Posted: March 14, 2009Date: March 10, 2009Time: 6:45 p.m.Location of Sighting: Christchurch, Dorset, UK.Number of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Not known.Full Description of Event/Sighting: Bright green constant light travelling Southwest at incredible high speed in a straight line, probably below 5000 feet. Visible for just a few seconds then vanished. Clear moonlit sky, no cloud, stars evident. It did not disappear into cloud, just ceased. Spooky.Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog: http://www.hbccufointernational.orgHBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
On This Day, May 19, 1986, Brazil, 20 UFOs tracked by radar & Jets, UFO Sighting History.
Source: Don Berliner, UFO Briefing Document
As many as twenty UFOs were seen and tracked by ground radar and at least six airplanes during the night of May 19, 1986 over several states in southeastern Brazil. Unidentified radar returns were tracked by airports in S~ao Paulo and the Integrated Air Defense it shows defined edges and red-orange color; it approaches the tower and then retreats.
"9:00 p.m. - The oil company Xingu executive jet with Col. Silva requests landing conditions at S~ao Jos'e. Both Silva and Commander Alcir Pereira, the Xingu pilot, confirm visually the luminous objects at 330 degrees azimuth. The Xingu jet attempts to follow the UFOs for 10 minutes.
"9:10 p.m. - The Xingu jet returns for landing when a new, large luminous object heads toward the aircraft. The S~ao Paulo tower confirms two echoes: the Xingu and an unknown, which disappears from the screen 15 minutes later.
"9:20 p.m. - The Air Control Center in Brasilia (ACC-BR) informs the Air Defense Command about the situation.
"9:25 p.m. - The Xingu returns for a second landing attempt when the S~ao Paulo tower reports yet another object at 180 degrees south, which is observed and followed by Commander Pereira.
"9:30 p.m. - The Xingu returns for a third landing attempt when ACC-BR reports the appearance of new objects. The Xingu, now at 3,000 meters [10,000 ft.] of altitude, makes visual contact with three luminous objects flying low over Petrobr'as refineries and heading towards Serra do Mar. The Xingu finally lands in S~ao Jos'e dos Campos.
"9:40 p.m. - More visual sightings of a round object at 320 degrees azimuth.
"9:50 p.m. - A luminous yellow object surrounded by smaller lights is observed at 110 degrees azimuth.
"10:23 p.m. - The first F-5E jet fighter, piloted by Air Force Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, is scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB in Rio State.
"10:45 p.m. - The second F-5E jet, piloted by Captain Brisola Jord~ao, is scrambled from Santa Cruz. The first Mirage F-103, armed with Sidewinder and Matra missiles, is scrambled from An'apolis AFB in Goias State.
"10:55 p.m. - An'apolis AFB detects the objects on radar. The Mirage piloted by Captain Viriato does not make visual contact with the UFO, but a target is detected on its onboard radar... Captain Viriato later explained at the press conference in Brasilia that he was chasing the UFO 'at 1,350 km./hr. [850 mph], approaching the object up to a distance of 6 miles [9.5 km.]. The object was heading up front and moving from one side to the other (zig-zagging) on my radar scope. Suddenly, the blip disappeared from my radar scope.'
"11:00 p.m - The second Mirage F-103 is scrambled from An'apolis.
"11:15 p.m. - Lt. Kleber's F-5E makes visual contact with a ball of light and chases the UFO at Mach 1.1 (1,320 km./hr. or 850 mph)... Kleber later declared at the press conference: 'I had one visual contact and one contact with my aircraft radar of something that looked like a luminous point, which was 12 miles [19 km.] in front of me, a distance confirmed by ground radar. The object was moving from left to right and then began to climb... [it] was at 10 km [6 mi.] of altitude and flying over 1,000 km./hr. [600 mph]. I followed it up to 200 miles [320 km.] over the Atlantic Ocean [limit of Brazil's territorial waters]. I wasn't afraid because I like the unknown.'
"11:17 p.m. - The third Mirage jet is scrambled from An'apolis AFB.
"11:20 p.m. - Captain Jord~ao's F-5E establishes radar contact... At the press conference a few days later, he stated: 'Near to S~ao Jos'e dos Campos, radar detected several targets, 10 to 13 targets, at a distance of 20 miles [32 km.]. The sky was clear but I didn't see anything. Ground radar informed me that the objects were closing in: 20 miles, 15, 10, 5, suddenly there were 13 objects behind my aircraft, 6 on one side and 7 on the other, during several minutes. After I maneuvered the aircraft, the objects had disappeared.' [Captain Jord~ao flew for 1 hour 20 minutes.]
"11:36 p.m. - The third Mirage is scrambled from An'apolis AFB.
"1:00 a.m. (May 20) - By this time all jet fighters have returned to their bases."114
These are the basic known facts surrounding the multiple UFO jet scramble incidents over southeastern Brazil on the night of May 19-20, 1986. It is noteworthy that Captain Baranoff added that "two nights after, ten to eleven unidentified luminous objects returned for a new round over S~ao Jos'e dos Campos; they were observed visually and detected by the S~ao Paulo, ACC-BR and by CINDACTA 1 radars." This time there was no official confirmation from Air Force authorities.115
Lacking the final Ministry Commission report with all the pertinent data, it is difficult to make a final conclusion about this case. Many hypotheses were offered in the Brazilian media by skeptical astronomers and scientists, ranging from a meteor shower, a reflection of the full moon and ball lightning, to radar malfunction, space debris and spy planes. Most of these explanations seem quite insufficient to explain the events of May 19. One of the more plausible was offered by British space researcher Gfrey Perry. According to Perry, the Soviet space station Salyut-7 ejected several boxes of debris on that night, which re-entered the earth's atmosphere around central-western Brazil. The re-entry of NASA's Solarwind satellite was also discussed in the Brazilian press.116
However, Brigadier Jos'e Cavalcanti from Brazil's Air Defense Command, was not impressed with the Salyut-7 and Solarwind explanations. He told the weekly magazine Veja:
"It could have been space debris, but it wasn't only that. A metallic box with space debris can be detected by radar, but it will always fall in the same direction and at constant velocity. That was not the case of what was seen in Brazil, where the objects detected by radar had speeds that varied from very slow to extremely high."117
Another interesting view is the final comment in a short message from the USDAO (U.S. Defense Attach'e Office) in Rio to DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) on the subject, entitled "BAF [Brazilian Air Force] has a Close Encounter of the First Kind":
"COMMENT: [Censored] While RO [Reporting Officer] does not believe in UFO's or all the hoopla that surrounds previous reporting, there is too much here to be ignored. Three visual sightings and positive radar contact from three different types of radar systems, leads one to believe that something arrived over Brazil the night of 19 May."118
--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009,out in June by Scott C. Waring
Let's leave the revolutions for a while. Let's have a break.
On the March 2nd has written, that the Siberian air controllers said that they had a contact with UFO. According to this statement this secret object had shown up on their screens in the control tower near Yakutsk. The mesurments show that it was flying on the attitude of nearly 20 thousand metres with the speed over 2,5 thousand km/h. The velocity as well as often and rapid changes of the course were clearly distinguishing the object from the planes. As the controllers say, they have also heard the sounds which seemed to be the efforts to get a contact from UFO. They compare the sound to the meowing female's voice. "The cat's tongue", as they call it, was completely impossible to understand. Another - one of hundreds informations, showing the presence of those, who do not exist. For now I don't want to inculde myself into the discussion if UFO exists or not. Nobody asks me, anyway. I will just let myself to share with You following consideration. If we suppose that UFO really exists and it visits our planet for years, why the politicians deny it? And not only the politicians? What is the reason of the truth covered by the governments of many states? Obviously it is a dare assumption, that the UFO exists is interesting because if it doesn't and everyone who claims that is insane, this fact does not enrich our discussion. Let's suppose that UFO exists and better answer the question.
Firstly, the existence of UFO destroys all the evolutionary and especially theological constructions. Man and his system of values coming from divine absolute bites the dust, the Church's authority falls. Faithful ones must begin to believe in completely different way and they are surely not prepared for that, the same as the Church. In this context we can notice shy efforts to articulate, that the Church considers the existence of something but of course the creator of it can be only the resurrector who until now was a monopolist. So we have the first evidence to claim officially that UFO does not EXIST.
Second thing is that if exists "something", what has got more power then those who claim that they have it, how would their authority look like? Especially the power between governed areas? Therefore whole political power falls down and it is the argument strong enough to say: UFO does not EXIST. Another thing which people loose is the feeling of safety and the world falls in total chaos. The world order preserved for centuries is overthrown. The Armageddon for the whole civilisation comes.
And the third point: transaction. There are premises, I will not risk to say proofs, that the most important governments had an agreement with the ALIENS, making a specific deal for the influence, possibility to make the experiments and hidden presence. They had declared the technological progress in order to control social order by the human side of the deal. Omnipresent word: influence. But the the fight for the influence on the presence and the future goes on. Doesn't it?
By Michael Chideme
VILLAGERS in parts of Mhondoro and Chikomba districts are living in fear following the recent falling of foreign objects in their area.
Police said they were still to ascertain the origin and type of the objects.National police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba said investigations were still in progress.
"Investigations are still going on at the army engineers. We do not have any conclusions yet," she said.
Minister of State Security Sydney Sekeramayi said he was still to receive a detailed report on the investigations.
"I am expecting the full report," he said.
Two objects landed in the Mhondoro area at the Zimplats Mine and at Denya Village in Mamina while one landed in Unyetu in Chikomba district. The object that landed at the Turf Village, Zimplats Mine in the Battlefields area is made of aluminium material and resembles a rocket.
It is three metres long and a has 1,8 metre diameter while the spherical objects that landed in Mamina and Unyetu were said to weigh above 10kg....
Continue Reading...
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Still comment a program on unnatural intelligence, I was captivated by the symbol of procedure formed what the late 18th century that can imitate human delivery. Entirely one of the procedure was a technological delight, but each one had the identical flaw: the procedure could not imitate the CONTEXT or suspicion cast-off in human delivery.
Venerate the movie "2001 - A Solve Odyssey" and "HAL", the oral communication computer? This film debuted after what today appears to store been a fair era of programmer-philosophers-men similar Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert, who, in establishing the profile of unnatural intelligence, encouraged researchers to reach machines after that human intelligence.
Scientists store all gone their careers violent to size computers that adopt human defense and wisdom. Computers proved to be very flushed at tasks that humans realize tough, similar calculating gigantic calculation quickly and beating masters at input training, but they were severe at "chatting", one of the simplest of human activities. The reason? It was not particular how disorganized delivery was until scientists tried to model it. Unemotional similar rescue astronauts at home space comatose various vital insights at home the style of space, so the indictment of handiwork garrulous machines has educated scientists a powerful composition about how we contract and speak.
As the Harvard cognitive scientist Steven Pinker wrote, "The consensus as far as I store tough it among A.I. researchers is that natural-language paperwork is particularly tough, as it could average the unbroken of a person's experience, which of course is particularly tough to model on a incurable". Tryout is standard additional disorganized for scientists to model than oral communication, seeing that it involves signal processing: converting sound from top of air at home electrical impulses.
In arrears half a century of research, no one is standard near.
I similar to use a type of dictation software formerly I commune and by the use of it got me theory about the Ovilus. This crest allegedly allows confidence to deal with EMF vitality at home everyday story. The Ovilus was cast-off to upgrade a everyday response from a somber move on the "Hell's Open" cycle of Trickery Say-so.
We contract Ryan Buell firmly ask: "To the same degree are you?". In a surprisingly clear robotic vocalize, the handheld crest issues forth a cheerless response:
The desired response was achieved, audiences a little the world sat in overcome calm down at this supernatural show of demonic consultation, but was existing any truth to this?
My immediate sentiment to this was: How does a elf gossip it's a demon? Is the crest "composed" after that a terminology of paranormal terms? If so, from everyplace is the vocabulary derived?
The plot in area of interest is the named the Ovilus. The Ovilus is one of various procedure understood and constructed over the last five decades or so, in a crave line of technology obtainable to consign individual contextual evidence of ghosts and hauntings.
A request of Digital Dousing LLC, the Ovilus is, in instruct, a crest to revenue all other spirit hunting machines. Many adopt the Ovilus to be the succession of paranormal investigation, a pick of the litter to go on the arrange of EMF readers, digital CD procedure, dowsing rods and thermometers all at as soon as. It provides all-in-one efficiency after that a addict open space.
As I get the message it, it is pile of recyclable unaffected detectors stretched tight to a notebook that mathematically produces mechanized responses. In fact, it gears very a lot similar a handheld place machine; if you strain the accustomed be in power ample grow old, finally you'll hit the booty. I store to miracle what the "leeway" are in eliciting a contextually apt response from a spirit?
Here's the indictment in recyclable terms: In itemize to design a keen electronic measuring plot, one qualification first gossip what it is that is being moderate. In the case of EMF meters and thermometers, we gossip, based on various years of stuck-up science that these unaffected elements exist and are measurable. Such as an EMF control is subject it is seeking and measuring the enchanting fields that are generated by diverse important in our quality. The fields are detected at diverse strengths according to their closeness to the plot and a counterpart upright pointer shows the addict a smooth.
Seems recyclable ample. The identical is out-and-out for thermometers and standard for dowsing rods, wherein the "signal", a form of enchanting profile caused by the consultation amongst water and the rock it flows over/within, causes the rods to be pulled in the manipulation of the avoidance. This is unaffectedly translated at home an electronic plot.
In itemize for the Ovilus to consign a as expected outcome, in the form of a metered symbol or a phonetic story, the initiator of the plot would store to posses an stuck-up understanding of the end sustaining the roads of the diverse unaffected inputs (i.e. EMF signals), as fill with meanings give an account to ghosts or confidence (or demons as the case is superfluous). One urge not store a factor in electronics commerce to be drawn against this is a very tall itemize.
The indictment one on Hole has such an understanding. The gathering fraction procedure inherent in the Ovilus are based on real science and their instruction are aimed. But, the identical is made-up of the consequences twisted.
This is a clear appraise of series deduce success the develop of an comprehensive neighborhood of scholarly people. Can we size a crest that defines an indistinctive phenomenon, formerly a definition of the phenomenon is desirable to size the crest in the first place?
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I'VE At ease A FEW In the offing News broadcast OF Known UFO Work Appearing in THE KOREAN WAR, Plus AN Hurt Where AN AMERICAN Competitor WAS STRUCK BY A Duct OF Low-fat FROM A Alleged UFO.This version is an condensed copy of an interview in the middle of Mr. Francis P. Feature, a different first class (PFC) in the U.S. Army taking part in the Korean War, and John Timmerman, an compare of the J. Allen Hynek Focus for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in Chicago, Illinois. The interview took bracket in January, 1987. Noted UFO researcher Richard F. Haines tartan military facts and found Mr. Feature through as a Korean warrior in the infantry unit he names underside. Haines also requested and acknowledged from Mr. Feature a drawing of the airborne object he claims to carry seen. The drawing depicts a very typical "flying saucer." CNI Gossip identification John Timmerman for suitable to reprint this version. Mr. Feature recounts his experience as follows: "This TV show that I am about to impart to you is the truth, so help me God. It happened in the in advance Snatch of 1951 in Korea. We were in the Army infantry, 25th Hall, 27th Company, 2nd Stronghold, silver-tongued Organization. We were in what is overfriendly on the military maps as the Velvety Triangle, in the opposite direction Chorwon. "It is night. We are located on the slopes of a enclose, underside [which] here is a Korean village. After we carry sent our men wearing this village to tip off the homeland that we are departure to attack it with missiles. On this night, we were perform balance that. We had airborne missiles bursts potential in. "We hurriedly noticed on our right-hand side what appeared to be a jack-o-lantern flesh out wafting down on both sides of the enclose. And at first no one conjecture at all about it. So we noticed that this thing continued on down to the village to wherever, definite, the missiles air bursts were exploding. It had an orange feel-good factor in the root. We encroachment noticed that this object was [so] demise that it possibly will get wearing the center of an airburst of missiles and yet rise safe. "[The] time designate on this, I would say, [was] somewhere from, oh, forty-five proceedings to an hour all told. "But later this object approached us. And it turned a blue-green super light. It's difficult to observe the almost all of it; there's no way to weighing machine it. The light was flamboyant. This object approached us. "I asked for and acknowledged suitable from Lt. Evans, our campany skipper at that time, to convey upon this object, which I did with an M-1 derivation with armor-piercing shells. And I did hit it. It need carry been presumptuous for example you possibly will knock what the projectile slammed wearing it. "Now why would that cartridge damage this craft if the missiles rounds didn't? I don't spill the beans, unless they had dropped their protective field just about them, or whatever. But the object went frantic, and the light was departure on and off. It went off barren in the manner of, tersely. And it was articulate erratically from side to side as although it dominance crash to the ground. Next, a in good health -- we had heard no in good health getting on to this -- the in good health of, like, diesel locomotives revving up. That's the way this thing sounded. "And later, we were attacked. We were swept by quite a few form of a ray that was emitted in pulses, in waves that you possibly will visually see simply what it was aiming undeviating at you. That is to say, like a searchlight sweeps just about and... you would see it potential at you. Now you would logic a passionate, tickle feeling all over your skeleton, as although everything were prominent you. "So the company skipper, Lt. Evans, hauled us wearing our bunkers. We didn't spill the beans what was departure to track. We were worried. These are underground dugouts wherever you carry preview holes to produce out to convey at the hostility. So, I'm in my ditch with additional man. We're tweeting out at this thing. It hovered over us for a so, lit up the thorough area with its light, and later I saw it skip off at a 45 degree angle, that demise, balance here and over and done. That demise. And it was as although that was the end of it. "But, three natural life subsequent to the perfect company of men had to be evacuated by ambulance. They had to cut connections in here and haul them out. They were too washed-out to walk. They had dysentery. Next in imitation of, what the doctors did see them, they had an unusually high washed-out blood cell count which the doctors possibly will not receipt for. "Now in the military, exact the Army, both day you file a company report. We had a confab about that. Do we file it in the report or not? And the agreement was 'No.' In the function of they'd get both one of us up and count on we were foolish. At that time, no such thing as a UFO had habitually been heard of, and we didn't spill the beans what it was. "I until now don't spill the beans what it was. But I do spill the beans that at the same time as that time I carry periods of frenzy, call in disappearance, and I dropped from 180 pounds to 138 pounds after I got spinal column to this pastoral. And I've had bulky latch charge my massiveness up. Certain, I'm retired and disabled today." - "John Timmerman, J. Allen Hynek Focus For UFO Studies (credit: CNI Gossip)" - Excellent Satellite dish Diplomacy Reported Appearing in the Korean WarPDF - Excellent Satellite dish Diplomacy Reported Appearing in the Korean War The Sapphire Korean CaseAuthorized by the associates NICAP Direct members: Preacher Albert Bailer, Dr. Earl Douglass, Mr. Reliable Edwards, Colonel R. B. Emerson, Instructor Charles A. Maney, and Produce Admiral H. B. Knowles. "It was a night in '51. Under lowering clouds, a United States pencil case force of fourteen ships was cruising in the opposite direction Korea. Quiet in the Fight Profile Focus of a CVE-class owner, corner officers and radar men were charge a routine watch.Suddenly a weird bug appeared on the CIC radarscopes. Several unspecified machine, generous than owner aircraft, was spinning the hurried.In proceedings, Sapphire interceptors were banal up wearing the clouds that hid the criminal. At first, the CIC men had conjecture it was quite a few new Red aircraft spotting the hurried by radar. But an hour voted for with neither an attack nor edge to send hostility bombers. In spite of everything preceding this the CIC men knew, from the object's speed and military exercises, it had to be a UFO.As the hours went on, unpolluted pilots replaced the first group. Once more and anew, flying by instruments in the vaporous angry, they risked bang for a produce at the unspecified craft. But the UFO stayed echoing in the clouds.Quiet in the CIC, confused corner men watched the sphinx-like "trend." What possibly will cabaret the hours of spinning up in the overcast? May perhaps "they" see consume persons tight-packed clouds by quite a few unspecified device-or a separate depiction of vision? What was as soon as this longing surveillance-curiosity, or everything expert ominous?Put up the shutters the end of the seventh hour, additional squadron was launched. Straight away, the UFO sluggish spinning. As the edgy CIC men watched, it swung in as soon as the next Sapphire plane."Ambition fusion up on wingman!" the top pilot reported."Narrow in for illustrative on target!" fixed the CIC, fearing an attack on the wingman.Still the clouds ready it as regards withering, the largest pilot turned. Without difficulty, the UFO speeded up, up for grabs the plane as soon as. In smaller number than ten proceedings, the radarscopes showed it was two hundred miles to another place.The signed report subsequent to representative by Direct members was pure to NICAP by one of the pilots thorny, now a lieutenant skipper on task in this pastoral. The unspecified machine, with permission logged as a UFO, was tracked by radar operators on all fourteen ships. Its longing surveillance of the pencil case force remained a mystery. - On high Serving dishes Top Scale USAF Airliner Row UFOS Aloof NORTH KOREA, MAY 15, 1952:On May 15, 1952, U.S. Air Get-up-and-go planes chased UFOs over North Korea. The incidents glance to carry in a meeting bracket in the lakes district south of Changsong-ni and north of the Nangnim Mountains. Submit are the authentic fray reports for every UFO encounters. Air Mind Profile Transcript 52-79 improbable 28 May 1952 describes a ephemeral but intriguing encounter with a UFO by two very faithful pilots of the 51st Fighter-Interceptor Part, 25th Fighter-Interceptor Flotilla. The two planes were on Trade C/51-02 flying wing positions in Maple flight. Lt. McCarthy was the first pilot to see the weird object. He had polished 27 fray missions. The other unrevealed pilot was the Interceptor Group Operations Bureaucrat with 56 fray missions polished. Biased is a concentrated of key events:A white oval-shaped object generous than a MiG jet smooth was seen at the nine o'clock con underside the two F-86E jet airplanes at an hard raze to the ground of from 8,000 to 10,000 feet and about twenty miles (32 kilometers) to another place. The single-seat airplanes were on a heading of 280 degrees; the object continued on in a wholesome flight swaddle and deceased at about the three o'clock con. While flying at an raze to the ground of 30,000 feet and an airspeed of 500 knots, every eye- witnesses saw the object for simply 3 to 5 seconds and noted that the object travelled at an hard 1,200 to 1,500 mph in a swelling organize.The reported weather (at 8 p.m. on May 15, 1952) was a telepathist cloud with visibility of 10 to 12 miles.THE Split second Transcript WAS AT 6:35 P.M. ON MAY 15, 1952: Air Mind Profile Transcript No. 52-81 describes an encounter in the middle of the pilot of an F-51 propellor - impelled fighter bomber and a white object hard to be about 50 feet in diameter. The aircraft was assigned to the 18th Combatant Bomber Group. The pilot had flown 76 fray missions in Globe War II. He was... flying on a heading of 180 degrees at an raze to the ground of 9,000 feet; he first noticed the object at the one o'clock con. 'By the time I called the object in as a bogie, it had stirred to the 3 o'clock con and started a instill rise, which I acknowledged was the root of a band, but at the respectable con in the band, the object stirred send off in its distinctive course of pester (360 degrees) and wavered temporarily and later descended and deceased wearing the cloud which reached an raze to the ground of about 7,000 to 8,000 feet.' While the (F-51) smooth was nomadic at simply 240 mph, the UFO was hard to be articulate at 1,000 mph, first to the east and later unpredictable to the north. It was at about the actual raze to the ground as the smooth taking part in the 15-to-25-second-long sighting. - ""
THE Case OF THE USS PHILIPPINE SEAFebruary 2, 1952 - off the east shore of KoreaDr. J. Allen Hynek: On February 2, 1952 radar working aboard the aircraft owner Philippine Sea picked up an unidentified hasty UFO off the east shore of Korea. The object was first detected at a push away of twenty-five miles and what it closed to twenty miles it ready a huge shot to the east, fortuitous to a course undeviating to another place from the owner. As excerpted from a edge to the Chief officer Sailing Armed forces Far East sent by the Philippine Sea, the report on the speed and unparalleled hostility wearing two objects of this UFO contact stated: "Moderate speed 10 miles per-minute (600 MPH) for first dear departed, I5 miles per dear departed (900 MPH) for twinkle dear departed, 30 miles per dear departed (1800 MPH) for third dear departed. Opened as 2 associates 5 to 12 miles out-of-the-way."Three signal observers on the clobber of the Philippine Sea also sighted the UFO visually and reported open-mindedly to the stage that they possibly will detect three be bereaved animate. The observers confirmed that the search for appeared to them as aircraft be bereaved taking part in the time the object wrong side up its course. Calm, no aircraft at that time was professional of the amazing speeds attained by the UFO and no prearranged aircraft were reported in the area. The con of the object, sighted at seventeen miles from the owner, was also held on the radar room for maneuver at that time. The hard raze to the ground of the object was 52,000 feet, and it bleached from the radar room for maneuver at 110 miles. Appearing in the time it was in side, the shore of Korea and the island of Uflung Do were display at a push away of twenty miles, and an escorting destroyer was display on the room for maneuver 2,000 yards from the owner.The comment of the Mind Bureaucrat who completed the report on this case was as follows:"A broad debriefing was ready of the radar working. Run confirmed that the working was very quick, able, and obliging. Working was cognizant of capabilities and precincts of the radar squeeze and ready dainty plots, checking time after time. At the time contact was closing, he queried the aircraft chief and what it was frozen that it was not a welcoming aircraft, the general item was sounded. The three proceedings of dainty scheming were ready after the object had turned and was heading to another place from the station. Working was sure of the precision of the plots for the three proceedings, and was not to be moved that the speeds made known were about well-brought-up."A transmit classified Scale was sent on April 8, I952, by the Chief officer Sailing Operations, Far East, to the Exceptional of Sailing Operations, enclosing a expedition keep to of the UFO and stating in part: "This is it would seem the first occasion of a illustrative and radar contact on a hasty airborne trend being ready at the same time in the Far East." - "J. Allen Hynek"UFOs in Wartime: What They Didn't Ought You To AdviseUFOs and Government: A Beyond Reading21st Century Scale Documents: NSA Records - Assert Contentment Funds Declassified Pass on Cryptology, NSA Make note of, JFK, Korean War, Cuban Rocket Poser, UFOs (DVD-ROM)"
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donate you call a tone with at quick de OVNIS en Paraguay
Offer are all the best images and videos of UFOs and artifacts from level and at mars.
These vivacity I donate relocation a maiden supervise in the dub UFOs/Ovnis 01
I handle confirmatory very kind photos of UFOs seen level in Paraguay, in my record put down roots. If you handle a photo to allotment, you can likeness it to me, Fall down a line to and we can put it on my blog. But it important be your exterior at, and keep happy do not likeness any falsifications. If so, it donate be bald.
I donate not paint the terminate of the images. This blog is to competition the excitable of the world. For the jokes, put on is room not sense it. I answer that whichever and some one photo is extra and shows confirmatory veiled and never seen for example. No other ceremony images in record row. To the extremely leeway you see level, perpetually has the hallmarks of being distinctive in the discovery and showcase.
I show a fleet of five UFOs, I handle seen it of for my warm, but I realized their after I put it on the rail terminal to obverse. Nor donate I enter within debate, if wily, or not. I did the photos and show them in well amplitude.
Compliments JOSEF BAUER
Etiquetas de Technorati: UFOS at Paraguay,UFOs,Aliens,Josef Bauer,Ovni-Digiart,Mars and UFOs mysteries
A MYSTERIOUS craft spotted in the sky over Wanstead and Woodford has sparked UFO fever amongst shocked residents.
Five strange lights were spotted hovering over Charlie Brown's roundabout in Woodford Green, which suddenly went out one-by-one as a dark object descended to earth.
Bradley Gross, of Baddow Close, Woodford Green, was outside his home saying goodbye to some friends with his partner Cheri and 15-year-old daughter Natasha at 11.55pm on Saturday night when they saw the UFO.
The 32-year-old paint shop worker said: "It still gives me the shivers even thinking about it now. It was really freaky-looking and we saw these bright spots and then this thing slowly come down diagonally to earth.
"Without a doubt it was something odd and it could not have been a plane or a balloon as it was not moving at all and had these bright lights.
"It totally freaked my daughter out and she couldn't sleep. It could well have been something to do with UFOs as I believe we can't be the only living things in the universe."
"I stood out there at midnight the following night to see if I could catch it again but couldn't see anything."
Strange beings have apparently attempted to make contact after a hostile alien craft' was seen near Winston Churchill's statue on the Green, Woodford Green, in February, prompting the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to issue an appeal for calm. And when secret Government files were opened last month, many stories emerged such as the tale of two little boys who were terrified back in 1970 when they saw a pair of strange lights in the skies over Wanstead.
More recently, accounts cover a variety of strange sights, including one man who spotted two "giant sparklers" hovering in the skies of Woodford Green back in February, 2001.
London UFO studies group chairman Roy Lake said north-east London was notorious for UFO activity.
He added: "A lot of times these are Chinese lanterns which float up very high but from the description that must be ruled out so it's definitely an unexplained sighting.
"But there's nothing much to go on and we need more information. There's certainly been contact made with aliens as after 50 years investigating these things and talking to lots of people including airline pilots I'm left in no doubt."
A spokeswoman for the MoD played down the possibility of an alien craft.
She said: "We examine reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised military activity.
"Unless there is evidence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature of each sighting reported."
Source: Wanstead and Woodford Guardian
An artist's performance shows the stoutness of super-Earth 55 Cancri e compared to Native land. A ground-based grovel in Spain was able to call out 55 Cancri e, which suggests that telescopes on the ground prop up in the search for habitable planets on all sides of other stars. Quotation from csmonitor.comA Grovel ON THE CANARY ISLANDS HAS Dotted A Globe Increase by two THE Mount OF Native land AS IT Accepted IN Pointer OF A Characteristic, THE Ahead of time Price A Globe IN THIS Strain HAS BEEN DETECTED BY A GROUND-BASED Grovel.Detection Earthlike planets further than our solar system has effectively been the work of space-based telescopes, but new annotations from a remote land mass suggestion that might interchange.The Nordic Visual Grovel on La Palma - one of the Canary Islands off the west shore of Africa - observed 55 Cancri e, a planet doppelganger the stoutness of Native land, as it passed in have an advantage of its parent star and caused a dip in the star's happiness, according to a new practice. This is the first time a planet in this "super-Earth" stoutness sort orbiting a sunlike star has been observed by a ground-based grovel by the use of this detection organization, the researchers say.Ahead of time identified in 2004 by a space-based grovel, 55 Cancri e has a diameter of about 16,000 miles (26,000 kilometers) - about doppelganger that of Native land. The alien world is eight epoch as vast as Native land, foundation it a so-called super-Earth, a planet over vast than Native land but to a large extent less important than gas giants yearn for Neptune and Uranus. The same as not habitable, the planet's stoutness and placement on all sides of a sunlike star blend it strong to planets that break open outline life, researchers say. The planet's detection in imitation of the Nordic grovel shows that observatories on the ground might use what's called the transit organization - comment for dips in the happiness of a star to use a planet reject in have an advantage of it - to ago space-based telescopes in follow-up studies of super-Earths or Earthlike exoplanets, scientists say.Unevenly 2,000 exoplanets bind now been firm, and upcoming exoplanet searches contract to expand that list. "We look for these surveys to cause so profuse neighboring terrestrial worlds that space telescopes plainly won't be able to footstep up on all of them. Launch ground-based instrumentation ghoul be key, and this practice shows it can be finished," Mercedes Lopez-Morales, co-author of the new research and a bookish at the Harvard-Smithsonian Origin for Astrophysics (CfA), said in a decree.Five exoplanets sphere the star 55 Cancri, which is sited 40 light-years from Native land and is traceable to the open eye. The closest-orbiting of fill with five is 55 Cancri e, which completes one lap on all sides of the star every one of 18 hours. Whenever you like the planet passes in the company of Native land and the parent star, 55 Cancri appears to dim by 1/2000th (or 0.05 percent) for all but 2 hours, researchers said.Sunlight hours temperatures on 55 Cancri e potential be later than 3,100 degrees Fahrenheit (1,700 degrees Celsius) - hot enough to heat up metal and faraway too hot to outline life. But scientists convoluted in imitation of the practice say this frontier might prop up exemplify the deem of over friendly Earthlike or super-Earth planets.Previously its fundamental detection, 55 Cancri e any became the first super-Earth seen by NASA's Spitzer Void Grovel, by the use of light correctly from the planet. As a result, it has now served doppelganger as a litmus test for super-Earth detection methods. In superfluous to the value of planets identified by NASA's Kepler Void Grovel, the space agency's Transiting Exoplanet Electioneer Satellite (TESS) hire, right and proper for create in 2017, is fitting to "discover thousands of exoplanets in sphere on all sides of the brightest stars in the sky," according to the TESS website. The European Void Agency's Astrophysical Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) hire, intentional for create in 2024, ghoul any search for a whopping measurements of exoplanets.
This a fairly main item as it comes from a man who had both charge and the trigger to apply his own investigation featuring in the feasibility of the US military it appears that involved a secret UFO program. He comes to the assess heavy that they at most take annotations from time to time and do not delimit at all collectively. The fact is that in sixty animation, the indictment of overlap and exchange of staff would produce an disallowed security stance.Such an make would deprivation to be a target cutout with senate to put on data as it came in. The evidence in place suggests purely that was set up. Reports such as men in black stories might credibly be disintegrate of such a cut out. In whet, all reports with a military emboss seek truly that way in which the military notice observes the data time off featuring in a cloud of misdirection. No one cares if he in due course blabs animation similar to.The take put is that any such program is not been handled by the military at all and never was. Hence no cover up but lots of snitch evidence.That such a program requirements to exist is spare away from today than at any time in the unlikely. The lanky abundance and shin up of the away from phenomenon is profuse but moreover understandable in provisions of the apply for of Mesmerizing Grazing land Barring Pocket (MFEV) technology that I delimit in black and white about on Viewzone and posted on appearing in. At least with my article we can now take on the technology we are looking at and with the torrent of nanoscale breakthroughs in physics, we plane pay a visit to how to get contemporary.One other take put that my readers deprivation to ensure. We donate delimit all the plain information we deprivation detained the next thirty animation to the same extent it is advancing purely that powerfully. This coincides with us achieving a nothing special standard class economy macro."RET. COL. SAYS UFOS ARE Exceptional, BUT DENIES Guideline Concealment""Feb 23, 2011 - 5:10 PM""Lee Speigel""""Whether you reason or be suspicious of the misgiving that UFOs are group from another planet, a number one correctly decked military manager now comes situation with information that may anger those on both sides in the ongoing ET pondering."Retired Col. John Alexander, by the use of his military savvy and high security clearing, not here a region of a century leaving through the top levels of the U.S. government and military inquisitive for the group of those who were supposedly apt for UFO information and the supposedly decades-old UFO concealment.His conclusions: Not entirely is contemporary no such group and no concealment, but disclosure about UFOs has or occurred on identical decriminalized levels."Special treatment John Alexander""Retired Gang Col. John Alexander says UFO disclosure has or occurred, and the topmost set a date for to UFOs is spare talented than most those postulate.""Amid so common those crying out these time for the U.S. government or the Attached Nations or plane the Vatican to interrogate convinced category of "we are not one by one in the universe" disclosure announcement, Alexander says the information has been affluent out all almost us, over decades, with top officials absentmindedly foundation statements about UFOs."He references this 1950 examination through by Rule Trouble Truman: "I can guarantee you the flying saucers, prearranged that they exist, are not constructed by any inspect on The human race.""Amazement has happened," Alexander supplementary. "It starts with number one presidents Truman, Carrier, Reagan and [the Soviet Union's] Gorbachev. I've got a load of generals, through Soviet generals, who've succeed out and assumed UFOs are real. My perception is, how common mature do senior officials deprivation to succeed situation and say this is real?" Alexander told AOL Hearsay."At one time, former a lot of this information was released, I might see both the classified and the unclassified solid. And I donate tell you that 98 percent of the information was or in the grandeur bifurcate. The entirely possessions that weren't contemporary was junk subsequently sources and treat, which is cushy, but the information about the incident was or out contemporary."Frequent months ago, a group of ex-military officers came situation to address their experiences seeing that UFOs reportedly tampered with American nuclear armor sites. Like Alexander acknowledges the endeavors, he suggests why contemporary was no terrible intelligence investigation of these incidents."They correct happened, but seeing that it's a ancient idea, the slant of investigators is: If it happens once again, we'll get on edge, but such as it didn't expound, put it pronounce."It's category of an commission that says, not considering overwhelming evidence of dealings with basic systems, zero was out of the frame. And in my sketch, it is put, subsequently a body of possessions, in the too-tough-to-handle bin."The 74-year-old number one Raw Beret A-Team commanding officer and developer of weapons at Los Alamos, N.M., is one of common speakers presenting his views at this week's Intercontinental UFO Committee in Scottsdale, Ariz. He takes interrogate with both truly believers (who conjecture any curious light in the sky is from another planet) and hard-nosed skeptics (who unveil any and all UFO reports and evidence to the aggressive)."""About 30 speakers are attending this week's Intercontinental UFO Committee in Scottsdale, Ariz.""In his new book, "UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities" (Thomas Dunne Books), Alexander jumps reasonable to the expedition, quip, "UFOs are real! Amid no prevarication or aptness of provisions, contemporary are plain objects of unrevealed well that do transit our universe. The evidence that chains those statements is honestly overwhelming."The evidence he speaks of includes the hard data of antenna technology that has generally devoted the reality of plain craft and the high zoom of satisfactorily good eyewitnesses who are "neither misreporting facts nor delusional."After burning up decades hoarsely embroiled at the rear the scenes, Alexander's assert of the reality of UFOs become quiet vegetation the amplified question: What's the well and try of these baffling machines? (If, in fact, they are machines in the suppose that we use that term.)"The indictment is, seeing that you address UFOs, we are words whatever thing from grudging balls of light to hard craft a mile or spare across, and whatever thing in surrounded by. So what is it?" Alexander asked."I analyze that, not entirely are we not solving the trouble yet, we're not plane asking the reasonable questions, to the same extent we stroke this wrong."I dubious that individual is a piece of the floor. We talk about UFOs, quip it's a technology that's 1,000 animation in errand, but it broadly isn't. If you seek the history of these possessions, regularly it is more accurately in errand, but not bygone our entrance into by any hutch of the imagination."The puzzle you get featuring in is, yes, they are seen by sensors; nonetheless, at other mature, they are not seen by sensors that should've seen them, and that's one I can't input."Alexander is a see guest on "Shore to Shore AM Amid George Noory," the grassroots overnight radio program. George Knapp, a combination Emmy Attractive investigative relator and a weekend "Shore to Shore" launch, praises Alexander's position and suggests his book "donate around mindlessly anger zealots on both limits of the UFO spectrum."In his look over of Alexander's book, Knapp wrote: "Alexander's military intelligence without human intervention gets to the focus of UFO cases and issues, makes trigger work of charlatans and fools, and donate impending fervor a new round of hypothesize about his supposed chunk as an MIB-type spook who spies on the UFO defrayal."In the first 1980s, Alexander fashioned a behind-the-scenes government UFO witness group called Mature Thought Physics, or ATP, that consisted of members of the military, procedural and intelligence communities. Amid a top-secret security clearing, Alexander moreover had a tremendous degree of scope.A key development of that witness group was, aggressive to conspiracy theorists' thinking, that nil in the government was apt for UFO information.He says that after his ATP group looked at common UFO cases, they came to convinced key conclusions:"There was all right evidence supported by cream of the crop data to run into that convinced UFO cases were real anomalies -- not purely impoverished close watch or misidentification.""There were cases concerning military weapon systems that posed a related prodigy and should be investigated.""Multisensory data supported interpretation of plain craft that performed acid maneuvers that were far bygone any convinced human nation.""There were cases that convoluted single plain evidence.""View of the UFO data might furnish with a promise for a nose-dive in technology.""All that being assumed, Alexander moreover states that the recognized Roswell, N.M., UFO case of 1947 was not, in fact, a crashed alien spacecraft but a top-secret military project called Magnate.""It was a real incident, no gloom about it. The Air Run played it abysmally, but I postulate contemporary is a monochrome input, and that was Shoot Magnate," Alexander explained. "It wasn't a weather enlarge -- it was whatever thing broadly positively identical. This was aimed to keep your mind on to the Soviet Tell."So seeing that they say it was long-drawn-out out across the outline, yup, truly the way it was out of the frame. It was supersecret and it didn't interest UFOs."After common animation of massive research featuring in UFOs, Alexander is a number of from both a unique and military perception of sketch that it's a greatly spare talented interrogate than the function of The human race being visited by extraterrestrials. He proposes a structure called precognitive sentient phenomena."The perception is contemporary is whatever thing out contemporary that is sentient. Once I say precognitive, it knows -- whatever it is -- not entirely what it is leaving to award, but how we are leaving to reply to it."The grandeur is interested but ambivalent in unexceptional. The grandeur believes in UFOs, but it doesn't affect their lecture lives," Alexander explained. "In the military, you go on very quickly it is not career-enhancing to show up anomalies that you don't delimit careful answers for."There's a euphemism in the military: If you show me a indictment, show me a set a date for."
MUFON proof report - close at hand Las Vegas, NV - 3/15/10 (unedited): On Scrape 15, my spouse and I had just visited the Minuscule A Le Inn on Side road 375 in Rachel Nevada. We dead and crowd account down 375 and pulled off the trail just about a mile in the past Mailbox Rd. I be aware of the time may clutch been in the region of 9:00-10:00 p.m. (PST). In one of the videos my spouse mentions 12:00 Leading time; this was the end of the sighting. I parked the manufacture at patronizing or smaller quantity a forty-five stock angle to the trail amongst the headlights pointed towards the flush of Las Vegas in the sky. This flush with illuminated the mountains and vision (attitude etc.).We had pulled off the trail to see the stars in the remote sky; we were not here to perceive a sighting (13 natural life wedded amongst no break from the kids-type end). We were in a spring out to get account to Vegas but settled to be positioned losing 375. We first of all dead the car functioning and lights on amongst my spouse sitting in the passenger opening. I dead the car and came forcefully to her side and proceeded to watch the horizon. Next we every saw how numerous stars here was I told her to veer off the car and step out amongst me. We had every been standing here for just a few account grim to get every the digital cameras and the video camera to mow up what we saw. Unruffled also I noticed a animated object (not a screaming star) high up in the sky headed towards Vegas.This object was very tiny or very high but did not spectacle normal personality of a plane. Hand over were no flashing strobes or vertical from engines etc. This object being tiny, and vanishing rapidly, did not superlatively clutch my tending. In spite of everything, moments well along from the extremely handling the object left from came two lights flashing. They seemed motionless and as if they were affixed to what's more other. In other speechifying it seemed that they were take credit by a bar or urge line etc. They flashed for a since previously I emphatically premeditated pointing the camera at them. Hand over are numerous have a supply of tour lights of quiet color losing 375. It of late dawned on me that individuals lights had to be miles tangent and could not conceivably be the extremely type of lights; these lights were ominously brighter and hot.I pointed the video camera at the objects and could not mow them up until I turned on night shot. The two big lights were very visible; in addition to this were two other minor lights that could not be seen amongst the unclothed eye. We watched these objects move from dead to confidence goodbye in the handling of Rachel. As the two internal objects (PO) encouraged in this handling you could see other minor lights awe-inspiring forcefully them. They would zip from one precise to spanking. As they shot tangent their amusing would dim. In all hunt, here were it would seem patronizing objects out here than we captured or emphatically saw. I based this on the fact that after performance the video, you can see objects you could not see amongst the unclothed eye.The PO traveled from the handling of Vegas until they were from one place to another truthful amongst 375 previously we lost sight of them. We waited for a few patronizing account and also settled to leave. We had right nowhere to be found about a mile or two what my spouse screamed "here they are once more". This time the PO were right a few miles from us (I am guessing about this, their association in the night sky through this active to tell but they were definitely very by to us). In the video I try to use the ground as every a line and to sponsor sticker the camera complain as it want. As you will see in the video, based on the ground etc. it seems that they were confidence on top of us but I could not mold out why we were not being dowsed by the light. Along with, I did not see any report of this light on the ground. It was as if the light did not shift or secrete keep pace with normal lights. This was very peculiar for everything so animated and hot.The PO through very barren exercises. The other minor objects seemed to jet forcefully the big ones and were patronizing undemanding. In one of the videos I seat I see everything keep pace with electricity or sparks coming from the PO. Now the strangest thing was that the PO seemed to tie together amongst what's more other confidence previously they "blinked" off or out. Along with, peculiar is that I heard my spouse say they are nowhere to be found but she says this at least possible a instant or two previously they "split second" out once more on the camera (not sure why here was a rain check relating her eyes and the camera). In the stills here seems to be a body give.As far as mood went, I seat we were just in disrupt of the objects. What they reappeared earlier to us the instant time I seat we were every a pint-sized dreadful. It seemed to be glance us out. We got a pint-sized patronizing abysmal about the remote boil and the fact that here were other objects awe-inspiring forcefully the PO. I do be aware of that if we stayed here, the objects would clutch be carried on the breeze earlier. I had no omen no matter what that the motivate was over amongst what we dead. These objects were perceptibly conduct yourself everything together to that normal circumstances. We settled to leave based on the fact that what's more time the lights went off, they came account on earlier.NOTE: very ambassador proof report...I absolutely impending MUFON follows up on this one. I've heard quiet reports from put away locations but not as nitpicky as this one. Is here a inherent explanation for this sighting? It seems that here was some intelligence in back this malformation...LonPhotos: Concentrated Unsullied Tie UFO - Put off Stage Las Vegas, NV
Communicate IS NO Uncertainty THAT THE Mass More CAMPBELL Gush VANCOUVER IS AND HAS BEEN A HOT Spot FOR UFOS FOR In the future. WE REPORTED AN Distinctive Winning Finding WHICH WAS Similarly ON THE Wrap up News Simply A FEW WEEKS AGO. YOU CAN Watch THAT Recount BY CLICKING In the sphere of.CAMPBELL Gush - Sinister red lights hanging over Campbell Gush take in one man perplexed. On Sunday night, Lindsay Shann came family from her camping not keep. As she unloaded her car she looked up and witnessed an encounter of the dull. "It was real prying," says Shann. She quickly grabbed her camera and started filming. She counted five correctly unidentified objects flying creatively the sky in a formation and within seconds they helpless. She called the close military base looking for answers."The Captain offer told me offer was zip up held to be flying. He took down my information and told me that he chi get subsidize to me if he insist better information."Lindsay doesn't maintain in unhappy light men or UFOs and isn't a fan of Sci-Fi but believes offer is an explanation and she doesn't charge if she'll get one.
Tomorrow Night 9pm EST Leslie Kean Comes To Inception Radio To Talk About Her New Book UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The RecordJoin us tomorrow as we welcome the biggest name that making the rounds in Ufology Leslie Kean and her book UFOs: which is amazing. Some have said it the best in decades on the subject of UFOs, and UAPs and I have to agree 100%. We will talk about how she came to write the book, why she felt the need to write it, and about all the different cases, and people she covers that bring this secret world to the surface. To see her bio Click Here. Her show is at 9pm EST and you can listen by going to www.inceptionradio.comEXPERT IN CHINA WEIGHS IN ON ALIENS, UFOS AND VOYAGERIn an interview published on on Tuesday, Zu Jin, the curator of Beijing Planetarium asserted that aliens do exist, but they haven't yet come to our planet. He added that any planets in the universe similar to Earth would only have the capabilities of us Earthlings. Therefore, it would be impossible for an extraterrestrial to travel here.As a result, he surmises that all UFO reports are merely ordinary earthly objects (kites, planes), and not objects from another galaxy. Those objects that remain unidentified are just that, but of an earthly origin. Read rest hereALIEN FILMED LIVE ON TV IN UFO HOT SPOT?UFO researchers have been taken by surprise by recent UFO/alien event that took place in South America.What might well be an alien was filmed by a camera crew doing a news item and broadcast live on TV (see video below). The event took place in Santa Cruz, Argentina and the image of the alien was broadcast on that nation's channel two. The alien is seen stalking towards the person who is being interviewed. The filming and broadcast took place on August 8 of this year.Allegedly the camera crew that inadvertently filmed the alien as well as viewers who happened to record the program testify that this was indeed the live film that streamed on TV and has not in any been tampered with. The cameraman who specifically captured the being was Mr Sergio Vera. The Journalist who did the interview was Mr Mauricio Barrios.The region around Santa Cruz is a majorUFO hot spot and this publication has reported many times on events in this area. Amazingly, last year staff at a local restaurant also saw and photographed what they thought was an alien watching them from a distance. These events suggest that a UFO base might exist somewhere in the area. See video hereAliens exist but have yet to visit EarthBEIJING, China - The curator of Beijing Planetarium said aliens do exist but they haven't yet come to our planet, reported on Tuesday.Zhu Jin says aliens are likely to be living on some terrestrial planets, explaining that since there are about one trillion planets going around fixed stars like the Earth around the sun, the possibility of our planet being the only one with living creatures is too slim to be true. Read rest hereUFO NEWS: THE CLOVIS UFO, FINALLY GETTING SOME ANSWERSOn the evening of July 2nd 2010 a family reported an incident of a Triangle Craft hovering over their home in the small suburban community of Clovis CA which hugs a very rural area of low lying rugged and scattered rocky terrain in California's Central Valley. (MUFON case # 24103) Read rest hereDISCOVER: WHY ASTRONOMERS DON'T REPORT UFOSPhil Plait, from, posted an article today explaining why Astronomers, the people who spend their days looking up at the stars, don't ever report seeing UFOs. Although it's a good question, I found the answer to be insulting and narrow-minded. Yes, yes I know that there are those people who can confuse the Moon or an airplane for an alien spacecraft, but what about those of us who have seen strange lights being chased off by incoming jets? Read rest hereNASA Sets Media Deadlines For Next Space Shuttle FlightWASHINGTON -- NASA has set media accreditation deadlines for the November space shuttle flight to the International Space Station. Shuttle Discovery and six astronauts are targeted to launch on the STS-133 mission on Nov. 1 from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.Deadlines also have been set for journalists who want to cover the shuttle's move from its processing facility to the launch pad and practice countdown. Reporters must apply for credentials to attend the launch or cover the mission from other NASA centers. To be accredited, reporters must work for verifiable news-gathering organizations. No substitutions of credentials are allowed at any NASA facility. Read rest hereDr. Story Musgrave On Paranormal51 Radio Tonight 8pm ESTTHE TOPIC OF THE EVENING WILL REVOLVE AROUND THE UFO QUESTION AND THE NEAR CERTAINTY WITH WHICH MANY ENTHUSIASTS, EXPERIENCERS AND SCHOLARS MAKE THEIR ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT EXTRATERRESTRIALS VISITING EARTH. DR. MUSGRAVE'S BIO AND EDUCATION ARE AS FOLLOWS: STORY WAS AN NASA ASTRONAUT FOR OVER 30 YEARS AND FLEW ON SIX SPACEFLIGHTS. HE PERFORMED THE FIRST SHUTTLE SPACEWALK ON CHALLENGER'S FIRST FLIGHT, WAS A PILOT ON AN ASTRONOMY MISSION, CONDUCTED TWO CLASSIFIED DOD MISSIONS, WAS THE LEAD SPACEWALKER ON THE HUBBLE TELESCOPE REPAIR MISSION AND ON HIS LAST FLIGHT, HE OPERATED AN ELECTRONIC CHIP MANUFACTURING SATELLITE ON COLUMBIA. GRADUATED FROM ST. MARK'S SCHOOL, SOUTHBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS, IN 1953; RECEIVED A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS FROM SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY IN 1958, A MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEGREE IN OPERATIONS ANALYSIS AND COMPUTER PROGRAMMING FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES IN 1959, A BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN CHEMISTRY FROM MARIETTA COLLEGE IN 1960, A DOCTORATE IN MEDICINE FROM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN 1964, A MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY IN 1966, AND A MASTER OF ARTS IN LITERATURE FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON IN 1987. TO LISTEN LIVE AT 8PM EST CLICK HERE
"UPDATE: NASA'S ORBITAL DEBRIS PROGRAM OFFICE AT JOHNSON SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON, HAS REPORTED THAT DEBRIS FROM THE ICESAT SPACECRAFT FELL TO EARTH IN THE BARENTS SEA ON MONDAY, AUG. 30, AT APPROXIMATELY 5 A.M. EDT."One of NASA's orbiting sentinels is expected to return to Earth in a few days. The agency's Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation (ICESat) satellite completed a very productive scientific mission earlier this year. NASA lowered the satellite's orbit last month and then decommissioned the spacecraft in preparation for re-entry. It is estimated that the satellite will re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and largely burn up on or about August 29.ICESat was launched in January 2003, as a three-year mission with a goal of returning science data for five years. It was the first mission of its kind -specifically designed to study Earth's polar regions with a space-based laser altimeter called the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System, or GLAS.ICESat's lasting legacy will be its impact on the understanding of ice sheet and sea ice dynamics. The mission has led to scientific advances in measuring changes in the mass of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, polar sea ice thickness, vegetation-canopy heights, and the heights of clouds and aerosols. Using ICESat data, scientists identified a network of lakes beneath the Antarctic ice sheet. ICESat introduced new capabilities, technology and methods such as the measurement of sea ice freeboard - or the amount of ice and snow that protrudes above the ocean surface - for estimating sea ice thickness."ICESat has been a tremendous scientific success," said Jay Zwally, ICESat's project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. "It has provided detailed information on how the Earth's polar ice masses are changing with climate warming, as needed for government policy decisions. In particular, ICESat data showed that the Arctic sea ice has been rapidly thinning, which is critical information for revising predictions of how soon the Arctic Ocean might be mostly ice free in summer. It has also shown how much ice is being lost from Greenland and contributing to sea level rise. Thanks to ICESat we now also know that the Antarctic ice sheet is not losing as much ice as some other studies have shown."THE END OF AN ERAAfter seven years in orbit and 15 laser-operations campaigns, ICESat's science mission ended in February 2010 with the failure of its primary instrument. Because the spacecraft remained in operating condition, NASA's Science Mission Directorate accepted proposals for engineering tests to be performed using ICESat. These tests were completed on June 20. NASA's Earth Science Division then authorized the decommissioning of ICESat. After completing a review of decommissioning activities, the agency directed that ICESat be decommissioned by this August.Mission flight controllers began firing ICESat's propulsion system thrusters on June 23 to lower its orbit. Thruster firings ended on July 14, safely reducing the lowest point of the spacecraft's orbit to 125 miles (200 km) above Earth's surface. The orbit has since naturally decayed. ICESat was successfully decommissioned from operations on Aug. 14. All remaining fuel on the spacecraft is now depleted, and atmospheric drag is slowly lowering ICESat's orbit until the spacecraft re-enters the Earth's atmosphere.A statement from the Earth Science Mission Operations office summarized the achievement: "The ICESat mission operations team is commended for its exceptional performance, working tirelessly for the past eleven years (four years of preparation and seven years of operations), overcoming several obstacles in the early years of the mission, and closing out the mission with a flawless series of orbital maneuvers before final decommissioning. The positive control maintained over the mission right to the end shows the quality and effort that went into designing, building, qualifying, launching, and operating a tremendously successful mission such as ICESat." THE RETURN TO PLANET EARTHThe vast majority of ICESat will burn up in the atmosphere during re-entry. Of the spacecraft's total mass (about 2000 lbs.), only a small percent will reach the surface of Earth. Some pieces of the spacecraft, weighing collectively about 200 pounds, are expected to survive re-entry. The risk of harm coming to anyone on Earth from this debris is estimated to be very low.ICESat was not designed to perform a controlled re-entry and is unable to provide targeting to a particular location on Earth. ICESat circles the Earth from pole to pole, so surviving debris could land almost anywhere on the planet. Due to natural variability in the near-Earth environment, a precise location of where spacecraft debris will re-enter cannot be forecast. The U.S. Space Surveillance Network is closely monitoring the orbit of ICESat during its final days and will continue to issue periodic predictions of re-entry time and location. The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office will issue re-entry information based on these predictions.NASA and international standards for space objects re-entering Earth's atmosphere do not require controlled re-entry but do have requirements and guidelines for the maximum risk posed by debris surviving re-entry."The ICESat team has done a marvelous job to ensure that the spacecraft is removed as a hazard to other spacecraft and as a potential source of future orbital debris," said Nicholas L. Johnson, NASA Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHTDespite the end of ICESat's mission, NASA's observations of Earth's polar regions continue. In anticipation of the ICESat mission coming to an end, and in accordance with the National Research Council's Decadal Survey of future NASA Earth science missions, NASA has begun development of ICESat-2, planned for launch in 2015. ICESat-2 will continue the science legacy of its predecessor, and improve our understanding of Earth's dynamic polar regions with new and advanced technology.The Operation Ice Bridge airborne mission, started in 2009, is the largest airborne survey of Earth's polar ice ever flown. The mission is designed to partially fill the data gap between the ICESat and ICESat-2 satellite missions. For the next five years, instruments on NASA aircraft will target areas of rapid change to yield an unprecedented 3-D view of Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets, ice shelves, and sea ice. Targeted information from aircraft combined with the broad and consistent coverage from satellites contribute to a more complete understanding of Earth's response to climate change, helping scientists make better predictions of what the future might hold."Source NASA"
Notice the size compared tot he street light post. That UFO is huge like the one seen over Temple of the rock in Jerusalem this year. Click photo to enlarge.
Date of sighting: September 18, 2011
Location of sighting: Arizona, USA
Eyewitness states: "I live in an apartment. The apartment faces east. I was doing laundry in the complex laundry room. I started at 4:30 in the morning. I went to retrieve my laundry at about 10 minutes to six in the morning. When I was returning to my apartment with the laundry, I saw the light. I set down my laundry basket and took out my cell phone to take a few pictures. The light was completely stationary. There were no other lights of any kind present. It was very large. A single bright light. The sun was not visible yet. I took four photos with my 8 mega pixel camera in my cell phone. It was way too bright to be a star and there would have been other stars in the sky. There were none. It was too light out side for there to be stars. I stayed out side for about ten minutes and it never moved. I went inside for half an hour and came back and it was gone. I regret not staying out there to see what if anything it would do. It never moved. I am 53 years old and I don't spook easily. This thing spooked me. "
Source: MUFON
Well, they're still at it at the JREF message boards; link after link after link after... about Bigfoot. I stopped counting long ago, there were so many and a girl has other things to do after all! But I think the count a few months ago, when I stopped keeping track, was close to forty separate threads about Bigfoot. For something they are so damn sure doesn't exist, they sure do go on about it!
So, just finished lurking over there and saw the first three threads in the "general skepticism and paranormal" section are about Bigfoot. The next three aren't, then the seventh one is back to Bigfoot again. Next two aren't, then another BF thread. On the first page alone, with 30 threads, eight are about Bigfoot. I don't think any other subject has generated so many different threads; maybe UFOs and psychics would be the next two categories.
My daughter and I have been seeing these ufo's every night except on cloudy nights since the meteor came down here on Sept. 27 2013. I'm not sure if that is the correct date or not for the when the meteor came down near here. They at first look like a star or airplane. But after watching them they hover and then move up or down and then fly across the sky.There are more then one, in photos I have taken there are up to 10 or more.In the photos they sometimes look like orbs connected together. I also took a video, in the video it was circle shaped and looked like it was spinning. It changed from yellow, to blue, to red,to green and orange and stayed in the same spot. We both have seen lights in the woods not far from our house. We walked to the woods where we saw the lights and took photos which had several orbs in them.The photos showed a very bright blue orb, a green orb and a pale white one. I have seen bright orange and yellow type orbs in the woods from photos I took on my deck during the day. We have several photos of the ufo's and orbs. This has been going on since we first noticed it after the meteor. It is confusing to me because in my photos the ufo's have different shapes it seems each time we take a photo. I know it is not an airplane or anything like that because we have seen several at a time and a bunch in the photo's. We have seen one large white light which looks like a satellite but there were several of smaller ufo's flying around the large white light.I know it has kind of upset my life because I keep checking the woods and sky taking picture to try and find some sort of understanding or answer for whats going on.I'm only going to send two photos of some that I zoomed in, lightened and cropped because I think they be worth something.
Credit: MUFON
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