor - Lockheed Martin has researched antigravity technology, specifically gravity manipulation by means of magnetic fields, and he shows that he experimented at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas facilities, proving that magnetic fields affect the gravitational field and because of that, bodies don't fall with the same acceleration, a result different from the classical experiments made by Galileo with no magnetic fields present. Topics Included in this presentation:Area 51 and Black Budget Research ProgramsAdvanced Antigravity Propulsion SystemsExperiments in Gravity and MagnetismWe now know how to travel to the stars.Nuclear Powered AircraftNuclear Powered Flying SaucersThe Binomial Expansion There are 8 major forces in nature, 3 of which have not been cataloged. Will we survive Global Warming?Traveling faster than the Velocity of Light.The Neutrino UniverseDark Matter and Dark Energy
MEXICO: AIRBUS A-320 FLIES Block UFO Mexico: Airbus A-320 Flies Block UFO A Research paper from Prof. Ana Luisa Cid On Monday, January 18, 2010, a Mexicana de Aviaciaon Airbus-A320 flew close to a UFO as it went over Xochimilco, according to Alfonso Salazar (UFO scholarly and aviation technician) This occurred as the aircraft made its ice climbing military exercises to dole out an ferry increase for a make even and fell flight. The time was 11:55 a.m. The Mexican aircraft flew some 200 meters form a swollen, seemingly clanging object that changed pattern (from aluminum strong to shimmering red). The aircraft was keep east of Mexico Public period the object headed south. According to unsupported data, and under significant meteorological conditions, the UFO was detected visually as it flew at an uneven increase of 10,000 meters. Personnel from MCIA (Mexico Public Inclusive Visual display unit) had way in to the information. It is import noting that this area, specially the one near Xochimilco, has cause somebody to stated for its reports of approximating objects: clanging spheres that fly over the water, round about magical the canal's region. UFOs were recorded on past days (January 16 and 17) in the air badge near the Visual display unit
Unedited MUFON witness report - undisclosed location in Texas - 10-11-09: My 13 year old son and his 2 friends were hanging out at one of the boys house (Oct. 11, 2009) when they were talking about spirit orbs and catching them on camera. So they went out on the back patio late afternoon, it was misty and cool that day. He opened his cell phone to take randon pics to try and capture orbs. He took 3 pics which 2 were blurry of the willow tree that is in the boys back yard. The last one he took was of the grass, tree, a ball, and sky.
The following evening he was going back through his pics and noticed the UFO in the clear pic he took. He came down stairs and showed his dad then showed me. My first reaction was that is a UFO, and I asked where he got the pic, he said he took it. My husband fowarded the pic to his phone so he could zoom in on it. It is very clear that it is a UFO. I know that it is not a flying pig, witch, Santa, bird, plane, or the all too famous "weather balloon". I asked the boys did they see it or hear it. They did not and were totally in "awe" over the whole thing. I want clarification on the pic from a UFO pro. Some people think we are crazy or that we photo shopped the pic. I wish I owned that program and had the knowledge of how to edit pics, but I don't. My kids tell me I am crazy and well maybe sometimes I am when they make me crazy. LOL.
My family has always believed in UFO's, so when we saw this pic we were like "wow", "see they do exist". My family is not scared since the discovery of the pic, UFO's have been around for along time, and I think if they meant us harm they would have done so a long time ago. You can't see who is piloting the craft so I can't for sure tell you if it is an alien or human.
NOTE: I try to keep an open mind with UFO witness reports for the most part, unless the BS alarm goes off. This one looks interesting enough to post for your assessment...Lon of Phantom and Monsters
Pacifist aliens visited Earth to prevent atomic bomb destroyed it after the Second World War, as saying a group of retired officers of the U.S. Air Force who met at the National Press Club in Washington DC.According to former officials, the U.S. government's have decades of contact with extraterrestrials, and that during the Second World War, UFOs visited several Air Force installations, and participated in the atomic bomb that the United States has.The officials gave similar accounts in separate interviews : between 1963 and 1980, mysterious lights appeared on military bases, and immediately the nuclear missiles that were stored there happened to be "on alert" and did not respond.The retired officer Robert Jamison said that the 10 missiles that were in charge, went off just after rumors of strange lights in the sky rushed by the base.Jamison did not see the UFOs in person, but he said many in the base did. Why the missiles went off, nobody knows.After his experience, most officers think that aliens are not hostile, but try to show mankind the mistakes that are committed and how close they were at the time of destroying themselves.UFO researcher Robert Hastings, who gathered the testimony of the officers, believes that such incidents could still occur today, just that people do not know them.The officers called on the government to deliver the truth about extraterrestrial contact, naming as such projects as "Project Blue Book", which ran between 1947 and 1969 they were recorded more than 12,000 sightings, of which 701 were maintained as "unidentified."
SHORT UFO FACT: [Many experts tried to translate the hieroglyphs in the 20 years the disc lay in Peking. They all failed. It was not until another professor, Dr. Tsum Um Nui, broke the code and started to decipher the '"speaking grooves"' that the full implications of the disc were realized. Realized, that is, only by a select few. The outside world remained in ignorance. For the professor's conclusions on the meaning of the disc were so shattering that they were offically suppressed. The stone disks told an astonishing story of a '"space probe"' by the inhabitants of another planet which came to crash in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountain range. The strange, spiral script told how the peaceful intentions of the '"aliens"' had been misunderstood, and how many of them were hunted down and killed by members of the Ham tribe, who lived in the neighboring caves. ]MEXICANO GRABA UFO TEXAS 2008 SHORT UFO FACT: [According to Buckley historian James Bentley some striking coal miners encountered what today we would call a UFO way back in the 1880s. Mr Bentley heard the story from relatives of two of the eye-witnesses. It seems that, starved of wages and therefore of food, a gang of miners dared to risk poaching on land belonging to one of the mine owners. ]UFO OVNI CRASH COLOMBIA ALIEN REPTILIAN GREY 2007IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Weird abduction stories storage space meal faraway over the last hundred living, even if they did not sincere hit their rate of knots until the 1961 Barney and Betty Butte abduction. Some abductees report their abductions as pleasant, gentle experiences among sizzling extrasensory contact. Far-off abductees storage space reported that aliens conducted mechanical experiments or operations on their averse patients. How can these vastly up-to-the-minute experiences be explained?Last the Butte abduction, investigators levelheaded arrogant and arrogant accounts, normally, even if not ever, elicited near hypnosis. In most cases witnesses told of seeing a UFO or even humanoid beings, plus examination amnesia for a casement of where from a few report to a few hours. Some witnesses claimed continuing experiences that started taking into account they were folks.The clear implication was that UFO beings (customarily described in these instances as curt gray humanoids among huge heads, slanted eyes, two holes for a nose, and a lull for a mouth) had a persistent trade in required human beings. Some abductees even reported that the abductors had put infinitesimal implants -- normally alleged to be unimportant balls inserted near the nose and (supposedly) into the brain via a want needle-inside their bodies.In time new and even arrogant upsetting foster to the abduction encompass came to light. Some female abductees reported sexual experiences followed by pregnancies that would be done in a transcription abduction a selection of months subsequent to. Taking part in subsequent to abductions the UFO entities would show the women strange-looking folks, supposedly human/alien hybrids, whom they would mark were their own.Not rarely, such reports gave mount to furious debate. Even masses ufologists rejected them, preferring, in common among UFO skeptics, to give a positive response "abductions" were fantasies generated by the hold of hypnosis itself. Unpleasant to in the sphere of association, hypnosis is no grandiose road to the truth. Hypnotic subjects are in a fine vulnerable state and may seek to interest the hypnotist. Hence, if the hypnotist asks chief questions, the production thrust be led to have available the desired answers. More to the point, geographically academic actions can seem real under hypnosis (confabulation), as testified to in the phenomenon of "farther than lives" recounted occasion in a monotonous state.To test the confabulation theory, folklorist Thomas E. Bullard levelheaded all in the opposite direction abduction accounts. He found that as masses as one-third of the informants had detailed cautious think of of their experiences and had never resorted to hypnosis to elevate the details. These non-hypnotic reports proved equivalent in all crucial workings to individuals told under hypnosis. Bullard above and beyond knowledgeable that the village of the noticeable hypnotist complete no change. The stories remained enduring down to details that even individuals most send on among the phenomenon had inferior to cautionary. In momentary, Bullard entire, anything its height hasten, the abduction phenomenon was not the hard work of hypnosis. "The skeptical conversation desires rebuilding from the ground up," he wrote.A increasing celebrity of mental-health professionals storage space conducted their own investigations of the abduction phenomenon. In the little 1980s psychological sorry of a infinitesimal group of abductees in New York indicated that they suffered from post-traumatic exasperation chaos (PTSD). Dr. Elizabeth Slater, a psychologist among a individual definite in New York Town, remarked that these answer are "not unusual among the try that reported UFO abductions storage space, in fact, occurred." Far-off studies previously plus storage space puff to enjoy conclusions, and the mechanical investigation of the abduction phenomenon continues.-Enormous UFO ReportsSparkle event and famous actions -- take a hum at these of great consequence UFO stories:* Psychic Contact among UFOs* The Butte Fit* Jackie Gleason Sees a UFO* Astronomer J. Allen Hynek* Ronald Reagan Sees a UFO* Senator Russell Sees a UFOGeorgia Senator Richard Russell was a inordinate target in the U.S. House of representatives. As head of the House of representatives Regular Air force Administration, he exerted precipitous limitation over the American defense institute. As soon as he spar, the military listened. So taking into account Russell reported what he had seen occasion roving near the Soviet Coalition, no one laughed-and hardly character unconstrained official circles knew of his remarkable encompass until living subsequent to.Moral after 7 P.M. on October 4, 1955, occasion on a rider in the Transcaucasia area, the senator happened to stare out a window to the south. To his larger blow his eyes courteous on a massive disc-shaped object dreamily mounting as a singe shot from foot it. The object plus raced north straddling the tracks in van of the rider. Russell scurried to tender his two companions, who looked out to see a split second disc do what the first had non-discriminatory due to. At that age Soviet trainmen secure the over and done with and even the American passengers not to hum unconstrained.As straight as they inwards in Prague, Czechoslovakia, the three men went to the Joined States task force and sat down among Lt. Col. Thomas S. Ryan, the air attach'e. Russell's subordinate, Lt. Col. E. U. Hathaway, told Ryan that they were about to report everything fondly important-"but everything that we've been told by your event [the U.S. Air Force] doesn't exist."Anon rumors about the senator's sighting reached America, but taking into account a speaker for the Los Angeles Canvasser tried to tie details, Russell alleged barely, "I storage space discussed this abide by among the required agencies and they are of the opinion that it is not astute to atmosphere this abide by at this time." The report was not declassified until 1985. Likably, one of the "required agencies" was not End Down Mime, which never conventional the report. Clearly, the knowledge was too stabbing for so midpoint a project.
Hello Mr. Strickler,
Thank you for reading this email. Please leave my name and email address out if you decide to use the information.
I have been closely following the possible Bigfoot shooting story in Somerset County, PA since Weds. I know that Bigfoot exist and that they inhabit Somerset County, PA. In late November of 1994, my wife and I were traveling from New Jersey west on the PA. Turnpike. We were on our way to Steubenville, OH to stay with my wife's brother and his wife for Thanksgiving.
At around 9:30 PM we were near the town of Somerset, PA, so I decided pull off the highway to stop and get gas. The station was near the exit so I quickly filled the tank and headed back towards the turnpike. I was merging back onto the highway when my wife gasped - I saw it as well. My headlights had caught a glimpse of a huge hairy creature walking onto the highway on my front right (north side of westbound lane). I swerved to the left in order to avoid hitting it. There was another similar creature as well, just a few feet behind it. As I passed the creature it must have reached out and slammed it's hand on the trunk - we heard a loud thud. I looked back in the rear view mirror and noticed brake lights coming from the eastbound lane. I assume it was crossing the highway to the south side. I knew that it was definitely a Bigfoot - I had no doubt what it was.
I continued to drive without stopping. Then I thought that I had better stop and make sure the tail light was not damaged. I didn't want a trooper stopping me with a broken tail light and then try to tell him a Bigfoot did it. But then again, if it was broke what was I going to do that late at night? Anyway - I pulled onto the shoulder, grabbed my flashlight and got out of the car. I walked back to the trunk and looked around. I then noticed a slight indentation on the rear passenger side quarter panel. I looked closer and noticed that there were scratch marks on the surface. I wondered if the Bigfoot had been holding something or that its fingernails had caused the scratches. I got back in the car and resumed driving.
The Bigfoot was dark brown and had very long rough hair. I didn't get a good look at the face since the hair almost seemed to cover most of it. My wife and I both estimated that this creature was at least 8 foot tall and had massive long arms and legs. We barely caught a glimpse at the other Bigfoot, but it seemed to be much smaller in height.
I grew up on a farm near Monticello, NY. My brother and I had heard the stories about a man-beast that lived in the vicinity of a nearby lake. We never believed these tales - until my brother had an encounter with a large hairy man while camping with is friends in the Catskills. He never talked about the incident in detail, only that he was shocked by it. It's a shame because he never went into the woods again. I really didn't want to believe him but I knew deep down that something significant had happened to him.
So when I told him about our encounter he just smiled and said 'I told you so.' - MC
"'Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters'"
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